Rinehart raymond ted_eval_simon_sinek



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Simon SinekA TED Eval By: Raymond rinehart

Simon Sinek believes that great leaders are great because of why they are leading, not what they are leading and that what they are leading is just proof of their beliefs

Simon prefaced his speech with a question “How do others achieve things that defy all of the assumptions?”

I really believe that curiosity was what drove most of the audience to continue listening. Everyone wants to find the secret to why other are successful and most are not.

In order for people to truly follow you need to lead with what you believe and people will be naturally drawn to follow you. Through your passion you can motivate people to break the barriers that nobody thought could be broke.

If I had to rate Simon on a scale in terms of dynamism. I would have to give him a 3. He had would it took to keep me interested but he didn’t touch me deep in my soul.

One of the tips he used from Garr Reynolds is that he used relevant images for his point

I would say one thing I learned from Simon’s presentation was to be direct about your point and give examples.

It’s really hard to compare Sir Ken Robinson and Simon’s Speech but one similarity they both had to do with understanding how the human mind works

One of the main differences between the two was there ability to motive people. One through passion and leading and the other through environment.

Above all I would encourage my peers to pick something they are truly passionate about. That way the what ever they speak about will flow naturally

Everyone really needs to lead with what they believe in order to get people to believe in what they are saying, without that words are empty and are easily dismissed

Sand speak as if you need to reach these people like you are trying to touch their soul. Believe in your message and the audience will sympathize with your point.

In closing, the why in what you are trying to do is the determining factor in how successful you are at reaching people. You don’t need the optimal situation to succeed you just need meaning and purpose.








