Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index Edition 1 u x l Renaissance...


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  • 8/3/2019 Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index Edition 1 u x l Renaissance Reformation Refere


    Reference LibraryCumulative Index

  • 8/3/2019 Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index Edition 1 u x l Renaissance Reformation Refere


    Reference LibraryCumulative Index

    Julie Carnagie,Index Coordinator

    Cumulates Indexes For:

    Renaissance & Reformation: Almanac

    Renaissance & Reformation: BiographiesRenaissance & Reformation: Primary Sources

  • 8/3/2019 Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index Edition 1 u x l Renaissance Reformation Refere


    Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index

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    Imaging and Multimedia

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  • 8/3/2019 Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index Edition 1 u x l Renaissance Reformation Refere



    A 2: 444


    A 2: 464Abbas I

    A 1: 42B 2: 352

    Abelard, PeterA 1: 32

    Abrabanel, Isaac

    A 1: 121B 1: 19

    Abrabanel, JudahB 1: 8

    Abraham Senior

    B 1: 5, 7

    Abravanel, BenvenidaA 2: 547

    Academia della CruscaA 1: 54

    Acadmie Royale de Peinture etSculpture

    A 2: 539

    AccoppiatoriA 1: 55

    Acosta, Jos deA 2: 458

    Act of Supremacy

    A 1: 252Act of Treason

    A 1: 25253

    Acua, Antonio deA 1: 126

    Adam and EveB 2: 263 (ill.)PS 7 (ill.)

    Ad extirpandaA 1: 24

    Adoration of the MagiA 2: 332

    B 2: 196, 325PS 39

    Adoration of the TrinityB 1: 101

    Adrian VIA 1: 209

    The Advancement of LearningB 1: 26


    Bold type indicates

    main entries and their

    page numbers.

    Italic typeindicates

    volume numbers.

    Illustrations are marked

    by (ill.).

    Cumulative IndexA=Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac

    B=Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies

    PS=Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources

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    AfricaB 2: 296

    Against the Jews and TheirLies

    A 1: 225Against the Robbing and Mur-

    dering Horde of Peasants

    A 1: 213Agricola, Rudolf

    A 2: 374B 1: 11617

    Agrippa, HeinrichA 2: 55960

    AIDS and Black DeathA 1: 37

    Alberti, Leon BattistaA 1: 77; 2: 331

    Albert II, Holy Roman Em-peror

    A 1: 149, 151, 183Albigensian Crusade

    A 1: 23Albuquerque, Alfonso de

    A 1: 136The Alchemist

    B 1: 186Alchemists

    A 2: 467 (ill.)Alchemy

    A 2: 466, 46869Alemanno, Yohanan

    B 1: 8

    Alencon, Duke of AnjouA 1: 177, 251

    Alexander VI, PopeA 1: 49, 60, 66, 82, 83

    (ill.), 85, 96, 124,13738, 27071

    B 1: 1017, 10 (ill.); 2:329, 332

    Alexius I, Byzantine Emper-or

    A 1: 72Alfonso V, King of Naples

    and SicilyA 1: 8889; 2: 522B 1: 1

    Alfonso I, King of NaplesA 1: 88, 88 (ill.)

    Alfonso I, King of PortugalA 1: 123

    Alfonso II, King of SpainA 1: 89

    Allen, EliasA 2: 461

    Alls Well That Ends WellB 2: 345

    AlmagestA 2: 42930B 1: 90

    AlmanacsB 2: 268

    lvarez de Toledo, Fernan-do,

    A 1: 130, 297B 2: 300

    Alvers, ManoelA 2: 519

    AmorettiA 2: 398B 2: 339

    Anabaptists (Swiss Brethren)A 2: 551 (ill.)PS 15152, 153 (ill.), 156,

    157 (ill.)Analytics

    A 2: 431Anatomy

    A 2: 45354, 45657Anatomy of Melancholy

    A 2: 449An den christlichen Adel

    deutscher NationA 1: 204

    Andreae, Lars

    A 1: 240, 242Andria

    B 2: 216PS 20

    AndriansA 2: 340B 2: 317

    Angelic Sisters of the Con-verted

    A 1: 27778Anger, Jane

    A 2: 558

    Anghieri, Pietro Martire dA 2: 522Anglican Church

    A 1: 107Anguissola, Sofonisba

    A 2: 346, 565, 565 (ill.)B 1: 1822, 18 (ill.)

    Anne of AustriaA 1: 103

    Anne of BrittanyA 1: 95

    Anne of ClevesB 1: 159

    Anne of DenmarkA 1: 117; 2: 425B 1: 176

    Annunciation (Titian)A 2: 341B 2: 317

    Anselm of Canterbury, SaintA 1: 32

    Antonio da, SangalloA 1: 82

    ApellesA 2: 536

    ApocalypseA 2: 405B 1: 100

    Apollo and MarsyasA 2: 342

    Aragona, Tullia dA 2: 562

    Architecture, ItalianA 2: 35455, 35759, 420B 2: 238

    Aretino, PietroA 2: 326

    AriannaB 2: 250

    Ariosto, Ludovico

    A 2: 324, 326, 560AristotleA 1: 10, 3233, 198; 2:

    428, 431Ars magna (Great art)

    A 2: 445Artamne ou le Grand Cyrus

    A 2: 558Artisan training

    A 2: 535The Artist and the Connois-

    seurB 1: 34

    Artist trainingA 2: 536, 539

    The Art of War and The Lifeof Castruccio Castracani

    B 2: 216PS 20

    Ascarelli, DeboraA 2: 564

    Africa A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies2

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    Ascent of Mount CarmelA 1: 293B 2: 358

    Ascham, RogerA 2: 524, 528B 1: 107

    Assumption of the Virgin

    A 2: 340, 415B 2: 317, 325Astrology

    A 2: 46970B 2: 267

    AstronomyA 2: 43336, 43840, 442B 1: 88, 92, 135, 138, 189

    Astrophil and StellaA 2: 397

    Atahuallpa, Incan EmperorA 1: 127


    A 2: 379Augsburg Confession

    A 1: 21920, 238Augsburg Interim

    A 1: 223Augustine, Saint

    A 1: 198valos, Fernando de, Mar-

    quis of PescaraA 1: 51

    AvicennaB 2: 286

    Aylmer, JohnA 2: 561


    Babylonian CaptivityA 1: 27, 93, 190, 193

    BacchusB 2: 233

    Bacchus and AriadneA 2: 340

    B 2: 317Bacchus with a Wine GlassA 2: 343B 1: 145

    Bacon, Francis

    A 2: 432, 432 (ill.)B 1: 2328, 23 (ill.)

    Balboa, Vasco Nuez deA 1: 137

    Bandinelli, BaccioA 2: 539

    Banqueting HouseA 2: 421

    Baptism of ChristB 2: 196

    Barbaro, Daniele

    B 2: 280Barbaro, Ermolao the Elder

    B 2: 261Barbaro, Francesco

    A 2: 516Barnabites

    A 1: 27778Baroque period

    A 2: 329B 2: 323

    Bartholomew FairB 1: 186

    Basilica chymicaB 2: 288Basilikon Doron

    B 1: 177Bathsheba

    B 1: 146Battle of Anghiara

    B 2: 200, 202PS 40, 47

    Battle of Bosworth FieldA 1: 105

    Battle of CascinaA 2: 334, 336

    B 2: 200, 202, 234PS 40, 47

    Battle of CrcyA 1: 95 (ill.)

    Battle of GrunewaldA 1: 187

    Battle of LepantoB 1: 68

    Battle of LtzenA 1: 265

    Battle of MohacsA 1: 153, 185

    Battle of MhlbergA 1: 15354Battle of Pavia

    A 1: 52 (ill.)B 1: 82 (ill.)

    Battle of the CentaursB 2: 233

    Battle of the SpursA 1: 107

    Battle of the White Moun-tain

    A 1: 168Battle of Villalar

    A 1: 127Bayezid I

    A 1: 39

    Bayezid IIA 1: 41

    Bzan, Alvaro deA 1: 131B 2: 302

    Beaton, DavidA 1: 256

    Beaufort, MargaretA 1: 105

    The Beginning of the Historyof Great Britain

    B 1: 26Behaim, Martin

    A 2: 459Behn, Aphra

    A 2: 563Bellarmine, Robert

    A 2: 442B 1: 136PS 55

    Bellini, GiovanniA 1: 69

    Bembo, PietroA 2: 489

    Bennewitz, Peter

    A 2: 457Bernardina, Saint

    A 2: 585Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint

    A 1: 32Berruguete, Alonso

    A 2: 416Berruguete, Pedro

    A 2: 412Bethlen, Gabriel

    A 1: 186Beza, Theodore

    A 1: 237B 1: 54PS 147

    Big Fish Eat the Little FishA 2: 411

    Birth of VenusA 1: 7

    Black DeathA 1: 32, 34, 37

    Black DeathPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 3

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    Boccaccio, GiovanniA 2: 30809, 319, 559B 2: 295

    Boleslaw IA 1: 186

    Boleyn, AnneA 1: 10809, 252; 2: 554,

    560B 1: 106, 157

    Bona of SavoyA 1: 66

    Bondone, Giotto diA 2: 330

    Boniface VIII, PopeA 1: 25, 93, 191

    Boniface IX, PopeA 1: 39

    Book of Common PrayerA 1: 11011

    Book of SentencesA 1: 198

    Book of the CourtierA 1: 5; 2: 31617, 319,

    489, 557, 560B 1: 4547

    Bora, Katherine vonA 1: 215, 216 (ill.)

    Borgia, CesareA 1: 66, 8385B 1: 12; 2: 214

    Borgia, Lucrezia

    A 1: 83, 85B 1: 12

    Borromeo, CarloA 1: 27475, 286; 2: 505

    Bosch, HieronymousA 2: 410B 1: 3031

    Botticelli, SandroA 1: 7B 2: 230

    Bourbon-Montpensier,Charles de

    A 1: 51Bourgeois, Louise

    A 2: 567, 567 (ill.)

    Boy Bitten by a LizardA 2: 343 (ill.), 344B 1: 20, 145

    Bracciolini, PoggioA 2: 311

    Brahe, TychoA 1: 10; 2: 43536, 437

    (ill.), 438, 461B 1: 189, 191

    Bramante, DonatoA 1: 6667, 82, 84; 2: 355,


    B 2: 238, 315Brask, Hans

    A 1: 240B 2: 364

    Brenz, JohannesA 1: 201

    Brethren of the CommonLife

    A 2: 374B 1: 116

    Brionnet, GuillaumeA 2: 384

    Briggs, HenryA 2: 447

    Bruegel, Pieter the ElderA 1: 8; 2: 410B 1: 2935, 29 (ill.)

