Receitas de Crochet


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Receitas de Crochet

Dicionário de Crochê


Português---- Ponto = ( pt)

Inglês ------- stitch = ( st )

Receita, padrão, gráfico


Ponto correntinha =(corr.)

chain stitch = (ch )

Ponto baixíssimo= ( Pbx)

slip Stitch = (sl st )

Ponto baixo= ( Pb)

single crochet = ( sc )

Ponto caranguejo=

reverse Single crochet = ( reverse sc )

Meio Ponto alto= (mpa)

half double crochet = ( hdc )

Ponto alto =(pa)

double crochet = ( dc )

Ponto Alto duplo= (pad)

treble crochet = ( tr )

Ponto Alto triplo = ( pat)

double treble crochet = ( dtr)

Ponto alto quadruplo= (paq)

triple treble crochet = ( tr tr )

Ponto alto em relevo pela frente

front post double crochet=(fp dc)

Ponto alto em relevo por trás

back post double crochet = (bp dc)

2 ponto alto cruzados

X-stitch = ( x- stitch )


3 chain picot= ( 3 ch picot )

2 pontos altos fechados juntos = (2 pa fj)

2 dc cluster/ decrase (2 dc dec)

2 pontos baixos fechados juntos = (2 pb fj)

2 single crochet cluster / decrase=( 2sc dec)

3 ponto baixo fechado junto =(3pb fj)

3 single crochet cluster/ decrease = (3 sc dec)

Crochet Drowsy Owl Hat Pattern

You will start by following my owl hat pattern which you can find HERE. Or you can follow any of my hat

patterns found on my crocheting page. Just be sure to leave off the embellishments.

Once you have completed the basic hat. You will start on the eyes.


- Size H crochet hook

- Worsted weight yarn in Black, White, and an accent color (I used Blue)

- Tapestry needle


Magic Ring Tutorial

SC = Single Crochet

DC = Double Crochet

Drowsy Owl Eyes: Make 2

Starting with black yarn

Magic Ring, chain 2 and make 5 DC in ring. Just before you finish the last DC, change to blue yarn (as you

see in the first picture below). Make 5 more DC in magic ring with blue yarn. Join to first DC and fasten off.

Round 2: Attach white yarn and chain 2. Make 2 DC in the first 5 stitches (for a total of 10 white DC). Just

before you finish off your last white DC, add blue yarn (just like you did in your magic ring round). Make 2 DC

in each of the last stitches in round (for a total of 10 blue DC), join to the first DC and fasten off. (20 DC)

Round 3: Attach white yarn and chain 1. Make 2 SC in first stitch, 1 SC in next stitch until you reach the end

of the white from the previous round. Just before you finish your last white SC attach blue yarn and continue

around making 2 SC in first stitch, 1 SC in next, until you reach the end of the round, join and fasten off.

Weave in all ends except for one long blue strand and one long white strand. You will use these to sew on

your eyes to the hat. It helps to overlap the eyes slightly in the middle.

Chain a strand of black yarn long enough to reach across both eyes. Sew on the chain across the eyes (in

the middle) with your tapestry needle.

Make nose and one "ear" by following the pattern on the original owl hat pattern.

Night Cap Pattern:


-Size H Crochet Hook

-Worsted weight yarn and two colors (I used light blue and dark blue)

- Tapestry needle

With dark blue yarn

Magic Ring, chain 1 and make 6 SC in ring, do not join and continue to SC in rounds.

Round 2-10: SC in each stitch around (6 SC)

Round 11: 2 SC in each stitch around (12 SC)

Round 12: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next, repeat around (18 SC)

Round 13: 2 SC in first, SC in next 2, repeat around (24 SC)

Round 14-20: SC in each stitch around (24 SC)

switch to light blue yarn

Round 21: SC in each stitch around (24 SC)

Round 22: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 3, repeat around (30 SC)

Round 23-26: SC in each stitch around, join to next SC, chain 1 and turn(30 SC)

Round 27: SC in each stitch around, join to first SC and fasten off leaving long tail.

The last round is worked in the opposite direction to give the rim of your hat a nice edge when you flip it up.

Now is the time to flip the bottom up.

