Rest Impact Summary


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Rest Impact Foundation

Overview: Focus and Mission

Rest Impact Foundation Incorporated is a non-profit organization incorporated in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada. It is established to cater to the well being of the weak in mainly sub-Saharan Africa, but also Asia, through personalized long-term engagements to provide sustained support, and forge life time relationships between the organization and members on one hand, and among the members on another hand.

Rest Impact is a Welfare System of Support for The Weak in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, to provide them with consistent basic materials. Our model is one-on-one family-style relationship. Hence, we do not huddle our members together in one place. Rather, we either retain them at their current shelters and render support there, or first find them a temporary shelter (either in a private home setting or group public housing such as orphanage) then render support, until we provide them a decent permanent shelter. We intend to use infrastructures already in place as much as possible.

Our planned support is basic material provision on a large scale; we intend to provide consistent basic material (food, decent clothing and shelter) support to as many weak in our categories as we can. We are not looking to build infrastructures in the immediate future. Our ideal target is monthly remittance of no less than $20 per member, up to a maximum of $50. We believe that this would suffice for their feeding and clothing (and personal hygiene) needs. However, we are realistic and do understand that given our planned scope and scale of outreach, we may not achieve this consistent target immediately, especially in our early days. The rest of our funds would go to provide and maintain decent basic shelter where one is lacking, and attend to their medical needs when they arise.

We aim to give up to 70% of the funds raised through donations to our members, for whom the foundation is established. The rest would be used to shoulder costs, including compensating our partners and collaborators we officially engaged in different capacities, including but not limited to help in nominating and managing our members with us.

Rest Impact FoundationWho We Help - The Weak

We call them "Our Family." There are eight categories of them. They all have one thing in common: they are saddled with poverty-related adversities and as a result, need external support to withstand or overcome their predicament when we engaged them. We categorized their adversities and came up with the eight distinct categories comprising Our Family.

Indigent Orphans (0-12 years old): They could be isolated/on their own, homeless for instance, or under custody other than their parents. Orphan status includes abandoned with no relationship to both parents, as well as death of both parents.

Indigent Widows: Also includes married women abandoned by their husbands. Must not have another means of significant and/or steady support, and must still be unmarried at the time of engagement. Must have children and they must be 0-12 years old.

Indigent Seniors: Seniors of indigent families living with them, as well as living in isolation. Age 80 and above. Also, middle-class retired men and women, such as pensioners, whose families are not able to take care of them. Engagement is per entity, either male or female, or couple. A couple is regarded as one entity.

Indigent Infirm: Those without support of others to rally for them. Indigent sick people who remain at home because they cannot afford medical expenses, indigent people turned away from hospitals for inability to pay. Categories covered include minor ailments, emergencies and chronic non-terminal ailments.

Indigent Disabled: Unable to function normally due to varying disability. Function normally refers to inability to perform normal life functions, typically things impacting the sense organs, as well as other bodily impairment that makes normal living impossible. They are unfit and dependent: they are incapable of working to earn a living due to their disability, therefore are compelled to beg or depend on others, including relatives, for basic provisions.

Indigent Homeless: They are fit, sane, and striving to make ends meet, in spite of their odds.

Indigent Expectant Mothers:

Singles. Cases from failed prospective relationships. These could be students or other dependent ladies. They could also be single, low-wage workers, whose earnings are insufficient to afford savings, or benefits to cater for their maternity expenses. Therefore, without working, they would not be able to cover their expenses. They are independent, but they need to keep working to afford maternity expenses.

Married. Those women who need to keep working to support their families, in spite their delicate situation. They would be able to take a "maternity leave" because of our support.

Rape Victims. Indigent (Single Dependent or Independent) or non-indigent.

Rest Impact FoundationAbortion Contemplators. The target are those expectant mothers who would ordinarily carry their pregnancy to term given the resources and support.

Indigent Family: Complete family with father, mother and children, without any of the conditions of the other categories. Nuclear family with no extended family member living with them. None of their children would be more than 12 years old at the time of engagement.

