Revista tv2015




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we enjoy doing

in our spare time. All of us came with a lot of passions, interests: music, photography,

design, movies and ..writing. *DING* The lightbulb lit! We thought about a newspaper

that shows what teenagers like. That’s how HIGH TEENS TV was born. Why this name?

Firstly, HIGH comes from highschool *duh*, so is dedicated to all students. Secondly, the

newspaper gravitates around teens and everything that interests them. It is said that

adolescence is the best part of our lieves. It is the time when we concern about different

aspects of life: love, religion, style, passions. It is the time when we put tons of questions

whose answers are hidden in a dense fog that it will be cleared once we grow up. Also,

adolescence is the time when we find ourselves and our personality is outlined: what we

love, what we hate, hobbies, interests, tastes in music, movies, fashion or literature. Thus,

our newspaper serves as a guide for YOU to find yourself as a person, to find something

that you might enjoy doing in the future. Speaking of highschool, the third word of our

newspaper’s title came to our mind: TV, which comes from the names of our highschool:

Tudor Vladimirescu, the leader of the Revolution of 1821. He was defined as a modern man

that wanted to change the society of that time and turn it into a modern one. He wasn’t

afraid to play his most valuable card in the game: life. Today, we, the students of this

highschool , try to keep the open-mindness and the modern way of thinking to make

So , let’s get started!

Busan Iulian

Buşan Iulian, Mihai Diana, Ianculescu Radu 11th H

Textul nu a fost tradus în limba engleză din dorința de a păstra originalitatea şi expresivitatea textului în limba română.

Iulian: Cum vi se pare Botoşaniul de astăzi față de cel din copilăria dumneavoastră?

Mihai Mălaimare: Este afectat de două lucruri: de timpul obiectiv şi de cel subiectiv.Timpul obiectiv este al vieții,transformările fireşti pe care le suportă un astfel de loc. Sunt alte genaratii,alți oameni. Timpul subiectiv înseamnă memoria mea,amintirile mele care nu,nu se schimbă.Cel mult se estompează,iar atunci când se estompează,capătă o aură mitică şi devin din ce în ce mai frumos. Aşadar,Botoşaniul este într-o oarecare măsură acelaşi şi altfel în acelaşi timp.

I: În copilărie,prima dumneavoastră pasiune a fost vioara. De ce ați renunțat la ea şi cum ați ajuns la teatru?

M.M: Pentru că a apărut o a doua pasiune,iar la vârsta de 13 ani a doua pasiune este întotdeauna cea mai puternică,fotbalul. Nu m-am mai ținut de carte şi atunci ,sigur, a trebuit să descopăr în clasa a VIII- a că nu eram cel mai bun sau că nu eram foarte bun la vioară aşa cum mi-aş fi dorit,aşa cum ar fi trebuit şi că trebuie să renunț pentru că nu aş fi făcut față sau nu ieşea nimic din mine după un liceu, şi acela pe care ar fi trebuit să îl fac la Bacău,departe de casă,era extrem de complicat. În anii aceia a pleca de acasă era un lucru greu,complicat.

I: Una din sălile teatrului se numeşte „Jacques Lecoq”.Școala de pantomimă pe care ați urmat-o la Paris a influențat denumnirea ei?

M.M: E firesc, Jacques Lecoq este cel care a înființat şcoala de la Paris,este unul din profesorii mei şi aş zice unul dintre cei mai importanți şi am decis că atribuirea numelui său acestei săli cu caracter experimental, într-un teatru experimental la rândul lui, este un semn de cinste şi de onoare.

I: De ce nu ați rămas la Paris?

M.M: Pentru că aveam o familie care trebuia întreținută aici.Mi s-a propus să rămân la Bruxelles, nu la Paris, în ’85, dar am refuzat.Îmi rămăsese băiatul singur acasă şi pentru mine libertățile oferite de un regim democratic erau deja lucruri în care nu mai credeam şi aşa că m-am intors acasă şi mă bucur că am făcut-o.

