REV. A, WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · natural. You...


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REV. A, W ALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1893. VOL. X IX . No. 31.

Influence Im p erish ab le .

UY BKV. t; M. GKIfKITH, DJ>. •

Words o f tru th flow on forever,As tho rivers to th e sea— '•

Flow through all tho generations Of the ages yet to b o ;

As the saylugs o f tho sages From a pAst hum anity.

. Muse-loved Homer, child o f Fancy, Tunes anew his wondrous ly ro ;."

MlUon breathes h is song oi Edien, Shakspcaro smites his h a rp pf l ire ;

Nations list enraptured , lured to Som ething purer, som ething higher.

A s a comet from iis exile * ; . - , :' Of the ccntiirlos m ight tell,■ .

• 0 f tho suns and systems seen •Along ltB flaming parallel— •

Eiil6rprise3,;w orlds.created, !/• .: Angel choruses tliat; swell. ■ _ :

So, }n realm s of tho hereafter, y: . •Z: Should wo h a il somo;word o f m ight; •By tho i lp so f geniiisspoken ;

Iu the world’s p rim eval n ight,• S w Coping1 on ward through the axes " v

TilliW track is lost to Sight. •

I t m ight toll us how from darkness I t evolved the brightening day—

JIow It cherished revolutions, ..Patriot deeds aud puet's lay ;.

Tyrants quailed beforo I t ; m illions lilessod it on Its onward way.

Dr. Joseph Coolc at Ocean Grovo.' The recen t addresses delivered .by the

peerless orator, Joseph Cook, of Boston ;' have elicited .the wonder and tulmiration / o f all who heard k}m. Dr. Stokes regards

the.event of his visit nnd lectures unpar- alelled 'at Ocean Qrove id its history of g i

. . year 9,*- for sublliiie» oratory and intellectual strength and beauty. T he reports pubV

’ J islied in last /Monday’s dailies . do the/ut- mbst .credit to the bright men these papers

, send to.the.Grove,to take notes. . (W e take great pleasure in quoting a few extracts, reflecting as they do, precisely- pur own sentiments. T he D aily Journal.says::-' /

. A ll things considered, the lecture given on the Ocean (irove Auditorium platform last Saturday evening by. Joseph Cook, of

: Boston, was incomparably the finest th ing• heard across th e l ake th us far this sum­

mer'. I t Was superior/not only from a lit-: erary but also from ; an oratorical end .scholarly, .point b fv ie w . 'F o r - tw o hours be held the audience, but not by...the

. rhetorical fireworks and wearisome plati­tudes and em pty generalities too often.

. heard in the seassde towns. : "The lecturere’s subject Was il. The Seven

W onders of . the - Modern World.” As . named by D r. Cook they ' are : . ‘‘ The

speed of-inter-communication, among .na­tion's, the self-reformation of herm it tribes,

. ‘ the parallel advancement o f education and representative goverhm ent^the ^prospec­tive moral a llin n c ed f advanced" nations, the trium ph of Christianity in our century,

. the current fulfillment of biblical pro; phecy, and the victory of. science aa an ally of faith.

Usually an Ocean Grove audienco be­comes uneasy If n speaker goes far be­yond 9 o’clock; but when Dr. Cook closed at 10115 with n peroration whose imagina­tive Deauty charmed every mind and soul able to appreciate it, many called out to “ g o o n .’1 The lecture gleamed with un­usual bits of information which were so combined and s o . massed in drawing con.

-elusions that the results .were startling.. Tho production was highly poetical. Tho thoughts were couched in extrordinarily pure Engllsii and embellished by the genius of an astlst in words. The auditors who d idn’t believe the story that Joseph Cook has swallowed an unabridged dic­tionary are now convinced‘of Its truth.

. v T he D aiiy P r h s epitomizes, the Satur- j • day. evening, lecture as followsV. v v .

/••-': Joseph Cook, the celebrated lecturer, addressed a large uudlence a t the Ocean

• Grove Auditor!uni on Saturday night. H is subject was: “ The Seven Wonders of the W orld.” I lls lecture lasted about two hours, but so great Was the interest that none appeared weary.

The lirst great wonder named was “The •speed of communication between nn- tion8.r, A comparison was drawn between the menus of communication, in years past and a t t !JO present day when tele­graphic, steamship and railroad coniuiu- nlcatlon are oaslly used, t ie showed how the hand of God was In all of theso great discoveries.' The beautiful scenes of na­ture were graphically described both in this nnd foreign couutiies. N ature with­out God behind it is no more than a glove w ithout a hand.

T he second wonder named was The self-reformutlon of the Semitic nations.” Mr. Cook eulogized Japan and its peopio. Christianity has made wonderful strides in that country and has gone thero to stay and rule. He spoke of the Chinese qUes- tion and the attitude of that ■ country to­ward th is; iiow he believed In immigra-

' .tion, but i t should bo sifted on both sides the Atlantic. This .country la no duinpT ing ground upon which to unload crlmi- nals.

“ T he parallel advancement of education and representative government" was tho th ird wonder. Wo will double the lurge. numbers of bur population as quickly as

. we doubled the smallor ones. Only tho righ t use of Sunday transforms a rubble into an intelligent people. There is a disproportion In representation, between

, N orth and South in Congress. \Vo must do justice to the African. There seems now no ptace for tho colored, raco, ;uot oven In Asbury Park. .v

T he fourth wonder was “ The prospect of moral alliance of advanced nations." There will be au international code and

war with all its horrors proventeil.. • F ifth : “ The trium ph of Christianity In

our century.” No Infidel, publications' of any intellectual value.. Tho sixth was “ The current fulfilment of .-'Bible prophecies," the course of Chris­tianity and Its value. I t is impossible to erase;out of history these prophecies and their fulfilment. God intended from tho first that which ho.accomplishes.

Tho seventh great wonder Is “ The vic­tory of science as the ally of Faith .” Wo have a spiritual a3 well as' a mental body.. All that the Bible says will be proved by science. .Tho world, by many Inventions that establish quick communis cation, Is ono neighborhood and should bo One, brotherhood. ' ■■■ ■ >

T h e .Daily Spray ■ la under” ty ■ sligh t miir. take in. saying th e lecture- was' a repeti­tion'-’of- the one iio delivered In.the Asbury Bark A uditorium . That- was entitled ‘VUltk tiraate A m erica,";iviiileVthe - Ocean; Grove lecture, a the latter, was on “The Seven Wonders of- the W orlk." The Spray says:; ;V;‘ •/.- }!*/■■

W hile the summer/ programs; a t Ocean Grove have always .been prepared w ith 'a vlew rto the cultivation of' tlie spiritual and/intellectiuil sides ofr our natures this season, so far, tbeuiT ahgem ent has been a /particu larly interesting and enjoyable one.-*- Saturday-' nnd'; yesterday, .were red- letter days, in th a t they will h o rem em - hered by. Ocean^iGroyers'-riS/'a'tiineiwhen one o f . tlie- foremost/ tfiinkers / of this, or any other 'n»e'/ was/Kjsteiied to .lb ,lecture and-Uerhiou hy: throngs' of people.: • Al; thouijh Ite v. 'Jo 'eph C’tjok's lecture .was delivered In Anbury. P ark two/years ago, yet hundreds wiio] heard i t then ll()cked to Ocean .Grove Saturday night- to hear it again, and, together witli- huntll'ecls more who hud never heard;the mim;, the Audi­tor lun\ was -1511 ed. - i le tlIs'coursed unti 1 after 10 o’clock on what he considered, ‘‘The- Seven Wonders ’of the ^fodei-h W o rld s nam ely ,; the speed pf Intercom, m unicntibnv betwee'n .• • natlohs, the self- refomatlon of Semitic- 'races,', the parallel advancement of .education and representa­tive goyerumeut,; .tlie p rospeci ivp ni or a I alliance, of * advanced nations, tlie trium ph of 'Cliristl an I ty. in the present' century; the fulfillm ent of. Biblical prophecies and eeionce /as/rtn /all#.:of • "f witli - This ’•.-ia; ’cine. o f tho doctor’s.', b est/ lectnVes, .arid • gives scope to bring into .play ,Uis:vast,learning and genius in presenting a comprehensive whole from so many parts, any one of which would m ake a lecture in itself.

• V ;•*. 'now t o isis sAviii).Tho subject of Dr. CooH’s. address on

Sunday evening was :‘ Tho KenUties and Certainties, of. Religion." -No life .is a succoss that does not end in heaven. What Is needed is peaco when wo go honce. 3tan is a religious animal If ho la made .light. Mau must learn to love what God loves anti hate what/God hates. Tho Bible describes tho safe courses of llfo. The Bible does not create^ it only reveals these courses. If I lovo what God hates, how can I walk with H im ? I cauno.t escape from m yself.. W herever.God acts there I Io Is. .The frictionless course is tho most natural. You cabnot escape , from laws ordained for tho preservation of your fac­ulties. . Man and worn an cannot lo ve eacli other unless each sees i iv the other- some­thing of an ideal. /.N ot so.much that mao hos conscience, but that conscience has man.V..Christ is man at b is climax’-:-what wo ought to be in our/human*nature.. W e cannot getaway, from sel f , ; God /and oqr record.; All that Is/O hrtstjikeis the frlc- tionless part' of - o u r nature.; Wo do not know everything, neither do we know nothing; hut wo know in part.—Daily Journal. * • •

' Certainties of Religion. .

• Dr. Joseph Cook’s great sermon' on this subject last Sabbath evening, lit the Ocean Grove Auditorium, made/ iv profound im­pression' on. the mind3 and hearts of all present. W e'give,ai.above the verdict of the daily/press of AsbUry Park, in .regard, to the m atter and mariner of this scholarly and earnest advocate of evangelical tru th :

; ‘ IN’UAUJtp^V WITH (JOl).

The emlueiit diviub preache'd’ last even- in g from the same pJatformVtaking ns his them e the “ Certainties of vRellgion," and bosing.hls address on the- word -w Cannot,'> found in John : Hi : 5: ‘‘Except a riiun be born of w ater arid o f :the S p irit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.". T he doc- was a cef tainty, th a t but a little while ago We w ere /no t i n the world and: th a t soon we would .be here ,no longer. /,We gb lienee - i^ peace. Reasoning froni analogy, th e re will be a sphere here­after to match the yearnings o f ,our natures here. ' I t is im possible'to be In harmony- with God and love • what God hates and hate what JIo loves. The doctor held th a t man’s probation ended with, th is Ufe and tha t there was a possibility'of eternal sin and consequently eternal : punlshmept. L ifting-tlie Bible reverently to his bead, he said i t was thei only dying pillow- that could produce peace.; Now Wiis tho .time to repent and there was no other shield- in 1 i fe or death or; lieyond bu t tli e. A ion'em ent. A congregation of 5,000- listened Intently: to the serm on,; and /at Its .close; as Dr. Stokes stepped forward and; took .his, hand expressing the great intellectual and ,spirit­ua l pleasure it Iind been - to ; hiui'to listen to the doctor, -I tho .vast congregation evi* donced' the sam e sentiments . by raising their hands,; D , Cook expressed the wish, that God would bo with all, both in life, death and cteruity .-~Daily Spray. .

m ilk s is Fa 151.13 Loo ic /Tho auditorium was througed hist even­

ing fo.hear Dr. Cock on “ The Certainties of l{ellglon.,, Fully 4,500 peopio wore present.- The p reach or.; chose as li Is text the. wdrds/in John 1. 3 : Verily, vo'rily, Isay ubto you, except a-man be born again; he cannot see the/kingdmn o f - G o d T h e sermon was>■ Intensely in tellectual and, a t the. same time, intensely simple and prac­tical. I t .Was replete With poetical and classical.Illusions iind:quotations.; As .bn Saturday evening, the/people gave marked attention until a lato/hour-r-0.40 o’clock.

The spoaker.dwelt.on th e ;fact that there are certainties in religion. One is that «H men m ust shortljrgb hence, v After 135,000 hours of. work at; longest, every ipersbn m ust go out of .'the world, .• A second cer­tainty is that. m an .wishes to go'henco in peace. AU :' students o f : human nature, jEschylus, Seneca, Shakespeare,' have taught; tho • organic tendency /o f man to fear th a t which is beyond th e grave.; I f a person had; no B ible1 his human; nature wotild toll h im 'that iio must prepare for death.. I t is self-byldent.that a mou must love What God loves and hate what' God hates in 'order to bo a t peaco in .His .pres- onco. Every soul, to bo at perfect peaco, must be at peace with his conscience, , his God and his record. The soul cannot es­cape from any of these. '-D a ily Press.

.Progress.Tho fust camp-meeting arrangem ents

were very crude and inexpensive. T he lights wero p ine, fagbts the:; preachers’- stand',uhplained;'pltiuksvand tho.seate hard boa rds wi tho u t : back's,;whi 1 e ;catii p chairs, were an unknown, luxu ry .' Now, ive have electric - lights,' • commodious, platform s, forarnis iudeed, -and seats with backs.1/ But perfection is not yet attained.:/Progress;is the present order. - W hen we go forward we 'beg in to . go ;backi./ W here growth / e n d s / decay; commences../ Tho; ipresent • Auditorium; .seats are hard and -wearisome for . /long-; sittings./' .We need something better. T he new Auditorium will ho seated with chairs of modern pat­tern,-affording com fort instead of pain. All iyiil the cbnirs!

“ Is this tlio; best time to build a new Auditorium V” ^ No, tho times are against us. But the work was projected three or four years ago, to be ready for our 'Silver W edding year, 1894. We couiii not forsee this financial pressure. N ot to build for next year, wo would lose our Inspirational opportunity, and the set tim e for a new one gone. . .

Twenty-Four Years Ago.11 ivas on the .eyening.of J uly 01,; 1800,

th e first religious service ever held at the place called Ocean Grove .was iield '■•/.;;/•>■ ./I t was a very, informal iii!air," being Only

a iittle '' jjrayer. m eeting /w ith /bu t. tWelve; persons, who were tentling along the. shore of 'SVesley^^Bakei'.to^^participate! / /

B iit i t : was;, h g re a t. and m e inor able he - ginning Of;ii : greatly celebrated-religious movement, tho peculiarities of which are hot paralelled in tho nineteenth ceutury.

The history o f the prim itive iilfalr is onuually rehearsed on tho exact slto of the original tent, now marked by a memorial vaso .near tho corner of Thomson Park aud Lake avenue.

Around th is spot the people have gath­ered for several years on the recurrence of tho ‘anniversary, aiid there.has been no m eeting yet held tlie re ;without several, of the original participators-being present-^ notably among .them '.and leading the in- •formal service, p r ;S to k e 3'him self, : •

••Last Jlondiiy evening n t the hour%desig* nated—C.JJ.0, ■ a gentle rh in was • f a IH rig, !but tho .people, some ;• with ' nmbrellas, and many disregarding th e slight discomfort: withqut/sliolter of any kind, were loyally qn hand, t'aiu ; or ,s,hino', to;show, tlieir ap­preciation of the pioneers, and keop green In their lecollections the beginning of an era, which lias furnished to themselves ami their families.a. new ty]»o of religious ileyelopment.

A hymn was sung, followed w ith a com- prohensivb prayer by llev. D. II. Bowen. O ther hymns and brief addresses filled out ii pleasant and- profitable hour, the rain having ceased meanwhile, aud iu- creastrijg nuin boi-s gathering in . . Add ress( os wero mmlo . by . Brps.;lf atnian; nnd' 'Bar, ker, the evangelists, '/Vice-president linl- lard, Pa9tor K^lyen, Rev. W. II. -Meeker, G eorge/;Hughes,/:A ; . Wallace; and Post­m aster E vatis.':: Eve ry- little speech had some bright thing i n l t- -a /reminiscence, a suggestion, or a prophecy. D ark days and discouraging^ crises in the years gone w ere referred to. VOreat blessings realized through preaching, prayer imd the com- muaioiv of saints acknowledged, and Ctod, Who: in th e ; beglnultig,’’ smlied .:bu. outerpriso, and . has guiaed . and guarded Its intdrests a l l ralong, was rouiombered with devout thanksgiving.

^ iio times aro hard. Yes. B ut there is as^tnuch money i)s thero ever was; Souio are losing heavily;- Yes, but $50 or $100,' or;^i,000Juvested ; in a ;new A uditorium will bloss tho world long after you imvo exchanged your residence from earth to hoavon. ‘

■ M l

SIDE ELEVATION. 150x250 F e e t. S e a tin g C ap ac ity , b e tw e e n 9,000 a n d 10,000. G a lle r ie s on T h re e S ldos.

O cean G uovk; N . J ., Aug. 1,‘il.V Dkaic F u ik n o :

Believing you such, w.j thus nddiv?\s you. ; • ’ -.;'' . '

Our present’ A ml I tori um h:is .done a work nnd made a history, equalt*d by few structures <»f Us age In.this or'^any oilier country.

Thousands'have here, for the- first/tinie, accepted Christ as u Saviour,'aiid count- less other thousands have been quickened to a better. 11 fe.. -y V '.'. .-. • • /

T his.structure having passed through various changes is now twenty-four years old.

Wo.need a nao one! N ot for human show or glory, blit for greater capacity, aud increased conveniences./ N ext summer, 1804,.will' he our “ Sil ­

v er W eddlnu.” This fall, whiter and spring will .therefo.te, be the tim e to build, i f wo are to enter bu r new edifice oil our Silver W edding anniversary.

W e aim to accommodate 10,000 people,- W e have had different plans, aud esti­mates.- , Some are two costly. These, now under consideration will cost ■ $ 00,000, sooted with comfortable chairs.

Such a 'bu ild ing , for obvious reasons, can be built only by public subscriptions.

W e are satisfied that you.' wiil ■ help/us'. T he many pleasant d ays’-, sp e n t • here,; a nd the, intellectual and / benefits' -re-' ceived by . yourself,:. ch ildren ' pr /friends w il 1 1 pr bm p t-1 li is* / ; v' : ; v / • /: v

;T his whole Ocean;: .Cr6v.e‘\wbrk' is m is/ sloniiry, and money for this structure will bo a missionary Investment,' yielding im­mense returns.

T he building of tlils new structure Will broaden and give greater permanency to tills place, and by that nuich Increase'the. value of property.

T hus far, we havo not solicited' sub­scriptions, but pledges liavo. been quite largely volunteered. . . . . , /

I t now looks ns if wo should, receive nearly, of quite one-third of the whole In one thoimmil dollar , subscriptions. P er­haps not, but still we-hope.' A fter these largest subscriptions will come the hard­est of tlio-work. . But faith aud united ef­fort wiil bring success. .';/.

August 151, 1800, has .been set apart as Jtfcio Auditorium Day. •Chaplain McCabe will preach at 10.U0 a . Jr., arid tho people will have nil opportunity to assist in this great,w ork. . - * - \ ’ . •’ ,

,I f yo u ; cannot b e /p re se n t,se n d 'your pledge by mall. * The money can bo paid in threo installments, October imd Decem­ber, 1893 and February, 1894.

Speak a k lu d word, pray for.and .help us all you can. This work will bless the ages after we aro gone.

. On beiuvlf oi .tho Association,/ E. IT. S touks, Pvcmlcnt.

“ I f wo subscrsbo to tho how. Auditor­ium, how soon must th e money be paid V" Answer—In threo paym ents; ‘ part iu Octobor,- part iii December, !i8Du, 'aml' the ast in Februaiy, 180-11

“ Why Jo you want to build a new Au­ditor! um i 1" .Answer: Some parts of the present one fire twenty years old and more. It. iieeils 'repairs every year. We have spent about • A3,000 repairing tiio* roof alone, and next year the whole covering will need to be: renew ed,.at n c(»st.of about $2,000 more. .Wo need ;t new .build* lug tho annual repairs/if which will not be so much. - " 1

„ Breaking Contracts. ’

Tho Christian at Work hits square'from tlio shoulder In the following palpable h in t to those whom It may concprn. We ngreo witli our outspoken contemporary In every, line and le tte r: .

' Gentlemen of the 'W orld 's Fair Direc- tory, you who voted to opeu the World’s Fair on Sunday in tho . face of a solemn compact not to do so—a word with you. i t is openly stated In the public press that you are now considering whether or pot you should still oiler to refund the inbuey you have received from the Government [on condition that you closed the Fair on Sunday] .now thiit you have decided to qlo3e It on that day. A majority o f you are reported to be in favor of keeping the money;, and this decision'wo should natu­ral ly: expect, f rorii - you, -j udgi ng you r pres, ent by ygur past., Need we say this wiil not do V You took the money on a condi­tion: It is a questiou of having accepted tho condition you had a right to break it Upon ottering to return the money. But thero is no question th a t when /you, delib­erately broke the-'condition- the money be yours. Need wo say to you that you are not entitled to experim ent on breaking contracts and .then, if .the break­ing prove, unprofitable, to keep tho Gov- ernm ent’s money ? • That was iiot In the bohd- To;., k eep /tiio ' money under such clrcuinstariceswould be dishonestly hold­ing ou to that to which you aro hot enti­tled.. D o .y o u • purpose doing this? '.But Congress lias yet to bo heard from ; and tho country as well. .We . aro sorry for yo u ; bu t you. must pay thiit money back.

The.Young IViple.’s Tem ple as’.lt now >taods, Is the third of Its o rder. The first was quite small. ' Thesecontl much larger. The last, when projected as. it now stands, was thought by some to bo much too largo. But, the .enlarged building is vastly more crowded- than its smaller predecessors ever were. It will be so with tho new Auditorium.. Wo m int lu ild in advance of im m ediate pressing needs.’

You talk about a new Auditorium ! Is not the present one largo enough ? No, not always. Often all available seats are taken nn hour or two before the time, of service. Thousands .‘rem ain on the beach during the tim e of worship, who if they covild .get seats at the hour tho services bogiti, would com e./ If we fall to provide for theiiv the responsibility Is o n u s . I f seats uro‘ provided and thoy fall to come, tho responsibility will be on them. .

“ I f you buihl a new A uditorium , liow scion wJH‘ y o u ' commence, and whori will it-bedono?" .--.•'/ • ' ' • • • •

Answer. Begin about the-m idd le of September ami finish lu tim e for tho opon log next year—about tlio last Sabbath 'lu June. ’ /" / .>• - N- .

Natioaal TsmparJnce Carap-raeoting.

AT OCEAN <;UOVE, N . -I., At-’OL'ST 2 , TO AU- OL'ST 0 , 1 8 9 3 . l.S D E U TH E AUSPICES OK ■rill: NATIOXAI. ; TKMI’KUANCE SOCIETYa m i p r m . u w n o x h o u s e , j o i i n a , STEAit.NH, fu m iK S I’ONDIXO SECHETAUV, OKNEUAl. MASAC.KH,-- •• ; . . • ' •'*•


• W E U ^E S pA y, a c o c ^ t s .. J0.30 a. m. Address ot' Welcome, by E II Stokes,

J) D, I’rcbldeutof O eean GrovuCarap-iiiectlng Associalldn. Itospon«cs by I N S te a rn s ,T L

. . PouldOi], D .D , A G Lawson, DD , Edw ard Carswell, and others! '

3. p . m .—Address by Rev. Jamed H I.lghtbourno,. pdP.tor of the Fourth Avenue M E Cbnroh, of/ Brooklyn; •• '■

7.-l*i i*. ji.—Address by Edw ard Carswell, ot Can­ada. •'• •

TUL'aSDAY, A cuesx . .. .lo.-'io a . sr.—Address b y ito v Dr Albert G L aw so n ,;

‘ D. D, .pastor of tbo North Baptist Church,• Catiidoh,-N J .-,; ’ - • .*

:i.OO p. m.—Address by Rev p r M II I’ogson, pastor . of tho Baptist Church, New Uruoswick, K J Rcv.DrTJiomas L PotilsOn.., paslor M E Church, .rumaleft, 1.1

, " FRIDAY, Acccst I.10.30 A. si.—Address by.-.Ucv/C II Mead, of Itor- , ; nellsvillo, N Y . ; '

3 00 r . m.—Address by Rev Dr t«* II Coroy, o f Washington^ 1) C . ; .

7.1 Vi*. si.~ C oncert by tho Sliver Lake Q uarte tte and Rollo Kirk Bryaii, tho Chalk Talker.

; • SATURDAY, '■> ro u s r ;5.10.;» a; m. - A ddress by D U, Mann, M D, R W G

■ T em plar o f th e Order of Good Tem plars. •;l 00 i*. m.—Child ren’s Teihpenm eo ^^eetlng. —Ad­

dresses by W C Steele, D D, Mrs II .s EHls, Miss L Penney anil o thers; • ; - .

7.15 v. n .—Address by Geo \y Baini Ksq. of Ken- -tueky^.; '/ 'X •/* :•; * /• . / .

. S U N DAY, - A C<i C3T 0.10.30 a. .m.—Serm on op Tenipcranco in eonnec-

tion witlr th e Anniversary o f Ocean Grove Association, by J Em bury Price. D IJ, pastor o f S t Jam es’ M E Cburch. N cw York City.r . m. -R e g u la r Sunday School service.'

0.001*. ji,—Tpmperanco Beaeh M eeting.. ' , *■*.-. r7 .15 i*. ji.—Address by Geo \Y Bain, of Ken**

tuoky. - • • • ;•••Singing by the S ilver Luke.Q uartette, Rev C U

Mead, Prof Geo E Chambers, A II Lawrouco, . and J W A llatt. ’ . • -

Mrs Dr Patm er’s m eeting In tbo T abornaclo, w ith Y ouug Peoplo's m eeting iu tho Templei every m ornlng 'at 0 o 'clock; C H Y atm an leader.

A tablo contain ing specim ens o f tho publica­tions o f th o ;N ational Teraperauco Society, for exam ination and sale, w ill bo-exhibited a t tho A udito rium .. . s . . ". . •

Rev. E. I . D. Pepper, of tiio Christian Standu rd,- Ph 1 lad el phlav has been giving a practical and rousing series of Bible read- lugs a t the holiness meeting in the Taber­nacle, iu chnrgo. o f Rov. George .Hughes.

O O E 3 .A .r r O - i a O 'V E ! B E C O B D , .A .TTC 3-TTST 5 y 1 8 9 3 .

P0ni,I8HKn WKKKLY DY • ’ .

';•■• ;R K V . A. W A I/L A dE , D . D ,; '*•. . . . • . AT. . ASBURY l'A It iv, XEW JERSEY.:

REV. E , II.STOKES, D ;D„ CorrespondtngHdltor,

t e r m s ; p o s t a g e p r e p a i d .Ouocopy,four mouths,...-, ‘...v ......... 50

V “ six m o n t h s , ................. .75“ " - o n e y ea r, .Si.50

Ulub of fivoor more,one year, each,.* .....,. 1.00Advertlsem entB luserted a t th e ra le o ften cents

nor lino , one t im e . . For one, two or th ree m onths, o r by tbo y ea r, a lib eral reduction w ill be made.


