Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


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  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    RE-LIVE! @Heartland Venue : Choa Chu Kang

    Date : 22 September 2010 6 Oc tober


  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    No. Contents Page

    1. Introduction- Histo ry o f RE-Live !

    - Ra tiona le of d oing RE-Live! @ Heartland

    - Objec tives

    - Ac hievem ents


    2. What had happe ned? 6

    3. Positive Impac ts 9

    4. Areas of imp rove me nt 11

    5. Partne ring Orga nisa tion 13

    6.Conclusion 17

    7. Appendix 18

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    1.1 History of RE-Live!RE-Live! wa s sta rted to ma rk Singa pore s Youth a nd Environm ent day in

    c onjunct ion with World Environm ent Day a s ded ic a ted by the United Nations

    on the 5th June of eve ry yea r.

    1.1.1 In its ma iden yea r (2008), the event w as held at The Atrium whe re

    it saw tog ethe r about 100,000 me mb ers of the public ove r the span

    of 11 da ys. The e vent a lso b roug ht toge ther ove r 150 young lea ders

    with its them e fo c using on e nergy efficienc y, spec ific a lly green

    transportation, and water conservation.

    1.1.2 In 2009, RE-Live! @ Bug is saw to gether ove r 20,000 mem bers of the

    pub lic over the spa n of 3 d ays eng ag ing ab out 300 youth lea de rs.

    1.2Rationale of doing RE-Live! @Heartland

    1.2.1 The event is mo nthly held in loc a tions whe re young peo ple ha ng

    out to b e a ble to m aximize its prominence and pe netrate into the

    youth com munity.

    1.2.2 As the wo rd Re-live sta te its ow n m ea ning (i.e.) to rethink the w ay

    you live, it is an op portunity g iven to us on ho w to ac t e ffic iently to

    save our environme nt a nd to ac hieve sustainab le de velopme nt.

    1.2.3 The ac c essib ility for the public to this eve nt in the Hea rtland wa s

    easy a nd co mfortab le.

    1.2.4 To a ttrac t more c row ds into the e xhib ition, we ha d insta lled a sma ll

    bazaar of no t more than 15 sta lls. All the sta lls we re ec o-friend ly and

    sold the ir p rod uc ts without p roviding a ny plastic bags to c rea te

    aw areness am ong pub lic .

    1.2.5 In the e xhibition w e d ivide d the e duc ation fram ew ork for

    sustainable consumption in everyday lifestyle into the following


    Biodiversity Energy





  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng 1.3 Objectives:

    To g ive the p ublic a cha nce to understand the c once pt

    of re-thinking the w ay you live .

    To a llow the p ublic to learn ab out the ma ny wa ys in c ontributing to be


    To ensure the pub lic prac tic e w hat they ha d lea rnt.

    1.4 Achievements:We a re p lea sed to share that w e ha ve d one o ur be st in ma king the event a s

    ec o friend ly as possible with quite a hand ful of m ea sures. Therefo re, apa rt

    from the exhib ition area , one of the key efforts we have p ut in is to b e a ble to

    have the b azaa r more e c o friend ly. Other than offsetting for the event, we

    hop e to we ave in slow ly the g reen me ssage s. How eve r, we w ere a lso w ell

    aw are it would b e imp ossible to cha nge everything. Instea d, we have takenmo re of inc rem enta l step s to slow ly influenc e o f pa rtner.

    We a re p lea sed to ha ve do ne the follow ing:

