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  • 7/28/2019 Researchfgdfgfgh



    When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found, the day after, a Pope shall be

    elected; the Senate (Conclave) will not approve of him. His blood is poisoned in the

    sacred chalice. This was Nostradamus prediction in Century 3, Quatrain 35, what a

    coincidence, a likely poem of a murder to an event that is now part of history.

    Murder is a sin committed by criminals. It is a crime against the law and the

    church. Murder is common in every part of the world. Each day, who knows how many

    lives are taken? It has a lot of possible causes. Disease, greed, poverty, lust and all the

    seven capital sins.

    Murder is common everywhere, but not in the church. Not in a place where

    good things are thought. Not in a place where our God is most present. How ironic

    could it be if the supposed to be chosen people of God are the violators of our faith?

    Who would want to follow the teachings of someone who does not practice what they

    preach? No body.

    Many years ago, a silent death in Rome happened. He was reported to have

    died of heart attack. But, since then, it has been the subject of numerous researchers.

    Could it be that Pope John Paul I, the Pope dubbed as the Smiling Pope did not die of

    heart attack, but of murder?

    Pope John Paul I, born Albino Luciano reigned as pope for thirty three days. He

    was ordained in 1935, made Bishop in 1958 and became patriarch of Venice in 1969.

    He received his cardinal's hat in 1973. He was a staunch believer of ecumenism and the

    reduction of Church wealth. He was warm, humble and had no aspirations for the

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    papacy. After Pope Paul VI died, Luciani was elected on the second day of the

    Conclave in 1978. He refused to wear the papal tiara or to be carried in the gestatorial

    chair. He was praised as a liberal reformer who read Mark Twain. He was on a mission

    to reverse the Church's position on contraception, cleaning up the Vatican bank and

    dismissing many Masonic cardinals. The official verdict of his death was myocardial

    infarction, popularly known as heart attack, but many refused to believe that that was

    the real cause, preferring to believe that he was deliberately murdered.

    According to the first conspiracy book written by Jean- Jacques Thierry, La Vraie

    Mort de Jean Paul Ier, Cardinal Jean Villot masterminded the death of the pope. Other

    conspiracy theories involved the KGB, Mafia, Freemasons and the Vatican Bank and

    how the Mafia manipulatated the financial system for their personal gain. The book by

    Roger Peyrefitte, Soutane Rouge, relates how Paul Marcinkus and Cardinal Jean Villot

    conspired to murder the pope with a poisoned syringe. The pope was planning to

    embark a revolution on the Church. He wanted to set the Church on a new direction,

    which made some high ranking officials in danger of excommunication. They wanted to

    avoid getting dismissed, so to hide their involvement with the Mafia, they set him up to

    his death.

    David Yallops In Gods Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John

    Paul I(1984) made the popes martyrdom alive and known to many. It sold more than

    five million copies around the world. He also challenged the Vatican to disprove his


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    "What occurred was a tragic accident. The Pope had unwittingly taken an

    overdose of his medicine. If an autopsy was performed it would obviously show this fatal

    overdose. No one would believe that His Holiness had taken it accidentally. Some

    would allege suicide, others murder. It was agreed that there would be no autopsy", said

    Cardinal Villot when asked for his statement about the popes death. It is safe to say

    that he had an overdose because the pope was taking medicine for low blood pressure.

    Switching pills or failure to take his medication may be done. They wanted to make it

    look like a natural death, said Yallop.

    Many inconsistencies and contradictions can be raised surrounding his death.

    Some reports said that he has been found dead by Sister Vincenzia and not by a

    secretary. Other reports contradicted as to where he died whether in his bathroom or his

    bedroom. There were also discrepancies regarding the time they found his body, 4:30

    or 5:30 in the morning. Estimation about the time of his death was done. They said that

    it was at eleven at night, but no autopsy was performed.

    The popes glasses and slippers disappeared when they found him, those items

    has never been seen again since then. Still according to Yallop, he speculated that

    there might have been vomit on his slippers which when examined may identify poison

    or such as the cause of the popes death.


    The P-2 Lodge, as it was called, was founded in 1877 to provide for provincial

    Freemasons - known as Propaganda Due (P-2). It became a secret lodge in 1970 to

    recruit men of right-wing persuasion to prevent a Communist takeover. It was involved

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    in a financial scandal and its offices were raided and membership lists were found.

    Many heads of the Italian State services, government officials, police chiefs,

    businessmen, journalists etc. were listed. This organization was disbanded but still

    operated secretly. In fact, they are still operating within Vatican circles to this very day.

    The Vatican Bank (or The Institute for Works of Religion - IOR), was personally

    owned and operated by the Pope and made loans to religious projects all over the

    world. It was discovered that the bank exploited its high status and engaged in risky

    speculation and illegal schemes, including money laundering. Money was invested with

    Robert Calvi, head of the bank in Milan. He was eventually convicted for currency fraud

    in 1981 - (over $1.3 billion dollars was missing from bank funds). Calvi fled to England

    where he was found dead, hanging from a bridge in London.

