REGULAR MEETING November 5, 2012 The Alpena Township … of Trustees/2012... · 2018-07-05 ·...


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The Alpena Township Board of Trustees met in Regular S2012, at the Alpena Township Offices, 4385 US-23 Northfound present: Supervisor Twite, Clerk Dubey, TreasurDunckel, Mischley and Schuelke. Attorney James Florip

Adopt Agenda: It was moved by Treasurer Diamond, secoadopt the agenda presented and add the following itemsUniform Video Services Local Franchise Act (15) Escrowcant) Rite Aid of Michigan, Incand Standard Operating Procedures. Proclamation - NovDay. Under Old Business: Fire

Under Fire Departmen

Works Permit for Longjected Expenses. Motion carriecjl by unanimous roll cal

Public Comment: Keith A. Maskell, Candidate for Alpenhimself to the Township Board.

Minutes: It was moved by Trustee Baker, seconded by Tminutes of the Regular Meeting held on October 1st, 20Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Correspondence: It was moved by Trustee Dunckel, secoijded by Clerk Dubey to receiveand file the following correspondence: Alpena TownshiCommission - Minutes - October 8, 2012, Standard & PooA+ and League of Women Voters - Thank you. Motion car

Fire Department 15 Year Goal Plan Review: Supervisoron the accomplishments of the Townships Fire DepartmenShe told the board what had been done and what goals s

Presentation of Distinguished Service Medal (Moggie):behalf of the residents of Alpena Township, Township BTownship Fire Department presented Timothy Moggie theMr. Moggie was instrumental in rescuing a man from a sas well as perform. CPR on a citizen out of our servicactions and principals that firefighters and all public

November 5, 2012

ssion on Monday, November 5th,Alpena, Michigan. Roll callDiamond and Trustees: Baker,

'as also present.

ed by Trustee Dunckel toUnder New Business: (14)

i 2012 SDD License (appli-Credit Card Use Approval

iber llth, 2012 - Veteransake Lights Festival and Pro-vote.

County Treasurer introduced

astee Dunckel to approve the7 QC? r\T*£ao£i-nt-c»/1 -i -n f-t7Tiar^ f r\f2, as

UULH-JVC-L. l_t_» dp^J-UVC U11C

presented in typed form,

- Financial Report, Plannings Rating - Alpena Townshipled by unanimous vote.

Twite gave an updated reporton their 15 year goal plan,ill need to be attained.

The Supervisor/Fire Chief onard of Trustees and the Alpenaistinguished Service Medal,cond story building in Ossinekearea. Mr. Moggie promotedservants should aspire to.

Xmas Party: December 1st, 2012, is the scheduled time [for the Fire Department/Town-ship Xmas Party.

Huron Beach Special Assessment: Huron Beach Road resida Special Assessment District to provide road maintenanAttorney Florip informed the residents that the petitions filed by the residents didnot reach the required 51 percent of support needed. Some of the signatures on thepetition were not eligible to sign based on owners to discuss why the Special Assessment iWilliam Gibson, Marie Kaminski and Frank Allbee asked tplace of meeting.

ents filed petitions seekingce for Huron Beach Road.

Florip is willing to meet withnot progressing forward,be informed of the time and


North Point Shores Special Assessment Project: The supervisor informed the boardthat the North Point Shores Special Assessment Project was ready to move forward.The Township will issue bonds to secure the 100 percent loan with 3.75 percent in-terest rate. The next step is to acquire bond counsel. It was moved by Trustee Mis-chley, seconded by Trustee Baker to meet with bond councel. Motion carried by unani-mous roll call vote. Yeas: Schuelke, Dunckel, Twite, Mischley, Diamond, Dubey andBaker. Nays: None.

US-23 South Pride Project: Larry Clark once again asked the boards help in cleaningup US-23 South. He asked the board to maintain the bike path as well as condemn ifpossible buildings that are unsafe, unlawful for occupancy. Supervisor Twite informedMr. Clark that she was talking to the owner of the buildings in question and feltshe had a solution for part of the buildings. The bike path maintenance will be dis-cussed at budget sessions in February, 2013. It was moved by Trustee Baker, secondedby Trustee Schuelke to obtain the property owners permission to use some of the build-ings for a training session for the fire department. Motion carried by unanimous rollcall vote. Yeas: Dunckel, Twite, Mischley, Diamond, Dubey, Baker and Schuelke. Nays:None. Property in question is owned by George Gruschke. Gary Partyka thanked theboard for all their support.