    Have pa rtic ipa ting vendo rs (non-food ) to give out reusab le b ag s we

    have spec ia lly printed for the event so residents a round the a rea c an

    bring the ir own b ag s We ha ve informed the d rink sta lls as well to p rovide support for mem bers

    of the public who b ring their ow n b ottles to fill up the d rinks instea d of

    pu rc hasing from buying d ispo sab les c ups

    Bring ing in o f Hybrid Ca rs

    Having an op erato r to sell p lan ts

    Putting up informat ion p anels (18 of them) around on environm enta lmessages

    Gene rato r po wered b y biodiesel

    Lea rning from the setup in Tamp ines p rior, we rec og nized tha t b eing a n

    environme nta l the me d (d esp ite we d idn't p ut in the word ENVIRONMENT in

    any of t he he ader), pe op le usua lly will detour from our site. The at trac tion

    c om es if there a re things to buy or even fo od . Therefore in the new site, we

    had propo sed to have the e xhibition just b ehind the food sales with a c lea r

    c a rpet walkway towa rds our area. Also, we spec ific ally put in add itional

    interac tive m od ules and vide os so the pub lic c an play a round with it.

    The response from the p ub lic ha s bee n gene rally po sitive. The w hole event

    drew a bo ut 10,000 me mb ers of the p ublic while we have m ana ge d to

    enga ge ab out 40-60 cap tive a udience on the we ekdays and ab out 100 on

    the w eekend s.

    In fac t, we are p lea sed to share tha t w ithin the wee k da ys, we ha ve stude nts

    b ringing their friend s to the e xhib it to ge t involved in the quiz we have

    c rea ted . And there a re reside nts nea rby as we ll bring their ow n neighb ours to

    c hec k it out. They have found them m ea ningful and we ha ve b een fortunate

    to ha ve them c ap tured in our da tab ase which w e will be follow ing up

    promp tly on.

    Pic tures of the e vent c an b e found at follow ing link:

    http :// ec otv.smug mug .co m/ Stree t-Sc ene s/ Re-Live-Hea rtland s-CCK-Oc t10/ 13943152_MYXJG# 1024153967_9vjLK
  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    This event , as me ntione d d uring our introd uc tion, is a youth led initia tiveevent tha t a ims to e duc ate the p ublic reg arding the six aspe c ts of the

    environm ent a nd w ha t they, as ind ividua ls c an d o to c ontribute, ma king Singa pore a

    greener city tha n it wa s befo re.

    This sec tion w ill be d ivide d into three pa rts;

    Arrang em ents ma de prior to the e vent,

    The event set up and its c onte nt a nd

    Our ob servation.

    2.1 Arrangem ents Mad e Prior to Event:2.1.1 Working hours

    The e vent usua lly sta rts a t 12 pm and c loses a round 10 pm. Vendors a re to sellthe ir p roduc ts during these ho urs.

    2.1.2 Volunteers

    The vo luntee rs c am e in shift basis and it w as ma de tha t a t least tw o o f them

    we re p resent in the information c ounter always to g uide and help the pub lic in

    answe ring the que stionnaire.

    2.2 The Event Set UpThe set up of t he e vent is simp le, a llowed peo p le t o w a lk around with suffic ient

    space. At the entranc e a rea , the first thing the y see will be the TV which show ed

    the m any d ifferent c lips relating to the e nvironm ent. This wa s to a ttrac t the public

    into c om ing into the e vent.

    The table c onsisting o f a b rief d esc rip tion of o ur event and the questionnaires we re

    near the entranc e too .

    The informa tion c ounte r wa s c lea rly visib le to the pub lic when they step in. The

    informa tion c ounte r wa s not o nly used to d isc uss with the p ub lic informa tion ab out

    the eve nt and the q uestionna ire b ut also to display the produc ts ma de by the


    Partners in this eve nt ha ve the ir ow n panels located a t the p erime ter of the e vent.

    2.2.1 Panel Arrangements

    The e vent wa s set in a wa y whe re the re w ere six pa nels, eac h c onta ining the

    d ifferent a spe c ts of the environm ent. The six pa nels are a rrange d in hexago n

    shape eac h so a s to a llow the public to rea d it w ith ea se. The p anels a re

    arrang ed such tha t pub lic have a mp le spa c e to w alk around w hile read ing it.

    (Left) Information banners Water (Right) Information banners Food

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng 2.2.2 Mo vie AreaIn this event, we ad de d a spa c e for the p ublic to sit a nd

    wa tc h a series of d oc umenta ry and movie relating to

    environme ntal c onc erns and ed uca tion.

