Redlands East Valley Symphonic Band Handbook 2017-2018 · 2017-09-29 · 3 REV Symphonic Band...


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REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Redlands East Valley

Symphonic Band




REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook


A Word from Our Director.............................................................................. 3

2016 REV Band Booster Board........................................................................ 4

Student Leadership........................................................................................ 5

Course Materials............................................................................................ 6

Grading Policy................................................................................................ 6

Grading Scale................................................................................................. 6

Attendance/Conflict Etiquette....................................................................... 6

Behavior Expectations................................................................................... 7

Concert Attire............................................................................................... 7

Locker Room................................................................................................ 8

Instrumental Fair Share............................................................................... .. 9

Ways of Communication.............................................................................. 9

Weekly E-blast (WAG)................................................................................. . 10

Parent Meetings (REV Band Boosters).......................................................... 10

Website....................................................................................................... 10

In-Class Communications............................................................................. 10

Trailer Volunteers........................................................................................ 10

Community Service...................................................................................... 11

Fundraising.................................................................................................. 11

Scrip............................................................................................................ 12

Instrumental Awards Banquet.................................................................... 12

Instrumental Department Pictures............................................................. 12


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook


Welcome to this year’s Redlands East Valley Instrumental Music Department! You have joined a program rich

in a tradition of excellence and achievement. Your hard work and dedication this season will ensure continued

success in the future.

During this school year, we will focus on learning the basics of musicianship such as scales, rhythmic note

reading, music theory, and history. Through the mastering of this knowledge, we will build a strong and

diverse music program in which each student can find success.

As your Band Director, I am committed to building a vibrant music program that allows students to be involved

in many different ways. Some additional ensembles offered include: Marching Band, Pit Orchestra for our

spring musical, “Hairspray”, and small ensembles.

An integral part of our program’s success is parental involvement through the REV Band Booster organization.

The band parent boosters support all of our instrumental programs both administratively and financially.

These cooperative booster club efforts enable students the resources they need for success and also allow

parents an opportunity to work with like-minded volunteers to improve the quality of education for all

students in the instrumental music department.

Your support through attendance of all concerts is invaluable to the students and demonstrates the value of

their hard work and dedication. By sharing your time, talents, and enthusiasm for the program, we can have a

positive and rewarding year. We are looking forward to another successful season!

Musically yours,

Brian Hollett Director of Music


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

2017 REV Band Booster Board

Band Director

Brian Hollett 909-389-2500 x33850


Kevin & Jennifer Bryant

1st Vice President

Kathy Shanteler

Co-2nd Vice Presidents

Shawn & Stacy McEwan


Luis Chavez

Financial Secretary

Lori Alm

Corresponding Secretary

Traci Patino

Recording Secretary

Susan Irving

Ways and Means Chairperson


Webmaster & Scrip Chairperson

Donna Cranfill


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Student Leadership

Student leadership is essential to the success of the entire REV Instrumental program. Leaders assist the band

director and staff with instruction during the marching band season of marching skills, disseminating

important information to their sections, etc. During the winter & spring, they continue to be leaders in their

individual instrumental classes and assisting the Band Director during all musical events. In the spring,

applications for selection as a member of the REV Wildcats Student Officers will be accepted. Please check the

Calendar and listen for in-class announcements for dates and times.

Students who have at least one full year of successful marching band experience at REV will be eligible to

apply for these positions (Concertmaster not required to have marching band experience). An outstanding

academic and disciplinary record and recommendations from your current and former teachers will be

weighed heavily with demonstrated musical ability during the student’s entire time in the band program. All

candidates for student leadership will be expected to complete a series of essays and will have a personal

interview with the Band Director and staff. Some positions may also require an audition where the student

will demonstrate their performance ability in the area of interest.

Leadership clinics are offered to all students interested in becoming leaders and drum majors in the spring.

Check the online Band Calendar and listen to in-class announcements for dates and times. Leaders are

expected to be role models for their peers and should be willing to take the initiative to go above and beyond

to ensure the success of the program.

