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Bulan Mei akan menjadi suatu kenangan yang tidak pernah terlupakan seumur hidup saya bisa dikatakan suatu pengalaman indah atau bahkan suatu pengalaman yang menyedihkan.Pagi itu saya bermaksud membersihkan halaman rumah ketika saya sedang menyapu di sela sela pintu saya hanya bermaksud untuk merapatkan pintu tapi tanpa saya sadari mungkin saya terlalu kuat mendorong pintu tersebut hingga pintu terkunci dengan sendirinya, saya bingung saya harus bagaimana sedangkan semua orang di rumah sedang berangkat ke luar negeri.Perasaan saya saat itu campur aduk saya sudah tidak bisa berkata kata lagi saya hanya bisa bicara pada diri sendiri apa yang kamu lakukan kenapa kamu bodoh sekali sudah tahu di rumah tidak ada orang kenapa tidak berhati hati tidak ada yang bisa saya lakukan selain menyalahkan diri sendiri, tapi disela sela saya menyalahkan diri saya sendiri ada suara di dalam hati saya berkata untuk apa kamu menyalahkan dirimu sendiri toh semuanya sudah terjadi dan tidak dapat di putar ulang lebih baik sekarang memikirkan bagaimana caranya supaya saya bisa membuka pintu itu.Akhirnya saya meminta bantuan tetangga untuk membuka pintu tersebut dengan cara menjebol pintu setelah itu ada 2 hal yang saya pikirkan yaitu saya menjadi pencuri dirumah saya sendiri dan bagaimana supaya pintu tersebut kembali seperti semula supaya saya bisa kembali tenang karena saya takut kakak saya marah karena kecerobohan yang saya lakukan selain itu saya takut ada hal yang lain yang terjadi setelah tetangga saya tahu kalau di rumah saya sedang tidak ada orang.Ketakutan itu semakin menjadi jadi ketika saya berpikir bagaimana caranya untuk memberitahukan kejadian ini pada keluarga saya, jujur saya takut sekali bukan hanya karena takut dimarahin tapi saya juga takut meninggalkan rumah setelah kejadian itu.Saya hanya bisa berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk menenangkan diri saya karena saya tahu Tuhan bisa memberikan ketenangan bagi saya, di dalam hati saya ada sejumlah jawaban dari pertanyaan yang saya berikan antara lain teleponlah pasti tidak akan dimarahi dan perasaan di dalam hatimu lebih tenang.Setelah menelepon benar saja apa yang dikatakan suara hati, saya tidak dimarahi dan perasaaan saya lebih tenang.Tapi sampai sekarang saya masih trauma atas kejadian tersebut dan semoga yang saya takuti tidak akan pernah terjadi amin.dan Semoga ini bisa menjadi pelajaran hidup yang sangat berharga untuk saya dan tidak akan pernah terulang lagi seumur hidup saya. ^^

Camping Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, playedMAGIC TRICKS, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.VisitMount Ciremai

last weekend,my family and mewentfor aholiday,the goal ofthe tourist attractionsinMount Ciremai,ourfamilyisreally likewhenon vacationtothe mountains,aftermeandmyfamilywasgettingreadyweimmediatelytake a tripto get thereby car.

aftera fewhours,we finallygot there,I immediatelyfelthappyfamily,the parentswesee the beautiful scenery,andadikuplaygamesinSwift,thereis verycoolaironce,anddo notforgetwealsotake pictures.

afterweare satisfied,my family and Ifinallycame home,itwas a nice holiday.Vacation to the beach Anyer

The last holiday, my family went to Anyer beach for a picnic, we leave in the morning, because of our house to the beach anyer took a 4 hour drive, so we can play and have fun there longer, we were off to the beach anyer

After arriving at the beach anyer, we just took a walk because the beach is in front of the hotel. We walked along the seashore, played water and sand. Actually we also wanted to swim in the beach but the lifeguard didnt allow us. Besides doing many activities we also watched some foreign tourists activities. They were lying on the beach, while others were having massage or surfing.

When we felt tired, we took a rest to have some meals and drinks, and at 5:00 pm we came home his end, this is a memorable holiday, next time we will visit again.Fantastic Holiday

Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great place, I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.

Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the film industry. Four major film companies Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO and Columbia had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had to.

