REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - Painesville, Ohio66FDE066-2B9A... · 2016-05-03 · REGULAR COUNCIL...


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EXECUTIVE SESSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING President Paul Hach called the regular meeting to order. City Council convened in a regular meeting in

Council Chambers, with the following in attendance: Paul Hach, Christine Shoop, Jim Fodor, Mike DeLeone, Katie Jenkins, Tom Fitzgerald, Lori DiNallo, City Manager Anthony Carson, Assistant City Manager Doug Lewis, Law Director Joseph Gurley, Fire Chief Mark Mlachak, Police Chief Anthony Powalie, Finance Director Andy Unetic, Water Superintendent George Ginnis, Public Works Director Brian Belfiore, Electric Supervisor Jeff McHugh, Water Pollution Control Director Randy Bruback, Economic Development Director Cathy Bieterman, City Planner Lynn White, City Engineer Leanne Exum, Parks and Recreation Director Michelle LaPuma and Clerk of Council, Tara Grimm.

President Hach requested visitors please turn off their cell phones and other electronic devices.

Councilwoman Katie Jenkins gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Mrs. DiNallo, seconded by Mrs. Shoop to approve the meeting minutes for April 4, 2016 as

submitted. All members answered “Yes”. Motion carried. A Proclamation was presented to Lake Erie Kappa Sigma Fraternity Pi Chi Chapter by President Hach

and Chris Makar from Parks and Recreation. Mr. Hach stated we will now recognize Visitors and to please raise your hand if you wish to speak. When

called upon, please use the podium, clearly state your name and address into the microphone, and limit your comments to 3 minutes.” Any dialogue must be conducted through me as President of Council, although your comments or questions can be addressed to Council, the Administration, or both. Four people wished to speak.

Mr. Carson reminded Visitors there will be no comments or questions on garbage collection this evening

since the contract is currently out to bid. Mr. Ray Sternot of 346 Birchwood Lane thanked Chief Powalie for the information at the Heisley Park

safety meeting to start a block watch. He informed Council he turned the information over to the HOA. Mr. Tony Torre of 158 Sanford Street would like to see the City build a new building for Community

Senior Center as using the YMCA is only temporary. He has heard other senior discussing going to the Fairport or Mentor Senior Centers.

Mr. Mark Ruth of 1628 Cottontail and the Western Reserve Counseling Services in Victoria Place

thanked Council and the City Manager for closing the parking garage for safety reasons. He has 10 employees and 700 families who are part of the Counseling services. He asked Council to look at all options for new parking, including enclosed and covered parking.

Mr. Angelo Cimaglio of 477 Owego Street stated Peabody Electric has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

He would like Mr. Gerghan of AMP Ohio to explain the hydroelectric cost increase since 2007 when water is free. He also stated that he will publicly apologize to Mr. Gurley is he was wrong at the last meeting and openly apologizes this evening.

Moving on to Legislation, President Hach stated any Visitors wishing to comment on items of Legislation

must request to do so at this time. Those making such requests will then be called upon after the reading. Any dialogue must be conducted through him as President of Council, although your comments or questions can be addressed to Council, the Administration, or both. When called upon, please use the podium, remember to clearly state your name and address into the microphone, and limit your comments to 3 minutes. One person wished to speak.


was given first reading. Mr. Carson referred to Mrs. Exum who explained this legislation authorizes the bidding and award of the 2016 Road Improvement Program – Phase 1. The project includes resurfacing of Courtland Street from Jackson Street to Prospect Street, Rockwood Drive from North State Street to Erie Street, Gillett Street from Luary Drive to Washington Street, Fern Drive from Mentor Avenue to Jackson Street, and Stage Avenue from the Grand River

