Regulations Applicable to All Classes


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YFC Timetable of Judging & Events .............................................................. 3

Club and Group Entries ................................................................................ 4

Butter & Junket Making................................................................................ 7

Travel Reports ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Cookery ........................................................................................................ 9

Produce ...................................................................................................... 11

Promotions and Crafts................................................................................ 11

Photography ............................................................................................... 13

Floral Art .................................................................................................... 13

Young Farmers Stock .................................................................................. 15

Stockjudging ............................................................................................... 17

Regulations Applicable to all Classes .......................................................... 20

Special Awards ........................................................................................... 21

Extract from Devon County Show Dairy Produce Schedule ........................ 23

Entries must be made online at

Entries Deadline: Friday 28th May 2021

No late entries will be accepted.


YFC Timetable of Judging & Events

Wednesday 30th June

7:15pm Judging of classes 1-7 and 8-51. YFC Marquee

Thursday 1st July

6:00pm Devon County Show Church Service YFC Marquee

7:30pm Sheep Classes Judging YFC Sheep Pens

Friday 2nd July – no classes

Saturday 3rd July

9:30am Commercial Beef (DCAA Classes) Livestock Arena

10:30am YFC AGRI Debate YFC Marquee

TBC(Mid-morning) Beef Bullock & Dairy Heifer Classes Livestock Arena

Sunday 4th JulyStockman/Stockjudge questionnaire YFC Livestock Stockmanship Class

YFC Marquee

Livestock Arena

Young Handlers Classes (DCS Classes) Livestock Arena



From 9:30am




2:00pm TBC


Beef Stockjudging

Dairy Stockjudging

Sheep Stockjudging

Pig Stockjudging

Stock Judging Results and

Presentation of Trophies

Livestock Arena

Livestock Arena

YFC Cattle Lines

Pig Judging Lines

YFC Marquee

Please note the above times and some venues, but not days, where stated, are provisional and may change. Please

check with YFC Marquee/Devon YFC Facebook page


Please note: Class 1 – Club Collective Exhibit

Class 2 – Group Celebration Gate

Class 3 – Club Promotion Board

Class 4 – Club Scrapbook

Class 5 – Club Promotional Video

Class 6 – Pimp My Barrell

Class 7 – Your YFC Club Through the Years For these classes there is a separate entry form which needs to be returned to

the YFC Centre.

Club and Group Entries

Class 1 Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £75; 2nd £50; 3rd £25; 4th £15

1*Club Collective Exhibit. Provide and stage a 1 metre cubed cubicle to the

theme of ‘British Agriculture’.

Contents of the exhibit: To be made up of five individual craft items, one

from each category.

• Craft 1 - Floral Art. Any item using cut flowers and accessories in a

suitable container.

• Craft 2 – Cookery/Baking. This craft will be tasted so must be covered

with cling film.

• Craft 3 – Textile Handicraft. Knitwear, tailored or crochet for


• Craft 4 – Natural Handicraft. Any item using wood, metal, clay, glass,

stone or shell for example.

• Craft 5 – Art. An item that could include photography, a graphic or a

picture in any medium.

The five crafts included in the exhibit must be clearly numbered 1 to 5

together with the heading the craft comes under. The items are marked


separately and the Member who made the highest placed item in each of the

categories will receive a trophy for Best Individual Item. These items must

have been made/produced by YFC members since the 2019 Show. Any other

items/materials may be used in the display to interpret the theme.

Marks: 5 Individual Craft Items x 50 points each 250

Attractiveness of Exhibit 50

Originality and Ingenuity 50

Relevance to Theme 50

Total per Exhibit 400

A separate form will be sent with your tickets and must be completed by

competitors, listing the items for judging, together with the names of the

Members responsible for making/producing those items. This is to be handed

in on Wednesday 30th June. All the five craft items must have a sticker placed

on them to notify which items are to be judged; these will also be sent with

the tickets.

