Reyansh Feb 2012


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2012 - an interesting year famous for many reasons, yet to be proven true or untrue. For us, the year has been thrilling, adventurous

and has kept us on our toes. January saw Parivartan’12, our Business festival which celebrated ingenuity this year. Parivartan had a lot

to offer, we witnessed the collision of best brains of the country, battling it out in different events ranging from Corporate Roadies to

B-school’s got talent. It also led to the spawning of different strategies in Nutcrackers, and we saw avatars of new brands in

Aayodhana. Parivartan also launched Reyansh’s first edition and thus ended with a lot of new beginnings. 2012 was also prepar ing us

for a challenge; change from the traditional JMET to CAT. But we are happy and proud that we are certainly one of the most preferred

schools in India for MBA. With the huge number of extremely talented student applicants we are forced to keep a high CAT percentile

cut off of 98.85 from this year. With a strong emphasis on consistent academic record of our applicants we expect to have a very

dedicated & talented batch of 2014 in line with our tradition. We have been doing wonders when it comes to competitions and we

take immense pride in congratulating Karan Kamath and Jaireet Johal for winning the national Henkel Innovation Challenge 5. They

would be representing India in the International Finals to be held in Poland this April. Dr. Rajiv Nag, Senior Advisor at KPMG inter-

acted with the batch and discussed about the nuances of the field of consulting. This led to the formation of our very own Consulting

Club, Chamber 42. The name having an interesting origin where Chamber is a closed space for discussion and 42 being the number

quoted by Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Chamber 42 hosts a number of discussions ranging from different

cases of various industries. Though pretty young, the club has taken strides and would continue further by taking inputs from the in-

dustry experts and our experienced faculty. Celebrating the birth of Chamber 42, this edition of Reyansh is dedicated to consulting

and has a theme enveloping it, Consultancy: A roadmap to excellence. Team Reyansh invited articles from all across the country that

saw an overwhelming response and gave us a tough time in choosing the articles to be published in the final draft.

This issue

Consultancy: roadmap to excellence P.2

All you need to know about consulting P.4

The blue ocean way P.5

Consultancy in the domain of HR P.6

My experience as a consultant P.8

Parivartan 2012 P.9

M Health B-Plan competition 2012 P.10

| | reyansh | | DMS IIT Delhi ISSUE February 2012


The dictionary meaning of consultancy is to

provide professional or expert advice.

Consultants are professionals who have an

expertise over certain area of work such as

management, accounting, human resources

etc. and provide expert advice to firms based

on their knowledge. However, generally,

they only have an influence over the

decision, but not the autonomy to take

decisions. As consulting guru Peter Block

defines, a consultant is “someone who has

influence over an individual, group, or

organization, but who has no direct

authority to implement changes”.

Why hire a consultant

Following are some situations when a firm

needs a consultant:

Expert opinion: A firm looks for a consultant

when it does not have the necessary exper-

tise over the area where it needs advice and

hence searches for someone who has

in-depth knowledge over the subject. The

area of work might require certain niche skill

which is unlikely to be readily available

within the firm. The company leverages the

knowledge of the subject the consultant has

in order to improve upon its various

areas of work like sales, human

resource, IT etc.

Cost effective: When the cost of

building the knowledge base in the

company, or the cost for implementing

an organization wide change is higher

than hiring someone to provide the

needed expertise, it is wise for the

firms to go for hiring consultants.

Unbiased and fresh view to problems:

When a firm needs an unbiased and a

first-hand approach to its existing

problems, it can hire a consultant so

that he/she can provide a completely

new insight into the matter and

explore areas which were not looked at


Political cover: Sometimes, companies

might have to take decisions which do

not make all parties equally happy. In

such cases, companies hire consultants

so that they get sufficient political

cover for the decisions taken.