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Railway tracks to Richmond Street. This project will consist of the planing of existing asphalt concrete, and the overlaying of asphalt concrete and pavement markings. Motion by Mrs. DiNallo seconded by Mrs. Jenkins to suspend the rule requiring the legislation to be read on three different days On roll call, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. DiNallo, Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. DeLeone, Mr. Fodor, Mrs. Shoop, and Mr. Hach answered “Yes”. Motion Carried. Motion by Mrs. DiNallo seconded by Mr. DeLeone that RESOLUTION NO. 11-16 be adopted. On roll call, Mrs. DiNallo, Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. DeLeone, Mr. Fodor, Mrs. Shoop, Mr. Fitzgerald, and Mr. Hach answered “Yes”. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 11-16 adopted.


was given first reading. Mr. Carson spoke at length about the closing of the parking garage for the safety and welfare of the community. This legislation is for the abatement of any asbestos that may be in the parking garage, the demolition of the parking garage, and preparing the site for future use. The City will be paying for this with monies from the Parking Garage Fund and the General Reserve Fund, along with grant money the City will receive from the LCLRC. This will be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on April 26, 2016. The administration will be bringing a budget adjustment for this at the May 2, 2016 Council Meeting. Due to time and safety issues we are requesting that Council approves this on the first reading. Mr. Angelo Cimaglio of 477 Owego Street asked what the cost of demolition will be, how much the City has spent in repairs and maintenance over the years for the parking garage which lengthened the 30 year lifespan of the structure by 13 years. Mr. Fodor questioned how many parking spots the garage had. Mr. Carson stated 500 spots, daily parking ranges from 180 – 220 filled spots, some days there are as few as 100 utilized. Chase Bank will be providing spots for permit holders for the next 30 days, and a surface lot will be constructed in the next couple of days on the High Pointe Centre location. Mrs. Jenkins asked about parking at the old hotel lot or the health district. Mr. Carson stated there are spots available there as well. Mr. Carson explained there is an informal letter that was sent to the City for demolition of the garage, but cannot be discussed until it goes to the finance committee. Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. DiNallo reminded residents that there will be a need for another Resolution in May to actually move money for the demolition. Mr. Unetic reminded Council and residents that the City cannot enter into a contract until the budget adjustments are made, which has to be approved by Council by a Resolution. Mr. Hach questioned a TIFF. Ms. Bieterman stated funding for this project has been difficult, tax money would have to be collected from the site. Mr. Fitzgerald asked what the timetable would be. Mr. Carson stated 30-45 days for specs, then 30 days for bids, 60-90 days for demolition, then a new surface lot built on the site by Fall. Mrs. DiNallo asked if the surface lot is going to be a permanent solution. Mr. DeLeone commented how closing the garage was a tough call, but was important for the safety concerns. He discussed how grant are no longer available for parking garages like they were years ago. He’d like to see the funds from charging for lot spots to go towards funding a future parking project.