Tables on which to place the cubes will be supplied, but not the cubes

themselves, and an electric socket, which must be booked at the time of

entry, can be provided and animation will be taken into account in the overall

judging. Cubicles may be partially set up, at the Club’s own risk, on Tuesday

29th June, between 2pm and 7pm and must be completed on Wednesday 30th

June between 2pm and 7pm. Please note that cubes must not exceed 1

metre measured externally in any direction, including any drawing pins,

other decoration or part of the structure. Cubes that are oversized will be

disqualified immediately and no part of the cube or its contents will be

judged. Clubs must have their cubes signed off by the Cubicle Steward (to

check re size and individual items) before leaving the marquee.

It is hoped that all Clubs will try to enter this competition and make every

effort to stage their exhibit, complying with the above specifications. Please

forward entries for this class to the Devon YFC Centre, Amory Building,

Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, EX6 6JH by Friday 28th May. Please Note: Exhibits

are to be removed on Saturday between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. If removed

earlier or not fully removed, a fine of £35 will be imposed on the Club.


Club and Group Entries

Classes 2 – 7 Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £15; 2nd £10; 3rd £5






Group Celebration Gate

Groups to decorate a timber pedestrian 3 foot wide (5 bar) gate to

showcase your groups activities and achievements throughout the

previous 2 years. Both sides of the gate may be decorated. The gate

will be provided at the Show. A maximum of 2 members from each

group can construct the gate at the show site. The gate needs to

be ready for judging by 7pm on Wednesday 30th June.

Club Promotion Board

Clubs to decorate a 1m x 1m board to promote their Club’s activities

covering the period September 2019 to July 2021. Boards will be

provided. To be ready for judging at 7pm on Wednesday 30th June

Club Scrapbook

Clubs to prepare and present one or two scrapbooks of their Club’s

activities and events covering the period September 2019 to July

2021. To be handed into County Office by Monday 14th June 2021 for


Club Promotional Video – Reasons to Love Farming

Clubs to prepare a video entitled Reasons to Love Farming. To be

suitable for a family audience. Maximum time 3 minutes. Video to be

supplied on a memory stick to the YFC office or emailed to by Monday 28th June 2021.

Pimp My Barrel to be displayed outside the marquee. Clubs to ‘pimp’

(decorate) a barrel. Power permitted e.g. batteries (no generators).

To be ready for judging at 7pm on Wednesday 30th June.


7 Your YFC Club through the Years. Clubs to mount 4 photographs

showing their club through the years to celebrate 100 years of Young

Farmers. Club name and years the photos were taken to be clearly

displayed on the mount. Max size of photographs 7” x 5”. To be ready

for judging at 7pm on Wednesday 30th June



Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £1.75; 2nd £1.25; 3rd £1.00

Cookery items should be presented on a white paper plate and all exhibits must be

covered with cling film or a clear plastic bag. Classes may be divided into two/three

age groups if sufficient entries are received.












Two Bacon and Cheese Turnovers

A Quiche with a Lattice Top

Four Meringue Nests

A Packed Lunch for a Farmer - Must include 3 homemade

cookery items and a drink. To be judged on both taste and

display style. Maximum space allowed 30cmW x 30cmD

A Jar of Jam - Jars must be clear glass and a label should state

the contents and date of making.

Favourite Sandwich one round any type of bread – Boys only

Item of Sugar Craft – to be displayed on a board not on a cake

An Individual Dessert

A Cake with a Fruit Ingredient – type of cake to be stated

Four Cookies, any flavour – 19 years and under only on 1st

September 2020

A Coffee and Walnut Cake


19 A Flavoured Gin – minimum 300 ml size

20 A Homemade Cocktail – to be judged on presentation and

flavour (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)

21 A Giant Jaffa Cake- To set recipe see below

Set Recipe: Giant Jaffa Cake Ingredients For the jelly: 135g packet orange jelly cubes; 250ml boiling water. For the sponge: 190g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing; 190g caster sugar; 3 medium free range eggs, beaten; 190g self-raising flour; finely grated zest ½ orange and 1 tbsp juice For the topping – 100g dark chocolate, at least 70% cocoa content; 100g milk chocolate You will also need – 23cm non-stick shallow cake tin and 30cm (measured across the top) non-stick frying pan

