Reach your peak in 2011


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REACH YOUR PEAK IN 2011START: Monday Jan. 10thENDS: Sunday March 6th

TEAMS of 4 Choose a division: Elite, 50+, or standard Points are awarded for time spent doing an activity Each team member records points for the day’s activities Points=feet and are added up to “Reach the Peak” of 1 of 3 peaks Teams are responsible for their points and must turn them in on a

weekly basis. Points accepted up to one week late. No points accepted after Monday, March 7, 2011.

Points will be added up and posted on Monday. Points add up over the course of 8 weeks as teams try to “Reach

their Peak”

3 Choices of Peaks

Mt. Mckinley Mauna Kea Mt Mitchell 20,320 ft 13,796ft 6, 684ft