Rest Impact FoundationWhat We Do (for Our Family) - Our Work of Mercy and the Impact.

Our Impact on Our Family Revives, Restores and/or Releases them. The kind of impact - Revive, Restore, and Release - on each member depends on the adversity of their category. Some of them receive all the impacts by virtue of the nature of their condition, while others receive either or two of the three impacts.

The very nature of our members and our intended impacts, plus our scale of outreach, requires that we adopt a strategy of long-term but non-permanent active engagement with each of the categories, although we would maintain lifetime relationship. Therefore, our support is not indefinite, we have set milestones when we disengage and exit active engagement.

For a start, until we gain traction, we are limiting engagements to those categories whose conditions are not time-sensitive as well as are more stable: Indigent Orphans, Indigent Widows, Indigent Elderly, Indigent Disabled, Indigent Homeless, and Indigent Family.

In précis, we:

We provide material and emotional support to members of Our Family. Our material welfare support consists of a monthly stipend capped at $50 per member. For emotional support, we pair our members with Relationship Partners who interact directly

with them, and help meet their psychological care.

Indigent Orphans:

We provide welfare material support. Provide educational support up to end of secondary school, Provide healthcare support. We exit active material support at the end of secondary school education.

Indigent Widows:

We provide welfare material support. Provide healthcare support for her and her children. Aid, facilitate, and/or provide means of earning decent living. Support one of her children through secondary school education. Exit active material support at the end of the secondary school education of the selected child.

Indigent Seniors:

Provide material welfare support. Provide health care support. Lifetime support; exit at death.

Indigent Disabled:

Rest Impact Foundation Provide assisted living aid to overcome disability challenges, and foster normal living. Provide welfare and healthcare material support. Life support; no exit.

Indigent Homeless (they do not fall within the other categories):

Provide basic material welfare and healthcare support, and relocate to a decent accommodation.

Assist to find gainful employment, or means of livelihood If unemployed. Provides material welfare and healthcare support until they gain employment/find means of livelihood with our help.

Exit after six months of gainful employment.

Indigent Family:

Assist parents find gainful employment. If already employed, assist them find better means of livelihood. Provide material welfare and healthcare support. Support one child through secondary school. Exit material welfare support when means of livelihood improves and standard of living matches

what our max. stipend can afford. Exit completely upon graduation of sponsored child.

Indigent Infirm:

Provide material welfare and healthcare support till recovery. Exit upon recovery. Re-engage if they fit into any of the other member classes.

Indigent Expectant Mothers:

The aim is to relieve these women the stress from toiling to make ends meet, during delicate pregnancy period. Our support would enable them to rest, and focus on safe delivery. We would start providing support from their third month of pregnancy. If we connect with them later, we would commence support immediately. Support would be of two forms: welfare and health. Welfare takes care of needs other than health, while health support focuses on ensuring their health is optimal.

Accommodate them for a total period of two years. Provide a conducive atmosphere to nurse their pregnancy to term shielded from stigma (for

rape victims) of their predicament. Abortion Contemplators: Aim is abortion prevention by aiding expectant mothers ease the

stress from shouldering cost of bearing and raising the child. Ultimately, we would care for them till delivery and up to one year following delivery. They would be required to be with their child in our care for one year after delivery. At the end of their "tenure," they may leave with their child, or they can leave it with us - we would accommodate them as "Orphans."

Rest Impact Foundation Exit after two years of engagement, or one year after delivery.

How We Operate (Running The Welfare System)

Rest Impact FoundationWe run the system through our official agents in Africa and Asia. As our Managing Partners, these small local and localized non-profit organizations in rural areas, or with reliable access to rural areas, work under our leadership and guidance to help us manage our members who are mostly based in rural remote areas.

Illustrated below is a sample of how we run the system with our Managing Partners:

a). Member Selection.

Rest Impact: Directs Managing Partner to help identify prospects for assigned member class using a general criteria.

Managing Partner: Reach out to prospective members using our general criteria as a guide; compiles their profiles and presents to Rest Impact for selection.

Rest Impact: Does the selecting, assign selected members to Managing Partner to manage. Managing Partner: Notes the selected members assigned to them.

b). Member Management.

