Real Estate Registration Project Dr. Shahin M. Panahov PMU Manager UNECE Working Party on Land...


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Real Estate Registration ProjectReal Estate Registration Project

Dr. Shahin M. PanahovPMU Manager

UNECE Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA) International Workshop on “Efficient and Transparent Land Management in ECE Countries”

Baku, Azerbaijan, 4 - 5 March 2010


Presentation contents:

1. Map of Azerbaijan2. Land Structure In the Republic of Azerbaijan3. WB/IFC Report Doing Business 2008 - 20094. Main RE Management Challenges 5. Project objectives6. Timeframe/area7. WB Country Partnership Strategy

for the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2007-20108. Implementing Agencies9. Project Institutional and implementation arrangements10. PMU11. Project components (A, B, C and D)12. IAs and components13. Report on RER Grant Project14. A. Real Estate Registration15. B. State Property Management and Register16. C. Base Mapping and Land Cadastre 17. D. Training, Policy Development and Project Management 18. Project Implementation Challenges19. Other Donors20. Next Steps




AREA by ArmeniaAREA by Armenia - 20%- 20%

Land Structure In the Republic of Azerbaijan

57 % of land belong to the state 23 % of land belong to municipalities 20 % privatized

WB/IFC Report Doing Business 2008-2009comparing regulations in ~180 countries

Azerbaijan: 2008 2009 Overall rating 96 33 Registering property (rank) 63 9 Procedures (number) 7 4 Time (days) 61 11 Cost (% of property value) 0, 2 0,3

Main RE Management Challenges

the lack of legal security for real estate inefficient transaction processes poor management in the development of urban areas discrepancies between real location and land parcel maps poorly functioning real estate market no valuation methodology institutional, etc

Real Estate Registration (RER) Project

Cost: 30 mln USD (loan) 8,5 mln USD (Azerbaijan contribution)

Timeframe: RER PHRD Grant Project: 22 February 2007 - 22 September

2007 RER Loan Project: 23 September 2007 – 28 February 2013 Area: The whole area of Azerbaijan (except but occupied by Armenia)

Project objectives

reliable, transparent & efficient RE registration system, supporting the real property markets & suitable systems for the State property management;

a single automated system, all information about the location of i/property and the rights relating to that property;

all information about RE is readily available to the public;

the base mapping will provide a complete record of all property, whether officially recorded or not

WB - The Country Partnership Strategy (CPS)

for the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2007-2010

outlines four higher level CPS objectives for Azerbaijan:

1. public sector management and prevention of corruption;

2. sustainable growth of the non-oil economy;

3. improved quality and access to social services; and

4. improved environmental management

World Bank Team

Mr. Gavin Adlington – Task ManagerMr. Gurcharan SinghMr. Rufiz Chiragzade

Ms. Alexandra Montealegre Mr. Norpulad Daniyarov

WB Web Link:


Project components

A. Real Estate Registration (SCPI)

B. State Property Management and Register (SCPI)

C. Base Mapping and Land Cadastre (SLCC)

D. Training, Policy Development and Project Management (PMU)

Implementing Agencies and

Project Components


Implementing Agencies

Component A.

Real Estate Registration

(43% of project

costs )

Component B.

State Property Management and Register

(12% of project costs)

Component C.

Base Mapping and Land Cadastre

(35% of project costs)

Component D.

Training, Policy Development and Project Management

(1(10% 0% of project costs))

SCPI (former SSRRE)88%


SCPI (former SCMSP)57%




Project Institutional and implementation arrangements

Project Steering Committee (established 24 August 2007, updated 27 august 2009 ) Comprises: 2 IAs and Ministries of Justice, Finance, Taxes and Economic Development (total 7 government officials).

Minister of Finance Mr. Samir Sharifov is a PSC chairperson.

