Rethinking Poverty



TEDxMacon Talk

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The number of children living in high-poverty areas in Georgia has increased by 81 percent over the past 10 years.

Macon has multiple census tracts of concentrated poverty of 70% or higher.

A Paradigm Shift Will Create The Change We


Neighborhood-Based Solutions Work

Together, we can end poverty in Macon!

"Everyone thinks of changing the World, but no

one thinks of changing himself.“

~ Leo Tolstoy

For a dialogue to occur, we must suspend our mental models.

When You Change The Way You Look At Things,

The Things You Look At Change

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

Individual behaviors


A lack of Social Capital

Political and Economic Structures

Focuses on Strengths, Not Deficiencies

On discovering and mobilizing community assets

Solving Community Issues by Connecting the Dots within communities

It acknowledges that EVERYONE HAS GIFTS, everyone is good at something, and everyone is motivated for something.

And it supports residents in everyday life as the leaders of community initiatives rather than just helping agency leaders.

“We’re Not Here to Fix a Broken World”

~Eric Butterworth

“We’re here to manifest the light

within us. It’s not just in some; it’s in

all, everyone…

-Marianne Williamson

"Help one person at a time, and always start with

the person nearest you."

~Mother Teresa

We change our perceptions, which changes

our behaviors

We stop blaming poverty on the poor

We see the value in every person

Stop trying to fix people,

Instead we build relationships of mutual


We create and engage in strategies that

address all the causes of poverty

We already have everything we need to end

poverty in Macon. We just have to open our

eyes to see that everyone has a piece of the

puzzle, and everyone’s piece is needed to

complete our picture of prosperity in Macon.