2016-2017 Band Officers

Drum Major Taylor Gonzales Assistant Drum Majors Renée Shanteler & Kenny Ricks

Pit Captain Haley Lane Drum Captain Veronica Asuelime Guard Captains Rachel Garcia & Krystal Arias Head Quartermaster Wendy Hernandez Equipment Manager Dominick Johnston Historian Alexandra Johnson Librarian Rowan Glover Section Leaders High Brass Aaryn Reynolds Low Brass Andrew Bryant High Woodwind Yajaira Hernandez Low Woodwind Renée Shanteler Strings (Concertmaster) Jace Elliot 2nd Violin Selah Betcher


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Course Materials: These materials are required in class every day. Coming to class prepared is essential to your success in this


Instrument & supplies

Music binder


Grading Policy Homework: 20%

Quizzes: 30%

Tests: 20%

Concerts/Festivals: 30%


Grading Scale: A = 90 - 100 C = 70- 79

B = 80 - 89 D = 60-69

Attendance/Conflict Etiquette We are completely dependent on every single participant to be successful in this activity, so I ask you to do the

following things:

1. When you receive a calendar/schedule for upcoming events, check your family calendar

immediately (parents and students). Inform Mr. Hollett in writing if you have a conflict.

2. Make every effort to work out conflicts since you know that the entire group is depending on

you to be at rehearsals and performances.

3. If you have a conflict, you must notify Mr. Hollett in writing no less than two weeks before your

missed event. If an emergency arises, e-mail or call Mr. Hollett immediately and bring in a note the

next time you are at school.

4. This courtesy applies to all performances as well as regular rehearsals and classes (especially if

you miss a class-time rehearsal right before a big performance).

5. Keep informed about what is going on. Come to booster meetings, be sure you are on the

email distribution list to receive the Week at a Glance (WAG), and check the website regularly.

6. A majority of our events are scheduled well in advance, but on occasion, there will be things

that come up without much notice. Please be sure to ask your student for in-class announcements and

be subscribed to the Week at a Glance (WAG) email sent out by our Corresponding Secretary.

7. Keep an open mind on possibilities to fulfill both commitments that may seem like conflicts.

Often we can work it out so that you can get to a performance or leave immediately afterwards to be

where you need to be.


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Behavior Expectations

All school rules and guidelines apply in class and at any band functions outside of the regular school

day. (Including dress code unless otherwise stated)

Food, drink, gum and candy, is NOT ALLOWED in the Performing Arts Building.

Students will treat instruments (both school and personal) respectfully and carefully. Students will

never play someone else’s instrument.

Students will not play their instruments in the hallways, or on the way to or from the field or theater.

All instruments and music will be stored in the appropriate place. Only music department locks will be

allowed on music lockers.

Students will keep the band room and performing arts building clean and orderly. There will be no

horseplay or destruction of property.

Students will be respectful of all adults, student leaders, and all members of our department.

Students will come to rehearsal/class prepared to work. This means being in your correct seat/spot,

having your instrument, music, pencil, etc., and being ready to rehearse.

Students will not touch other people’s personal property. Hiding or moving someone’s instrument,

homework, or property is a clear sign of immaturity and thoughtlessness.

Students will not enter faculty office areas or unattended classrooms unless instructed to do so by a

faculty member or a faculty member designee.

Students will not enter or exit the PA building through the North East double doors during school hours

or open this door for others to use as an entrance.

New rules may be added as necessary following one warning.

Minor infractions of these rules will result in warnings. Consistent or more serious infractions of these rules

will result in communication with parents, loss of the privilege of locker room use, detentions, and/or


Concert Attire

All instrumental students have specific attire they are to wear at performances and festivals. Please be sure to

help your student put together the required attire. Attire for Instrumental is as follows:

Girls –Black dress, or black blouse and skirt, or black blouse and slacks. Black dress shoes. All concert

attire must be modest and all skirts/dresses must come below the knee while seated. (Need by


Guys – Black slacks and black long sleeve dress shirt with a collar. Black socks that come up to mid-calf

and black dress shoes. Black bow tie or long tie is encouraged. (Need by October)

All school dress code rules apply. No spaghetti-string or backless tops/dresses.


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Locker Room

Lockers are a very important part of band. Unless you want to constantly be carrying around your instrument

and your concert/rehearsal clothes, you are going to have to use a locker. Lockers are a privilege given to

instrumental music students. They should always be kept clean. Assuming the following guidelines are

followed, the locker room will be open before school (from about 7:15-7:25am) every day except and every

day after school until 2:45pm. There may be unexpected times that the locker room is not open. Do not leave

crucial homework or supplies in the locker room. You will not be allowed in the locker room during other


Food will not be allowed in the performing arts building. All food trash needs to be thrown away


Every student will be provided his/her own lock from Mr. Hollett. Any locks not issued by Mr. Hollett

will be removed. Mr. Hollett will have access to these locks by the key in the back of the lock. There is

to be no sharing of lockers.

