Rejoining office after COVID-19 lockdown?


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A COVID-19 special edition by Gleneagles Global Hospitals

Rejoining officeafter COVID-19 lockdown?Here are the 7 musts for workplace safetyto be followed by the Employees

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE


Ditch the handshake;a Namaste is the new way of greeting.

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE


Maintain social distancingin the lifts, workstations & even cafeteria.

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE


Clean your desk, laptop, and evenyour mobile phones daily with a paper towel

and alcohol rub before you start work.

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE


Take a break from your screenevery 20 minutes for at least 20 seconds

so you don't feel the need to rub your eyes.

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE


Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds every timeyou end up touching a doorknob or

press the lift buttons with your bare hands.

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE


Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE

Carry a hygiene kit before you step outwhich includes a mask, hand sanitizer, hand wash,

gloves, toilet seat sanitizer, and tissue papers.

If you are sick with a fever or cough,do not return to the workplace

until at least 14 days.


If you are sick with a fever or cough,do not return to the workplace

until at least 14 days.

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE

A COVID-19 special edition by Gleneagles Global Hospitals

Gleneagles Global HospitalsA PARKWAY PANTAI ENTERPRISE

As the guidelines keep evolving, please refer to the latest guidelines issued by local health authorities.

This advisory is based on inputs from the team of doctors at Gleneagles Global Hospitals group and guidelines issued by WHO and MoHFW, India.