Best practices: Consultants are the best

way to bring best practices to firms

from across sectors, since consultants

Lipsa Mahapatra, XIMB

have the privilege of serving clients across

industries and throughout the globe. As

Indra Nooyi, CEO, PepsiCo, quotes, “Every

year in consulting is like three years in the

corporate world because you have multi-

ple clients, multiple issues - you grow so


Consultancy – A roadmap to excellence

Role of consultants

In the world where the smallest of the

players are trying to eat away market

shares and there is increasing fear of

products getting commoditized, the role

of a consultant becomes much more

crucial to the organization than just

providing advice. The consultants are the

means for the company to perform

beyond expectation of the customers and

become trend setters.

Today, the government is also hiring

consultants. The most important reason

for this is the need of the government to

improve upon its performance and polish

the processes followed. The governments

across countries are in need of consultants

who can provide newer ways of economic

betterment of the country, technology






Consultancy: A Roadmap To Excellence

up-gradation, motivating the employees at


The employees need to be continuously

motivated towards their work these days,

else not only will their performance dete-

riorate but also will their loyalty towards

the organization. In such cases, the HR

consultants are the company’s resort to

come up with effective ways for employee

engagement and motivation.

Information technology has become the

buzz of the globe today and number of

software companies is on the rise. In such

a case, the IT consultants become the need

of the firms in order to maintain the state

of the art technology infrastructure, IT

security management and improve


The consultants now also play a significant

role in the strategy development of

organizations. The strategic consultants

would assist the senior management to

identify the firm its problems, core

competencies, areas of improvement and

can provide ways to bank on the

competencies of the firm and also provide

solutions to the problems.

Niche Areas for Consultancy

Eco-Friendly: Increased regulations and

legislation for industry are driving the

demand for eco-compliance.

Businesses are hiring consultants to

review internal policies and

procedures, and to assist in

identifying and meeting regulation


Life Management: The older

population is a vast customer base.

They have substantial disposable

income and are not opposed to

spending it.

Consultants assist in identifying and

pursuing personal life goals so that

they can provide enriching

experiences for the elderly.

SMB Expertise: The SMB market is

one of the fastest growing and has

been targeted as a lucrative market

for a variety of products and indus-

tries. SMB expertise helps in offering

the know how to Fortune top

companies and help in expanding


Considerations for Successful


Thinking small: BPR or TQM take a lot

of time and effort in recreating them.

Consultancy focusing on bringing

out ideas and innovations tailored for

client’s local needs would bring down

cycle time of operations drastically.

Exploring new frontiers: Seeking out

Consultancy: A Roadmap To Excellence (cont..)

different sources of research and

knowledge and organizing cross-silo

spaces for discussion would help in

extracting fresh ideas and thereby

empowering innovation.

Enabling talent: Providing bright,

motivated consultants with autonomy

and the ear of senior management is

more likely to generate useful


Developing people: Continuous

professional development is crucial for

developing innovation as a strategic

capacity for consultancies.


As Oscar Wilde says, “I always pass on

good advice. It is the only thing to do

with it. It is never of any use to

oneself”. This quote sums up the role as

well as the significance associated with a

consultant’s job.

The above sections demonstrate how

consultancy can keep an organization

ahead of its competitors and assist it in

becoming the market leader. Efficient

consultancy can help the companies

build on their strengths as well as work

on their weaknesses. The consultants

provide the firms the skill that they need

in addition to their resources and hence

certainly provide them a roadmap for







All you need to know about consulting…

The long standing joke in consultancy circles

is that it is spelled as “CON – sult – ancy”.

Despite this oft unfavorable portrayal of

consulting , it is making a comeback as the

career of choice in B-schools with the frenzy

of investment banks dying down. This Q & A

styled article should answer FAQs and then

some for all those who want to know more

about consulting and are considering getting

into the profession. Read on…

Q 1. What is consulting? What are its broad

categorizations in brief?

A: Put plainly, consulting is getting paid for

giving advice. It can be broadly classified into

strategy, operations, IT and HR consulting.

