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READY TO RECRUIT? 1. Submit a job description to the Co-operative Education (Co-op) Office by e-mail or fax.

The job description should at minimum include the following information:

• Work Term Commencement date (i.e. January, May, or September)

• Co-op Position Title

• Hours per week

• Number of positions available

• Job Description (please provide details of the position or project)

• Job Qualifications (please include required levels of knowledge both technical and personal skills)

• Any other relevant information (such as career development of training provided)

• Details of documentation required (cover letter, resume, grades)

• Submission deadline 2. Review the cover letters and resumes of applicants and choose the most qualified

candidates to interview. Interviews can be coordinated by you or the Co-op Office can host you on campus.

3. Make an offer to the successful candidate. The student will then start the registration process by asking that a representative of the organization complete a work term agreement.


Academic Term Registration Deadline Term Commences

Fall 2019 September 3, 2019 September 4, 2019

Winter 2020 January 7, 2020 January 8, 2020

Spring/Summer 2020 May 1, 2020 May 4, 2020

CO-OP OFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION MacEwan University, Room 5-238, 10700 – 104 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4S2 Phone: 780.633.3496 Toll Free: Dial 1.888.497.4622, ext 3496 E-mail: Fax: 780.633-3684



❖ Submitted to Co-op office prior to commencement of the work term


❖ Provided to the student as a guide for establishing learning objectives.

Students are instructed to draft learning objectives in partnership with their



❖ Supervisor is asked to complete an assessment of the student at the end

of the placement.


❖ Students are required to provide their supervisor an opportunity to read

their work term report prior to the end of the work term in order that he/she

may sever any confidential information which they do not want included in

the report.



All job descriptions must be approved in MacEwanLife before a work term agreement issubmitted. If you have not done so already, submit your job description to for approval. If approved, you will be advised of the Job ID number and you can proceed to submit the work term agreement.

This work term agreement must be signed by your employer and uploaded in MacEwanLife.


MacEwanLife Job ID Number:

Academic Term: YEAR:





Company Name:

Street Address: City:

Province: Postal Code:

Supervisor’s Details **Important**

Name: Position/Title:

Telephone: E-mail:

Supervisor Address: (if different than Company Address above)

Street Address: City:

Province: Postal Code:


Personal Information Collection Notification The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP”) and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. It will be used as part of the Bachelor of Commerce, Co-op placement processes and activities. It will be placed on file along with all related documentation in the academic program coordinating the Co-op placements and retained for a minimum of one year from the date of completion of the activity. Direct questions expressly related to the collection and use of this information to the Co-op Advisor, Bachelor of Commerce, MacEwan University, 10700-104 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5J 4S2, telephone 780-633-3496.

P a g e | 2 of 2


Expected Duration: Start Date: End Date:

Expected Hours Per Week:

NOTE: Student must work a minimum of 480 hours from the start date to the end date of the academic term in which they are enrolled


We confirm that this is an offer for paid employment


We acknowledge that as a partner with MacEwan University in this work term placement, submission and/or review of the following documents by the prescribed deadlines (to be confirmed with Supervisor) is required:

Be available for a work site visit (coordinated with supervisor by the Coordinator – Cooperative Education)

Approve student’s work term report prior to submission

Complete student evaluation

We have agreed to the work placement job description and details as indicated above.

Signed on this day of , 20 .

By: _______________________________ ___________, Employer signature Employer position/title

Additional Comments: SAMPLE

COOP 395

Assignment 2: Learning Objectives


Review the Learning Goal Identification Form you completed for Assignment 1

with your supervisor and create at least five specific learning objectives related to

the goals you identified as follows: two knowledge/technical objectives, two soft

skill objectives, and one career exploration objective.

Use the fillable Word document S.M.A.R.T. Learning Objectives Action Plan

template (attached in the Assignment 2 in the Assignments area on Blackboard)

to guide you through the detailed analysis of your objective outlined in the

module. Ensure that your objective begins with a specific action verb and includes

all key elements. When identifying the cognitive level from Bloom’s taxonomy,

provide a rationale for your choice.

