Resale Price Management


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  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    A presentation by Group 6, Section-B

    Presented By:

    Nikhil Saxena

    Palak Hasija

    Paras Sharma

    Paras SharmaPaavan Daxini

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Vertical Restraints

    What are vertical restraints?

    Restraints on agreements of concerted practices between

    individuals or firms at different levels of production and

    distribution Forms of vertical restraints:

    Exclusive territories or distribution arrangement

    Exclusive dealing

    Full-line forcing


    Single branding agreements

    Resale Price Maintenance

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Resale Price Maintenance Agreement between manufacturer and distributor

    Distributor sells manufacturers products at certain

    prices Manufacturer may stop doing business with the


    When is an agreement RPM & anti-competitive?

    The Navman: Resale Price MaintenanceControversy

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Direct Price Management v/s RPM Manufacturer owns a chain of retail stores and

    stipulates the price at which each of these must sell hisproducts. EXAMPLE-footwear industry.

    Similarly, there are agency arrangements where thewholesaler or distributor may be an agent of themanufacturer and he is selling on behalf of the

    manufacturer. Such cases do not fall within the ambit of RPM as the

    ownership of the goods remains with themanufacturer.

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Direct Price Management v/s RPM The resale prices are enforced by virtue of the

    suppliers power to withhold supplies of the goods.

    Therefore, RPM is seen as a technique to prevent pricecompetition among manufacturers and distributors.

    This is justified on the ground that in conditions ofshortages, it would prevent arbitrary price rise and

    curb the tendency of profiteering on the part ofwholesalers and retailers.

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Forms of Resale Price Maintenance Fixed price - when the goods are to be sold only at that

    price and no departure is permitted

    Minimum resale price - when the goods shall not besold below that price and if it is not followed by thedealer, the supplies are stopped and he may even be

    liable to pay compensation

    Maximum resale price - when the goods shall not besold beyond the price decided.

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Resale Price Maintenance -Advantages

    That it guarantees an adequate margin of profitbetween wholesalers and retailers and, thus, leads to a

    large number of outlets which benefits the consumers

    It enables the small traders and shop keepers to service

    the competition of big merchants and powerful chainstores

    It prevents the practice of loss leader

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Issues in relation to RPM Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition(AAEC)

    How to determine AAEC?

    The determining factors include:

    creation of barriers to new entrants in the market driving existing competitors out of the market

    foreclosure of competition by hindering entryinto the market

    accrual of benefits to consumers

    improvements in production or distribution ofgoods or provision of services

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Issues in relation to RPMProduction Chain The production chainmay spread from gathering of

    raw materials to processing and creating the finalproduct, distributing and selling the product.

    Each step of Production Chain adds value to theproduct.

    Distribution Chain involves transporting finished

    goods to consumers. Two categories of Distribution Chain:

    Direct Channel

    Indirect Channel

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Issues in relation to RPMMarket Power Firms with low Market Power engaging in RPM will

    not affect the competition significantly.

    In modern times, Vertical Restraints are treated moreleniently than Horizontal Restraints depending uponthe firm's Market Power.

    Vertical Restraints can perform pro-competition

    functions also. Distinction between Market Power and Dominant


    Examples: Wal-Mart and Apple exercise Market

    Power but aren't considered Dominant in the Market.

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Issues in relation to RPMDetermining Relevant Market According to sec 2(r) it is the area of effective

    competition within which the defendant operates.

    Includes:o Identifying products/services offered by an enterprise

    o In a given geographical area

    No clear law to define Relevant Market for all the

    products. Depends on the context of the situation. Examined

    by enforcing authority.

    DLF controversy.

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management



    Objective of the Anti-trust law is to preserve andpromote competition.

    Earlier the Law was very strict regarding VerticalConstraints.

    Currently (2002) it has been identified that VerticalConstraints, specially RPMs, can affect competitions

    in both -ve and +ve manner. Poses complex legal/ethical issues.

    The enforcing authority (CCI) has to strike a balancebetween the harms and the benefits of RPMs.

  • 8/12/2019 Resale Price Management


    Thank You
