rd HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS...conferenceseries.com 1529th Conference HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS December 11-12,...


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conferenceseries.com1529th Conference

HIGH ENERGY PHYSICSD e c e m b e r 1 1 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 7 R o m e , I t a l y

3 r d I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Scientific Program

Conference Series -AmericaOne Commerce Center-1201, Orange St. #600, Wilmington, Zip 19899, Delaware, USAToll Free: 1-888-843-8169, P: 702-508-5200, F: +1-650-618-1417

Conference Series -UKKemp House, 152 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, UKToll Free: +0-800-014-8923

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08:30-09:00 RegistrationsDay 1 December 11, 2017

Keynote Forum09:25-09:30 Introduction

09:30-10:05Title: Group theory, coherent states, and the N-dimensional oscillatorCarl R Hagen, University of Rochester, USA

10:05-10:40Title: Collapsar model for the central engine of gamma ray burstsSachiko Tsuruta, Montana State University, USA

Group photoNetworking and Refreshments Break 10:40-11:00 @ Foyer

11:00-11:35Title: An interplay between the atomic and high energy physics: an updateArkady Kholodenko, Clemson University, USA

11:35-12:10Title: Possible implications for discovery of strong radial magnetic field at the galactic centerQiu He Peng, Nanjing University, China

Sessions: Astrophysics and Cosmology | String Theory | Material Science & Engineering Session Chair: Carl R Hagen, University of Rochester, USA

Session Introduction

12:10-12:35Title: The Milky Way’s supermassive black hole: How good a case is it? A challenge for astrophysics and philosophy of science Andreas Eckart, University of Cologne, Germany

12:35-13:00Title: Electromagnetic component of physical vacuum as a basic energy containing medium the ether of the universe: PhenomenologySerge F Timashev, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Russia

Lunch Break 13:00-14:00 @ Hotel Restaurants

14:00-14:25Title: The energy loss of relativistic heavy ions in a gadolinium foil below and above the ferromagnetic Curie temperature F Nickel, GSI Darmstadt, Germany

14:25-14:50Title: The quantum Hall effect, the θ angle, instantons and all thatAdrianus M.M. Pruisken, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

14:50-15:15Title: A no tau neutrino appearance and a no Glashow resonance suggest an absent neutrino astronomyDaniele Fargion, INFN, Italy

15:15-15:40Title: Classical U (1) and SU (3) gauge theories in Weyl 2-spinor form and quark-gluon field induced equations of motionJ Buitrago, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain

Networking and Refreshments Break 15:40-16:00 @ Foyer

16:00-16:25Title: Finite-temperature effective potentials in models with extended Higgs sectorMikhail Dolgopolov, Samara University, Russia

16:25-16:50Title: Microfocus Bremsstrahlung Source Based on Betatron High-Resolution Radiography and TomographyV A Smolyanskiy, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia

Opening Ceremony09:00-09:25conferenceseries.com

Conference Hall - Olimpica 3+4

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16:50-17:15Title: The analysis of dislocations motion in aluminum with allowance for the Peierls potential reliefArakelyan M M, Yerevan State University, Armenia

17:15-17:40Title: Motley string or from 10 to 4George Yury Matveev, IT consultant, Sweden

Young Researchers Forum

17:40-17:55Title: Deformation quantization of symmetric Kähler manifoldsKentaro Hara, Tokyo University of Science, Japan

17:55-18:10Title: Renormalization group improved pQCD prediction for Upsilon(1S) leptonic decayJian-Ming Shen, Chongqing University, China

18:10-18:25Title: The Allan hypothesisAllanur Ansari, National Infotech College, Nepal

Panel Discussion: 18:25-18:40 Day 2 December 12, 2017

Conference Hall - Olimpica 3+4Keynote Forum

09:30-10:05Title: The secondary supernova machine: Gravitational compression, stored Coulomb energy, and SNII displaysBradley S Meyer, Clemson University, USA

10:05-10:40Title: Implication of strong magnetic field near the galactic center (GC) Qiu He Peng, Nanjing University, China

Special Session

10:40-11:00Title: Mathematical modeling of charges generation rate in the SiC semiconductorMikhail Dolgopolov, Samara University, Russia

Networking and Refreshments Break 11:00-11:20 @ Foyer

Sessions: High Energy Nuclear Physics | Particle and Nuclear Physics | Atomic and Molecular Physics| ElectromagnetismSession Chair: Bradley S Meyer, Clemson University, USA

Session Introduction

11:20-11:45Title: Fadeev-Jackiw quantization of non-autonomous singular systemsHervé Mohrbach, Université de Lorraine, France

11:45-12:10Title: Direct observation of the strong nuclear interaction in the optical spectra of solidsVladimir G Plekhanov, Fonoriton Sci. Lab, Estonia

12:10-12:35Title: Phase stability in next-generation atomic frequency standardsD A Howe, University of Colorado, USA

12:35-13:00Title: Two problemsInozemtsev Vladimir Ivanovich, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia

Lunch Break 13:00-14:00 @ Hotel Restaurants

14:00-14:25Title: Relativistic heavy-ion collisions and relics from the early UniverseAhmed M Hamed, University of Mississippi, USA

14:25-14:50Title: Results from ARGO-YBJMichele Iacovacci, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

14:50-15:15Title: Possible dark matter bosons resulted from a cold genesis theory of particles and a preonic quasi-crystal model of quarksMarius Arghirescu, State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, Romania

15:15-15:40Title: Search for a heavy Higgs and probing the CP for the light Higgs at the LHC and future e+e- collidersXin Chen, Tsinghua University, China

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Networking and Refreshments Break 15:40-16:00 @ Foyer

16:00-16:25Title: A generator using a tube of longitudinal accelerating open vortices nested one inside the other for positive feedbackValentina Markova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

16:25-16:50Title: Laser-nucleus reactions at the upcoming extreme light infrastructureAdriana Palffy, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany

16:50-17:15Title: The relativistic hydrogen atom with magnetic monopole on the nucleusAlison M Brennan, Cavendish Laboratory - University of Cambridge, UK

Video Presentations

17:15-17:35Title: Analogue of asymptotic freedom in warm dense matter W J Nellis, Harvard University, USA

17:35-17:55Title: Assessment of diamagnetic antimatter storage for fueling the deep space relativistic rocketsOleg G Semyonov, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA

17:55-18:15Title: Hydrodynamics of the physical vacuum: Vorticity dynamicsValeriy I Sbitnev, NRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia

18:15-18:35Title: Negative time scales in quantum systemsP Singha Deo, S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, India

Panel Discussion Closing Ceremony @ 18:35-18:45

E-mail: highenergy@physicsconferences.org; highenergyphysics@annualconferences.orgWebsite: highenergyphysics.conferenceseries.com

December 03-04, 2018 | Valencia, Spain

4th International Conference on

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