Rattles and Drumbeat



Contacting the spirits through sound

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Rattles and Drumbeat

Rattles and Drumbeat Rattles and drums are very powerful instruments and are some of the oldest known museum relics. In many cultures they are a symbol of authority, independence and growth. For thousands of years drums and rattles have been used for magical, ritual and ceremonial purposes all over the world and are viewed as sacred items. Everything has a soul. This includes objects such as drums and rattles. Each one has its own individual personality, its own tone, its own voice; none of them sound exactly the same even if they are made from the same material. Maybe this is because rattles occur naturally in every part of the world. You find them in the form of seed pods growing from trees and vines in every shape and size imaginable. This is one of nature’s gifts to us. Sound itself has a powerful effect on the human body, the brain, the mind, and the soul but when these are played in a slow and steady tone they have a deep hypnotic affect as well. Every cell in our bodies carries the awareness of perfect rhythm, since we are all nourished by the life sustaining rhythms of breath and heartbeat. These rhythms are audible to us from our mother while in the womb. Our brains pulse electrically with rhythms that carry us from depths of sleep to peaks of excitement. We are also influenced by external rhythms. Rhythms from the rattle and drum, if played correctly, are re-creations of the sounds of nature. Rhythm helps balance us with the universe because everything has a rhythm or flow to it. These slow and steady tones represent the heartbeat of the universe, of all living things in the world. The use of repetitive sound alters our consciousness, most typically with drums and rattles, causing shifts and changes in our energy fields. It slows and equalizes our brain waves, affects the heartbeat, pulse rate, respiration and blood pressure. Steady tones can induce trance states. By listening to these tones we easily enter an altered mental state that creates a sound field and changes consciousness. Spiritual energy can be derived from this trance like state. These tones cause both our bodies and minds to respond to it. They help control, guide and regularize the relationship between humans and the spirit realm. These beats help break up stagnant energy that is blocking the natural flow within the human body so they are both used for spiritual cleansing, purifying or to remove negative energy from a place. To break up stagnant energy, simply shake the rattle near the area you suspect is blocked. This should be done for approximately 20 minutes. Rattles and drums can also help us focus on our souls bringing spiritual enlightenment and growth. They are also used to heal the sick by shaking the rattle over the person who is ill. This calls the spirit of the person and sends healing energy to it.

These instruments are priceless when it comes to meditating since the purpose of meditation is to alter the state of mind to a more focused and peaceful place. Sounds made by drums or rattles attract the attention of helpful spirits or Spirit Guides (see Spirit Guide document). These tones help build a bridge from here to the spirit world so that we can communicate with them for guidance. They are also used to attain power and wisdom and as a form of protection. Choose your rattle from intuition. Don’t choose one for its looks or size. Instead go with your first instinct, the one that attracts your attention and the one you feel more drawn to. That will be the one best suited for you. Once you have the correct rattle just starting rattling it gently not in any particular rhythm. Play with it for a day and the way you should shake it and the beat will come naturally to you. This document is designed to provide information with respect to the subject matters addressed. Nothing contained in any part is to be construed as medical, legal, or other related advice. The information contained herein should always be used in a moral and ethical manner. Any misuse of this information is not condoned by Curious Curandera, Concha. The reader should and will accept all responsibilities in the study and respect of this subject matter.