Method: a. Grease the cake tin and frying pan, then line the bottom of the 30cm frying pan with

a circle of non-stick baking paper. Line the cake tin with cling film. Put the jelly intoa heatproof bowl and pour over the boiling water. Gently stir the jelly untilcompletely dissolved, pour into the lined 23cm cake tin and put in the fridge to setfor at least 1-2 hours.

b. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Put the butter and sugar into a large mixingbowl. Using electric hand whisks beat the butter and sugar together until light andreally creamy. Slowly add the eggs, a little at a time, whisking in between additionsuntil the egg is fully incorporated.

c. Sift in the flour and fold everything together with the orange juice and zest using ametal spoon. Use a spatula to scrape the batter into the frying pan. Level thebatter off, then bake in the centre of the oven 20-25 minutes, until risen and goldenand a skewer comes out clean when pushed into the centre of the cake.

d. Run a knife around the edge of the cake and turn it out onto a wire rack to coolcompletely. When the cake is cool and jelly set, put the chocolate into a heatproofbowl, set over a pan of steaming, not simmering water (making sure the water doesnot touch the bowl). Leave the chocolate to melt slowly without stirring. When thechocolate has melted, remove from the heat and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes,until lukewarm.

e. Lift the jelly out and turn out on top of the cake in the centre. When the chocolatehas cooled, spoon it on top of the cake and spread it carefully and quickly over thetop. Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes straight away to prevent the jelly melting.


When the chocolate is starting to set and is very thick, use a palette knife to make the lines: quick dip the edge of the knife in the chocolate and lift it straight up quickly. Repeat to make several lines. Then repeat at 90 degrees. Chill in the fridge for at least 5 hours or overnight.


Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £1.75; 2nd £1.25; 3rd £1.00

Sample of Grass Bale Silage - Standard freezer bag size sample 22

23 Sample of Grass Clamp Silage - Standard freezer bag size


24 Sample of Maize Silage - Standard freezer bag size sample

25 A Planted Farm Object

26 A Hanging Basket – Maximum size of basket 60 cm diameter

Promotions and Crafts

Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £1.75; 2nd £1.25; 3rd £1.00

27 Design a Yearbook Cover for Devon YFC – Size A4. Text must

include Devon YFC Yearbook 2020-2021. DFYFC reserve the

right to use any entry if required.

28 Design an Ear Tag to promote Devon YFC – Design to be on

paper. DFYFC reserve the right to use any entry if required


29 A Poster to Promote Buying British – Drawn or Digitalised.

Maximum size A3.

30 Homemade Doorstop – Needlework item.

31 Knitted or Crocheted Item

32 A Pencil Sketch of a Farmyard Scene – Maximum size A3

33 A Painting of a Countryside View – Maximum size A3

34 A Decorated Egg Cup

35 An Item of Woodwork - Maximum size 1m x 1m x 1m

36 An Item of Metalwork - Maximum size 1m x 1m x 1m

37 A Matchstick Model - Maximum size 30cm x 30cm x 30cm

38 An Animal made from Fruit and Vegetables – Maximum width 45cm x depth 45cm

39 A YFC Sign made out of Recycled Materials

40 A Lonely Hearts Advertisement for one of the County Team,

to be suitable for a family audience

41 A Farmyard Survival Kit in a Shoebox – List of the contents to

be provided



Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £1.75; 2nd £1.25; 3rd £1.00

New Life on the Farm (1 Photograph)

Proudest YFC Moments (4 Photographs)

Best Family Farming Photo(1 Photograph)

Most Amusing Photo with caption (1 Photograph)





46 Best Filtered Photo (1 Photograph)

All photographs must have been taken by the exhibitor and need to be

mounted. Maximum photograph size before mounting 7”x5”.

Floral Art Floral Art

Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £6; 2nd £4; 3rd £3

The first three classes are all National Qualifiers under the Theme ‘Great

British Sport’. For the full set of rules please see the DFYFC or NFYFC website

(under competitions) or contact the Devon YFC Office.

47* 17 years and under on 1st September 2020. Exhibit Title ‘My

Favourite Sport’

An exhibit to depict the member’s favourite Sport.