.F i f ty cents will p a y -fo r th e . O ckan \ G r o v e K-i:Ci)KD for four months, mailed

'to nny address. ..Copies of the Ocean Grove Heco'hd Can

nttvuys l>o lrnd.nt the book store, 2? PH grim Pathway. The stove,is open day, aiul evening. . • •

Tlie I lowland House , has .iuid ti good run o f patronage all .the season,, and on

■Thursday morning its list of boarders was just doubled by incoming trains.

A copy of the pictorial double number o f tho Ocean Grovo - R e c o r d published m idsum m er’90, with 20 Illustrations anil m a p , will be mailed free to, all new sub-

, scribers for the balance, of this year.

The nicest thing to send to friends at home would bo a copy or two of .the Ocean Grove • pictorial, double num ber o f. the R e c o h d . I t costs only live cents and can be sent free to*tiny address from th is ottlce^

The heavy rain of Monday night caused• such a flood in Fletcher Lake th a t the

foundations of • LHlagore’s swimming pool were wush'ed o u t. . Workmen Imme­diately took-hold anil the y opahsure now

. neitrly. completed., . .: • W e look for the largest audiences of the

season next Saturday and Sunday eveuings• when the always popular , and greatly be-• loved George • W. Bain Is announced to speak'.;’ '.lie will deliver one of Ills splen­did lectures Saturday night, and give his

/ add less a moral and religious trend on . . Sunday evening.. . . .

There is a most attractive exhibit of temperance .publications, In connection with tho National camp meeting, At the Auditorium. The tables are attended by our old friend Kev. George II . Ileck, and Miss L. Penny\ herself, an author, and au

. Invaluable attache of the editorial and publishing 'department of the society.

Wednesday morning was. children's day .• in Mr. Yatm an’s meeting, when he had all

the little folks at the front quoting pas sages of Scripture... Thursday >vas old people’s d«y, nud the services wero varied accordingly'. Tlie children brought (low­ers, a*:;l a t the suggestion o f’ tlio leader presented a bouquet to every graud mother in the Temple.

We published about this time last year a midsummer doublo pictorial num ber of the R ecohd containing over twenty ilius-

. tratlons of Ocean Grove scenes, portraits of Dr. Stokes and several, other notabili­ties, and a correct map of Ocean Grove grounds. Great as was tlie demand for this gem of journalism, we have still a good supply on-band', and the Book Store, and periodical stands let the in go a t five cents per copy. G et one If you can. •

I t looks as if this new Auditorium is be­coming u practical possibility.. Thb Doctor is so much interested that amid all

. his engagements he has takeu tim e to write a clever batch of items for us, con­taining lots of Information for Ocean

. Grove people and the public. Tlie Bible Class Executive Com m ittee. held ah im ­portant m eeting in Thornloy . Chape! on Monday, evening, and among the recent subscriptions reported was a lady’s p a ir of driving horses and carriage, which can easily be turned-into cash. .•

T he Now Jersey Conference Epworth Leaguers iuid a grand 'day August 1, nt Ocean Grove. Revs. Perlnchief. How: ard, M esse roll, Relyea, Strlcklnud, 'West­w ood,; 15. C. Llppincott, J r ., (J. (X Mouls-- dale, George Adams and G. \V. Carter

V participated in these m iles, forenoon, after- v\n'ooh and evening. . Two visiting brethren,

Rev. Dr. J . Y. Dobbins, of Wilmington,- and A..S. Knvntmugh, of Brooklyn, dellv- ered very e loquent. an d : instructive ad­dresses, the form er on the subject of

..“ .The ideal and the rea),”. and the latter before:a large and. highly appreciative au- dlencQ iu tlitt evening. ’

We hardly expected to receive so much . hearty cduuneudutiou .as has come in from

tfiQso who. have read mi ;article .in last week's R ecoiU), objecting to .tho proinl. nence given to Dr. Edward McGiynh, or “ Father. McGlynu,” ns lie Is called, as-u ^public lecturer and ’religious toachcr be­fore our Summ er community, i t Is the consensus of opluibn we can judge at present that hereafter lie. should be le ft severely alone. li is attem pts to

.. expound Scrlptpnl (ruth are no bettor than the generality of the priests and bishops of the; Romish church,; .wiiich are all pruerile In the presence o telligent people, W e never heard a sltigle.-one of

, their sermon3 which compared favorably with the impromptu utterances of a plain libme-spun M ethodist exhorter.' •

Young People's Sabbath.In most respect*,- at'O cean Grove every

year is an improvemeut'on the preceding, and in the succession of events which make up the Summer Program', d iie u u e i^ exercised that the standard of excellence should . be ' maintained, if not planted iu the advance.

Contrasting hist Sttmhiy, however, with the same.occasion last year, oiir.;“ Ypung PeopleV Day’’ did not quite come iip to the foim er in one. respect—tlie elaborate arrangements .carried out . by the -youii. peopio themselves not only in the 'reinpie services but in the Auditorium cotigrega tion. Tlie celebration of the eleventh an­niversary although'confined to theT ftnplo was a- spirited affair.; T he decoiatlous were attractive,...the music exlillaratln, and the addresses;by Dr. Stokes, Coun­selor Lnvatt, F. 31 U na-land, G. L. Barker and A. II. D eliaveii were full of inspirit- tlou, Only on# factor' in tlio 'proceedings was' inissed. It was -like t h e ' p lay of. 1 Iamlet with lluuilct left out. Rev. C. 11. Yatman, in view of his New York en- gageiiients; could hot be preseut.

The greatest m eeting of the season, so far, as'to num bers present and spiritual power, was held In the Tabernacle. I t Is not difllcult to determ ine when anything extraordinary is going on In any of these m eeting places by the gatUered crowds about the doors and windows. This was the casn last Sunday. Re\% John- Thom p­son was for the tim e being 'leading tlje sacramental host, and there was.' '.‘ The shout of a 'K ing in the catnp of Israel.”

THE.Mbitslxo SERMON. .But once before had the Rev. W allace

McMullen stood, before uu Ocean Gvoye audience, and-it was h is splendid sermon on that occasion which put the peopio of. Graco M. E. Church, Philadelphia, on liis track. They;persevered until ho w hs se. cured as their pastor. In characterizing him In the R ecord of last week as the “ Summ er field • of this generation,’’ we were not fa r astray.; F o r a m inister so youthful in appearance, and yet so mature In his pulpit delivernuces; we know of but few with whom to comparo,him-." •

I t was a glorious morning, a great crowd and for the-'occasion an admirable dis­course. T he text from Prov. 23: 7,' was the same froni which Rev. \Y . A. Allen, of Asbury Park , preached two weeks pre­viously, ye t the sermons wero entirely d if­ferent. Mr. Allen dw elt almost exclu­sively on character, while the preacher of last Sunday, on the same subject, Illus­trated the beauty and enforced the vital importance of spirituality. . Tiie heart life, he said, is th e 're a l life. God deals with verities, and as he sees us, so we are.

H is deductions were—unselfishness, s in ­cerity, charity, aud the cultivation of the spiritual life—-a life of love, truth, pro-' g ress,-and purity. This . was applied to family, business, aud church relationships, everywhere and always reflecting the God- life within us( and thp ineontestible o’vi. donees w hich, identify us as “ Sons of Godi” . • . ; .

N um bers of the Graco Church people were present, and thO'aUendan'ce of minis­ters- was larger, than we have uotlced at any tim e.this season.

■ THE JtlDLE CLASS,•; There appeared to .b e a gratifying ad­vance iii the numbers present, and’ Dr. Hanlon took occasion during the exercises to-keep up interest in the subject of the new Auditorium. A number of handsome subscriptions wero announced, and Dr. Stokes was called forward to give the-en­terprise an encouraging word.

The regular lesson opened up a most im portant subject, relating to the Holy Ghost, Drs. GUI, M eeker, John Thompson, Browning and Secretary Russell carrying on the discussion. , After reading tw enty olght of the question* sent iu for solution, the tim o.expired. Wo give elsewhere the questions and. answers of the previous Sabbath, wiiich were unwittingly omitted in m aking up the UucoiiD. hist week.

illiACll >1EKT)"SU.•■■The; scene at 0 ,r. ji., with the'board walk from . I/tllugore’d . to Uoss's- pavilions crowded, and several thousand pressing chise the rostrum a i the' foot of Ocean; Pathway to pai ticij>ate in the re-; spoiJHive reading, and singing, was surpris- itig to strangors. The subject was “ Young lVoj)Ie." .Mr- Gelstwejt offered prayer, aud addresses were delivered a t Intervals by Rev. J ; IC. Snyder,;of Baltimore, Mr. >’Uiierv of Ohio, and J . H . Hobluson, of Paterson, . N. J .; W . I I . Meeker, and .Messrs; Iloaglaiid aud Lovatt. The cor­net- players-aiid Bro. Sulger graudiy. ied the songs of /A on which intcrsjiorsed the resppiisl.vo reading led by Dr. Stokes. 1

JOSEPH COHK AT TH E AL’DITOlllCM.» lt wus needless;.for once to urge, the

people to repair to the Auditorium with­out waiting; to see the moon rise appar. eiitly from tho bed of the ocean.' Every avenuo was thronged with those who had. heard the lecture on Saturday evening, or heard o f it, aud long beforo tho. tim e of' service there.was a congregation o f 0,000 souls gathered to join in 'th o . devotions. We haye ample notes of tbo address—we, m ight call It a sermon, setting 'forth the “Certainties in the Christian religion,” and if space permits will present a synojisis of both .the Saturday and Sunday evening discourses iu the present Issue. \We also givo some extracts from the Monday morn-- ing dallies, on the eloquent speaker and his buruing themes. On tho Bible words

“. can” imd ‘‘ cannot,” l)r. Cook bu ilt up his great.argum ent showing the necessity to man of peace and reconciliation with God and a.preparation for dfciith and eter- nity; through the Atonement. ■ • .

.- Anniversary Prayer-Meeting, .Last Monday . evening being the 2*1 th

anniversary, of the lirst prayer-meeting over held iu Ocean Grove, the event .was celebrated In the usual manner, by an open air /jathering for. prayer, iind praise in Thom son Park at b.,‘10, and ti service In the Tabernacle commehcing'at '7.30.

Mr. Fenliuand VanSicklen,- with Miss Mary M arsh a t the organ, attended to tho singing. . Urns. T. M. Dickey aiid Georgo Hughes oitered prayer. Re.v. Mr. Relyea

.read the “ Ocean Grove chapter” (lea. 115), which tlio Jate Joseph Thornley always read with-unction aud thrilling: emphasis. Thu Ocean Grove consecration hymn, written by Dr.Stokes wiis sung with happy elTect, and those niembersiof tho Assoclar tldn1 wiio wero present on tho platform — Franklin , .Hughes, M urphy,. D ellaven; Evans, Waliace, Yanklrk, Ballard and others led off Iu the speitklug.-. Or. Stokps set the a few re­marks, suggesting what Oceau Grove, had required in the way of toil, prayer, faith and vigilanco oni the part of Its managers.

Rev. J . R. Vanklrk, in recounting the experience o f over twenty years, showed how those associated with .toil and respon- sibillty had,been recompensed in blessings on theuiselves and their families.

A". W allace suggested that we hear ft out’ the people, and tho peopio present, male and fem ale,-took .the hint, and getting fah ly started, It was n |m atter of some d if­ficulty for the leader to iind a place to stop. " -

Revs. Robinson, of Paterson, arid S. D. Jones, of Hackettstown, referred to the genial sp irit of the place, and the far- reaching, results of in (I nonces set In mo­tion here. • .: • •

A -la d y ‘gave some incidents showing bow the services tell on ‘ o ther denom ina­tions, aud how. all names and sects, lire made to leel a t home iu our meetlugs. •.

Bro. Hughes was g lad 'the old motto, “ Holiness to the Lord,” had never been taken down and never will. Souls by the score'are coming into the light, and re ­joicing iu the great salvation.

Mrs. W heeler had found here a sanltar- ium for tbo body, and great enlargem ent in' spiritual life. This id realized in blessed work for Jesus. '

Gen. Rusling referred to tho brilliant lecture of Joseph Cook on the “ Seven WoudeVs of the World,” and said Ocean Grove m ight have been included as tlio eighth, having those distinguishing, fea­tures which he applied to. all movements

evidence .that God was behind them — cosmopolitan, irresistible, boue- flcent and superhuman. He also pointed out tbo grand possibilities of twenty-four crime. . . . ‘ -

G. W. Evans, a t this point,1 recalled a crlces in- administrative affairs, where Gen. Rusling rendered invaluable service to OCeiin Grove as a lawyer and faithful friend lu ueed. - *

Mr.. A: H. DeHaveu gave some touching remfnlncenses, and called on .the.congreg­

ation to join Mai In singing “ Arise my soul, arise, <S:c.” *.

JIlss Barber, Mrs. Chandler, Miss Hln- ruan and other lad ie s . participated, and -witli a th rilling address from Col. H adley, nod a closing burst of congratulatory . ex­perience' from Dr.jstokes, the meeting was dismissed by Vice-President Ballard.

For tbo Memorial Tablet,'

. Editorial Mention.

The following com prise: all the names of departed friends wo. have on hand for th e . usual memorial service to bo held next Monday the Janes Memo­rial Tabernacle, Ocean Grove:

Kcttio VanNarao Mis L KiirsttorM aryA S uitth Mrs L AUauKloyMiitKatet t-ai-son, SoinervUlo •Mr« suvhIv.F Kimm . "Mrs Taylor, UaHlmoveMary 11UL Gulliver : . . Lob L Smith , .Mr.-i M argaret Ilulso Mr« J an e DalT-Mr.s L A llom m euw ay Mia Dr O i l (juusoMrs Kwimu Cooper YimHiintMrs iHribylla hiibllng Rebecca Sbepbord,Sneaeer 0. P la tt ' John BoljrlanoLuvl D Btokos Rev Wm I’ Corblt • • •'Sumnol 11 Kcnucdy Johu M artinRonj Sleiinel* Rev BReholleld •John T opbam . . Josae K Cliamberlulti

Those who have friends or. relatives be­sides tho above, deceased-during the past year, • wiio ought to lie included, "will please forward theni to this oflice, to reach us not later than next Monday morn­ing, A ugusts. • '.■ ; • ; . •

The Temperance Camp.meetlug In pro- gress us we.go’to press, promises to be an- occasion of great interest this year. Such speakers as 7-id ward Carswell,'Dr. Poulson, Dr. J . II; Ligiitbourne, Drs. Lawsou, Pog.' son, Corey and W. C. Steelo, with the. in- co.mparublo G. AV. Bain, of Kontuchy, will attract large audiences, and everybody Is charmed as usual \yith the Silver Lake' (Quartette.' Our reports ni iis t be deferred’ until next week.- The Epworth League men who mus­tered In force a t Oceau Grove last Tues­day, wondered hat sort of .a social cyclone it-was thatsw ’ept most o f the poo- pie away to ' tlio Asbury P ark boardwalk. I t was the annual baby parade, with Mr. J . A. Bradley a t the head and front. I t was a magnificent .affair throughout ; but whore somo expected prizes and d idn’t get them, of course, there ' wore, a few casos o f disappointment.- .

Mrs. Costtm id entertaining some very nico peopio,at Cump V.lew Cottage arid, has room for more. '

Mr. R. Dleck’man, of Brooklyn, was nt the Howland House over Sabbath and wil return later.• Tliore2 are fifteen or. twenty yards of requests on the Auditorium Prayer Roll and i t grows longer every-day.. ... Mrs. E .-T . Hoop, with the Misses 13. L .a n d 'F .: A. Roop, o l Philadelphia, are sumriiv*rlug a t the Nuw .PhlhulelpUlti.

The-Ri-xoui) wjll be sent front Aug. 1 to etui of-1S08 to any address In the United States or Canada for fifty cents.

Rev. Wallace McMullen and .family, of Philadelphia, are stopping a t the Buenna Vista, corner o f Heck and Beiicii avc mtes. • .■ Mr. Wm. Sudler nnd family, of Phlla delphia, arc at their ustlal slimmer home, In tho Stokes Cottage, Wesley Plnco* and Lako avenue.' '

D r; Buckley is. home again, and giving his readers a realistic description of his late vacation'journey in the columns of the ' V ■

La Salle A. Maynard, Esq., one of tlie editors o f : tho Ckrisluui at IKorfc, nud family are a t the New Philadelphia, on Ocean Pathway.

jAIiss Zlliti W- Dellow, secretary Templo College, Philadelphia, Pa., is among the guests of tho Now Philadelphia, Ocean Pathway, next to the sea.: Rev. Dr. Gibson, of Waug h Chapel Washington city, witli ills family, are tak­ing a vacation in the G rove,' and stopping at tho Red Swiss, Ocean Pathway, with Ml$s Caddeu. .

Rev. Drs. T> L. Poulsou and J . II. Lightbourne,.of tho New York. East con* fereuco; and laboring with Mr. J . N. Stearns nt the Temperance.Camp-meetfug. are guests of M r. N. i l ; K ilm er, a t the Alaska. House.

Until last Sabbath evenlug we.were not aware that so many ministers .were on 'the ground. They have been in retirement, but the national fam e of Dr. Joseph Cook brought them all out to hear his magnifi­cen t; argument for the certainties of religion;

Some; papers, are a little too^ late lu their admonitions against “an epidem ic of fear.” The worst Is over, and better tlmos will soon set In, not through the cabals of Cougress, but by a .restoration of com­mon sense.

. I t is ju s t possible that some one now’at Ocean Grove, or among,our readers else­where, will find what they are looking for in the “.Eugllsh lady” who advertises for a situation of., usefulness—such as mana- ger, governess,-or companion.. Tiie largest and happiest lookiug com­

pany of guests we notice on the verandah of any house in tiio Grovo, this season, so far,; is a t the United States, corner of Main and Beach avenues. Tiiere must bo somo good reason why this house* like the Wav. cjly, is always full; •

Tlie Thirteenth .National Temperance Camp-meeting,commenced under very fa. vorablo auspices-on Wednesday morning. Some delay InJ the, arrival of the. Silver Lake Quartette occasioned. tem porary distress,, .but they' arrived In spleudld condition, and everything ' is golng^ along well;.

Mt. %Ion way lias scored another con-, aplcuous success In the admiration excited along the lino of. the baby parade by .the superb richness nnd taste of .little Miss Alice W atkins’ decorated tricycle, and her own fairyliko appearance. A great many thought.A lice and.'her equipage the r /et* tlost th ing out, "

The 're-opening of the . gates a t the W orld’s Fair last Sunday was a 'sad set back, after, such an uvtilarioh of congratu­lations from all over the laud; but the ovent caused very little comment, and the attendance was utterly disappointing. The way of traugressors has been, is, aud al­ways will be ua hard road to travel.”

Notice was given last Lubbatji of a spe­cial beach-meeting, to be held next Friday afterntioii, a t the foot of Ocean Pathway, to be addressed by Mr. Arrowsmltb, a noted-English evangelist. i)r. Stokes Is desirous to show his E ug llsh . cousiri tlie largest gathering on the fiahds of tlie sea­shore that h eav er saw, So le t everybody who can, old and. young, turn out- on F ri­day afternoon, a t 0 l*. m . .

jPerliiips'wo should not. jo in hands with the grumblers who complain of provoking delays iu procuring tlieir R ecords a t the Oceun Grove' post oflice.. A peep inside occasionally as wo puss through the crowd is.enougii aken all the sym pathy In our soul for tho busy olllclals who seem to be doiug their, level bust to jdeaso that exacting Imd thankless thing called the public. If those acquainted In tho placo and not entire strangers' could handle this pupor It would always be distributed righ t iu tbo boxes.. .Some o f Its readers say they can’t get i t under aiiy circumstances. T his is hard; but another month or so will bring us down to quie t times again:

F o r a D rin k in F ev e rsUSE HORSEOHD'S-ACID PHOSPHATE.

Dr. 0 . 11. Davis, Meriden, Conn.,- says:“ I have used i t us n pleasimt and cooling drink in fevers, and have been very much pleased with it.” •

Tho Bible Class.By our hurry In m aking up^ forms last

week the following question's-were omit­ted / .

What success had Paul In Athens V in quired tlio Doctor, and tiie attem pt to an swer this broad question took up . most of tho time. Among a dozen answers, some of them philosophical imd exhaustive, like that given by Rev, Mr. England, of Wil­mington Conference, oue stickler for pro­babilities wiis of tho opinion that Paul’s sermon was attended with splendid re­sults. This brother was called out to give his reasons. .

Passing oyer tho ;remote influences which wero rolling on witii timo from thoso u tterances' on Mar’s 11111,. he. con­tended the immediate results wore, worthy of notice.—“ Howbolt certain men clavo unto Paul and believed ; among which Was Dionysius, the Areopogite (one o f tho judges of. the Supremo Court) and a wo­man named Damaris, arid others with them V”. H ere were converts, and those antiquarians who havo followed the ir h is­tory, inform us tliat they became Bhiuing lights in tho early C hurch ..

Tho , next point, touched by the leader wus a more ticklish ono. He Inquired, whetlier, in this single Instance,'at, least, of Paul’s conversion, we. are-bound to ad­mit the tru th of the Presbyterian tenet of sovereign graco V. . ■’*.

Dissent rose from all quarters; and tho battle was oh. I t looked to the amused reporter n i if the once made a re­doubt and held it in opposition to the Doctor’s suggestion, but. he never yields except when out-.argued, and then very gracefully. .

How old was Saul of Tarsul when Jesus was baptized?' A bout25 years.

IIow old was lie when converted on the road to Dam ascus? About 28 years..

W ill Dr. Hanlon correct the Impression Dr. Brady made lu his sermon tliat Scot­land ns a country, is to bo classed with Germany, France nnd TSnglaud.on the keeping o f the - Sabbath, for it is moro sacredly kep t throughout there than In Ocean Grove ?

Scotland pays great regard to the Sab­bath.

Had Paul a right to claim that this a ltar was erected tp tho true God ? Yes.

What ligh t does tlie recently discovered gospol of Peter throw ou the New Testa­ment ? I t strengthens, the claims of.the. New Testament.

Are faith aud trust ideutlcal ? Faith .Is belief and trust botli.

Which of the New Testament books was w ritten first? St. Matthew.

Which Is the most powerful, the Intel- lectuul.or spiritual nuturo ?. Does not the Intellectual Involve the spiritual ? Is not the Intellect logically of most im portance?

Both are parts of the soul, and.of. equal importance, •

I f we give ourselves to Christ with an earnest desire for divine .blessing, is that conclusive to.say that-our sins are washed away by the blood of the Lam b? Yes. .

Is sanctlflcation the highest attainm ent of Christianity, aud is it e6aential to ItT

Y esl Yes!:Would you .consider a . person a Chris­

tian who feels satisfied that he has given him self fully and gladly to Christ, yet lacks tho Christian graces and is anxious­ly striving for the ligh t which only comes in occasional flashes, leaving him more puzzled and confused thau ever? W hat would bo your advice for such ‘a one?

To get closer to Christ.I s It true that only one passage can be

adduced from the Old Testamont encour­aging tho cultivation of spiritual life? ...

The Psalms aro full of spiritual life, as are also other portions of the Old Testa- ment. ■ • • . . - ”

Is faith a spiritual or intellectual ele­m ent V Both. F irst intellectual, then trust of the heart.. ... -.•

Bishop Andrews in his serm'on to-day assigned as tho reason why C hrist and the apostles said .nothing specifically against slavery,, th a t i t would have resulted in great con fusion—war, poverty, etc."

is.ltiis a valid reason ? .Yes. W e are to-be. wise as’ serpents as

well as harmless ti9 doves.I formed the light and created darkuess.

I m ake peaco and create,evil;. I tlio Lord do. all fheso things.—Isiah, .43:7. Please explain tho apparent incongruities of God's nature. In creating free moral agents God made good and evil uctious possible.. ;- . ' ' .

1 .

Sll.ver.Lako tiuartotto simg tiio following eoug at tho.dpeiifng of tho National Temper­ance-Campr meeting yesterday. Words and muslo Rev. C. II, Mead, and it la called

OUnCTINO SOSO TO OOUAN OUOVE.-lUnB out, rin^ out. both imid and long,

A Mmu for Oyeau Grovo ! • * •. No frleiiilH moro klmt. no friends more dear,

'l imn thoso who m eet and sreo t us here ;To oach wo bring a »ong of cheer,

Arid ono for Ocoan Grovo.Cnouea—A song o f jubilee

Wo gladly bring to theo, .Fahr elty by .tho B»a, .

Old Ocoan Orovo, so dear,!God snoed tho day, whon nil the world

Shall bo ,’iko Ocoan Grovo 1 When rum no moro almll ourso o u r laud, When tuon slml! ov’rywhoro bo grand,And ail for tru th and right shall s tand .

Like some at.Ocean Orovo,May s ttm ra s o f love, and joy and peace, ‘• F lo wwit fro m O coan G rovo 1. j • • G od a r a n t t h a t w ronR m ay so o n e x p i r e , .May holiness o u r hoarts lusplro, •’TUI all tho world shall fool tho flro .

T h a t co m e s fro m O coan G rovo.


(IHOVE,;Js. J., SUMMER OF 1893.

10. Lecture by Rev. Joseph Cook, D.D., LL.D.—.• Saturday, Ju ly USJ,-7.JX) i*. >t.

11. Yomnr People’s Day, Sabbntli, Ju ly 30. 21thAnniversary o f flrst m eeting a t Ocean Grove, Sermott 10.30 a. m. ; Rev. Joseph Cook, D.D;, L L .R .,T .ao t\ji. ■

.12. Ocean Grovo Tiventy-fourtb Anniversary Ser- . viccs—Monday, Ju ly 81; 7.301\ M. .

13. Epw orlii LcftBUO C onventiou—Tuesday, Aug­ust I. Her. Percy Perlnchlef, presiding.

11. National Tem poranue and Pubiloatloii Boploly —W eduesday, A ugust 2 to Subbath, August 0; ItVJlualVo, J . N l Stearns, Esq.. presiding, .'

, Tho SllYer'Jjike Q uart otto w ilt b e ln attond-, anuo, and an a rray o f distinguished sp eak ­

ers,- fuoluding Col. Goorgo W. Rain, tho Kentucky o rator. .

15. Ocean Grovo Memorial Day—Monday, A ugust

10, Industria l Christian Alliance, A. \V. M llb iiry ,.. presiding—Tuesday,'AugustH. ,•

17. Scrip tural Unfoldings and Spiritual. E x p o si.tlons, by Itov. Georgo D/ W atson, D. P .— . W ednesday, August 0, to Saturday, August J2, incUisivo.

18. Now A uditorium Day—Sabbath, A ugust 13... Sermon by Chaplain McCabe, 10JW aVm.

10, W omen's Encouragem ent M eetlngs-'W eduosJ day, Augutst W, to Friday , August IS, inclu­sive ,.'M rs. W heeler aud Mrs. Chandlor.

20. W omen’s Foreign M issionary Society—Satur-. day, August lfl, Sabbath , August 20.‘ .

21. Annual Camp-Mcotlrig—Monday, August 21, August lUl, Inclusive, Opening serm on . on Tuesday, August 22, a .no a . m. , ,b y -

; Rev. Bishop J . M. Wnldon.