    2.2.3 Pen your thoug hts a rea

    On two of the p ane ls, we alloc ate d tw o spa c es for the p ublic to write d own

    their c ontributions on the wa ys they save wa ter usag e and wha t they ha ve

    done in sav ing the environm ent.

    2.2.4 Exhibition Content

    As mentioned , the p ane ls are c ate go rized ac c ording to different aspe c ts of

    the environm ent; wa ter, foo d , energy, wa ste, shelter and b iod iversity.

    Eac h o f these pa nels c onta in the de finitions of the ir own, the c urrent situa tion

    now , the imp ortanc e o f these a spe c ts to o ur lives and w ha t we , ind ividua ls c an

    do to c ontribute to a b etter environme nt.

    2.3Our ObservationDuring the a fternoon p eriod , the crow d w ould b e no rma l. It usua lly c onta ins sc hoo l

    c hild ren a nd e lder peo ple. But their ea ge rness to p a rticipa te in the exhib ition wa s

    higher com pa red to other peop le.

    Most o f the p ublic will arrive d uring the e vening time whe n there is a sc reening of


    The m ost highlighted feature of the event w as a b ic ycle which p rod uce s energy

    by rid ing it. Som e o f the d evice s tha t it co uld run we re light bu lb , sma ll fan a nd a


    After finishing the questionnaire, public mo ves to the informat ion counte r to know

    the c orrec t a nswe rs and c ollec t their gifts which inc lude a ene rgy saving t ips

    bo okmark, an e c o b ad ge and a lanyard, rec yclab le b ag or pen. Public were

    mo stly interested in the ec olog ic al p rob lem s.

    Public would b rowse through the ed uca tiona l vide o c lips that w ere ad de d in a

    playlist throug h the c omp uters plac ed nea r the entranc e.

    (Left)Young kid trying out the bicycle to light up the light bulbs and radio (Middle)Information

    counter to educate public (Right) Free Movie screening

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng The pa rtne rs of t his eve nt w ere usua lly p resent in the e ven ing

    time and sha re their idea s and p rod uc ts with the pub lic .

    When there were fewer crowds, the volunteers will go to the ne a rby

    Ma ll, MRT sta tions to b ring the p ub lic to this event . During c losing time , the

    voluntee rs wo uld ve rify the stoc k present a nd p lan for the ne xt day of the eve nt.

    Etrican One of the partners

    for the event.

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    For the p ast 2 wee ks of the exhib ition at C hoa Chu Kang, we have

    rec eived ma ny positive responses from the public . Som e o f them are:

    3.1 Leve l of Enga gement:Peop le e ntering into o ur exhibition w ant to lea rn mo re and unde rstand mo re a bo ut

    the e nvironm ent. When given w ith the que stionnaire, they wo uld ta ke their time to

    wa lk around the exhib ition sea rc hing for the right a nswe rs.

    The vo lunteers also m ana ge d to draw the a ttention o f the uninterested pub lic by

    ge tting them in to the e xhib ition area a nd a nswe ring the que stionnaire. Most of

    them we re e age r and interested in knowing the a nswe rs and ra ised issues about t he

    questionna ire o r informa tion ba nners tha t they d o no t unde rsta nd .

    Not only that, there a re p eop le tha t visited the e xhibition o nce and the ne xt timethey w ere seen a t the e xhibition, they b roug ht a long their friend s and p a rents.

    Ec o vo luntee rs we re a lso spotte d at the e xhib ition. It was a lso no ticed tha t p eo p le in

    group s or pa irs a re m ore w illing and interested to have a loo k at t he e xhib ition rather

    than peo ple that are alone.

    (Left, Middle)Public taking part in the questionnaire searching for answers from the information banners and

    (Right) interactions between ECO volunteers and the public.

    3.2 Interac tive Corners:There w ere Interac tive c orners at the exhib ition:

    3.2.1 Charts

    What have you done to reduc e wa ter usag e? and What have you done to

    save the environm ent?

