Reflective Verse - BARKER ROAD METHODIST...


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Sunday 3 July 2016 Shine Forth 10.30am

Reflective Verse “Preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3 Reflective Question How can unity be practiced in the Church today? Prayer Dear God, help me value the people in my church. They are placed here for a reason. Help me to love them the way you want me to. Amen.


PREPARATION Please silence your phone and other digital devices

2 Cor 5:14


Call to Worship from Psalm 119:97-104 [PLEASE STAND] Ms Iris Sin Leader Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands are

always with me and make me wiser than my enemies. People I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. Leader I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts. People I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word. Leader I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me. ALL How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my

mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path. Amen



Silent Prayer

Prayer of General Confession

Prayer of Pardon

Prayer of Intercession

The Lord’s Prayer

Greetings and Church Concerns

PRESENTATION The presentation of His tithes, our offerings, and ourselves to the Lord



PROCLAMATION Scripture Reading Ephesians 4:1-6

Sermon One Another Rev Edmund Koh


PARTICIPATION The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Prayers of Consecration and Humble Access

Songs to be sung during Holy Communion

PROMISE Song of Dedication one voice


Time of Altar Ministry If you need someone to pray with you, please go to the area near the pulpit. A ministry team member will pray with you.


ANNOUNCEMENTS REV WENDY WATSON is on annual leave from 4 to 11 July. LCEC MEETING: Mon 4 July, 7.30pm Conf Rm, L1. Please come punctually and prayerfully. NEWCOMERS’ WELCOME LUNCH TODAY, 3 July, 12.30pm-2pm, ACS Canteen. We invite all visitors and friends who have been attending BRMC over the recent months. Come meet the Pastoral Team & leaders of the church and find out more about BRMC. REGISTRATION EXERCISE FOR PRIMARY ONE CLASSES OF 2017: This is for children of Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, born between 2 January 2010 and 1 January 2011 (both dates inclusive). Parents who are members of Methodist churches can apply at the Methodist Primary Schools directly connected to their churches under Phase 2B (18 – 19 July; 8am – 11am, 2.30pm – 4.30pm). For BRMC members, please contact Priscilla @ 6256-4298 for Letters of Certification. CRADLE ROLL WSCS would like to welcome newborns into the family of God! Please notify Mary at the Church Office (6256-4298) on the birth of your baby.

HR & ADMIN EXECUTIVE @ BRMC NEEDED: Applicants must have at least 6 years of relevant working experience. They can either email their detailed CV (with current/expected salary) to or post to Administration Director, Barker Road Methodist Church, 48 Barker Road, Singapore 309917 SWEET 17TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDONESIAN SERVICE 17th July 10:30am-12:15pm at Oldham Hall Chapel. Speaker: Rev Chiu Ming Li. The thanksgiving service will be in English and Bahasa Indonesia, followed by special Indonesian lunch. Praise God that there will be a first-time presentation by our ANGKLUNG ensemble. All are welcome! Your presence would be of encouragement to us. GLOWING YEARS MINISTRY (GYM) Bible Study 2nd & 4th Sun, 10.30am, Sun Sch Teachers’ Room, L2C21. GYM ACTIVITY DAY (started since Jan 2014): every Wed, 10am to 5pm. As lunch and a light tea will be provided, please register your interest to attend with Mrs Susan Tong 9681-6170. Need to report faulty equipment or a facility in church that needs fixing? Please drop an email with the details and your contact number to

Our Warmest Birthday Greetings to members & friends born from 4 to 10 July Mrs Koh Li Choo, Cindy Mr Chang Chee Kiong, James Mdm Tan Su-Yin Mdm Nah Li Tang, Audrey Miss Cheng Mim Ming, Bebe Miss Chia Ju-Tin, Georgina Mdm Chng Weily, Victoria Mdm Sia Estella Ms Chuan Wee Lian, Winnie Mr Fang Yushan Alexander Mdm Fok Phui Linn, Dionne Mr Foong Siew Chung Miss Garrote Charito Mrs Goh-Koh Hsiao Mei, Sandra Mdm Kwa Teck Yong, Jessie Mrs Heng-Ho Ping Lian, Mimi Miss Ho Si Min, Marian Bella Mr Huang Tai Yu, Daniel Dr Huey Cheong Wei, Terence Mr Khoo Chen En, Tom Mr Koh Hong Kiat, Azriel Miss Kon Mei Leen Dr Lau Puang Huh, Bernard Mr Lee Kwan Jin, Jamie