Prof. J . R. S\yeney. w ill conduct tb o Elnglng during tb o . Suuday-sohool Assombly an d tbo Cauip-Meeting. .

IloUncas Meeting overy morning during tho season in the Tabernaolo, conducted by Mrs. Dr. Palmor, and Young People’s MeetingoVery m orn­ing In .the Tem ple by Rev. O. ’I I. Y atm an an d : Rov. F. B. Hoagland. Tw ilight m eetings duriug tho Camp Mooting, also lu tlio Tomplo. Surf, m eeting ovory Sabbath’ evening, du ring the sea­son when tlie woathor wlllailow.

B. I t. STOKES, President.

■ y -Pennington Seminary,. 'Shall wo send our son or daughter away

to school? T his Is a very serious ques­tion, but moro aud more iu this country parents nre asking this question.. N ot because the local schools aro poor, but be­cause of the great-, advautuge that a good- boarding-school bestows upon a child, ;ln tne first place. I t cultivates self-reliance in the child. When the child remains a t home ambition Is apt to sleep. There Is a dependence upon father and m other that greatly hinders that independence of pur­pose and character, which is so necessary to manhood and womanhood. In this earnest world wp cannot make headway without sand, and grit, and push, and pur­pose. • Not till it fully dawns upon a child that after a ll it depends chiefly upon h im ­self or herself whether thoy shall become any th ing in the world will they be likely to take that serious and earnest view of life that will make hard study, a delight and real Buccess in life almost certain. I t is a great change for the child to leave home and enter a boarding school. The very im partial discipline of such a school Is a great benefit to a child. I t foreshadows to the child, uuder most favorable circum- ' stances, that Impartiality which.'our chil­dren, sooner or later, are sure to experi* ence out In tiie. untried world that lies bo fore them. I f ,th e y may, while yet under the tender care of good Christian teachers,. ‘ learn something of the Impartial treat­m ent which awaits them out in real llfe i t must certainly do much to prepare them for the stern duties th a t await them. . Tho m ere( mastery o f • Ixmks is the smallest part of a good'education. This- mtiy be gotten in local schools, but self-reliance is not nnd cannot be -fostered a t home, and- what is an education worth w ithout self- reliance and self-cestralnt? From tho standpoint o f ' education, what a;conspicu­ous place Pennington Seminary has occu­pied In its career of fifty-four yearsl ‘Its ' numerous alumni, numbering over ten thousand,.and scattered all over this con- ’ tinent, and many of them in distant la n d s ,. is full proof of this.

Address Dr. Thos. Hanlon, Pennington, •; N. J., for our catalogue. I t Is full of the very information you aro now seeking for your son or daughter, and is bo beautiful that It would grace your parlor tablo. I t will bo sent you free, or may bo hod at Ocean Grove Book Store. Dr. Hanlon may be seen a t his residence, 10 i Mt. Tabor Way.

•I recent note ^com Dr. J,. F . Clymer, Pittsfield, Mass., Is to the following effect:

“ I deslge to give, my testimony to tho merits, of Uie system* of treating sick peo­ple by. physical culture, us taught by Mrs. •il, Z. N .- Purte, tiow a resident of Ocean Grove, I have given some thought and. study to her methods , and nm persuaded that they are thoroughly scientific and in- harmony with nature,”

Mrs. Phrt.6 may. be . found at the Bruns­wick House, Sea View avenue, near tho board walk. .

Mrs., E. Newton, .at. 98 Main avenue, Ocoan Grove, offers-choice boarding ac-. commodatlon8 by tbo day,, week or season a t very reasonably rates. H er guests con­sider themselves fortunate in having such a nicii home, ‘. H er post-ofltee box Is 451. •

The upper stories of F litcroft’s new Btore, opposite tho post olliee, Ocean Grove, make a very ' comfortable homo. Tho rooms aro *being rented ‘ to persons ’ who wish to eeon'oinizo, as the terms are u n u - .; sually low. Cull on proprietor, A. C. Smith, on the premises.

Position Wanted.' Ail KiiRlfah lo d y d eslrcsso m o p o s lllo u o f usefu l- ■ ness a t O ceau O rovo. A dd roes M rs U,, caro o f Mr. S te p h en M erritt , 210 E ig h th avo , Now Y ork.

WANTED!A Sm all Cottago Ocean Grovel

O r S lug lo L o t, n e a r B eac h . M ust bo a b a rg a in . A d d re s s • M RS, J . SISK,

C aro O coan O rovo Ito co rd , OCcan G rovo, N . J .

As tlio Auditorium crowd lnoreaso9, camp chairs co m e . Into requisition, and W uinwrlght has a new assortment, all yety comfortable and cheap.

OCTHLAuKr.. G K E S O y iE B B C O B E , -A .tJ < 3 -T J S T 6 , 1 8 9 3

W hen you go to New York, stop at H O R T O N ’S , U O W e tt jS S il N t r o e t .

• ' •. : -V - i - - i ’ •’.'•••••; Contral, quiet, homo-llkc. R igh t iu tho heart of tho shopping and amusempiit d is tr ic tc o n v c s niout to overy where. 51.60 pur day. Am erican plan.

Troy Place.2 5 -A tla n t ic A vo ., . Ocoan Grove

A contral aiid delightful location; - ;One - block ■ from th e Occan.; ■" ••>

■ /O pen J u n o , 5 t h \to S e p te m b e r 4 5 th .

' - s \ : V , . M r ? . AV. IIv M ee k e r ,. Lock- Box 3111..- . ‘ Proprietor.

Olive House,. ; Corner H eck ami Beacli Avenues,' r - i / - ' o g e a k .g r o V e v N . 'j . , ' ; . ■., :

; .bontrally located, pleasant surroundings. Only •.due block from tho ocean s u rf .: . • •• '• :

MRS.M. E. SCHWARTZ, Proprietor.

The Randolph,No. 10 P itm an Avemie, OceanjGrovo,

Delightful situation..' Only a few stops to board­walk. Open Ju n e '10 O ctober.;

*M RSM D OIE MOREHOUSE,. Box 2117. . ; • .Proprietor.

Mulford Cottages,, v ‘ 27jaud|sW Olin ^Street, Ooaan Groyo;1

N ear-th o bedan; post ofllco, A uditorium an d Fishing P ie r . . Location qontral. A rtesian water*

. san ita ry and o th er Im provements for. co infort of guosjts.; Tablo first-class; Term s m o d era te ...

■ . Address!MR& M. J . MUL^pRD^...

Red Swiss and Westpprfi' F ron ting on Ocoan Pathw ay and MoCllntock.

Central to ovory point of in terest;’ Charm ing ocoan outlook,, well furnished room s;.and tab lo appointm ents first-class, >

Box 2160. Address MISS P. M. CApDEN,

Keystone Cottage,V ' Open Juno 15,1893..

' Heok avenue, w est'o f Pilgrim Pathw ay, ...7 . 7 v Ocoan Grovo, ; tho day o r w eek. -P. O. Box 3205. S ; MRS; C. II. GHEEN. PrdprJotor.

The Mansion House,N. E . cor. E m bury anil Now York

Aves., Ocoan Grovo.This spacious mid comfortable hotiso is now

open for tho season, and will rem ain open all tho year round. I t is centrally loeated, convenient to tho beach ond Auditorium. I.argo a liy rooms, pleasant surroundings, hom e-like comforts an a

r moderato in terms. Box 101.

Address MISS A. IO N S ALL, Prop’r.

Webb Ave. House,No. .78 Wobb avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J.

This houso is pleasantly loeated Jn a centra l .and qu iet p a n of th e : Grovo,. convenient to post ofllco, Auditorium aud ocean beach. Now open.

■ for boarders by thp day o r week.' Charges mod- . erato.v


The Interlacken,No. 9 A tlantic Ave., ■ Ocean Grave, N . J .

Lately purchased and new ly furnished. Very cholco accom m odations. All m odern im prove­m ents. House now open.Box 072. .MRS. M. AGGINGS, Proprietor.

Hodson Cottage,No. 24 Surf Avonuo,

Between Central an d Beach. OCEAN GROVE. OPEN A L L TIIE YEAR.

A desirable location, w ith home-llko comforts, on tbo m ost reasonablo term s. Rates duriug fall and w inter m onths unusually low. Fam ilies ac-

. comm odatcd a t reduced prices.B ox 66 • MRS. E, HODSON, Proprietor

Bath Ave. House.Cor. C cutral aud Bath Avenues,


Fine location, near tho A uditorium , Wesley Lako, Ocean and Bathing Grounds. P leasant ac­commodations. Enlarged and improved. Rates, Juno and Soptorabcr, $5 pot wook.

P. O. B oxais. M. F. MacP«E R 80N» Prop’r.

ST. ELMO,Cor. New York and .Main Avenues,

Ocean Grove, N . J .’ Superior Boarding Accommodations. Central Location. One Squaro from Postoillce and Audi­torium. Convenient to,O ccau Boach.110X2052. MRS. M..M. COMPTON, Prop.

Mt. Tabor C ottage112 Mt! Tabor, Ocean Grove, N . J.

A comfortablo, homollko boarding boiino, opeu all tho ybar. Convenient to both Grove and Park, Terms vory reasonablo,

MR8 . C. It. HITCHCOCK, Prop’r.

Camp Yiew Cottage,\ No. 68 Mt. Carmel, Occan Grovo, N. J .

C entrally:located n ea r Tabernacle a n d Audito­rium vory eonvunlont to all nicotines and placos o f Interest. Torms fo r rooms and board tho m o st reasonable.

MRS. C. D. COSTON. Box 431. Proprietor.

Itygeia Motel,Central A venuo and M cClintock S treet

Oppoalto the Arlington. - .Nowly renovated and refurnished. Arommo-

dntlons for gnosta very desirable. Good tab lo an d a ll homo com forts.

MRS. M. M. MURDOCH, Prop 'r,Box 332. Ocoan Grovo, N. J .


Comfortablo accom m odations, cxporlcuccd m anagem ent and lowest rates.. Box 432. MRS, S., P. BROWN,

, Proprietor. •

•: y F O R .R E N T .; $ 7A t Egleston. F la., for W inter, a Largo and Small House, Furnished.

. Address 0012, ASBURY PARK, N. J .


p H A S . W. KARSNEK, M, D .P J O S I C I A N A N D S V R O E O S ;. : G rad uate o f both schools. • •': \ . . .

Sum m er ofllco—Opiiositc Poxtolflco, p ecan Grove, Pilgrim Path way, corner M t-. Hcrmoii Way.

1409 South 16th Street, V, , Philadelphia , Pa Respectfully refers to itev . - R. IL .fltokcs, I). D„'

Rev, A,' W atlaco,-. D.D,, au d Georgo Wi 'Evans, Esq;-, Ocean Grovo. ■ ’ ;• ¥ ; • :

^ li . -M ARGARET G.; OUR HIE; J I O M o t y p A 'T l I I S T . v .

126 H a in Avenue, Ocean Grove.Diseases of'wojmin and children a specialty.'

OFFICE nOURS-.71o 10 a. in., 2 to;5, 7 to 10 ji. m.

^ R S . J . S. B A R IG H T , *\I. D . :

Homceopathic Physician’,'and Surgeon,81 M AJN'AVE.,;2d door :w.est o f New.York AVg.

OCEAN.GROVE, N .J .’Diseases•■of Women'and Children, Examina­

tions and Local Treatment a. speotalty. / ; . Outside calis day or night:altendedi :i. • • ... . Hours, 7 to 10 a. ant 1 to 3.30:'p 3Im 6 30 lo fl i*. m.

I) R. I. N. BEEG LE,7 S M a li i A v v u n c ,

O C EA .V d l t o V B , S . J .

Ofpicb Hours—7 to 9 a . 12 to ? and C to S p. m.

: • ‘ ^Doslmctrlc.**

DR. S, G. W A IiliA O E,

— D E W T I S T —Ofllco d iirlngsum m er m onths S; E. Cor. Heck

and -Pilgrim P’way, Ocean Grovo. Established (hero In 1880.

Regular ofllco, 125 Penn fitrect, Camden, N. J . . till th e m odern appliances for rap id work

and alleviating p a in ; Ous or local anesthetics, used in extraction. • • ■- Respeotfully refers to liev.- E« IL.Stoke?. D.D.. Rev; A. W allace,.D .I)., Rev. R. j ; Andrews and Dr. J . IL Alday, Ocean Grove,


nnrlng tho season will d v o jc s s o n s in V O IC E C U L T U R E , HARMONY aud THOROUGH BASS

Inquire a t T usthig’s Music Store, Cor. Bond St. a n d ’ M attison AVo., Asbury Park.

ON R U L E TO BA R C R E D IT O R S.: E x k c o t h i x ’b N o t i c e . ' * • .

:MatIlda M; Adams, Executrix o f Ja n e Duff* deceased, by.ordor o f the SurroRato o f the coun­ty o f M onmouth, h e reb y gives notice to the creditors o l. tbo said deceased to bring In their debts, dem ands and claims ag a in st tiro e s ta te of s*ld deceased, u n d e r .oath o r nfllrm atlon, w ithin nlnoTbonths from th e sixth day of Ju n e , 1893, o r they forever b arred o f aviy a c tio n there- fo r against th e said Executrix,


t e s t a t e : o f s a k a h p . e a t On *J C i deceased. : ' ' - .

Notleo is hereby given th a t the accounts o f .tho subscriber, executor o f said deceasad, will be aud ited a n d statfcd by the Surrogate, and reported to ; tho Orphan’s Court o f the Couuty. of Mon*; m outh on Thursday, Jim o 29,1803;.


R U L E .T O B A R C R E D IT O R S.‘ E x e o u t o h ’s N o t i c e , . . ' • . - .

- Joseph W. Hulse and John B. Hulse, executors o f M argaret Hulse, deceased, b y 'o rd e r o f . tho Surrogate o r th e county of Monmouth, hereby givesnotice to- the creditors of said deceased to b rln g ln their debts, demands and claim s against, tho estate o f said decedent; u nder oath o r ntllrm- ation, w ithin n ine m onths from the 13th day of June; 1S93. o r they-will.ho forever barred of any action therefor against tho said executors'.:--


FOR SALE.A Good Oottago, Furnished,

containing 9 rooms, ou Embury avenue, l}£ blocks from th o Ocean. Can be bought cheap. .

Apply to " D. I). PEAK,Lock Box 2012, Oceau Grove. N. J.

Furnished Rooms.- A N N E X E S

103 and 105 Asbury Avenue, Wesley. Lako Terraco.

To ren t by season q r week. .

A ddress' - MRS. HOLLIS. Oceaii Grove, N. J,

For Sale or Exchage.A good houso, barn an d nearly 5W .acres of

land a t Greon Grove, 3 $ miles from Asbury P ark . P leasant location, on tho m ala road leading from Ham ilton to E aton tow n, ■

Apply on th o premises, o r to:. MILAN ROSS, •

Slain S treet, Asbury Park.

Go to D ILK ES,151N.' N inth St., Philadelphia.

to get you garm ents clcaned, dyed and repaired, Ladles' dresses can ’ bo cleaned or dyc*l w ithout ripp ing ;and finished to.lool; equal to new by an experienced F rench Dyer. ; • v ^ • • -

BROWN’S BAZAAR210 Cookman Ave.,

Asbm-y Park.

T he old established phd popular em porium ‘for the latest novelties and rieliesfd ip luy o f Japanese goods on tho coast/ ■ ; '; . ;: . « • * - t Ar. V'.r

Raro and beautiful ornam tho most istir- prisingly reasonable scale ofpViccs. Call and see.

THE CASTLETON.67 Embury Avenue, Ocean Grovo, N .J.

A quiet and comfortable houso, centrally lo­cated and 'w ell conducted. Terms reasonable.

Box 2123. MRS. R. KENNEDY, Prop’r,

FOR SALE .a t Egleston, F la . 0110 mllo from St. Jo h n ’s river and loeated on h igh pine land , u ten-room houso, Bltuated one bloel; .from tho railroad s ta tion ; f ru it trees and grapo vlnoa lu bearing, l ’rlce, 81.800. Term s easy. Also for sale, a t namo place, a flvo-rooin house; will spU for 5600cash.

Address Tillie E. Thom e, Box' 2012, Asbury P a rk /N . J . ' ; ■ , , v ;( ‘,: • ; : ■;.•;?;, •/;

For Sale, or ExchangeFOR VACANT LOTS.

O n‘account o f going abroad w ill soli o u t my Stablo, Bvowstet Lauudalet, Buekboard;.D6ublo and Slnfflo Ilam oes. p a ir b right Bays, 10 hands h ig h ; can bo drlvou by a lady^ Addross,





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T H E ; —

Cor, BeacU Pitman Aves,, .>. OCEAN GROVE. : .

O n e . b lo ck f ro m o ce .m p ro m e - n a tle . S u n p a r lo r s ,m o d e r n im ­p ro v e m e n ts , n o d r e a s o' n a b 10

te rm s . . . .

OPEN ALL THE Y E A R .Steam ITert't in Cold . W eather.'

CHSS. J, H. BECKETT,. Proprietor.

No, 8 Ocean A venue, ■Ocean Grove, N . J.OPENS JnN K 1 .1S0:|." litreclly on Iho Ocean front. Full Ocean view from all ihe rooms, con*

venlent to A,»litorlum aml.Itoss's IVtvUlon. tlooJ rooms, pleasant veram las. s-uittary arrange- menls-complete. . ■

Box IS IT. JI. J . HOLT.

• A _ g iie w ,Sea V iew and Eoacli A venues, Ocean Grove, N . J.. •

This .“packing and beauttlu lly located houso will bo open a s usual. I t Is acknow ledged to bo one of tho mo*t desirable lu poin t of s ituation, olejranco of rooms und uverv advantaitoeondHcivo to health and com fort. Grand outlook, on lake and ocean . . Tabiu nnd all appointm ent* fli\<«t-olns3.

■< • MRS.-H. M. A(iNEW. Proprietor.

BEACH AVENUE^M dm E+Corner Beach ami W ebb Avenues, 'I -^ Ocoau .Grove, N; J .

"'. Located one block! from Ocean and 'Fislilng Pler.-: I nble flrsj-claVs. . Home comforts. Three Ido;verandas with full.Ocean view. Artesian water; Board by the Day, Week or Season.. ;-’’ * ‘ IV''W 1 E .^ftlD E lU C l. P roprietor

wideLock Box 2i5G

v ; ,V;:^ rA IN : AVEN U E, N ear Association Butiilfng, OCEAN GROVE; .N ^ J / l . ./

. Choice nccomn\ddatloiis. Now hair m attresees—woven wlro spring*, flrst-dav* tab le and flho dining hall, Artculuu w ater, law n tennis court, ouo m inuto from 'A uditorium and threo m hiuies from occan. Terms reaso n ab le Accom modations for lo<J, w ith every com fort and a tte n tio n to guests. Box 317. TilOS. 1’R E N Tls. Proprietor.

OSBORN HOUSE,Corner F itm au and C entral A venues, Ocean Grove, N . J

Location th e ’m ost central an d desirable; Reputation for tab le and a ll home comforts unsur - V . Patronage, increasing every year;;. /E xperienced aud popular m anagem ent. .7 N

131.; - f'l" MRS, A .I3RAEL, Proprietor,

THE CARROLLTON,28 Ocean P ath w ay .S o u th Sido, Ocean Grove, N . J.

DRAWER L. ■; A F I I tS T - C I i A S S HOXXS .

J i r o . W i l s o n .

D E L A W A R E V IL L A ,Cor. Central; and Pitman Avenues, OCEAN 0R O V E. N . J;

. Very centrally located. Fine Occau view . Near Auditorium and Post Oftlcc. Spacious veran« das AVcll-furnlshed rooms; Tnble Hm-class. Electric lights, rc rfect snnltary arrangements.

Open June 15. Special rates for Juno and September. For term s apply Box 172. . MRS. CULBERTSON >k PRICE,

Tlie Metropolitan,W I T H B R O A D W A Y H O U S E A N N E X .

Corner B each and A bbott A venues, and Broadw ay, fronting Fletcher L akeSplendidly located, w ith in one block o f the O cean, Lake, aud Bathing Grounds. E x tra large, cool,

. aud nicely furnished rooms. Spacious verandas. ^Electric lights.; Table llrst-closs. Perfect

Post Ofllco Box 290.sanltay arrangem ents. Terms reasonablo.

MRS. II. M. BLAKE, Prop,

v ;v;- Ocean Pathway, N earest tlie Sea, South Side,

V- ' * *: OCEAN GROVE, ,N. J . .V.' ' •• ’v'’This 6pncious and elegant new house, possessing all tho im provem ents and conveniences possible

for the comfort o t sum m er visitors, handsomely Airnlsbed, will bo opened for guests about Juno 1 Engagements for rooms and board now in order.Box 22071' i • . ; *• ' MRS. T. B. HUNTER, Proprietor.

TH E ELDORADO,Broadway, fronting'.Fletcher Lake and tile Sea, Ocean Grove, N . J .

ition. Splendid Ocean view. Flowing Artesian well, llrst-elass iu every particu lar. For term s, &*c., address


E ighteenth Season. Cholco location. Splendid Ocean view. Flowing Artesian well, eboerful rooms, broad veraudas. Attention t- . - . .........

BOX2070.. 1, Proprietor.

THE BUENA VISTAS, AV. Cor, Beacli and H eck Aves.,

jO C E A N G H O Y E ; N . J .

Sixth season. One block from th e surf. Commands lino Occan view . Cheerful surroundings, well furnished rooms and llr.-t-class table, Artesian w uter; electric lights, perfect s a u ltu tlo u ..Box 2101 MRS. M. B. HERITAGE, Proprietor.

, . . A . . 1

: T h e Alaska^S E V ENTII SEASON.' U C K AIV < »I It O V E .

• Delightfully situated! on PITMAN AVENUE,ysccond houso from th e beach,. •,;- 1 ... ., •

Its fine occau view , large cool verandas, spring beds, san itary nlumbliiK, Artesian water, etc., oilers spectal Inducem ents to perm anent an d t ran ­sient guests.. Table first-chu-s. • ••• .•••..

.Term sreasonable. N .H . KILMER,3 nnd 5 p itm an Avenue, Occan Grove,

Lock Box 20S7. • .

LA W R E N C E HOUSE,• Corner M ain and Central, Ocean Grove, N . J.

Two blocks from the Ocean. Promenade an d Fishing. P ier. Artesian water. Perfect san ita ry appliances.. Electric lights: Home comforts. Reasouablo rates.

p. O: BOX 2021.


SUSS M. WHITE, Proprietor.

N ear th e Sea.This nowly erected and com pletely furnished: hotel Is pre-em inent fo r cholco location, mag*

nlllceut outlook, luxurious roon..< and lirst cluss.accom modations. Every m odern convenleuco,' . • Address MRS. M. M. RUSSELL, Prop’r, •

Box 295, Ocean Grove, N. J . . ILalo o t the Alpha.)

Tower House,27 W ebb Avenue, Ocean Grove, N . J .

Terms SI per day and S5 and 56 per week for Ju n e and Septem ber. Special rates for season. Family parties accommodated. -Rooms all cheerful au d p leasant, and table unexceptionable. Loca tion near ocean front and bath ing grounds.

Box 115. MRS. A. GOODNOW. Proprietor.


NOW : OPEN FOR TH E SEASON. Largo rooms, comfortably furnished, good beds, A rtesian water, perfect sanitary arrangem ents aud electric lights. Ono blook trom the Ocean,

and one block from Wesley Lake. Close to Rosh* Pavilion and . bathing grouuds. Prices m oderate. .

Lock'Box 2050.: ; MRS. E. A. CARR, Manager.

S ix th Season. Ocoan P athw ay, Ocean Grovo, N . J;Location unsurpassed. Full Ocean, view : near to Beach and Auditorium. All m odern Im prove­

ments. Sanitary arrangem ents | erfoct.. Rooms large ; spring beds, h a ir matrcsses. Arteslau w ater. Best accom m odations and hom elike comrorts. •

Box 2025. MRS. M ,C. DOWNS, Prop’r.

T l i e ^ .lp l ia ,1 & 3 Ocean P ath w ay, N orth Side, - Ocean Grove, N . J .

: x . . OPEN J U S E 1 to OCTOBER 1.

Unobstructed Ocean view. All m odem improvements! Choice rooms en suite or single.P .O . Box 2251. MRS. C. H. CLEMENT. Proprietor.

B ry n M aw r H otel.[FoitM E ItI.Y GEKMAXTtrtVX IIoL ’SE.] .

,N . E.- Corner Central nnil Heck Avenues. - - OCEAN GROVE, N . J .

Desirable location. Convenient to Beach, Post Oflice and Auditorium, Good Accommodations. New improvements. Reasonable terms.

Spcclai rates for Juno and September.Box 2066, MRS. G. S. LUKENS, Proprietor; «

GROVE H A LL,Pilgrim Pathway, opposite Thomson Park, Ocean Grove,'N. J.

Convenient to all points o f Interest. Now opou for thp s ix teenth season.For term s address.

BOX 2(53. E. A. IRELAND, Proprietor.

i g la la n c L H L o x i s e ,25 A tla n tic A ve ., Ocean Grove, N , J .

D ollchtfully s itu a ted near tho Ocean. W esley Lake, A uditorium an d Young People’s Tem ple;’................... • >• » m H a t e d rooms. AU moderu Improvements. Aecouimoda-

15 uud a fte r Sept. 1, §1 p e r d a y ; from Ju ly 15 to Sept. 1, S10

D o i i c n t r u u y s itu a ted near tiio uceai large , t h o r o u g h l y f u r n i s h e d , w e l l vem ions for tllty guests. Rates until Ju ly K single, $11 to S20 for couples per w e e k .

Box 2075.

• .• .i‘ ..- : .. . - \ '.CK)r.uer of . Alrtlu .urid Beaclv Avenues,.• • OCEAN;GROVE, 'N. JV . \

Tho location of-th is.houpe Is one ofthe most convenient and beautiful, within ii single bloek of tbo Ocean, and'having cyery sni;ronndmgattraetlou.*. Boanl during June aiid September'SS and 56 per week,.; Comfortable homo..' Moderate.charges; .• . . ' . . •.. . 7- V-.Box 2173, .. ' 0 MRS. R.' A. SWAN*, Proprietor. •


Ono block from Association Building and Post Ofllco, two from Ocean front. Very choice rooms and uveiy convenience for eom iorto l guests, , House open from Ju n e 1.

Box • . . • • MKS.'M. B. DAY, Proprietor.

S e lv e r * t O o tta g e .. BROADW AY, OiTOSirii: FLBTC H EIl LAKE.

Only half a block from l.iilagore’s sea ba thh ig cstabllishment. Com fortable and airy room s good tab le and roaaotmblo VAtes.

. . . ' > JOS, H.-SELVERT, Proprietor. .

