Rashbehari Bose-an ultimate fighter



Rashbehari Bose,born in Bengol.A legandary revalutionary leader of India.From childhood he had only one dream to see his motherland free from the chains or rules of the British Government.He fought till his death against the brtish,he was a great petriotic,In his words,people should remember him as a fighter.The great son of his motherland organised an arm force(I.N.A) against the British Govt. staying in Japan.

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I was a fighter,One fight more.The last and

the best. Rashbihari Bose

Rashbehari Bose born in may 25, 1886.was a revolutionary leader against the British Raj in India and was one of the key organizers of the Ghadar conspiracy and later, he formed Indian Independent League and Indian National Army with the help of captain Mohan singh.

Early life

Bose was born in the Subaldaha village of Burdwan, in the province of Bengal. He had his education in Chandannagar, where his father, Vinodebehari Bose, was stationed.He grew up with one thing in mind, to make his motherland free from the rule of British Govt.

Revolutionary activities

Though interested in revolutionary activities early in his life, he left Bengal to shun the Alipore bomb case (1908). At Dehradun he worked as a head clerk at the Forest Research Institute. There, through Amarendra Chatterjee of the Jugantar led by Jatin Mukherjee, he secretly got involved with the revolutionaries of Bengal and, thanks to Jatindra Nath Banerjee alias Niralamba Swami - the earliest political disciple of Sri Aurobindo - he came across eminent revolutionary members of

the Arya Samaj in the United Provinces(currently U.P.) and the Punjab. Following the attempt to assassinate Lord Hardinge, Rash Behari was forced to go into hiding. He was hunted by the colonial police due to his active participation in the failed bomb throwing attempt directed at the Governor General and Viceroy Lord Charles Hardinge in Delhi (the bomb was actually thrown by Basanta Kumar Biswas, a disciple of Amarendra Chatterjee). He returned to Dehra Dun by the night train and joined the office the next day as though nothing had happened. Further, he organized a meeting of loyal citizens of Dehradun to condemn the dastardly attack on the Viceroy. Who on earth could imagine that he was the same person who had masterminded and executed the most outstanding revolutionary action. Lord Hardinge in his My Indian Years has described the whole incident in an interesting way. During the flood relief work in Bengal, in 1913, he came in contact with Jatin Mukherjee in whom he "discovered a real leader of men," who "added a new impulse" to Rash Behari's failing zeal. Thus, during World War I he became extensively involved as one of the leading figures of the Ghadar Conspiracy that attempted to trigger a mutiny in India in February 1915. Trusted and tried Ghadrites were sent to several cantonments to infiltrate into the army. The idea of the Jugantar leaders was that with the war raging in Europe most of the soldiers had gone out of India and the rest could be easily won over. The revolution failed and most of the revolutionaries were arrested. But the British police was not able to caught Rasbihari Bose. He was smart enough to make them fool.A number of stores were there which tales how he escaped from the cruel hands British. At last in the year 1915,12th May he went to Japan(name of the ship 'sanu ki maru').A very interesting story was there. At that time british Govt. announced 4 lakhs rupees on his head. Knowing the risk he went to Govt. building of kolkata for a passport for himself. He introduced himself as a P.N. Tagore relative of world-famous poet Tagore and ask for a passport for Japan as he would go there with the poet .In this way he was able to manage the passport.

He reached Singapore on 22nd May, on 29th Hong Kong and 5th June he was in the country of Japan. There he met with another great freedom fighter sanaith of china. But unfortunately

the British Govt. came to know about him and demanded that Japan should arrest Rasbihari and give him to the British.That time the Japanese communist party black dragon gave him shelter. In the year 1918 he got married with a Japanese girl Tosiko who gave him a great support and care in future. They had one daughter and one son. Whatever may be at that time he hide himself from the Japan and British police in a great way .In the year 1923 he got the status of citizen of Japan. He formed Indian Independence league in the year 1924 and started organizing the non-residential Indians in south-east Asia .At the time of china-Japan war in 1937, he raised his voice saying "Asia for the Asians. Go home white”, later which spreads among the all the revolutionary people of Asia.

In the year 1939, the 2nd world war started. He got the platform to fight against the British. He was old, week but he didn’t give up, he was working like a dynamic young gun. He always used to say the words "I was a fighter, one fight more, the last and the best.” He wanted a last fight with the British in which he wanted to settle all accounts.During the war he demanded that Japan should not behave in odd manner with the Indians, which was duely accepted by the Japan Govt.He made a great work during that time which result was that there were no outrage with Indians which was very much common with war-prisoners.

In the year 1942, 9th March, the great freedom fighter raised his voice to his countrymen saying "I, Rash Behari Bose, representing the Indians living in East Asia, pay my homage to you. .............I must pay homage to all those Indians, some of them known and honored by their countrymen but most of them "unwept, unhonoured and unsung."who,since India lost her freedom to the British ,have individually and collectively made an offer if their lives to it regan........." He made latter to gurudev Robindranath Tegore, jawaharlalNehru, Savarkar, Abul kalam and other Indian leaders .he also sent latter to captain Mohan singh, Pritam singh, and other leaders of Thailand and Malayshia.His saying was the same,"The ultimate time has come, be prepare for the

war. Remember our motto is same, one nation-India, One enemy-England, One goal-freedom.” He had no intension of giving leadership; he never thought of earning fame or money, he had only one wish to see his motherland free. He wanted to lay his head to the feet of his free motherland before death. Except that he had no wish for him.