2013 Long Lake Lights Festival: Kritin Romel organizer of the Festival addressed thethe board along with Sheriff Kieliszewski and State Trooper Hann. Law Enforcementofficers stated they would be on line for security, traffic and crowd control. Ms.Romel wanted a tenative agreement from the township saying the festival would be

granted a Fire Works Permit for 2013. The Festival'supcoming year are $21,025.00. Fund raising must startand accomplish this goal,ing.

The board will take action at their December Regular Meet-

Rezone Case //P-04-12: This case was referred back tofor reconsideration to rezone from (R-l) to (R-3). Thi>a meeting held on October 8th, 2012, by unanimous voteproperty is located at the corner of US-23 North and000-050-00 and 013-023-000-060-00 currently zoned R-lrezoned to R-3 (Mixed Residential). It was moved by TTrustee Baker to rezone the property as recommended byand adopt Ordinance #122. Motion carried by unanimous

Receiving Board: It was moved by Trustee Dunckel,adopt a Resolution establishing a Receiving Board forship. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. YeDubey, Baker, Schuelke and Dunckel. Nays: None.

rejected expenses for the£S soon as possible to try

he Planning & Zoning BoardPlanning & Zoning Board atrecommended the rezone. The

G^itchess Road, parcels 013-023-(pne Family Residential) areustee Mischley, seconded bythe Planning & Zoning Boardvote.

seconded by Trustee Schuelke toelections held in Alpena Town-is: Twite, Mischley, Diamond,

Plat Book Advertising: It was moved by Trustee Duncke .purchase an ad in the Alpena County Plat Book at a cos:obtaining two Plat Books at no cost. Motion carried bYeas: Mischley, Diamond, Dubey, Baker, Schuelke, Dune

System/Computer Upgrades (Water Department/Fire Departfor the upgrades. 1) Chowen & Associates - $8,081.56LLC - $26,060.10. The power server (AS400) is aby Trustee Baker, seconded by Trustee Schuelke to awar 1at a cost of $8,081.56. Motion carried by unanimousDubey, Baker, Schuelke, Dunckel, Twite and Mischley.system will be shared with the Fire Department on a pe

aidrecon iitioned

r D

Snow Plow Bids: Two bids were received. 1) Four of aper hour for removal of snow from property and $10.00Excavating and Contracting - $50.00 per occurrence foroccurrence for North side fire station and $50.00 perfire station. It was moved by Trustee Dunckel, secondthe bid to Schwartz Excavating & Contracting for theanimous roll call vote. Yeas: Dubey, Baker, SchuelkeDiamond. Nays: None.

seconded by Clerk Dubey toof $320.00 which will includeunanimous roll call vote.

• si and Twite. Nays: None.

ent): Two bids were received2) ACS Enterprise Solutions,

unit. It was movedthe bid to Chowen & AssociatesLI call vote. Yeas: Diamond,Says: None. The cost of therpentage of use.

<ind - $55.00 per hour, $100.003pr bag of salt. 2) SchwartzTownship Offices, $40.00 perccurrence for the south sidesi by Trustee Baker to award

20112-13 season. Carried by un-Dunckel, Twite, Mischley and

Request to Advertise: It was moved by Trustee Dunckelj,advertise for the position of Clerk/Treasurer Assistancarried by unanimous roll call vote. Yeas: Baker, Scchley, Diamond and Dubey. Nays: None. Interviews wi19th, 2012, starting at 3:00 p.m. to fill this positioln

Roof Repair (Township Hall): It was moved by TrusteeSchuelke to obtain a contractor who can tell us what nby unanimous vote.

Sbker, seconded by Trusteeeeds to be done. Motion carried

Seal Coat Bike Path: The seal coating of the BikeSessions in February, 2013.