    Brunelleschi, FilippoA 1: 3; 2: 330, 35455B 1: 98; 2: 197, 281, 313PS 38

    Bruni, LeonardoA 2: 310

    Bry, Johann T. deA 2: 458

    Bry, Theodore deA 2: 458

    Bucer, MartinA 1: 201

    Buchanan, GeorgeB 1: 175

    Bud, GuillaumeA 2: 383

    Bugenhagen, JohannA 1: 23839

    Bullinger, HeinrichA 1: 235B 2: 385PS 138

    The Burning TimesPS 198

    Burton, RobertA 2: 449

    Byzantine EmpireA 1: 23

    CCabot, John

    A 1: 115, 139

    Cabot, SebastianA 1: 115

    Calasanz, Jos

    A 1: 281, 283Calcar, Jan Stephanus van

    B 2: 373

    Calendrelli, GiuseppePS 58

    Calixtus III, PopeA 1: 82B 1: 11

    Calling of St. MatthewA 2: 344

    Calvin, JohnA 1: 145, 147, 154, 171,

    195, 22627, 235, 235(ill.), 237, 242, 25556

    B 1: 3642, 36 (ill.), 40(ill.), 51; 2: 385

    PS 117, 138, 14049, 141(ill.)

    Canisius, PeterA 1: 282

    Canons and Decrees of theCouncil Trent

    PS 159, 180

    CanzonetteB 2: 248

    CanzoniereA 1: 9; 2: 307, 324B 2: 29192

    CapetiansA 1: 43, 104

    CapitalismA 1: 11, 16

    Carafa, Gian PietroA 1: 276

    CaravaggioA 2: 343, 345B 1: 145

    Cardano, GirolamoA 2: 445

    Carioni da Cremona, Bat-tista

    A 1: 27778

    Carnaro, LuigiA 2: 450

    CarnivalsA 2: 60809

    Boccaccio, Giovanni A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies4

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    Caroline WarA 1: 104

    Carolingian EmpireA 1: 13, 92

    Carr, RobertB 1: 178

    Cartier, Jacques

    A 1: 103, 139Cartography

    A 2: 45859

    Cartwright, ThomasA 1: 256

    Casimir IIIA 1: 187

    Castiglione, BaldassareA 1: 5; 2: 316, 489, 557B 1: 4348, 43 (ill.)

    Castle of SteenB 2: 326

    CastlesA 1: 1415

    Catanei, Vanozza deB 1: 11

    Catherine de MdicisA 1: 243, 243 (ill.), 245; 2:

    471, 474, 55556B 1: 4959, 49 (ill.); 2:


    Catherine of AragonA 1: 107, 109, 252; 2: 382,

    560B 1: 106, 156; 2: 258

    Catherine of GenoaA 1: 269

    Catherine of SienaA 1: 269

    Catholic LeagueB 1: 57, 59

    Catholic Reformation (See:Reformation, Catholic)

    Cavendish, MargaretA 2: 562B 1: 6065, 60 (ill.)PS 62, 10815, 110 (ill.),

    114 (ill.)Cavendish, WilliamB 1: 61, 61 (ill.)PS 109

    Cecil, RobertA 1: 114B 1: 24, 112

    Cecil, WilliamA 1: 114

    B 1: 108, 112

    Celestine V, PopeA 1: 25, 191

    Cellini, BenvenutoA 1: 101; 2: 353PS 47

    Celtis, Conrad

    A 2: 375Cennini, Cennino

    A 2: 538

    CenturiesA 2: 47374B 2: 268, 269 (ill.)

    Cereta, LauraA 2: 322, 527

    Cervantes, Miguel deA 1: 9, 133; 2: 398,

    40001B 1: 6676, 66 (ill.)

    PS 62, 8698, 87 (ill.)Cervato, AnaA 2: 527

    Champlain, Samuel deA 1: 103, 139

    CharlemagneA 1: 13, 16, 92

    Charles, Duke of BurgundyA 1: 95, 169

    Charles of GuiseA 1: 243, 245, 247B 1: 54, 58

    Charles VIII, King of France

    A 1: 4850, 49 (ill.),6061, 67, 76, 89,9596

    B 1: 12

    Charles V at the Battle ofMhlberg

    B 1: 85

    Charles V, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 18, 50, 5253, 60, 68,75, 77, 79, 82, 84, 96,98101, 99 (ill.), 104,

    10708, 12425,12728, 138, 14748,152, 154, 174, 184, 206,21617, 21920, 223,248, 280, 294; 2: 478,489

    B 1: 50, 7787, 77 (ill.),12830, 167; 2: 210,34950

    PS 126, 163

    Charles I, King of FranceA 1: 48, 86, 96, 11617,


    Charles I, King of HungaryA 1: 183

    Charles IV, Holy Roman Em-

    perorA 1: 18, 143

    Charles IX, King of FranceA 1: 102, 24344, 247B 1: 53, 5556

    Charles II, King of EnglandA 1: 259

    Charles II, King of NaplesA 1: 87

    Charles VII, King of FranceA 1: 95, 104

    Charles VI, King of France

    A 1: 94Charles X Gustav

    A 1: 181B 2: 369

    Charles III, King of FranceA 1: 87, 92

    ChteauxA 2: 41618

    Cheke, JohnA 1: 110, 253

    The Chess GameA 2: 346, 347 (ill.)

    B 1: 20, 21 (ill.)Chettle, HenryB 2: 338

    ChildbirthA 2: 58384

    ChildhoodA 2: 587, 58990, 589 (ill.)

    Childrens GamesB 1: 30

    Chivalric codeA 1: 15

    Christ Crowned with ThornsA 2: 341B 2: 317

    Christian IV, King of Den-mark and Norway

    A 1: 178, 262

    Christian II, King of Den-mark

    A 1: 17879, 23839B 2: 361, 366

    Christian II, King of DenmarkPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 5

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    Christian III, King of DenmarkA 1: 178, 23839

    Christina, Queen of SwedenA 1: 181B 2: 369

    Christ in the TombA 2: 409

    Christopher IIA 1: 178

    Christ Washing the Feet of theApostles

    A 2: 342

    Chrysoloras, ManuelA 2: 310, 521B 2: 293

    Chuquet, NicolasA 2: 445

    Cicero, Marcus TulliusA 2: 516

    Cicona, JohannesA 2: 423Cisneros, Jimnez de

    A 1: 125The City of God

    A 2: 385

    Clavius, ChristophA 2: 465

    CllieA 2: 558

    Clement, JacquesA 1: 247B 1: 59

    Clement V, PopeA 1: 26, 62, 80, 192

    Clement VII, PopeA 1: 28, 80, 8687,

    99100, 108, 127, 153,194, 209, 217, 252,27778

    B 1: 50, 82, 127, 157; 2:216

    Clement VI, PopeA 1: 27, 193


    B 1: 144Clericus laicosA 1: 26, 191

    CliziaB 2: 216PS 20

    ClothingA 2: 481 (ill.), 59798, 598

    (ill.), 60003

    ClovisA 1: 12

    Cluniac OrderA 1: 21

    Coecke van Aelst, PieterB 1: 30

    Coello, Alonso Snchez

    A 2: 412Coke, Edward

    B 1: 25, 178

    Cole, HumphreyA 2: 461

    Colet, JohnA 1: 106, 270; 2: 380, 523,

    524 (ill.)B 1: 119 (ill.), 162

    Coli, Benefic deA 1: 276

    Coligny, Gaspard Il de

    A 1: 24445B 1: 5455

    CollgesA 2: 520, 522

    Colloquy of DogsB 1: 70

    Colombo, Matteo RealdoA 2: 456

    Colonna, GiovanniB 2: 292

    Colonna, VittoriaA 2: 32728, 328 (ill.), 562

    B 2: 239Columbus, ChristopherA 1: 75, 123, 137B 1: 85

    Combat of Carnival and LentB 1: 31

    The Comedy of ErrorsB 2: 343

    Comines, PhilippeA 1: 49

    Commandino, FedericoA 2: 464

    Commedia dell arteA 2: 36869, 369 (ill.), 371

    CommentariolusB 1: 89

    Compact of JihlavaA 1: 30, 167

    Compagnia e Accademia delDisegno

    A 2: 539

    Company of Saint UrsulaA 1: 285

    The Complaint of PeaceB 1: 120, 122

    Comuneros RevoltA 1: 99

    Concordat of Bologna

    A 1: 98B 1: 126

    ConfraternitiesA 2: 50607

    ConfutationA 1: 220

    Congregation of MissionsA 1: 284

    Consiglieri, PaoloA 1: 276

    Conversion of SaulA 2: 338

    Copernican UniversePS 57 (ill.)Copernicus, Nicolaus

    A 1: 10; 2: 434B 1: 8895, 88 (ill.), 91

    (ill.), 132; 2: 266PS 50

    Cordier, MathurinA 2: 52021

    Cornaro, CaterinaA 2: 488

    Coronado, Francisco deA 1: 137

    The Coronation of PoppeaA 2: 367B 2: 251, 252 (ill.)

    Corsi, JacopoB 2: 249

    Corts, HernanA 1: 127B 1: 85

    A Council ... for Reforming theChurch

    A 1: 273B 1: 14PS 162, 182

    Council of BaselA 1: 30, 167

    Council of ConstanceA 1: 165, 202

    Council of ItalyA 1: 89

    Council of SeventyB 2: 229

    Christian III, King of Denmark A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies6

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    Council of the RealmA 1: 179

    Council of TrentA 1: 128, 273, 275 (ill.)PS 159, 162, 180, 183,

    18788, 188 (ill.)

    Council of Troubles

    A 1: 130, 175, 250, 297B 2: 300

    CourtierB 1: 45 (ill.)

    Court JewsB 1: 3

    Court lifeA 2: 317 (ill.), 482, 484,

    485 (ill.), 48789

    Court masqueA 2: 42425

    Court of Augmentations

    A 1: 108, 253B 1: 159

    Cox, RichardA 1: 110, 253

    Cranach, Lucas the ElderB 1: 103

    Cranmer, ThomasA 1: 10911, 109, (ill.),

    253B 1: 158

    CrimeA 2: 509, 511, 51314

    Croll, Oswald

    B 2: 288Cromwell, Oliver

    A 1: 259

    Cromwell, ThomasA 1: 108, 252B 1: 106, 158

    CrusadesA 1: 2223, 72, 119

    CymbelineB 2: 346

    Cynthias RevelsB 1: 184

    DDalberg, Johann von

    A 2: 375

    Dalchamps, JacquesA 2: 450

    Dandolo, EnricoA 1: 73

    DanteA 1: 54; 2: 323B 2: 231

    Dark DayB 1: 32

    The Dark Night of the SoulB 2: 358

    Darnley, Lord (Henry Stew-art)

    A 1: 114David

    A 1: 7; 2: 34950

    DeathA 2: 61719, 618 (ill.), 620

    (ill.), 62122Decameron

    A 2: 309PS 78, 83 (ill.)