Your supervisor will be familiar with your role and the anticipated scope of your

duties, so their input will be particularly helpful in determining the achievable and

relevant aspects of your objectives.

Marking Criteria (Rubric)

Assignment 2 must be completed and will be assessed as Completed

Requirement (CR) or Not Completed Requirements (NCR). You should review the

rubric file that you downloaded from within Assignment 2 in the Assignments area

through the course navigation menu and ensure your analysis is completed

satisfactorily at least at the competent level in the rubric.

Late assignments will not be accepted and will result in a grade of NCR.


Due date: See Course Outline

IMPORTANT: When you have completed this assignment, save it so that the

document contains your name and identifies the assignment. For example, if your

name is John Smyth, you would call your document: Smyth_Assignment2.doc

S.M.A.R.T. Learning Objective Action Plan Template –COOP 395 (See module for samples)

Knowledge/Technical Objective #1

General Description of Learning Focus

Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Level: (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating) Include a rationale for why this is the appropriate level for the objective you have described. Keep in mind that Bloom’s taxonomy is hierarchical meaning that a learning at the higher levels is dependent upon the lower-level skills. Accordingly, the level you choose will be the highest level that is applicable to your objective. You will only enter that highest level objective and include the rationale fro why it is applicable.

Action Plan Detail each relevant task or step that will be required to accomplish this objective. Think about whom you may need to consult or partner with to complete the tasks as well.

Timeline(s) Choose a specific date within the current academic term. The date chosen should be the time at which you confidently believe it is appropriate to pause and assess how your achievement of your objective is progressing.

Measures of Success Identify how you will analyze your progress toward achieving your objective. Measure should relate to assessment of what you have learned as opposed to successful completion of a specific task. Some examples: Artefacts (completed document, successful implementation of new process), feedback (from mentor or peer), anecdotal records (notes in work term journal, summary of analysis you have conducted)

Putting it all Together: Complete S.M.A.R.T. Objective Now create your complete S.M.A.R.T. Objective. Remember to include all the key elements. Start objective with a specific verb that clearly identifies the skill you are focusing on. Provide a description of how you will develop that skill along with how the objective will be measured which includes an indication of how, by whom, and the timeline

Soft Skill Objective #1

General Description of Learning Focus

Soft-skill Strategy We have discussed the fact that when creating objectives related to soft-skill goals it is important to identify a strategy in order to make it specific and measurable. Identify the strategy you have chosen to explore.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Level: (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating) Include a rationale for why this is the appropriate level for the objective you have described. Keep in mind that Bloom’s taxonomy is hierarchical meaning that a learning at the higher levels is dependent upon the lower-level skills. Accordingly, the level you choose will be the highest level that is applicable to your objective. You will only enter that highest level objective and include the rationale fro why it is applicable.

Action Plan Detail each relevant task or step that will be required to accomplish this objective. Think about whom you may need to consult or partner with to complete the tasks as well.

Timeline(s) Choose a specific date within the current academic term. The date chosen should be the time at which you confidently believe it is appropriate to pause and assess how your achievement of your objective is progressing.

Measures of Success Identify how you will analyze your progress toward achieving your objective. Measure should relate to assessment of what you have learned as opposed to successful completion of a specific task. Some examples: Artefacts (completed document, successful implementation of new process), feedback (from mentor or peer), anecdotal records (notes in work term journal, summary of analysis you have conducted)

Putting it all Together: Complete S.M.A.R.T. Objective Now create your complete S.M.A.R.T. Objective. Remember to include all the key elements. Start objective with a specific verb that clearly identifies the skill you are focusing on. Provide a description of how you will develop that skill along with how the objective will be measured which includes an indication of how, by whom, and the timeline

COOP 295 Evaluation


• We encourage you to discuss your evaluation with the student before s/he completes

the COOP 295 work experience course. Our students welcome feedback on their job

performance and see constructive criticism as part of the learning process.

• MacEwan University also welcomes feedback on our Co-operative Education Stream.