Must not exceed76cm (W) x 60cm (D) x optional height. Exhibits to be

composed of natural plant material, with or without accessories.


Exhibit to be viewed from the front. Competitors own backboard and

base boards are allowed.

48* 22 years and under on 1st September 2020. Exhibit Title ‘My

Sporting Hero’.

An exhibit paying tribute to the member’s Sporting Hero

Must not exceed 76cm (W) x 60cm (D) x optional height. Exhibit to be

composed of natural plant material, with or without accessories.

Exhibits to be viewed from the front. Competitors own backboard

and base boards are allowed.

49* 27 years and under on 1st September 2020. Exhibit Title ‘Sporting

Pursuits’. An exhibit to depict any sporting activity taking part in the

rural community at any time of year.

Must not exceed 76cm (W) x 60cm (D) x optional height. Exhibits to

be composed of natural plant material, with or without accessories.

Exhibit to be viewed from the front. Competitors own backboard and

base boards are allowed.

50 A Table Centre Piece Arrangement-maximum 45cm (W) x 45cm (D) x

optional height

51 A Hand Tied Bouquet suitable for a Bridesmaid– maximum size 30cm

diameter. To be stood in a vase. The tie point should be covered e.g.

with ribbon.


Young Farmers Stock

Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £15; 2nd £12; 3rd £10

• Animals to be on the Showground by 7pm on Thursday 1st July or to arrive on Friday or Saturday evening and remain until 4pm on Sunday 4th July.

• Please see TB Regulation No 19 under Regulations in this schedule.

• Livestock Competitors are also reminded of the Commercial Beef classes are held on Saturday 3rd July and the Young Handler classes for cattle are on Sunday 4th July.

• Exhibitors may only enter one animal in each class

• Please note the YFC Livestock Stockmanship will be judged on Sunday 4th

July. For entries in this class, animals may be brought into the showground on

Saturday evening and will then stay until Sunday afternoon. Exhibits must comply with Cattle TB regulations and Goats will need correct CAE requirements.

52 YFC Livestock Stockmanship class for YFC Reared Beef and Dairy Cattle,

Sheep and Goats to be judged on Sunday 4th July. Open to Beef and

Dairy Cattle and to Goats and Sheep, of any breed that has been reared

by a YFC member since birth, born before 1st May 2020. Animals to be

judged on presentation and condition only. During judging the member

will be asked some questions about the breeding, rearing and training

of the animal from birth. The animal must be shown by the member

that has reared the animal. Any animal must remain registered on the

same holding between the close of entries date and the 2021 Show.

53 Beef from Dairy Bullock. Best YFC Bullock with a Dairy Dam

Beef, steer or heifer (though not in- calf heifers) any breed but whose

Dam must be of a recognised Dairy Breed. Animals to be judged on

presentation, confirmation and finish. Any animal must remain

registered on the same holding between close of entries date and the

2021 show.


54 Beef from Beef Bullock. Best YFC Bullock with a Beef Dam

Beef, steer or heifer (though not in- calf heifers) any breed but whose

Dam must be of a recognised Beef Breed. Animals to be judged on

presentation, confirmation and finish. Any animal must remain

registered on the same holding between close of entries date and the

2021 show.

55 Best Dairy Down Calving Heifer.

Any dairy breed, reared and entered by a member of an YFC. Heifer to

have calved and been born on or after 1st October 2018. Heifers to be

judged on presentation and dairy character.

56 Best Dairy Bulling Heifer.

Any dairy breed, reared and entered by a member of an YFC. Heifer to

have been born on or after 1st October 2019. Heifers to be judged on

presentation and dairy character.

57 Best Dairy Calf.

Any dairy breed, reared and entered by a member of an YFC. Heifer to

have been born on or after 1st October 2020. Calves to be judged on

presentation and dairy character.

58 Cattle Showmanship.

All entrants in the cattle classes will be entered automatically (no

entry fee). To be judged between Wednesday evening and Saturday

morning on general stockmanship, care of the animal/s at the Show

and showing skills in the judging rings. To include tidiness of stall, care

of stock during the show and preparation for showing.

