Relative c



Relative clauses. Exercises

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Choose the correct relative adverb.1. This is the station ____ Emily met James.2. July and August are the months ____ most people go on holiday.3. Do you know the reason ___ so many people in the world learn English?4. This is the church ____ Sue and Peter got married.5. Edinburgh is the town ____ Alexander Graham Bell was born.6. 25 December is the day ____ children in Great Britain get their Christmas presents.7. A famine was the reason _____ so many Irish people emigrated to the USA in the 19th century.8. A greengrocer's is a shop ____ you can buy vegetables.9. The day _____ I arrived was very nice.10. A horror film was the reason ____I couldn't sleep last night.11. This is the man ____ built our house.12. There is the bridge ____ we have to cross.13. The girl ____lives next door is very nice.14. The bus ____ takes you to the station should be here any minute.15. This is the dog ____ barks every night.16. The people_____ built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago.17. The huge stones ____ are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons.18. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists _____ come to this place can already see the stones from a distance.19. Everybody ___ has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.Rewrite the sentences1. People live in Scotland. They are called Scots.2. We first went to Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.3. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories.4. Then we visited a lake. It is in the Highlands.5. Loch Ness is 37 km long. People know it for its friendly monster.6. There we met an old man. He told us that he had seen Nessie.7. We then travelled to a mountain. The mountain is near the town of Fort William.8. The mountain is the highest mountain in Great Britain. It is called Ben Nevis.

Usewhoorwhich.1. A Scot is a person(live in Scotland)2. Nessie is a monster(live in Loch Ness)3. A fridge is a thing(keep food cool)4. A DJ is someone(play music in a disco)5. A bee is an insect(make honey))6. A lemon is a fruit(be yellow and sour)7. A watch is a thing(tell the time)8. A ferry is a ship(carry people across the water)9. A shop assistant is someone(work in a shop)10. A key is a thing(can open and lock doors)

Choose the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.1. A castle is a place ____ a king or queen lives.2. An actress is a woman ____ plays in films or theatre plays.3. This is the girl ____ mother is from Canada.4. This is the time of the year ___ many people suffer from hayfever.5. The flowers ____ grow in the garden are beautiful.6. We bought a car last week. The car is blue.7. The girl is a singer. We met her at the party.8. The bananas are on the table. George bought them.9. We watched a film last night. It was really scary.10. I have to learn new words. They are very difficult.11. The woman ____is sitting at the desk is Mr Winter's secretary.12. I cannot remember the reason ___ he wanted us to leave.13. Jane, ____ mother is a physician, is very good at biology.14. She didnt see the snake ____ was lying on the ground.15. Do you know the shop ____ Andrew picked me up?

Rewrite the sentences using a relative pronoun1. We ordered a book. It was very expensive.2. The photographer could not develop the pictures. I had taken them in Australia.3. One of the bins smells awful. You havent emptied the bin for 3 weeks.4. They are singing a song. I dont know the song.

Fill in who, whose or which.1. The man ___ spoke is my father.2. The car ___ he bought last Thursday was very cheap.3. Tom ___ is my brother won the match.4. The waiter ___ we gave the tip was very pleased.5. That's the man ___house was destroyed by a tornado.6. The man over there ___ face is dirty saved the child.7. My friend ___ I have been waiting for two hours hasn't returned.8. The pupils ___ he was speaking to were very noisy.9. Thank you for the present____ you sent me.10. The crowd ___was very angry began to shout.11. The man ___ you saw yesterday is my uncle.12. The cupboard ___we bought last Saturday was expensive.13. This is the bike ____ I told about you last Sunday.

a. She chose the books. She wanted to buy them.She chose the books that she wanted to buy.b. We ate the sandwiches. Jack made them. c. Im doing some work. I have to finish it today. d. Shes an old woman. I see her when I go to the shop. e. Hes an actor. A lot of people like him. f. Its a magazine. I read it sometimes. g. She was wearing a red dress. She wears it for parties.h. From the notes make one sentence. Use who or whose with the words in brackets. i. Martina Navratilova. (She was born in Prague.) She became a US citizen in 1981.j. Darwin. (His ideas changed our view of the world.) He travelled to a lot of countries when he was young.k. Madonna. (Her parents were born in Italy.) She is a famous American singer. l. Bill Clinton. (His wife is a brilliant lawyer.) He became President of the USA in 1993.