Strategy consulting is also known as

management consulting. These firms

specialize in providing advice about strategic

and core operational issues. It examines how

an organization can meet its objectives given

its customers, competitors, suppliers, and

the broader industry-wide trends affecting

its business generally working with senior

management and on long term plans. Typical

engagements in strategy consulting can be

Providing new market entry solutions

Offering advice on Mergers & Acquisitions, divestments

Resolving organization restructuring issues

Strategy consulting differs from other forms

of consulting in that implementation is

usually not part of the assignment.

McKinsey, Bain, BCG and Booz Allen

Hamilton dominate this arena.

Operations consulting involves analyzing a

client’s value chain and helps provide

solutions to manage processes more

efficiently. Operations consultants work on

issues like

Streamlining sourcing

Providing cost-cutting measures

Improving customer satisfaction rates

Clients call on IT consultants to get advice

on how best technology can be leveraged

to reach the organization’s goals. IT

consulting assignments can be about

Devising an IT strategy to facilitate a company’s business objectives

Replacing legacy systems with newer technologies

Integrating disparate technological systems

IBM, Accenture, Cap Gemini are some of

the biggest players in this field.

HR consultants advise clients on human

capital management. They help

organizations develop and implement HR

policies. Typical engagements deal with

designing and implementing

Employee evaluation practices

Compensation and benefits programs

Recruitment and retention practices

Competency development programs

Aon Hewitt and Mercer are recog-nized leaders in HR consulting.

Q. 2 What are boutique firms?

A: Boutique firms are those which

specialize in a specific industry or process

and cater to a niche clientele. More often

than not, they are smaller in headcount

and tend to be founded by ex-partners of

larger consultancies. Having said that,

their reputation and pay is usually at par

with well-known firms. E.g: Health-care

consultants may tackle any type of

engagement – strategic or operational,

with an eye toward the issues that are

unique to players in the healthcare


Q 3. In a world where advice is free, why is

it that organizations are ready to pay

through the nose for consulting services?

Rakesh Gottipati MBA FT 2012

A: The nature of advice provided by

consultants is different from “regular

advice” .

Consultants are paid for their

accumulated knowledge – expertise

that they have developed by

providing guidance to other

organizations on related issues

previously. Consultants can advise on

projects that clients have little

experience on, or no in-house

capability. Consultants offer a fresh,

objective perspective, which is

invaluable in times of internal

bickering over decisions.

Q 4. What are the key positives and

negatives of a career in consultancy?

A: Positives: Opportunity to learn

about a wide variety of businesses,

Outstanding pay, Working with

different teams, Future options

Negatives: Lots of travel, Burnout,

Loss of time for personal life

Q 5. What are the qualities required

for making it big in consulting?

A: A comprehensive knowledge base

and an analytical bent of mind

coupled with a logical thought

process are prerequisites. It’s not odd

for consultancy firms to expect

employees to stay up to date with the

goings on in their area of expertise.

This needs continuous energies to be

directed towards broadening one’s

knowledge and outlook. Add to that,

the ability to gain trust of the clients

and clearly communicate to them the

recommendations is a must. But

above all, one needs passion to work

in this profession. Yes, PASSION!

Without passion, the long, erratic

working hours and loss of personal

life would be a difficult cross for

anyone to bear.

The Blue Ocean Way

Blue Ocean has been a buzzword off-late in

the corporate circles. Companies are looking

for frameworks to quickly adapt to the Blue

Ocean Strategy. In the aftermath of the

recent recession there has been a significant

rise in the popularity of this concept.

Deceleration in the growth rates of the

economies coupled with the reduction in

consumer expenditure has put corporate

earnings into a tailspin. Moreover the

competition for the share of consumers’

wallet is becoming fierce day-by-day. All

these have propelled companies to look for

new geographies, entering emerging

markets and identifying “Blue Oceans” in

these economies.

Blue Ocean Strategy refers to the creation of

uncontested market spaces. According to

W. Chan Kim and Mauborgne, authors of the

book “Blue Ocean Strategy”, most of the

blue oceans that are created emerge from

the red oceans by expanding existing

industry boundaries. It emphasizes that

instead of fighting competition in developed

in markets/crowded sectors (Red Oceans)

companies should look at creating new

domains and categories so that profits are

maintained with minimum overheads.