I: Ce viziune aveți asupra teatrului românesc?

M.M: Nici prea-prea, nici foarte-foarte.Teatrul românesc este bântuit de foarte multe orgolii,de mai puțină ştiință, de şi mai puțină „putirință” cum zicea Anton Pann. Este o şcoală de teatru care trăieşte mai degrabă din amintiri, pentru că în momentul de față ea nu mai reprezintă aproape nimic,din moment ce scoate anual 600-700 de absolvenți care nu au loc de muncă şi care nu vor fi mulți dintre ei niciodată actori.

I: De ce credeți că arta, în general, nu este apreciată la adevărata ei valoare în România?De ce pur şi simplu românii nu mai merg la teatru?

M.M: Pentru că sunt inculți. Lipsa de cultură a unui popor,scăderea nivelului cultural al unui popor,şi la noi în România,scăderea atât de dramatică se datorează în primul rând viziunii inacceptabile a liderilor pe care i-a avut, a politicii de înrobire a acestei țări,de subminare a nivelului ei, inclusiv cultural,şi atunci inapetența acestui popor față de actul cultural devine un lucru firesc.

I: A fi actor este un talent înnăscut sau poate fi dobantit pe parcurs?

M.M: Și una şi alta.Mai bine să fie mai multă şansă din naştere decât ulterior,dar îți poți descoperi vocația şi după aceea.Ceea ce înseamnă, de fapt, că tot trebuie să ai ceva din naştere pentru a ajunge actor.

I: ...Diamant neşlefuit.

M.M: Bineînțeles.

I: Credeți că un adolescent care este pasionat de teatru ar putea face carieră în România?

M.M: Posibil să facă. Depinde ce înțelegem prin carieră. Dacă înțelegem şansa de a ajunge în sitcom-uri de doi bani, a face bani din televiziune, din film..,da, e posibil. A face artă în adevăratul sens al cuvântului este mult, mult,mult mai greu pentru că dincolo de şansa de care ar trebui să beneficiezi, să întâlneşti un maestru care să se ocupe de ține, care să aibă grijă de tine, ar trebui să ai şi unde să faci chestia asta. Adică ar trebui să ai un teatru în care să te poți angaja, cu regizori serioşi, cu actori serioşi , sunt lucruri complicate. Un tânăr ar face bine să-şi vadă de viață şi să încerce un lucru dacă nu atât de frumos, măcar mai bănos. După cum vezi eu însumi îndemn către incultură, din păcate.

I: Că tot vorbim de o carieră în actorie...Cum vi se pare examenul de admitere la teatru,acum, în zilele noastre?

M.M: Nu mi se pare nici cum. Ștacheta a scăzut foarte tare.Pe vremea mea se dădeau foarte multe examene,eram foarte mulți pe un loc. Astăzi învățăm că e strucurat altfel,nu ştiu.Nu discut formele ci discut rezultatele,iar rezultatele sunt catastrofale.

I: Majoritatea spectacolelor de aici, (n.r. Teatrul Masca) sunt caracterizate prin contemporaneitate. Considerați că este o metodă bună de a atrage tânăra generație la teatru?

M.M: Nu ştiu, asta să mi-o spuneți voi. Cert este că, într-o mare măsură, publicul nostru este tânăr şi foarte tânăr.Că nu este atât de mult cât mi-aş dori, asta deja ,repet, nu mai e problema mea.

I: Referitor la ce am spus la întrebarea anterioară, dvs. ați cochetat şi cu politica. În piesa „Parapanghelos” sunt satirizate moravuri ale peisajului politic, şi nu numai, de pe vremea lui Vasile

Alecasandri. Credeți că aceste moravuri pot fi regăsite şi în spațiul politic actual?

M.M: Alecsandri se dovedeşte a fi extrem de contemporan, asta inseamnă că în politică, acum 200 de ani, lucrurile erau ca acum, ceea ce este de o tristețe nemărginită.

