Review for 9 Weeks Test



Review for 9 Weeks Test. World War II/ Cold War. Important Events of the Cold War. Truman Doctrine- 1947 Berlin Airlift- 1948 Korean War- 1950 Sputnik- 1957 Building the Berlin Wall- 1961. Berlin Airlift. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War II/ Cold War

Important Events of the Cold War

•Truman Doctrine- 1947• Berlin Airlift- 1948• Korean War- 1950• Sputnik- 1957• Building the Berlin Wall- 1961

Berlin Airlift•Was a program that was used the transport supplies to blocked West Berlin.

Cuban Missile Crisis•Khrushchev was forced to pull out their missiles out of Cuba, even though the Fidel Castro wanted to keep them in Cuba.

Sputnik•Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, initiating the Space Race.

NASA was established

in 1958

Space Race•The Space Race led to an increase in spending in math and science.

GI Bill•The GI Bill was created to provide education funding for returning World War II soldiers in order to create a better educated and more productive workforce.

In God We Trust•In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States which can be found on paper currency since 1956 & the coins since the 1860’s.

Polio Vaccine•Polio an infectious disease caused by a virus that lives in the throat and intestinal tract, was once the leading cause of disability in the U.S.

•The polio vaccine was created by Jonas Salk in 1955.

The Beat Generation •the Beat Generation reflected new ideas about society in their music and literature

World War II•WWII began in 1939 when Germany attacked Poland.

Leaders During WWII

•Hitler= Nazi•Mussolini= Fascism•Tojo= Communist•Stalin= Communist

Pearl Harbor•The US entered WWII because the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor December 7th 1941.

•The US’ Air Force and Navy was weakened in the Pacific due to the destruction left behind after the attack.

Mobilization•The US had to mobilize (move) our soldiers and weapons in order to fight in the Europe and the Pacific.

Executive Order 9066•Executive Order 9066 placed Japanese Americans into internment camps because the US government considered them to be a threat to national security.

Rationing•Rationing- limits how much of NEEDED SUPPLIES & PRODUCTS a civilian can purchase.

•The government controlled this by enforcing the use of rationing coupons.

War Bonds & Victory Gardens

•Civilians bought war bonds to help the US government pay for the war.

•Victory Gardens were planted by types of civilians (rich, middle & lower class) to help do their part in assisting in the war effort to send food to our soldiers overseas.

Rosie the Riveter•The purpose of this poster was to try and get women working in the factories.

General George Marshall

•Was the Army Chief of Staff who organized the war effort from Washington D.C.

Flying Tigers•The Flying Tigers were former US pilots who volunteered to fly with the Chinese Air Force and their actions were considered patriotic.

Partitioning of Germany 1945

•The Potsdam Conference led to the division of Germany into sections occupied by the US, the USSR, the UK and France.

D-Day Invasion of Normandy

Battle of Midway•The Battle of Midway is considered a turning point in WWII because the Japanese lost a lot of their air craft carriers in which they were not able to keep up with in the War in the Pacific.