Met 6 times to discuss urgent Project issues

A Project Director, appointed by Government (Mr. Damet Bagirov, Head of the SSRRE under SCPI, 27 August 2009)

Project Management Unit (PMU) located within the SSRRE under SCPI

The two implementing agencies’ (IAs) Component Coordinators

Project Work Groups (İCT, RE C&R, RE Market Study, Orthophotomapping &CORS, & Training, public awareness, etc)

Project Management Unit - PMU

1. PMU Manager2. Training Manager3. Procurement Specialist4. Procurement Assistant5. Finance Specialist6. Office Manager7. Translator8. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist9. IT assistant10. Training Manager’s Assistant


THE STRUCTURE AND THE SUBORDINATED BODIES OF THE SCPIEstablished on 19 May and approved by the Decree dated 24

June 2009 of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Structural bodies of the SCPI1. Apparatus of the State Committee on Property Issues of the

Republic of Azerbaijan; 2. State Service for Registration of Real Estate under the State

Committee on Property Issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan ; 3. Auction Center for Organization of Auctions under the State

Committee on Property Issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan; 4. Territorial Units of the State Committee on Property Issues of

the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Subordinated Bodies of the SCPI

1. Real Estate Cadastre and Technical Inventory-Making Center;

2. Information Technologies and Information Management Center;

3. Territorial Units of the State Service for Registration of Real Estate under the State Committee on Property Issues of the Azerbaijan Republic;

4. Production and Service Enterprises Management Center.

State Land and Cartography Committee (SLCC)

SLCC (established in 1992/April 2001) is responsible for (i) land design works, (ii) geodesy and cartography field works, (iii) maintaining the land cadastre and issuing land ownership certificates (this function

is transferred to SRRE under SCPI), (iv) aerial photography, (v) production and printing of maps.

The SLCC has 4 departments: 1. State Land Design Institution, 2. State Land Cadastre and Monitoring Scientific Center, 3. State Aero Geodetic Enterprise, and 4. Baku Cartographic Factory.

The overall budget of the Committee for 2006 was around $ 10 mln

Report on RER Grant Project

PMU established, functional

Research conducted and Reports submitted:

RE Registration and Cadastre (Kadastre Intl, Netherlands); ICT/IM for Unified RE Cad. & Reg. System (DHV, Netherlands); RE Market and Customer Analysis (BaltKonsults, Latvia);

Orthophotomapping (preparations)

RER Loan Project Components Component A: Real Estate Registration


A.1 Construction of new buildings, renovating existing buildings;A.2 Development of the Unified RE Cadastre & Registration System – URECRS; A.3 On-line services to Notaries;A.4 Creation of the digital RE Cadastre Maps (for 40 000 sq km);A.5 Document Management, Entry & Archiving Paper Records into new Systems;

A.6 Regularization of developments, Illegal constructions;A.7 Property Valuation/Taxation;A.8 Maintenance of the Real Estate Cadastre and Private Sector development;A.9 Public Awareness;A.10 Business Plan development.

Component B: State Property Management and Register

The objective of this component is to support improvements in the

management of state property.

This will be achieved by


B.1 improving the administrative systems and service delivery;

B.2 improving the automated SPMS;

B.3 technical support to SCMSP.

Component C: Base Mapping and Land Cadastre

The objective is to provide the basic geodetic, mapping and cadastral data for the automated property registration and SPMS


C.1 Establishing 37 Continuously Operating Reference Stations CORS;

C.2 Production of orthophotomaps through satellite and aerial imagery;

C. 3 Development of land parcel maps;

C. 4 Improving the sustainability of the services.

Component D: Training, Policy Development and Project Management

The objective is to support project implementation and monitoring:

D.1 Training; A Training Center established within the SSRRE;

D.2 Developing a joint ICT/ information management strategy;

D.3 Policy and legislative development, Establishment of Law Center;

D.4 Project Management Unit (PMU);

D.5 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).

Project’s Main Implementation Challenges

OFM CORS-AZPOS URECRS How to Address Illegal Constructions New Cadastre Law Procurement (Intl and Natl tenders on works, goods

& consultants)


• Financed by Govt, national procurement procedures• WB reviews tech specifications & quality control • 2007, Mr. Lyn Holstein’s and Ms. Karin Haldrup’s missions to Baku • MOU signed by SSRRE, SLCC, SCMSP & PMU (2007)• Turkish companies submitted quotas for flight & mapping• INDIS and Inta Space (Turkey) companies selected & contracts

implemented successfully• SECO experts selected 22 man/months (2008-2013)

Other Donors

SECO (Swiss Confederation) (22 man/months) KfW (Germany) (Sheki and Ganja) USAID and ACDI/VOCA OSCE Korean Embassy in Baku Norwegian Mapping Agency

For more on RER Project


WB Real Estate Registration Project Azerbaijan, AZ1073, Baku31, Huseyn Javid Avenue Phone: (+994 12) 510 91 45Fax:     (+994 12) 510 91 47E-mail:

Thank you!