I: Există şi o vorbă conform căreia „Istoria se repetă”, deci...

M.M: Da , dar aici că să se repete ar fi trebuit să asistăm la schimbarea unui fapt care ulterior se repetă.Ori ticăloşia, minciuna, hoția au rămas nemişcate, imuabile, aş zice că s-au dezvoltat.

I: Și ultima întrebare... Aveți un mesaj pentru iubitorii de teatru din „Tudor Vladimirescu”?

M.M: Păi, eu am transmis multe mesaje, inclusiv vouă. Dacă nu vreți să înțelegeți că voi trebuie să creşteți altfel decât părinții voştri, atunci țara asta nu mai are nicio şansă. Voi ăştia de la „Tudor Vladimirescu” , în primul rând , ar trebui să decideți că viață voastră de adolescenți, de tineri şi adulți inferiori nu se poate desfăşura fără măcar un spectacol pe săptămână. În condițiile în care voi veți face asta şi sunteți câteva sute, bănuiesc, şi alți colegi de-ai voştri vor face la fel veți reinstaura dreptul unei generații normale la cap, unei generații sănătoase, unei generații adevărate. Dacă nu, înseamnă că veți lăsa neclintit locul „generației Băsescu”, adică generației formate din, cum spune distinsul, din „tâmpiți produşi de şcoală”, din tâmplari, din chelneri, pentru că el asta a vrut şi asta are România în momentul de față. Eu cred că voi ar trebui să fiți generația care să contrazică o astfel de viziune smintită despre societatea românească.

I: Va mulțumim mult de tot pentru timpul acordat!

M.M: Cu mare drag!

Spectacolul „Parapanghelos”, o producție marca Teatrului Masca , este o reinterpretare contemporană a „Cânticelelor comice” scrise de Vasile Alecsandri. Odată cu această piesă a fost inaugurată şi sala „Jacques Lecoq”, transformată în „Cafe-Teatru Masca”. Din momentul în care am păşit în sală, pot spune că a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Atmosfera este una foarte intimă, clasicele scaune sunt înlocuite cu măsuțe elegante, amintind de cafenele cochete din Paris. De asemenea, în prețul biletului este inclusă şi o băutură răcoritoare şi chiar îți poți comanda o o cafea sau un ceai în timp ce aştepți începutul piesei.

„Parapaghelos” nu este o simplă piesă de teatru. Depăşeşte cu mult granițele acestui termen. Acest cabaret presupune îmbinarea mai multor elemente artistice: replicile sunt îmbinate cu măiestrie împreună cu cântecele şi dansurile, costumele şi machiajul sunt extreme de creative, iar adăugarea rolelor şi a păpuşilor este genială. Ritmul este unul alert, trecerea de la un personaj la altul, de la o expresie la alta este extrem de rapidă. Constumele sunt schimbate rapid, unele chiar pe scenă. Toate acestea mi-au indus o atmosferă ospitalieră, caldă, o atmosferă „de culise” dacă aş putea să îi spun aşa. Piesa satirizează diferite moravuri ale spațiului politico-social de pe vremea lui Vasile Alecsandri, însă după vizionarea piesei îmi puteți confirma faptul că se potrivesc de minune şi astăzi, din nefericire.


După finalul piesei, am avut onoarea de a sta de vorbă cu actorii din piesă. Nouă studenți la actorie, calzi, cu un simț al umorului debordant şi incredibil de talentați. „Parapaghelos” înseamnă „adio” şi era strigătul cu care îşi încheiau evoluția păpuşarii ambulanți de pe vremea lui Alecsandri. Astfel, am vrut să aflăm ce a însemnat „Parapaghelos” pentru ei. Am aflat că „Parapaghelos” a însemnat „foarte multă muncă”, dar şi„ adio statutului de student, bun venit statului de actor!”