    Declamation on the Nobilityand Preeminence of theFemale Sex

    A 2: 559Defence of Good Women

    A 2: 560Defenestration of Prague

    A 1: 168, 261De humani corporis fabrics

    A 2: 454

    Delamain, RichardA 2: 465

    Denck, HansA 1: 232

    De Nova StellaA 2: 436B 1: 191

    De prospectiva pingendiA 2: 446

    De revolutionibus orbiumcoelestium

    B 1: 88, 94, 133Desargues, Grard

    A 2: 446

    Descent from the CrossB 2: 324, 325 (ill.)The Description of a New

    World Called theBlazing World

    B 1: 6263PS 62, 10815

    Despauterius, JohannesA 2: 519

    Devereux, RobertA 1: 11415B 1: 24, 112

    Devoted Married Laity ofSaint Paul

    A 1: 277

    Devotio Moderna

    A 1: 269Dialogue Concerning the Two

    Chief World SystemsA 2: 442B 1: 13637PS 56

    Dialogue in the Form of a Noc-turnal Vision

    A 2: 390PS 79

    Dialogue on the Infinity ofLove

    A 2: 562Dialogues on Love

    B 1: 8

    Diana the HuntressA 2: 556

    Diane de PoitiersA 2: 55556

    Dias, BartolomeuA 1: 136

    Diatribe on Free WillA 2: 379B 1: 120

    Dien, AzrielA 2: 564

    Diet of AugsburgA 1: 219 (ill.)

    Diet of RegensburgA 1: 223

    Diet of SpeyerA 1: 217, 232

    Diet of WormsA 1: 205B 1: 80

    Discourse on Bodies in WaterB 1: 135

    Discourses on the First TenBooks of Titus Livius

    B 2: 216PS 20

    Dissolution Act of 1547A 1: 253

    Divine ComedyA 2: 323

    Divine ComedyPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 7

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    DivorceA 2: 544

    Doctor FaustusB 1: 185

    DominicansA 1: 24


    A 1: 54; 2: 330, 34951,483

    Don Quixote

    A 1: 10; 2: 398, 399 (ill.),40001

    B 1: 66, 72 (ill.), 73, 75PS 62, 8698, 92 (ill.), 94

    (ill.)Doria, Andrea

    A 1: 42, 100B 2: 348

    Dorn, GerardB 2: 288

    Dovisi, BernardoB 1: 44

    DowryA 2: 54243

    Drake, FrancisA 1: 113, 115, 132B 1: 114; 2: 302

    Dudley, GuildfordA 1: 254

    Dudley, JohnA 1: 110, 253

    Dufay, Guillaume

    A 2: 423, 537Dulle GrietB 1: 31

    Drer, AlbrechtA 2: 405, 407, 446, 454B 1: 9604, 96 (ill.)


    East Roman EmpireA 1: 1

    Ecclesiastical OrdinancesB 1: 41PS 117, 14049

    Eckhart, JohannesA 1: 145

    Eckhart, MeisterA 1: 195

    Eck, JohannA 1: 202, 220

    EcologuesB 2: 296

    Ecstasy of St. TeresaB 2: 357PS 175, 177 (ill.)

    Edict of AmboiseB 1: 54

    Edict of ExpulsionB 1: 5

    Edict of JanuaryB 1: 54

    Edict of NantesA 1: 102, 148, 227, 248

    Edict of RestitutionA 1: 262

    Edict of WormsA 1: 84

    EducationA 2: 517 (ill.)

    Education of the ChristianWomanA 2: 385

    Edwardian WarA 1: 104

    Edward V, King of EnglandA 1: 105

    Edward I, King of EnglandA 1: 26, 191

    Edward IV, King of EnglandA 1: 105; 2: 489

    Edward II, King of EnglandA 1: 27, 93, 104

    Edward VI, King of EnglandA 1: 110, 251, 253, 257B 1: 107

    Elcano, Juan deA 1: 138

    El cerco de NumanciaA 2: 401B 1: 71PS 97

    El GrecoA 2: 412, 414

    Elizabeth, A Dutch An-

    abaptist Martyr: ALetterPS 117, 15058

    Elizabeth of BohemiaB 1: 180

    Elizabeth I, Queen ofEngland

    A 1: 111, 112 (ill.),11314, 117, 132, 176,

    244, 247, 25051, 254,25657; 2: 489, 528,55354

    B 1: 52, 10514, 105 (ill.);2: 30203

    Elyot, ThomasA 1: 106; 2: 450, 526, 560

    B 1: 162Eneo Silvio, Piccolomini

    A 2: 526

    English Peasants RevoltA 1: 36

    EnlightenmentA 1: 304PS 199

    EntombmentB 2: 314

    Epicoene, or the Silent WomanB 1: 186

    Epistolae metricaeB 2: 295

    EpithalamionA 2: 398B 2: 339

    Epitome astronomiae Coperni-canae

    B 1: 192, 193 (ill.)

    Equality of Men and WomenB 2: 245

    Erasmus, DesideriusA 1: 8, 101, 174, 22829,

    249; 2: 37677, 377(ill.), 37980, 520, 524,547

    B 1: 98, 11522, 115 (ill.),119 (ill.), 121 (ill.), 130;2: 380

    Erastus, ThomasB 2: 288

    Erik VA 1: 178

    Erik XIVA 1: 181

    Escobedo, Juan deA 1: 131B 2: 301

    Esmal IA 1: 41

    EssaisA 2: 389B 2: 24445PS 99

    Divorce A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies8

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    Este, Alfonso I dA 1: 85

    Este, Beatrice dA 1: 67, 78

    Este, Isabella dA 1: 67, 77, 79, 79 (ill.); 2:

    319, 48990, 537, 555

    Esther and AbasuersusB 1: 144

    Eugenius IV, PopeA 1: 88

    Europe, idea ofA 1: 43

    Evangelical UnionA 1: 26061

    Expulsion from ParadiseB 2: 197

    Exsurge DomineA 1: 204

    Eyck, Hubert van

    A 1: 8Eyck, Jan van

    A 1: 8; 2: 404


    FabricaB 2: 37475 375 (ill.)

    The Faerie QueeneA 2: 396, 561B 2: 33536

    FairsA 2: 61011

    The Family GroupB 1: 20

    Farel, GuillaumeA 1: 236B 1: 39PS 141

    Farnese, AlessandroA 1: 131, 177, 251B 2: 301

    Favre, Pierre

    A 1: 281B 1: 170Feast of the Rose Garlands

    B 1: 101Feast of Venus

    B 2: 326Fedele, Cassandra

    A 2: 322, 527B 2: 262

    Federal OrdinanceA 1: 21213

    Fels, ColonaA 1: 167, 261

    Felton, GeoffreyA 1: 133B 2: 304

    Feltre, Bernardino daA 2: 497

    Feltre, Vittorino daA 1: 77; 2: 517, 521, 527

    FeministsA 2: 55859, 561

    Ferdinand V, King of SpainA 1: 75

    Ferdinand I, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 15354, 16768,21019

    B 1: 86Ferdinand I, King of Naples

    A 1: 88

    Ferdinand I, King of SpainA 1: 6667

    Ferdinand II, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 116, 125, 129, 151,156, 260, 264, 266

    Ferdinand II, King of AragonA 1: 9697, 11920, 122,

    12425, 252; 2: 403,

    479, 496, 553B 1: 4, 68, 80, 124

    Ferdinand II, King of SpainA 1: 89

    Ferdinand III, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 266

    Fernndez de Crdoba,Gonzalo

    A 1: 12021

    Ferrante IA 1: 59

    Ferro, Scipione delA 2: 445

    FestivalsA 2: 60305, 607

    FeudalismA 1: 1213, 1516, 46, 89,

    92, 143

    Feudalism, map ofA 1: 11 (ill.)

    Ficino, MarsilioA 1: 57B 2: 230

    Field of the Cloth of GoldA 2: 486B 1: 125 (ill.), 12627, 129

    Fifth Lateran Council

    A 1: 272B 1: 14PS 181

    Fiorentino, RossoA 2: 417

    First Blast of the TrumpetA 2: 560

    First Northern WarA 1: 181B 2: 362, 369

    Florence, ItalyA 1: 49, 5354, 56, 58, 60,

    65, 89B 2: 227 (ill)

    Florensz, AdrianA 1: 12526

    Fludd, RobertA 2: 469

    FontainebleauA 2: 417

    Fontana, LaviniaA 2: 565B 1: 1819

    Fonte, ModerataA 2: 559, 562

    Foscari, FracescoA 1: 74

    Foscarini, LudovicoA 2: 321B 2: 261, 263PS 46

    Four ApostlesA 2: 408B 1: 103

    Four Articles of PragueA 1: 30, 167

    Four Books on Architecture

    A 2: 359B 2: 281The Four Books on Proportion

    A 2: 408B 1: 104

    Four humorsA 2: 44849

    Fourth Lateran CouncilA 1: 22

    Fourth Lateran CouncilPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 9

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    Francesca, Piero dellaA 2: 446

    FranciscansA 1: 24

    Francis of SalesA 1: 28687

    Francis I, King of FranceA 1: 5051, 53, 68, 75, 77,

    84, 9798, 97 (ill.),10001, 10607,12627, 15253, 184,229; 2: 373, 417, 479,48687, 489, 520

    B 1: 51, 7980, 83,12331, 123 (ill.), 125(ill.), 162; 2: 379

    Francis I, King of LoraineA 1: 18

    Francis II, Holy Roman Em-

    perorA 1: 144

    Francis II, King of FranceA 1: 243, 246, 255B 1: 52

    Franois of LorraineA 1: 243, 245B 1: 54

    Franco, VeronicaA 2: 326, 562

    Frederick V, ElectorA 1: 261

    Frederick V, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 168

    Frederick V, King of Bo-hemia

    A 1: 116

    Frederick I, King of Den-mark

    A 1: 178, 238B 2: 363, 367

    Frederick I, King of Ger-many

    A 1: 32

    Frederick II, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 8B 1: 191

    Frederick II, King of Den-mark

    A 2: 436

    Frederick II, King of Ger-many

    A 1: 32

    Frederick III, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 14950, 156, 184

    Frederick III, King of Den-

    markA 1: 179

    Frederick the WiseA 1: 198, 20102, 20607,

    238B 2: 210PS 127

    French Wars of ReligionB 1: 54

    Frisius, GemmaA 2: 461, 463

    Frobisher, Martin

    A 1: 113Froschauer, ChristophA 1: 229B 2: 381PS 130

    Fugger, JacobA 1: 126, 126 (ill.)

