Review for Test 4. Great Victoria Desert Great Barrier Reef Coral Sea Ayers Rock


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Review for Test 4

Great Victoria Desert

Great Barrier R


Coral Sea

Ayers Rock

Europe’s Impact on Australia

• Language: England/Great Britain colonized Australia, so the official language is… English!

Europe’s Impact on Australia

• Religion: England sent their prisoners to prisons in Australia. – The Irish were mostly Catholic.– Their jailors and others were mostly Anglican, – so the main religions are… Catholic and

Anglican (old Church of England)


• Aborigines – indigenous people of Australia• Hunters and gatherers in a traditional society

Europe’s Impact on Australia: Aborigines

• British took over best water and hunting areas

• Aborigines were killed, died of disease, or were forced to work for British.

Europe’s Impact on Australia:Diseases and Weapons

• Disease – British brought smallpox, influenza, and tuberculosis to Australia. ½ of Aborigines died.

• Weapons – guns gave British advantage over Aboriginal weapons

GovernmentsHow Citizens Participate

• Autocracy: rule by one – no citizen participation

• Oligarchy: rule by the few – no citizen participation

• Democracy: rule by the people – citizen participation

Country Government System

Leadership Citizens’ voting rights

Citizens’ personal freedoms

United Kingdom






Bicameral (2 houses):

*House of Lords

*House of Commons

Prime minister: Chief executive (day-to-day)

Monarch: head of state

Vote for parliament

Parliament selects prime minister

Many freedoms

Country Government System

Leadership Citizens’ voting rights

Citizens’ personal freedoms

Germany * Federal



Bicameral (2 houses):

Bundestag Bundesrat

Chancellor: chief executive (day-to-day)

President: head of state

Vote for parliament

Parliament selects chancellor

and president

Many freedoms

Welfare State – government takes care of all who can’t work

Country Government System


2 Chief Executives

Citizen voting rights

Citizen personal freedoms

Russia *Federal



Bicameral (2







President: head of state – more power (controls military)

selects Premier: runs government

*Vote for president

*Elect Duma

(Federation Council not elected)

More freedoms than in the past

Trade Barriers

• Tariff: tax on imports

• Quota: limit on number or amount of imports

• Embargo: government order stopping trade with another country

Currency Exchange

• People of different countries exchange currency because– Different countries use different currencies.– Trading with other countries requires trading

for different currencies.– Problem: it costs more to do business

because banks charge fees for exchanges.

How location, climate, and resources affect where people live in Europe

• U.K.: small island, Gulf Stream warms climate – ice free ports, international banking, most people live in urban areas, resources – coal, fish

• Russia: very big country, cold, ports frozen much of year, most people live in urban areas near Europe, resources – gold, oil – hard to get (too big and cold)

How location, climate, and resources affect where people live in Europe

• Italy: peninsula in Mediterranean Sea – dry warm summers, cool winters, mostly urban, resources – fish and grapes (wine!)

• Germany: marine climate (warm summers, cold winters), on ocean, many rivers – good for transporting, mostly urban, resources – coal, uranium

Portuguese Empire

• Earliest modern European empire

• Lasted for centuries

• Started with Prince Henry the Navigator– He sent explorers to find routes to Asia

around Africa • Dias discovered Cape of Good Hope

• da Gama sailed to India

• Most profitable colony was Brazil

Spanish Empire• Hoped to find route to Asia across Atlantic

Ocean– Sent Christopher Columbus who “discovered”


• One of largest empires in history

• Conquered Inca and Aztec civilizations

• Claimed large areas of N. & S. America – ruled for 300 years

• Empire stretched to Asia – controlled Philippines

British Empire

• Great Britain = England, Scotland, & Wales– Largest empire in history– Controlled Canada, Australia, most of E. Africa, &

many islands– Controlled North America until 1776

• U.S. became independent• Canada did not

– By 1920s ¼ of world’s people were under British control

– After WWII most of Britain’s territories/colonies became independent

French Empire

• 1600s-1900s – 2nd largest empire in the world– During Napoleon I’s reign, controlled most of

Europe– Controlled most of Germany, Spain, Italy,

islands in the Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific, and North Atlantic, parts of Canada, South America, SE Asia, & NW Africa

U.K. Colonizes Australia• 1606: 1st Europeans to Australia

• 1770: Capt. James Cook (British) claimed east Australian coast – called it “New South Wales”

• 1788 – Britain colonized Australia because U.S. became independent

4 Reasons British Colonized Australia

1. Relieve overcrowding of British jails

2. Wanted its navy stationed in southern hemisphere

3. Wanted economic base to expand trade

4. Did not want rivals (especially French) to colonize Australia

Russian Revolution• 1917 – autocracy ruled by Czar Nicholas II.