M-32 Fiber Project (City of Alpena): City of Alpena ifiber and conduit and make the necessary connections wpLthin the jurisdiction of AlpenaTownship and in the right of way of M-32. This fiberantennas already placed on the Alpena Townships Waternections to Alpena County owned buildings on airport property. Future planned con-nections include the city lift stations along M-32 asfrastructure, if desired. Also provided for a future

seconded by Clerk Dubey tofor the front office. Motionuelke, Dunckel, Twite, Mis-1 be held on Monday, November

will be discussed at Budget

seeking permission to install

make connections to thelower as well as various con-

well as any township water in-fiber connection to the DNR

Office Building. It was moved by Trustee Dunckel, seconded by Trustee Baker to allowthe City of Alpena permission to install fiber and conduit within the jurisdiction ofAlpena Township and in the right of way of M-32. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

AP Wireless Infrastructure Partners: No action taken.

wasUnited Steelworkers/Contract Negotiation Request: Itseconded by Treasurer Diamond to authorize the supervisorwell as name Trustee Baker, Supervisor Twite and Townshipstiators on Townships behalf. Motion carried by unanimouvolunteering his services. Per diem will not be paid.

Department Reports: Building permits, Electrical permireports were presented in printed form.

moved by Trustee Dunckel,to fill out the request asAttorney Florip as nego-

s vote. Trustee Baker is

ts and Fire Department run

Removal of Fire Fighter (Bannerman): It was moved by Trustee! Baker, seconded byTrustee Schuelke to remove Jody Bannerman from the paid on cafLl roster. Motion car-ried by unanimous vote.

Carpet (Northside Fire Station Office): It was moved by Trustee Dunckel, seconded byTrustee Baker to purchase carpeting for the Northside Fire Station Office at a costof $514.35 from Stanson Floor Covering & Furniture, Inc. Motjion carried by unani-mous roll call vote. Yeas: Dunckel, Twite, Mischley, Diamonjd, Dubey, Baker andSchuelke. Nays: None.

VISA Card: It was moved by Trustee Mischley, seconded by Trujstee Baker to obtain aVISA Credit Card for the fire department. Motion carried by unanimous roll call voteYeas: Twite, Mischley, Diamond, Dubey, Baker, Schuelke and Dbnckel. Nays: None.

Operating Procedures Policy:ing.

Will take care of at the December, 2012, Regular Meet-

Retirement (Seymour): DPW Billing Clerk, Seymour is retiring on December 14th, 2012.It was moved by Trustee Mischley, seconded by Clerk Dubey to jsend a letter of appre-ciation for her many years of service. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

iStove/Northside Fire Station: It was moved by Clerk Dubey, seconded by Trustee Mis-chley to purchase a new stove for the northside fire station.! Motion carried by un-animous roll call vote. Yeas: Mischley, Diamond, Dubey, Bakjer, Schuelke, Dunckeland Twite. Nays: None.

Tower Space Lease: James Florip explained the lease agreement between Agri-ValleyBroadband, Inc. and Alpena Township at a projected rent of $450.00 per month forplacing 3 antennas on the M-32 tower. Trustee Dunckel felt we should ask for $1,000per month for rent. Request will be made to the company andback to the December, 2012, Regular Meeting.

response will be brought

Water/Sewer Rates Agreement: City in letter form asked the township to extend thewater/sewer rates charged to the township at their current levels through June 30,2013. It was moved by Trustee Mischley, seconded by Trustee Baker to extend; thewater/sewer rates at the same rate through June 30, 2013. Motion carried by! unani-mous vote.

Board of Review Member Retirement: It was moved by Trustee Biaker, seconded by Trea-surer Diamond to accept the letter of resignation from Charlejs Morrison from! theBoard of Review Board. Motion to include the right to advertise to fill the position,Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Yeas: Diamond, pubey, Baker, Schuelke,Dunckel, Twite and Mischley. Nays: None.

MPSC/Uniform Video Services Local Franchise Act:on line.

Trustee Dunckel will do the survey

Rite Aid of Michigan, Inc./Liquor License: No objections wer

Proclamation: A proclamation was approved to honor veterans

Bills/Election Workers: It was moved by Treasurer Diamond, seconded by Trustee Bakerto pay the bills presented as well as pay the election workers for working the Nov-ember 6th, 2012, election. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Yeas: Dubey,Baker, Schuelke, Dunckel, Twite, Mischley and Diamond. Nays:

e heard.

on November 11, 2012.

Adjourn: It was moved by Treasurer Diamond, seconded by Trus9:00 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote.


tee Baker to adjourn at

Christine M. t)ubey,rCler