    GGaddi, Agnolo

    A 2: 538Galeazzo, Gian

    A 1: 54, 6667

    GalenA 2: 431, 448, 454B 2: 28687

    Galileo GalileiA 1: 10, 297; 2: 431, 440,

    442, 462, 466B 1: 94, 13240, 132 (ill.),

    135 (ill.)PS 36, 4960, 51 (ill.), 59


    Galindo, BeatrizA 2: 527

    Gama, Vasco daA 1: 75, 136

    Garden of Earthly DelightsB 1: 31

    Garden of LoveB 2: 326

    Gargantua and PantagruelA 2: 387, 387 (ill.)B 2: 306, 30810, 309 (ill.)

    Gattinara, MercurinoB 1: 79

    GeberA 2: 46768

    Genevan AcademyB 1: 42

    Gentileschi, ArtemisiaA 2: 34748B 1: 14147, 141 (ill.)

    Gentileschi, OrazioA 2: 347B 1: 142

    GeographiaA 2: 457

    GeographyA 2: 45759

    Gerlach, CateriniaA 2: 537

    German Peasants WarA 1: 210, 21214

    GhibellinesA 1: 6, 54, 62

    Ghiberti, LorenzoA 1: 4; 2: 349, 483

    Ghirlandaio, DomenicoB 2: 230

    Gilbert, WilliamA 2: 466

    GiorgioneA 2: 340

    GiottoA 1: 6

    Giovanni da BolognaA 2: 353

    Giovio, PaoloA 2: 488

    Globe TheaterB 2: 343 (ill.)

    GloriaB 1: 85

    Golden BullA 1: 18, 143

    Gombert, NicolasA 2: 424

    Gmez de Sandoval y Rojas,Francisco

    A 1: 133

    Gonzaga, CeciliaA 2: 527

    Francesca, Piero della A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies10

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    Gonzaga, ErcoleA 1: 7879

    Gonzaga, FedericoA 1: 7778; 2: 490

    Gonzaga, Ferdinando CarloA 1: 77

    Gonzaga, Francesco

    A 1: 50, 7778B 1: 44

    Gonzaga, LuigiA 1: 76

    Gonzaga, Vincenzo IB 2: 248

    Gonzaga, Vincenzo IIA 1: 77

    Gournay, Marie deA 2: 390, 561B 2: 24546PS 101

    The Great InstaurationB 1: 26

    Great MosquePS 26 (ill.)

    Great SchismA 1: 27, 29, 47, 8081, 88,

    165, 190, 19495

    Grebel, KonradA 1: 232

    Greene, RobertB 2: 33738

    Gregorian Calendar

    A 2: 438Gregory XI, Pope

    A 1: 27, 80, 193

    Gregory IX, PopeA 1: 23, 119; 2: 495B 1: 2

    Gregory VII, PopeA 1: 21, 25, 72

    Gregory XIII, PopeA 2: 438

    Grey, JaneA 1: 110, 254

    Grumbach, Argula vonA 2: 549

    Guarini, GuarinoA 2: 518, 521

    GuelphsA 1: 6, 54, 62

    Guesclin, Bertrand duA 1: 94

    Guglielmini, Giovanni Bat-tista

    PS 58

    Guicciardini, FransescoB 2: 217

    GuildsA 1: 37; 2: 482

    Gunter, EdmundA 2: 465

    Gustav II Adolf, King ofSweden

    A 1: 181, 26263, 264(ill.), 265

    B 2: 369

    Gutenberg, JohannesA 1: 6B 1: 14854, 148 (ill.)

    Guzmn, Alonso Perez deA 1: 113, 132

    B 2: 30203Guzmn, Gaspar deA 1: 134

    HHabsburg dynasty

    A 1: 32

    Hakluyt, RichardA 2: 458

    Hampton Court Conference

    A 1: 114, 258Handbook of a Christian Sol-

    dierA 2: 377B 1: 119

    Handbook of the MilitantChristian

    A 1: 270

    Handt spiegelA 2: 378

    Hanseatic LeagueA 1: 19, 19 (ill.), 143, 178,

    180B 2: 363

    Harmonice mundi (Harmonyof the world)

    B 1: 192

    Haro, Luis deA 1: 134

    Harriot, ThomasA 2: 462

    Hartmann, GeorgeA 2: 461

    Hartmann, JohannB 2: 288

    Harvey, WilliamA 2: 456, 473

    Hathaway, Anne

    B 2: 337PS 64

    Hawkins, JohnA 1: 113, 115B 1: 114

    Hay HarvestB 1: 32

    HaywainA 2: 411B 1: 31

    Henrietta Maria, Queen(Consort) of England

    B 1: 61PS 109

    Henry of NavarreB 1: 49, 5556, 59

    Henry VIII, King of Eng-land

    A 1: 8, 50, 99, 10607,107 (ill.), 111, 12627,153, 25354; 2: 38182,478, 48687

    B 1: 79, 125 (ill.), 12627,15563, 155 (ill.), 161(ill.); 2: 25658

    Henry V, King of EnglandA 1: 94

    Henry IV, Holy Roman Em-peror

    A 1: 21

    Henry IV, King of CastileA 1: 120

    Henry IV, King of FranceA 1: 102, 148, 227, 245,

    247, 249; 2: 491

    Henry the NavigatorA 1: 123, 135

    Henry II, King of EnglandA 1: 93

    Henry II, King of FranceA 1: 128, 243; 2: 471, 555B 1: 5051; 2: 268

    Henry VII, Holy Roman Em-peror

    A 1: 62

    Henry VII, Holy Roman EmperorPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 11

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    Henry VII, King of EnglandA 1: 105, 107, 11415,

    139; 2: 488

    Henry VI, King of EnglandA 1: 94, 10405B 2: 344

    Henry III, King of France

    A 1: 102, 24345, 247B 1: 55, 5758

    Hepburn, JamesB 1: 174, 176

    HeptamronA 2: 390, 528, 562B 2: 224PS 61, 7885

    Hercules Fighting a CentaurA 2: 353

    HerodotusA 1: 88

    Herrera, Juan deA 2: 419

    Heshek ShlomoB 1: 8

    Hippocrates of CosA 2: 431B 2: 28687

    History of Constantine theGreat

    B 2: 325

    History of FlorenceB 2: 216

    PS 20Holbein, HansA 1: 106; 2: 409, 409 (ill.)B 1: 162

    Holy BloodA 2: 415

    Holy LeagueA 1: 4950, 68, 76

    Holy Roman EmpireA 1: 11, 1618, 143

    HomerA 1: 88

    HoroscopeB 2: 270

    Howard, CatherineA 1: 109B 1: 160

    Hubmaier, BalthasarA 1: 232

    Hudson, HenryA 1: 139

    Hugh CapetA 1: 92

    HuguenotsB 1: 52, 54, 56

    HumanismA 1: 12, 45, 8, 45; 2:

    30507, 30911 31315,

    31719, 32122, 374,377, 379, 38183,38587

    B 1: 117, 120; 2: 256, 258,29394

    Humanist SchoolsA 2: 51719, 52123,

    52526PS 34, 13

    HumorsB 2: 287

    Hundred Years War

    A 1: 26, 28, 43, 94, 104,146, 191, 194

    Hunters in the SnowB 1: 32

    Hunyadi, JnosA 1: 183

    Hus, JanA 1: 29, 31, 16566, 202

    Hussite RevoltA 1: 29

    Hutten, Ulrich vonA 1: 207; 2: 452

    Hutter, JakobA 1: 232PS 151, 157

    Hyrde, RichardA 2: 560

    IIbn Khaldn, Abd al-

    RahmanPS 2, 2334

    Ideal of Philosophical Medi-cine

    B 2: 288

    Ignatius of LoyolaA 1: 278 (ill.), 279, 281B 1: 16472, 164 (ill.),

    169 (ill.)PS 159, 16170, 163 (ill.)

    Il combattimento di Tancredi eClorinda

    B 2: 251

    Ildefonso AltarpieceB 2: 326

    Index of Prohibited BooksA 1: 274, 294

    B 1: 15PS 182, 189

    Indians as CannibalsPS 103 (ill.)

    IndulgencesA 1: 31, 166, 200, 202B 2: 207PS 121, 122 (ill.)

    Innocent VIII, PopeA 1: 48, 96, 270, 300; 2:

    487B 2: 329

    PS 191, 193Innocent IV, Pope

    A 1: 24

    Innocent III, PopeA 1: 22, 25

    In Praise of FollyA 1: 8

    InquisitionA 1: 111, 254B 1: 109

    Inquisition, MedievalA 1: 22, 2425, 119

    Inquisition, PortugueseA 1: 297

    Inquisition, RomanA 1: 274, 294, 299B 1: 15PS 182, 189

    Inquisition, SpanishA 1: 119, 293 (ill.), 294,

    298, 298 (ill.); 2: 496B 1: 4, 4 (ill.)

    Institute of the Blessed Vir-gin Mary

    A 1: 287; 2: 529

    Institutes of the Christian Reli-gion

    B 1: 38PS 14142

    Introduction to a Devout LifeA 1: 287

    Investiture StruggleA 1: 21

    Henry VII, King of England A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies12

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    Isaac, HeinrichA 2: 537B 2: 230

    Isabella of ValoisB 1: 21

    Isabella IA 1: 11920, 122, 124,

    137; 2: 403, 479, 496,522, 55354, 553 (ill.)

    Isabella I, Queen of AragonB 1: 85

    Isabella I, Queen of CastileB 1: 4, 68

    The Isle of DogsB 1: 183

    Italian LeagueA 1: 74

    Italian WarsA 1: 43, 48, 5051, 53,

    5961, 63, 66, 68, 74,

    76, 83, 89, 96, 102, 120,144, 15152, 174, 243

    B 1: 50, 80, 130Italy, map of

    A 1: 47 (ill)

    JJacquerie revolt

    A 1: 36James I, King of England

    A 1: 11415, 117, 258,304; 2: 558

    B 1: 114, 17381, 173 (ill.)James IV, King of Scotland

    A 1: 112, 257Janissaries

    A 1: 39Jnos, Hunyadi

    A 1: 40Jansen, Zacharias

    A 2: 462Jeanne of Navarre

    A 1: 245Jesuit SchoolsA 2: 523

    Jesuits (Society of Jesus)A 1: 27981, 288B 1: 164, 17071PS 162, 164, 167, 168 (ill.)

