Remembrance Final-1



BETH Do you remember that one time, when we first met? When my cat got stuck in the tree, you went up to save it, but ended up falling down and breaking your arm. DEREK Are you okay? DEREK Yes, I did. Good old days. Or that time I saved you from that flock of birds in the park. Derek starts running and screaming towards the birds, and starts shooting them with his slingshot to try to scare them away. 1.Ext. CALIFORNIA BOARDWALK – SUNSET- 1951 (present day) 1 (They start to laugh) 1

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1.Ext. CALIFORNIA BOARDWALK – SUNSET- 1951 (present day) 1 BETH ROBERTSON and DEREK BARNET are walking along the boardwalk. They are there because it’s Beth’s 30th birthday, and Derek is throwing her a surprise birthday party. While walking, Derek and Beth grab a snow cone and sit down on a bench. Beth looks at Derek and smiles.

BETH You know, I haven’t had a snow cone since we were young.

DEREK Wow, that was so long ago. I miss those days! BETH Do you remember that one time, when we first met?

When my cat got stuck in the tree, you went up to save it, but ended up falling down and breaking your arm. (They start to laugh)

DEREK Yes, I did. Good old days. Or that time I saved you from that flock of birds in the park.

2. Ext. PARK – DAY- 1931 2 10-year-old Beth is walking around the park feeding seeds to all of the birds. All of the sudden, a few birds turn into many birds and they start pecking at her feet, trying to get the seeds. Beth becomes overwhelmed and starts screaming for help. Derek who’s playing by the pond hears Beth’s screams and grabs his slingshot and runs towards her. BETH Help! Somebody help me! Derek starts running and screaming towards the birds, and starts shooting them with his slingshot to try to scare them away. DEREK Are you okay? BETH Thank you. What is your name?


DEREK No problem. I hate birds too, so any chance to use my slingshot is fun for me. I am Derek by the way. What is your name?

BETH My name is Beth. It is very nice to meet you. DEREK

You are not so bad for a girl. Do you want to be my best friend?

BETH (Beth cheeks get rosy from his compliment) Sure, but you better not have cooties. DEREK

Cooties?!?! Only dumb people believe in cooties. My mom says cooties are for poor people. BETH (Beth pushes Derek to the ground and stands over him) Well who cares how much money you have? I got fifty cents in my pocket, and that’s the most money I’ve ever seen. (She picks him up from the ground and the two start to walk in the park.)

DEREK Well, what are you going spend it on? BETH I’m saving it. And when I have enough money saved up, I’m going to California, on a train! DEREK California? What’s so special about California? When I’m older I’m going be a doctor! BETH Well, I’m going be a famous movie star, like Audrey Hepburn. Just you wait and see.


3. Ext- Martin Luther High School- 1939 3 Eight years have passed, and Beth and Derek are now eighteen years old. They gather in the parking lot of the school after class, they are sitting on the hoods of their cars surrounded by friends, JAMES, MICHELLE, TIFFANY, ERICK, and Beth’s current boyfriend, EVAN, a tall attractive young man who wears his letterman’s jacket and is the outspoken member of this group of friends. Derek is seated on his car which is furthest away from the crowd, and is somewhat isolated from the rest of the group, with all their attention on Evan. EVAN

Hey, you guys want to catch the new movie that’s playing down at the drive-in tonight? I hear it’s quite the picture. There’s a new Charlie Chaplin playing and it’s rather funny. (Evan leans over to Beth and whispers) My father’s letting me borrow the car for the night, and I don’t have to have it back ‘til tomorrow morning. JAMES Yeah, that’s a swell idea. We could all meet at your house around eight and drive over together. (He grabs Tiffany by the shoulders playfully) Say Tiff, I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty, and you can be my date. TIFFANY Sounds like a plan to me. But, Michelle will be with me too. ERICK So James and I will come together to pick up you two lovely ladies. (the group of them let out a small chuckle) (Beth looks at Derek and sees that he has a look of frustration/sadness, perhaps because he is the only one of the group who is dateless) BETH Derek, who are you going to bring to the movie tonight?


DEREK Don’t worry about me Beth; I’ve already got plans for tonight. Plus, I’m not so big on Charlie Chaplin anyways. (Derek gets into his car and drives away)

BETH (V.O) Derek, I knew you were so upset that day, and you wouldn’t even tell me. You didn’t like Charlie Chaplin! That was one of the worst lies I had ever heard! EVAN Beth, I don’t get why you hang around with that guy. You know the only reason we’re friends with him is because of you. And you can’t even see that he’s madly in love with you. What a nerd! (The rest of the group laughs with Evan, as Beth looks in Derek’s direction as he continues to drive off)

4. EXT- Starlight Drive-In Theatre. Night There are 2 sets of cars. In the first car are James, Erick, Tiffany, and Michelle. In the car next to them are Beth and Evan. They are seated in the back of the car, with a blanket over them. As they watch the movie a third car pulls up. It’s Derek with a girl that none of them know. She is tall with dark skin and dark hair. She has on a tight top that shows off her body. Beth is taken aback when the car pulls up next to them and she sees Derek with his arm around this “stranger” BETH

Derek, I’m shocked to see you here. I thought you said you didn’t like Charlie Chaplin? DEREK Yeah, well I changed my mind. BETH And if you don’t mind me asking, who is your friend? I’m Beth, Derek’s best friend. (she looks at Derek, with a sarcastic yet angry look) You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend!