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Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. DiNallo were concerned with parking for all the upcoming summer events. Mr. Carson reminded Council there will be safer, paved parking at the High Pointe Center location. Mrs. DiNallo questioned the spaces for open parking vs. permit parking and if there will be priority parking. Motion by Mr. DeLeone seconded by Mrs. Jenkins to suspend the rule requiring the legislation to be read on three different days On roll call, Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. DeLeone, Mr. Fodor, Mrs. Shoop, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. DiNallo, and Mr. Hach answered “Yes”. Motion Carried. Motion by Mr. Fitzgerald seconded by Mrs. Jenkins that RESOLUTION NO. 12-16 be adopted. On roll call, Mr. DeLeone, Mr. Fodor, Mrs. Shoop, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. DiNallo, Mrs. Jenkins, and Mr. Hach answered “Yes”. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 12-16 adopted. Under Unfinished Business was Sidewalk Replacement Program and Channel 12. Mrs. DiNallo had no further comment on Sidewalk replacement. Mrs. Jenkins stated the Hosing task Force will be bringing a recommendation to Council at the next meeting. Mrs. Jenkins had asked Council to consider a sunset date for broadcasting the Council meetings on Channel 12. She had not received any feedback. Mr. DeLeone would like to see no phase out and find a solution to broadcasting. He stated he had received 17 phone calls regarding eliminating the Council meeting broadcasts on Channel 12. Mr. Fodor stated this is a puzzle, and need to figure out the most cost effective way to handle the situation. He felt that Channel 12 should become part of the Strategic Plan. Mrs. Shoop felt there could be some kind of survey possibly inserted into or printed on the utility bill. Under New Business was Council Procedures by Mike DeLeone. He reminded Council that is was important for members of Council to be recognized by the President before speaking. He’s also like Council to re-read them and see if any changes or updates need to be made. Presentation to Council was given by City Planner Lynn White. (See Attachment #1). She gave a brief overview of what has been done within the Planning Department over the past year. She stated she started last year, the first thing she did was familiarize herself with the City’s Zoning Code and the 2006 Comprehensive Plan Update. These two documents provide the framework and the long-term vision for our community. She felt it was important to focus on what the recommendations were of the City’s Comprehensive Plan as well as in other plans adopted by the City. Mrs. White pointed out that even though our 2006 Comprehensive Plan Document was labeled an “update”, it still focuses on long-range, “big picture” issues, looking 20 or more years into the future. During the first part of last year two new Districts were created. The first was the creation of a Historic Preservation Overlay District for the Western Reserve Railroad Association property at 375 Railroad Street. District. By creating this district, the City offered corridor preservation for the Railroad Depot. This was done to bring added awareness and interest in Painesville’s rich historic past. This is one of the three Historic Preservation Districts, with Bank Street and Mentor Avenue being the other two. In conjunction with the text changes and modifications done as recommended by the Comprehensive Plan, properties were also rezoned. The Downtown Development District was created in accordance with the City’s Downtown Master Plan. This district was applied to the 8-acre site known as High Pointe Centre to provide flexible zoning guidelines and site design criteria to encourage new development. The R1-60 Single Family 60-Foot Frontage Residential District was created and approximately 45-acres were rezoned to regulate the future use of the land to be in compliance with the surrounding area. Mrs. White referred to Slide #6 and stated Point 1 helps us to stay current with national and State trends. Re-evaluating these ordinances based on the recommendations contained in this Comprehensive Plan Update is critical to the successful implementation of the Plan. Point 3 “Unified Development Code” combines zoning, subdivision regulations, and other codes into one document. This makes sense as we continue to grow. This will help to address both new development and redevelopment issues. She also stated this process has begun. At Thursday’s Planning Commission Work session, the Commission reviewed the first part of the modifications with Julie Lindner, our consultant. When referring to Slide #7, Mrs. White stated the Enhancement of Design Review Guidelines could be put in place the downtown as needed to provide proper guidance for the revitalization activities being planned and to meet the requirements of the Main Street program. It would also consider the need for design review guidelines for other areas within the City. This could be done where residents