Take three strands of dark blue yarn and tightly braid. Attach a Teeny Tiny Crocheted Star (Pattern HERE) to

the end. Pull braided strand through the top of your night cap. Tie to the inside or weave end to secure it.

You will want your star/braid to hang out a little like in my photo. Flip the skinny part of the hat down. You

can secure it by sewing it to the hat.

- See more at:


Crochet Newborn Knot Hat Pattern

If you didn't see the news on my Facebook page, we welcomed our sweet baby girl into the

world this past weekend! She is perfect in every way and we are enjoying all the newborn baby

snuggles. Of course I had to bring a crocheted hat for her to wear while in the hospital so I came

up with this knot hat pattern and added a little crochet heart as an embellishment. At birth she

weighed 8lbs 1oz and is 21 inches long with a 14" head circumference. This newborn hat just

barely fit her without much room to spare. So use a larger hook if you think your newborn will be

larger than her stats.


- Worsted weight yarn. I used Lion Brand Vanna's Choice in pink.

- Size H Crochet Hook (or larger)

- Stitch marker

-Tapestry Needle


Magic Ring Tutorial

SC = Single Crochet

Newborn Knot Hat Pattern:

Magic ring, chain 1, make 3 SC in ring, continue to SC in rounds

Round 2: Make 2 SC in each stitch around (6 SC)

Round 3-16: SC in each stitch around (6 SC)

Round 17: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next two stitches, repeat around (8 SC)

Round 18-20: SC in each stitch around (8 SC)

Round 21: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next three stitches, repeat around (10 SC)

Round 22-24: SC in each stitch around (10 SC)

You will now join your rounds.

Round 25: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (10 SC)

Round 26: 2 SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (20 SC)

Round 27: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (20 SC)

Round 28: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next, join, chain 1 (30 SC)

Round 29: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (30 SC)

Round 30: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 2 stitches, join, chain 1 (40 SC)

Round 31-43: SC in each stitch around (40 SC)

Optional: slip stitch in each stitch around.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

Tie knot in the top of the hat.

Crocheted Heart:

I followed THIS pattern by Skip To My Lou but stopped after Round 1. Leave a long tail and sew

heart onto front of hat with tapestry needle.

- See more at:


Crochet Cupcake Hat Pattern

One of my good friends has a sweet 3 month old baby girl who sports the most adorable knitted

cupcake hat. The second I saw it, I knew I had to make a crocheted version! I had the vision in my

mind of how I was going to make it and am so excited that it turned out just how I had imagined

it. But I am going to warn you, this hat takes longer to put together than most of my others. There

are a lot of little embellishments and different stitches to make. Also, I am sure you guys were

hoping for all sizes but unfortunately I only have the 0-3 month size worked up right now. This one

took me awhile to figure out, so bear with me while I work on larger sizes.


- Worsted weight yarn in cream and brown. I used Ashland Bay Montana 100% Targhee wool

yarn doubled up for the main part of the hat and Loops & Threads Impeccable Yarn in soft

taupe for the bottom part of the cupcake. If you are using a regular worsted weight yarn like

Vanna's Choice you only need to use one strand (don't double up).

- Size H crochet hook

- Tapestry needle

- Colored yarn scraps for the sprinkles

- Red worsted weight yarn for the cherry


Magic Ring= Find the tutorial HERE

ST= Stitch

SC= Single Crochet


DC= Double Crochet

FPHDC= Front Post Half Double Crochet

BPHDC= Back Post Half Double Crochet

Cupcake Hat Pattern:

Size: 0-3 months

Magic Ring, chain 1, 9 HDC in ring, join, chain 1

Round 2: Work 2 HDC into each st around, join, chain 1 (18 HDC)

Round 3: 2 HDC in first stitch, HDC in next, Repeat around, join, chain 1 (27 HDC)

Round 4: 2 HDC in first stitch, HDC in next 2, Repeat around, join, chain 1 (36 HDC)

Round 5: 2 HDC in first stitch, HDC in next 3, Repeat around, join, chain 1 (45 HDC)

Round 6-9: HDC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (chain 3 at the end of round 9) (45 HDC)

Now you are going to make the shell edge...