Hotel LeChevalieiyN ortheast Cor. W ebb and Centra! Ayenites,

• .■■7 ^ ' ; OCEA^ GROVE, N. J , ;?. ;: v' •_. /'.Groat health- resprt.f or w lntor, spring and sum ­

mer,- Lovely coun try and sea shoro, drives,' soa a lt . Invigorating plno breezes glvhrn Btrongtb and hoalth to tlrod and woary onesj w ho ncod to roouporoto thol.r w asting energies. Special winter rates.

Address A. L. WILCOX. Box 250.

The Chautauqua,5-1 li road way, Ocean Grove, Ni J .


A hom elike, quiet and thoroughly comfortablo boarding houso, nlep.sautly located near Fletcher Lako and Occau ba tb lug pavilions. Housoalwavg ready for guests. Rooms and tablo uuoxceptlou- ablo. / MRS. T. T. WIGIITMAN

au d MISS M. A, DOWNER,Box 2010. Proprietors



: Improved accommodations, w ith ample room ami every facility fpr the comfort o f guests. Scale ol charges always moderate, .ilonso now open for th e 'season.'.

V -.. 'V-: ■ KEV. 8 . B. ASAY. Proprietor.

I : : 'N O R M S :'HOUSE,^B ath avenuo near Central, - - - , Ocean Grovo, N . J.

Convenient to all polutfiof lutcrcRt, Full Ocean view . Everything for comfort of guests. Honso well ventilated. Large cool verandas. Special rales during Sprlug and Fall. TUble llrst-chtss. Open early in June. Until May 27 address correspondence to Prluceiou, N .J,

LOCK BOX, 2117. . MRS. C. R. PRIEST, Proprietor.

C E N T E N N IA L HOUSE,M ain Avenue near Post O tllce,. - - - Ocetm tl rove, N . J . -

Location centra l and prom inent. Spacious parlors. Comfortable a iry rooms,. Good bods. San , Itatlon perfect. Rates tho most reasonable.

Box 2125. , . . - MRS. M. B. DAVISSON, Proprietor.

O CEAN V IE W HOUSE.Com er B roadw ay and Contral A venue, Ocean G rove, N . J .

FOURTEENTH SEASON. Fino ocean outlook. Acoom modatlous honio-Hko, and term s redsoa* able. Sanltury a riangem ents approved, aud location heulthful, cheerful and acocsslblo.

Box 2002.' . MRS. WM. A. WHITE. Proprietor.

TH E LA K ESID E .; * AVE8LEY LAKE, bolow New Jersey avenue, Ooean Grovo. ’ ’

Opens JUNE 17, Sanitary, arrangem ents o f tbo best. Artesian^ water. .

Look Box 712. MRS. S. P. SINGER,, prop’r .

O G JB U L U T C 3 - R O T E I R -E O O IK X ) , J ^ T J d - T J S T 5 , 1 8 9 3

Makes nn cvery-dsi y • convcn'icricj of -an 1 old-time, luxury. 'P un . rin.l .\vlw>Uv:om<i

Prepared with sirtipuloip c.iro. 1 liirljWl aw ard 'atall Pure Food KNjwsHions. iSi'cIi package makes two larjr? pfej. : -Airnftl: im itations— and insist nn h a v in g tjia

NONF. StJOU brand. M ER RE U . .•-.•Svracusc. N .Y .

a a ^ E ^ a i ' i t s i c a a a a i a ^ a s i a

? \ KmvFXM*W L $ | *A\ iO fe s s fq s ,

A BOON D reism okinaD IH 'f» l‘lu g w i th h o o k s a iu l /'yo?.

In « tn ,» fo « r i li tin? tlm 'y J ) r e s s r* f i t p r r f iv t . <l«* t»»»t p a p . I» J1J ir c s s r ^ f i t in T f ir t . «»»t paj». - . jlm htrli'ii. the tiling t» done.—In

•■ I th irk . AVhtU* o r l> rab . I f y*«»r 4lrt^niRk«T « r Miftp <!<** n o t Jiavftlu'in. m ul ‘i*t «o«tH fur templo t»» I . K i Io Id h 'n l>ri»M« r n f i t n i r r ( '« „ Dept. .D.fltul Filbert S t., Pli)l;i. Agents 'Wanted. Women prrfiTml.

} D o n ’t J to t l ic r w ith J io o k n n n d ■ Jyyrw.

tfW & r/SC E I.R ltR A T E D


13 ' lie,on! B.ilWlug), ami[H ; llth and F Sts,. Washington, 0. C.J U : A I > l \ ( < ; > T ( ' t ) E A N f o r I 'f . V K f ’ H O Ti T4K;H.V:?Un. oiir.ciiiUHtlunufj j P A S T E t . P O R T R A I T S jJ I s tho Finest lu Cu: Country. O ip c c ln lt.v .) • r\j C . J r . tWfl i 'h t '* . tn u tS tr t 'P t . J

p i : S I , V . S V L V A K I . V I l A I I i K « A l ) .

• TIM K TA Bt,E~7tF |,Y w.-iv-tf.THAlSS I.KAVK (»«:KAN CHlOVK

For N’*nv York . Newark, Klt/nbeth, J> vH>,>.i.\ 9.10 a . in:,, -J.I0, . u i ’i, a.:w. i'.o.V

• p. m. . . . •• • • •. ’ ■For Ifiilnvqy.c.liClUO a. m.,..l.ftV -l.S3, r« :tu and- .* p. in... .

F o r MfUwmui, a -IS, ‘v l.\ D.10 a , m „ (Saturdays o i k ly ) , i . io .‘,.4;iV5::»t> «o:i W m;

Foe: 1.0111* Branch, i»;$l, fiJ8. 7:20 (Monday only). 7.1-, ,s.*,V; I.i. I>. 10.' |f».55i,.) 1.02; 11. »*> a . n iv 1.10, iv r., 2.4ft, :i.i::l (Saturday onlyl.

’ . r>.li, 0.S5, U.X>, 7.11, 7.-5P (Saturday* . only).t>0*>p.m. • •'. -.. .-

For Red B ank, MS.-7.-12; 10 a. in., 1 10,2.1 j ,in.

For Fhliii.'telphtaO»roudStrc*t), and Trento.*, 0 2/, 7.50, tM-J a. m ., ■jaiisi, :vr»r, !*.:’» 1 p. m.

For Crfnirtcn. Burlington and - Bordeutown, via T renton, 7 ;J \ 11.12 a.m.’, l2.:M n. in.

F or Catnde 11 ami Philadelphia* v ia Tom s Klver, 0.42 (s 1:1 M ondays only), it.ui., l »'2 J». in., w eekdays. • . • . . . .

For Toins Klver, Islniid IIolKhlKaurt Ititermntllatc stations, 0.42, « Hi t Mondays only), II.OS a. m.I f»2, 7.1:1 p. m . week-days.

For Point PJfflKant- and Intermediate* stations, Wip. 0.12 (S.V.l Moii«*ays only), y Ufi. U.0»; U . 17 a. iii., 2.l:t, (2,.r> S.iLiirdays only). 4 2.', 4.32,4.62, b i t , o.flS, r.i;t, !>0:i p. m. week-days..

For Now Unmswlek, via M onmouth Junction, 0.27, 7.7iUa. in ., 12,:»( 3.57, B.SW p . m.

t r a i l s i .k a v k n k w v o k k (via CoiirtlaiuU and I)ea-. brosses Street Ferries) von obSAKOROVK.

At W 7.;w. y.10,-10.00 a.m,, 12.10 <1 20 »atuniny only), 2.:i0.3.10, 3.40, I 20. 5.10 und 7.C0 j i . nil Stmdiiya H.lfi, 0.45u..ut p. 111.

On Bundiiy w ill stop n t In terlaken and Avon In place of North Asbury p a rk and Asbury Park to let ofl'paSMMigere.t r a i n s LEWF. I’liti.ADKi.i'iUA (Broad Street) f o r

O CBA S C R O V B -W K K K D A Y S. .

A t 4 OX 6.S0, 8.2V 11.39. ft. ra., 8 *10. 3.30; 4.09, and ’(R.00 Sat u n lay a only) p . m . M arket a t. W harf via, Cam den and Trento a , 0.10, 7.20, 10.H0 ft. in ., 8.W p. m . (4.30 p. m Saturday only). Via Camden aud Jam esburp, 7.20 tv.

., 4.00 p. m. ■ ^ 1 ^F or Baltimore and Wnshtnj:ton, 3.r.0,_ <.20.• 8.31.

V.IQ, 10.;!0, 11.18 a. in., f l2 .ii LlmifedDining Car), 1.30,3.40,4.41 (5.H,.Congressional Limited Pullm an Cars nnd 'D ining Car), (M«, 7 0), 7.10 p. m ., and 1».ib i»i«ht week-days. Sundays, 3.'r,0, 7.20, 0JO, 111H a . - i n . , '>, 7.00,7.40p. in., and 12.0;5 nielli. For Wash­ington only 10.65 p m dally, no coaches*.

For Baltimore only, 2.02,4.01,6.0s and 11.30-p. in. .weok-dflys. Sunday)*, I>.tw and 11 !>0 p. in.

Time-tables of all .other tra ins o f-the system may be obtained n t the ticket olllccs or stations. *

J 4 R. WOOD, Geti’l Pass. Agent. 8 . M. PKEVOST, t ie u 'l Mauager.

N :



Goods warranted ut very low figures. ■ .

A lso flna stock o f A ll-w ool and Ootton B unting F lags For Sale.

Burgees for Hotels and StoresVERY LO W .

; : G IV E M E A CA LL : :


• Leave ordersf»0 Heck avenue, and fronto l Ladles’ Store, M ain avenue, • *

NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER EXPRESS A tten tion to baggogo and freight delivery a t de­

pot, aud throughout tlie Grove. Prom pt and sat* •Jsfaciory «s ubua). Orders p rom ptly a ttended

IE LAUNDRY,O liIN STR E ET, Opposite P ost Office,

C H U S: JQ E , P ro p rie to r.Best arrangementsj for rapid aud thorough work

a t reasonable price*. Articles called for and de­livered in any 'part o f Grove or Park w hen desired.


G r a n i t e a i u l I t l a i ' l j l c

MgiiHt:, Wtf? Utrn;.Building S t o n s of all kinds.

Curbing and Flagging a specialty.W ork Executed in all parta o f tho State.

G E N U N C & C O .Main St. and Second Ave.

■ Asbury Park, N. J.

JJ. S. PENSIONS...M any everyw here still en titled under e ither Old or Now Law . W r i t t v l u 'r u u m l moo* Now Is good tim o to apply before Congress changes pen*

.sion Laws. Thousands o f Pensions allowed through tills Agency, and others now daily, pension Cases hero from a ll United Stales, Canada


XJ.‘S. Pension A ttorney. . 22115. S tate St.,L a te U. S. P e n , A g l. N i J . T R E N T O N , N . J .

'E W Y O R K & L O N G B R A N C H R . R .

TIM E TABLE, JU LY ID, 1853. : -

Stations In'New York~Cent.ral R , R , 0 f New Je r­s e y , foo t'o f Liberty Street'! P . R; R „ foot o f

• :CortIandtand;D esbrosses'S treeIs; N . J.; B. footRector s treet, • ■ _ . ■ . ■ . ■

L E A V E N EW Y O R K FO R OCEAN O RO V E, * G . ' ;

Ccntm l R, R. o f Ni ,1.^4 V*0. S;15,10.30, ll.«0 omi 1.31), 2.15, *3 30; 4.00. 1.30, 5.30,0.15 p Hi, '

Pennsylvania-3.30,.'7.1>0* 0.10, • 10.00 u'm., :12.10, . ,2.30; 3.10/53 40, 4.20, 5.10, 7.00 p.nv. •. ■

Now Jersev Southeni—li.oo n tnM 1.00 (s-nturdayrf Ouly), *3,45t I .:!0, 5.30 p . m . ,

L E A V E OCCAN G R O V E FO R N K W T O R K , & C .Central R. II. o f N. .J.-O.lo, 7.00, *7.30. *S.02,8.30,

!Vlj), 1010, a. m.4 12.1 nf 2.10,4.00,7.00 p .m . Pennsylvania—1». 18, *7.42. *8.-0, 8.45, 9.10 u. m „

1. 10, 2.13, 3.50, 4.25, 5.30.'.IO.’* p.m. _ :New *forsoy Son t h e m - 0.43, 7 47, 8.23 a. in., 5.M

F or^h ilade lph 'ti and T renton , v ia Hound llrook Route—0.10, S.02, 8.30, 0.10 ti, in ., 13.1.1,2.10, 4.00 p. iu. • ■ - _

For llelm tii. Spring I.nko. M anas(iuan—•» •*0,0.¥*;0.5.1. 7.25,7 .Mi, 10,12. 11.08. II. I. a . 111.,-.12.33, 12.:t8, 12.57,- 1.13, 2.1'i,

.07, 4 SI, 4.52, 5.02, 5.15, 5.20, 5.28, 5 . 5 . 5 8 , ;03, 0.08,; 013, I'. 18, 7.13, 7.1S, .7.32,843/ 9.03 Ill,

8.13, 0.03 p .m . . . . .For Trenton and Philadelphia v i a ’.Sea GirU-

*0.27, *7.25, 7.50, 9.12 a.m ., 12.33, 3.57, 5.33 p.m . For F reeho ld -7 50.9.12 a.m ., 12.33;3.67,5.33 p.m.

11.08 p . in., Saturdays only. .For Toms R iver-0 .42 ,11.03 a. m ., 5 20,7.13 p . m . For Camden and Interm ediate stations via Sea

Hhore Route—(1.12 a. m., 5.20 n. m .‘ —♦Express. , ..RUFUS BLODGETT S»j>L 11. P. U A i.n w iy ; a , i>. a -. c. a v a*. •>/ x J . , • ■

J, H. Ut n. iw . .lj/f. i ’eami. 11. 'It.

New Y o rk ; ■Ju ly 3 1 , 1S93.

There is nothing cooler, more durable, more ciean-slay­ing, and more generally satis­factory than a coat, vest, trous­ers, or suit of N un’s cloth W e have therri in black or grey suits, $ 12 ; coats,' $5 .

Then there are tplain hand- soi]ie serges, or jaunty fancy cheviots and worsteds— every­thing that a good store ought to have. The best of ii, is that, we keep in sizes all the time ; don’t let our stock run down as at most clothiers.’

The right sort of hats, shoes aiid furnishings to gc with them.

Free deliveries w jth ln one hundred m iles Of New York City, excepting c . O. ];. paeka^es.



i!S* i Prince, • \ \ \ \ \ ’< W arren E S ( 32 d -st.



NELSON H, KILMER, Architect antlBiiilder

P lans and »peellic«itIons d raw n fo r all.k inds of m odern w'ood, atone o r briek buildings. F or workm anship ami prices will refer to all for whom I luivo dono work iu tho u rove and Park , Estim ates cheerfully g iven. > ’B ox2005. 5 l ’i t n m u A v c , O c s i in d r o v e .

S25 to $50 H ir *'i? ur •filing

"Old ItfllMblel’luU-r,^ OhIj j ir a 1-iii'ul »#>• tu rriilaCc ru«0 «>••! «iuru knlici, furl.*, kpuon*, riri <|ulrk ly tty fn n .c lt'.liii.-ial. Xi» rxjH-rlMicf, jnilhlilU^ . o r inM-1ilnvr)-, TUtvh l>Vvl« *1 \«vu

|r«*i» .',n> lO.v.-ar*: lin-j: Hi,Mi wlicu tali* u r»oi>i ilio i-lalpf. I.Scijr f.niilfy hn* l‘lM<-r••••li* f ra i l ly . . I '^ i m t n r ^ . IV. I*. I ln rr i^ n \ to.,luluwiiu>,u.

WiLLIAM H. BEEGLE. (Successor to II. B. Bcegle.). .

Real, EstateInsurance,

4 S 3 1 A J K A V E , O C E 3 ^ 3 S T G R O V E .

NOTARY I 'i ’.llUO.

DANIEL C. COVERT,• No; 2? Pilffriw P ath w ay, A sso ­

ciation Book Storo, .

O C E A N G R O V E . G E N E R A L ' , A G E N T

For tho I ’lirehaFC, Sale and R enting of . Real estate. Also,

Property insured In first-class companies, im provem ents ran<le for nou-resldents,

Property eared for,. L o a n s n e g o t ia te d a n d c o l l e c t i o n s m a d o .

. Commissioner of Deeds and Notary Public.P. O. Box 2136. Correspondenco solicited.

O . S I C K L B R , Real Estate A gent


Com m issioner of Deeds & n o ta ry Public.Cottages anti Lots Sold or R ented.

F ite In su ran ce in R eliable Com panies. Honey to L oan .on M ortgage.

OFFICE—NO, 76 1VIAIN AVENUE, •N ear Association O i i l c e . ’

C . 3 M L .

R E A L E S T A T EA N D :



A, ALLISON WHITE,Successor to Jam es A‘. GriRIug,&.Co.


P H A RM A CYPUman Ave., opp. “ ThoArlington,”

O CEAN C R O V E , N. J .

Drugs, CUcmtcals, Fancy Goods, Sponges, P atent Medicines. Pharm aceutical Preparations, etc.

Store elosed on Sunday* during church services.

M ain Avenue Ding Store,OCEAN G R O V E , N . J .

Open for th e w in ter m onths opposite Ocean Orove Entrance Gates.


UATES IN PHARMACY.- P rices guaranteed na low as th e best goods and honest dealing will perm it.

S T E P H E N D . W O O L L E Y .

GEO. K . HOUGH, Practical Tailor and Cutter,

(Lato o f Philadelphia.)N o . 3 P I lR r l n i P a i l t w n y , n e a r l y o p p .

P o n t O l l ie e , O c e a u d r o v e .

Persons furn ish ing th e ir own m aterial can have, {t m ade up in th e latest stylo au d mo6t satisfac­tory m anner. •CUTTING, CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRESSING

JO SEP H TRA VIS,Main Street, Asbury Park, H. J.

' . KING'S BRICK BUILDING.A splendid assortm ent ot

Gold and Silver American and Swiss Watches.

G o lc i a n d N t o o l - S p e c t a c l e s .Theoretical and Practical Ropairer of Chron?

om$ters and Watches. .R G l l K A L L T I I K T U A R ,

L AHZM C l i t U W E ,

a - ^ B O O E i i e i E s s ,GLASSW ARE.JCRO CKERY

Tinware, H ouso-Furnishing A rticles. C o i'. 'C e n tra l n n d O lin S ts .,

O C E A N G R O V E .

DANIEL B. PEAK,S u c c e s s o r i o G U O . W . K V A KH;


First olUce east o f the Assocliltiou Building,Gciicml agent for tho Sale and Renting of Ocean

Grove Properties.Insuratico p laced in reliable qompanfes a t low­

est rates, • : • . . ^FM|maUjs furnished for nil kinds of fmprove-

raem s. •' ^Collections mado aiid loans negotiated. .

. Cor ro H p o u t! c h c o S o l ic i tc t l«

. - - i i

J. S. FLITCROFT & BRO.,Sanitary Plumbers,

and Dealers' In

S T O V E S niMl U A N G K S,. .. .Oppo*Ue Post Olliee,

OCEA N G K O V E , N . J .


N O T A R Y P U B L IC ,Corattilsslouor o f D eeds for Pennsylvania and

th e DIhtrict o f Cohim W«.

WILLISFOIID DEY,No. 1026 Seventeenth Street,


R eal E sta te , L o an s a n d In ­vestm en ts .

S o m o s p lo m li t l 8 p e r c e n t , m o r tg a g e lo a u in v e s tm e n t s f o r sa lo .

Correspondence solicited.


Shoe ami Hat StoreHus Removed from Pilgrim Piitliwdyj

Ocenn CJrdve, to '•

636 mmrn ave.Corner Bond Street, ‘

(Lewis’s \Ne\v Jjriek Building,)


WASHINGTON WHITE,7 2 0 M n tt is O n A v c . , o p p * P o s t O lH ce.

ASBURY P A R K , Nt ) .

. MONEY LOANED ON PIRSy,MORTGAGE.Lots fo r Sale In any p a r t o f S ta te .

., Several Pino Farm s on.Easy Terms,I havo 40 lo ts a t W est Grovo th a t I w ill soil on

easy term s, to parties' w ishing to build. Also somo a t W ost Asbury P a rk —th e ,f in est on th e tra c t—a n d .,a g rea t variety, o f property placed wl th ino fo r s/ilo and to ren t Haying a thor ough knowledge of valuations th ro u g h o u t tho State , i t will pay you to call on ino.

N. H. KILMER,Contractor, Carpenter

; A N D B U IL D E R :' Plans and specifications, furnl*.*ied. ^n d csti;

mo ten m ade au a ll kinds o f carponter wor’ .

Jobbing of all kinds attended to.5 P itm an Ave. p ocoS ! 6 vb.

T PR A NK APPLEBY, R eal E s ta te

A NO .

In su ra n c e Office,Removed to

61/M A IN A VENUE,Asbury Park and Ocean Grovo Rank Building

OCEAN GKOVE.. Now open in Chargo o f ROB’T E. MAYO.

All k inds of


J O H N M. D E Y ,(Ponnaucptly residing a t Occan Grove,)

ARCHITECT AND BUILDER,Is alw ays ready to Atrnlsh p lans an d estim ates of cottages in every slzo and stylo.

For good w orkm anship aud satisfactory terms, ho refers to a ll for whom ho has erected cottages, both in Ocuan Grove and Asbury Park ,durlng the past fifteen years. ’

' JOHN Mr DEY,Cor. Benson and Main Ave., Occan Grove


Funeral Directorand Embalmer.


Fiowers of nny design tit short notice. .

Parlors and Office—N o.. 17 M ain St.,. , ASBURY PARK, N . J . . .

Also Superin tendent o f Mt. Prospect Ccmotory

Corner ,Main and Beacli Avenues and Olin. S t., Ocean Grove.Location unsurpitssed ; ex tein ive outlook to th e sen; accom m odations greatly e n l a r g e d a n ­

nex containing SO rooms. The eholcu .Fam ily Hotel o f Ocean Grove.-• WILLIAM 0 « R , Proprietor.

'Ocean Pathway, ncar the Surf


Open May 1 to Oct. 1.

A Strictly First-class.

Family notel.


l f‘»pTc*»ins K tc ., A i‘d iv > s

Enlarged and Im proved.'.

cho ice rooms ch-suito or single

M. 3. EDER

'L IL L A G A A R D ,A bbott A venue near tho Ocean, Ocean Grove, N . J.

Enlarged to fifty c lccan t rooms m rf nnd h o t st‘a w ater baths w*‘

3IISS M. A. EARLS, Proprietor.

Accommodations superior In every re?nect. Only a few 'steps

(Cox 2071.) MISS LIZZIE M; D. EARLS, Manager. -

asN RY C. WiNsoB, P ro s id o n t. Gro. W . EVanm, V ice -P ro s iaen t. E dm oko E . d a t t o n , C ft 'h lo r


: . ’ Ob o a n iz e ii J a n o a u y , 18SP.C A P I T A L , SSO.OCO. S U R P L U S , 0 2 5 , 0 0 0

. TraiiFaciH a gouoral Banking Business, laauea Foreign and Domestic Drafts, •. Prom pt a tten t ion given to all mattoi 6 ontm stod to us. • •

O O L l iE n t O N f i M A IJK A N D P U O M P T L V A t’R M O W L E D O E D , D I R E C T O R S - .


?•?'. r. * M\ »/KTRlr>K, JOUN rrUBHARD. . ' I \ WtNflOP.. T. FttANK APPLEBY. •. LEWIS RAINEAIi. AMOS TILTON.

• vop.p. p a t r o n a g e s o l i c i t e d * •

FIRST RATIONAL BANK OF 1SBURY PARK.C a p i t a l , ? i o o , o u o | L o c a t d ia H o n ja o u th B u ild in g I S u r p l u s , $ ? o , o o o .

• O ceuu G rovo OOleo—A sso o la tlo n B u ild in g . •P ro m p t u u d ch re flit a t t e n t io n « i v«Q to a l l b u s in e s s e n tru s te d to o u r c a re . N o w Y o rk , B ro o k ly n

a n d P h lla d b lp h h i d i re c to r ie s fo r .th o uso o f th o p u b lic o n file u t th o o f f ic e ,.

. .* ' ' O F F IC E R S : : -Goo. F , K ro e h l, J^e^ . • 0 . I I . B ro w n , 1 s t V ico P ro s , A lb o rt C, T w in in g , C ash lo r

' M. L . B am m u tt, 2d V ice P r e s . . - M, V . D ag o r, A ss’ t C ash ie r.

• • •. ’ , D IR E C T O R S : ,Isa ao c . K e n n e d y , B rttco S. K c a to r , M . D „ • ' C h as . A . A tk in s , C h aa . A. Y o u n g ,W . II . Beeglo, , M. L . B a m m a n , G eo. F . K ro o h l, . J o h n L . Coffin,M ilan Rosa, O liv e r U .B ro w n , ' A lb e r t C. T w in in g , S h e rm a n B . O v la tt .

D .C . C o v e rt , D r. S am ’l J o h n s o n . •


M I L L I N E R Y9 9 M41N 4 V I ., OCEAN 6R0VB.


Trimmed Hatsand Bonnets

in hitest styles. Hats prdbsed. Feathers curled Crepe restored, , ;


; P A R I S Hitman Hair Store,

611 Cookman & 612 M attison Avs.,. ASBUEY P A S S .

Ltfrgo assortm ent o f H um an H air Works. Nat ural W ater Curls guaranteod. ,

Ladies’ H air Cutting, Shampooing, H air Dress­ing aud Curling by professional Frouch artists.

My Circassian Toniquo for tho growth o f th e ha ir and for romoving dandruff an d a ll com* plaints o f tho scalp and nair, baa boon highly ro- commonded by tbo best residents of Asbury Park P ark and Ocean Grovo.

No'humfcour. Success In a ll eases.. Ladies a ifl^o n tlem cn consultation freo. •

My.Veloutlpo for tho fnco needs only a tria l to bo preferred to n il o thers tho m arket. ” tria l to all.



Circulation of This Number j

lOOO. IB o s t A d v e r t i s i n g

M e d iu m in

O c o a n C r o v e . !L. . - ______ I

VOL. i. NO. 14. O C E A N G R O V E , N E W J E R S E Y , S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T 5 , 18 9 3 . O N E D O L L A R P E R Y E A R .

idrcds of Babies Peram bulated Along A sburv P a rk 's l'lim k-w alk .


Hr. Bradley led th e Fam ous P roces­

sion and T housands on B oth S id es

of th e Boardw alk Applauded th e

C unning L ittle Creatures.

T hat “ baby is k ing ,” was certainly proven in th e fourth annual bnbv parade on Tuesday afternoon last. Big babies and little bnbics, p re tty babieaand ugly, cross babies, and cute and in fact every imaginable varietyjof babies composed the famous procession. Thousands thronged the boardwalk on bo th sides o f the tem ­porary niiling, w hich had been erected for tiie occasion, from Bradley’s pavilion by th e lake to tho F ifth avenuo pavilion, and all along this line was a vast m ulti­tude of faces anxiously awaiting the com* ing o f the infants.