DEREK Oh, I’m sorry, how rude of me. Beth, this is Veronica. Veronica, Beth. Veronica and I belong to the same country club. She goes to boarding school in Vermont, and is home on vacation. BETH Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Veronica. (Looks at Evan, who is staring at Veronica, with his jaw practically half open. She gives him a friendly punch in the gut) Evan! Don’t be rude; introduce yourself to Derek’s friend. Evan is the captain of the football team, and is hoping to play for Cornell when he graduates next spring. Isn’t that right Evan? EVAN Well, I don’t want to brag or anything, but father says I’ve got a pretty good shot of making it. As long as I don’t fumble too much this season, but I’m pretty good with my hands. BETH (Beth stares at him in disgust, as she realizes that he is nearly drooling over this girl) Well, we better go back to our car, the picture is going to start soon. Enjoy your movie! (She grabs Evan by the hand and yanks him back into the backseat of the car)

As the movie starts there is a constant exchange of glances between Derek and Beth. When one makes eye contact with the other, they quickly look away, yet continue to spy on each other and their dates. As the movie continues, Evan attempts to make a move on Beth) BETH (Quiet under her breath) Evan! Stop it! (He disregards her and again tries to go and kiss her, and grabs at her blouse.) BETH (cont’d)

I said to leave me alone! (As she pushes his hands away again)


This time Derek hears Beth’s plea and jumps out of his car, and runs to Evan’s car. He grabs Evan by the shirt, and throws him onto the ground. DEREK

She said keep your hands to yourself, scumbag! (He punches Evan in the stomach) (Evan stands up and the two stand face to face with each other, arms up ready to fight, the rest of the friends hear the commotion and jump out of their cars and quickly surround the two young men as they circle around, waiting for the first one to strike) EVAN C’mon, swing at me Barnet! Or are you too much of a pussy? Take a cheap shot at me, but cant fight me like a man? Huh? C’mon! Show me what you got!

(Evan then lunges at Derek and lands a punch right into his jaw. Derek immediately falls to the ground and Beth runs to him. Derek gently pushes Beth to the side and stands back on his feet, at first his balance is somewhat off, but he regains his footing and quickly returns Evan’s punch with a punch to his ribs, sending Evan backwards. Evan than comes charging at Derek and tackles him onto the ground, straddling him as he gives quick blows to Derek’s upper body. His friends quickly realize things are escalating and grab Evan by the arms and pull him of Derek.) EVAN

Stay on the ground, where you belong scumbag. Don’t try to be the hero; you know you’ll always just end up second best. C’mon Beth let’s get out of here. (He grabs Beth by the hand and forces her into his car, while Derek is still lying on the ground looking up in disbelief.)


5. INT DEREK’S BEDROOM-NIGHT 5 DErek is lying in his bed, unable to fall asleep. He is sore and has an ice pack held to his face, he tosses and turns, as he can’t let go of the thought of the earlier events. He is startled suddenly by a loud noise. He looks around his room, sees nothing and lays back down in bed. He hears the noise again and gets up and checks the door to the hallway. Nothing. The noise is heard a third time and this time he goes and checks the window. He looks out the window and sees Beth, holding a handful of rocks. He is startled after seeing her. He quickly runs to grab a robe and then slightly cracks open his window.

DEREK (whispering) What are you doing here? If Evan found out you were here he’d hang me on the flagpole. BETH He’s more of a throw-you-in-the-dumpster kind of buy, but it doesn’t matter anyways. We broke up. DEREK Really? I’m sorry. I thought he was a flat tire anyway. BETH Yeah, you were right. Do you think maybe I could come in and talk to you about it? I really don’t feel like being alone right now. DEREK (With a look of shock on his face) Umm…Um. (He looks around the room trying to find an excuse to say no) Sure, but how about I meet you out back? I don’t want to wake up my folks. BETH Ok, sounds well.

6. EXT GAZEBO IN BACKYARD OF BARNET HOUSE-NIGHT 6 As Derek arrives at the Gazebo, he sees Beth already seated and is hysterically crying. After seeing this, Derek’s steps start to pick up speed and he quickly is by her side. He attempts to put his arm around her, but reluctantly pulls away. He contemplates the thought again and decides that it is a good idea. She falls onto his shoulder and he comforts her. DEREK

It’s ok. It wasn’t your fault. It was mine. I should have just left you two alone. It wasn’t my business…


BETH No, Derek, what you did was amazing. Heck, nobody’s ever stood up for me like that. You were really brave. DEREK Ah suck, I might not be the coolest cat in school, but I’m no pushover and sure as hell won’t let anybody hurt my friends, especially you Beth.

Beth blushes at these words and attempts to speak but is speechless. DEREK (cont’d)

And you can tell that boy Evan, if I ever see him try to hurt you again, I’ll hit him in the kisser so hard he’s going to wake up in 1964.