    The Jew of MaltaB 1: 185

    JewsA 2: 497500B 1: 3, 5 (ill.)

    Jews, expulsion ofA 1: 121 (ill.)PS 6667

    Jimnez de Cisneros

    A 1: 120Joanna I, Queen of Naples

    A 1: 87, 124

    Joanna II, Queen of NaplesA 1: 88, 65

    Joan of ArcA 1: 95, 104; 2: 321

    John Frederick of SaxonyA 1: 223, 225

    John George I of SaxonyA 1: 266

    John of Austria

    A 1: 42, 76, 13031, 134B 1: 87; 2: 30001, 352

    John of SaxonyA 1: 220

    John of the CrossA 1: 292, 292 (ill.)PS 178

    John Paul II, PopeB 1: 139PS 59

    John V, Byzantine EmperorA 1: 39

    John I, King of AragonA 1: 88

    John I, King of PortugalA 1: 123

    John IV, King of PortugalA 1: 123

    John II, King of AragonA 1: 120

    John II, King of FranceA 1: 63

    John II, King of PortugalA 1: 136

    John VI, Byzantine EmperorA 1: 39

    John III SobieskiA 1: 189

    John III the Pious, King ofPortugal

    A 1: 297

    John XII, PopeA 1: 17

    John XXII, PopeA 1: 27, 193

    Jones, InigoA 1: 117; 2: 42021, 421

    (ill.), 425Jonson, Ben

    A 1: 117; 2: 39396, 395

    (ill.), 425B 1: 18287, 182 (ill.)

    Josquin des PrezA 2: 361

    JoustingA 2: 613 (ill.)

    Judgment of ParisB 2: 326

    Judith and Her Maidservantwith the Head ofHolofernes

    A 2: 348B 1: 142, 143 (ill.), 144

    Julius II, PopeA 1: 8183, 152, 252; 2:

    357B 2: 236

    Juni, Juan deA 2: 416

    KKaiser, Jacob

    A 1: 234

    Karlstadt, Andreas vonA 1: 202, 207

    Karl IX, King of SwedenA 1: 181

    Kepler, JohannesA 1: 10; 2: 43839, 462B 1: 18894, 188 (ill.)

    Khayr ad-DinA 1: 101B 1: 129

    Khlesl, MelchiorA 1: 156

    Khmelnytsky, BohdanA 1: 189King James Bible

    A 1: 115, 116 (ill.), 258King Lear

    B 2: 345Knight, Death, and the Devil

    A 2: 408B 1: 102

    Knight, Death, and the DevilPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 13

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    KnightsA 1: 14 (ill.)

    Knights RevoltA 1: 207

    Knox, JohnA 1: 256; 2: 553, 560

    Kramer, Heinrich

    A 1: 300PS 192201Kublai Khan

    A 1: 73

    LLa Belle jardinire

    B 2: 314Lab, Louise

    A 2: 558

    The Labors of Persiles andSegismunda

    B 1: 74PS 89, 96

    Ladislas, King of NaplesA 1: 87

    Ladislas II, King of PolandA 1: 187

    La DoroteaA 2: 403

    Laetus, Juilius PomponiusA 2: 606

    La favola dOrfeo

    A 2: 366B 2: 249

    La Fayette, Marie-Madeleinede

    A 2: 557Lainez, Diego

    A 1: 280Lancastrian War

    A 1: 104Land of Cockaigne

    B 1: 33La Princesse de Montpensier

    A 2: 558La Salle, Ren-Robert Caveli-er de

    A 1: 139Lascaris, John

    B 2: 230Lasso, Orlando

    A 2: 424B 2: 276

    Last JudgmentA 2: 338B 2: 23839

    Last Supper(Leonardo daVinci)

    A 2: 333B 2: 198

    PS 39Last Supper(Tintoretto)

    A 2: 343Last Supper(Titian)

    A 2: 341B 2: 317

    Lateran TreatyA 1: 81

    Laud, WilliamA 1: 259

    Laurana, Francesco daA 2: 489

    League of CambraiA 1: 74, 152

    League of CognacA 1: 53, 68, 84, 100, 127B 1: 128

    Lefvre dtaples, JacquesA 1: 241; 2: 383

    Leonardo da Vinci

    A 1: 5, 7, 54, 67, 101; 2:332, 33435, 454, 538

    B 1: 130; 2: 19503, 195(ill.), 234

    PS 35, 3748, 39 (ill.)Len, Juan Ponce de

    A 1: 137Leopold I, Holy Roman Em-

    perorA 1: 186

    Leo X, PopeA 1: 59, 97, 20001, 203,

    229; 2: 479, 606B 1: 80, 126; 2: 208, 210,

    379PS 121, 126

    Leo III, PopeA 1: 13

    Letters and Orations of Cas-sandra Fedele

    A 2: 322B 2: 262

    LEuridiceB 2: 249

    Leyva, Antonio de, Gover-nor

    A 1: 51Libavius, Andrea

    A 2: 469The Life of Teresa of Jesus

    A 1: 289

    B 2: 353PS 159, 17179

    Lily, WilliamA 1: 106; 2: 519, 523B 1: 162

    Linschoten, Jan Huygen vanA 2: 458

    Lippi, Fra FilippoB 2: 230

    The Living Flame of LoveB 2: 358

    Long War

    A 1: 186Lot and His Daughters

    B 1: 146Louise-Marguerite of Lor-

    raineA 2: 558B 1: 57

    Louise of SavoyA 1: 98; 2: 555

    Louis of NassauA 1: 176, 250

    Louis XI, King of France

    A 1: 85, 95, 105, 150Louis I, King of Hungaryand Poland

    A 1: 87, 183Louis XIV, King of France

    A 1: 77, 103, 248, 255,267

    Louis IX, King of FranceA 1: 48, 93, 96

    Louis II, King of HungaryA 1: 41, 153, 18485, 217B 2: 350

    Louis VII, King of FranceA 1: 93

    Louis VI, King of FranceA 1: 93

    Louis XIII, King of FranceA 1: 103, 117, 134, 266

    Louis XII, King of FranceA 1: 50, 61, 63, 68, 83, 89,

    96, 107

    Knights A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies14

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    Loves Labours LostB 2: 344

    LucretiaA 2: 348B 1: 144

    Luther, MartinA 1: 84, 108, 128, 14546,

    152, 190, 19596,19899, 20102, 204,205 (ill.), 20607, 213,215, 21718, 22122,224, 22627, 234,23839, 24142, 248,252; 2: 435, 497

    B 1: 36, 51, 80, 92, 106,120; 2: 20412, 204(ill.), 211 (ill.)

    PS 117, 11830, 123 (ill.),127 (ill.), 137 (ill.),13940, 181


    B 2: 345

    Machiavelli, NiccolA 1: 8; 2: 31416B 2: 21320, 213 (ill.)PS 2, 1222, 13 (ill.)

    Maderno, Carlo

    A 1: 82; 2: 357B 2: 239, 241

    Madonna and ChildA 2: 348B 1: 142

    Madonna and Child withSaints Francis and Aloy-sius

    A 2: 341

    Madonna and SaintsB 2: 325

    Madrigali spiritualiB 2: 248

    Magellan, FerdinandA 1: 138

    Magistrato SupremoA 1: 56

    Magna CartaA 1: 31

    Magpie on the GallowsB 1: 34

    Makin, BathsuaA 2: 528

    Malleus MaleficarumA 1: 299, 301PS 191, 192201

    Mander, Karel vanB 1: 30

    The MandrakeB 2: 216PS 201

    Man in a Red TurbanA 2: 405

    Mantegna, AndreaA 1: 77

    Mantova, BenedettoA 1: 78

    MantuaA 1: 50, 76, 7879

    Mantuana, Giovanni Batista

    A 2: 565Mantz, FelixA 1: 233PS 139, 152

    Marche, Olivier de laA 2: 488

    Margaret of AnjouA 1: 105

    Margaret of AustriaA 2: 555

    Margaret of NavarreA 2: 390, 528, 562B 2: 22125, 221 (ill.)

    PS 61, 7885, 80 (ill.)Margaret, Queen of Den-

    markA 1: 178

    Margaret, Queen of FranceA 2: 474B 2: 270

    Marguerite of ValoisA 1: 245, 247B 1: 49, 5556

    Maria, HenriettaA 1: 117, 259

    Marie de MdicisA 1: 103Marillac, Louise de

    A 1: 285, 288Marinella, Lucrezia

    A 2: 559Marlowe, Christopher

    A 2: 394B 1: 18485

    PS 76 (ill.), 77

    Marquette, JacquesA 1: 139

    MarriageA 2: 543, 57781, 583,

    605 (ill.)Marriage of the Virgin

    B 2: 314Martinitz, Jaroslav

    A 1: 168, 261

    Martin V, PopeA 1: 2930, 81, 16566,


    Martyrdom of St. Maurice andthe Theban Legion

    A 2: 413Martyrdom of St. Peter Martyr

    A 2: 341Martyrdom of the Ten Thou-

    sandB 1: 101Mary Magdalen

    A 2: 351

    Mary of HungaryA 2: 554

    Mary, Queen of ScotsA 1: 24344, 257; 2: 528B 1: 53, 108, 111, 174

    Mary I, Queen of EnglandA 1: 111, 129, 251, 254,

    255 (ill.), 257B 1: 106, 109

    MasaccioA 2: 330B 2: 197PS 38

    Massacre of the InnocentsB 1: 33

    MathematicsA 2: 44447

    Matthias, Holy Roman Em-peror

    A 1: 155, 155 (ill.), 168,184, 260

    Mattioli, Pier AndreaA 2: 451

    Maurice of NassauA 1: 177, 251

    Maurice of SaxonyA 1: 154, 223

    Maximilian I, Duke ofBavaria

    A 1: 262

    Maximilian I, Duke of BavariaPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 15

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    Maximilian I, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1: 20, 60, 6668, 74,124, 144, 150, 153, 168,174, 271; 2: 489

    B 2: 331

    Maximilian II, Holy Roman

    EmperorA 1: 15455

    Mazarin, JulesA 1: 103

    Measure for MeasureB 2: 345

    Medici, Alessandro deA 1: 56

    Medici ChapelA 2: 352B 2: 237

    Medici, Cosimo I deA 1: 56, 58, 60, 66, 74; 2:


    Medici, Francesco deA 1: 60

    Medici, Giovanni deA 1: 66B 2: 229

    Medici, Giuliano deA 1: 58, 60B 2: 214

    Medici, Lorenzo deA 1: 5859, 59 (ill.), 243,


    B 2: 22631, 226 (ill),233, 328, 330

    MedicineA 2: 44853

    Medici, Piero deA 1: 58, 60B 1: 13; 2: 330

    Mehmed IA 1: 40

    Mehmed IIA 1: 40, 44

    Melanchthon, Philip

    A 1: 198, 208, 219 (ill.),220, 221 (ill.), 222, 238,242; 2: 519

    B 2: 211PS 128

    Melencolia IB 1: 102, 102 (ill.)

