Redesigning the Remote



An HCI project conducted on the MSC Design Ethnography program to attempt to Redesign the current remote control into something more user friendly.

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}{redesigning the remote

human computer interaction and usability engineering


mark | sandeep | himanshu | deepak | zenan


we had an inkling that remotes were too complex

we thought remotes had too many buttons

we thought remotes were not intuitive

we had to find out if our hunch was correct

desk research

what currently exists?

has this topic already been covered?

how do people interact with remotes/devices?

can gestures solve the problems of intuitiveness?

interim presentation

were more technology focused than research

had a leaning towards a gestural system

our review group pointed out our initial age range was too broad

eu study – vital mind – phillips uWand


target demographic 18-24

trifecta of methods


focus group

cultural probe

survey results

43 respondents

50% 18-24

29 out 43 satisfied with current remote

32 out 43 use half or less buttons

22 out 43 prefer less buttons with same functionality

35 out 43 interested in gesture interactions

focus group

4 initial participants

Aged 18-24

2 sessions

1st opinions of current remotes and gaming controllers

2nd prototyping of ideal remote

focus group - 1st session

road-testing remotes

identifying pros/cons with laminate remotes

focus group - 2nd session

'ideal' remote

plasticine prototyping

interface mapping

cultural probe


disposable camera

sketch book


cultural probe


parts didn't arrive as per schedule

participants hard to find

ethics re-vision


touchscreen interface



3-tier menu system

usability requirements

number of presses required to reach any arbitrary channel should be not more than 2.

navigation of menus should take less than 3 seconds.

touchscreen customizable interface should provide tactile feedback and should not require more than two ‘presses’ to actuate.

can the user understand how to customize interface without any explanation?


classic menu tv guide


classic favorites settings