Relieving Principal’s Report - Lismore High Campus...Dalley St Lismore Ph: 66215185 Fax: 66222940...


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Dalley St Lismore Ph: 66215185 Fax: 66222940 Email:

Issue 6 1st May 2012



Calendar Of Events


7th *Year 9 Laptop Meeting 3:45pm—Library

8th *Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 Parent / Teacher

Meetings E Block & Library

8th *Year 9 Laptop Meeting 5:30pm—Library

10th *Athletics Carnival—Riverview Park

15th *NAPLAN test Years 7 & 9

16th *NAPLAN test Years 7 & 9

17th *NAPLAN test Years 7 & 9

21st * Year 9 Laptop Meeting 3:45pm—Library

Relieving Principal’s Report

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope that it will be a productive term for students and staff. It gives me a

great deal of pleasure to announce that I will continue in the Relieving Principal’s role until the end of

the year .The Principal’s position will be advertised later this year. It will certainly be a busy and action

packed term as there are many events and happenings planned. Already we have experienced ANZAC

Day where we saw the Lismore High Choir under the direction of Mrs. Best perform at the Dawn Ser-

vice. It was an evocative performance that touched all those who were there. At the Anzac Breakfast

at the Workers Club after the Dawn Service many of the returned soldiers commented on how listening

to the Lismore High Choir ‘ was a highlight of their ANZAC Day experience. ‘ Mrs. Best, the students,

ex Lismore High students, staff members and ex staff members are to be commended for their inspir-

ing efforts.

Lismore High School was also well represented at the ANZAC Day March. Over 50 students and seven

staff members participated in the march. Nicolle Godfrey, girl School Captain was the MC for the offi-

cial Ceremony and she is to be congratulated for her dignified and articulate presentation. Rushi Dai,

Jessica Ramsay and Jason Bell laid the Lismore High wreath on the cenotaph. It was a special occasion

and it was pleasing to see how many young people were willing to participate in this auspicious event.

It bodes well for the future.

The Lismore High School ANZAC Day Ceremony was held on Thursday,26th April. Mr. Lindsay Smith,

Head Teacher HSIE, organised this very moving and respectful ceremony. Guests from the Lismore

RSL addressed the school about the Pacific Campaign and student speakers also outlined aspects of

this theatre of war. The Lismore High Choir also

performed the Recessional and the Captains and

Vice Captains chaired the event. The students at

Lismore High School are to be congratulated for

their respectful participation in this ceremony.


Sarah Hort , Year 12 , was this year’s winner of

the Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award for

the Lismore District. Each of the four finalists gave

a five minute speech on Making A Difference. Lis-

more High School has a proud tradition of partici-

pating in Public Speaking events such as the Zonta

awards and we wish Sarah all the best as she pro-

gresses to the next level.

Sarah along with Maddie Braddon and Giselle New-

ton represented Lismore High School at the Model

United Nations Assembly held at the Tweed Heads

Cultural Centre on Saturday, 17th March. Mr. John

Miller of the Rotary Club

of Lismore West and his

wife, Florence were very

impressed by the girls’

enthusiastic participa-

tion and commented

how they ‘looked won-

derful in their conduct

and presence during the

day made us proud on

behalf of their school.’

Well done girls.

On Monday 26th March, Year 11 was given the opportunity to participate in the peer Support program by

completing a Peer Support Training Day. The students who participated had a great time developing their

leadership skills and thoroughly enjoyed the team building games. These students will now become the

Peer Leaders of the Year 7 students and facilitated the Year 7 Peer Support Day later in the term. Mrs.

Betts, the Peer Support Program Organiser, has been very impressed by the leadership capabilities of

many of Lismore High School students.

During the last week of term the SRC held a Horror Theme Social. There was a colourful if somewhat ma-

cabre array of costumes on display. There was some amazing performances during the Limbo. Congratu-

lations to Mr. Chadderton and his student organisers for a well run event. The School’s Cross Country was

also held on the last day of term and all those who participated enjoyed the pleasant conditions and the

activities organised .The PD/H/ PE staff are to be commended for their organisation of this annual event

which is eagerly anticipated by staff and students alike.