A t precisely five m inutes of four the bass drum m er o f the bench band applied

. liis drum stick in a m anner th a t was n o t to be m istaken, and the babies w ith tlie ir chaperons started to form in line.

THE SCENE AT THE PAVILION.Long before th e appointed hou r the

infants aud th e ir a ttendants began to a r ­rive, and for a tim e th e scene was a per­fect Babel. . Some o f the youngsters seemed to enjoy tho novelty of th e situa­tion and laughed and crowed w ith glee. The mam m as would: bend over the coaches and address them in th e most, endearing’term s such as “ my ’ittle toot­sie wootsie will get um prize,” *.‘0o is the p ’ettieet ’ittle dearie,” and such o ther expressions only capable o f a m other’s utterance. • '•" .' ;

O ther infanCprotegees added to this* din by th e most awful screams, and yells imaginable,- absolutely refusing to be quieted. Then others seemed to th in k th a t a dignified a ir was essential, nnd would sit in th e ir .-cabs .as though the whole responsibility o f the occasion rest­ed on th e ir infant shoulders. A t last tlie

. procession began to form. The bench band started Up an a ir and tlie m arch commenced.

ORDER OK TllEPROCRsSION.In the very front o f the procession was

a six year-old youngster dressed in the garb of*a j>olice officer. H is face was covered w ith a ' th ick, red h irshu te growth, and. ho m arched forward in a m ariner th a t would do credit to one o f “ New . York’s finest.” Directly" behind h im was Mr. Bradley, . h is face w reathed in smiles, evidently happy

. over the success of th e occasion, and .n ex t came- the famous beach band, .which discoursed such airs as “ Daddy w ouldn’t buy me a bow-wow,” “The D arkey’s Dream ,” and m any other equally popular melodies. .

T hen followed th e babies in countless gorgeous rigs. There was no particular order to th is p a rt of the procession, and in fact i t .was a sort go-as-you-please affair.- . •••'•: .; * • •

• M uny funny incidents were witnessed by the onlookers. One in particular was th e occasion o f much m errim ent. A doll babv o f color was comfortably laying in a m iniature carriage, arid a littlo girl was ;w heeling tliia. unique rig. There .were two small boys who seemed to be pn the

.look-out for such oddities and as th e pair passed one o f them exclaimed; “ 01i Johnnie, git onto de nigger!”

. . ' THE JCDGES’ STAND.'The judges were located in the stand

u s e d for th e exhib ition of stereopticon views. T hey were Mrs. Justus E. R alph; of the Coleman House; Mrs. Thom as W.

' Twining, o f Philadelphia; Mrs. Jam es L. Taylor, of Brooklyn, -Mr. A. R. Parsons, o f th e Brunswick; and Mr. A. M. Bates ot the Coleman House.

From the ir elevated: perch they could easily pick out th e more attract ice Car­riages and every facility wus offered them to give a fair and .impartial judgm ent *

' IiOCHIITIO.V OB TILE IX FA NTS.Perhaps the inost novel rig was a small ■

wagon loaded down with hav. . On top} o f th is waS lurched “ F anner Tom.;” H e f was draw n by three small boys and the nuum er in w h ich he handled, the reins was m asterly indeed. Severn l'dol Is werp

. seated-by his sido and th e ir glass eyes fairly sparkled w ith delight a t the round

. o f applause which greeted th e ir appear­ance. •/: .

Churles Leslie Severs w as the occupant o f another notable carriage, on tlie front o f which was a placard w ith the inscrip­tion: “ I ’m a salt water boy, born in Ocean Grove September 0, 1802.’.! This gorgeous equipage was gaily decorated with red, w hite and blue tissue paper, and a n in­genious cupola several feet high ' made o f the same material attracted con­siderable a t ten tion ■, and was conceded by m any to be th e most handsom ely decor­ated coach in the. process ion.

T he sailor boys from th e K inness were comfortably stored in a small row boat named Em m a B! T his novel rig was draw n by several o f the Wesley Lake boat bovs.' ■ . \

Clarion Alberta ! Rubicon is indeed a lengthy nam e for its year-am hn-half old possessor. On the r ig iii w hich she was wheeled was a placard w ith th e words ‘‘Babes in thci .Wood.” I t was prettily decorated w ith oak leaves and ivy and attracted considerable attention.

M aster Harold Bishop another baby

stopping in'j Occhn Oroye was) wheeled along the plank walk m a n express wagon

. A beautiful bower o f lillies in the form;of an arch was the principal decoration;: “The Rose of Tennesee” was another noted ftifant iii. the procession;. Her right name is May Rose Pringle, arid her home is in Nashville.. > On tlie front of her wqgon was a . placard. with the words “ Fairy in’the Haystack.”

Little B eth Reynolds; a ‘ one-year:old from Carbondale, Pa., was one ; o f . the p re ttiest babies in, tlio. parade, and wiis tastefully attired in w hite silk and lace.; Three famous children o f foreign b irth in th e procession w ere ;the offspring o f th e Spanish Minister* Signor Francis Le-1 onte Yasfjuez. . T he tw o girls, Grace-Alta and Eatella marched by tlie side o f the ir nurse, .while the baby boy, Columbia V asf quez was 1 wheeled . in /h is handsom ely decorated carriage. • ’. v • ; ' ;

Even’ the Princess Eulalia wnijpersoni­fied in th is procession. The Princess in .question;wtis tlie title, bestowed upon an im m ense, w ax doll belonging ‘ to M iss Lillian E .; South, who w heeled h e r w ith tlie Bame care she would have besto wed upon h e r famous namesake; /

' Raym ond A rthur, o f Brooklyn, who is stopping in Ocean ;C4rove, \vas seated in a Chinese equipage, far exceeding in mag­nificence those used by. th e almond- eyed Celestials in their perambulations. A round the sides were Chinese lanterns, and fans w ith wicrd looking dragons pic­tured on them.• M aster Ray Parram ore, a native o f As­bury Park, was wheeled in a rig rich and rare. Tlie m ost notable feature connec­ted w ith th is great m an in em bryo was

4his u tte r lack o f outer garm ents, bu t for all lie seemed to be the general favorite w ith th e gentler sex. Now and then he would stick a chubby foot in his little m outh and wave his hand in childish glee a t the m ultitude o f faces on both sides o f him .

AWARDING THE TRUCES.After the procession had passed the

judges’ stand for the second time, they went in the Asbury avenue pavilion for the aw ard o f prizes. ;. Mr. Bradley’s fine baby coach for the

most tnstefuljy decorated carnage was awarded to Mabel Alberta Cox o f New York. H er carriage w as decorated w ith flowers in a most a rtistic m anner. Apple blossoms seemed to be th e principal dec­oration. They w ere in her hair, a boquet in her hand, and they were arranged effectively about the carriage, the body o f which was covered w ith nile-grccn silk. • .; . ; ;

Isabel Bhinvelt, a Paterson babe won the gold spoon given by Johnson, the. jeweler for th e . second best decorated carriage. r \

T he souvenir spoon, donated by H enry Steinbach for the cab m ost tastefully dec­orated in ' American colors was carried off by Elvu W hidm an Johnson, a fifteen- m onths old bady o f Behnar, who made the trip in a carriage gracefully festooned w itli th e red, w hite ahd blue. •

Benjamin Esberg,of New York, secured second place, for patriotic decoration. H is prize was a book o f merry-go-round tickets, donated by Mr. Schnitzler..

Bonnie Maud Kloeve, the black-eyed one-vear-old daughter of “ .Maud M adi­son,” th e actress, was aw arded tho prize for the most originally decorated coach. T he decorations which the judges con­sidered to be the .most novel were com­posed o f n i files and rosettes m ade but of th e Asburv Park papers, th e Journal Spray and Daily Press. A n Educational Hall, souvenir spoon, Joseph I j, Wiseman, wiis th e prize aw arded to th is youngster.

One o f Ocean Grove’s youngest ’cyclists, Raym ond S. Sullivan, a son o f Rev. J. Wesley Sullivan, pastor o f the Snyder Avenue Baptist Church, of Philadelphia, who is sum m ering a t No. 27 Clarke avenue, captured the prize offered for the best decorated bicycle. I t was a beauti­ful pearl and silver souvenir spoon dona­ted by AAV. Cornelius, th e jeweler. I Iis wheel was tastefully and sim ply decorated in black and yellow.

L .W . LeM aistre’s pretty cap for the dain tiest decoration in w hite was Unani­mously awaided to Natalie M ay Uiird, of New York. H er coach was very neatly adorned with tissue paper, and she her­self m ade a beau tifii picture, - with her sparkling eves and long golden curls; ,

Tillie A. Keim of Bayonriej daughter of S. G. Keim, received the Quaker doll froin J . B. Cook o f th e “ Bee I live” for th e befit decorated dotl’s carriage.

M ary Agle, o f Kearney, won John Steinbnch’s flower bo tv I for tlie best floral decorated carriage.’ • ••

The gold-beaded necklace given by W. P. Lhdomus for th e sm allest baby in the parade was carried o ff 'b y Miss Gertnide Mensei, o f E ast Orange. She was w ith ­out exception th e smallest creature in the procession, und was wheeled in a tiny doll’s carriage. H er age is ten weeks.

T he nex t prize Was for th e heaviest year-old in fan t and was captured by. Clayton Black, o f New York. 11 is weight is th irty pounds, and-lie was awarded the handsome oatmeal, set from C. S. Cook iV


M rs. W ilson Instructs a Class of Celestia ls In

the Association Building:.

Every Sunday afternoon a num ber o f almond-eyed Celestials congregate in one o f th e rooms o f the Association building: for th e purpose of religious in s tn ie tion .. Mrs. W ilson is in charge and docs every­th in g in Jier power to teach the Chinese true religion. About, ten m en and boys; comprise th e usual attendance an d they nil understand English and study tlie same lesson ne is recited at- th e Audito- ruml, '' ‘ ;

The A. IV W. W ill Erect n B eautiful anil Commodious S tructure.


The Club is T rying to Securc th e N at­

ional f le e t In ’94, and Their

' N ew Quarters W ill Prove

a B ig Inducem ent.

The rapid and steady growth o f bicycl­ing, both as a pastim e and an adjunct to business, has stim ulated the formation of clubs a ll over th e country.

Asbury Park' and Ocean Grove are usually no t overlooked in ‘th is 's o r t of th ing and . our towns can boast o f one of th e m ost progressive arid enterprising clubs belonging to. th e league o f Ameri- c an W h ee lm en . $bia organization now num bers over one hundred members find is constantly grow ing.. For. some tim e th ere has been a great need; for sii i table headquarters, and on the tw enty n in th o f May, Inst,: th e club, formally dccided ' to purchase land and erect a club house, su it­able for th e proper accommodation o f its m em bers and to th a t end a building com­m ittee consisting o f H , .B,. Ayres, A. I I . : Hope^ J . E . Davis,.,C. R. Zficharias, J . E . Burt, and C. S. Rogers was apijointed to procure a site an d subm it plans and esti­mates for. a building. This committee proved to be an energetic o n e ; w ith a clear idea o f tlie requirem ents o f th e case and th e plans* th a t were produced seemed to m eet the necessities o f th e case as fully as could be desired. . The picture of the proposed structure herew ith presented gives a fair idea o f th e external, appear­ance th e buildinjg will present when com­pleted and tho in te rio r arrangements .are also well designed for pleasure and coin-, fort. The basement will be 22x75 feet w ith a large room for the storage of w:heels, w ith a bowling alley, bathroom ,, jan ito r’s room, etc. On th e lirst floor

Bailev, B F Fees, Uev Jo h n llandlev , W alter H ubbard, W S Burtis, N 11 Kil­mer, I>r George B H erbert,I)r J R Werts, Jam es Cartan, John K Wallace, Samuel Betnardj E L Tiffany, I I B Brockett, Jr., F IJrusett, E T R ipley, W illiam S Ford, F J Creyeliiigj- Al Steiner, L M Taylor,. W al­ter Clayton, A rth u r Buclmnon, Rufus. Cook, Jo seph 'Johnson,‘ J fj Rogers,' W I I Beegie, Thoinas J W inckler, D r A S. Bur- ton, Dr I G Burton, W A B erry, E ^ V W indsor, 0 I I Matthew’s,JJosepii L W ise­man, C A Clevenger, M ax Ilerz, I 'M Mil­ler, iI A Borden, C S Steiner, J D Beegie,J F H awkins, J E Flitcroft, D Wilson, J I t Bordeiij L 0 Grcnelle, A W Cornelius, James Van B runt, E C Burtis, Joseph Travis, Jam es N Conway, C.T. Harrison, R B Shover, C E Still, A D McCabe, J L Cliver, Stanley I I C Walpole, Jonothan •Minot, W W Davis, W W iseman, H C Landis, W ashington W hite, Charles Mc­Dermott, X W Penfleld, Rennie. L Smitii, F D B ennett, H A Allen and R W Good-, w in;


F u lly 2000 People From a ll P arts of the County! W itness the Services,

The opening o f th e new.bridgb connect­ing Bra«lley Beach w ith Ocean Grove a t

.the foot o f Pilgrim Prtthwny, took place' bh Friday evening last arid fully 2000 jjeo- ple witnessed, the . dedication. •; Music by Sauim artino’s orchestra' from , the bench and H yson’s colored b a n d livened ; up m atters considerably, (luring th e evening1,; by playing m any popular airs. v' A commodious grand ehvnd near L th e Bradley . Beach term inus o f th e bridge had been erected, b y M r. Bradley, :arid in"|front o f th is stm cture-seats for oOO peo-; pie were placed. On th e stand w ere a lijrge num ber o f ch i Id ren, representatives • from Bradley Beacli a n d ; Ocean Grove, tlie newspaper m en, Miss E. M. Jolinsbn, o f Asbury P ark an d others. Mr. Brad­ley .co n d u c te d th e exercises, w h ich . were 'opened by ’ singing Ahe dedication ' song, “ The Song o f th e New B rid g e /’ composed b y ^liss J o h n so n .' Fred Long, o f Asbury jJ.’a rk acted as 'precentor. ; . . / ,• . Arriorig th e speukers! -were ;T. Y. A lba,: postmaster, o f Bnulley Beach, Dr. E. i l . Stokes, and Rev. Dr. Thom as Hanlon, th e leader o f th e Ocean Grove Bible Class.

After th e speeches refreshm ents were

t y H. J l . Donald in the Kisrlith I t e . .



A Full A ccount of th e 'Races Held

L ast Saturday Under th e Aur .

sp ices o f th e Asbury Park

A thletic A ssocia tion .


will be a parlor, fitting room, oflke, hall j and stairway, reading room and smoking j room, all o f good size, well ventilated and airy, w hile the . second floor compri^ '! hends an audience room 12x52 With a | seating capacity o f 2oO to be use«l for en te r: j tain m en t o rgym nasiu in purposes, anrl a.j kitcheri arid service "room. \ T he biiildi ng | will be Turn ished throiigl 1 ou t' i 11a mahner-j suitable to th e character o f th e house and j needs o f th e :elv\b. .‘v ' - 1. I t w ill be located on Bangs avenue J close to M ain street and wiil be accessible - j: froni all points;: I t . ’ is expected■•that; j ground will • be b ro k en ; about;Septeiiiber: j first ; nnd . tlie work pushed forwanl ' so j that-tlie structure - w ill be rendv for occit-; j par icy^ early!; in. tlie new year. Strong.; efforts: are -being m ade to secure^ the j .National meet, o f 1894 . for Asbury . P a rk ;; and if successful th e new club house-WiU .; afford the necessary facilities for looking! after the. comfort nnd entertainm ent of th e thousands o f visiting wheehiieri th is ■: im portant event would bring to the town.

Financially th e club is in a prosperous condition. The several meets it has had f. thiff v « tr have been very successful an;I the treasury is in a condition to warrant the constnictiort o f the desired quaru.-i-.

The.following is a list o f theoflicei's''ami present m em bership of th e club: j

A C Atkins; President;'-W. II Stan Her, Vice-President; T A Miller. Secretary; 'I) . C Cornell, Treasurer; : A .0 Tw ining;-1 Captain.- The building committee is com* , posed o f II B Ayres, J E•D avis, A H Hope, C R Zacharias, J . E Burt and C S Rogers. The committee expect to have . everyth ing iii shape to begin the building in September. • • • V

The present m em bership comprises the . following: A C Atkins, W II Stauffer, F. < Pawley, D C Cornel}, Jesse M inot, Jam es F Edge, 1 1 W Smock, Randolph Ross, C» : A Smock, Jam es H Sexton, C li Zachar­ias, T C Cottrell, Milan Ross, A C Tw in­ing, E Hope,. N S Ilom an, W illiam M Pawley, A J 21111, John L Coflin, Rev F C Colby, John N Burtis, J E Davis, C A ; Atkins, H J Rockafeller, George Ander-.; foil, II M Rue, J E Burt, W H arvey ; Jones, A H Hope, D C Bowen, C N Jejiff, ; G W Pittiuger, Rnvniond Pawley, T A j Miller, T F Appleby, A A Taylor, R A ): Tusting, W illiam Dorsctt, II B M artin, J | C B errang, H B Ayres, Joseph M cp e r-1 inott, Cham pion A A Ziinfnermari, J I I

served., n t M r. Bradley’s expense; from the old excursion car which had been taken from the Park for th a t purpose.

Threatened to Stab His Fellow Workmen.

A lbert Coffman, th e head cook a t th e Arlington Hbtel, engaged in a drunken brawl in the k itchen o f th a t house 011 M onday afternoon last, w hen ho th rea t­ened to stab h is fellow, workmen. Mr.C. H. Miller, the proprietor, finally sub­dued the intoxicated chef, and lie was taken before Justice Patterson. The charge was no t pressed and th e man was •liberated.-. ; v


Edw in -Aldcrt..: fllller;.; a‘ W ell-K now n N ew s­paper H an f le e ts D eath a t His Own Hand. *

Pii 1 LApKi.ei 11 a , Aug. 1.—Edward Afden Miller, ii b rillian t young journalist of this city, died by his own hand yesterday. In the absence of.relatives he was board­ing a t . No. 1218 W alnut street for the. sum m er. At a h a lf hour before.noon the servant was startled by iv single sharp re­port from Miller’s room.

She immediately sum moned the land­lady, who found . th e door locked; A policeman was called iii arid forced an en ­trance when the . young man was found dead upon tlie floor. .

Mr. M iller one tim e city editor of tiie' I'hiiatkfphin Ibriird, He left there in November o f last year, and has since beeh w-orking on one of th e m o rnh ig papers. H e started a journal o f liis .owii w hich was devoted exclusively to philos­ophy a n d th e a r ts . . I.i was;, called the American Swctalor and but two num bers were issued.. ‘

Edw in Alden Miller, was the son o fth e late E, Sj>encer Miller, and a brothw; to: l-'. Spencer Miller, J r ., the Assistant City Solicitor arid to Em lin lla ro Miller. .

For the Second Avenue Improvement f:und.

•'An enterta inm ent under the auspices o f Dr. I/0e Ottolengni. is td be given in the Asburv. Park A uditorium ou F riday even­ing, August 11, for the benefit o f th e Second avenue; improvements. A splen­did program m e will be prepared, nml a nuinljcr o f noted professional artists haye volunteered th e ir services, for the oc­casion.

Tiie bicycle racefTunder th e auspices o f th e Asbury Park A thletic Association, on Saturday last, were ra th e r sliiidy a t­tended, owing to the unfavorable w eather iii the morning.,-. ■ ■ ■ ' ' Jv-V c ’.

1 I t nppenred for a tim e .th a t the rain, would, necessitate 'th e ir . postponemerit, b u t about .noon th e clouds broke away arid-three o’clock siiw some fifteen,liun-; dred people assembled - in and .around .the gnirid stand. ;. ■. ■; . ;.!• V

' Tlie. track,* ow ing to th e : heavy rain', was in poor, condition a n d nn nttem pt to roll it down did n ip re h n rm th a n g o o d . In s])ite o f this, however,' soine; fast tim e wns made in th e various events.

T he lir s t: race On ; th e program m e wtis tlie one mile.novice,; with tu ^ prizes o f gold and .silver medals. I t was run in heats, the first th ree in each heat to ride in th e final. T he first heat was woii iii 2.57 flat by II . E. Eckstein, w ith A. A . Senman second, and Willinm II . Parker third. The second heat occupied a little m bre timdy being inade in 3.01 by Wv C. Jtoorne w ith G. B. Vail Em burgh second and B ertram Ripley th ird . A ti me li m it w as p u t on the final bent and there were five starters. B ertram Ripley Avon easily in 2.49.4-0 ,"w ith W . G. Roome second- and II . E . Eckstein thirtl. " -

T h e second race, the One tiiile. open, hndjas : p rizes,. a §7o,. onyx clock, a gold w;ntcli a iid a silver wntch.: . There w ere several. eraOk stii rte rs i 11 cl ti d i ng Ziriiriier- > m an, Ifess iind Mullikeri, bu t o f course it was Zim m erm an’s race, being run in 2.48 (t.wo secori«ls w ithin th e tim e limit) with W. II . M ulliken second' aiid Carl 1 less ch ird , .

T he th ird race was the one mile, three m inute class in heats. T he first three in eiicli heat to run in th e .r final. The first heat was w on by.G . W. Thatcher in 2.55 with A. II. • Maddox secondhand 0 . P. B randt tliird . ; A. II. B arnet won the second heat in. 2.4114-f» w ith T. 11. Van- Emburgh second and W. L. Ferguson,J iv, tl j ird. The final heat was1, won. in2.t}~ by .George H . Thatcher, w ith II. II. M addox second, A . . T I ; B arnet third. T he prizes consisted o f a gold and ii sil­ver watch.

The fourth race Was.a tw o mile handi­cap w ith a diamond ring* as first ami a .‘•npjihire p in its second, arid solid gold charm as th ird prizes. I t was designed to run th is race ill/h ea ts hiit • the; pro­gram m e was changed im d it was run in one heat, and wits won by Carl Hess, W - yards, in 4.57 2-5 w ith F. J . Titus, 110 vanls second,'and G. M. Wells, 120 yards third.

T he one mile, 2.40 class, cnme next, w iiich was nin in heats, w ith a tim e lim it o f 2.45. The first prize was a gold watch, second, diamond ring, th ird , silver watch. Paul • Grosclr. iyon! in . t h e ; first. lieitt, : in !;

' 2; 4.'M-5 ■ w jth T I .B . Sc4111 in 1 n aelier second, i i i J.;IIa)l,- J r;’,'-. th ird and J o h n A. M ead, fourth ; The second-1)eat was 1 nado iri:2,4‘i flat,-E. F. Milliken coming in ’lirst, w ith E. L. Blaiiy e lt, H .B. M urtin ,nud Jam es W ill is,. follo wing in' tho o rd e r named. The final heat o f th is nice was won b y Paul Grosch in 2JJ2, tint w ith Iv L. B lanvelt second and E . F. M iller third.

The s ix th race was th e fi ve mile open, with a ••rioO diam ond ring iis first prize, and a diamond, stud, gold chain, and diam ond pin as second, th ird and fourth prizes. There were -several good riders in th is even t , an d it was very interesting. The crowd appreciated: tlie riding o f W. IE M ulliken, who stuck :to Zimmerman’s hind wheel like a leech, and with such good results th a t he came -inv liext; to th e ; cham jiion. * The turn; for the live nille race was 14 liiiimtes, 12 seconds. Zuii- inermaii, first. W. 11. M ulliken, second, Ou l Hess, tliird . The special prize, a diam ond .collar button , offered to tlie ri«ler leading in the greatest num ber of laps was also won l>v Zimmeniiaii. •. 1‘liesnviriiih rai-e was a Burlesque, and d<Aolopcd some curioils-lo'iking individ­uals,: all secure tin) juicy prizes, consisting o f .five w-ateriiiejons, ofl'ere*! by . M ayor Ten I In n*ck, o f A s 1 »u ry I ’ark . Tin • re • Were th ree womcii, a Bowery dude.and a fairy The nice w as;in teresting from its.- :noyelty. Tliu tim e lim it was 2.15, sind tim e m ade 4.40, b u t th e race was allowed.I furry.M artin came m first witli Thomas L’arrick second and A. C. Tw ining wop the prize for the most grotesque costume. To save tim e 011 t h e . th i r d , lap the fairy came across the field. .

The eighth and final race was th e one. mile handicap, in heats. The first being made in 2.10 by.I?. R. MacDonald, II. II. M addox, second,.T. S. Rav; third, O. S. B randt, fourth. Zimmerman wiis in th is race b u t . th e huridicjip being over 200 yards,, in some Cases he d id not. exert iii liiself a fter the first lap, am I consequent­ly failed to g et a place. ' The second heat was won by T. J . T itus,, in 2.18 4-5, E. 1*. Miller, second, II. B. M artin, th ird , and J . A. Mead, fyurth. The final .o f this •race Was m ade hi 2.14 flat, tiie fastest tim e o f the day; and was won by R. B. M acDonald, F . 'J . Tittis, second, nnd O.S. BramU, th ird . .- .. •

>lr, C.; Fred Cope gave a fine exhibition o f fancy aiul trick riding on th e safety and was loudly applauded.. *.

Picnsant Pcnclllngfl About tho People, Pjace and Property.

*** .Alfred Cramer, o f Cram er’s Hill is tenting in liethcsda Block.

*** Miss P.;irh;iv'.\' Graff, o f Trenton, is a guest a t th e Bower Cottage.

>*# A. J I. Mead, <#f C aihden , piiid the Grove a v isit on Tuesday lust.

***. E. Alsdorf, a prominent, -business man o f Newark, was in town on ,M on day.

J . C. !Miller, o f Mt. Klsi-o, New York, is located a t No. 74 Abbott avenue!. Mr, W illiam Dclumnter^has ju s t re­turned from a business trip to New. Y ork .'

* % M rs . F. ({, Sm ith; o f W ilmington, Del., has registered a t th e Sheldon House*

1 Miss Stella Colelough returned to Trenton for a short visit on W ednesday lust. . ” *•

4** Dr. J . AV. Cnimbnugh, ofW ihning- ton, Del., is nt th e Osborne ll«»nse on a sho rt vacation.

*** The fair Miss Sarah Miller, o f Cam­den, is enjoying 1 1 well earned Vacsitioii a t tlie Bower Cottage.: M iss^hiry Porter Ileegle has goneto Stanford on a two week’s v isit to frends in .th a t pleasant city.

**# Mrs. George A. Smith, o f New York, has taken a ; cotfnge* on Clark avenue, near Central.

Dr. Charles Boiisell, a den tis t from , Philadelphia, is stopping a t tlie National Ilo tel for a sho rt seitson.

**# Messrs. H . E. ami H arry Wiegland o f Brooklyn, have registered ut the Ij i - P ierre for u sho rt season. ,

#** M r..W . II. I><twis nnd -wife, o f Mer­chant ville, are sjiending a.few dnys w ith friendso trM t. Ileriuon W uy..

