Relive flyer 2011




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“These materials are not only very practical and accessible but delightfully engaging” Phil Thomas - Headteacher, West Midlands

“Great original resources that kept the children on the edge of their seats” Kevin Stoner - Primary School Teacher, Essex

“Fantastic! The children had to watch it, watch it again and make notes, then they asked to watch it a third time! The resources were fab and easy to follow. Please do more! ” Zoe Sheffield - Middle School Teacher, Bedfordshire

“You seem to have thought of everything!” Jacqui Hopkins - Primary School Teacher, Kent

“A very detailed and useful resource to aid the teaching of effective and relevant RE Lessons” Jo Warnock - Primary School Teacher, Kent

DVD / CD Rom Box Sets Include:

A unique and contemporary resource for teaching the Christian Faith to ‘21st Century


-Short Films based on Bible stories and characters

-RE Lesson Plans

-Collective Worship/Assembly Ideas

-Teacher Background and Lesson Notes

-Cross-Curriculum Links

-Extra Classroom Activities

-Assessment Opportunity Ideas

Award winning RE resources,as seen on TV!