Rest Impact: Disburses funds directly to Managing Partner for our members under their management. Directs Managing Partner to disburse funds in their custody to their assigned members. Ensures transparency by collecting evidence.

Managing Partner: Receives funds from us and disburses to assigned members, disburses funds if any, in their custody, records disbursements and sends to us as evidence.

Managing Partner: Checks on the welfare of the members during disbursements, and during routine welfare checks. Also, checks that disbursed funds are being applied to assigned members. For funds we disburse directly to third parties on behalf of our members, such as tuition fees, disburse these funds and ensures that they are applied to our members.

Managing Partner: Member/Third Party Relationship Monitoring. Managing Partner: Checks that relationship between members and relationship partners

are cordial. This check is to be done during welfare/disbursement visits (and included in the welfare visit report). Also checks that the relationship partners are meeting their obligations, if any, to our members.

Managing Partner: Introduces member and relationship partner to each other, mediates oral communication at least once a month. Receives donations of all kinds from partner. Reports all donations to us while filing reports.

Representative Profiles

Rest Impact FoundationMore profiles can be found at our website and Facebook page:

Indigent Orphan

Lukeita Mugabi (Uganda)

Lukeita Mugabi, 1 month old. Both his parents are dead. His mother died in labour during his delivery, in September, 2016. His father died of malaria earlier in the same year.

When his parents died, Lukeita's mother's sister took him under her care in her home. She has since been caring for him.

Indigent Widow

Justine Mirembe (Uganda)

Rest Impact Foundation

Justine Mirembe with her children: Chisa Golet, 9 years old; Muwanguzi Manisi , 7 years old; Mafumba Gloria, 6 years old; Anastasia Patience, 3 years old; Mwesigwa Mudli, 2 years old; Kampi Tumwambaza, 5 weeks old.

She resides, and is from Magogo Village, Kamuli District, Uganda, with her children. She became a widow seven months ago (as at October 19th, 2016), following the death of her husband, who died in a car accident on his way to work as a labourer. They were married for 13 years.

After the death of her husband, she and her children were driven out of their home by her late husband's family, rendering them homeless. They were stripped of all their belongings, including bedding materials and clothing. A kind friend provided them with temporary shelter where they currently call home.

To make ends meet in their current condition, she depends on the goodwill gestures of friends and neighbours whom she begs for food and supplies for her and her children. Her late husband was their sole breadwinner and supporter who ensured they had regular food daily. Now, totally dependent on begging, their feeding is erratic and they are not guaranteed food daily; sometimes, they go without feeding for an entire day.

She is still reeling from the emotional shock of losing her husband suddenly and tragically because they were very close. He was a loving husband and great dad. Her children misses him greatly and often times, the two eldest ones cry. The youngest ones, too young to grasp that their father is gone, often ask their mother when their dad would return from work. Theirs was a happy family.

Indigent Senior

Lynton Mukhova (Malawi)

Rest Impact Foundation

Lyton Mukhova, 81 Years old, from Chipumngu Village T/A Nsambe, Thyolo District, residing in Kumbendera village T/A Nsomba, Blantyre district. His past occupation was picking leaves at a Tea Estate. He stopped working in 1981, but became totally dependent on support from his current custodian in 2014.

His mobility, sight, and comprehension is impaired, and he is generally frail due to old age. His current non-emergency ailments/old age frailties started in 2014. Since then, he walks with the aid of a stick, and even doing so is laborious, causing him much distress. He has stroke, which paralysed one side of his body.

Lyton's daughter Martha Malemba is his custodian since 2008. She is from and resides in Kumbendera village. She earns a living doing menial jobs in her village. Her income can barely support her own family, as a result, she is heavily burdened caring for her father, although she is delighted to care for him.

Martha struggles to provide for Lyton. He is not guaranteed food daily, there are days he goes without feeding because Martha does not have food for him. He does not receive any medical attention for his impairments and frailties. His personal hygiene also goes unattended to for days because Martha is too occupied trying to earn income to provide for him and her family.