After hearing this, Beth is overcome with emotion and quickly leans in and kisses Derek. Derek is shocked by her reaction and at first does not know how to react, but he slowly realizes that his is what he has always wanted and starts to enjoy the kiss. It ends. They stare at each other for a brief moment. After his moment, Derek leans in and kisses her, making sure he is not fantasizing this. As he kisses her, he pulls her closer to his body. Suddenly, a light turns on in the house and Beth catches sight of Derek’s mother, NOREEN, standing in the living room. Beth quickly jumps up as Noreen walks out of the back door. NOREEN What in good graces is going on here? BETH I...I...I am sorry! (As she runs away in a hurry) DEREK

Mother, what in the world are you doing up? And we were just talking. NOREEN Talking huh? It looked like you two were about to make whoopee or whatever you children call it these days? DEREK Oh geeze mother go take your pill and go back to bed. NOREEN Don’t you dare badmouth me Derek! You’re lucky your father isn’t alive today… DEREK How dare you bring him into his; that has nothing to do with his whatsoever?


Derek suddenly stops screaming at his mother as he sees another body heading towards them. He looks s and sees a man walking gingerly toward the backdoor. It is his grandfather, GRANDPA LEWIS, his paternal grandfather. GRANDPA LEWIS

Noreen leave the young boy alone, he was just trying to enjoy himself; you can’t blame him for being young. NOREEN Now, grandpa, no offense, but he is my son and I will discipline him the way I wish to, and a young boy his age should know that being up that late can only be damaging to his reputation and mine. GRANDPA LEWIS Your reputation? My goodness Noreen, don’t you think you are over-reacting just a tad? The boys young, let him enjoy himself every now and then, you treat him like he’s my age. Now you just to back to sleep and Derek and I will have a good old’ chat. Man-to-man.

Noreen walks away in disgust, and stamps her feet as she climbs the stairs back toward her room. 7. INT. LIVING ROOM BARNET HOUSE- NIGHT 7 Derek walks into the room and has a seat on the sofa. Grandpa Lewis walks to a chest on the far wall, pulls out a glass and a bottle of scotch and pours a small glass for him. He returns the bottle back to the chest and goes and takes a seat in the big leather chair next to the end of the couch where Derek is seated. GRANDPA LEWIS

Now that your mother is comfortably back in her bed, I presume you were with a lady friend outside in the gazebo? DEREK (Looking down at the ground, mumbles) Yes sir. But, it’s not what you think, we’re just friends. GRANDPA LEWIS Derek, don’t lie to me boy, I can tell by the way you talk in here, that she’s more than a friend. Your cheeks are bright as a rose. Don’t forget, I was young once too. DEREK The issue isn’t the girl; it’s mother. She’s worried about who I’m friends with, and says,


(his voice goes into a mocking tone) “I associate with people beneath me.” GRANDPA LEWIS Well good for you. It takes a true man to realize this, and your father would be proud to hear you say that. Your mother just worries too much, because she cares about you, and she hasn’t recovered after your father died in Europe. DEREK I know she’s sensitive about it, but why does she just seem to yell at me? GRANDPA LEWIS She wants to protect you. You’re the only family she’s got, you’re the only one both of us have. Just remember that Derek. We both love you very much.

Grandpa Lewis stands up, leans forward and kisses Derek on the head and starts to head up the stairs. As he gets halfway he stops and looks back at Derek who is sitting on the couch, trying to piece together all the events that have taken place tonight. GRANDPA LEWIS (cont’d)

Oh, and by the way, I’m having a little get together with some important clients and their wives on Sunday for lunch. Why don’t you invite your friend over, so your mother and I can meet her properly? DEREK Sure grandpa that sounds swell. Good night grandpa.

8. INT. DINING ROOM OF BARNET HOME-AFTERNOON 8 It is Sunday afternoon, the Barnet family and their guests are seated at the large dining room table. Noreen, who has had a good amount of wine during the meal, and Grandpa Lewis are both seated at opposite heads of the table. Derek is seated to the immediate left of Grandpa Lewis and Beth is seated across from him on Grandpa Lewis’ right side. Next to her are seated two elderly women, MRS HARTFORD and MRS JACKSON. Across from the two elderly women are their husbands, MR HARTFORD and MR JACKSON> all the women are dressed in elegant dresses, wearing white gloves and pearls, except for Beth. Her dress is somewhat revealing compared to the other women, and is a light baby blue, which makes her stand out in comparison. The group has just finished eating and coffee and tea is being served. Two BULERS come in carrying the tray of coffee and tea with assorted cookies. One places a cup and saucer on the table in front of


each diner and the second fills the cup and places a cookie onto their plate. GRANPA LEWIS

Eleanor and Margaret, can I tell you both how lovely you look today and Beth might I add you look very stunning as well. BETH (She blushes at the compliment) thank you very much, Mr. Barnet, and thank you so much for inviting me over for lunch. It was lovely. GRANDPA LEWIS Anytime, you are more than welcome to come over and join us for a meal.