Round 10: Make 4 DC in the same stitch as your chain 3, skip 2 stitches, SC, skip 2 stitches, *make 5

DC's all in one stitch, skip 2 stitches, SC, skip 2 stitches, repeat from * the rest of the way around.

Join to bottom of chain 3. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Round 11: Now it gets a little complicated. You are going to want to switch colors to brown (or

whatever you are using for the base of the cupcake) and join the yarn to round 9 (not the shell

edge). You will have to flip the shell edge up and look for the row of stitches from round 9. Chain 1

and HDC in each stitch around, join, chain 1. (You should end up with 45 HDC) It should look like


Round 12-14: FPHDC in first stitch, BPHDC in next, repeat around, join, chain 1 - See more at:


Now begin on first earflap as written below.

Earflap 1:

Chain 1, SC in next 10, chain 1, turn

Row 2: SC decrease, SC in next 6, SC decrease, chain 1, turn

Row 3: SC across (8 SC)

Row 4: SC decrease, SC in next 4, SC decrease, chain 1, turn

Row 5: SC across ( 6 SC)

Row 6: SC decrease, SC in next 2, SC decrease, chain 1, turn

Row 7: SC across (4 SC)

Row 8: Make 2 SC decreases, chain 1, turn

Row 9: SC decrease, fasten off, weave in ends

Earflap 2:

Leave 15 stitches in front

Join yarn, chain 1, SC in next 10, chain 1, turn

Row 2: SC decrease, SC in next 6, SC decrease, chain 1, turn

Row 3: SC across (8 SC)

Row 4: SC decrease, SC in next 4, SC decrease, chain 1, turn

Row 5: SC across ( 6 SC)

Row 6: SC decrease, SC in next 2, SC decrease, chain 1, turn

Row 7: SC across (4 SC)

Row 8: Make 2 SC decreases, chain 1, turn

Row 9: SC decrease, and continue to SC around hat and earflaps, when you get to the top of

each earflap: chain 40 (or as long/short as you wish), slip stitch in 2nd chain from hook and the

rest of the way down the chain. Continue to SC around the hat and fasten off when you get the

entire way around.

Crochet Cherry Pattern:

Magic Ring, chain 1, make 6 SC inside the magic ring, pull tight and continue to SC in rounds (do not join)

use a stitch marker if needed.

Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch around (12 SC)

Round 3-4: SC in each stitch around (12 SC)

Round 5: *SC decrease, SC, repeat from * the rest of the way around, join, and fasten off leaving long tail.

You should now have an opening at the end that you will need to stuff with extra yarn or a small amount of

poly-fil. Use the long tail to sew the cherry onto the top of the hat.


Use scraps of colored yarn (I used red, orange, mustard yellow, turquoise, light pink and purple) and with

your tapestry needle, sew the yarn on in random spots so they look like long sprinkles.

If you are anxious to make this hat in larger sizes and want to attempt it on your own, you can follow the

sizing increases on my gingerbread man hat. You will want the bottom part of your cupcake to be at least

4-6 rows long for larger hats so that is where you will make your FPHDC and BPHDC's. Follow the same

instructions as above for the shell edge as well. That will go on the row before you begin the bottom of the


- See more at:


Crochet Cupcake Keychain Pattern

These sweet little crochet cupcake keychains are quick to make and fun accessory! Could also

be used as an ornament, party favor, or zipper pull on a backpack. Be sure look at the picture

tutorials as well as the written pattern to see where to join the top and bottom pieces.


- Size G Crochet Hook

- Worsted weight yarn in white/cream, brown, red, and a couple different colors of scrap yarn for

the "sprinkles."

- Small round red bead. Mine are from a package of assorted wooden beads from

Michaels (THESE ONES).

- Tapestry needle

- Key ring


Magic Ring Tutorial

SC = Single Crochet

HDC = Half Double Crochet

SC Decrease = Single Crochet Decrease

Cupcake Keychain Pattern:

with white yarn...

Magic Ring, chain 1 and make 6 SC in ring, join to first SC and ch 1 (6 SC)

Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (12 SC)

Round 3-4: SC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (12 SC)

Round 5: in next stitch make 3 HDC, slip stitch in next, *3 HDC, slip stitch, repeat from * around, join,

fasten off and weave in ends. (6 scallops)

now working with brown yarn...