Indigent Homeless

Justine Nafuula (Uganda).

Rest Impact Foundation

Justine Nafuula, 25 years old, from Busire village, Busitema sub-county, Busia district, and residing in Kyamagwa village, Mafubira subcounty, Jinja district. She is a homeless, single mother with three children. She has been homeless since 2011. Before becoming homeless, she used to live at Gwetale village, Kibale District.

She used to live in a rented apartment which she paid for with income she earned from digging jobs. However, the jobs were not regular, so her income could not sustain her renting, hence she became homeless.

At the moment, she is staying in a shelter meant for raising hens. She is staying at this shelter temporarily pending the start of the project, which is when the owner of the project procures the hens. Our team discovered her and her children sleeping under the trees near the shelter. She would be out in the open, or under another tree, anytime the owner procures the hens.

She currently fetches water and does laundry for people in the village, and supports her children and herself with what she earns doing these tasks.

They are only able to feed once a day on her support. They have been living an itinerant life since becoming homeless, changing locations in search of income opportunities to feed, and spots that can serve as shelters. Sometimes, when they relocate, she rents a shelter like the one they are currently staying. But due to erratic and meagre income, she is not able to maintain her renting, so she is forced to dwell in the open street, take shelter under a tree or move to a different location to look for work and if her income suffices, rent another shelter.

Indigent Disabled

Kedres Namanya (Uganda)

Rest Impact Foundation

Kedres Namanya, 26 years, from Kyamatofari, Katovu town, in Malongo subcounty, Uganda, where she resides. She is crippled from birth. She lives under the care of her parents Fred Kazungu and Jovanis Kazungu with her four siblings.

She is totally dependent on her parents and is unable to support herself, due to her disability. She dropped out of school at age two and has not been able to return to school.

But for limitations imposed by her condition, her dream is to become a secretary or pursue arts and crafts as profession.

Her condition saddens her, she feels as though she has nothing to offer society, that she is a complete liability. But, she has accepted her condition in good faith: she does her best to be productive by helping out at the house with the chores, as much as her condition allows her.

She lives in their home with her parents who are subsistence farmers and petty traders at the local market.

The parents are the sole breadwinners for her and her siblings. They have been supporting her in her condition since childhood.

They have grown accustomed to her being in her condition, but the challenge of tending to her movement needs when needed is unrelenting.

Indigent Family

Rest Impact FoundationMr & Mrs Angelo Rebollos (Philippines)

Angelo Rebollos, 38 years, and Salvacion Rebollos, 37 years: Husband and Wife. They are from Lamitan, Basilan, and reside in Zone 8, Ayala, Zamboanga City. They have five children: 3 boys and 2 girls.

Angelo is the sole breadwinner of the family. He is a farmer - a subsistence farmer. He sells the crops he grows and uses the proceed to support the family. Some of the crops he grows are consumed as food by the family. Farming has been his sole occupation since he and Salvacion got married.

His income does not support their children beyond basic feeding, clothing, and shelter, as a result, none of them are in school. Neither do they have any hope of attending.

Our Future: Beyond Basic Provision

Rest Impact Foundation Reviving, Restoring, and Releasing Communities.

When we become established in the future, we would expand our focus beyond our members to their communities. Top on our priority is a scholarship-career placement scheme that would take our members' children primarily, and other indigent children from their communities, from primary, through secondary and post-secondary education, and place them in decent (mainly) professional careers. We would, through this scheme, raise the future skilled workforce of the nations where we are active. For the scholarship scheme, we would use the local schools at all levels of education.

Also, we would provide communities where our members are located, if rural, with access to primarily better basics: clean water, affordable food, health care, better shelter, then electricity, and other developmental infrastructures. These measures would be initiated and pursued after we have gained traction with significant members. This would be our secondary focus. Providing basic material support that ensures our members stay alive will remain our primary focus.

Through our members, we would usher these benefits to their communities, to further extend our care to our members. Our members would be the source of light to their communities, because of our engagement with them. We expect Our basic Work of Mercy to grow and eventually Revive, Restore, and Release entire communities.