NOREEN Beth! Tell me exactly what do you parents do? I’m sure they must be so delighted to have raised such a fine daughter. BETH (Hesitant at first) Well, mo mother works as a maid at the Beachside Inn down by the pier. And my father is currently caught up with the government. NOREEN Oh really? What part of government does he work for? State? Federal? BETH Well…he used to be with the federal system, but recently got a promotion at the state level. NOREEN That’s very interesting, but tell me, why does your mother work if your father has such a high position in government? DEREK Mother!

(Derek shoots a look towards his mother, hoping she will not probe deeper into the web of lies that Beth had started to create.) NOREEN

What? I’m just trying to get to know your friend? Is that a crime?

At the sound of the word “crime”, Bethe starts to tear up and quickly stands up from her seat. BETH

No Derek, it is fine. Mrs. Barnet, I lied to you. If you must know the truth, the only part of government my father is involved with is the Department of Corrections. He’s an inmate up in Concord, and will be there for another ten to


twelve years. And the reason why my mother works is to support our family. We may not be perfect, but we’re a family and we find a way to get by.

GRANDPA LEWIS (Quickly trying to change the subject) So, Robert, how’s the golf game been lately?


An evil look slowly starts to come over Noreen’s face as she takes in this information. She quickly stands up from her seat and point at Beth NOREEN

(Interrupting Mr. Jackson) Get out! Get out of my house right now! (To Derek) How dare you bring the daughter of a criminal into my house? Have you no manners? You should have at least warned me, and I shouldn’t have used the fine china! Who knows what she’s capable of! (To Beth) Young lady, you much leave this house right now and I never wish to see you here again! You’re just a tramp trying to cash in on our family’s fortune! (To Derek) How can you be so naïve? You must protect this family and not let this dumb Dora try to woo you like she did in the gazebo last week!

Beth stands up quickly and runs out of the room, with her head in her hands, Derek quickly chases after her. DEREK

Thank you mother for ruining another great day. Beth wait!

9. EXT- Park- Night 9 After Beth has run off, Derek follows after her. He follows her all the way to the park where they first met. She is seated on a park bench, crying hysterically. He runs quickly to her side and puts his arm around her in comfort.

DEREK Ignore, what she said. She didn’t mean it. She was all boozed up. That stuff goes straight to her head. BETH No, she’s right, I’m nothing.


DEREK Who cares what she thinks? She’s my mother and I don’t even listen to half the stuff she says. She’s just so worried about who’s who in this town and how much money they have. (BETH giggles and starts to cheer up from his comment) BETH Thanks, Derek, that means a lot. But, maybe it would be best if we took some time away from each other. DEREK Don’t let her scare you that like. Trust me, her bark is twice as bad as her bite; she won’t do anything. Beth, I really care about you and promise I wont let anything bad happen to you. BETH (She hugs him and gives him a small kiss on the cheek) I always knew you were too good to me. Thanks, again. (She gives him another kiss on the cheek, and runs off home. Derek sits on the park bench with a slight grin on his face)

10. Ext- BETH’S FRONT PORCH- Day 10

It’s five months after the dinner situation, and Beth and Derek have just graduated. Derek has been accepted to school at Cal-Berkeley. Beth, however, does not have plans to attend college, and is staying in Newington where she has taken a job alongside her mother working at the Hotel. They are seated on a small porch swing, still wearing their graduation robes. They stare out at the street, which is empty except a few parked cars. Beginning to say their goodbyes.

BETH Can you believe it? High School’s finally over, and you’re leaving me to go clear cross the country. It seems like yesterday when we just met.


DEREK But just because I’m far away doesn’t mean we cant talk. I promise to write to you as much as possible, and I’ll tell you all about college life, and you can keep me up to date on all the best gossip Newington has to offer. BETH You mean tell you about what trouble your mother’s causing at the country club? (Derek laughs and grabs Beth’s hand) DEREK You know, we never really talked about that night. BETH What is there really to say? That was over five months ago. I’d rather just leave it in the past. (She gets up from the swing and walks away) DEREK Why do you always do that? BETH Do what? (Puts her head down to try and avoid the conversation) DEREK Walk away! You always walk away when things get tough or when things don’t go your way. BETH I do not!! I just don’t want to talk about it. It was an embarrassing night. DEREK I am not talking about the dinner party Beth. I’m talking about the night in the Gazebo. BETH Oh…that night… What about that night? (She sits down on the front step)


DEREK What was that? Just a kiss or was there something more behind it? BETH Derek, that was so long ago. Let’s not drag up the past. DEREK That does not answer my question Beth. I want to know. BETH (she looks over at him) Derek… DEREK (he comes and sits next to her on the front step) Are my feelings for you not obvious? BETH How can you tell me this now? You leave tomorrow and who knows when I will ever see you again? But if you must know…No it wasn’t just a kiss. Sure I was upset about Evan but… it just felt right. Doesn’t matter though!! Your leaving and we can and never will be anything more than friends.