Round 6: join yarn to underside of round 4 (under the scallops), chain 1. SC in each stitch around.

(12 SC)

Round 7-8: SC in each stitch around. (12 SC)

At this point you will want to add on your sprinkles and bead cherry/keychain (see tutorial below).

Round 9: in back loops only, SC decrease, SC in next, repeat around. Fasten off leaving long tail.

Use your tapestry needle to sew the rest of the cupcake closed.

After you finish the top, you will want to connect your brown yarn to the loops that sit right under

the scallops. A little hard to see in my picture but I tried to mark a couple of them for you in the

picture below.

Before you get to round 9, you will want to add your "sprinkles," key ring, and bead "cherry." Take a

piece of red yarn, fold it in half and knot it around the key ring. Add your bead and make a knot

over the top of the bead. Then put it down the center top of your cupcake and secure it. The

sprinkles are made by making french knots with scrap yarn. HERE is a great tutorial on how to

make a french knot.

Now here is the best part of this project... DON'T weave in your ends!! You will use all the leftover

yarn that hangs out as the stuffing!

You will need to fasten off and weave in the bottom end (and the end from your scalloped

border) but that should be it!

Now you have yummy little cupcake keychains! Yay!

- See more at:


Crochet Clutch I am so excited to share with you my very own crochet pattern! It is very simple for those of you

who are beginning crocheters or a good first project for those of you who want to learn how to


I present to you, the Crochet Clutch!

It closes with two buttons on the front and the back is embellished with a flower appliqué. It is the

perfect size to hold credit cards, coupons, mints, make-up, pocket tissues, and much more! A

great accessory for your diaper bag or purse.

And because I like you guys so much, I am giving you the pattern for free!

Materials used: Vanna's Choice® medium worsted weight yarn Crochet hook size H-8 (5.0 mm) 2 buttons approx 3/4" (optional 3rd button for the back) Tapestry needle

Finished Size: 6.5 x 3.5 inches

Gauge: 14 stitches = 4 in.

Abbreviations: St: Stitch Ch: Chain

Sc: Single crochet


Chain 20 Stitches.

Row 1: Sc in second chain from hook and in each st across, chain 1, turn (19 st)

Row 2-30: Sc in first stitch and in each stitch across, chain 1, turn

Row 31: Sc in first two stitches, chain 2, skip one st, Sc 13, chain 2, skip one st, Sc in last two

stitches, Chain 1, turn

Row 32: Sc in first 2 stitches, 3 Sc in 2 chain loop, Sc 13, 3 Sc in 2 chain loop, Sc in last two stitches,

do not turn, do not fasten off.

Continue to Sc around all 3 edges (2 Sc in the corner stitches) until you get to the first stitch of Row

32. Join to first st in Row 32, finish off, weave in ends.


Fold so you are leaving a 2.5 inch flap on top. Sc side seams together, fasten off, weave in ends.

Turn inside out and sew buttons on front of pouch so they match up to the button holes.

Flower Applique: I used Alli Crafts Rounded Five-Petal 3" Flower Applique with a button in the center. Follow her free pattern or you

can choose to embellish as you wish.

This is my first time writing a pattern so let me know if they are any kinks or if you have questions! - See more at:

Card with Crochet Edging

Here is a nice way to embellish a plain note card. Use crochet edging and a sweet little blossom

flower. Add this personal touch to your next thank you or birthday card and I am sure it will be

great admired and appreciated!


- Plain note card: I purchased my plain note cards at Target. They are about 5.25x4" but you can

use any size note card.

- Fiskars 1/8 inch Hand Punch (you could also use a large hole punch but your holes will be bigger

but you can also use a larger crochet hook with larger holes)

- Size O (3.25mm) crochet hook

- Ruler (and pencil)

- Worsted weight yarn

- Cherry Blossom Flower (Tutorial HERE)

Attach yarn with a SC and chain 1. SC in next hole + chain 1, continue until end of card edge.

When you get to the last hole, chain 3 and turn.

