Recursive Definitions Inductive Proofs Implementing Recursion file- evaluate all basic operations...


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RecursionChapter 4 – Self-Reference

Recursive Definitions

Inductive Proofs

Implementing Recursion

© schmiedecke 09 In2-2-Algor.Paradigms 2

Imperative Algorithms

• Based on a basic abstract machine model

- linear execution model

- storage

- control structures

� von Neumann architecture

// Factorial

public int fac1 (int i) {

int result = 1;

for (int j=i; j>1; j--) result *= j;

return result;





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Applicative Algorithms

• Based on the principle of inductive definition

• Evaluation pattern taken from mathematical function evaluation

• Recursion is a basic step

f(1) = 1

f(n) = n*f(n-1)// Factorial recursive

public int fac1 (int i) {

if (i<2) return 1;

return i*fac1(i-1);


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Applicative Algorithms

• Idea is to apply a function to an argument

• so you need a function definition like

f(1) = 1

f(n) = n*f(n-1)

• and a method for evaluating that function for a given argument:

- Replace variable(s) by arguments

- Replace left hand side by right hand side

- Repeat until termination

So evaluation is described as a set of rewriting rules.

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More Formally

• An applicative algorithm is a list of functions

f0(v01,...,v0n) = t0(v01,...,v0n)


fm(vm1,...,vmn) = tm(vm1,...,vmn)

function name function expression

function parameters

• A function evaluation for a given set of arguments

- replace the parameters in the function expression by the corresponding arguments

- evaluate all basic operations and functions in the function expression from left to right according to basic priorities

• The semantics of the applicative algorithm is the evaluation of the first function.

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• To make functions conform the algorithm definition, we introduce the conditional operator:

• Instead of:

f(1) = 1

f(n) = n*f(n-1)

• We write:

f(n) = if n=1 then 1 else n*f(n-1) fi

• In Java, the conditional operator is (?:)

int f(int n) { return n==1 ? 1 : n*f(n-1); }

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The Semantics of Recursive Functions

• is the successive application of rewriting rules:

fac(5) = 5 * fac(4)

= 5 * 4 * fac(3)

= 5 * 4 * 3 * fac(2)

= 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * fac(1)

= 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1

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The Execution of Recursive Functions

• uses a stack to save "partial rewritings":

call fac(5) ���� push 5, call method

call fac(4) ���� push 4, call method

call fac(3) ���� push 3, call method

call fac(2) ���� push 2, call method

call fac(1)���� push 1, call method

base case

contin.fac(2���� pop, pop, mult(2,1), push 2

contin.fac(3) ���� pop, pop, mult(3,2), push 6

contin.fac(4) ���� pop, pop, mult(6,4), push 24

contin.fac(5) ���� pop, pop, mult(24,5),push 120

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Recursion is Natural

• To learn downhill skiing

- climb up a few metres and learn to plow a right bend to the


- climb up a few metres and learn to plow a left bend to the


- take the lift all the way up and combine right and left bends until you reach the bottom

• Let's apply this technique to the Towers of Hanoi...

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Towers of Hanoi

� For a stack of 1:move disc from start to dest

� For a stack of 2:move disc from start to auxmove disc from start to destmove disc from aux to dest

Call this: move 2 from start to dest using aux

� For a stack of 3:move 2 from start to aux using destmove disc from start to destmove 2 from aux to dest using start


Puzzle invented by Edouard Lucas

in 1883:

• Put an ordered stack of discs

from one peg to another, using athird peg,

• such that all stacks are ordered

at all times.

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Inductive Aproach

• A stack of one can be moved directly to the target pole.

• Apparently, we can move a bigger stack of discs correctly to the target pole if we have an auxiliary pole. We have tested it for 2 and 3.

• Use this idea to first move the top of the stack to the auxiliary pole

• leaving the biggest disc behind to be moved directly to the target.

• move it to the target.

• Then move the top of the stack back to the origin, leaving the auxiliary pole empty again for the next step.

• ... until the stack size is 1.

• move the top of the stack is a recursive application of hanoi to a smaller stack!

• Parameters?