Distribuția:Vasile Alecsandri -Alexandru Robu

Herşcu Boccegiul -Andreea Corneanu şi Amalia PopaClevetici, ultra-demagogul/Elena Negri - Florentina Panait

Sandu Napoilă, ultra-retrogradul -Maria PanțoianuCoana Chirița în voiagiu - Sabina Mitrea

Paraponisitul -Crăița Mladinovici şi Cezara PănulescuMama Angheluşa, doftoroaie - Virginia Vasilache

Scenariul şi regia - Mihai Mălaimare

Bușan Iulian Andrei 11th H/ STORY WRITING

November. Evening. Pouring rain. I was returning home from my friend’s house. Please no, not that street again. Regent Street, the one that I need to pass by to go home, the one that gives me shivers on my backbone. It isn’t a person who didn’t tell me about this house in my neighbourhood. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but as curious as I was, I entered the house wanting to now what’s going on in there. First of all, I entered the living room. The room was dark, the furniture was dusty: a ripped sofa, two armchairs gilded in dust and a wonky bookcase full of books written in a unknown language. A smell of old books and rotten was invading my nostrils. I was feeling a big pressure on my shoulders. I looked back and I saw my deformed figure on the left wall. It was whole covered in mirrors. I approached and looked deep in it. That was the moment when I felt something that started from my head and got down until the points of my toes. It was just like being electrified. My head was feeling dizzy and drops of cold sweat were hanging on my forehead. I immediately left the room and I went upstairs. I carefully stepped on the stairs that were in a big stage of decay. As I was making my steps on the stairs, one just broke up and I almost fell if I wouldn’t grab the railing. I quickly made my way up to the next floor. I was on the hallway making my way to the attic. That was the moment when I saw her in front of me as the thunderbolt was striking outside. She was wearing an

ethereal bride gown and she had a withered bunch of red roses in her hands. She was wearing a necklace of ropes around her neck and also two bracelets of ropes around her wrists. She raised her face from the ground and she looked at me. Her hairs was long, her face was pale. Red drips of blood were falling on her cheeks. She stared at me on the hallway with those devilish eyes that made me back out. I tripped on a rotten plank and fell on my back. As she was approaching with slow steps she started singing a lullaby. Her voice was beautiful and hauntingly at the same time, which gave me goose bumps. “Come and wear a necklace of rope side by side with me” she said. I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t move my arms and legs as she was coming to tie me up. Fortunately, I had managed to get myself up and I ran without looking back. I heard her singing her hauntingly lullaby as I was making my way out of the house. I nearly skipped the stairs. I ran out of the house and I found myself standing on the dark alley. As I was running, I felt the cold drops of rain on my face and my body. My clothes were soaking wet. I felt relieved. I was out. I had thanked God I had got to reach my sweet room and my cozy bed again. I was happy that it ended, but this was just the start… Next morning I woke up and I went to the bathroom. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw tying marks around my neck and my wrists…..


Dascălu Ionuț 11th H / GAMING

“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” is an upcoming action role-playing video game set in an open world environment, that is currently in development by Polish video game developer CD Projekt RED. It is scheduled to be released for PC, PlayStation 4 and XBOX One on May 19, 2015. The game is still not confirmed for Linux or OS X.

This game will be the third in the series, preceded by The Witcher and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, which are based on the series of fantasy novels of the same title by the Polish author Andrjez

Sapkowski. During the adventure, the players will explore a wide range of areas, including caves, ancient ruins, dungeons, and bustling villages. They will also hunt monster for profit and for special rewards, while some of the quests will include investigation.

Although, you will definetly need a pretty good PC Specs, otherwise, you won't be able to run this masterpiece, even though the producers says that it will have a very good optimization. This game will be a serious competitor for the “Game of the Year” award.


Ianculescu Radu, 11th H / IT

Keeping up with the tradition, Apple is well known for designing innovative and creative products that make Apple Inc. the master of technology. And the company is coming back with a bang now! Circulating news tells us that these days Apple is working on a new project: 3D display phone which will utilize the holographic images

technology; scheduled not to be released until the year 2020, this new device is called the Apple Black Hole. This virtual technology of 3-D display with holographic images was designed by Josselin Zaigouche – the man behind the Black Hole mobile phone from Apple.