    Another participant in the scandal was Michele Sindona, an advisor to Pope Paul VI.

    Sindona was poisoned in 1986 in his prison cell. This sordid financial fraud also was

    linked with the Masons, the Mafia, arms dealers, political kickbacks and monies

    funneled through the CIA to support Solidarity in Poland.

    Cardinal Jean Villot became the prefect of the Congregation of Clergy,

    responsible for matters regarding priests and deacons not belonging to religious orders

    on April 7, 1967 during the reign of Pope Paul VI where he was also appointed as

    Cardinal Secretary of State, Prefect of the Council for Public Affairs of the Church,

    President of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City and President of the

    Administration of the Patrimony on May 2, 1069. He camerlengo of the Roman

    Catholic Church, they said, or in simpler terms, someone incharged of the secular or
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    worldly affairs of the priests. But, Cardinal Villot resigned after Pope Paul VIs reign,

    during the Pontificate of Pope John Paul I.

    David Yallop described how Cardinal Villot acted after finding out the death of the

    pope. He reconstructed the events and was able to form an imagery of suspicion in

    Cardinal Villots actions.

    Cardinal Villot (or an aide) telephoned the embalmers and a Vatican car was

    sent to fetch them. Incredibly, the car was at their door at 5:00 a.m.! What ensued in the

    following hour is still a mystery. It was not until 6:00 a.m. that Dr. Buzzonati (not

    Professor Fontana, the head of the Vatican medical service), arrived and confirmed the

    death, without drawing up a death certificate. Dr. Buzzonati attributed the death to acute

    myocardial infarction (heart attack). At about 6:30 a.m. Villot began to inform the

    cardinals, an hour and a half after the embalmers had arrived! Yallop notes that, for

    Cardinal Villot, the embalmers took precedence over the cardinals and the head of the

    Vatican medical service. By 6 p.m. that evening, the Papal apartments had been

    entirely polished and washed. Yallop writes that the secretaries packed up and carried

    away the Pope's clothes, including his letters, notes, books and a small handful of

    personal mementos.... By 6:00 p.m., the entire 19 rooms of the Papal Apartments were

    totally bereft of anything remotely associated with the Papacy of Luciani. Villot

    arranged for the embalming to be performed that evening, a procedure as unusual as it

    was illegal.

    Why were they rushing? It was also reported that the Cardinal insisted that no

    blood shall be taken from the pope, neither were any of the organs to be removed

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    during the embalming. Yallop noted that, "a small quantity of blood would of course

    have been more than sufficient for a forensic scientist to establish the presence of any

    poisonous substances."

    Sister Vicenza who found the pope dead at 4: 45 in the morning on September

    29, 1978 gave two conflicting reports concerning the state that she first found Pope

    John Paul I. According to her breathless words to a group of French priests that same

    morning, it was "in his bathroom" that she had "found him dead." But in another report,

    which was said to be arranged by Cardinal Villot, Sister Vicenza said that she entered

    the room and found the Pope sitting up in bed, "with an expression of agony before he

    died. The night before his death, he had a toast with the Cardinal and this discrepa ncy

    may indicate that the pope died shortly after their toast. Was he still in his papal robes?

    If Sr. Vicenza said that she found him in the bathroom, then he was, but instead she

    said she found her in the bedroom. Immediately after telling her statement, she was

    forced to take a vow of silence.

    Many statements wound up for suspicions. If he was in good condition:

    According to Dr. Buzzonati, Pope John Paul I's cause of death was a heart

    attack. Regarding this alleged heart attack, Pope John Paul I's niece mentioned, In

    my family almost no one believes it was a heart attack that killed my uncle. He never

    had heart trouble or any illness of that kind. (San Juan Star, October 3, 1978) . And

    Pope John Paul Is brother, John Pauls brother Edoardo, in Australia on a trade

    mission, reported that the Pope had been given a clean bill of health after a medical

    examination three weeks ago. He was frail in health as an infant and as a young priest,

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    but there were no reports of heart trouble. (San Juan Star, October 9, 1978).

    From Timemagazine (October 9, 1978), In an earlier age so untimely a death might

    have stirred deep suspicions: If this were the time of the Borgias, said a young teacher

    in Rome, thered be talk that John Paul was poisoned.

    The one elected Pope will be mocked by his electors, this enterprising and

    prudent person will suddenly be reduced in silence. They cause him to die because of

    his too great goodness and mildness. Stricken by fear, they will lead him to his death in

    the night.(Nostradamus, Century 10, Quatrain 12)

    Whether he was murdered or not, that until now is merely debatable. It was

    September 28, 1978, 34 years ago, when we lost the smiling pope. Now, we can only

    look back to the time when his smile was still there. Only in our minds will we see those

    smiles again. May his smile remain and never fade with the time that has passed. Hes

    a part of history now. The conclusion of Pope John Paul Is mysterious death? It is

    evident. But no more investigations, trials or resolutions can be made. The people

    involved have gone ahead of us. Was he assassinated? thats the mystery.

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