Slip stitch in the same stitch as where you made your chain 3. Slip stitch in the next chain 1 space,

slip stitch in the next stitch and chain 3. Continue pattern until the end. Fasten off and weave in


Picot Pattern: Slip stitch in next 2 stitches, ch 3, Slip Stitch in same stitch as last slip stitch, repeat.

Glue (hot glue works great) your flower onto front of card. Use a stamp (like this "Thank You"

stamp) to add a greeting.

- See more at:


Sapatinho em crochet para bebê - PAP

Quer ver o passo a passo? clique em mais informações. RECEITA de Nélia Botelho



fio Carícia,

agulha nº 3 de crochet,

2 botões pequenos para o fecho

1ª - Fazer uma cadeia de 16 correntinhas .

2ª - No 4º ponto a partir da agulha fazer 4 pontos altos

Continua fazendo 11 pontos altos , 1 em cada ponto da montagem e ao chegar ao último faz

5 pontos altos na mesma correntinha para curva do outro lado.

Sempre com o direito voltado para si, continua mais 11 pontos do outro lado e prende com

ponto baixíssimo (bx) para fechar a volta. (32 pontos altos )

3º - Faz 3 correntinhas (conta como 1 pontos altos ) para subir e em cada pontos altos do

conjunto de 5 da curva faz 2, ficando com 10 pontos altos . Continua sempre à volta e ao

chegar ao lado oposto volta a fazer 2 pontos altos em cada pontos altos dos 5 da curva,

continua e fecha a volta com ponto bx.(42 pontos altos ).

4ª - Marcar os 2 pontos altos do centro das 2 curvas. Sobre estes fazer 2 pontos altos em cada

e no resto da volta sempre 1 pontos altos sobre o pontos altos da volta anterior.Fecha com

ponto bx (46 pontos altos ). A sola está pronta.

5ª - Com o direito voltado para si fazer pontos altos sobre pontos altos , mas fazendo por trás

para ficar uma nervura em toda a volta da sola.

No fim desta volta rematar as duas últimas argolas da laçada já com o branco para fazer a

lateral do sapato.

6º e 7º - Sempre pontos altos sobre pontos altos em branco e no fim cortar o fio.

No final desta fazer as seguintes marcações: entre os 2 pontos altos da curva mais distante do

fecho da volta, onde vai ser a frente do sapato (marca que fiz em verde).A partir daí contar

12 pontos altos para cada lado e atar um pouco de lã, marca que fiz em amarelo.

Assim os 24 são para a frente, restando 22 para o calcanhar.

8ª - Prender o fio logo a seguir à marca amarela e sobre os 22 (calcanhar) fazer 2 voltas

de pontos altos ( uma será pelo direito - volta, a outra pelo avesso.

No fim desta 2ª volta continuar com um cordão de 14 correntinhas, voltar e no 5º correntinha a

partir da agulha fazer 1 ponto baixo. (fica um buraquinho que será a casa para o botão). Fazer 1

ponto baixo sobre os restantes correntinha , continuando sobre os pontos altos do calcanhar.

Deixar de lado o fio branco.

Para o redondo da frente: atar o fio azul ao pontos altos logo a seguir ao calcanhar e fazer 1

ponto baixo. Ir fazendo os seguintes de 2 em 2. Ficam 11 , mais 1 ponto baixo no último. Voltar, 1

ponto baixo e voltar a fazer de 2 em 2. Ficam 5, mais 1 ponto baixo no último. Voltar, 1 ponto

baixo, faz de 2 em 2 e 1 ponto baixo no último. Cortar o fio.

Retomar o fio branco deixado de lado no calcanhar e continuar o ponto baixo à volta do peito

do pé. Cortar o fio.

Pregar o botão e pôr um lacinho. ( aqui a decoração fica a seu gosto). Terminado o pé

esquerdo fazer o outro, mas com a tira de atar do outro lado.

Para isso , ao terminar a 2ª volta do calcanhar, prender do lado oposto um fio novo com 14


continuar o ponto baixo sobre apenas 9 pontos e saltar para o último de modo a ficar o

buraquinho para a casa.

E, aqui estão os 2 sapatinhos. Embora tenha uma explicação maior, são fáceis e rápidos de