Zaigouche chose Apple to market this technology but even if he would have released it on his own, the response would have been great.The holographic phone has a central mouse ball that levitates and allows the user to control all the phone functions and applications in mid-air. By just opening the palm of your hand, the central ball rises into the air and opens up the phone’s applications using its elusive holographic screen.The Apple Black Hole mobile phone incorporates four components: a charging base; the Prism; the Black Hole handset itself and the giftbox. Users get a variety of new applications and programs on Apple Black mobile phone.The Black Hole concept phone when connected to the charging base can be used as a

desktop device, still projecting the needed interface. For now I dont know so much about this device. However this is definitely the kind of concept product that will excite tech-obsessed phone users but will take years to develop properly. This level of technological integration is impressive, and so is the fact that the Black Hole Concept Phone is in development. A 2020 launch date seems plausible. Let’s just hope that Apple doesn’t give up on this concept.

Hi! My name is Vlad Oancea and I have been playing volleyball for six years. Did you know that it’s the second most popular game in the world? Why did I choose this sport? First, volleyball helps not only to keep you fit, but also to think fast while considering carefully every step you take. It helps you take the right decision in the shortest amount of time. You learn that a second means a whole lot of time, during which you can change so many things! Second, it is a method of self discipline, both in your relation with yourself and with the others. Volleyball teaches you the value of team work, the feeling of responsibility because you belong to a group and also the meaning of fair play. Last, but not least, volleyball has helped me to make new friends easily, because we share the same interests. In conclusion, I can only say that volleyball

helps you to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body!

Hello! I am Andreea Cutieru and I am the leader of volunteer club from ”Tudor Vladimirescu” High School. Me and my friends want to help kids with disabilities and we try to bring a smile on their face. What do we do? All volunteers create handmade objects like jewelry, interior design items, interesting bookmarks, drawings and many other things. After that we arrange a fair inside the highschool where students can buy what we created. With money raised from sales we buy items that kids need: food, supplies, toys etc. They are happy when they receive gifts and we are pleased with the good things that we did!

Hi! I’m Tabian Emanuel Vlad from the 11th grade. My passion for music came when I was little after I watched my father playing the guitar. He bought a left-handed guitar for me when I was 14 years old and taught me the basics. After I learnt the basics I started watching videos on the Internet. Now I play the guitar everyday and I know that one day I will be somebody. I will follow my passion.

Hi! I am Florentin Miulescu from the 11 th grade. My life would be so much boring without sport. I started practicing karate from the age of 6 years old and I don't regret anything!

Sport plays a major role in my life , generally speaking I find it very enjoyable to watch or to be a part of. Doing a sport in my free time after school helped to become a more disciplined and hard working person. I owe many thanks to sport and I know that this kind of hobby helps me to became a better person.

Hello! I’m Madalina Vasile. I practice indian dance for 3 years, so my hobby is dancing, of course. Dance is good for the human body and soul. It is a way to connect with your body and soul! Dancing gives me an amazing physical workout while I can let my emotions out and clear my head. It is an escape from the real world and you can express who you are! I'm in the love with dance because it shows how I feel. If you enjoy standing in the middle of a big empty stage ,dancing is a good way for this. So why do I love indian dance? Because dance is me!

Hi, my name is Curelea Andrei and I’m a student at ”Tudor Vladimirescu” Highschool. In my free time I’m a magician. Magic is a beatiful art but for practicing it you need dedication, ambition and the most important thing: patiance for rehearsal. I started doing magic two and a half years ago and that was my best decision ever! Every day after I finish school I train my sleight of hand skills with cards ,coins , etc. while watching TV. Being a magician is not an easy task ,you must be always prepared for doing a trick , so for that I have always with me a deck of cards, some rubber bands and some coins. What can I say, I’m a man full of surprise! So, if you want to see some of my stage or street performances you can check my official Facebook page:

Cheers and I hope to see you soon at my shows. Stay tuned!