Consultants nowadays are looking for

solutions built around this strategy. The

question is how relevant is this concept in

the emerging economies like India and how

have companies applied it in the recent

times in such markets.

India’s success story in the recent times has

been hailed by many. Organizations have

developed and adapted themselves to suit

Indian market needs. Some of the examples

where companies have successfully created

a market space for themselves in India are:


John Bissell, who worked in India as a

consultant, founded FabIndia in the year

1960 to take Indian handloom textiles to the

world. FabIndia was the first company to

foray into such area and thus created a

niche for itself.

Anupam Mittal, founder of this e-venture

understood the potential significance of a

marriage broker in Indian wedding

industry. He was quick enough to launch a

portal which changed the context of

Indian matrimonial industry forever.

Air Deccan

“Simplyfly” as they used to call it, this

airline created a revolution by creating a

market space which was unknown to the

Indian airline industry since its existence.

It made possible for the common man to

avail aviation services on account of its

no-frills low cost carriers.

Shampoo Packaging

“Bottom of the Pyramid”, a concept

pioneered by C.K.Prahalad was best

depicted in this industry. The bottle of

shampoo whose cost was more than the

wage of an industry worker was replaced

by sachets. This brought about a structural

change in the market and the demand sky


Microfinance Institutions

One of the finest examples of making the

competition irrelevant by giving loans to

the less privileged section of the society.

Contrary to the popular belief these

institutions lend money to the rural poor

in developing countries like India,

Bangladesh. The rise of Grameen Bank in

Bangladesh is a superb case in point.

All the above instances, exemplify that the

businesses in emerging economies like

India have already understood the need

for differentiating and creating new target

groups for their expansion. Smart use of

innovations in their product offerings has

been a vital point behind their success.

Haaris Hasnain MBA FT 2013

Organizations have also been able to

determine which factors from their

products could be taken away or


A big challenge which stands tall in

front of all these organizations is to

sustain their “Blue Oceans” or in

other words to prevent it from

becoming “red”. A general tendency

in the market is to follow the leader.

Thus, shortly after began

many matrimony sites mushroomed

in India like

and This is a crucial

stage for any company where it needs

to combat competition and sustain


The best way to cope is to be dynamic

in nature and regularly innovate.

Orkut is seen as one of the major

failures which failed to do regular

value innovation and succumbed to

competition from Facebook.

However, Apple has been doing

steady innovation and wading out of

fierce competition from the likes of

Google and Samsung. Thus, Apple and

Facebook are rock-solid while Orkut is

now lost into oblivion.


Consultancy in Domain of Human Resource:

A Road Map To Excellence

Today was a very crucial day for Mr. Vimal,

the newly appointed HR Head of Rama

Motors Ltd. He had called The Super

Consultants for a presentation in front of

Rama Motors senior management team and

the outcome of the meeting would decide

the roadmap for his department in the time

to come.

Having grown up as a family business and

having undergone tremendous growth in

recent times, Rama Motors had been facing

some unique HR challenges. The founder

and CEO, Mr. Prabhat was due to retire by

this year-end but the company still didn’t

have a proper succession planning in place.

In past few years, Rama Motors had lost its

many talented employees to its competitors.

An analysis of exit interviews showed a lack

of proper plan for coaching and nurturing

the high quality talent, poor performance

&compensation planning and dire need for

skill up-gradation of its workforce. Mr.

Vimal was entrusted with the task of

overhauling the age old HR practices at

Rama Motors and converting it from a

traditionally run business to a modern high

performance organization.

The workforce at Rama Motors was

primarily divided in four bands: Band 1,

Band 2, Band 3 and Unclassified Band.