Mr Lee Reginald Reagan Chua Mr Lee Tiew Yong, Jason Mrs Lee-Ng Lee Meng, Diane Mr Lee Jia Jun Mr Lim Beng Kooi Mdm Lim Eng Khin Mdm Chng Shue Lin, Clarissa Mdm Tan Siew Lan, Regina Mrs Lim-Low Sow Yee Ms Loh Kah Yunn Miss Loke Ealing Mrs Loo-Chng Jasmine Mdm Ong Cheow Ling Mr Lum Jia Wei Mr Yap Soon Ghee, Denis Mr Mun Wei En Mrs Ng Pik Yee, Tilly Mr Ng Wei Wen, Jeffrey Mr Ng Jing Heng, Timothy Mr Ong Kheng Joo, Patrick Mrs Ong-Cheam Wee Wee, Samantha Mr Pang Tit Khuen Mdm Phang Wee Ling, Patricia

Mdm Liew Michelle, Wen Li Mrs Pong-Chu Yim Ling, Catherine Mr Quek Chee Hock, Andrew Mr Seow, Francis Mdm Seet Lay Cheng, Serene Miss Seow Wei Shan, Samantha Miss Sim Ying Lesley Mrs Sim-Yong Tan Chin, Sally Mr Sio Tat Hiang Mdm Soh, Vivienne Mdm Sulastri Miss Suryati Mr Tan Gark Hong, Caesar Mrs Tan-Ye Ho Ling, Emily Mdm Tan Hui Lee, Agnes Mr Tan Kim Heng, Alex Mdm Tan May Na, Yvonne Mdm Tan Wei Keng Mr Tang Bing Xiang, Andrew Mdm Leong Tor Chee Mrs Taw-Lim Cheo Tee, Roselyn Mr Teng Chee Wai, Patrick Mr Teo Jon Young

Mrs Teo-Wong Poh Lin, Catherine Mrs Tham-Han Jing Xieng Mr Tham Chi Weng, Asher Mr Van Fu Loong Miss Wong Ming Ruth, Nadiah Mr Wong Kenneth Felton Miss Woo Wan Yi Dr Koo Yih Meng, Kenneth Mr Fong Mun Ngin, Mervyn Miss Bundred Su Min, Rebecca Miss Chen Kay Yan, Hannah Mr Ho Yi En, Jeremiah Mr Lee, Jaden Aaron Miss Low Jia Ying, Megan Ms Lu Hong Xuan, Lynette Mr Ong Yi Min, Jesse Mr Sui Xian En, Jakin Mr Tan Chu Chong, Jerome Ms Chen Yi, Amy Ms Yap Penelope Miss Yeh, Faith Angeline Miss Yeh, Grace Marie Miss Yeo En Ping, Hannah


FLOWERS FOR TODAY have been donated • In Loving memory of the late Mr Lee Yiak Mang,

husband/father/father-in-law/grandfather of Mdm Chan How Ing, Soo Chye, Mel, Daniel, Samuel and Joseph.

OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES to • Dr (Mrs) Jeannie Chiu, Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li, Ms

Kimberly Chiu on the passing away of her sister/sister-in-law/aunt, Mdm Amy Lee Wai Chan on Tues 21 Jun. Funeral was held on Sat 25 Jun.

• Mrs Pauline Ong, Clara, Joe & Faith on the passing away of her husband/ father/father-in-law/grandfather, Dr Ong Beng Hock on Sun 26 Jun. Funeral was held on Tues 28 Jun.

P u l p i t c a l e n d a r SEASON OF PENTECOST – 15 MAY to 21 AUGUST, 2016 Sat, 2 July BRMC SATURDAY Holy Communion Service

• Be Blessed (Part 1) Rev Lawrence Chua

5pm in the Sanctuary/HC

Sun, 3 July 7th Sunday after Pentecost/Holy Communion • Our Transformed Bodies – The Mind • One Another • The Right Choice [at Bt Batok]

Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li Rev Edmund Koh Preacher Evelyn Teoh

8.30am, 10.30am, 5pm 8.30 (Upper Room/HC)/ 10.30 (Shine Forth/HC) 10.30am (BBPP)

Sat, 9 July BRMC SATURDAY Holy Communion Service • Be Blessed (Part 2)

Rev Lawrence Chua

5pm in the Sanctuary/HC

Sun, 10 July 8th Sunday after Pentecost • One Another • Our Transformed Bodies – The Mind • Judged [at Bt Batok]