    This interac tive session suc c essfully ma na ged to e ng age the d ifferent a ge

    group s of p ublic . The p ub lic a re w illing to sha re w ith o thers by writing d ow n on

    the b oa rd ab out how they played a pa rt in saving the environme nt, these a re

    prec ious informa tion tha t c ould not be found on o ur informa tion b anners and

    othe rs wo uld b e a b le to lea rn from it.

    3.2.2 Television

    Another would b e the television that w as plac ed at the entranc e of the

    exhibition. It ma nag ed to d raw the p ublic atte ntion a nd g ot them in to the

    exhib ition afte r wa tc hing the vide os tha t a re b eing sc reened . There were also

    pe op le tha t a sked a bo ut the m ovie sc reening show time s too.

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng 3.3 Products:

    ECO produc ts and other rec ycled produc ts that are b eing sold

    at trac ted the p ub lic to visit the e xhib ition. ECO p rod uc ts haveac tually educ ate d pub lic too as some wo uld be mo re interested in produc ts rather

    tha n informa tion ba nners. Som e p rod uc ts tha t we re sold a t the e xhib ition inc lud e:

    ECO Organic Tee Shirts

    ECO Reusable b ag s


    Rec yc led items (Penc il Box, Boo k holder, etc .)

    BPA free wa ter b ottles

    Hair band s, Key c ha ins, Earrings ma de from recyc led items.

    (Left) Interactive Charts - What have you done to reduce water usage? (Middle)Public sharing about how they played a

    part in saving the environment. (Right)Earrings made from recycled items that are being sold at the exhibition

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    Som e o f the step s for having a be tter event are to ta ke into ac c ount

    the p ositive side and the a rea s that ne ed imp rovem ent.

    With the po sitive a rea s c overed, here a re some of the areas to b e imp roved ba sed on

    our experienc e a fter the tw o we eks at RE-Live! Choa Chu Kang :

    4.1 Reaching out to target market:There a re q uite a numb er of peop le who c am e to o ur event. How ever, we c an

    venture into different w ays to reac h out to m ore peo ple by:

    4.1.1 Send ing invitations/ notifica tion to nea ring sc hoo ls to let them know of

    the event.

    Elaboration: A de ta iled sugg estion will be t o let the stud ents from CCA groupwho are interested in environm ent (Green club in prima ry and sec ond ary

    sc hoo ls) to a ttend our event . In return, sc hoo l may o ffer them C CA p oints.

    4.1.2 Giving out ba lloons to children

    Elaboration: During we ekend s, we c an g ive o ut b alloo ns to child ren w alking

    a round the nearest ma ll with a p rint o f our RE-Live! log o o n it. We hop e these

    c hild ren c an b ring the ir pa rents a long to our event.

    We w ill also inform the pa rents of t hese c hild ren a synopsis of o ur event so tha t

    they w ill know w ha t the eve nt is about.

    4.1.3 Plac ing one A4 size p oster at the notic e b oa rd situated near the liftsnearing event da te.

    Elaboration: The pu rpose o f this is to inform the public about the eve nt

    beforeha nd so tha t they c an visit our exhibition when they a re free.

    We w ill plac e it at the notice b oa rd nea r the lifts be c ause w e o bserved that

    the p ub lic will rea d th roug h som e o f the not ific a tions of the b oa rd w hile

    wa iting fo r the lift.

    The p oster will be d esigne d in suc h a wa y that it will a ttrac t the p ub lic s


    4.2Engagement:During the event, we ha ve tried to e nga ge the p ublic by ha ving m ovie sc reening

    which showc ased mo vies and do c umenta ries ab out the different aspe c ts of the

    environme nt, allow ing the p ublic to pe n do wn wha t they have do ne to save

    wa ter and the e nvironme nt, and having a TV near the entranc e to c ap ture the

    pub lic s attention.

    How eve r, this c an be further imp rove d b y:

    Conduc ting g am es related to the environment to enga ge the p ublic.

    Have Chinese t ranslation fo r som e o f the posters.