Band 1 consisted of front line employ-

ees; Band 2 had managers; Band 3

comprised of GMs and VPs of

various domains whereas unclassified

band included Directors, President and

the CEO. Traditionally, HR had not

played any strategic role in Rama


Mr Vimal had tried to implement many

good practices within the organization

but nobody paid any attention and he

found himself swimming against the

tide. At last, Mr Vimal thought of

hiring Super Consultants for the

assignment. Due to no prior experience

of the company in hiring consultants

which also required huge investment,

the top management was initially a bit

apprehensive. Hence, Mr Vimal had

invited the Super Consultants team

today to make a presentation in front

of top management of Rama Motors to

explain the role of consultants in the

field of HR in present times. Following

were the points in the presentation:

Gunjan Kumar & Ruchi Batra, MDI Gurgaon

By hiring consulting services a company

can easily keep itself up-to-date about

competitors’ moves since consultants

have comprehensive data to give a clear

picture of what other leading companies

in various sectors are following. For

example, a company can use information

received from consultants while designing

its performance management system

for benchmarking its KPI (Key Performance

Indicators) with other leading players in


Competency Based Services

Consultants provide vast information

regarding unique competencies of

individual organizations. For instance in

KPMG, ‘Conference Boards’ are

maintained where companies (clients) are

asked to share their data with the

consultant (trusted) and hence all

participating companies can download

each other’s information and analyze the


Compensation Benchmarking

Companies often hire consultancies to

benchmark their compensation packages

vis-a-vis other players in market. In fact,





N Consultancy in Domain of Human Resource

compensation benchmarking is the largest

benchmarking business performed by HR

Consultancies. Aon Hewitt conducts the

‘Hewitt Salary Increase Survey’ each year to

make predictions about salary hikes.

The rewards given especially in the form of

variable pay component largely depend on

what other competitors are offering.

Organizational Design and Structure

Organizational structure of a company can’t

change overnight. It impacts a number of

structural variables like specialization, hierar-

chy and centralization in organization.

Consultants analyze all the requirements of

company and help design and implement a

suitable organizational structure.

Talent Acquisition

Consultants have great specialized

experience and expertise and they use a

combination of primary and secondary

research to conduct the process of skill

mapping to various roles and positions.

Also, consultants are frequently hired to

manage the whole process of filling top

managerial positions. For example

Spencer Stuart specializes in hiring top

executives for a company. The process

requires sharing confidential client

information thus each consultancy is not

involved in this domain.

Employee Engagement Scores

Consultants help organizations in

achieving good employee engagement

scores which can be later used in

employer branding and improving EVP

(employee value proposition) of a

company. Many companies seek the

help of HR consultants in improving

their employee engagement scores.

Manpower Planning

Consultancies facilitate the process of

manpower planning in organizations.

Starting with analyzing the current

manpower inventory, they make

future manpower forecasts, and help

organizations make appropriate

recruitment & selection strategies.

A Consultant’s approach to problem


Challenges Faced By Consultants

Consultants make use of raw data of

employees while designing any plan.

But often people tend to give wrong

data which proves to be a major

hindrance in accurate root cause

analysis and in making correct

recommendations. In most of the

cases, employees tend to either

underplay or overplay the information

they provide in interviews or while

filling surveys etc. Mostly, the data

available with companies is either in

a bad shape or in different formats

Consultancy in Domain of Human Resource (cont..)

which makes the task of consultants even

more cumbersome.

Post a brief introduction the Super

Consultants team presented their

proposed action plan for effective

coaching and mentoring of each

section of employees at Rama Motors as

explained in below diagram.

Talent Stratification Model Proposed For

Rama Motors Ltd.

The Consultants proposed that for Band 1

employees, Band 2 and Band 3 managers

should be developed as coaches.

Similarly Band 3 and above level

employees be developed as coaches for

Band 2 employees. In essence, the

company should organize train the trainer

schemes with the help of external consult-

ants. For the Unclassified Band, external

coaches should be deployed to coach

employees at top managerial positions.

For top talents, transition coaching could

be adopted to provide cross functional

exposure and expertise.

