Reynolds Wrap Case Study



This is my case study that includes my project statement, inspiration, process, and final campaign pieces.

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Reynolds Wrap Adver tis ingCorina Rivera

Project Statement

Reynolds Kitchens is a well established brand that has been around for decades. One of their most popular items includes Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil.

Most consumers do not realize how many uses aluminum foil really has or that it can be recycled and reused.

Reynolds products have an extensive history through time and in this campaign. I will re-invent the era and feeling of the generation this brand emerged in (1950s) by using retro styled advertisement pieces.

Reynolds Wrap will promote a summer campaign that includes 3 magazine advertisements, a coupon, as well as a social media advertisement. The magazine ads will run in Parents Magazine & CampingLife Magazine. The coupons will be sent via valpak. These will all have a consistent, retro, look and feel and encourage the tar-get audience to take foil to the next level by reusing it in many new and exciting ways.

Company Solution


Oppor tunity


Illustration Inspiration

Illustration Inspiration

Photo Inspiration

Photoshop Inspiration

Sketches & Thoughts

Sketches & Thoughts

Parents Media Kit$181,480

CampingLife Media Kit$7,460

Facebook Ad Space

Valpak Media Kit

4 month contract - 8 zones(80,000 homes) at 2.5/cents a home or $2,000 a month.




Advertisement: ONE

Advertisement: TWO

Advertisement: THREE

Advertisement: example


Social Media Advertising

Do It YourselfCamping Convenience

Click to learn how to make your own custom fishing lures out of foil,

Specs:110px X 80px


Reynolds KitchenValpakCampingLifeParentsFacebookGoogleGetty ImagesRetroNaut Images