    Send out b roc hures to a s a giveaw ay over a c erta in top ic of interest.

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng Creat ing sta lls like p op c orns, yoghurt/ yakult/c andy floss

    to d raw the p ublic into our event.

    Giving free pop co rn ap art from the ba gs and ba dg es to p ublic after

    c om pleting the survey.

    Set up more e asy surveys with Chinese t ranslation t oo .

    Luc ky Draw on w ee kend s tie up with m useum or Sung ei Buloh to lea rn

    mo re ab out the environme nt.

    4.3Layout:Movie sc reening c an b e p lac e a t the side of the entranc e instea d of the c urrent

    layout where the movie sc reening is p lac ed at t he b ac k of the exhib ition. The

    informa tion c ounter ca n also b e d ec orated in orde r to a ttrac t the pub lic sat tent ion. Kind ly refer to Ap pend ix 2 for more informa tion.

    4.4 Reduction of plastic usageSinc e this event is c ollab orate d with the b azaar, we should sugge st to the b azaar

    sta ll ho lde rs to red uc e the ir usage o f p lastics.

    Our event is to p rom ote c onservation, ed uca te the pub lic on the m any w ays to

    help save the environm ent.

    It is thus imp ortant if the bazaar do their part too in reduc ing their p lastic usag e so

    tha t we c an all wo rk towa rds re-thinking the wa y we live.

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739









    RE-Live! @ Hea rtlands wo uld no t b e p ossible w ithout t he c ontinuous

    support from the pa rtnering orga nisa tions.The pa rtnering orga nisa tions for this event a re


    Alpha Biofuels

    All Things Green And Bea utiful

    Build ing a nd C onstruct ion Autho rity of Singa pore (BCA)

    Delc ie s Desserts & Cakes

    Etrican Organic Clothing

    Greenie Gen ie

    My Wate r Bot tle

    Nationa l Environm ent Agenc y (NEA)

    PUB South West Comm unity Develop me nt Co unc il

    Tet ra Pak

    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

    Vegeta rian Soc iety

    WaterWays Watc h Soc iety (WWS)

    Young NTUC

    Youth Executive C om munity (YEC)


    Setup exhibition on w hat the y are do ing a nd promote wha t it

    me ans to b e g reene r.

    To raise a wa reness among pub lic rega rding the killing of sha rks

    for the purpose of using their fins in soup .

    Their ma in go a l is tha t Susta inab le d eve lopm ent c ould b e

    ac hieved only if huma nkind c an preserve othe r spec ies.

    5.2Alpha Biofuels

    Bazaar was pow ered by Biofue ls

    To eng ag e c om munities to reduc e c lima te c hang e effec tively,

    and to e mp ow er com munities through the b enefits of using c l


    To a id ind ividua ls and c om munities in reduc ing their c a rbo n


    5.3All Things Green And Bea utiful

    Setup exhib ition on their p rod uc ts and p rom ote wha t it me ans to

    be greener with their produc t.

    ATGAB is a Singa pore-based c om pany with a goa l: To p reserve

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng the e nvironme nt we live in by sta rting a serious greenbusiness

    of recycling.

    To raise a wa reness am ong the p ublic that rec ycled produc ts

    c an b e very crea tive, re-usab le and a fforda ble.

    5.4Building and Construc tion Authority o f Singapo re (BCA)

    They were c onsulted in the informat ion p anel put up for pub lic

    outreac h on the relevant theme

    Develop s and reg ulate Singapo re's bu ild ing and c onstruction


    5.5Delcies Desserts & Cakes

    Setup exhibition o n wha t they are d oing and promote wha t it

    mea ns to b e g reene r with their prod uct .

    Delc ies, a sub sidiary brand of Whisk and Fold , is a c ertified

    Ha la l ba kery and the only ba kery in Singa pore tha t b akes so


    The bakery pa ssion is exc lusively simp le; tha t is to wh ip up go od

    and irresistible c akes without c om prom ising the ta ste through the

    art of hea lthy ba king w ith hea lthy me thod s and ingred ients.