*** William 1$. Land, a Quakcj- City mercliaiit, is stopping a t the Alplui. Iio is accompanied by Mrs. Umd.

*•* Rev. Joseph G. Symmes, o f Cran- bury, N. J ., is in th e Groye staying for a few days a t the Aurora, on Surf Avenue.

* Rev. A rthur I.ucas, of Newark,.w ill, conduct the Young People’s Meeting in tilts''Aslmry Park Auditorium next.Sun- even iiig.; A. K. Smith, o f Elizabeth, has rented a cottage on Surf avenue and- w ith his family will spend . th e balance o f the season, th e re , . •

*** Mrs. George Watson, well known iii T ren to n ,: is a recent.arrival a t the Bower Cottage, and intends rem aining the rest o f the season ;

*** W. G. H erbert, treasurer o f the Providence arid • Stoning ton Stcnmboiit Company, is lonited at th e Carrollton for the rest o f th e sum m er. r

**+ Rev. Samuel L. Beller, f). IX,‘ vice-chancellor o f the American Cttivet:- sitv, W ashington, I). 0 ., is spending his vacation a t the Carrollton.

* V Dr. C H. Archibald, u 'noted itervo' specialist o f New York City, accompanied by his w ife is stopping a t th e corner o f New York avenue arid M t..Zion W ay.

*** AlcCalje & M argenim’s new s | io j> gives them exceptionally good facilities for handling the meat business, but.they seem to be Working it to its full capacity.; Profi-ssbr W. J . Mulford, oi'gunist ami musical d irector o f ( florin iJei Cliureli .Philadelphia, w ith ' his wife and • son; is stop|»ing.with liis.parentS a t No..2!) Olin street. , , - ' • '

.*** C. G. Carjtenter and fan iily ,. of Rochester, N. V., have been stopping, here for a few weeks enjoying the. fishing ■ am i bathing. . 'Mr. Carpenter has large manufacturing* interests in the Flower C ity. :: • -

■+**. Savs the Asbury Park Journal: “ One o f th e Ocean Grove policemen es­corted’th t r from the beach on Satur­day. She was robed h i. a calico suit that did not hang in classic folds to her sym ­metrical .forni.” • , . .

W illiam Ijuv and John ' M. l^obei-t-- son, o f the jirio o f Robertson coalo’penttoi'H. a t A VfM-a; I’a., w ith .their famil-. ies am I M rs. f .'hurles l a w and Mary I lus- tie, of the same town are spending a .few weeks a t Ocean I irove.

A team o f mules belonging to 'George' S ickles,! of Freehold, rail uwuy oil Thursday afternoon. .'.T hey started from the ten ts on Ocean Pathw ay and bl-oiight up Fletcher Ijike . Fortu-. uutely no one - was injure«l, although Sickles held 0 1 1 to the reins a fter a ll the traces.ha'd-broken b u t one. •. I '• ' Rev. W illiam B. Osborne, the mov­

ing sp irit in the organization o f the* Oi:eai\ t irove Camj» M eeting Association,, twenty-four years ago, Is here enjoying a season o f rest/1 he-oceun a ir and sa |tba tlh - llro ther Osborn stem s im pervious to the touch o f time,iis th e change in h isappear: uiice mul physical condition in the past quarter o f u century is scttrcely percep ti- ' ble,.i ***' 11 is nbt often tlia t tlie Ocean ( Irove police force is ••ailed upon to' make unrests, but officer McBurney found it liecessurj* to give John Lilly, n diirkey, 11 free n ig h t’s lodging in the cooler. John hiid been indulging in too inuch fire . Water iind'was sleeping off the effects on Abbott avenue a t one o'clock in the morn­in g .-. l ie was taken before Justice Patter-, soil, who imposed a line arid let him go. y

Asbury P a rk ’s la te s t A rr iv a l.

Oil M onday Afternoon hist Charles M. Baker,' connected w ith Jo h n ^Steinbach's store, was made happy by the news thp t his wife; hu<l ju s t presented him w ith a: handsome teri-pOurtd baby boy. Both m other and child are doing well,nud Mrs. Baker is On th e rapid rond.tO recovery.


OCEAN G R O V E T IH E S,i ,~ i r i i L i s u i - : n 'kvkuy, satcuday at— :

N o , 4 8 M a in A v e n u e ,


AVi 1.1,1.\.m 11. Bekoi.k, Julitoi' mid 1 »•.I ,. II . Hum in 1.1.1% Mmmtfiiuj fcjjt-o .

S u b sc rip tio n , O ne D ollar per Y ear,V ''--ir. •• .(In AdvnllCtf.)

to ' C on n u sv o S nr.N t s - W e s lm tl b e t o r e - . eclvo ItontH n r neu-s m ul c o m m u n ic a tio n s o n

;' fcubjecl s .o f f n l tfri**/ m ih ls c o m im n d ty . >Vrlle 1 o n ly o n o n e >lde o i l h e sh e e t. • • .• T h e full name uHd address of. tbo w ilie r

shou ld 'accom pany n il com m unications, n«»t nocoxsiirily lor p u b licatio n , lu it ns n irunrunlee

• ofgnnil iHlihi A n o n y m o u s letters w ill nor . be ^ n o tice d '..*v

.A ddress n il co m m unications, e llh r r fur ihe edlforlnl pi* n e w s d epartm ents, to Ibi-.

. E d l lo r o f T l^ :T n lJ :s ,••.. ' Uecaii U inve, X . J .

SA TUR D A Y , AUGUST 5 , 1893.

A W atchm an For Hack D rivers.i lioie, th a t an officer lias:been Utaiiomii in th e vicin ity o f M ain’

•and Con!ml avenues to look after the i’-TIaeW Drivers:. T he ', m ost ' of these arc

gentlem anly and well behaved. There are a few, how ever whose gemn-al dem eanor

r;am i profane language, m ake il-unpleasant for priefcers-by ami bring discredit'. upon th e others. These offender:* should lie carefully:looked after and if they .cannot

.bebavO w ith ord inary decency, should ; b e shown the w av outside, th e gates.

. The Season a t Ocean Grove. •Not.withstanding Hie general dcjux'Ssibn

in business and serious financial distur- .b iilice throughout Ihe country, Ocean - Grove is hav ing a fairly prosperoussea- -son. H ut few cottages rem ain unrenled, and th e prices ‘/.obtained * average .up well w ith ' the' prices o f previous; years, D ur­ing : th e early part o f tlie season the business done by th e hotels ami boarding houses was not. up to thestahdu rd jm t dur-

v ing the last two weeks it has increased runicicnlly to m ake a. favorable compari-

• son- w ith tha t o f form er years.'.The hard Junes have undoubtedly had a

/ ; tendency to help us in this direction,.as . our hotels and cottages alford pleasant

and comfortable tu’conmiodations at. much lower prices than -can be seen l ed at the more fashionable resorts. «’

T he C ountry’s F inances.0:^1 *resenW indications in th e financial

world promise a decided improvement in money m atters .w ith in the iiext two

--weeks. ' T he ' im portation o f gold from ■ Europe will exceed twelve millions of

dollars and th e sh ipm ent of the yellow •m eta l to th is .country will continue for

some tim e .to come. A nother measure th a t will largely relieve the money s trin ­gency is the action taken by a number/of New York city national banks to increase

> the amoinit o f bank notes now in cireula- . tion .: They purchase governm ent IkmhIs . o f the sayings banks and deposit them . w ith th e Secretary of th e Treasury who

issues li;uik notes to n inety per cent o f .'their .' face . Value* iVrmiigenients have alti'iidy been m ade to secure four millions o f dollars w orth 'o f new notes in (his way, a n d a s v it is possible to increase the aihotu it about four hundred millions if

• th e Governm ent bonds, can t>e. secured an v teinporary’ Jlnaneial stringency inav

' j je Velieved in th is way.These facts will also operate to. restore

.jihblie confidence and a-large, pint o f

.th e inoneydr:i>vn from the financial in ­stitutions by tim id people on account o f the financial scare will find its -way back to the banks and then .in to ' general circu-

; lation. Every dollar now .placed ; on de-' posit adds its'Weight iii relieving the situ ­ation, ami a return o f th e deposits drawn sim ply because jicople were,'d would- practically set tie. th e whole <filiieuhy,


T he LorKe A ttendance .Made i t Necessary, to Hold th e Convention in th e A uditorium .

The Week W ill F u rn ish M instre ls , Vmidevitle, Spectacular and Forcc • Comedy.

There will be an enjoyable variety in l lie am usem ents at the Park Opera House, Asburv Turk, during H ie.nm iing week; Beginning w ith to-night. Lew Docksta- der, th e world-famous minstrel king, will appear w ith his eomj>any of forty artist s. l ’eople often say a l l ,m instrels shows are the kune. A notable exception however, is that o f Levy Dockstader’s in instre is .; In tlie programme oili-red by th is renowned company: lliojv .are always many new,

■ bright a n d original features. The . on-.. g a r m e n t is fo r F r id a y a n d .S a tu rd ay , n i g h t s w ith a m a t in e e S a tu rd a y .. O n T u e sd a y n ig h t t h e g re a t a iu l o n ly T o n y P a s to r w il l a p p e a r w i th h i s .c o m ­p a n y ; s e v e r a l m e m b e rs o f w h ic h M r; P a s ­t o r h a s r e c e n tly , b r o u g h t f ro m ! E u ro p e :

On }lr. !Pastor%s program m e are the j names p f J . \V,-'Kelly, .the “ rolling mill ' m an;” F rank B rush, th e . comedian; the 11engler sisters, who were the Society fad in New Y ork last w in ter .w hen -they ap­peared at the Yamlcv.ille .club; Lizzie Col­lins;, sister, o f Lottie Collins, o f “ Tar-ra-ra- hoom-de-aye fame; Professor Thornbury,. cartoon artis t;Z a in ro ‘, juggler; tlie three H ay tors, in a wonderful grotesque act; Athos, the dancing Acrobat; M iss Isa-, bella SVard, th e musical star; th e great parody singers, Jo h n and Nellie McCar­thy , and Tony Pastor jiimself.. A. Y. Pearsoiis scenic dram a tie. produc­tion . o f Ivider. 1 laggard’s u^lle’, will be th e attraction at the Park Cjpera House 011 Thursday evening August. 10.

The sto ry ’ o f “ .She” is a thrilling oiie and gives great scope for sumptuous stage pictures ami wonderful electrical and mechanical effects;

and pimples. I t s . healing qualities are wonderful for -burns, scalds inflamed jo in ts and tender feet. For sale only at 1*20 Cookman avenue next to Param oi’e’s—Adv.':;- - : ;v


You can get a doulile, value- fpi‘ your oljI wheel iu'exchange, for a pneunialie at tlie pecan l irove Bicycle Emiioriimi, 4$M ain vaenue.—Ailr. I 'V -

. a sckxk n:oM “ sui:.’ ’

The Principal canvasses are. at the 1m perial City o f K or by iloonlight, African Tropics with tlie.. s'uh setting .in the dis/ tance and th e revolving j>iliars o f Jhe, while the climax o f interest is reached showing a volcano'in full eruption.


Qossfp A bout T h e ir .P roprie to rs and Item s of • I h t e r c s O Q e r i e r a l l y . - '

. --George .S.J.iikens, o f th e Bryn Mawr, fiudiug it necessary to. increitse h is ac­commodations .has rented the Thalassa. House.and will use it for lodging purposes.:

—T he Bower Cottage is .entertaining a large- num ber o f Trenton people th is year, (lenjiil Mrs. Thomas Colelough, , the pro­prietor, lias a wav of .making her guests feel a t home, ’

Hard on th e F in n y T ribe.

T he m anager of the Cicean Grove tish-. ing P ier has started th e famous lishiijg con tests again for the season.. A jirize is offered for th e greatest liiunljer o f iish caught.during the entire week, Other for th e largest num ber eaptured on Saturday only/. ^Ir. Brower won. th e first prize, a tine silver m ounted fishing rod, and Mr. Gus Garwood, o f Trenton; tlie second, a tisljing b;islVet on .Saturday.last.

Death of M rs. J a n e H athaw ay.

Mrs. Jan e H athaw ay died at the J h u b - ; awav House, .Deal Beach, on Thursday of tust week a t th e age o f StV years. The funeral services • were held oii Satur­day at ten o’clock and the remains interred in tlie I.png Branch^cemeterv. • : r

Mrs. H athaw ay has been a resident in th is vicinity for nenrlv fbriv veal’s.

2 ^ b o u t i f .


B O E D E H S T ’ S' ■ — i-'on—

Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Furna­

ces and House Fur­

nishing Goods.

Jtihiiiity Pi-Miijilhj Alltndol lo..

Tin Itonlinff a Specially.


-ilSBURY PARK, N, J.l-S I M S IV . llA IM O V ,

CARPEHTEB .and BUILDERCorlies Avenue. Xear Church,

W est Grove, New Jersey.

Post'O lflce A ddress, Box 2090 , Ocean d ro v e .

P ro m p t n tle n ilo n irlven to o rd ers for su m ll’ .lobs u tu l repiih^i’

The Wonder of the Age! ,x.The K noll Double Action Rubbing and

Suction Washer.• TW O M .V cillN IvS 1X O N E.

W /islies U sh lrlK jitn tline . .Seven on" each side. O nly .tw o y e a r s o ld . IHM) .Sold. F ive lUsttnel o iirm llo n s nm de by o n e m o tio n o f tlie lever, u tu l yet u ch ild can opOnite It, .

P r i c e , $ 1 0 , L a r g e S iz e , $ 1 2 .


C ' l c e l o i i & C o . , O c i ' i i i i ( i r o v e

A g e n t s W a n te d -P r o f e s s i o n a l C n r & s .

D R . B E E G I _ e 7 'Xu. 7$ MA JX .H 7i.Vf.72,.

: riCKAX dlioVK, -.V .1.

.O^rief:; J io n ts :-4;7\ o 12 to, 2 andv.;-, .'/.y • 0 to-S 1V M-. '

M R S . J . S . B A R IG H T , M . P>:Hoiudeopathic Physician & Surgeon

84 M A IN A V E N U E , / ;HeeoucV flo o r West. !of.Xew, V ork Aveniii*,

■ H O C E S N C R O W E , ■ .Olliee Hours: .71o 10 A. M.,.1 to S.!W, S.:}0. to !> 1*. m.

,.l]]>Wdrth League Day was celebrated inK lcean Grove on Tuesday last-aiid owing i .. — ■ — ■ — -------

to . tlie large num ber present; the exei*-• 5tehier & Sons. Fuctory Closes DownasriTw rfu iK.I.l. iii' tlio- .Viitlitoi-iimi.. in- ] ' .'TIinMiiiii tlio i.loiiliiu-o'f Soii'ii

. -slvtul t.r t.lio Tenijilo; its jmn-ionsly mi? j L'nivi‘» a l .^iiiit f:u-lftry, (it B m a|ey ;B iw li, '1 notiiK-wl. . . • ■ • jit inu.n, Mitiinlnv last. :!(io j'i'rsons wutv

:*i liu 11loi'iiiii-jr siM'virus i-i.tiiiiitL.|urotl m ■ ilnnw ii oiit nf i-niiilovinent. Tin* t-iiu.«o. ..r i>.„. f - it • • .. * , *. ;I.given is the geneml depression o f busi-

i ness. All the oflice force at\d regular | s:\laried help will be kept, bn, liowever, j and it is expected.that the factory will be i able to start up ug a iiu bv the middle o f [A ugust. v

. o ’c lo c k a m i w e re iu c h a rg e o f U ev . 11 Y a tm a n . A t 10 o ’c lo ck U V v.M ilton K el-

. y e a le il t h e d e v o tio n a l e x e ie i s t s a n d Dr..; S to k e s g a v e th e a d d re s s o f welcom e.- .• K e v . >V. P . C. S t r ic k la n d . .rep lied to '

t h i s in a p le a s in g m a n n e r , a m i K ev . J . l i ,A V estw oo’d s a n g a ' . s e le c tio n . “ The Id e a la n d t h e B e a l \ \ a s t h e su b je c t o f t in a d - | • . ^ Dance a t th e 'n o n m o u th House.

' ■ ' ^ ' I f W iV N .f 'i J ' - " r : . . . .- m - o f v o u n p fo lk s f ro .,,C llu v c li, AN ijiiii.ij-’io ii . " 0 n > v V 'a m l . U l m t y K i r k j n i v e

t h e , k - iv k v o xm * | t0 , h u M o „ i n o „ ( h i i ^ , s e a t S p r iim• h o l. l , I c l . l.J l .o v ; J . H . M i'. 'tw o u il ; j , . t v 0 n i „ lilst n I1 , 0 „ .

• .S. 3 I o ^ i-el. jm -H iJw . , to rt .j n m I ,m t .v (.llillL.,.; , , !lllCl.. t l« , «• s p e e c h e s 'w e ie m a tJe b y H e vs. ] > . ( ’. J j j ) - p in c o l t , ; J r . ' . .. CJ. C . • ^ lo u s d a le , G e o rg eAdam s and G. \V; Carter. At 4 o’clock a reception; wjis held-at the .Arlington.

A Srnntl Boy Injured by a kunaway. ■•. L ittle six-year-old Cieorge'. Wilson, son-

•of th e Bev.,George P. Wil^'m. pastor.of th e Arch street Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, was run over by ahorse ami wagftn on th e afternoon o f tiii-haby pat- iide >. •

T lieauiiiial was owned by C b ar l^ Mil­ler and .became frightened at the music bv th e bcfieh batid. It smarted near.the eovne'v o f F ou rth avenue and dashed:

' inadW down tlio lawn adjoining the boardwalk wiiich was crowded wlili peo­ple. The little fellow who was .Injure* 1

V w(is standing in . the crowd and was .un- ; able to get out Of the way, and when he

was picked up it -was found that, h is’leg ’ was broken. The lad was immediately : removed to. his paren ts' sum m er .home oil M onroe avem ie, w hen I>r. k im n o n th set th e fractured lim b. ’

T joyed tin evening’s dance. Among those present were K. L. H arris and wife, B. JL Smith,- S. D. Townsend, B.Jnmes, S.. Arm- st rong , .Vi S.. AndersOn, Miss .Minnie C’ar- jienter, Miss • l.ucy Adam s, Miss J-ulu A sh w o rth ,. Miss J 'ierrie.and Miss A ins­w orth. ' . . .

H ard work to keep a stock o f the Ma­jestic Bicycles on hand, so great is the de- niaud at th e pojitilar price of^SO.- They come.[in at dawn--and are sold belbredark. Any rider o f a Majestic will give it a flattering recommendation,

. . W; H . Bukoi.i:, J•IS M ain Avenue.—-li/iv

Miss M. II. Clarke of ^ e w ; B el ford, Mass., has opened at 220 Cookman avenue* next to Paramore’s, a choice line of Kmr; lnoderies, hand-drawn patterns,. art isti- cally designed,, rare and beautiful. Also novelties that are new. daintv and uso- ful._ A d tv • - "•

Xotliing equal to Madam Kstine’s Witch Ihizel Cream for. removing sunburn, tau

D R ; G E O . B . H E R B E R T , D c i t t a 1 S u r g e o n ,

Office opposite D epot over tlie . Asburv .Park:{atid...OceHii ;Grove'-Bank,;corner of Oilain' Street- a iiif .M attison • Aye.y. A sbury . Park , is’;''J / -Hours 'g a; nt. to 5 j). ill. ' Gas a th niu is te re ilv . A ppoi ii tine i i ts made- :by-im ui:or in. person.

J A s . H . S K X T o r i vIVU ldDlTiHni) TV it 'em 1)1

vt ta rp f aM wthW nt’fif ronshn itf.i/ ou. /m ini. J-'lou crs u f an;/ (h xhjn a t ihurt iiolltfv.Vavloi-s and Olliee—No. 17 .M ain Street,

ASBUBY PABK, X. J . VAlso Superin tenden t of M t. P rospect Cem etcr>.

• D A V I D B S R V G Y , '

O oitnsellor a t Law,M onm outh B uild ing ,.A sb ttrj- Parle,

( ’o nu tilssltiner of Iletsls o f X ow -.V ork liml P cuusy lvau lu . Acl.iiowli^lf?eineiit.s tak e n

. oiiill-.S tutes. . .. .- •.

S p o c i a l 3 1 o l i c c s .

EO lt .SAl.K— A d es in tb le fu n iis lied eo ttay e . <11 i iv t ly lilt- tin- oei.iin-fm nt. W ill be soul

u t a b a rg a in , W . ll» H r.iinia:, is M ain uvenue.':

r o T t" lf lL x T .-S m a it sTore”iiii!hdUtnjr TjiyiTTr’s r -U altery on P iim in i P a th w ay ,O cean U io v e N .J . In q u ire a t l lic lla k e ry :_ j .TOIlS'SOyTA.YI.On.• A/ANTK1) 8;vjO.—Ciood I b a l K sta te .seeurlty , VV W m , 11. B eetle , IS M aiu a v en u e, Ocean

G rove, X , d . . - - ' ■ _ ■ - -nU U X I.S H K I) JtOOMB I'or ren t by Ih e wevk r o r season . A p p ly , 101 a iu l . jiVj A sbltrv A v en u e , Ocean Q rove, X . J . 17Juue-lt. ‘

ROOMS TO 1,KT—U u v o , a iry a n d liand- soniel.v furn ished .'-/. Im iu lre a t 7S ^liiln

v e n u e . . r

EOOM.S TO L E T —At. I I ' M inbury a v en u e.p leasan t room s, nicely fu rn ish ed u n d goud

ds, '

E R Y . D ESIH A 1JLT3 I tO O M S , to le t , iN o . Jl ; H e c k a v e n u e , ^ s q u a r e from O c e a n . . I I e r -

- v j u l y ^ - i t . •^r OST—A G o ld L in k U raeelet. S u ita b le re- L w tira will, be given'by^i re tu rn in g to c o rn e r

L a k e a n d i>eliuvarc a venues. . , • ;

R e w B u i l d i n g ,

Ocean Grove.

A full arid com plete line of

everyth ing required to furnish

a house, including Carpets,

Mattings’and Oil Cloth. . :


Bedroom Suits, froni £1 2 ,•up.

Folding Beds at $8. ’.; '

1000 Doz. of Rogers’ Plated

Ware— K nives, F o r k s a n d

Spoons, Triple Plate, at Prices

usually asked for Single Plate.

An unlim ited stock of Gran­

ite Ironware Kitchen U tensils

bought at Manufacturers’ Auc­

tion Sale now offered at .half

price, including extra large

Coffee Pots, for less than the

price of tin ones.

T his Department is fu lly

arid com pletely sto ck ed .-E v ­

erything n ew and fresh,

J . A. W a in r ig h t .

$1000. $1200.t o 1.0 AX uN-

Bond and M ortgage.W. 11. lilCKtiLK, 4S M ain Ave.

Liverv and Boarding Stables.

JsHirft’iU'v .I re . Jiour.v Mi nth .Vain A v f‘. (>a{r.s, OCEAN G R O V E, X. .1.

A ll k in d s o f faVhionabli! tu rn o u ts lo h ire; spi-.eiul a cco m m o d atio n s fo rS tm w Itld in tr |»ar- lies;e*osetl e a rr in g s lo r fu iu 'm lsu u d w etld lu jis .1 R rao eh Olllces—W . II. lU rg h ’, a n d C ap ta in R a llic a r 's T en t H ouse.T elep h o n e 21b. M. E. SEXTOX*.



O M n S t r e e t , R e a r o f P o s t O f f i c e .G O O D S D E L IV E R E D P R O M P T L Y .

LOST-*62 rew ard foi‘ re tu rn to T im k s o lliee o f . v sm n ll s tlek -p ln • tl ou ble Violet .wl t h s m n l I

cl la nio.ntl, l o s t ; betw een Clu r k a v e n u e ' a n d . B ioad 'w ay G ates.about tln v e w eeks .igo,


Forty Thousand Dollars’ worth of Dry G oods of all tlie

latest s ty le s and-patterns. W e offer great specialties in our

Mattings, Carpets, Oil C loths, and our stock of w all paper is

of the finest. -

W e also have a very fine and a very beautiful, line of

Lace and Portierre Curtains.

^ 6 n ’t forget-to look over our beautiful

line of Men's, B oys’ and Children’s C loth-

ing, before you buy your spring clothing.

W e have a m ost beautiful' line of Men’s,

Ladies’, B oys’ and M isses Shoes. W e will

make great specialties in our Shoe Department from May

1st, until June 1st. - / M i

W e have the m ost com plete line of Ladies’

M isses’ and C hildrens’ Spring Jackets and

Cloaks. All the very latest sty les and

spring shades at very low prices.

C - C O V E I S T ,

R E A L E S T A T E AIM D I N S U R A N C E ,C ouiiui»»ioiici’ «ri>cetls an,I iVolary. P u lilic .

M o n e y L o a n e d 011 B o n d a i u l M o r t g a g e ;

2 7 P IL G R IM P A T H W A Y , Xcnr tlie Aiulitovinm,

B o x 2186. O C E A N G R O V E , N , J .

This Is the Trade-Mark of

H e S e lls OUIXOKA COl-l-KK, a.line blend, fragrant anddelicious.'

TIC AS, OHl'H'X AND BLACK, for. flavor, unexcelled, i

C T R Y H I 7 V t ^

Olin Street a n d C en tral A v e .

Real Estate


G R E N E L L ’S DRUG S T O R E ,O ppco i*o E o p o t , X’o.rlc.

F O R S H L G ,A Desirable Corner House,

OPCOSITK CIICH C H .Two lots. N ine good-size rooms and largo

attic . Sewer water and furnace.. : Address uox 202-i, Ocean Grove.

gafd to financial flurries.; Nevertheless,' some ' :.

owners who cannot realize on outside in -

. vestments are willing to make favorable '

:. prices on property here. Call and see. nie'.

. ^ V i l l i a m H . B e e g l e ,No. 48 Main Ave.; Ocean Grove.


•fo r.-llic Gentler Sox.


A C olum n E x c lu s iv e ly fo r W om en

R ead ers W ill be a Specia l F e a tu re .

of th e “ T im es” H e re a f te r—

•1 C o rrespondence In v ited .

• Heretofore the Tuna* has devoted itself to news exclusively. Now everyone likes to read news in a newspaper, b u t the

. gentler sex are fond of hearing som ething abou t w liat is going on iii th e femenine ■world.. " . • ' '

A Rort of potpourri o f fashions, fads and fancies, interspereed w ith a few witticisms: is som ething that, all women love, and hereafter th e Ti mm will devote a t least a column for their, special reading. We would be pleased to receivo suggestions for publication on th is page o f any th ing -offem inine interest*.


Pretty Costumes Designed for Poll and-Winter W ear Now, Putting In Appearance.