You should always keep your locker combination to yourself because problems always arise when

people know your combination.

If your lock is lost or stolen then you will have to replace it if you want to continue using the locker

room. Only music department locks will be allowed on lockers. All other locks will be removed.

Lockers can be used to store books during the day. Remember, you are responsible for lost or stolen

textbooks (even if they were in your locker). Be sure to always lock your locker, even during class.

Only students currently enrolled in band, orchestra, and color guard will be allowed in the locker room.

Make your friends wait for you in the hallway. Do not store books or other property for your non-band


If someone is found breaking into a locker, fooling around with a lock or someone else’s property, or

stealing, he/she will lose all locker privileges.

If there are problems in the locker room, it may be locked up entirely for a period of time. Please

remind each other of the proper behavior so that you do not lose your privilege of a locker.

Individual locker privileges may be revoked if there are problems in the locker room.

Lock your valuable items in your locker if you are going to leave them in the locker room during class.

You bring expensive I-pods and phone to school at your own risk. Do not leave valuables in backpacks

on the floor in the locker room during rehearsals/events.


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Instrumental Fair Share

All instrumental students (other than those participating in Marching Band and Color Guard who have a

different fee schedule) are asked to give a $50 fair share donation. This fair share donation helps offset the

cost of music, school instrument repairs, festival fees, and supplies in the Band Room. There are multiple

fundraising opportunities for students to earn their fair share, and it is our department’s policy that all

students will be allowed to participate in class and school functions regardless of ability to pay fair share. Fair

Share payments may be made payable to REV Band Boosters and mailed to PO Box 605, Mentone, CA 92359.

To learn more about fundraising opportunities, please contact our Ways and Means Chairperson.


Communication is an essential part of our overall success. An ensemble that talks together becomes more

united and will help each other to achieve the level of success we all want to reach. Not only is it important

that we communicate the time and place of practices and other announcements, but it is also important that

we strive to really get to know each and every member of our team. When we communicate, we’re that much

closer to success.

Contacting Mr. Hollett

• The most effective way to reach Mr. Hollett is through e-mail:

• You may also call @ (909) 389-2500 x 33850, but it will take longer to get a response.

Ways of Communication • Charms: Most information that you will need to know will be available on CHARMS so log on often!

• E-mail: Throughout the year, emails are distributed to students and parents that include schedules,

fundraising information, reminders, etc. Please see the section entitled Weekly E-blast (WAG) for

more information.

• Cell Phones: This is a great and fast way to get any question answered that you may have. Be sure

you have student leaders and/or important band booster numbers programmed! Although this is

extremely useful, please do not use your cell phone during practice. I know it’s hard, but you can

last for a couple of hours without your cell phone.

• Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: Although this can be a great way to communicate, please be

cautious. This is public information and once it’s out there you can’t take back things that you say!

You never know who might read what you write or take something you said in a different way than

you meant it to be.

• Never be afraid to just go and talk to someone whenever you need it. We’re all here to help so

don’t hesitate to ask.


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Weekly E-blast (WAG)

A weekly update is sent to all members on the email distribution list. These updates include information

pertinent to that particular week with regard to every aspect of the program – performances, events, trips,

fundraising, uniforms, meetings, volunteer opportunities, etc. You may subscribe to this list by sending an

email request to the Corresponding Secretary at

Parent Meetings (REV Band Boosters)

Everyone who supports the Instrumental Music Program is a Booster!! REV Parent Meetings are held

approximately once a month on the 4th Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Band Room. Parent meeting dates are

published in advance and listed on the band calendar at These meetings provide important

information about upcoming events, trips, and volunteer opportunities. The meetings also offer an easy way

for parents to place orders for our various fundraising programs such as SCRIP gift cards and REV Instrumental

Department Spirit Wear. Mr. Hollett will give monthly updates and reports as well. Parents of all students in

the REV Band & Orchestra programs are urged to attend.


Please visit our website at for news articles, WAG back issues, forms, calendars, band

photographs and other program information.