Buşan Iulian, Ianculescu Radu 11th H

Hi ! Here you will find things that we have found interesting for you. Enjoy! Hot Pursuit

Genre: ComedyDuration: 88 min.Cast: Sofía Vergara, Reese Witherspoon, John Carroll Lynch

Hot Pursuit is an upcoming American action comedy film directed by AnneFletcher and written by David Feeney and John Quaintance. The film stars Reese Witherspoon and Sofía Vergara. The film is scheduled to be released on May 8, 2015, by Warner Bros. Pictures.An inept police officer (Reese Witherspoon) must protect the widow of a drug dealer (Sofía Vergara) from criminals and dirty cops. It airs on May 8 th 2015 on Cinema City .

Starters Author: Lissa Price Genre: SF/ Fantasy In a world ravaged by war and genocide, becoming someone else is now possible. Sixteen-year-old Callie discovers the Body Bank where teens rent their bodies to seniors who want to be young again. When her neurochip malfunctions, she wakes up in the mansion of her rich renter and finds she is going out with a senator’s grandson. It’s a fairy-tale new life, until she discovers her renter’s deadly plan. The fans of the Hunger Games trilogy will really enjoy this book!

”Gala Masca 25”

Masca Theater celebrates 25 years from its establishment. On May 24 th

”Gala Masca 25” show will include a sequence of theatrical moments from 20 succesful shows of this theatre. The chosen scenes will offer to the audience a complex and complete image of what does Masca Theatre mean in the Romanian theatrical scenery. It is a real marathon worthy of Guinness World Records! During the performance, the audience will admire not only the creation itself, in the spotlight, but the fascinating life behind the stage. Moreover, with the help of the cameras, the audiece will se itself and it will take part in the best anniversary moment, the one when actors and theater technicians will show how good , how talented , how strong they are. A gala like this should not be missed!Price: 35 ron


Genre: Action/Adventure/Thriller

Duration: 100 min.

Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Alexandra Daddario

San Andreas is an upcoming American action-adventure thriller disaster film directed by Brad Peyton and written byAllan Loeb, Carlton Cuse, Carey Hayes and Chad Hayes, based on the original script by Jeremy Passmore and Andre Fabrizio. The film stars Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, Colton Haynes, and Paul Giamatti.Principal photography of the film began on April 22, 2014 in Australia and wrapped up on July 27 in San Francisco.

After a devastating earthquake hits California, a Los Angeles Fire Department rescue-helicopter pilot (Dwayne Johnson) and his ex-wife (Carla Gugino) attempt to leave Los Angeles and head to San Francisco to find and rescue their estranged daughter (Alexandra Daddario). It airs on May 29th 2015 at Cinema City.

Looking for AlaskaAuthor: John GreenGenre: Philosophical

Looking for Alaska is John Green's first young adult novel, published in March 2005 by Dutton Juvenile. It won the 2006 Michael L. Printz Award from the American Library Association. Miles Halter is fascinated by famous last words–and tired of his safe life at home. He leaves for boarding school to seek what the dying poet Francois Rabelais called the “Great Perhaps.” Much awaits Miles at Culver Creek, including Alaska Young. Clever, funny and screwed-up, Alaska will pull Miles into her labyrinth and catapult him into the Great Perhaps.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Genre: Action /SF/AdventureDuration: 120 min.Cast: Tom Hardy, Nicholas Hoult, Charlize Theron Mad Max: Fury Road is an upcoming post-apocalyptic action film directed, produced and co-written by George Miller, and the fourth film of Miller's Mad Max franchise. The first film of the franchise in 30 years, Fury Road is also the firstMad Max film not to feature Mel Gibson as "Mad" Max Rockatansky, with Tom Hardy replacing him. In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, loner Max meets Furiosa, a woman who wishes to cross the desert. Captured by Immortan Joe's gang, Max's only hope of freedom is Furiosa, who is on the run from Immortan Joe because she stole his most precious resource, five young women who have been kept as objects and whose purpose is to mother the next generation. They need Max's knowledge of the desert to safely cross it and escape the madness of their enemies. It airs on May 15 th 2015 on Cinema City.