Please ensure that pens are booked for YFC sheep if entering the YFC

Classes on the DCAA Livestock entry form. YFC Sheep not entered in DCAA

Classes are penned in the Cattle Building.


59 Best Stock Ram. Any age and any breed.

60 Best Pair of Ewes. Any age and any breed.

61 Best Individual Pure-Bred Ewe. Any age.

62 Best Pair of Lambs born in 2021.

Stockjudging - Sunday 4th July

Entry Fee: Free Prizes: 1st £6; 2nd £4; 3rd £3

Entries accepted on the day. Valid membership cards must be shown, no card – no

entry. Novice is not to have previously been placed 1st – 4th at a County Show.

Classes may be split/amalgamated depending on entries. Trophies will be confined

to members of DFYFC. Prize cards and prize money awarded to all competitors.

Please note that stockjudging competitors do not automatically qualify for an

admission ticket to the show, however if make 10 ore more entries in YFC classes

will receive an admission ticket for the show.

All stockjudging entrants are required to complete a supplementary stockjudging

entry form confirming name, membership number, club, age as at 1st September

2020 and whether a novice entrant or not for the different classes. Forms will be

sent to pre-entered competitors and will also be provided on the day.


Stockman of the Year/Young Stockjudge

of the Year

Competitors who enter beef, dairy, sheep and pig stockjudging classes (novice or

open) and complete an Animal Health and Husbandry Questionnaire on Sunday 4th

July will be automatically entered into the relevant class 63 or 48. Points gained in

the four stockjudging classes will be added together with the questionnaire score

to give the total score.

63* Young Stockjudge of the Year

19 and Under on 1st September 2020

64* Stockman of the Year

27 and Under on 1st September 2020

Beef Stockjudging - To place a ring of 4 butchers’ bullocks

65 Novice Beef Stockjudging Open

27 and Under on 1st September 2020

70 66 Beef Stockjudging

20 and Under on 1st September 2020

67 Beef Stockjudging

27 and Under on 1st September 2020


Dairy Stockjudging - To place a ring of 4 dairy cows.

68 Novice Dairy Stockjudging Open

27 and Under on 1st September 2020

69 Dairy Stockjudging

19 and Under on 1st September 2020

70 Dairy Stockjudging

27 and Under on 1st September 2020

Sheep Stockjudging - To place a ring of 4 lambs/ewes

71 Novice Sheep Stockjudging Open

27 and Under on 1st September 2020

72 Sheep Stockjudging

19 and Under on 1st September 2020

73 Sheep Stockjudging

27 and Under on 1st September 2020

Pig Stockjudging - To place a pen of 4 pigs

74 Pig Stockjudging

19 and Under on 1st September 2020

75 Pig Stockjudging

27 and Under on 1st September 2020


Regulations Applicable to all Classes 1. All entries must be made on the Official Entry Form. One entry form per competitor.

2. Every exhibitor and competitor will be held responsible for the correctness of his entry form.

3. Unless otherwise stated, all classes will be OPEN to competitors who are 27 years of age and under as at 1st September 2020.

4. The closing date for entries is Friday 28th May for entries online at

5. No exhibits may bear any identification as to origin.

6. All exhibits to be the Bona Fide work of the exhibitors.

7. Exhibits not complying with the conditions laid down will be disqualified.

8. Substitution will not be allowed.

9. Exhibitors will be restricted to one entry per class.

10. Where competitors enter 10 or more entries in any classes, an entry ticket to the Show will be given, unless already allowed for as a competitor etc. Tickets to be collected by the competitor on Wednesday 30th June once all their entries are staged.

11. The Judges are instructed to withhold prizes where the entry is not of sufficient merit and in

awarding prizes; they are further instructed to make their awards according to the relevant

merits of the exhibit.

12. The Judge’s decision will be final.

13. Exhibits in classes 1-7 and 12-55 must be staged between 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm on Wednesday

30th June, ready for judging at 7.00 pm.