She starts to tear up, He tries to lean in to kiss her, and she pushes him away, stands up and runs into the house crying and Derek walks home completely devastated, and their friendship/relationship left up in the air. 11. EXT- WALKING ON BERKLEY’S CAMPUS 1941 11 Derek is going to Berkley medical school to become a doctor. Him and biochemist WENDELL M. STANLEY are walking to the banquet talking, after press conference of Dr. Stanley’s discovering of the flu vaccine that Derek helped take part in. It has been a year since the last night Derek saw Beth and she has wrote him many letters since then trying to apologize, but he never responded to any of them after being to hurt that night. Thinking maybe she was right. Maybe they would never be together and there was no point in trying to stay in touch. Plus he was also overwhelmed with his research.


DEREK You know Dr. Stanley, I know I came in late on this research, but it has been a great honor working by your side. This flu vaccine will change the world. DR. STANLEY It was on honor to have you. What are you plans for the future now son? Continuing Medical school? DEREK Actually, I am thinking of taking some time off. DR. STANLEY Oh really? And doing what? DEREK I was thinking of possibly joining the Army. I hear there is quite a stir going on over in Europe. DR. STANLEY Ah yes, I hear those Nazi’s are causing a lot of trouble, but don’t you think your time would be better spent finishing medical school? DEREK Yeah my mother is not too happy with my decision either, but I feel a sense of service to my country just like my father did. Just because I am in school does not make me better than anyone else, and I should be over there making him proud. DR. STANLEY Sounds like to me Derek, you already have your mind made up.


They reach the door to where the banquet is taking place, as Derek reaches for the door to enter.

DEREK Well here we are. DR. STANLEY I wish you the best of luck boy, but worry about all that tomorrow…Tonight we celebrate!

12. EXT: War Zone in Berlin at the Infirmary 1942 12 Derek ended up deciding to join the army and even though he was going to school to become a doctor. He ended up joining the infantry and fighting on the front lines for his country. One day he became ill and was sent to the infirmary where he met this beautiful young nurse by the name of GENEVE MADISON. She was also born and raised in New Hampshire and they clicked almost instantly. She comes from a very wealthy family too, but does nursing because her mother forced her to. That was also something they had in common…very controlling mothers. Derek was not in the infirmary for very long and was soon sent back out to the front lines. They did not get to spend a lot of time together but a love was soon blossoming.

DEREK By golly ma’am you healed me up quite nice.

GENEVE (Giggles) So you are from Georgia…talking in the southern slang? DEREK No ma’am born and raised in New Hampshire, just like your pretty little face. GENEVE Those drugs must be going to your head, with all that sweet-talking you are doing. DEREK I just get that way when I’m around a pretty lady like you. Nothing wrong with that is there?


GENEVE Why…no DEREK Well then darling I better be going, but I will best be waiting for you when this war ends to take you on a fine date. GENEVE A date? DEREK Yes ma’am GENEVE Well we will see if those Nazi’s don’t get you first. (Chuckles) DEREK You won’t have to worry about that darling (he laughs a bit too) DEREK (continued) Now have a good day miss and thank you again for making me all better. GENEVE Good-bye Derek (She runs up and gives him a hug good bye)

13. INT: Beachside Inn 1942 13 Beth is still working at the Inn with her mother full time, and every now and then Derek will cross her mind. Still to this day she regretted how things ended between them two, and wished that they had stayed in touch. However, one day while working in the lobby of the Inn a tall dark haired fellow by the name of PATRICK PATTERSON, wearing a clean-cut blue pin strip business suit walked into the lobby to check in. Beth was mesmerized by his good looks. His room was not ready so he decided to sit down a grab a cup of coffee and the paper until he could check in. It did not take long for Patrick to notice Beth and the two connected very quickly.


PATRICK Hello there!

(Beth looks around the room confused if he was talking to her or not. She points at herself?)

PATRICK (continued) Yes, I am talking to you miss. BETH Can I help you sir? PATRICK Can you please point me in the right direction to where room 105 is? That way I know where I will be going when my room is ready? BETH You really asked me over here to point you to where room 105 is? Even though you can’t check in yet? (In a rude tone as she puts her hands to her side in disbelief) PATRICK Well clearly that didn’t go as smoothly as I planned. Actually, if I may be straightforward… what is your name young miss? BETH It is Beth…Beth Robertson. Why do you ask? And what is your name? PATRICK Well Beth Robertson, my name is Patrick Patterson and I asked you for your name because you came across my path and I think you are very beautiful. I would also like to ask you if you would like to grab a bite to eat with me later once my room is ready. BETH Wow… do you use that line on all the ladies? PATRICK Only on the ones that are as gorgeous as you, and since I have never met anyone as gorgeous then that just makes you.


BETH You are too kind.

(Beth blushes at his compliments and is thrown off by his overwhelming charm. She has never met a guy like him before and falls for him very quickly.)