V elvet collarettes separate from tho gown, says La Mode de.Paris, are am ong

. the afctiunn novelties for com pleting s treet costumes. They consist o f a stand­ing ru flic o f double bias velvet joined by a je tted grim p band to a circular cape col-, lar th a t is plain or edged w ith narrow curled ostrich feathers. . Theso -will bo w orn in black velvet, w ith any gown or they m ay be formed o f colored velvet like th a t w hich forms ii:portion o f the gown.• : • * *

H andsom e novelties in silk and-rwool, and in fine all-wool, are already im-

• x’ortcd.. Those- w ith quain t designs, creped and striped in a- contrasting color will find great favor. O ther-.patterns .of pu re wool, openly woven are in rich au­tum n colors, and cost from 75 cents to $1.25 a yard, 40 inch w idth. E ig h t' and one-half yards makes a n en tire su it and

'..six and onc-lmlf for the.sleeves and skirt,! w ith a 'e ilk waist.

.■.* * . *An adm irnl blue hop-sacking dregs for

au tum n yachting, has a. b lazer belted .with folds o f damask, red bengaline over -a s h irt w aist o f w hite surah m ade w ith a fluffy frill down th e front, narrowly edged w ith guipure lace. The gored sk irt has bengaline folds around it 111 live bands, the upperm ost reaching tlie hips, . Tlie new hop-sacking is o f l ig h t . weight, and is p re ttily m arked w ith dots and. dashes of w hite cream o r cream color.

Novelties In Footwear.

—Nile green suede ties beaded with je ts; .- • • .. ■.;

—Ties am i bedroom slippers o f glazed kid. \ ■ .

*;• —Pink o r buff satin slippers beaded in silver.

—W hite brocaded sa tin boots a re very, much w o rn .. •• •

—H eliotrope aiid black w ith silver buckles arc a stylish combination.;

—Tan suede ties s triped w ith dark brown, w hich gives the . appearance of corduroy. • .

—A pretty bedroom shoe is m ade o f black suede, trim m ed w ith fu r and lined w ith heavy red silk.'

—But th e dain tiest little slipper o f them all is of gray su ed e ,. em broidered in ligh t blue silk and turquiscT beads—Rose- leaf.

Deviled Almonds. .

Deviled Almonds, according to th e re ­cipe o f th e Boston Cooking • School; are prepared as follows: Shell and blanch the nuts, slice lengthwise, and drop into a saucepan containing a . tablespoonful o f h o t butter. S tir th e nuts constantly, and w hen they, are a d eep yellow, m ix a table*

• spoonful each o f C hutney apd W orcester­shire, two tablespoonfuls o f chopped pickle, and one-quarter teaspoonful of •salt. Pour over th e alm onds and serve cold. This isa good chafmgdish relish.— Xew York World.

How to Avoid W rinkles.I f you would avoid wrinkles, care not

only for your skin, b u t for your nerves, . control your .temper, and do no t try .to

h a v e too vivacious a countenance. Sleep liin e lio u rsa n igh t aiid one a d a y .. Decline to worry. W ear smoked, glasses instead o f scowling ii creel y at. th e sunlight and the water.. .Refuse to try to distinguish things afar oil*.. W ash your face in warm w ater w ith pure soap once a day, and n ib it softly w ith flannel after th e washing, Peed it w ith pure cold cream ., • Don’t be afraid o f occasional sunburn. I i smooths the face wonderfully.- But, above alt be emotionless.—AV I'. ||V>r/</.

he Calls It Shadyslde Now.

* T ourist—“ Very clever idea o f yours, Mr. S w in d le , nam ing th e hotel .Sunny-, side.”, Landlord (m uch ' Ilattered)—“Think, so?” •

Tourist—.“ Yes, P v e lieen .here a week and haven’t been able to tind a b it of

■sliade.” —D etroit !' I V i b u m '

Comrades. .

Slim son.(sternly)—1“ Willie, w here have those green apples gone th a t were dow n the. cellar ?”

Willie— “ They fire with th e Jam aica ginger th a t was in th e closet.— X eieYork Sim. ‘ "

. -This Fem ale Should. Vote.

The Illinois lady 103 years o f age w’ho is stilljpuyirig taxes should be allowed to vote.—»SV, Louh.Post P ipuklu .


Lew Dockstader’s Fam ous Altnstrel Troupe to GIvtSTwo Performances In A sbury P a rk .

Lew Dockstader’sfam ous m instrels are billed to appear at tlie Pnrk-Opem to-day (Friday) and to-morrow evenings. The entertainm ent given by th is company is th e finest o f th e kind bn the road. The music is o f a high o rde r,. the solos and choruses a re adm irable and th e varied d i­version o f th e second part is m ade-up o f really enjoyable specialties.

J)ockstader’s leading comedians are ; George Powers, Jo) j n C. J la rri ngton, Sy- niQluls, H ughes aiul Rastus, the Colum­bian Q uartette,Blockson and:l'u rns,-e ight solo singers aud ft large ami carefully: i mined chorus. Frank Dumont has the solu iquet o f “ Tlie MiiiHtrel SIitikespoaro;’* Mr.* IHuuoiiPh n inny sketch, “ Life in Chicago D uring the P air,7 will prove as brigh t and ; pleasing iis anyth ing , in the long and in teresting program me. • ’ ,


A L is t of People who are flaking Ocean Grove Their Summer Stopping Place.

The following named people registered in Ocean Grove la st week :

... METHOeOl.ITAN* HOTKI.. ,J o h n am i ,’lu n 10s I tu sse ll a n d futility , George

W . B nnfcsniitl fam ily , F . W . H o rto n a n d wife, M rs. H a iv o n , A . S . Pell, J i \ , M rs. A . J . .Skin­n e r, A«nt»s E . W arn e r, Id a M. W u rn e r, M rs, A . H. G ould , M iss K a le K en n y , M rs. M* Moose a n d d a u g h te r , M iss M. K. W o r th r u p , M iss E liza H a n n a n , N ew Y ork; M iss A lice V,riiIson, Je rse y C ity; M r. A . G. W a rd a n d fam ily , N ew Y ork; A . K essler, w ife m id m o th e r, Cleve- ln iid , Ohldj J . P r a n k A lt house 11 nd fam ily ,. M rs. M . A . A lt house, M iss A n tm H a rr le y P o ttstow n; M iss Id a D elatiy , M iss H a n n a h IIrlorly , G erm an to w n ; M rs. IJ. C. I le n n lg a n d fam ily , T h l ta d e lp h la ; M rs. Geo rye Jo n e s a n d fam ily , M rs. I I . I I . B lake a n d fam ily , M rs. Das- ehcr, P ho en ix v ilte ; M rs. A . E v a n s u n d d a u g h ­te r , J e rse y C ity; E . A r th u r T ruelove, P ro v i­dence, H . I .; M rs. A . J . K en n ey a n d fa m ily ,: Je rsey C ity; Mrs'. A . C. W ood a n d fam ily ,N ew ­a rk ; H ev. L . H. J a ck so n a n d wife, Y nnlv llte, I ’a .j l le v . J o h n T h o m so n , Ph ilad e lp h ia? M iss E lsie Lee, H ead ing P a.; M r. 11, I I . B lake, George M. Jo n e s a n d J . Dnseher, P h oen lxv llle .

1I0WKit COTTAOK,M iss G riiee HIplev. H a m ilto n S q u are , N . J .;

Ir. I I . L oker, N ew Y o rk c ity ; .Miss hjalllc Mil­ler, 1 C am den ; M iss IJurhum G raif, T ren ton ;; Jo sep h I). N ew lln a n d fam ily , A sh u ry P a rk ; M iss M aggie M . Keever,* M iss Hello S paer,. H arrisb u rg , M r. and: M rs F ish , M rs Jo n es, M rs. H ay es , M rs. Georgd W atso n , T ren to n .

’■ TIIK BI. UOUADO.J . B. O sborn an d . wife, E lizab e th ; M iss

M am ie O sliorn . N ew ark ; M rs. h . IL Broone, Je rsey C ity .H eights; J . G ibson, wife u n d child , Toron to , O n t.; M iss .Spencer, N ew Y ork; J . CL; Russell, M. l;.S a lcm , N. Y.j C ullsla C otton a n d niece, G le n s F a lls , N . Y.,- J o h n L . A gan, C am brldgo, N. Y „ C harles A . 'M il le r , Ju lia IJ. M iller, A . C. S tu d e r, a n il fam ily , M ontclair, N. J . ; .A .J . Loss, P h ila d e lp h ia ; J . JL Loom is, W arren S . H urt, a n d .wife, N ew Y ork ; M rs. N . M cDowell, a n d son , M iss W .H opper, Paterson ; U. IJ. In g re m a n d . w ife ,. l lro o k ly n ; M rs. S p n ig up, Oswego, N . ,Y; M rs. G en n ln g , A m ­h erst j Muss.


Special Services, to be Held at Ocenn Grove tor th e Season of 1893 .

1. A u d ito riu m O pening , M rs. P a lm e r’s a iu lY o u n g People’s "Meetings. S u m m e r Sab- b a th B ch o o I. S a b b a th , .Tune 2.1. O pening se rm o n b y G eorgc E . R eed, P .D ., L.L.D., p re s id e n t o f D ick inson College, P a ., 10.30 a . tu .

2. N a tio n a l A n n iv e rsa ry o f A m erican .Inde-.pendence^-T ucsday J u ly l; O ra tio n , J . E m b u ry P rice , p a s to r o f S t , J a h ie s M. E .

. C h u rch N ew .Y ork C ity, ItUOn.m.3. W . C .T . U; o f N . J .—T h u rsd ay , J u ly n , F r i­

d a y , J u ly 7, M rs. E m m a B o n rn e , presid­ing..

•I. K in g ’s D au g h te rs ,M rs . M argare t IJottom e, pres id en t—.S aturday , J u ly S.

5. Ocean. G rove S u n d a y .School •A ssem bly, Rev. Dr. 11. IJ. Loom is, c o n d u c to r—'Tues­d a y , J u ly 11 to T h u rsd ay , J u ly 20, luelu -. s lvc . B acea lunrea te serm on. S a b b a th , J u ly l'l, b y B ishop E . G. A n d rew s, 10.30 a . m . C. L. S . C. G n id n a tio n Day, T h u rs ­d a y , J u ly i» , o ra tio n , George E . V ln -

• c en t, E sq ., C h a u ta u q u a ,N . Y. F irew o rk s III th e ev en in g o n th e beach .

0, S a b b a th O bservance Day—S a tu rd a y , J u ly •J2. R ev . J . H . K now les, D.D. presid ing

7. Lee lu re s o n In d ia n Life, by R ev. E d g erto nH .. Y oung, M iss io n ary to tlie In d ia n s — M onday , J u ly 21, T uesday , J u ly 2».

8. W o m a n 's H o m e M issio n ary S ociety o f "M.E . C h u rch —W odnesday . J u ly 2*1, T h u rs ­d a y , J u ly 27. M rs. G en. F isk , p res id in g .

0. A frican M . E. C h u rch J u b l I ch*, B ishop T an ­ne r, p res id in g —F rid a y , J u ly 2^, l l a . in ,, I lp .m . . . .

10. L ec tu re b y R ev . Jo sep h CooJc, D.D., L.L.D.S a tu rd a y , J u ly 20,7.30 p .m .

IL Y oung P eo p le’s D ay, .S iibbath, J u ly 30.- 21th A iin lversarj* o f f irst in ce tln g tit

. Ocean G rove, S erm o n 10.30 a . in ., b y Rov.W allace M aciiulleiV , P h ila d e lp h ia ; Jo s , Cook. 1)1 D., L. L . D„ 7.:>0 p . m .;

12. Ocean G rove T w en ty -h airtii A n n iv e rsa ry . S erv ices—M onday , J u ly 311 7.3i> p . 111.

13.;E pw orth l e a g u e Con w il l ion — T uesday .A u g u s t i . Rev. Percy P erlnch i^f, p n ^ S ldlng.

II; N a tio n a l T em p eran ce a n d P u b lica tio n So­c ie ty —W ed n esd ay A u g u st 2 to -S abbath

- A u g u st il, lucluslV f, J . N. S tearn s , E sq . p res id in g . Tlie- S ilv e r I - ik e .tiuartettr* w ill be i n . a tte n d a n ce , a n d a u a m i y ’ o f d is tin g u ish e d sp eak e i^ , -In c lu d in g C o l/ G eorge AW B ain , th e K e n tu c k y o rato r;

13. Oceau (»rove.M em orial Day—M onday , Au*.gu st 7. • '

10. In d u s tr ia l C hristIjm A lliance, A . W» MU- b u ry , p resld I ng—'Tuesday, A ug iist S.

17. S c r ip tu ra l .U n fo ld in g 'an d S p lritu u l E xpo­s itio n s , by R ev. G eorge D. W utson , D .l). —W e d n esd ay A u g u s t 0 to : S a tu rd a y A ugust-12,Inclusive .

18. N ew A u d ito riu m Day—S a b b a th A u g u st 13.. Serm on b y C h a p ta h l M cCabe, 10.30 ii. m

10. W om en’s E n co u rag em en t M eetings—W ed- , u esday , A u g u st 17, to F r id a y A u g u st - IS,

in clu siv e , M rs. W heeler u h d M rs. Chund- '• ■ ler. •- . •. ■ ;

20. W o m an 's Foreign M issio n ary .Society S a t ­u rd a y , A ugust 10, S ab b a th A u g u s t 20.

21. A n n u a l C am p M eet I ng—M onday A ugust21 to :il, ■ in clu siv e . O pening se rm o n o n

• T uesduy , A ugust 22a t 10.30a.-m ;, b y Rev.B ish o p J ; M. W a jd c u ...

Vrof, J . H . Sw eeney, will condnel Ih e s in k in g d u r in g th e S unday-S choo l A ssem bly a n d th e Cam i>-Mce tin g .

H o lin ess M eeih ig ev e ry m o rn in t; d u r in g t l i e ; season lu T ab e rn ac le , M rs. Dr. P a lm er; a n d Y oung People’s-M eetIng ev e ry m o rn in g in th e T em ple, Rev. C. H . Y a tm a n a n d R ev, F. B. H o a g la n d .. T w ilig h t m ee tin g s d u r in g tiie Cutup M eeting , a lso In th p .Tem ple. S u r f M eeting ev e ry S a b b a th ev en in g d u r in g th e seaso n '.w h e n th e w e a th e r w ill a llow .

• E . 11. STOKIvS, P resid en t.

. 3*. I X . •

f^ o t e l a n d R e s t a u r a n t ,7 0 9 M A T T IS O N A V E N U E ,

A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .C om fortab ly F u rn ish e d Iloom s b y th e D ay o r

W eek . .R eg u la r D in n e r fr o m i t lo j t j o Cenls.

H r 1O X S S w L © . .

T e n t a n d flrstn jlass p la tfo rm w ith tw o room s a tta c h e d . T e n t 11x10, k i tc h e n ,12x13, w itli s id e s toop , b ack roon i, 12x10. A ll in good ortler. I tu p ilrc on th e p rem ises, -17 C lark A venue, Oecivn G rovo, 29July.-lt,’

‘ “ T h e ‘ T i m e s ” ^ o t e l a n d j g o a r d i n g ^ o u s e D i r e o t o r j / .

H O T E L . L e C H S J Z R L I E R ,capacity ioo. • Corner o f Webb and Central A venues,

CiDXC-!.-23.This hotel Is loealed near the oeeatii op))o«lle the ilshlntr pier. Lamo rooms, wide halls, nr-

leslim ivjiti.T, prrfeet dralnnue with the sen. First elass aerominodutlons, and terms moderate. Tahh* Hoard. «ln«lo meals,.?) cents. For particulars,apply to

lloX No. ’S i f t . . . . . . A. L. WILCOX’.

T w m .Broadway, Near the Ocean, OCEAN OROVE, N. J .

•>!>*. iS 'n n L -com i* , Kroprictar,

X D r - H O T E L ,

OCEAN GROVE, N . J ..”.00 feet from sinT, !!000 feet of piazzas, luxurious lirxfe, )nlil« first i.-loss, arttfiiau \va-

tor, sun parlor, iiiano, perfect .-.iinitiition, nei'pniiiicjilntcs. 200, open ail year.. Ail.lrc-.SH W. H. L. STA RKS, M. D., Prop’r.

S E B L D O I T H O U S E , ;

« € E A 1 V « R O V E , j V . .F .

Opens fur tiio Reason of ISO.') Juno !-)tli, nm ler entirely ne\v Jfrniageiitcnt. All np- pointm ents lirst class. Senil for iltiw tm ted Circular with Ternis. Aildress; ..

C H A R t E S R O S 5 , M a n a g e i : .

, S t - E l l a ^ C L O ,Corner o f N ew York and M ain s i venues,'

: 6 (iE A N GRO YEf N. J . ' vStiperlor Boarding Accommodations. CVa-

triil.Loeatlon.- One Square :frojn Post. Olliee .:und Auditorium; ..

oox 2052. . Mrs. M. M. COMPTON, Prop'r.

T H E A L A S K A H O U S E ,ZjTo. 3 0,23.3. 5 -A-Tro. .’

Ono o f the Best Located Hotels in Ocean G rove.. I’ertcfct .Sanitary System,

• Artesian W ater and’Well : Y eijtilated Iiooms.

Box 20S7. X. II . K ILM ER, Pitoi*?it.

O C E H N H O U S EM a in A venue, Ocean Grove.

A C om fortab le F a m ily H o te l , r n e a r the Occan,-W ith L ibera l M a n ag c th en lu n d Heason-, a b le Itate.s. A eco im iioda tlous fo r' 130, w ith , o v ery C om fort a n d A tten tio n to G uests.

T. PRENTIS, Proprietor.

I V Y HOUSE,. 7;iM ain Ave. between C en tra l an d Beach,

' E stablished 1876... V.• Coinibrtably furnished rooihs, electric lights, and centrally located, with line mean view.


L a w r e n c e H o u s e

'C ornerof M a in and Central Avenues.C E N T R A L LO C A T IO N A N D O C EA N V IE W

A rtesian W ater, Perfect S an ita ry Ap­pliances, E lec tric . Lights,

H om e Comforts.Loca Box 2023. 2^1oo 'W*2aito-

T m m Y i n a ;

N O . 6 4 L A K E A V E N U E ,


H om e Boarding H ouse.- Open all the year. Close to th e Ocean and

Cam p M eeting Grounds; .F o r particulars, inqu ire o r address,

Box:i i 5.’ A. A. Higgins & Co.

^ JA C K S O N H O U SE*Cor. H eck Avenue an.l Pilgrim Pathway;

0 6 B A K .G 1 0 Y B .This House is P leasan tly arid C entrally

Located, near a ll the Principal Points of Interest.l ’ Qne M inute to Post Office,! T elegraph Office and A uditorium and Three INI m utes’ W alk to the Beach.

Open fr o m fu n e / to October /.T he com fort o f ou r g u e s ts . will be care­

fully looked after, w hether they re: m ain b u t a day o r the season. •


H O W LA N D H O U SE,Mt. Tabor, near Pilgrim Pathiiay,

O C E A X G RO VE. C e n tm lly L ocated , n e a r th e A u d ito riu m a n d

a ll places o f In te res t. R oom s a n d .Board on . M ost R easonably T erm s. Special Kates- for F am ilies .HOX*a77. Rev. S! II . AS AY, Prop’r.

B r y r t M a w r H o t e l ,Corner o f Central and Heck Avenue*,

4 - o ? e s n ♦ g r o v g . - j-

This-Hoiific htts been Remodeled and thoroughly renovated, and is two blocks froth th e bench aiul close to th e I*ost Otlice and.A uditorium , ,(*ood Accom­modations and Most IJeasonable Terms.

« . 8 *. l i U K E I V S , P r o p ’ r .. . , , Post Of f jc h H ox WiW.


OCEAN GROVE, N. J .b o x 2037. ; J O S E P H W H I T E , Prop'r.

I n i h e r s t H o u s e•’ ■ Spi end id O ccan V iew.

P itm a n A v en u e . Ocean G rove, X . J .,.O ne-ha lf hlock from th e Ocean. T h is H ouse Is d e lig h t­fu lly s itu a te d . A ll m o d ern Im p ro v em en ts. IV ri' Ct s a n ita ry sy stem . P u re a rte s ia n w ater, T e n 11s reasonnu lc. .

\V. S , TOWNSEND, Lock BOX 2212.

2 6 W E B B A V E , , . O C E A N G R O V E .

One'Block from the Ocean, Splendid Sea I let 'Fieri ric I. ujlds, .1 rtenian Watt r • andpeifect Sanitary Arcuaychu nt*.

p. o. dox2376. Mrs. L . .V .\ nX otc , Prop’r.

i f e l T i i i L i m m i n o m r a ' .

. ; . m t v"Cornel' o f peach ond ,Abbotf Avenue.*,

OCKAX* GROVE, X. J .•Splendidly L o ca ted ,-w ith in one* b lock o f th e .

ocean , lak e a n d b a th in g g ro u n d s.P. O. Ilor. 1'jO. M R S . H . M . B L A K E .

T H E CIIALFO XTi:.Xo 9 Ocean Avemie, above Ocean Path-

- , way.Miss A. M. BwKinr, Proprietress, Ilox 223

0 Q u e r e t t r ^N o. }6 E m b u ry A venue, Ocean Grove.

Pleasantly located w ith in two m inutes’ walk o f the" Ocean nnd convenient to a l l . points o f in terest. Prices from >'S to .$12 per week:L ock B ox 2 * 5 0 . M a s . E . IIA T C |I.

T H E € i a U T l l J « | 11 A.Xo .r)4 Broadway.

Slits..T. T. W k .h t .m a s , Miss M. A. P o w k u .

l i A ^ S I O i A IIO iU SE .Corner Xew York and Kmbtiry Avenues.

Sliss A. B onS a i .i .. '

A T L A N T I C H O i mAll Appointm ents fust-class.

CiiAiti.u*. J . II. Bi:cKi:rr. ,

W . X l l iA G O E F S B A T H P A E I O S S ^ - . . O C E M ’ C R O V - l - V ^ .1 .

~. E ' s r t2s.o C 3 o a s c n e f 1 Q 9 3 .-

Dr. H, O. Gandoc, Elcctropathic 3£hyiician.

P R O P R IE T O R A K U xV C T U A H Y -j-’onii crli/ t "ivr ■- / Vi’a’m ta t t a n d . 1 <'(> un\t/ a t th >• Eh 1 trie an 11 I "(aju 1 thie, Inxttt life, a I I Vt t */i r < 1 f/ton,

■ ( in u \u h t‘' •>( thv Vita/Utthif E trvtriral M ft ic a t J l-alth C h t tw a f 0 ., now. * * PniprU l’ty a m t n v tu u r y u flh v Eb-rU'kat J la itth hixtUtttr, «V. 3*. City.

S o . 8 2 5 W e s t F o r lv - s c c o w d S t re e t . 'Ve n V o r k .For the Treat uu'iit o fu tl p b ia s is by JCIirtriritiffor Ladle.* mul Gentlemen;

I have tlie pleasure o f informing tlie public tha t I have made arm ngem ents witli M r. T. W. Lillagore to locale th is season a t liis bath parlors, Ocean Grove, N. J ., w here sea w ater batlis m ay I>e gi vei 1 w ith electricity lor me< lical purposes.

^ry testimonials prove that all acute and chronic diseases am successfully treated^ by th is wond'Tful agent Eu:rritKTrv, and so rccogiiized by tlie best medical men o f : tlie .world. By th is all-m w erful agent wo are enabled to remove rheum atisn, malaria,catarrh , dyspepsia, pamlysis, sciatica, prem ature decline, insanity, deafness, asthm a, Prolapsus Cteria scrofula, Vitus Dance, spinal disestse, cancer, kitlncy atul liver dif- licullies, dropsy, huiibago, w hite swelling; tumors, • bronchitis, loss .ot voice, noise in th e head, hysteria, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc. . A lso, all blood di-cates o f w hat­ever mime o r Itow long standing thoroughly eradicated from ' he system.

• Dr. Ot tube's Xew Method o f .Fleet ri*: Mnmtye tel tick m *17 «r»V to any Hand Mttxwyc fo r it* renoutiiny and Innlthjol it on the human is.uorthy i f yoar moM r<u,f>d at-' and eoniideration. , • ..•

One of tlie great features a t Mr. Lilligore’s Bath Parlors th is season 'w ill be th a t each person tak ing a plain hath w ithout electricity, will receive a card giving the tem perature o f th e w ater and the num ber of. minutes ip bath . The tem perature of Suit H ot W ater Baths to have th e desired tonic and medical t i le d should he directed by a competent/physician. IIow often do we noticb persons from the ballw exhaust­ed from im proper femptu a t tire o f wiiter, o r too It »ng in bath; This is all wrong, from the ba th vou snould feel mvigoratetl. In addition to th is instruction in tak ing th e plain bat li a t LllligOi-e’s Bath Parlors th is season* I shall givo to those who may de­sire, Klectric JUaths o r K|eet'ricity w ithout the lmths as the ciise m ay require. Price o f Klectricity Treatm ents at*Bath Parlors $1.00 each. At Arlington H otel, 7 to 8 a. 111., ,I, and 0 to'7 p. in. Olliee a t • •;

y 1, jiV. piI^r-AaORE’s pA TK J JAI^I.QRS)

D r. H . O. € .W l< i; i! , it(ii:ii-.v. t a l ly A tten d an t.I ’, fi.—Mv -t'J-rase bflol; o f testimonials an<l- valuable informiitior., will lie given

to anv Hereon frecl»v in w in g »M*)U-aiiOu'nt l ia th .l’ «t m y EleitvU-al In s titat io n ,’2-5 West 43d s-tic-ot.Oiuw York City.

G o u s u lta t io n T ree . H O. CA N D EE; P ro p r ie to r .

C . S IC K L E R ,

RBJI,ESTITB aSD-IXSUH^CE-M^N o. 70 ^I-.u.V A.vilntb, O ckan ( Jn o vi:;.

Money to Loan on M ortgage. Cothgca for R en t o r Sale. Insurance Placed

iii most Reliable Companies.

IEL 113. o J O M H S D K r

J E W S L B E iHas rcrnovocl to th e

- BRICK BUILDINC,Corner.Cookman Avenue tunl Bond St.

A mIh h t P j i i ’K .

All the latest designs and novelties

in : Watches and Jew elry.

W K R R E N B R O W N ,


A ll k in d s o f rcn a lrs receive-prom pt a tte n tio n . C harges m oderate .

. George E ' Bennett, , A p A I N T I N

IN A LL IT S B R A N C H E S .Lock Box 2132, .

O ce an G rove , N, J.

S uccesso r lo TA Y LO R A KYXO,. WKAI.KR IK >- .

S toves and R angesT in H o o fin g , C iiit te r in g '

»n« l R e p a ir in g . H o t A i r F u rn a c e ^ , E s t i ­m a te * G iv e n o n S te a m an«l H o t W a t e r H e a te rs , a n d H o t A i r a n d H o t W a t e r C o m b in a t io n H e a te rs .

South Main Street,O p p o s ite O cean G ro v e G ates

A S B U R Y P A R K .