In-Class Communications

As with any program of this size and activity level, details are subject to change with regard to reporting times,

uniform required rehearsal and sectional times, etc. In order to provide students with the most up-to-date

information, Mr. Hollett will regularly share information with students during class. The director expects

students to take responsibility for sharing this information with their parents. Please remind your student of

the importance of bringing this information home.


Trailer Volunteers

Each time the Wildcats instrumental groups travel away from REV High School, it is necessary for our band

trailers to be loaded with instruments and uniforms (marching band) and be pulled to the site where the band

is practicing or performing. Each competition/performance, we need volunteers for loading/unloading and

pulling as well. For Orchestra, we have a need for a large van to help transport the basses. Please contact the

2nd Vice Presidents to add your name to the list if you are interested in being part of the Trailer Crew!


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook

Community Service

Throughout the year, there are numerous opportunities for students to volunteer at the REV band events in

order to satisfy their community service hours for CSF and other programs. These range from fundraisers,

school events, concessions, and more. These activities not only help out the Instrumental programs, but also

allow students to earn credit towards their yearly Fair Share donation as well. It is each student’s

responsibility to coordinate with the Band Director and Ways and Means Chairperson which activities they

wish to take part in.


In order to do the things that are expected in an instrumental music program, there is a great need for

fundraisers. Many different fundraisers will be offered throughout the year. We have three different ways for

raising and distributing money.

1. Student Donations/Expenses: Each student will be responsible coming up with the revenue to

cover his/her fair share of expenses for the ensemble in which he/she participates.

2. Student fundraisers: Students will receive credit in their accounts for all the money they raise

on student fundraisers. This money can be used to pay any expenses for uniforms, instruction,

trips, etc. Although account statements may be distributed periodically as a service, each

individual should keep track of what fundraisers they have done and the profit they anticipate.

The number one student fundraiser is our Scrip program. Go to for more


3. Booster fundraisers. The Band Boosters make many of our activities possible through the funds

that they raise. We need volunteer help from every parent in our program. Throughout the

year, we will do many fundraisers through the booster organization for the good of the entire

program. It is expected that all parents will volunteer their time and/or expertise at least once

during the year.

Each year we have a variety of fundraisers offered. Some families will expect that there should be more

offered and some families think that there are too many offered. A majority of the fundraisers offered are

optional. Please take advantage of them if your student needs to raise money. Any parent wishing to set up

additional fundraisers for students should contact Mr. Hollett and the Ways and Means Chairperson with your

ideas and your plan to complete them.

Our successful fundraising efforts keep our participation costs low and are vital to the success of our award-

winning music program. All parents and students are invited to participate in helping with these very

important events, and students who need to raise money are encouraged to help! Any parent wishing to set

up additional fundraisers for students should contact Mr. Hollett and our Ways and Means Chairperson with

your ideas and your plan to complete them. For more information about how to get involved in all of the fun

fundraising opportunities, please contact our Booster President.


REV Symphonic Band 2017-2018 Handbook


The REV Band Boosters are pleased to offer a fundraising program for students in REV’s instrumental music

programs called “Scrip”, and it’s the fundraising program that works while you shop.

What Is Scrip? - Scrip is simply a word that means “substitute money.” In other words, scrip is gift certificates

and gift cards from national and local retailers. They’re the same gift certificates and gift cards that you buy at

the store. Many popular retailers participate in our scrip program including Stater Bros., Arco, Starbuck’s,

Barnes and Noble, Carl’s Jr., Pizza Hut, J.C. Penny and many, many others.

The Home Depot, for example, offers a 4% rebate, so if you purchase a $100 gift card, your student will

receive in their Fair Share the 4% or $4 difference! It adds up quickly! Ask our Scrip Chairperson for more


Instrumental Awards Banquet

The annual Instrumental Awards Banquet is held each May. This year-end celebration is a time for all

marching band students, concert-only students, color guard students, and their families to reflect on a

successful year. The banquet also marks the presentation of instrumental awards, the presentation of

scholarships, and the announcement of band leadership for the coming year.

Instrumental Department Pictures

Professional individual and group pictures in full concert uniform are available for purchase each year and will

be taken sometime during the spring season. All students are expected to participate in the group and

sectional pictures, but they are not obligated to purchase these photos.

In addition to these photos, hundreds of photos will be taken at all events by volunteer band photographers

and parents. Photos may be sent by anyone to These pictures can be viewed

online through the band website at We also have a Historian who compiles photos

and video together for the banquet at the end of the year. Please send throughout the year photos/video you

take to