    Menno SimonsA 1: 232

    PS 157

    Mercator, GerardA 2: 459, 461

    MercenariesA 1: 263

    Merchant of VenicePS 61, 6377, 73 (ill.)

    Merici, AngelaA 1: 285

    Merovingian AgeA 1: 12

    Messisbugo, Cristoford diA 2: 486

    Metrical EpistlesB 2: 296

    Meun, Jean deA 2: 319

    Michelangelo Buonar-roti

    A 1: 5, 7, 54, 82, 84, 101;2: 33538, 35152, 357B 1: 20, 99, 130; 2: 230,

    23241, 232 (ill.)PS 40

    MidwivesA 2: 56768, 58384

    Milan CathedralA 1: 64 (ill.)

    Milan, ItalyA 1: 4950, 59, 61, 63, 68,


    Mirror of the Sinful Soul

    A 2: 390PS 79

    Missa Papae MarcelliB 2: 274

    Moctezuma IIA 1: 127

    Mona LisaA 1: 7; 2: 334B 2: 199 (ill.), 200PS 40

    Mond CrucifixionB 2: 314

    Montaigne, Michel deA 2: 38889, 389 (ill.),521, 557

    B 2: 24246, 242 (ill.)PS 62, 99107, 100 (ill.)

    Montefeltro, Battista daA 2: 527

    Montefeltro, Elizabetta daB 1: 44

    Montefeltro, Federigo daA 2: 489

    Montefeltro, Guidbaldo daB 1: 44

    Monteverdi, ClaudioA 2: 36667B 2: 24752, 247 (ill.)

    Monteverdi, Giulio CesareB 2: 248

    Montgomery, Gabriel deB 1: 52

    Montmorency, Philip deA 1: 130B 2: 300

    Montorsoli, Giovanni Ange-lo

    A 2: 353

    Morata, OlympiaA 2: 527

    More, ThomasA 1: 8, 106, 270; 2: 38082,381 (ill.), 524, 526

    B 1: 119 (ill.), 161; 2:25359, 253 (ill.), 255(ill.)

    MoriscosA 2: 49596

    Mller, JohannA 2: 445

    Munda, ConstantiaA 2: 558

    Mnster, Sebastian

    A 2: 458Mntzer, Thomas

    A 1: 21315

    The MuqaddimahPS 2, 2334

    Murad IA 1: 39, 73

    Murad IVA 1: 42B 2: 351

    Murad IIA 1: 40

    Musical trainingA 2: 537

    Music, ItalianA 2: 36163, 361 (ill.),

    36567B 2: 273 (ill.), 276

    Mysterium cosmographicum(Secret of the universe)

    B 1: 189

    Maximilian I A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies16

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    NNapier, John

    A 2: 44647, 464

    Napiers RodsA 2: 464, 465 (ill.)

    Navarrete, Juan Fernandez

    A 2: 412Nebrija, Antonio de

    A 2: 519

    Nebrija, Francisca deA 2: 527

    Neri, PhilipA 1: 28384; 2: 365B 2: 274

    Netherlands, map ofA 1: 173 (ill.)

    Neville, RichardA 1: 105

    New Art of Playwriting in ThisKingdomA 2: 402

    The New AtlantisB 1: 27, 28 (ill.)

    Nicholas V, PopeA 1: 81

    Nicholas II, PopeA 1: 72

    The Ninety-Five Thesesor Disputation onthe Power and Effi-cacy of Indulgences

    A 1: 147, 201B 1: 80PS 117, 11829

    Nogarola, GinevraPS 10

    Nogarola, IsottaA 2: 321, 527B 2: 26064PS 2, 3-11

    Nordic Seven Years WarA 1: 178

    Norman, Georg

    B 2: 367NostradamusA 2: 47174B 1: 50, 52; 2: 26571,

    265 (ill.)

    Notebooks of Leonardoda Vinci

    PS 3748, 43, (ill.), 47(ill.)

    Novum organum (Newmethod)

    A 2: 433B 1: 2627

    Nunes, PedroA 2: 445


    A 2: 548 (ill.)

    OOckeghem, Johannes

    A 2: 423Ode to Himself

    B 1: 182, 183 (ill.)Oekolampadius, Johannes

    A 1: 233Of Cannibals

    PS 62, 99107Olaf II, King of Denmark

    A 1: 178On Anatomical Procedures

    A 2: 454On Contempt for the Worldly

    LifeB 2: 296

    On Diseases of MinersB 2: 289

    ONeill, HughA 1: 114B 1: 112

    On Famous WomenA 2: 319

    On SolitudeB 2: 296

    On the Education of ChildrenA 2: 377B 1: 119

    On the Equal and Un-equal Sin of Eve andAdam

    A 2: 32122B 2: 262, 264

    PS 2, 311On the Revolution of the Heav-enly Spheres

    PS 50Opera

    A 2: 597Oppenheimer, Samuel

    A 2: 499B 1: 3

    OratoriansA 1: 28384

    OrazioA 2: 326

    Order of the Golden FleeceA 2: 488

    Ordoez, Bartolom

    A 2: 416Orhan I

    A 1: 3839Orlando Furioso

    A 2: 32425, 560Orme, Philibert de l

    A 2: 418Orta, Garcia de

    A 2: 451Ortel, Abraham

    A 1: 44Orthodox Eastern Church

    A 1: 21

    Osiander, AndreasA 2: 435B 1: 92

    OsmanA 1: 38

    OsmanliA 1: 38

    OthelloB 2: 345

    Ottoman EmpireA 1: 3841

    Ottoman Turks

    A 1: 50, 21617Otto I, Holy Roman Emper-or

    A 1: 16, 18, 142Oughtred, William

    A 2: 465Oxenstierna, Axel

    A 1: 181, 266B 2: 369

    PPacioli, Luca

    A 2: 444Padilla, Juan de

    A 1: 126B 1: 79

    Painting, ItalianA 2: 330, 331 (ill.), 332,

    33446, 348

    Painting, ItalianPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 17

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    B 1: 142; 2: 237, 317PS 40

    Palestrina, GiovanniPierluigi da

    A 1: 284; 2: 36466, 537B 2: 27277, 272 (ill.)

    Palladio, Andrea

    A 1: 69, 82, 117; 2:35859, 420

    B 2: 27883, 278 (ill.)

    Papal StatesA 1: 21, 27, 192

    Parable of the SowerB 1: 30

    Paracelsus, Theophras-tus

    A 2: 45253B 2: 28489, 284 (ill.)

    Paraphrase of the Ninth Bookof Rhazes

    B 2: 372

    Par, AmbroiseA 2: 450

    Parr, KatherineA 1: 109; 2: 554B 1: 160

    Pascal, BlaiseA 2: 446

    Passi, GiuseppeA 2: 559

    Paul IV, PopeA 1: 274; 2: 500

    B 1: 15PS 182, 189

    Paul II, PopeA 1: 58

    Paul III and His GrandsonsA 2: 341B 2: 317

    Paul III, PopeA 1: 128, 273, 273 (ill.),

    294B 1: 14, 83PS 162, 182, 182 (ill.)

    Peace of AugsburgA 1: 147, 155, 226PS 150

    Peace of BarcelonaA 1: 86

    Peace of LodiA 1: 66, 74

    Peace of LongjumeauB 1: 54

    Peace of OlivaA 1: 182B 2: 369

    Peace of Saint GermainA 1: 245B 1: 5556

    Peace of the Pyrenees

    A 1: 103Peace of Westphalia

    A 1: 20, 103, 144, 173,177, 181, 251, 26667

    PS 189

    Peasant DanceA 2: 411B 1: 33

    Peasant WeddingA 2: 411

    Peasant Wedding FeastB 1: 33, 34 (ill.)

    The Penitent MagdalenB 1: 144

    Pepin the ShortA 1: 81

    Ppin IIIA 1: 13

    PericlesB 2: 346

    Peri, JacopoB 2: 249

    Perotti, NiccolA 2: 519

    Pesaro MadonnaA 2: 341

    Pescia, DomenicoB 2: 333

    Peter of AragonA 1: 96

    Peter III, King of AragonA 1: 48, 87

    Petrarch, FrancescoA 1: 89, 45, 80; 2:

    30607, 324, 488, 516B 1: 117; 2: 29097, 290


    Petri, LaurentiusA 1: 238, 24142B 2: 365

    Petri, OlausA 1: 238, 24142B 2: 364

    Pfefferkorn, JohannesA 2: 378

    PhaedrusA 2: 431

    Philip Augustus, King ofFrance

    A 1: 93

    Philip of HesseA 1: 209, 218, 221, 22324

    Philip I, King of AustriaA 1: 124

    Philip IV, King of FranceA 1: 2526, 93, 19192

    Philip IV, King of SpainA 1: 134, 266

    Philip II, King of SpainA 1: 11113, 123, 12932,

    153, 17477, 244, 249,251, 254, 25758, 297;2: 412

    B 1: 53, 84, 86, 10910; 2:

    298305, 298 (ill.)Philip VI, King of France

    A 1: 93

    Philip III, Duke of BurgundyA 1: 104

    Philip III, King of SpainA 1: 116, 133; 2: 496B 2: 304

    Philosophical FanciesB 1: 62PS 109


    A 1: 281, 283Pico della Mirandola, Gio-vanni

    A 2: 31314, 380B 1: 8; 2: 230

    PietA 2: 351, 353 (ill.)B 2: 234

    PinturicchioB 1: 16

    Pirkheimer, CaritasA 2: 527

    Pirckheimer, WillibaldB 1: 99

    Pisan, Christine deA 2: 318, 320, 320 (ill.)