Rev Edmund Koh Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li Pastor David Ho

8.30am, 10.30am, 5pm 8.30 (Upper Room)/ 10.30 (Shine Forth) 10.30am (BBPP/HC)











Continued from back page

THE MINISTRY OF WORSHIP Communion Stewards Sat 5.00pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5.00pm Communion Assistants Sat 5.00pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am

10.30am Shine Forth 5.00pm

Mr David Wong, Ms Chia Teck Ai Mr Harry Liem and family Ms Rachel Koh and Mr Khoo Boo Tiong MERRYNERS Team B Mr & Mrs Caesar Tan, Mrs Marilyn Soh Mr & Mrs Kenneth KT Tan Dr Gervis Chua, Mr Pang Seng Hock, Mr John Tan, mdm Peggy Leong, Ms Corinne Teo Mr Benjamin BC Tan, Mr Richard Khoo, Mr James Khoo, Mr Andrew Yap, Mr Eric Low, Mr John Goh, Dr Benedict Chong, Dr John Thomas Mr Edward Ong, Ms Yinn Tan, Mrs Hui Mei Ling, Ms Christina Ong, Mr Tay Kim Hock, Mr Ong Ai Bin, Ms Irene Chan, Mr Robin Chan Mrs Ong Cheow Lan, Dr Benjamin Ong, Mr Lim Siong Guan, Mr Timothy Kho, Mr Lui Chong Chee, Mr Kevin Tan, Mrs Sally Chua, Mr Mervyn Fong Mr Darren Huang, Ms Lydia Lim, Dr David Ng, Mr Mark Wee, Mr Tan Khye Suan, Ms Iris Sin Mr Chan Kai Yau, Mr Sia Kheng Hong, Mr Ang Hock Kheng, Mr Ho Kah Choy, Mr Alvin Sim, Mr Philip Poh, Mrs Evelyn Teoh, Mr Steven Tan

PA Technicians Sat, 5.00pm 8.30am, 10.30am, 5pm; 8.30am Upper Room; 10.30am Shine Forth

Mr Jek Kian Yee, Mr Cecil Lee PA Crew

Floral Stewards Mrs Carol Tan, Mrs Elsie Ong, Mrs Lim Sow Yee, Mrs Yvette Lee, Mrs Elaine Pang


THE MINISTRY OF WORSHIP Musicians Sat 5.00pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5.00pm

Grace Notes and Ms Ning Buckley (Choir Pianist) Mrs Theresa Poh (Organist) and 8.30 Choir Upper Room Worship Team Mrs Joy Balakrishnan (Keyboardist), Mrs Lim Cheng Koy & 10.30am Choir Shine Forth Worship Team 5pm Music Team & Mrs Shi-Ane Ho

Ushers Sat 5pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5.00pm

Ms Kon Oi Lian, Mr Mark Lim, Mdm Chia Teck Ai, Mr David Wong, Ms Kuo Hsin Yu Mr Nicky Lim, Mrs Jenny Hay, Mr & Mrs Roger Tan, Mr Tommy Goh, Mr Wong Wing Kwong, Mr Andreas Handayanto, Mrs Yvonne Ow, Mr Martin Lim, Mr David Wong, Ms Ruth Seah, Mr James Chang Mrs Anna Ong, Ms Rachel Koh, Ms Evon Phua, Mr Gabriel Koh, Ms Alice Chang, Ms Rosalind Ong, Ms Ng Lay Cheng, Ms Deborah Chew Ms Kim Gee, Prof Lim Chwee Teck, Mr Kevin Auyong, Mr Adrian Khoo, Dr Serene Chee, Mr Shentley Tan, Ms Eileen Ho Ms Hiu Ai Ping, Mrs Chin Chay Joo, Ms Foo Li Wen,Mr Shawn Tham Mrs Ong Chen Kee, Mrs Lim Lee Lian, Ms Lim Suu Kuan, Mr Pang Tit Keong, Mrs Irene Cheong, Mrs Evelyn Tan, Ms Pauline Ng, Ms Dharshini Puvanendran

Greeters 8.30am 8.30 Upper Room 10.30am 5.00pm

Mr Benjamin BC Tan and Mr Andrew Yap Mr Edward Ong and Ms Rachel Koh Mrs Ong Cheow Lan and Mr Eric Teo TC Mr Choe Peng Sum Mr Chan Kai Yau

Continued inside