PATRICK So is that a yes? BETH I presume we can grab a bite to eat after my shift. Not in your room of course. PATRICK (laughs) No of course not. We will go to one of the finest restaurants in town. I am very familiar with all of them. BETH Oh do you now? Well I am from around here so I will be the judge of that. PATRICK What time does your shift end? BETH 6 o’clock so meet me out here in the lobby around 7. PATRICK (smiles) Okay, see you then gorgeous BETH (blushes and smiles) See you then (She walks away with butterflies in her stomach with Derek no longer on her mind)



The war has just ended, and there is a crowd gathered outside on the tarmac, waiting for the plane to pull up, full of soldiers who are returning from battle. As the plane pulls towards the crowd, there is a large cheer as the soldiers exit the plane. Derek and Geneve exit the plane together, holding hands. Waiting for Derek is Noreen and Grandpa Lewis, and Geneve’s Parents, MR. and MRS. MADISON. The four of them all rush towards Derek and Geneve; relieved and overwhelmed with excitement.

DEREK Mother, Grandpa Lewis, I want you to meet Geneve, my fiancé. NOREEN Fiancé? Derek, you write home all this time at war, and never mention a single word about this gorgeous young woman, and you tell us she’s your fiancé? GRANDPA LEWIS Who cares if he wrote about her or not? I didn’t know anything about you until the day you and my son were married. Congratulations to both of you. We’re very happy. GENEVE Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson. Let me introduce you to my parents, Leslie and Fredrick Madison.

(They all shake hands)

NOREEN You don’t happen to be the Madison’s of Madison and Locklear Law, Do you? MR. MADISON


Why, yes we are in fact. My father started the law firm nearly thirty-five years ago. Very astute observation I might say. NOREEN Thank you, but I must say it’s because one of your lawyer’s was in charge of my husband’s will fifteen years ago. MRS MADISON Oh, that’s so unfortunate to hear. But, I feel that since we are going to be family, we should all celebrate tonight at our house, we are expecting all of our family over in anticipation of Geneve’s return home. Would you be so kind to join us? We could even turn this into an engagement party as well. GRANDPA LEWIS That’s a splendid idea! It’s rather hot out today, how about we have a quick drink at our home, and cool off from this hot weather. We’re only a few miles south of here. DEREK That’s a great idea Grandpa. (gives him a pat on the back) It will also give me a chance to get this dreadfully hot uniform off.

(they all laugh at Derek’s joke, and head towards their cars, and drive off towards the Robertson’s home) 15. INT- MADISON’S HOME- EVENING 15 After having a drink at the Robertson’s home, and becoming more acquainted with one another, the families now arrive at the Madison’s home, a large estate on several acres. As they pull up to the house, there are already many cars waiting there, indicating that the rest of Geneve’s family is waiting for her arrival. As they walk into the house, the rest of her family greets them, as they cheer at her arrival. A large banner is hanging in the background, which reads “ WELCOME HOME GENEVE.”


She rushes towards her family and embraces several individual members. She and Mrs. Madison excuse themselves and go upstairs to freshen up.

MR MADISON Derek, come here my boy. Let me introduce you to some of Geneve’s Aunts and Uncles. They’ll be thrilled to hear the good news. DEREK That sounds like a great plan. (Derek smiles. Mr Madison throws his arm around Derek’s shoulder and the two walk off into the crowd)

(Immediately Noreen feels very comfortable in this environment, grabbing a glass of wine from one of the waiter’s, and goes and starts to mingle with Geneve’s relatives. Grandpa Lewis quickly follows her to make sure she doesn’t embarrass herself, or Derek. Derek and Mr. Madison approach a man in a well tailored suit, DR. HUTCHINSON, Mrs. Madison’s brother.)

MR MADISON Derek, Let me introduce you to Geneve’s uncle, Dr. Hutchinson. Sam, this is Derek, Geneve’s fiancé. Derek, Dr. Hutchinson, my wife’s brother; he has a private practice just outside of New York City. Derek was enrolled in Medical School at Berkeley before volunteering for the Army. DR HUTCHINSON Were you now? Tell me, what made you decide to leave and join the service? DEREK To be honest, my father died in battle during the first war and I always had a strong connection to the Army and when America went into Europe, I felt that was the place for me to be at the time. But, I can tell you; it sure feels good to be back home. DR. HUTCHINSON


Do you have plans to return to medical school? DEREK If they’ll let me back. (Derek gives a chuckle hoping to get the other two to laugh. They sense his nervousness and laugh with him) DR HUTCHINSON Well, I see no reason why you should have any difficulty. I hope you aren’t planning on going back to Berkeley to finish? DEREK Oh no sir, I only have a year left to finish, and plan on doing it here in New Hampshire, since Geneve and I are going to be married this fall.

(As Derek says this he locks eyes with a waitress, who looks very familiar to him. It is Beth; she has been working part-time as a waitress in the evening to keep busy and to make extra cash. She is currently married to Patrick, who has lost his job and is currently working as a garbage man. Beth appears somewhat frail and looks as though she has not slept in days. Derek has locked eyes with her and has lost interest in the conversation between Mr. Madison and Dr. Hutchinson)

DEREK If you gentlemen don’t mind, I need to excuse myself for a moment. I think I just saw an old friend of mine.

(Derek quickly walks towards her and taps her on the shoulder.)