After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing, The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.WELCOMES NEW YEAR HOLIDAYIn welcoming the new year, my friends and I went to the beach Kasa we left at 1 pm, where we want both merayaan New Year, when a trip to the beach, the streets are not so crowded, we were lucky, because at New Year's is usually crowded streets, we arrived at the beach around 4 pm, we were very happy, because they can arrive safely, the first thing we do, is eating, after eating, we took pictures, then we went to the beach. We were just sitting and watch, beautiful ocean views, the day before the evening, we decided to, looking for dinner, after dinner, we walked back to the beach, the beach held fireworks, we were very pleased, the new year will be replaced when we were getting ready to jump together, and hooray finally the new year has changed, we decided to sleep for the night, the next morning, we were getting ready to, please return to our home, on the go, we were all asleep, too tired, when he got home, we went back to their homes, that's the story experience, on holidays yesterday,

INCIDENTIN THEMARKETOne dayIwent to themarket,in the marketI buycakes,bread,fruit andchocolatekesukankuI'm veryexcited to bespendingall foodkesukaanku.Sayawent withmy littlebrother, my sisteraskedto buyballoons andcandysugar,he laughedceria.Selesaishoppingwe wentto the cashier topay forall the stuffwe buy.Iwant to takemy walletinmypurse,I suddenlymy walletwas not inmy bag,I waspanickedandscared,myfacepale.thenItoldthecashierI lostmy wallet,I wasconfused,and thenI wastold togo intothe roomthe guard,andthe guardangry withme,hesaid Ihad topay forall thestuffthatI have taken, andthe guardasked formy parents'phone number,andthenmymomcame in andpay forall the stuffIwant wasthe mostmiserableexperienceI've ever experienced,andIneverforget

Hari Jum'at malam sekitar jam 11, saya dan guru-guru SMPN Sukorambi menunggu bus wisata di depan Al-Huda Jember. Rencananya kami akan berlibur ke Jakarta, Bandung dan Jogjakarta.

Bus datang sekitar jam 12 tengah malam. Dengan perasaan senang kami naik ke atas bus. Setelah berdoa bersama, bus berangkat menuju Jakarta.

Hari Sabtu pagi, kami sarapan di sebuah restoran di kota Tuban. Masakannya kurang enak menurut saya. Tapi, tetap saya makan daripada kelaparan.

Minggu yang cerah. Kami tiba di Jakarta. Tempat pertama yang kami tuju adalah Masjid Istiqlal. Disana kami mandi, sarapan dan berkeliling melihat suasana masjid terbesar di Asia Tenggara tersebut.

Setelah puas dengan suasana Masjid Istiqlal, kami berangkat menuju Monas. Di Monas kami melihat isi museum dimana banyak terdapat cerita sejarah perjuangan bangsa Indonesia. Cerita sejarah ini menarik perhatian karena terbuat dari miniatur yang disesuaikan dengan kejadian sebenarnya.

Rombongan guru SMPN Sukorambi terpaksa tidak naik ke puncak Monas karena antrean panjang seperti ular menuju lift. Kami memutuskan menuju tempat wisata berikutnya.

Sekitar jam 2 siang kami tiba di TMII. TMII merupakan sebuah taman yang terdapat banyak wahana bermain. Ada miniatur pulau-pulau di Indonesia yang bisa dinikmati dengan kereta layang.

Menjelang matahari terbenam, kami meninggalkan TMII menuju tempat penginapan. Alangkah senangnya bisa merasakan kasur lagi setelah 2 hari tidur di atas bus.

Hari Senin pagi kami sudah berangkat menuju Pantai Ancol. Disana kami menikmati wisata Sea World. Di Sea World kami terhibur dengan dunia bawah laut. Ada beraneka ragam ikan ditampilkan dalam akuarium raksasa.

Puas di Ancol, kami melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Bandung. Berakhirlah liburan di Jakarta selama 2 hari. Menyenangkan dan tak terlupakan.

Holiday in Jakarta [English version]

It was Friday night around 11, All teachers of SMPN Sukorambi and I were in front of Al-Huda Mosque, waiting a bus taking us to Jakarta.

The bus finally came at 12 p.m. We all are happy and got into the bus. After praying together, the bus moved and left for Jakarta.

Saturday morning, the bus stopped. We had breakfast in a restaurant in Tuban, East Java. I thought the food isn't delicious. But, I had to eat it rather than starving.

We arrived in Jakarta on Sunday morning. It was nice weather. The first place we enjoyed was Istiqlal Mosque. We took a bath and had breakfast there. We also took a walk around the biggest mosque in South East Asia.