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Express Hanoi in Java

public class Hanoi extends Applet {

private Tower start, aux, dest;

private int size;

public Hanoi () {

this.size = 8; // replace by reading from ComboBox..

start = new Tower(size);

aux = new Tower(0);

dest = new Tower(0);


public void start() { move(size, start, dest, aux); }

private void move(int number, Tower s, Tower d, Tower a) {

if (number==1) { d.add(s.remove()); repaint(); }

else { move(n-1,s,a,d); move(1,s,d,a); move(n-1,a,d,s); }


public void paint(Graphics g) {

start.display(g, size, 50, 10);

aux.display(g, size, 100, 10);

dest.display(g, size, 150, 10);



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Properties of Hanoi

• Is it correct?

Theorem: if a disc is moved to a stack, it is smaller that ist base

Inductive proof:

� Any movement of a partial stack ends with one stack empty (Lemma1)

� if a disc is moved which is bigger than the top of a stack, it is moved to an empty stack (Lemma2)

- true for first step.

- true for second step.

- if a partial stack of n-1 discs has been moved properly, a biggerdisc is moved to an empty stack in the nth step.

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Towers of Hanoi - Complexity

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Complexity Argument

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© schmiedecke 09 In2-2-Algor.Paradigms 17

Recursion is Powerful

• It can be shown that every algorithm that can be specified

can be specified recursively!

• So, recursion has maximum computation potential.

• In most situations, you can replace recursion by iteration.

• Can you do so for Hanoi?

• Later we will learn about a certain type of complex

recursion which cannot be expressed iteratively (so-called

R Gramars).

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Replacing Recursion by Iteration

• Lets consider two "famous" recusive algorithms:

• the factorial n!

fac(n) = if n=1 then 1 else n*f(n-1) fi

• and the Fibonacci numbers (rabbit generations)

fib(n) = if n<=1 then 1 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)

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Replacing Recursion by Iteration

• the factorial n!

fac(n) = if n=1 then 1 else n*f(n-1) fi

int fac(int n) {

int result = 1;

for (int i=2; i<=n; i++) result *= i;

return result;


Solution is straightforward:

use local variable to store intermediate results

otherwise returned by recursive calls

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Replacing Recursion by Iteration

• and the Fibonacci numbers (rabbit generations)

fib(n) = if n<=1 then 1 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)

int fib(int n) {int current = 1, prev = 0, temp;

for (int i=1; i<n; i++)

{ temp = current;

current = current + prev;

prev = temp;


return current;


Same idea,

use local variables to store values that

would result from recursive calls

© schmiedecke 09 In2-2-Algor.Paradigms 21

The Termination Problem

• What is the domain of the factorial function?

fac(n) = if n=1 then 1 else n*fac(n-1) fi

int fac(int n) {int result = 1;

for (int i=2; i<=n; i++) result *= i;

return result;


• Oh dear, the applicative agorithm will run indefinitely for negative n.....

• Generally, algorithms must be suspected of being partial functions,

• i.e they may not terminate on certain arguments.

• It may be hard to find out, or even impossible....

• There are algorithms for which we do not know whether they terminate for all valid input data. (There is one in your lab assignments ☺)

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Tail Recursion

• There is a "nice" type of recursion, called tail recursion:

• Such functions have a direct solution for a fixed set of arguments.

• For every recursive call, a monotonic modification is made to the parameters moving them "towards" the direct solution arguments.

• Tail recursion is easily translated into iteration.

• The termination of tail recursive functions can generally be determined easily (but not always).

• So, in programming, try to use tail recursion and make itobvious.

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Recursion and Complexity

• How do you determine the complexity of a recursive function?

• Use recursive call as basic step.How much does it cost except for the rec. call?How many recursions occur?

the number of calls depends on the parameter value.

• Multipy step cost by recursion depth.