DEREK (cont’d) Excuse me miss, but may I have a glass of wine? BETH Just a moment, sir. I have hors d’oeuvres at the moment, but can send for…


(She starts to speak before she is facing him, and once she sees him is shocked and nearly drops all of the food on her tray) Oh my gosh, Derek! What are you doing here? Where have you been? DEREK This is actually my fiancé’s house, and we both have just returned from Europe. I went and joined the army. How have you been? What are you doing here? BETH I’ve been, I’ve been okay. I’m married now; it’s been a year and a half. He’s a great guy. I would love to catch up some more, but I have to keep working (holds up the tray) How about you come stop by the Inn tomorrow, and we can have a drink and catch up? DEREK That sounds great; I’ll meet you there around eight-tomorrow night? BETH Perfect! It was so good to see you Derek. DEREK You too Beth.

(Both walk away from one another, and have a look of endearment as they part. Derek see’s that Genève has reappeared and is making rounds talking to her cousins NANCY and BETTY, Derek walks up to her and gives her a kiss on the cheek)

GENEVE And this is the man I was just telling you about. Derek, I want you to meet my cousins Nancy and Betty Hutchinson. DEREK It’s a pleasure to meet you ladies. BETTY Genève, you said he was good looking, but I wasn’t expecting to see Clark Gable.( Betty and Nancy giggle at this joke)


DEREK How flattering. Thank you. May I steal her away from you for a moment? NANCY Go ahead, be our guest. DEREK Thank you ladies. (The young couple walks away together) I want to tell you something funny; one of the waitresses your family hired is a good friend of mine from high school.

(As Derek starts to tell Genève about Beth and their former relationship, his mother walks up to the two of them, rather intoxicated.)

NOREEN Derek! Oh, there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. Did you see who’s here? Beth, your old high school girlfriend. I told you she was no good for you. Look at her, working for a catering company, and I bet she still lives at home with her mother. DEREK Mother! Stop! Regardless, of our past, she’s still a friend of mine and I wont have you talk about her that way. And I don’t know whether she lives at home or not. This is not the time or place for this conversation. Genève, I’m sorry you had to hear that. GENEVE Derek, don’t worry. I’m not offended at all. I’m well aware you have a past, we all do. But, let’s not let this ruin our evening… remember we’re celebrating. (The two of them touch glasses and “cheer” to their engagement)

16. EXT- PATIO AT THE INN ONE MONTH LATER 16 A month has gone by and Derek and Beth have rekindled their friendship with occasional meetings for drinks. Tonight is no different, except this time Beth walks on to the patio with a rather swollen bruise on her left eye. She walks over to Derek


as if nothing is wrong, but Derek notices the bruise right away and becomes concerned.

BETH Hello there! DEREK My goodness Beth, What has happened to your eye? BETH It is so good to see you too (She laughs a little) I merely hit it on the toilet while cleaning earlier this week. It is nothing. Enough about me…how was your day? (She is clearly trying to change the subject quickly) DEREK Well all right, my day was actually quite stressful. Genève and my mother are making me want to pull my hair out with all of these wedding plans. How about yourself? BETH My day was not too shabby, but a drink will definitely be nice. Now where is that waiter?

(The two finally order a drink and end up talking for hours. While continuing to drink they both slowly start realizing that this friendship is and always has been something more.)

BETH (Drunken laugh) Derek, do you remember that night in the gazebo? DEREK How could I forget? That was a very eventful night. BETH Ever since that night, I always knew there was something special about you. Genève must see it too. She is a lucky girl. (Looks at him with a flirtatious glare)


(Derek looks at Beth and embraces Beth for a long romantic kiss. After a second, Beth pulls back.)

BETH No! We cannot do this! I am married and you are engaged. This is wrong…we… we can’t do this! DEREK You are right. I am sorry. Let me drive you home. BETH No, I don’t think that is a good idea. I will just take the bus. DEREK No sense, don’t be silly! It is on my way home. BETH (Very reluctantly) Well all right! DEREK Plus I have always been meaning to meet this husband of yours.

17. EXT- PATTERSON HOME ON THE PORCH Derek and Beth pull up in Derek’s car, and Patrick is sitting in a rocking chair on the patio with a handgun in this hand. On the ground next to him is an empty bottle of whiskey. Beth gets out of the car followed by Derek.

BETH Derek, it is best if you leave now. DEREK No a proper man always walks a lady to the door.


PATRICK (Yells out) Woman where have you been? You were supposed to be home three hours ago. BETH I told you I was going to have a drink with a friend! PATRICK Yeah but you never told me this friend was a guy. Who are you? DEREK My name is Derek Robertson, It is very nice to meet you sir. (Reaches to shake Patrick’s hand and can clearly smell the alcohol on his breath) PATRICK (rejects Derek’s hand shake) Well I wish I could say the same, but it is time for you to leave now. I need to deal with my wife. Have a good evening now Mr. Derek (Very sarcastic tone) DEREK Beth, will you be all right? PATRICK Yeah she will be just fine, now be on your way! BETH It is okay Derek, thank you for the ride home. Goodnight.