The Top Management was highly

impressed by the proposed plan. Mr.

Vimal was feeling happy that he had

finally been able to convince them for a

focused strategy & increased budget

allocation for the HR department and for

the first time he was likely to get

approval to hire HR consultants for Rama







My Experience as a Consultant – Winter Intern

Basic question that runs through all

management students (at least few like me)

who have entered any b school is “What is

Consultancy?”, “Who is a Consultant?” and

“What does he do?”

We all agree that any organization is

flooded with their own problems but my

real interest was to find out why they

prefer a consultant to give solutions rather

than finding one on their own.

In the quest of finding the answer to these

questions, I got an opportunity in the form

of winter internship to work as a consultant

for a month in Accenture Business

Consulting, Chennai. One month is not an

ideal duration to learn what a consultant

does, but I felt it would surely help me in

gaining some insight about his functions.

First day in the office, seeing people sitting

silently in their cabin, handling their pc and

phone looks completely different for a

person like me who has worked in a

manufacturing industry. My contact with

my team was yet another different

experience, as we were sitting in two

different locations and communication was

completely guided by mobile and mails.

I was a part of a supply chain consultancy

project for an apparel giant in India. To get

a brief outline of the project, I was given a

document that explains the project, steps

taken so far and plan for steps to be taken

ahead. An overview of the project shows

how an organization trusts its consultant

partner for bringing in a major change to

its place. The project expects a complete

transformation of the organization’s

supply chain that requires industry’s best

practices to be analyzed and


Consultancy introduced me to the excel

sheet that runs for million rows and

showed me how variety in a job can be. I

was assigned four different jobs in my four

week stay as intern. It was really amazing

to see number of analyses and

perspectives that are brought in to the

project, “Transformation of Supply chain”

which seemed to be a simple one on


An organization itself could have found its

own solution as a temporary cure, but for

sustaining you need to know the best

possible way of solving an issue and that is

what exactly a consultant does.

At the end of the month, I could figure out

consultant is the one

1. Who works day in and day out to

resolve his customer’s issues.

2. Who can see his customer’s success as

his own.

Dharun Prasad MBA FT 2013

3. Who can come up with solutions for

a single problem in multiple


4. Who analyses various ways to

prevent the recurrence of customer’s


A Consultant work for an outside

observer is just providing advice and

consulting, but thought processes that

are put behind each solution and

conveying the same to customer

requires an enormous skill. It allows

you to take calculated risk which you

may miss in many routine jobs.

As I previously pointed, one month is

not a right duration to know the work,

but it helped me in clearing my doubts

and also provided me with varied


With my one month analysis I can say

that, if you can bring new perspective

to already existing management

solution, if you are capable of

communicating it in right way, if you

are able to work towards customer’s

vision and if you are ready for

challenges then consultancy is the right

place to be.


Parivartan ‘12– DMS IIT Delhi’s annual management fest

With, months of hard work about to culmi-

nate in a two day extravaganza on Jan 28 &

29, 2012, the jitters felt by Team Parivartan

– the cultural committee of DMS,IIT Delhi

on the eve of the event were not

unfounded. Come d – day however, all the

jitters proved to be a false sense of

insecurity & doom; Parivartan was a

resounding success! It delivered and how!

Parivartan lived up to its name; almost as

resoundingly as “Poribortan” swept the

fields of Bengal, DMS experienced change.

A breath of fresh air. A distinct, paradoxical

flavour of all things management and not

so management. A celebration of ingenuity.