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are interested in preserving historic resources, parks, or other natural elements. Areas like the Mentor Avenue Corridor – west of Lake Erie College to the corporation boundary. If adopted, however, it will be the responsibility of the Community Development Department and the Planning Commission to properly enforce the guidelines. Mr. Hach questioned how long a Comprehensive Plan lasts. Mrs. White stated they are done to last 15-20 years. Ours was complete in 2006 making it 10 years old. Mr. Carson complimented Mrs. White on her year as City Planner and her utilization of her vast knowledge and wisdom. Mr. DeLeone questioned setbacks and if they are City vs. private civil matters. Mrs. White stated it would be a civil matter between the property owners. Mr. Gurley stated if the matter involves the City, it can be criminal or civil, and the facts of the case drive it in either direction. Mr. DeLeone was going to introduce a matter to Mr. Gurley, but then asked to meet with him after the Council meeting. Mrs. Jenkins asked about any specific recommendations and Mrs. White explained that Mr. Lewis, Code Enforcement employees and she are working with the consultant and will provide an update in the future. Mr. Gurley and Mr. Carson did not have Administrative Reports. Under Clerk of Council Correspondences, Mrs. Grimm stated the next regular Council meeting will be held on Monday, May 2, 7:30 pm; Councilpersons Mike DeLeone and Christine Shoop will be co-hosting the next Town Hall meeting on Monday, April 25th at 6:00 pm at City Hall in Courtroom #1. City Engineer Leanne Exum will be discussing stormwater and stormwater project; The DPO’s Chocolate Walk is being held Friday, May 6th from 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm; DPO’s Friday Night Car Cruises begin May 13th in Veteran’s Park starting at 5:00 pm; Farmer’s Market begins Thursday, May 19th in Veterans Park from 12pm – 4:00 pm; Bathtub Races are Friday May 27th on Main Street from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm; The Economic Development Department is accepting applications for Farmer’s Market, Bathtub Races, and Art in the Park. Contact Barb Monacelli for more details. Mrs. Grimm also clarified and updated the upcoming committee meetings: Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 26th at 6:15 pm in 2nd Floor Conf. Rm Housing Task Force Meeting Tuesday, May 10th at 6:150pm in 2nd Floor Conf. Rm. Closing Comments.

Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Shoop and Mr. Fodor had no comment. Mr. DeLeone reminded resident of his cohosted Town Hall meeting with Mrs. Shoop on Monday, April

25th at 6:00 pm at City Hall in Courtroom #1. City Engineer Leanne Exum will be discussing stormwater and stormwater projects.

Mrs. Jenkins asked that with all the parking changes, if we could post suggestions for parking on

Facebook. She also stated that 239 Mentor Avenue has been sold and the new owner is renovating the home to be a personal residence.

Mrs. DiNallo commented on all the beautiful weather we have had, the upcoming events around the City

and reminded residents to get our and enjoy the community. Mr. Hach thanked everyone for coming.

At 8:46 p.m., hearing no further business, President Hach asked for a motion to convene to Executive Session. Mrs. Shoop made a Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with the City’s Charter Article II, Section 6, Item 2: to consider the purchase or lease of property for public purposes if premature disclosure of information would be adverse to the public interest, seconded by Mrs. DiNallo.

On roll call, Mr. Fodor, Mrs. Shoop, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. DiNallo, Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. DeLeone, and Mr.

Hach answered “Yes”. Motion carried. At 9:43 p.m., President Hach asked for a Motion to Adjourn from Executive Session and reconvene the

Regular meeting. Motion to Adjourn from Executive Session by Mr. DeLeone, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald.

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On roll call, Mrs. Shoop, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. DiNallo, Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. DeLeone, Mr. Fodor, and Mr.

Hach answered “Yes”. Motion carried. Motion to Adjourn made by Mr. Fitzgerald seconded by Mrs. Shoop. All members answered “yes”.

Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:44 p.m.

__________________________ ________________________________ Tara Grimm Paul W. Hach II Clerk of Council President of Council

Planning and Zoning


PresentationPainesville City Council Meeting

Monday, April 18, 2016


Page 1 of 7

Year in Review

2006 Comprehensive Plan

Implementation of Recommendations

within the Plan

Text Changes and Modifications

Creation of new Districts

Additional language to strengthen


Additional Design Review Area


High Pointe Centre

Windmill Estates

North St. Clair Street

Mt. Olive Church

Zoning Code Update

Review of existing codes that effect

building, zoning, and engineering to

provide unified development for the



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2006 Comprehensive Plan


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Text Changes and Modifications


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Downtown Development


R1-60 Single Family 60-Foot Frontage

Residential District


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Zoning Code Update

Continually update the zoning and subdivision regulations

Make City codes more user-friendly, using graphics (to illustrate set-backs

and signage regulations, for example) and easy to understand matrices (such

as for all permitted and conditional uses).

Consider changing to a Unified Development Code


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Suggested Updates

Enhance Design Review Guidelines

Consider the need for design review guidelines for other areas within the City


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