• Fac is called n times, each step has constant complexity, so the complexity is O(n):fac(n) = if n=1 then 1 else n*f(n-1) fi

• Fib is called 2*n times, so the complexity is O(n) too:fic(n) = if (n=1|n=2) then 1 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) fi

• Those were easy to assess, because the parameter is decreasing steadily. But what about this function:f(x) = if x>100 then x-10 else f(f(x+11)) fi

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Incredible Growth:The Ackermann Function

• Here is the worst example ever known:

ack(x,y) = if x<=0 then y+1

else if y<=0 then f(x-1,1)

else f(x-1,f(x, y-1))

• Some function results

f(0,0) = 1f(1,0) = 2

f(1,1) = 3

f(2,2) = 7

f(3,3) = 61

f(4,4) = 2**2**2**2**2**2**2 –3 = 2**2**2**65536 –3

• As this growth is achieved by adding 1, the time consumption, i.e. the functions comlexity, is just as incredible

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Mathematics of Applicative Programming:The Lambda Calculus

• Inventend by Church and Kleene in the 1930ies.

• Mathematical model of function application (to arguments)

• Computability question: Which problems can be solved algorithmically, and can it be decided whether a problem has a solution.

• Abstract machine for applicative algorithms: If it terminates on a given algorithm, it is said to be computable.

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Lamda Calculus Simplified

• Lambda stands for argument binding:

• Function f applied to argument a results r:Lambda x f a � r

• If f is x+2, and a is 7 we getLambda x x+2 7� 9

• With nesting:Lambda x x+(Lambda y y+3 4) 5

� Lambda x x+7 5� 12

• So, computation is described as rewriting of one list of terms by another

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The LISP language

• Describing computation as a set of rewriting rules has many offsprings

in artificial intelligence.

• Here is a very early rewriting language, invented in 1958 by John Mc


• LISP – List Programming

- The idea is that every program is a list of rewriting rules.

- The result of a rewriting is again a list.

- Terminal symbols can be specified to be excluded from


- Lambda binding is applied to introduce parameters.

- Special list operations cons, car and cdr allow list

manipulation and traversion.

• LISP is still in use – implemented in Unix, control language in the EMACS editior.

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(+ (RANDOM 6) 1) )




(AND (EQUAL '6 A) (EQUAL '6 B) ) )


(AND (EQUAL '1 A) (EQUAL '1 B) ) )

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Factorial in LISP


(COND ((EQUAL N 1) 1)

((MULT N (FAC (MINUS N 1)) ) ) )

Evaluate Call of FAC (3) by Rewriting:

����FAC (3)

�MULT 3 (FAC (MINUS 3 1))

�MULT 3 (FAC (2))

�MULT 3 (MULT 2 (FAC (MINUS 2 1))

�MULT 3 (MULT 2 (FAC (1)))

�MULT 3 (MULT 2 1)

�MULT 3 2


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What's so Charming about LISP?

• Fully declarative – non-operational.

• Completely general.

• Easy to extend programs by adding definitions.

• Results can be added as (redundant) definitions,such as

(DEFUN FAC(3) 6)

• � Supports artifical "learning"

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Recursive Fun:Fractals

• If you draw a simple shape repeatedly with decreasing

size and changing orientation, you get a pattern.

• The simplest way to do that is recursion:

- draw a pattern

- spawning a similar pattern of smaller size and modified position and orientation

- which again spawns another smaller pattern

- until the size is below a certain limit

• Such patterns are usually called fractals...

• And they are fun doing ☺

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Two Fractal Classics

• Pythagoras Tree:- Draw a square starting from ist base line

- then, for a given angle, draw a pair of

Pythagoras squares opposite to its base line

- continue for each sqare until too small.

• Sierpinski's Triangle:- Take a line between two points

- Replace it by three lines of half that length,

turning -60°, +60°,+60° left

- Replace each of these lines again by three,

turning +60°, -60°, -60° for the first line,

-60°, +60°, +60° for the middle line,

+60°, -60°, -60° for the last line.

- Repeat for each line, changing orientation every time

until too small

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Famous simple Fractals

Pythagoras Fractal Szerpinsky Triangle

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public void paint (Graphics g) {


paintTree(g, double x1, double y1, // tree defined

double x2, double y2); // by base line


// paint tree paints the major square

// determines the base lines of the smaller squares

// and calls itself recursively for the two smaller squares

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Everybody loves

Mandelbrodt Fractals.

Have Fun...

That's enough for today!!

Next time, we will return to recursion toconsider the most general problem solver:

Recursive Backtracking,

Before Jumping into the Tradition of Sorting and Searching