    5.6Etrican Organic Clothing

    Setup exhib ition on their p rod uc ts and p rom ote wha t it me ans to

    be greener with their produc t.

    The p rinc iple a t the c ore o f the Etric an label is tha t it aims to be

    susta inab le. Susta inab ility is a c omp lex issue

    All Etric an c lothe s a re m ade w ith 100% c ertified orga nic c otto n,

    from plants which a re no t g enetica lly mo dified .

    5.7Greenie Genie

    Setup exhibition o n their prod ucts and promote wha t it mea ns

    to b e g reene r with their produc t.

    They d isplay a sprea d of the mo st a nticipa ted ea rrings


    The h ighlight of t he c ollec tion is the one and only pa ir of quirky

    signa ture skull of Mc Que en.

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng 5.8My Water Bottle

    Setup exhibition o n wha t they are d oing and promote wha t it

    mea ns to b e g reene r with their prod uct .

    My wa terbottle is a non-profit ca mp aign to enc ourag e mo re

    Singa porea ns to use their ow n refillab le wa ter bot tles, instead

    of b uying or taking single-use b ottled wa ter.

    Show tha t ta p wa ter is safe to d rink and ta stes just a s go od as

    bottled water.

    5.9National Environm ent Ag enc y (NEA)

    They were c onsulted in the informat ion p anel put up for pub lic

    outreac h on the relevant theme

    Emb rac e a ll in ca ring for a C lea n a nd Hea lthy Environm ent

    To a c hieve a liva ble a nd susta inab le Singapo re


    They were c onsulted in the informat ion p anel put up for pub lic

    outreac h on the relevant theme

    Responsib le for the co llec tion, p rod uc tion and rec lama tion of

    wa ter in Singap ore.

    To e nsure a n efficient, ad eq ua te & susta inable supply of wa ter.

    5.11 South West Community Deve lopment Counc il

    Supp orted the e vent with inputs and outrea c h to the c omm unity

    It aims to b uild a self reliant c om munity, and t o p rom ote ac tive


    To p a rtne r residents, co rporations, institutions and c om munityorga nisa tions in our wo rk

    5.12Tetra Pak

    Setup exhib ition on their p rod uc ts and p rom ote wha t it me ans to

    be greener with their produc t.

    World 's lead ing food p roc essing a nd p ac kag ing solutions c om pany

    Work closely w ith the ir custome rs and sup p liers, prov iding sa fe,

    innovative a nd environme ntally sound produc ts that me et the

    needs of hund red s of m illions of p eop le

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng 5.13United Nations Environment Program me (UNEP)

    Sup ported w ith the Energy Bicyc le

    UNEP Is the vo ice for the env ironme nt in the united na tions system

    To p rovide lea dership a nd e nc ourag e p a rtnership in ca ring fo r

    the environm ent by insp iring, informing, and ena b ling na tions and

    pe op les to imp rove their quality of life w ithout c om prom ising that

    of future g ene rat ions.

    5.14 Vegetarian Soc iety

    Setup exhibition a nd promote wha t it mea ns to b e g reene r.

    To o ffer expe rt a dvice on nutritiona l issues and p rov ide freeinformat ion to ind ividua ls, com panies and orga nisat ions.

    To raise the p rofile of vegeta rian issues and help peo p le

    unde rsta nd the rea sons for choosing a veg eta rian wa y of life.

    5.15 WaterWays Watc h Soc iety (WWS)

    Setup exhibition a nd promote wha t it mea ns to b e g reene r.

    To formulate a nd imp lem ent a n on-go ing a c tion plan to assist

    in keeping the wa terways of Singa po re c lea n and free of


    To initiate a nd o rga nize on-go ing a c tivities a ime d a t ed uc a ting

    the pub lic o n the imp ortance of keeping the wa terways c lea n.

    5.16Young NTUC

    Supported the m ovie sc ree ning by p roviding the DVDs.

    Large st Youth Movem ent in Singap ore.