SLocDssrriitlh..Elect e'td B d h , lltieylar Alarm h and Speak­

ing Tube* put up at xhort notice. Trim fa ft nd parambi repaired.J , B. C LEETO N , 47 Olin Street.

A. G RA V A TT,CBS ■* viennA +. e m e r y

Bread, P ic and’Fancy Cake, '

B outii M a in S tre e t, O piw slte H roadw ay G ates,A S B X H R T 1T.-T. ■

O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y A T T E N D E D T O .

H . T R U A X & .S O N ,

F U S E G O U K TSY M i l l• O ne Cows’ M ilk for In faata an d Invalids. .

‘ Box 3!W, Aslmry I’ark, o r box .'iflli, Occnti Grovo. Slllk "Depot, Luvreni-'eitve.. bctween JInin mul' liromhvay ( iitte, 0 m m Grove. Telephone Connection.

? -K * r


SANITARY PLa.MBERS,*—r.\xi> m:.\ t.Kits in'-—

S t o v e s a n d R a n g e s . O pposito PostO llhre, .


A . • R . • S H R E V E 3 , B U T C H E R ,

M K I N - f S T R E E - T

Opposite Ocenn Grove School Home.

B e s t ’Q u a l i t y o f M e a t . O n ly .

John o G ooH.

H O U SE ? P H i n t e r ;Qcean grove, K .

lu r s l Class M aterials only. Lead tind .

O il used. N o pa ten t p a in ts lo fade . :

E stim ates Cliecrfuily G iven. . ’

-H T H IR T Y -Y B K R S -E X P 0 R IE K C E ,« -

McCabe \

B T T ' T C S S I E i e S ,

O lin S t . , n s a r C e n t r a l A v e . ,

0 cean Qrowe.

J I M Ti'wh 11 Sjvcitrlly. J'iih.’l yfint Mar~

t;d hl Mnmnovth County.

I V E t i S O I V H . K I I i M E R ,

ARCH ITECT AND BUILDERP la n s a n d specifica tions d ra w n for a ll k in d s

o f m o d ern wood, s to n e o r b rick hulJdiiiKs. F o r . .w o rk m a n sh ip a n d p rices w ill re fe r to a ll for w h o m I h av e th in e w o rk In th e .Grove a n d P a rk . E s tim a te s cheerfuH j-.i'lveil. "H ox 15IS7. 5 P itm an Avenue, Ocean G ro v e ;...

Styles for everybody always ready. The cream oi

society declare that our clothing is admirable in all re­

spects. Fashion’s latest whims conscientiously car­

ried out. Not because they are oddities, but because

people of this progressive age desire to be in . accord

with the spirit of the times. O ur exhibition of clothes

proves it. We are on deck—not the burning one on

which the boy stood, but the platform of advanced

ideas in business- for the people, with the people and

by the people. Their interests are ours. Let your

vision rest a moment on our clothing: Need . we say

you will be satisfied-.


* p a l a c e , . ; /

fla in Street and Cookman Avenue,

R S B U R Y r P H R K .


“ T h o S ta tu te s reg u la tin g th o op era tio n s o f N a tio n a l H a n fc s a ro o f su c h w ise concep tion t h a t ‘ c o n sc ie n tio u s ly confo rm ed to b y (Hllcors n n d D irecto rs, m» In s t i tu t io n o f B a n k in g a p ­p ro ac h e s th e N ut lotm l. to r d e serv e d wm tldctw o o f u u d Koeurlt y to prtlrouK.” RADLEY

e a c h


The T h irteen th N ational T em perance Assocln- ■ tion H ects in the A ud ito rium ..

The T h irteen th -National Temperam-i* Camp M eeting A^soeint ion vonvi;.uv> I in Iho Occan G rove;Aiulitoritim on Wedncs-, day; A ugust 7, tinder the. manniicnient o f

. Jo im N . SteariiH, corresponding secretary of th e Sfoiiomil Temperance Society mu\ Publication IIouso.

T h e m e e t i n g w a s o p e n e d w i t h s in g in g b y t b o S i lv e r Laici* Q n a r to t te , c o m p o s e d o f K e v .. CV I t . M e a d , P r o f . G e o rg e K . C h a m b e rs , A . I I . J - a w re n c c a iu l .T. AV. A llo t t. A f te r u r o u n d o f m e r i te d n p j d a n s e iin d s u b s id e d > a n a d d re s s o f w e lc o m e w as m a d e b y H e v . K . I I . S to k e s , to w h ic h a p ­p r o p r i a te r e s p o n s e s w e re jn tu le h v J . X . S te a m s , T . L . Poulson,* D . P . , A , G . LaW feon, D . D . , C . H . M e a d n n d F d w a rd C a r s w e ll . A l '.V o ’c lo ck . I V . M . , , R e v . J a m e s ; I I . L i g h tb d u ih e 'd e l iv e re d n n a d ­d r e s s o n - T e m p e r a n c e .A t . 7 .30 IV M „ E d w a r d C a rsw e ll, t h e n o t e d C a n a d ia n h u m o r i s t , d e liv e re d a n e x c e l le n t te m p e r ­a n c e l e c tu re . : ' !

On Thursday nt 10.00 P. M., Uev. Dr. A. G. La^vson, D. P . , o f. Camden, X. J.,* delivered an address, and some business 'connected .w ith th e organization was, then transacted. . . .

T he following is the programme for tlie th reo rem aining days.

F r id a y , A u g u st -t, 10.H0 A . M.—Ail drees byC. H . M end, o f H orne llsv llie, N . Y.; 3.00 P . M .—A d d ress by^Itev. D r .G .H . Corey,

o f W a sh in g to n , D. C. .7.15P . J I .—Concert b y th e S ilv e r Ln He Q u ar­

te t te a n d K ollo K irk J iry n n , T he C h a lk T a lk er.S n tu rd o y , A u g u s t 5, 10.30 A . M. A d d ress hy

P . H .‘ M au n , M . D., K.. W . G. T om plnr o f tho O rd c ro f G ood T e m p la rs . .

3.00 P .M .—C h ild re n 's T em p eran co M eeting— A ddresK osby W . C. S teole, I ) . 1>., M rs.. 11. S. E llis , M iss I /P e n n e y , a n d o th ers .

7.-151*- 51.—A d d re ss by G eorge W ; Bnlti, Esq. Of K e n tu c k y . ‘

S u n d a y , A u g u st 0, IO.itO A . M.,—.Serm ons on tem p e ra n c e In c o n n ec tio n w ith th e A n n iv e r­sa ry o f Occan G rove A ssoc ia tion , b y J .E m b u ry P rice , p a s to r o f S t. J a m e s ' M. E . C h u rch , N ew Y ork c ity . '

A f te rn o o n ,. 2.00.—K egulur. S unday-School serv ice.

0.00 P. M .—T em p eran ce R each M eeting.7.-J5 P . M .—A d d ress b y George W . B ain , Ksq.;

o f K en tu ck y .S in g in g b y tlio S ilv e r I^ilco Q u a r te tte , Kev.

•Ci I I .M e a d , Prof. G eorge E . C ham bers, A . II. * L aw ren ce a n d J . W . A lla tt .

M rs ; D r..P a lm er’s m eetin g In th e T abernacle w iIh Y oung People’s M eeting In th o Tem ple, e v e ry m o rn in g a t 0 o ’clock , C. I I. Y a tm an leader.

FIRST NATIONAL BANKOrganized February 1SS6, : . •

GKORGK 1?. K ROH H L. President, O. II . HROWX, Vice President.. ALBER T C. .TW IN IN G , Cashier. M ARTIN -V . DAGI2R, Ass’t Cashier. .

. M a t t i s o n .A v e . a n d B o n d S t r e e t , A s b u r y P a r k .

For Convenience o f O.cean Grove p a tro n s :

Office Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association B uild in t,r, Occan Grove, N , J ,C apital, 8 1 00 ,000 . Siirpliw , S 7 0 ,0 0 0 .

T ransacts n general b an k in g business, issues le tte rs o f c red it available in the principal c ities o f th e w orld. Foreign and dom estic exchanges b ough t and sold. Collections carefu llym ade and prom ptly accounted for. . !

' . BOARD OF D1HKCTORS: . .G. F .K roehl, • Alhevt C. Twhiiny, . Isaac. C . Kennedy,Bnicc.S. Kt'xUdv'y Oliver Jf. Brown, . Samuel Johnmu, -Milan Bow, jl/. X. B aum an, Charles A . Atkins, :John L , Cojlin, . Sherman B , Oviutt, Charles A . Yoniuj;D, C. Covert, IVitHum I f . Bceylc, ■ 1! 'iltiain Hatha n ay.

M A T T I M S .

Fifteen-cent Fancy * M attings, reduced to 10c per yard. " /

Twenty-fivo cent- M attings, reduced to 15c p e r y a rd ..

T hirtv-cent M attings rcduced to 20c per • • yard. ‘ •

F ilty-cent M attings rcduced to 25c. per •• yard.

Reductions in Cari)cts, Rugs and . Oil . Cloths. ; ■ •

ItE F m O E R A T O R S .Tlio Cliallenge, hardw ood, h ighest grado, elegant sideboard style, reduced from $30

to $22.50. - \O ther . styles,, chests and uprights from

* • $7.50 upwards.

V A PO R STOVES.A 5*Gullon can goes w ith overy stove w hen

• you buy our gasoline.

CRO CK ERY.The largest and finest line ever show n in. tho county. Our own im portations.

Decorated and w hite.Fine English Decorated D inner,so ts. 114

. pieces, $11.25, reduced from $13.50. O ther lines to.close ou t regardlees o f cost.

AVant th e room.

L A M P S -P r icc s cu t in tw oLAWN jrOW EliS-W armntcd-Reduccd

- . Prices. • • .Souvenirs- w ith, purchases am ounting to

■ one dollar on Saturdays.

. This tract lies between Ocean Grove on tho N orth and Avon on the South. I t has a frontage o f oho m ile , on th e Ocean. The s treets run a t r igh t angles to tho sea. M uch o f the property is still in the. hands of one person, who is no t a seller a t the present.tim e, , but. wiio has aided adjoin­ing owners in : m apping ou t and grading tlieir lands on the. best possible plan to prepare for th e oncoming hosts o f our great cities, to whoin Xew Jersey coast imiBt always be a sanitarium .

Bangs Ave & Emory S.tA S B U R Y PARK;

O rchestra S ea ts, 7<ic.. I ttileo n y (front), f>0c.O rchestra C ircle, f>0e • lto lcony , ;J0o.

. Gallery, 2»e.K escrved S ea ts a t K In m o n th 's D ru g Storoi

Friday and Saturday, A ugust 4 th and 5th. Lumber,.. '

Doors, Sash, Blinds,

Frames, Mouldings,


P ain ts,' ■*

Oils, etc.

•sccci-iaon to—.

The following persons arc property ownei-s a t Bradley Beach and are offering, desirable p lots and lots for s a le : , '

Robert llu tte r. . 'Palm ateer Bros.- '.Dr. U .S . K inm onth,

. W illiam B. Bradner..Mrs. A. S. Brinley, (through T. Frank

Appleby, agent), and others.Maps of these properties can no doubt

be furnished by Charles Rogers, th e real estate agent. ' ;

CH A S . L E W I S & CO.

40 Great A rtists 40 11 Comdeians 11

8 Solo Vocalists 8Dainont's Ixitest Sketch—Life ia\ ChIcago

During the Fair.P R IC E S 61.00, 75, 50, f» A N D 25 CE N TS,

F a c t o r y , D u n k ir k , N . Y ,

Branch Yard, Spring Lake,T O N Y P A S T O Ra n d h is g m n d co m p an y .

J . W . K E L L Y , J IA N G L E R SIS T E R S ,F R A N K B U S H , th e T H R E E U A Y TO RS

Prof. THOM BURY, . ZAMRO,ISA B ELL A W A R D n n d th e M eCARTHY S.

THURSDAY," AUG. 10.T h e M agnlllcont S p ec tacu lar S ccn lc a n d D ra­

m a tic P ro d u c tio n o f .-S’.

R ep resen ta tio n o f I I . R ID E R H A G G A R D ’S F a m o u s O rien ta l R o inanco,


Bradley Bencli ia noiv incorjiorated nnd these nre the oflleera of tho Borough :

MAYOR.—Benjninin B cnnflt. COUXCII-MKN.—Alfred Ii. Ynnmll,

Peter 1’olsmd, W illiam Gifford nnd J e r­ome R. Jtnddel).

CLERK.—Addison Ilutehinaon. ;a SSKSSOU.—l'n m k Herbert. C0LT,1'.CT01S.—W illiam \V. Lm rahee. COMMISSIOXKRS OI1' A PPE A L .—

Robert Peterson, Willimn .1. Payiiter tvnd W illintn I'lood. - '

POUXDKEEPER.—Ciuules M urphy.

I s t h e o ld e s t e s ta b l is h e d l in e i n O cean G ro v e a n d A s­b u r y P a rk . S p ec ia l fac ilitie s f o r t h e p r o m p t a n d ca re fu l h a n d l in g o f a l l k in d s o f F u r n i tu r e , P ian o s , B o ile rs a n d Safes, S h ip p in g /ta g s fu rn is h e d free . S to ra g e f o r a l l k in d s o f goods, S e p a ra te C o m p a r tm e n ts . E a c h in d iv id u a l f u r ­n is h e d w i th k ey . .’

Asbury Park’s' Electric Clock.On Jfondny nfternoon-Berrang & Zach-.

arias completed th e job o f erecting the new. tow n clock in Park Hall for Mr. B radley; This apparatus was furnished by the Self-W inding Clock Company and is' synchronized by th e W estern Union Telegraph Company from the U nited States Observatory at W ashing­ton. I t occupies the tower a t Park Hall, and has four dials, each fifty inches in diameter. T he m echanism is regulated by another clock in the W estern Union telegraph oflice.

T his is th e second dock o f th is k ind in th e countiy . The o ther sim ilar time- pjcce is located in th e Liberal Arts Buikh ing a t th e W orld’s Fair.


1 6 6 -1 6 8 M a in S tIn te rp re te d by a

S U P U R B D R K W K T I C C O J V C P ^ ls tvA n d th o ell’ectlvo S cen ic S p lendors.

T lie Im p eria l C ity o f lv o r hy M oonltglvt. T he .Swamps o f Z an z ib ar. T he R u b ie d C ity

o fK o r . T h e F ire o f L ife . .

Offices No. 702 Mattison Avenuo, Railroad Depot, Asbury Park; Corlies Avenue, W est Grove; No. 40 Main Avenue, opposite Association OfBce, Ocean Grovo. Post Office Box 069, Asbury Park , N. J .



PIONEER REfiL ESTATE SGT.^rnin St. Corner F ifth Avenue.

B R A D L E Y - B EA CH , - N. - J.

TUB ACME OF FAItCC COMEDYA ll G oods M ade o h t h e

P rem ises .

Xo. 51 itla in A vem itL A D IE S ’ M I S S E S C H IL D R E N S M E N S ’ BOYS. A N D Y O U T H ’S

■ ^ F I N E * '


P01Tf'R’S' .• C° 0knian ve‘’ Bond St.,


P a lm a te e r liio th o rs , L m n b o r.'D e a le rs . .Tamos A ; B radloy .

A. A. T ay lo r, M ason a n d R ullder.

Notes on A sbury P o rk ’s People anil T he ir ' . Doings.

* TheMonuiouth Vimluvtor U the title of a paper ju s t started by th e colored con­tingen t o f Asbury Park . Rev. F; Smith,D. D., is its editor.,

-Miss Rose W erts, a s ister o f Governor. • W orts, 1ms registered n t theX eadley fur a

short season. She is aecompanied by her friend, Miss.M. Sm ith.

* Charles • Edw ard Buklev and Miss . M ay R yan, who enacted the amusinglittle comedietta en titled “ the ' H appy P a ir” a t th e K inness Saturday n igh t, are th e guests o f Francis II . Ross, on Asbury avenue,

0 v'ft: The^inniiagonient of: the Park Opera -^ZTouse are doing everything in the ir power ; to insure comfort for the patrons o f th a t ^ p o p u la r '. resort.- /A ■'num ber :’of. electrie " fans have been addeded in Order to cool

the Auditorium, ; :* B. F rank Patterson, Who has been

confined in th e -lockup a t Asbury Park■ fo r a w eek on a charge of sw indling • \>re-

ferred by a lirm ■ in Xew York, \vas dis- eliarged o il ; W ednesdajv th e charge ‘hot

-;liaving been sustained by an indictm ent.'* The Ju lv num ber o f the- Asbury P a rk ;

..‘2 torch: is a .1very, -handsome issue. A n in ­te r e s t in g article b y Dr. 'Stokes on th e con-'■ cej)t ion and organization o f Ocean Grpve, • ;7w ith :a nutnher; o f ; ha lf-tone . pictures o f ^pui^ayenUpsivt'ottagcs nnd bu th ing scenes

is a prom inent feature. . •


A S B U R Y P A R K ano o c e a n g r o v e


Bradley Beach,

K. MUDDELLNo. 50 J feck Arc,, Occan Grove and.

Railroad Depot, Ashury Park.o t ix j x o z is ivC e n t r a l • k i v e r y -• a a d - K o a r d t B g - S t a b l e s ,


ASBURY PARK, N.J.Fifty Nezo Stalls and Several Box Stalls' fo> Boarders. Prices Reasonable, . Good

• Card and Accommodations, Telephone Connection.


Bradley Bench,

rM .-G R IFFIN , Ji D. B E E G L E ,. S u c c e s s o r t o W . M. J O N t s * C O .,


B L A C K D IAM O ND S,Y A R D - M A IN S T . A 2ND A V E .

A S B U R Y PA R K , N .J .


Bradley Beach,


C H A R C O A L .

Fifth Ave., and M ain St., Bmdley Beach.S uccessor to L . M . TAYLOR;

bKAT.KU . INTT T AVIvST lJILVDLEY REA CH IS LO- ■fi. ea ted th e lar^c* N ig h t .Shirt F a c to ry o f S T E IN E R & SON. T ills faetory. em ployes th re o h u n d re d h a n d s . ' II Is w ith o u t d o u b t tho la rg e s t fac to ry o f th o ; k in d In th o U n ited State's. M ain Ofliee—M attison Avenue, opposite

th e F irst N ational Bank, Asbury Park . Ocean Grove Branch n t S tiles’ Express: Office. ' • >

; p a c ts and Fancies A bout Those W ho; AlanIp- ■' . u la tc tl ie P e iiu is ,; / •. • •: '

J ie ts ie C o le lo u g h , o f . th e B o w e r ;. C o t ta g e , ! ro e e n t I v t oo k a si.Nlri n i le r id b o il a b icy c le ,- w h ic h w a s 'q u ite a n a c co m p lish - ,

v j i ie n t fo r so n o w a r id e r .'M = O n F riday afternoon la s t Zimmer- :inan :nia'de a mile in 2.17. a t t h e ' Ashury ^Park/Atjiletic-Associaiioi11rack. H e was jpacedijy^fitueand^IacD cm ald^ 'tw o v e rv ’ .fast n d e r^ . - - - ' ; ' ^

s=sThe bicyele track a t the 'co rner of ;v3Iain and Central avenues seems to. be a ^reat.‘incentive for those who desire tp be-, come w heel iii en . 'Lessons a re cq i i ti nu al ly Ijeiiig given, and .already m a n y have lie?,

■icorne expert riders from, instm etions, re :- rceived on this track. , ,

—A. A. Zimincrman was defeated by 'W . C. Sanger, in the one-rmle open race ra t 'Detroit oh Wedneffday. .The* time ‘2.20 4-u waa no t;particu larly fast b u t tlie te st came in the spiirt on th e last q u a rte r.

pvvhen San'geivforged ahead and ' Zimirier- ; m ail’s best eilorts left li ini-ftfteOn. feet be- h in d n t the tape. Zimmerman, however,

S w n ith e 'h a l.f .; milo open in 1,19 2-5 and Uilie lialf-mile handicap in4.03 1-5,,

Br a d l e y r e a c h e c h o . —T h is a . m o n th ly i« iper p u b lish e d princli>a!ly In

th o In te re s t o f th o R n u llcy I le a c h . C hurch . I t Is a n c lghH )a«e p a p e r a n d Is c o n d u c ted w ith m ueli s k il l a u d c u ltu re . R ev. A lb e rt S w ift Is th o ed ito r a n d p u b lish e r.


.T im e Table, in oll'eei J u n e S'l.teM.

S ta tio n s in Nt*\v Y ovkj-CV ntm l R a ilro a d oj N ew Je rsey , foot o f L ib e rty S tre e t, P. K. l t M

• fnnl. o f Cortlaiu l 1 a n d HeslmHses S treets; N. J . S o u th e rn R a ilw ay , loot o f R ec to r St,

. I.EA V E XEW YOKIC I’OK OCKAN GltOVK, &C. C entra l R. It. o f N. J . — K.M, I0.JW ILJIOa. in.

l.:l!i,!LMr»,*;i.:aif -J.(iO, l.:m,-.V10, IU.’. p.m. I ’o n n sy lv an ia—'M i, 7.:w, l».li), 10.00. a . in ., 12.10,• 2,:iU, -l.lfi; 1.20, f>.10, l.W) p . j ..............

N ew Je rse y S o u th e rn —1 lJMi a . h i., j .OO (S a tu r­d a y s on ly ;, :U5, p . in .

lk A V k ASim it y 'i ‘a k k f o k n k w v o n k , A c C eiitn ii llV R . o f N ,: <T.—0.10,' 7,iki, 7.S0t->8,02, siao

■ 11.10,'1(1.50, a ; in ., 12, lo. 2.10,-1.00, 7.00. p , h i, P enn sy lv an iu—o,IH,7.-12, *8.20, 8.15,0.10, u . in ., l.::

. . 10, 2. 1.i , !l.">0, -l,2.V5..‘50, 0,Oj, p .m ,N ow J e rse y Soutlievtv— ■&‘£>,W. sn.v3.l l

,. p ; jn . ' .■ '■ v ...F o r P h ila d e lp h ia a iid T re tito n , v iav B ound

- B rook R oute—O.'lO, 8.02, 8,a0,yi.i0 ti,- m.,12.15, '•• • 2:10. -1.00 n. i i i . v ' • v .-.V

U i'P K H IL u iH G ii C o a l a S i» i?ciA i.'rv ,

TH E E X T E N S IV E P U M P IN G STA TION . .o f th o .O cean G rovo A rte s ia n W a te r

W orks, a lso th o la rg e E lec tr ic L ig h t P la n t bc- longlng-to tlio s a m e co rp o ra tio n , a ro In the Borough o f B m d ley R e a c h . ,



Y a r d — S o u t h M a in S t r e e t .

A few- wheels, slightly worn, way down in price.

If you want a new one you can’t beat the Majestic, or

Royal Limited. -

Good track for use of beginners, lessons, fifty

cents each; Tandem and Wheels to rent. '

7JS B U R Y P A R K GAS COMl’ANY—7.TIH S Com ittlny w ill o n M ay fst bo a b le to lu r-

n lsh gas to th o s to res o r co ttag cs a t B m dley B each . Ollico A sb u ry P a rk ,

N e a r B ro ad w ay G a tes o f Ocean G rovo.

T C L E P H O N C C A L L N O , B 0 .

Coal A lw a y s Sheltered,

r P H E E X T E N S IV E F R E IG H T STA TION OF J- th o P e n n sy lv a n ia am i^Long B m n ch lUtll-

roncls Ih a t W est B m d ley B each , F rom , th is d e p o t Ocean Grovo, A sb u ry T a rk a n d B rad ley B each g o t th e ir -m e rc h a n d ise . TJ10 business doh o a t th is s ta t io n Is d oub lo t h a t a t L ong B ran ch .

.For Bel m ar*: S p rin g L ak e . ■ 3 fannsfm aii—5.50,0.27,0.12,-B*V7.2.%' 7,5(1, 0.12,' 10.12,1 IM11.17, n. .111,, 12..C 1,.’ 12.IW. -]2*57j. 1,18, 2-38 •-0.1W, 3.5‘J, -1.07, 1.2:!, vl;{RV/1.52, 5.02, 5.15, 5.28, JOHN LEONARD,

S K N 1T M R Y P L U M B E R

' 8.1:1, 11,0.1, p. ni; . ’ ' , ’ 'M anasciiian a n d P o in t; p lea sa n t- ;..; 0^5,8.13.0,:w, 10,12, U.OS, 11.17, Va 1

12:57, lvI8, 2.121,- 0.iiS, l;07, -1.2:5, LUi > .5.28, 5,58,6.«|, (1.08, U.10, 0.18. • 7,18,

- :: 8.10,0,03, p . 1I»; . . - •

D R A D L E Y BEA C H SCHOOL, DIBTRICT OOJ^.. P rin e ljia l—M iss B cn ard ;

T e a c h e rs —M iss B o n a n b M lsa E n i i ly H a r r i s . T w o , D e p a r tm e n ts , I n t e r in e d ia to n n d P ri*

m a r y . - A b o u t l-10 sc lio lu rs .F o r T ren to n a n d P h ila d e lp h ia , v ia . Sen G irt-- ' ;,*0.27,■ 7:25;7;5(lt lff 12/a; jn ., 12.:«. 3,50,5,:W, pi i n . .

F o r F reeho ld— 0.12 ji. n i., 1*2.23,8.50.5,!£i n ; m 10.08, p . in .i S aturday-l ( in ly .. -

F o r T om s H lvcr—0,-12,0,00.11,08/ a . n i.; -1.82, 7.13

■ P u g ilis tC o rb e tt Again. -.

• .J a m e s 'J . Corbett amVecl-in -Asbury ;P a rk on .Ttiesday. :Iio 'wns accoiniiaiiied by liis M anager, .William Brady, and hie y o u n g p ro teg e^h o 'ib u g h t'P ftd d y -B n u th at liohy, In d i, on Saturday night. j-v

Opposite Ocean Grove Main A ve, Gates.

METH O D IST EPISC O PA L CH URCH,(L ittlo C h u rch in th o W oods.)

B R A D LEY B E A C H , N . J .R e v . Ar.ntJUT S w i f t , • . ; • P asto r.

S erv ices—10.00 A. M. a n d 7.00,p. if.R undny-school 2.30 p . m .

F o r T onis B lver—0,-12,0.00. ll.w ,-’a . iii.i l.82," 7;i3• n'upi’m .j- '-r-,:''-'v-;- t ;•t F o rX 'am d en rin d in te n n e d ia to s ta tio n ^ v ia S ea

S hore ItO ute—<M2 a . 111. 4.82, p . n i, V v ;; •—♦Express. ■. R U FU S B LO D G E TlY Si/pr. H , P . B A L D W IN , Q . P . A . , ' C. R . J i . o f N , X

; ;,,J. I t. W p O D ,. J'as. AQ t. Penna.1 R iR .

Estim ates 011 Sewer-and W ater Connect- ions Prom ptly Furnished. Low

Prices aiid Good Work'.48 M a in A ve ., O cean G ro v e