Year 9 Laptop Meetings

There will be ‘Laptop ‘ Meetings for the students and parents/carers of Year 9 students as a precursor to

their laptops being distributed . Please note it is essential that students and their parent/carers attend

ONE of these meetings prior to their laptop being distributed. At these meetings you will be required to

sign the Laptop Charter. Please choose the meeting time and date that best suits you and your family.

Please note that there has been a slight change to the dates published at a School Council and parents in

partnership meeting due to an Extraordinary Staff meeting on that date. Meetings will last for half an hour

at the most.

MEETING 1- Monday 7th May at 3:45pm in the Library.

MEETING 2- Tuesday 8th May at 5:30pm in the Library. This is also the date of the year 7-10 Parent/

Teacher meetings- it would be advisable to organise interviews with teachers prior to this or after the lap-

top meeting.

MEETING 3- Monday 21st May at 3:45pm in the Library.

Bonjour tout le monde!

You may well be aware that 2012 is a big

year for the Alliance Française Côte du

Nord as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary.

We have a number of special events

planned to mark this historic event. Over

the next few weeks shop windows in Lis-

more will have a French theme.

Thursday 17th May will see a French-

themed twilight market in Lismore CBD

with crêpes for sale and French music.

Ballina and Lismore libraries will have dis-

plays and a children’s colouring competi-


Our Travelling French Film Festival in

Ballina on May 4th, 5th and 6th will be our

biggest yet. See flyer below.

We are now taking bookings for our special

Anniversary dinner at Invercauld House on

19th May with our invited guests Mayor

Jenny Dowell and Mayor Phil Silver featur-

ing live classical music.

You can make bookings for the dinner or

the film festival and find out more by visit-

ing our website:

We hope you and your friends can join us

to make this year’s celebration even more


Merci et à bientôt!

Ms Biasion

Year 10 - ROSA Meeting.

There will be a meeting for all year 10 students and their parents/carers regarding the changes to the

School Certificate on Monday 14th May in the Hall at 3:45pm. It is anticipated that this meeting will

last for half an hour.

School Athletics Carnival.

This will be held on Thursday 10th May at Riverview Park. Notes have been distributed outlining the

organisation for this day. All students are expected to attend this wonderful and essential part of the

school’s sporting events. I look forward to witnessing the enthusiastic participation in the events and

congratulate the PD/H/PE staff for their organisation.

Ms. C. Grieves.

Relieving Principal


I am proud to say I am the new President of the Lismore High P&C and would like to congratulate and introduce

our other executives; Carl Kaper –Vice President, Pauline Hooper – Treasurer and Andrina Bennett –Secretary.

P&C Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the staffroom, take about 90 minutes and

there is usually a good turnout of people. BUT we are always in need of better representation and would love to

see some new faces amongst the dedicated members we have now. Please consider coming along, membership

is only $1! Staff, carers (i.e. Grandparents/neighbours) and any interested community members are all welcome.

When decisions are made and money spent we do so hoping to best represent the needs and desires of the

school community and so the more people with input the better.

At each meeting Christine Grieves (Relieving Principal) gives a report and Lindsay Kitching (Deputy)

attends also, they provide valuable information and feedback. Your P&C has input and a genuine say

on matters and attending meetings will give you real insight into what’s happening at Lismore High. If

you’ve got something on your mind- ideas, compliments or concerns then your P&C is one avenue,

your forum to have them addressed.

We don’t fundraise and instead rely solely on the success of the canteen -so this is an important aspect

for us; a Canteen Sub-committee is established and reports back to our monthly P&C General Meet-

ings. Your support by purchasing students recess and/or lunches is greatly appreciated and volunteers

are desperately needed. All profit is spent on supporting our children and staff at Lismore High, previ-

ously this has included; equipment (overlocker, fridges), computer programs (Lexia) and much, much

more (for a future newsletter!) If you can’t make meetings but would like to be involved, have sugges-

tions or questions please contact me via or leave your name, information and

contact details at the school office.

Looking forward, with your support, to a successful year; we are proud to be public and to be a part of

the Lismore High Community.

Michelle Simpson

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 16th May, 7pm in the staffroom