(Derek hesitates leaving but slowly walks back to his car while looking back every now and then. He hears Patrick yelling at Beth.)

PATRICK You no good whore. How dare you go about seeing another man behind my back? BETH It is not like that Patrick. We are just old friends. He is engaged. Quit worrying! (In a


smartass tone as she walks away from him into the house) PATRICK Don’t you dare badmouth me woman! (He grabs her hair from behind and smacks her across the face and Beth begins to cry) BETH Stop it!

(Derek runs quickly up on to the porch. He grabs the bottle of whiskey that is on the ground and takes it and hits Patrick on the back of the head. Patrick let’s go of Beth’s hair and starts to chase after Derek. He quickly grabs his gun from within his belt and points it at Derek. They are in a standoff)

DEREK C’mon now, put down the gun. Let’s talk this out. PATRICK Talk it out? Tell me, what business do you have here anyways? Don’t you have your own woman to get back to? You got ‘til the count of ten to leave here alive. One…Two… Three… DEREK Ok, Ok. I’m leaving. (He puts the broken bottle onto the ground) I hope you realize what you’re doing is wrong, and now I know where that bruise really came from.

(As Derek starts to back away from the porch, facing Patrick the whole time, he realizes that Beth is no longer on the porch. He is looking around to see where she has run off to, while keeping his eyes still focused on Patrick.)

DEREK (cont’d) You know this will all come back to bite you in the end. You’ll get what you deserve, you asshole. You might have won this time, but next time you see me I’ll be here with the


sheriff and I’ll make you wish you never met me.

(Derek has reached his car and climbs in. He races off towards home. He bangs on the steering wheel in anger, worried about Beth and contemplating his next move) 18. INT-ROBERTSON HOME LATE AT NIGHT 18

It is later that night, around two or three in the morning. Derek is lying in his bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He keeps falling in and out of slumber, quickly awoken by thoughts of Beth. The weather outside has turned bad and you can see the rain pouring down through the window. A large light shines through the window, and there is a knock at the door. Derek quickly throws on his robe and runs down stairs. He opens the door and sees Beth, covered in blood, standing in the doorway. Her face is completely swollen.

DEREK Are you all right? What happened? Do you need to see a doctor? BETH No, I’m all right. It’s not my blood. It’s Patrick’s. I killed him Derek, in his sleep. I always keep a knife in my bedside table, in case of a burglar when Patrick used to travel. I never thought I’d use it on my own husband. (She breaks down and starts to cry) DEREK Well, let’s get you cleaned up and out of those clothes. Have you told anyone else? We need to notify the police, we can tell them it was self-defense. BETH No… We can’t tell anyone. I didn’t come to you for no reason. I killed him so we could be together. I love you Derek. I always have. DEREK


You can’t just come in here and say you killed your husband so we can be together. I still have a fiancé, Beth. You need to go to the police, otherwise they’ll be looking for your husband’s killer and you’ll be the first person suspected. BETH I can’t! They won’t believe me! DEREK Yes they will. Let me drive you and I’ll tell them the whole thing. I saw what he did to you tonight, and that is more than enough evidence.

(Derek takes Beth to his car and they drive off towards the Police Station.) 19. EXT- MADISON RESIDENCE MAILBOX- Day 19 It is two days after Derek and Beth went to the Police Station. Genève has gone outside to collect the mail. In the stack of letters and bills, she comes across a letter addressed to her from Derek. She quickly opens it up, because she has not heard from him since that night and has been worrying about him. She reads over the letter and starts to cry.

DEREK (V.O.) Dear Genève, I dearly regret doing this in a letter, but with the recent circumstances this is the best way I could think of. We have grown apart these past months, and ultimately my heart has always been in a different place. You are an amazing woman and will make some man happy one day, but that man cannot be me. I have left New Hampshire, and am traveling west. I will not tell you where I am, but enclosed is enough money to cover the costs of the wedding thus far. I hope you can find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me, and I will always cherish the time we had together.


Fondly, Derek

(She burst into tears and runs off into her house) 20. CALIFORNIA BOARDWALK- SUNSET 1951 (Present Day) 20 Six years have gone by since Patrick’s murder. Beth was not charged with any crimes, but they still felt it was necessary to leave New Hampshire and start over. They have lost all contact with family and friends in New Hampshire. Derek’s mother has passed away, from liver failure. Derek finished school at Berkeley and the two now live there full time, where Derek is a teacher at the University. The two are still seated on the bench of the boardwalk; Derek grabs Beth’s hand and takes a long deep breath.

DEREK I’ve wanted to ask you something for some time now, and well I couldn’t think of a more perfect time than your birthday. We’ve been through a lot together over these past twenty years, had our shares of ups and downs, but we’ve overcome them together. Beth, I love you more than anyone I’ve ever met in my entire life. Will you marry me? BETH Well it’s about time. (She giggles) Derek, I love you too, of course I’ll marry you.

(Derek pulls a small box out of his jacket pocket and opens it up, inside is an engagement ring. He takes it out and slips it onto her finger. They kiss. He stands up and grabs her by the hand and they walk off along the boardwalk hand in hand.)