– WWI – Russia lost many soldiers.– People were hungry and angry.– Nicholas ignored the signs.

• He & family were put in prison, then executed.

• Lenin became leader– Government became communist (government controls

all)– Changed name to Soviet Union– Quit WWI

• Gave Russian land to Germany

Treaty of Versaillespeace treaty after WWI• Germany lost WWI• Treaty punished Germany for helping start the war.• Germany had to give up land, lose most of military

power, and pay $442 billion dollars (today’s $$) • Germany became broke. • The Treaty of Versailles helped cause WWII

because – Hitler promised to rebuild military– Treaty of Versailles angered Germans– Hitler said he would get back Germany’s lost lands


Systematic killing of all Jews during WWII by Hitler and Nazis in concentration camps

Genocide – planned killing of a race of people

6 million Jews were killed during WWII

Cold War

• 1945-1990• Period of mistrust and misunderstanding between

the United States and the Soviet Union• United States - individuals own businesses• Soviet Union – government owns businesses• Each side thought the other would take over the

world• NATO – U.S., Canada, western Europe• Warsaw Pact – Soviets and eastern Europe

Superpowers – during Cold War

• U.S. & Soviet Union both had power to influence world events

• Both in UN Security Council

• Both had strong military

• Both had nuclear weapons

• Both had spies

End of Cold War

• 1985-1990 – Soviet Union had economic collapse – lost ability to control its countries - they got freedom & Russia was country again

• 11/1989 – Berlin Wall torn down (up since 1960s – separated free west Germany & west Europe from communist east Germany & east Europe)

• 1990 –Germany reunified

• No more Cold War

Brazil, Mexico, Cuba - Governments

• Brazil – presidential democracy; citizens 18-70 MUST vote

• Mexico – presidential democracy; citizens 18 and up may vote; president serves 1 six year term

• Cuba – communist dictatorship; president for life; 1 political party


• Traditional – custom and habit decide economic questions

• Command – government planning group decides economic questions

• Market – individual buyers & sellers and prices decide economic questions

3 Economic Questions

• What to make? (goods/services)

• How to make it? (materials)

• For whom to make it? (Customer)

Climate, Location, Resources - Latin America

• Mexico – south of U.S.; Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea; 7 seaports – good for shipping

• climate varies (desert, mountains, coast);

• oil, silver, food, tourism - natural resources

• most live in urban areas

Climate, Location, Resources - Latin America

• Venezuela– South America; coast on Caribbean Sea & Atlantic Ocean, 4 major seaports – good for shipping

• climate is hot and humid (cold in mountains)

• oil - major natural resource

• most live in urban areas

Climate, Location, Resources - Latin America

• Brazil – South America; coast on Atlantic Ocean, 7 major seaports – good for shipping to other countries.

• Hot, humid climate, rainforests

• Most live BY THE COAST

• Sugarcane and soybeans - major resources

Climate, Location, Resources - Latin America

• Cuba – island 90 miles south of Florida; Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic Ocean surround it

• Tropical climate but breezy

• Most live in urban areas

• Sugarcane - major resource

Latin America Culture

• Spanish and Portuguese are main languages because Spain and Portugal colonized Latin America

• Portugal took Brazil

• Main religion is Catholic because Spain and Portugal are mostly Catholic countries


• Mexico – group of people angry about NAFTA and poor housing and education for indigenous Mexicans (native Americans).

• Took over several towns in southern Mexico

• Fought Mexican government


• Separatists - want to become independent from Canada

• Quebec – French language & customs, Catholic religion – different from rest of Canada (English and Protestant)