One big party. An intertwining of learning

and exuberance. The optimism, infectious,

the celebrations, grand, the end result, very


The change was evident right from the out-

set. A wholesome mix of formal & informal

events was just the beginning. The

honorable Director of IIT Delhi, Prof. R

Shevgaonkar, was in attendance for the

opening gala for the first time. He imparted

wise words to the management students in

his humble, trademark speech. Mr. Suneet

Singh Tuli, founder, Datawind Systems, the

creators of the Aakash tablet &the special

guest for the function wowed the

audience with his talk of the work behind

screens for launching the tablet. With such

an auspicious opening, there really

seemed no way this would fail. Saturday

meant all business literally and figuratively

with a variety of case study competitions

under the “Nut Cracker” umbrella testing

the finalists’ acumen in finance, marketing

and operations. Aayodhana – the ultimate

marketing fray, witnessed a bunch of

teams go to battle with great poise and

confidence. One cannot forget “Corporate

Roadies” – where we separate the prover-

bial men from the boys in front of a rather

receptive and vocal audience.

Day 2 was “Funday Sunday” time with a

host of informal events including “Nukkad

Natak”, “B – school got talent” and

“In-quiz-itive”. Aadhaar – the debate

competition on Small and micro industries

kicked the day off, but the biggest crowd

puller was undoubtedly the Salsa

workshop which got the masses moving

and grooving. Corporate Roadies came to

a close with many contestants winning the

hearts of the audience with their all round

performances and cementing their “bond”

status. Gales of laughter ensued as

ex- IITian and serial comedian Nitin Gupta

Karan Kamath MBA FT 2013

a.k.a Rivaldo entertained all

present. It was a spell binding

performance where Rivaldo made the

audience laugh at will, even the

Parivartan co –ordinator not spared

from his sharp humour! The comedy

show gave way to a nice dinner

followed by the rocking DJ nite.

Words cannot really describe the

Parivartan experience. You have to be

there to feel it. The elixir to go on

when you are sapped of all your

energies (ask any Parivartan

organizer). The joy experienced when

an event is successfully executed or

won. The momentary despair when

one has lost. The true success of any

event lies in the little, memorable

moments it gives us. The masti with

friends, a silly joke, a collective of left

footed salsa dancers, wacky pictures,

wackier street plays, the ribbing, the

liberating DJ nite where you danced

your brains out without a care for the

world. Parivartan had a vast collection

of all these good, little moments. It’s

time you joined in the fun. Next Year

again. No excuses. We will be back

bigger and better. Mind it. Be there!

M-health Business plan competition 2012

Proposals to help patients and

physicians communicate and store data,

to address chronic blood supply short-

ages, and to provide individual air-

quality testing received highest honors

at the 2012 IIT m-Health Business Plan

Competition finals.

The event capped a four-month

competition that gave teams of

students from throughout the Indian

Institutes of Technology (IIT) network a

platform to showcase innovative,

financially sound solutions for public

health issues around the world.

First place winners Team MedNext,

second-place Team ABO and third-place

Team Antigens were selected for the

novelty, feasibility, and scalability of their

proposals, and quality of their

presentation skills. Critically, they – and

the dozens of teams who entered the

competition – represent a generation of

young healthcare leaders who bring

promising ingenuity and considerable

education to bear on global health

challenges. You can read more about the

winning proposals below.

In addition to presenting ideas,

student finalists had the opportunity to

network with professors and

executives from Fortune 500

companies with a strong footing in

mobile health (mHealth). A distinguished

panel of health IT leaders generously

donated their time and talent to judge

the competition:

1. Professor SK Jain, HOD, IIT

Department of Management


2. Prof. MP Gupta, Professor, IIT

Department of Management Studies

3. Prof. SW Kachnowski, Visiting Prof,

IIT Department of Management

Studies; Chair, HIT Lab

4. Mr. Subrata Mukherji, President,

ICICI Foundation

Pranav Baj MBA FT 2013

5. Ms. Padmaja Ruparel, President,

Indian Angel Network

6. Dr. Audie Atienza, Senior Health

Technology Advisor for the U.S.

Department of Health and Hu-

man Services, representing Todd

Park, Chief Technology Officer, HHS,

through video conference.

The Team

Pranav Baj

Gadu Sneha

Mayank Sharma

Kamath Karan

Sajal Agarwal



Editorial Board

Department Of Management Studies

Indian Institute Of Technology, Delhi