Re:Think Europe 2010 What You May Not Have Known About Our Incredible Continent


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Re:Think Europe 2010What You May Not Have Known About Our Incredible Continent

The largest migration in Europe’s history

took place 1300 years ago

One in three Europeans

speaks at least two foreign languages

Luxembourg has one bank

per 2000 inhabitants

Europe’s total population in 2008 was estimated at


The largest European car producer per capita

is Slovakia

The world’s biggest and smallest countries

Russia and the Vaticanare both in Europe

Over the past four decades, life expectancy in Europe

has risen by

eight years

European post operators have been issuing

a common postage stamp together since 1956.

Two in three Portuguese science graduates

are women.

At least on statistic terms,

Cypriots marry most. Slovenes the least.

The employment growth rate in Europe’s knowledge industry

is double that of the developed world average.

More than half of Austrian and Swedish energy

comes from renewable sources.

The number of tourists that visit San Marino

is 20 times the number of residents.

The largest non-sporting television event in the world is

the Eurovision Song Contest which has been going on for more than 50 years with songs from 51 countries

The country that won the most Olympic medals per capita

is Finland.

At least one in a million people from

Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, the UK, Austria

and Irelandhave been Nobel prize winners.

There are at least eight ways to locate the centre of Europe, including one

which places it in Norway!

The world’s least polluted water is found in

Iceland and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Europe has been catching up and reducing

the innovation gap to Japan and the USA.However, the pace of catching up has stagnated since 2005.

The Irish alphabet has 18 letters

abcdefghilmnoprstuwhereas the Albanian has 36


The first European country to cross the 90% internet penetration threshold is

the Netherlands.

and what about 2049?

Thanks,, facebook.comITU, Eurofacts, PRO INNO

Background: © CoE Information Office

This presentation_ © Brainswork Group/Muhamed Mesic 2010