Please use the box on the last page to record your comments.

• Please complete this evaluation before the end of the COOP 295 work term.

How is the student meeting or not meeting your expectations?

To what extent has the student become proficient with job duties and work processes?

Please comment on the student’s ability to set high standards for his/her own personal performance; strive for quality work; put forth extra effort to ensure quality work.

What are his/her strengths?

Please comment on the student’s interpersonal, communication, and teamwork skills

What areas do you feel the student could improve upon and how could they improve in these areas?

Please comment on the student’s ability to accept constructive feedback or criticism when it is given

Overall Performance

Excellent Consistently exceeds expectations for performance.

Good Sometimes exceeds expectations for performance.

Satisfactory Meets expectations for performance.

Needs Improvement Needs to improve performance

Unsatisfactory Does not meet expectations for performance.

Other Comments

This evaluation has been discussed with the student.

Yes No

Employer comments on MacEwan University Co-operative Education Stream (curriculum, pre-employment preparation, co-op services, etc.)


COOP 295 Work Term Report Guidelines

Audience and Purpose

Co-operative Education (Co-op) work term reports should be written to

“communicate ideas effectively to employers, who will benefit from its contents,

and those responsible for the reports evaluation [a MacEwan faculty member]”

(CAFCE, 2005).

The purpose of the co-op work term report is:

• facilitating an understanding of the employer's organization and work


• enhancing the student's integration of practical experience and

theoretical concepts

• aid in the development of the student's communication skills

• provide an opportunity for an employer to recognize research, analytical,

and written/oral communication skills in a co-op student

• assist in the development of learning objectives for subsequent work terms

(CAFCE, 2005)

General Instructions

Students are required to complete a work term report for each work term

course. Reports will be approximately 5 to 7 pages (these are general guidelines

and exclude title page and table of contents), typed, 1.5 spacing, and should


• title page with your name and position title, company name, course name

and number, semester, and date submitted

• table of contents and numbered pages

• appropriate headings and subheadings

• a quality of writing that is professional (remember that your employer will

receive a copy) and equivalent to what you would submit in an academic

course in terms of writing, grammar, spelling, and structure (i.e., should be

organized in a logical manner with good sentence flow and paragraph


• citations and references as per APA Style standards



Report Content Guidelines

Your work term report will be context specific—that is, the specific way that your

report will turn out will depend on your specific job and the nature of your work.

However, all work term reports should at least address the following:

• Company/Organization Discussion: Discuss, in your own words, the

primary business of the company/organization you work for, and any

other information you deem to be relevant, such as the nature of the

work they do. Include a brief description of the organization culture and

a description of the organization or the department that you worked in.

Address how the department relates to the overall company structure.

• Position/Role Discussion: Describe your position in the context of your

immediate work group and your responsibilities and in the context of how

it fits into and contributes to the overall organization. Discuss any other

information you deem to be relevant, such as the nature of your job and

what you have discovered about the competencies required for this

role. Think about the competency research you completed and how

your experience has confirmed or expanded on that examination.

• Outcomes (Projects or Tasks): Describe, in more depth than asked for

above, a specific project you were part of or one or more specific tasks

that were prominent in your job. You may discuss tasks you liked

particularly well or found yourself adept at, ways in which things were

different than you expected, or whatever you see to be of significance.

This section should be where a lot of the substance of your report comes

from—it should include analysis (discussing what things mean, how they

relate to each other, evaluating effectiveness, etc.) and original thinking

(i.e., you are describing things in your own words and according to your

own analysis).

• Learning Analysis: Review your work term journal and reflective

assignments and thoughtfully consider what you have learned during this

work term. Provide detailed information about the experiences and

lessons you reference. Consider learning in a number of areas:

o performance (new software you have used, a new process you have been introduced to, or a project you were involved in). Ensure that you not only describe the experience but indicate what you learned from it.

o skill development (examine new skills you have developed and provide a detailed analysis of how you developed the skills)

o insight you have gained about career opportunities



In conducting your analysis, ensure that you address all the elements of

sound reflective practice that we have highlighted in COOP 295.