    To e nsure c ont inuity and d ynam ism, the lab our move me nt must ha ve a strongc ohort of young me mb ers.

    5.17Youth Executive Com munity (YEC)

    Lam Soo n Co mm unity Ce ntre Youth Club

    Their vo luntee rs eng aged in our exhib ition .

    5.18 Asia Pac ific Breweries (APB)

    APB is the sponsor for the event.

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng 6. CONCLUSION:

    In a ll, this eve nt involves three aspec ts: The intention to fo ster positive ha b its in terms of e nvironme nta l

    prac tice s am ong st the p ublic ,

    To eng ag e the pub lic through the ed uca tiona l exhibition a nd

    To initiate environm enta l awa reness in youth.

    RE-Live! is a yo uth lea d initia tive event tha t intend s to drive the p ub lic to re-think and

    re-live the ir existing ha b its.

    To p rac tice this hab it is no t tha t d ifficult a t a ll. There are a lrea dy existing mea ns to d o

    so w ith a ll the c urrent m arket p rod uc ts tha t wa s rea d ily ava ilab le.

    Youth a re the key d rivers in this initiat ion to p romo te these lifestyle c ha nges. Theultima te g oa l of this event w as to c rea te a wa reness am ong the p ublic .

    The ec o-pa rtners on the othe r hand , prove d tha t the p ub lic we re w illing to spend

    mo re t o b ec om e e c o-friend ly by purcha sing some of their produc ts.

    This p rojec t will set the p rec ed enc e o f all future youth lea d a nd e nvironm enta l eve nts

    that a c tively eng ag e a nd e mp owe rs youth on lifestyle c hang e.

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    Appendix 1: Expenses

    S/No Description Qty Unit Cost Total Cost

    A EXHIBITION AREA (16 days)

    1 Domed-shaped Tentage - Size: 50' X 60' c/w Inner Lining 1 lot 10800 10800

    2 Wooden Platform - Size: 50' X 60' 1 lot 3600 3600

    3 Carpet - Size: 50' X 60' 1 lot 3600 3600

    4 Fans and Lights 1 lot 2200 2200

    5 Power Point 12 50 600

    6 Side Canvas 22 50 1100

    7 Exhibition Panels 50 75 3750

    8 P.A. System 1 lot 3000 3000

    9 6M X 3M Information booth cum sales booth 1 lot 2800 280010 3' X 3' Table c/w Blue Skirting 10 35 350

    12 DB Box and Connection 1 lot 800 800

    14 Power Generator 1 lot 18000 18000

    16 Tentage Front Injet Event Logo 1 780 780

    Total Cost for A 51380

    B BAZZAR AREA (16 days)

    1 Domed-shaped Tentage - Size: 50' X 200' c/w Inner Lining 1 lot 36000 36000

    2 Wooden Platform - Size: 50' X 200' 1 lot 12000 12000

    3 Fans and Lights 1 lot 3000 3000

    4 Power Point 80 50 4000

    5 Side Canvas 55 50 27506 3' X 3' Table c/w Blue Skirting 100 35 3500

    7 DB Box and Connection 1 lot 800 800

    Total Cost for B 62050C MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS

    1 Reusable bags 10000 0.5 5000

    2 Lanyards 3000 1 3000

    3 Information Panels (Large) 42 170 7140

    4 Tee Shirts 600 8 4800

    Total Cost for C 19940


    1 Transportation 1 lot 120 120

    2 Stationary 1 lot 59.5 59.5

    3 Survey Forms 2000 0.1 200

    Total Cost for D 379.5

    Total Cost: A + B + C + D 133749.5

    Contribution (Bazzar + Carnival Area) 70000

    Total Amount -63749.5

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739






    ng App endix 2: Layout of the event

  • 8/8/2019 Re-Live! @ Heartlands (Choa Chu Kang) Report


    Our Youth. Our Future.

    Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)known as ECO Singapore


    Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002Charity Reg. No: 1739







    Appendix 3: Site Layout of ba zaa r and exhibition