Boboacă Monica 11 th E / Movie Review

The Divergent series, directed by Robert Schwentke, is back with another movie. Insurgent, starring Theo James, Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort and other great actors, had his premiere on 20th of March 2015 in the United States and continues to sell thousands of tickets around the world. I am not quite into movie sequels, because they tend to always disappoint me, but this one really succeeded to impress me. Now, my point may be different from others but the unexpected actor, that had a small part in the first movie, made his way to my heart the most. That is Ansel Elgort who played his role, Caleb Prior, really well and made me have feelings of anger but, at the same time, love towards him. I have read the books and, compared to other movies, this one translated the words written by Veronica Roth on the screen the best. I would rate it 9/10 but they shouldn’t have made the pointless decision of making it 3D.

GOSSIPS Nicolae Bianca, Petrişor Ruxandra 11th H

A boy from the 11th grade slapped a girl for swearing. So girls, talk nicely!

The cheerleaders started their training for their next event. Good luck to them!

Some guys poured oil on the entrance floor. It seems that the situation is a little slippy *Badumts*

There are a lot of guys in our high school that play the guitar. Music is in the air!

The theatre team have just started their rehearsals for their next piece! Break a leg! *pun intended*

There is a boy from the 12th grade that steals sandwiches from his best friend when he is not looking.

It is said that a few proffesors from our highscool are retiring next year. We will miss them and their way teaching so much!

Find the missing words:

1) Door: a flat object that is used to close the entrance of some-thing such as a room or building, or the entrance itself;

2) Bumpers: a horizontal bar along the lower front and lower back part of a motor vehicle to help protect it if there is an accident;

3) Glove box: a compartment built into the dashboard, located over the front-seat passenger's footwell in an automobile, often used for miscellaneous storage;

4) Hood : is the hinged cover over the engine of motor vehicles that allows access to the engine compartment (or trunk on rear-engine and some mid-engine vehicles) for maintenance and repair; Windshield: the window at the front of a car, truck, etc.;

5) Headlights: a large, powerful light at the front of a vehicle, usually one of two;

6) Wheels: a circular object connected at the centre to a bar used for making vehicles or parts of machines move;

7) Tyres: a thick rubber ring, often filled with air, that is fitted around the outer edge of the wheel of a vehicle, allowing the vehicle to stick to the road surface and to travel over the ground more easily;

8) Fender: one of the four parts at the side of a car that go over the wheels;

9) Trunk: the vehicle's main storage compartment.

Mihai Diana 11th H

JOKES Mihai Diana 11th H

Q:What do prisoners use to call each other?A: Cell phones.

Two men walk intro a bar. One man orders H2O. The other man says ’ I’ll have H2O, too’. The second man dies.

A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says ’Sorry, we don’t serve food in here’

A man goes to the doctor with a strawberry growing out of his head. The doctor says ’I’ll give you some cream to put on it’

In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?

Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.


Editorial comittee:Ms. Saulea Lidia

Ms. Radu MihaelaBuşan Iulian 11th H

Ianculescu Radu 11th HMădălina Vasile 11th E

Mihai Diana 11th HDascălu Ionuț 11th H

Special thanks to:Petrişor Ruxandra 11th H

Nicolae Bianca 11th HŞtefan Maria 11th H

Cutieru Andreea 11th FBoboacă Monica 11th EPetroiu Andreea 11th D

Oancea Vlad 10th CMiulescu Vlad 11th D

Tabian Vlad Emanuel 11th GAndrei Curelea 12th B