14. Trophies (including those for stockjudging) will be presented at 5.30 pm on Sunday 4th July in the YFC marquee. DCAA Trophies may be retained until 1st March in the year following the award, when they must be returned with their boxes in good condition to the Association’s Office at Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter.

15. Prize Money will be forwarded to clubs for distribution to individuals after the show.

16. Collection of Exhibits. Entries must not be removed before 6.30 pm on Sunday 4th July. Any persons removing entries before this time will incur a £35 fine. Any Club Cubicle removed

before 6.30 pm will also be fined £35 and forfeit their deposit. Any items not claimed by 7.30

pm will be disposed of.

17. Whilst every care will be taken of the exhibits, neither the Association nor the Devon YFC will be liable for compensation for loss or damage from any cause whatsoever.

18. All exhibits in static classes must not have been shown at any previous Devon County Show and to have been made/produced since the last Show.


ALL cattle coming to the Show must have had a pre movement test with a negative result within 60 days of the commencement of the Show. This requirement will NOT apply to calves under 42 days of age on the day of arrival at the Show.

20. The Committee reserves the right to amalgamate or cancel classes with insufficient entries.


Special Awards Confined to competitors resident in Devon

YF1 CHAMPION PRIZE: The “Heathcoat Amory “Perpetual Challenge Cup,

offered by the late Viscount Amory, for the Young Farmers’ Club in the

County of Devon gaining the highest number of points in Classes 1 to 81 of

this schedule. (Ref 57).

Winner in 2019: Newton St Cyres YFC

YF2 SPECIAL PRIZE: The “Northcott” Perpetual Challenge Cup, offered by the

late G V Northcott Esq to the exhibitor securing the largest number of points

in the static classes 13-57 (Ref 53)

Winner in 2019: Miss C Tythcott – North Molton YFC

YF3 CHAMPION PRIZE: The “Windolite” Perpetual Challenge Cup, offered by

Windolite Ltd., Harlow, Essex for the Best Club Bullock (Ref 40).

Winner in 2019: Miss E Pearse – Newton Abbot YFC

YF4 CHAMPION PRIZE: The Luscombe Maye Perpetual Challenge Trophy for

the best pen of sheep in the sheep classes. (Ref 263).

Winner in 2019: Mrs S Darke – Kingsbridge YFC

YF5 SPECIAL PRIZE: The “Hayter Hames” Perpetual Challenge Cup, offered

by the late George Hayter Hames CBE, to the highest placed exhibit in Class

1. (Ref 38).

Winner in 2019: Newton St Cyres YFC

YF6 CHAMPION PRIZE: The Peter Kingdon Memorial Award, offered for the most outstanding individual entry from within classes 14-62

Winner in 2019: Miss H Elliott – Dartmouth YFC


YF7 CHAMPION PRIZE: The John Quicke Trophy offered to the individual 18 years and under who has gained the most points in all classes

Winner in 2019: Miss K Davie – Newton St Cyres YFC


Extract from Devon County Show Dairy

Produce Schedule

To be run in the Dairy Produce & Cider Marquee

Entry Fee: £1.25 inc VAT Prizes: 1st £5; 2nd £ 4; 3rd £3

Exhibitors are limited to two entries per class except where stated

DP25 Dairy Produce - Two 250g Bricks or Two 250g Rolls of Buttery.


DP26 Dairy Produce - Two 250g Bricks or Two 250g Rolls of Buttery.


DP27 One 250g Brick or one 250g Roll of Butter confined to exhibitors 21 years

and under 1st September 2019. One entry only per exhibitor.

DP28 One 250g or One 250g Roll of Butter, confined to exhibitors over 21 years

and under 26 years on 1st September 2019. One entry only per exhibitor.

DP29 Floral Art, made from not more that 250g butter, foliage or other

decoration allowed. To be displayed on a white 6" square tile.

DP30 Sculpture, made from not more that 250g butter, foliage or other

decoration allowed. To be displayed on a white 6" square tile.

All exhibits must be delivered and staged by 2.00pm on the day before the Show

(Thursday 1st July) after which the section will be closed for judging.

To view the full schedule please visit or contact Lisa Moore on 01392

353781 for more information.