After that we went to National Monument. We enjoyed the history of Indonesian struggle. The history was interesting because it was visualized by miniatur based on the true situation in the past.

We didn't reach the top of monument because there was a long queue blocking us to the lift. We decided to go to the next tourism object.

The next object we enjoyed was TMII. TMII is a park where we can play and enjoy the panorama of Indonesian culture. There was a miniatur of Indonesian archipelago. The miniatur could be observed by taking a flying cart.

When the sun began to set, we left TMII to ourHOLIDAY INN. How happy we were after 2 days we slept in a bus, then we could sleep on a bed again.

Monday morning we left for Ancol Beach. We enjoyed Sea World. We felt fun with the world under the sea. There were various fish in a large aquarium.

That was the last day we enjoyed Jakarta. That was fun and unforgetable moment.Then, we continued our journey to Bandung.

Contoh recount text pendek bahasa InggrisI had never imagined that I would visit the Wilis Mountain in Kediri. It was a year ago when my friends and I decided to visit East Java. First we did not have a plan to visit there. The idea came from Tommy, my old friend, who lived in Kediri. He told us that the Wilis Mountain was so amazing place to visit. Especially the Edelweiss flower garden. Then we prepared all our needs to go there.We started climbing at 5 p.m. It usually spent 3 hours to reach the top of Mountain. Unfortunately, it was rain. It made the footpath more difficult to pass. We had to walk carefully because the sky were slowly driving turned darker. We just brought one flashlight, so every one used a candle to light the way. In the middle of way, when there was a bend. My candle was suddenly off. I slipped and fell down to the mountain side. The incident occurred very quickly. All my friends were very panic. Fortunately my clothes were caught on something, perhaps a twig. It was almost a half an hour when one of my friends dropped to find the place where I stuck. He lifted me upby using a rope. Finally I was saved. Both my knees were injured. My arms were bloody. I was still shaking when I saw my friends were very busy treating my wounds. We took a rest for a while.AdvertisementFinally we arrived on the top at 11 p.m. My friends told me to rest while they were setting a tent and campfire to warm our body, and then they cooked and told me to have a dinner together. Although we felt exhausted, we did not sleep at all, we spent the night by sharing and singing together. It was an unforgettable moment that I had ever had.Artinya..Aku tidak pernah membayangkan akan mengunjungi Gunung Wilis di Kediri. Tepat tahun yang lalu ketika saya dan teman-teman memutuskan untuk mengunjungi Jawa Timur. Awalnya kami tidak memiliki rencana untuk mendaki. Ide tersebut datang dari Tommy, teman lama saya yang tinggal di Kediri. Dia mengatakan kepada kami bahwa Gunung Wilis adalah tempat yang begitu mengagumkan untuk dikunjungi, khususnya taman bunga Edelweis. Kemudian kami mempersiapkan segala kebutuhan kami untuk pergi ke sana.Kami mulai mendaki pukul 5 sore. Biasanya perlu menempuh 3 jam perjalanan untuk mencapai puncak gunung. Sayangnya, saat itu sedang hujan. Hujan membuat jalan setapak lebih sulit untuk dilalui. Kami harus berjalan hati-hati karena langit mulai gelap. Kami hanya membawa satu senter, sehingga setiap orang menggunakan lilin untuk menerangi jalan. Di tengah perjalanan, ketika ada tikungan, lilin saya tiba-tiba padam. Saya terpeleset dan jatuh ke sisi gunung. Insiden itu terjadi sangat cepat. Semua teman-teman saya sangat panik. Untungnya pakaian saya tersangkut sesuatu, mungkin ranting. Saat itu hampir setengah jam ketika salah satu teman saya turun untuk menemukan tempat di mana saya tersangkut dengan menggunakan tali untuk mengangkat saya. Akhirnya saya tertolong. Kedua lututku terluka. Lenganku berdarah. Saya masih gemetar ketika melihat teman-teman saya sangat sibuk mengobati luka saya. Kami beristirahat untuk sementara waktu.Akhirnya kami tiba di puncak pada jam 11 malam. Teman-teman saya menyuruhku untuk beristirahat sedangkan mereka membuat tenda dan api unggun untuk menghangatkan tubuh, dan kemudian mereka memasak dan mengajak saya untuk makan malam bersama. Meskipun kami merasa sangat letih, kami tidak tidur sama sekali, kami menghabiskan malam dengan berbagi dan bernyanyi bersama. Itu adalah momen yang tak terlupakan yang pernah saya miliki.