For each example of learning that you analyze, provide a detailed

examination of what evidence you have of that learning. Measures of

your learning can be any data that provides a means to demonstrate

what you have learned. Some examples: a summary of notes or

thoughts, a brief about a topic that you explored, a sample of a

document that you have prepared using new software, or a notation of

feedback received.

Important Note: If the evidence you choose is a document, you can

simply state that it is the evidence you would select. You are not

required to attach the document, particularly if it would reveal

confidential information.

• Career Analysis: Consider what insight you have gained from your

supervisor, co-workers, and experiences, for example, what did you learn

about effective communication, teamwork, and leadership? Also think of

insight you gained and the skills that you may apply in your practices as

you progress in your career; for example, what insight have you gained

about effective practice from your experience?

• Personal Reflection: Reflect upon your co-op work term and provide a

thoughtful discussion of what you learned about yourself. You should

include a detailed analysis of insight you have gained into your

personality and values as well as how you see your academic and work

career ahead of you after completing this work term. This section is

open to your own creativity and judgment—you may discuss tasks you

liked particularly well or found yourself adept at, ways in which things

were different than you expected, or whatever you see to be of


This section, in particular, should include references related to all the

themes and domains of critical reflection that we have discussed in

COOP 295.


The work term report must be completed and will be assessed as a Completed

Requirement/Not Completed Requirement (CR/NCR) basis. The report must be

completed satisfactorily to be assessed a grade of CR.

Late assignments will not be accepted and will be assessed a grade of NCR.

See grading rubric in the document COOP295_WorkTermReport_Rubric.pdf. You

can download a copy from the Assignments area.




For confidentiality purposes, you must submit your work term report to your

supervisor for their review and approval before you submit it on Blackboard.

Your employer must sign the Work Term Review Confirmation form that

acknowledges they have been given the opportunity to read in order to

amend and/or remove any confidential or sensitive business details from your

work term report that they do not wish to be disclosed to the University for

purposes of academic evaluation.

Additional Tips

Your report writing can provide a great learning window. Bean (2001) notes that

“the writing process itself provides one of the best ways to help students learn

the active, dialogic thinking skills valued in academic life.” Indeed, writing

requires one to reflect upon and to deeply understand their topic in order to be

able to effectively communicate it. Use this report-writing process as an

opportunity for you to deepen your learning and develop key skills!

When writing your report, please do not try to complete it in one, or even two,

sittings. Please start early and develop your report. Again, from Bean (2001),

“the actual act of writing causes further discovery, development, and

modification of ideas.” In other words, prepare drafts and re-organize as

needed, and make sure that your report is clear and succinct; content that is

not clear or is without relevance does not add value and should not be in the


For help with your writing or citation, you check access these resources:

Writing help

Writing and Learning Services are generally

available at:

Mon - Fri between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

City Centre Campus

10700 104 Ave, Room 7-112A, (780) 497-5064


APA style

For resources on APA, visit the

Library website for detailed


Enjoy your work term and take pride in the writing of your report and the

learning process it provides.

Good Luck!




There are two important deadlines to be aware of with respect to the work term

report. Check the Course Outline or online Calendar or the description in the

Assignments area for exact dates.

• Deadline to provide the work term report to your supervisor for their


• Deadline to submit the final, edited, approved work term report on


IMPORTANT: Save your report with a file name that contains your name and

identifies the assignment. For example, if your name is John Smyth, you would

call your document Smyth_WorkTermReport.doc (or docx).

To submit your work, select Assignments located on the course navigation menu

and choose Assignment 5: Work Term Report.

To attach your work, use the Browse My Computer button to locate your file and

then click Submit.


Bean, J. C. (2001). Engaging ideas: The professor’s guide to integrating writing,

critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom. San Francisco, CA:

John Wiley & Sons.

Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE). (2005). Co-

operative education manual: A guide to planning and implementing co-

operative education programs in post-secondary institutions. Retrieved