    Pisanello, AntonioA 1: 77

    Pisano, NicolaA 2: 351, 357B 2: 233, 240

    Palestrina, Giovanni A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies18

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    Pius V, PopeA 1: 294; 2: 500B 1: 15

    Pius IV, PopeA 1: 274PS 183

    Pius II, Pope

    A 1: 43 (ill.), 44, 82Pizzaro, Francisco

    A 1: 127B 1: 85

    PlantagenetsA 1: 43, 104

    PlatoA 2: 428

    Pliny the ElderA 2: 536

    PlutarchA 1: 9

    Plymouth ColonyPS 148 (ill.), 149Poems and Fancies

    B 1: 62PS 109

    Poggio BraccioliniA 2: 516

    Pole, ReginaldA 1: 111, 254

    Poliziano, AngeloA 1: 57B 2: 230

    Polo, Marco

    A 1: 134Porta, Giacomo della

    A 1: 82; 2: 357B 2: 239, 241

    Portrait of a NoblewomanB 1: 19

    Portrait of a NunA 2: 346B 1: 20

    PovertyA 2: 50408

    Pradanos, Juan de

    A 1: 290B 2: 355Praise of Folly

    A 2: 376B 1: 118, 120

    Prez, Josquin deA 2: 423

    Primaticcio, FrancescoA 2: 415, 417

    PrimaveraA 1: 7

    The Prince

    A 1: 8; 2: 315B 2: 21618, 220PS 2, 1222

    Printing press

    A 1: 6, 7 (ill.)B 1: 148

    Procession to CalvaryA 2: 410

    Prodigal SonA 2: 406B 1: 101

    Professional trainingA 2: 532, 53435, 534 (ill.)

    Profession of the Tri-dentine Faith

    PS 15960, 18090Professions

    A 2: 495 (ill.)Protestant Reformation (See:

    Reformation, Protestant)Ptolemy

    A 2: 42930, 457B 1: 90, 132PS 50

    PunishmentA 2: 512 (ill.)

    PuritansA 1: 114, 117, 258

    Pyhy, Konrad von

    B 2: 367

    QQueens Chapel

    A 2: 421Querelle des femmes

    A 2: 55961Quintilian

    A 2: 516, 526Quirini, Lauro

    B 2: 261

    PS 4

    RRabelais, Franois

    A 1: 10; 2: 38687B 2: 30612

    Raising of the CrossB 2: 324

    Rkczi, George IA 1: 186

    Ramusio, Giovanni BattistaA 2: 458

    Ramus, Petrus

    A 2: 432B 1: 27

    Rape of EuropaA 2: 341B 2: 317

    Rape of LucreceB 2: 338

    Rape of the SabinesA 2: 353

    RaphaelA 1: 6, 54, 82, 101; 2:

    33840, 454

    B 2: 31320, 313 (ill.)Ravaillac, FranoisA 1: 249

    Recorde, RobertA 2: 445

    Reformation, CatholicA 1: 268, 27073, 27576,

    27880, 28290,29294, 29697, 299

    B 1: 13, 15, 170; 2: 330,332, 35556, 358

    PS 16162, 172, 180, 183,193

    Reformation, ProtestantA 1: 31, 84, 166, 19092,

    19496, 19899, 20102,204, 20611, 21315,21718, 220, 22224

    Reformed Carmelite OrderA 1: 291B 2: 357

    Reformed DiscalcedCarmelite Convent

    A 1: 289, 291; 2: 549B 2: 353PS 159, 171, 178

    Reformed DiscalcedCarmelite Nun

    PS 173 (ill.)

    Reinhart, AnnaA 1: 230B 2: 381

    Requesens, Luis deA 1: 130

    Requesens, Luis dePS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 19

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    B 2: 301Resurrection of Lazarus

    A 2: 345Reuchlin, Johann

    A 2: 37879Revolt of the Comuneros

    B 1: 79

    Revolt of the NetherlandsA 1: 112, 130, 257B 2: 300

    Rheticus, Georg JoachimA 2: 435B 1: 92

    Riario, GerolamoA 1: 66

    Richard IIIB 2: 344

    Richard III, King of EnglandA 1: 105

    Richelieu, CardinalA 1: 103, 262, 266Riemenschneider, Tilman

    A 2: 415Rinuccini, Ottavio

    B 2: 249Road to Calvary

    B 1: 32

    Robert GuiscardA 1: 72

    Robert the WiseA 1: 87

    Roches, Catherine des

    A 2: 558Roches, Madeleine des

    A 2: 558

    Roman Catholic Church

    A 1: 11, 2027, 29, 31,16566, 19295

    PS 159, 18090Romano, Giulio

    A 1: 77Roman ruins

    A 1: 3 (ill.)Rondanini Piet

    B 2: 240Rosslin, EuchariusA 2: 584

    Rubens and His Wife in theHoneysuckle Arbor

    B 2: 323

    Rubens, Peter Paul

    B 2: 232, 32127, 321(ill.)

    Rudolff, CristophA 2: 445

    Rudolf I, Holy Roman Em-peror

    A 1: 151Rudolf I, King of Germany

    A 1: 32

    Rudolf II, Holy Roman Em-peror

    A 1: 15455, 167, 249,260; 2: 438

    B 1: 189, 191Rupert, King of Germany

    A 1: 63Ruppa, Wenceslaus

    A 1: 167, 261Rural life

    A 2: 482, 492, 49495Rye, Marguerite van

    A 2: 565


    Sacchi, BartolomneoA 2: 597

    Safavid EmpireA 1: 41

    Saint Bartholomews DayA 1: 102

    Saint Bartholomews DayMassacre

    A 1: 148, 246, 246 (ill.)B 1: 5556

    Saint JohnB 1: 100

    Saint Peters BasilicaA 2: 357, 358 (ill.)B 2: 238

    SalonsA 2: 319, 55557PS 11

    Salutati, ColuccioA 2: 30809

    B 2: 293Samiento, Don DiegoB 1: 178

    Sangallo, Antonio daA 2: 357

    Sangallo, Giuliano daA 1: 57

    Sansovino, JacopoA 1: 69; 2: 353, 359

    B 2: 282

    Sarto, Andrea delA 1: 101B 1: 130

    Santorio, SantorioA 2: 466

    Savonarola, Girolamo

    A 1: 49, 60, 53, 27072B 1: 1314; 2: 32834,

    328 (ill.)PS 181

    Scappi, BartolomeoA 2: 597

    Scheppers, MargueriteA 2: 565

    Scherzi musicaliB 2: 248

    Schmalkaldic LeagueA 1: 102, 128, 15354,

    221, 224B 1: 83, 129

    Schmalkaldic WarA 1: 102; 2: 341

    ScholasticismA 1: 33

    The School of AthensA 2: 338B 2: 315

    Schurman, Anna Maria vanA 2: 527, 561

    Scientific InstrumentsA 2: 460, 46264

    Scudry, Madeleine deA 2: 55758

    Sculpture, ItalianA 2: 34952B 2: 236

    Second Helvetic ConfessionA 1: 235

    Sedzimir, MichaelA 2: 469

    SeignorialismA 1: 12

    Sejanus His Fall

    B 1: 185Self-Portrait as the Allegory ofPainting

    B 1: 144Self-Portrait at Spinnet

    B 1: 19

    Selim IA 1: 41B 2: 348

    Resurrection of Lazarus A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies20

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    Selim IIB 2: 351

    Senior, AbrahamA 1: 121

    Serlio, SebastianoA 2: 418

    Servetus, Michael

    A 1: 237; 2: 457B 1: 41PS 147

    Seven Books on the Construc-tion of the Human Body

    B 2: 37374, 376

    Seven Deadly SinsB 1: 30

    Severinus, PetrusB 2: 288

    Seymour, EdwardA 1: 110, 253

    Seymour, JaneA 1: 109B 1: 107, 159

    Sforza, Ascanio MariaA 1: 66

    Sforza, Bianca MariaA 1: 64, 66

    Sforza, BonaA 1: 187

    Sforza, CaterinaA 1: 66

    Sforza, Francesco

    A 1: 53, 74Sforza, Francesco IA 1: 6566

    Sforza, Francesco IIA 1: 68

    Sforza, LudovicoA 1: 49, 6667, 271B 2: 331

    Sforza, MassimilianoA 1: 68, 97B 1: 126

    Sforza, Muzio AttendoloA 1: 65

    Sforza, Galeazzo MariaA 1: 66

    Sforza, Gian GaleazzoA 1: 67

    Sforza, GiovanniA 1: 85

    The Shadow of Miss de GournayB 2: 245

    Shakespeare, WilliamA 1: 9, 112, 115; 2: 39193B 1: 114; 2: 33546, 335 (ill.)PS 61, 6377, 65 (ill.)

    The Shepherds CalendarB 2: 339


    A 1: 41Sickingen, Franz von

    A 1: 207

    Siculo, Lucio MarineoA 2: 522

    Sidereus nunciusA 2: 441, 462(See also: The Starry Mes-


    Sidney, MaryA 2: 397

    Sidney, PhilipA 2: 397

    Sigea, LuisaA 2: 527

    Sigismund, Holy RomanEmperor

    A 1:28, 31, 76, 149,16566, 183, 195

    Sigismund II Augustus, Kingof Poland

    A 1: 18788Silo, Diego de

    A 2: 416Simony

    A 1: 27, 192Sisters of Charity

    A 1: 285, 288

    Sistine ChapelA 2: 336B 2: 235 (ill.), 236

    Sixtus IV, PopeA 1: 58, 66, 81, 119; 2: 495B 1: 4; 2: 227, 229

    The Sixty-Seven Articlesof Ulrich Zwingli

    PS 117, 13039

    Slavata, WilhelmA 1: 168, 261Slavery

    A 2: 50002, 504Slide rule

    A 2: 447Sonnet to John of Pistoia

    on the Sistine CeilingB 2: 236

    Soto, Hernando deA 1: 137

    Sowernam, EsterA 2: 558

    Spanish ArmadaA 1: 113, 132B 1: 113 (ill.); 2: 303, 303

    (ill.)Spanish boots

    A 1: 302PS 200

    Spanish galleonA 1: 129 (ill.)

    Speght, RachelA 2: 558

    Spenser, EdmundA 1: 115; 2: 396, 561B 1: 114; 2: 339

    Speroni, Sperone

    A 2: 559Spilimbergo, Irene di

    B 1: 18

    The Spiritual CanticleB 2: 358

    Spiritual ExercisesA 1: 279PS 159, 16170

    SportsA 2: 61213, 615

    Sprenger, JacobA 1: 300

    PS 192201Squarcialupi, AntonioB 2: 230

    Stampa, GasparaA 2: 562

    The Starry MessengerB 1: 137PS 36, 4960

    Staupitz, Johann vonA 1: 197

    Sten StureA 1: 179, 23940B 2: 361

    Stephen I, King of HungaryA 1: 183

    Stephen II, PopeA 1: 81

    Stevin, SimonA 2: 447

    Stewart, Henry Lord DarnleyB 1: 174

    Stewart, Henry Lord DarnleyPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 21

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    St. George and the DragonA 2: 350

    Stifel, MichaelA 2: 445

    St. Jerome in His StudyA 2: 407 (ill.), 408B 1: 102

    St. John the EvangelistA 2: 350

    St. MarkA 2: 350

    The Stoning of St. StephenMartyr

    B 1: 19Strapado

    A 1: 301PS 200

    Stuart, EsmB 1: 17475

    Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scots

    A 1: 112, 115, 257; 2: 528Stbner, Marcus

    A 1: 208Sturm, Johannes

    A 2: 526Sleymans Mosque

    B 2: 351 (ill.)Sleyman I

    A 1: 41, 41 (ill.), 184B 1: 81; 2: 34752, 347 (ill.)

    Sullam, Sarra CopiaA 2: 564

    Summa theologicaA 1: 32Susanna and the Elders

    A 2: 348B 1: 143

    Susato, TylmanA 2: 422

    Swedish WarsA 1: 179

    SyphilisA 2: 45152

    TTabulae Rudolphinae

    (Rudolfine Tables)A 2: 440B 1: 192

    The Tale of Joan of ArcA 2: 321

    Tamburlaine the GreatB 1: 185

    Tarabotti, ArcangelaA 2: 559

    Tariq ibn ZiyadA 1: 117

    Tartaglia, Niccol

    A 2: 445Tasso, Ercole

    A 2: 559Tasso, Torquato

    A 2: 559Tatars

    A 1: 34, 39Taxation

    A 2: 479 (ill.)Telescope

    A 2: 441 (ill.)

    The Tempest

    B 2: 346Teresa de vilaA 1: 289, 29192; 2: 549B 2: 35359, 353 (ill.)PS 159, 17179

    Terracina, LauraA 2: 562

    Terrail, PierreB 1: 126

    Terze rimeA 2: 327

    Tetzel, JohanA 1: 201

    B 2: 208PS 121

    Teutonic KnightsA 1: 187

    Theatrum orbis terrarum(Theater of the world)

    A 1: 44; 2: 460, 461 (ill.)Thirty Years War

    A 1: 20, 103, 11617, 133,144, 151, 168, 173,17778, 181, 186, 249,251, 25963, 26567

    B 1: 179 (ill.); 2: 369Thkly, Imre

    A 1: 186Thomas Aquinas

    A 1: 3233, 198Thomas, Howard II

    A 1: 106Three Graces

    B 2: 326

    Thrumeysser, LeonhardA 2: 469

    ThucydidesA 1: 88

    Thurn, MatthiasA 1: 167, 261

    Timber, or Discoveries

    B 1: 186Tintoretto

    A 1: 69; 2: 34142, 483

    Tirisi e CloriB 2: 251

    TitianA 1: 69, 101; 2: 34041B 1: 85, 130; 2: 317

    Titus AndronicusB 2: 344

    Torelli, Ludovia CountessA 1: 277

    Torquemada, Toms deA 1: 121, 293, 296B 1: 4; 2: 353

    TournamentsA 2: 477 (ill.)

    Tower of BabelB 1: 31

    The Traffic of AlgiersA 2: 401B 1: 71PS 97


    A 2: 339B 2: 318, 318 (ill.)

    Treatise on PaintingA 2: 335B 2: 202PS 47

    Treaty of ArrasA 1: 177, 251

    Treaty of AugsburgA 1: 154

    Treaty of BarcelonaA 1: 101

    Treaty of BrtignyA 1: 94

    Treaty of CambraiA 1: 53, 68, 77, 86, 101B 1: 128

    Treaty of Cateau-CambrsisA 1: 53, 68, 77, 102, 128,

    130, 174B 1: 130

    St. George and the Dragon A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies22

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    Treaty of GranadaA 1: 89

    Treaty of KarlowitzA 1: 186

    Treaty of LondonA 1: 107

    Treaty of Madrid

    A 1: 52, 75, 84, 100B 1: 128

    Treaty of PassauA 1: 154

    Treaty of PragueA 1: 266

    Treaty of TordesillasA 1: 124, 138B 1: 16

    Treaty of TroyesA 1: 94

    Treaty of Vervins

    A 1: 133B 2: 304Treaty of Windsor

    A 1: 123Trisinno, Gian Giorgio

    A 2: 358B 2: 279

    Triumph of DeathA 2: 411B 1: 31

    Trolle, GustavB 2: 361

    Tserclaes, Johann, Graf von

    TillyA 1: 26465

    Tudor, ArthurB 1: 156

    Tudor, MargaretA 1: 112, 257

    Tuileries PalaceB 1: 58 (ill.)

    Twelfth NightB 2: 345

    Twelve ArticlesA 1: 21213

    Two New SciencesA 2: 443B 1: 138PS 58

    Tycho, BraheA 2: 435

    Tyrones RebellionA 1: 114B 1: 112

    UUnam Sanctam

    A 1: 26, 192Union of Kalmar

    A 1: 17779Union of Lublin

    A 1: 188Union of Utrecht

    A 1: 177, 251Universities

    A 2: 52830, 532Urban life

    A 2: 480, 482, 490, 491(ill.), 493

    Urban VIII, PopeA 2: 442B 1: 136PS 55

    Urban II, Pope

    A 1: 23Urban VI, Pope

    A 1: 27, 80, 87, 193 (ill.),194

    UtopiaA 2: 381B 2: 256

    VValdemar IV Atterdag

    A 1: 178Valentine, Basil

    A 2: 469Valla, Lorenzo

    A 1: 88; 2: 311, 313B 1: 118

    Van Dyck, AnthonyB 1: 21; 2: 324

    Van Mander, KarelA 2: 539

    Varano, ConstanzaA 2: 527

    Vasa, Gustav IA 1: 17880, 179 (ill.),238, 240, 242

    B 2: 36070, 360 (ill.),365 (ill.)

    Vasari, GiorgioA 2: 539

    Vega, Lope deA 1: 133; 2: 40103

    B 1: 71PS 97

    Venenziano, AgostinoA 2: 539

    Venice, ItalyA 1: 4950, 68, 70, 7276PS 67 (ill.)

    Venier, DomenicoA 2: 327

    Venus and AdonisB 2: 338

    Vere, Edward deB 2: 340

    Vergerio, Pier PaoloA 2: 516

    VeroneseA 1: 69

    Verrocchio, Andrea delA 2: 332

    B 2: 196, 230Vesalius, AndreasA 2: 454, 455 (ill.)B 2: 37177, 371 (ill.)

    Vespucci, AmerigoA 1: 13738

    Vico, EneaA 2: 539

    Victor Emmanuel IIA 1: 81

    Vite, FranoisA 2: 446

    View of the Present State of

    IrelandA 2: 398

    Vignola, Giacomo Barozzida

    A 2: 360B 2: 282

    Villa RotondaA 2: 360 (ill.)

    Villiers, GeorgeB 1: 25, 17879

    Vincent de PaulA 1: 284, 288

    Vindication of the Rights ofWomanA 2: 559

    Virchow, RudolfB 2: 287

    The Virgin of the RocksA 2: 333, 333 (ill.)B 2: 198PS 39

    The Virgin of the RocksPS = Renaissance and Reformation: Primary Sources 23

  • 8/3/2019 Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index Edition 1 u x l Renaissance Reformation Refere


    Visconti, AzzoA 1: 62

    Visconti, BernarbA 1: 63

    Visconti, Bianca MariaA 1: 64

    Visconti, Filippo Maria

    A 1: 63Visconti, Galeazzo I

    A 1: 62Visconti, Galeazzo II

    A 1: 62; 2: 488Visconti, Gian Galeazzo

    A 1: 63, 97Visconti, Giovanni Maria

    A 1: 6263Visconti, Lucchino

    A 1: 62Visconti, Matteo I

    A 1: 62

    Visconti, Matteo IIA 1: 62

    Visconti, OttoneA 1: 62

    Visconti, ValentinaA 1: 97

    Vitruvian ManPS 4144, 43 (ill.)

    Vives, Juan LuisA 2: 38486, 520, 528,

    560Volgendo il ciel

    B 2: 251VolponeB 1: 186

    Von der Freiheit eines Chris-tenmenschen

    A 1: 205Vulgate Bible

    B 1: 152 (ill.)PS 183, 183 (ill.)

    WWaldo, Peter

    A 1: 102B 1: 129

    Wallenstein, Albrecht vonA 1: 262, 265B 1: 193

    Walther, BernardA 2: 461

    Ward, MaryA 1: 287; 2: 529

    War of KalmarA 1: 178

    War of the RosesA 1: 43, 10405

    War of the Sicilian Vespers

    A 1: 48, 87, 96Water test

    A 1: 302PS 198

    Wat Tyler RevoltA 1: 37

    Wedding DanceA 2: 411, 413 (ill.)

    West Roman EmpireA 1: 1, 12PS 3

    Wet nurses

    A 2: 58586Wheat Harvest

    B 1: 33

    Whether a Christian WomanShould Be Educated

    A 2: 561

    Whitgift, JohnB 1: 110

    WidowhoodA 2: 546

    Willaert, AdrianA 2: 423

    William of OrangeA 1: 13031, 156, 17475,176 (ill.), 177, 249, 251

    B 2: 30001

    William I, King of EnglandA 1: 14, 92

    Wingate, EdmundA 2: 465

    The Winters TaleB 2: 346

    Wishart, GeorgeA 1: 256

    Witchcraft trialsA 1: 299, 302PS 198

    WitchesPS 194 (ill.), 197 (ill.)

    Witches, execution ofA 1: 303

    Wollstonecraft, MaryA 2: 559

    Wolsey, ThomasA 2: 382B 1: 156, 162; 2: 258

    Women during the Renais-sance

    A 2: 543 (ill.)

    Women, education of

    A 2: 52628World War I

    A 1: 151Worship of Venus

    A 2: 340B 2: 317

    Wren, ChristopherA 1: 117

    Wright, EdwardA 2: 447

    Wulfskerke, Cornelie vanA 2: 565

    Wyatt, ThomasB 1: 107

    Wycliffe, JohnA 1: 36, 145, 195

    XXavier, Francis

    A 1: 280B 1: 171PS 169


    A 2: 59192

    ZZabarella, Jacopo

    A 2: 431Zaccaria, Antonio Maria

    A 1: 27778Zappi, Giano Paolo

    B 1: 1Zell, Katharine Schtz

    A 2: 550Zell, Matthus

    A 2: 550

    Visconti, Azzo A = Renaissance and Reformation: Almanac B = Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies24

  • 8/3/2019 Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library Cumulative Index Edition 1 u x l Renaissance Reformation Refere


    Zizka, JanA 1: 167

    ZodiacA 2: 471 (ill.)

    Zubarn, Francisco deA 1: 133

    Zwingli, Huldrych

    A 1: 145, 147, 169, 171(ill.), 195, 218, 22627,

    228 (ill.), 22930,23234

    B 2: 37886, 378 (ill.),384 (ill.)

    PS 117, 13039, 131 (ill.),137 (ill.), 182, 184