He had a great knowledge of politics. When Stafford Cripps was sent to India by British Govt. to make the mind of Indian leaders for supporting the British in 2nd world war, he raised his voice for his countrymen saying "..............I like to warn you again ,oh Indian brothers and leaders of Indian nationals, against Britain's old tricks. She is now sending Sir Stafford Cripps to India to deceive the Indian nation. Be not befooled this time. Do not forget the story of the last European war. India mast enormous sacrifice for helping Bretain wins the war.

In lieu of her sacrifices England promised India self-rule.But, what did India get? India got martial laws and Jalianwala Baghs." He appealed all the Indian leaders for not being fooled by the Cripps and his clever offers, they should forget all their selfish demands and organize for the final war. it is the ultimate opportunity and they should not miss it.

on 28th July, he he made an appeal to his countrymen to join Gandhi in his campaign (quit India movement).He knew if there were attacks on British from both in and outside they would be bound to leave India. In his speech he said "Friends, the hour has struck. We must know break the shackles with which the British had bound us hand and foot .......India had lost everything but she has not lost her soul. Centuries of oppression and exploitation have not been able to kill her soul....... .......I therefore earnestly appeal to our compatriots at home to rally round Mahatma Gandhi in his campaign to compel the British to leave India immediately."

Rashbihari Bose was a real patriotic. He loved his nation as his mother and countrymen as brothers and sisters. He was

ready to do everything to save the interest of his countrymen. Whenever there was any danger or insult for his countrymen he raised his voice. During the quit-India movement when the the British Govt. arrested all Indian leaders and treat with Indians like animal,Rashbihari Bose gave a speech with anger alerting British Govt. to stop doing injustice with the Indians. He said

"The world's eyes were focused on Bombay.....Now the historic decision has been taken; India has declared war on Britain.

Perhaps they may, by sheer brute force. Over-whelm the national forces for a time. But that can not save them either. There are other and mightier forces outside of India's borders, standing ready to pounce on the Anglo-American forces in India and to annihilate them without the slightest mercy.

The battle has begun in dead earnest. The British have unleashed their reign of frightfulness. India must wade through blood before she reaches her goal of national independence. But this time India is prepared for any sacrifices and she will win"

Before that on 28th March,1942,in Tokyo a meeting was held(Rasbihari was president) where it was decided that an army force should build up consisting only Indians living in south-east Asia. That army or military force was later known as Indian National Army or Ajad hind fouz. As decided in the meeting the process of organizing people for I.N.A started.captin Mohan singh along with cols N.S.Gill and major general A.C.Chatterjee made a great work in this regards. In a few days more than 30000 people joined I.N.A consisting not only war-prisoners and but general person also from all religions.

In the year 1943, when everyone was sure that the ultimate time had came, the great warrior Rashbihari Bose gave his speech to his countrymen saying "Independence India must have. Because her independence is essential for the regeneration of the whole world. It is not the end in itself, but it is a means to an end and that end is the destruction of imperialism and militarism and the creation of a better world for all to live in.” He was not an mare Indian, he is a lover of

mankind. He wished that every person should live in a free world, prosporus world.

He always wanted to see his motherland free from the cruel hands of British Govt. and for that he was ready to do everything. At during the time of quit-India movement when there was a great opportunity to attack India, I.N.A couldn't stand united because there were difference in thinking between him and Mohan singh on directing the activities of I.N.A.Many people believe that the guilty was Rashbihari Bose. But actually it was not his fault, it was the bad luck of him,I.N.A and India. He was a great politician and his forecasting ability was also great. He knew it well that without the help of Japan the activities of I.N.A cannot carried on. That why he was taking time to make the mind of Japan for the movements of I.N.A .But Mohan Singh and other military officers couldn't understand it and because of that they were not ready to wait. And as a result I.N.A broke up, The officers got themselves separated from it.

The failure of I.N.A to attack the British at a proper time made the monk of patriotism very upset. His physical condition was becaming worse day by day. But as like always he didn't give up. He was working like a metiorite.Saying was same, organise yourself my brothers and sisters, it is the time to wake up. "I may die tomorrow but one of you should be ready to take my place and when he dies there should be another to take over the responsibilities......." That he used to say, because he knew that he had not much time, but he didn't want to stop his actives after his death. He again started organising people and succeeded in doing

that.I.N.A reorganised.through it lost some of important members.

This time he knew that an organization can never be successful depending upon the thinking of one person from the incident of Captain Mohan Singh. He made distribution of power among the officers of I.N.A .For him the duty to motherland is the most important duty of a human being. When in a meeting he was saying that if there any person found not performing his duty properly, that person should be shoot at sight, an officer of I.N.A asked what about if it would happened with Rashbihari Bose(means he would not able to perform his duty) what should they do. He gave a clear and an immediate reply that he should be killed like others not able to performing duties.

The I.N.A was reorganized and distribution of posts was also done, but his physical condition was not at all good, through he was working like a young boy but he realized that he would not carry on for it a long. He was never afraid of death. But he didn’t want that the I.N.A would stop again after his death. For that he want a dynamic leader who can lead the I.N.A to its ultimate objective, he called Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, another Indian revolutionary leader from Germany for leading I.N.A.

When he was asked that if he was ready to work under Mr. Subash, he gave a immediate reply that he was ready to work under anyone against the enemies of his country. And Mr. Subash was a great freedom fighter, a historical person, why shouldn’t he work under him. He was ready to work as a common soldier under Subash’s leadership.

Again later when a Japanese col. Hideo Jwakure asked him the question that if he was ready to appoint Netaji Subash as a new chairman of Indian Independence league .In reply Rashbihari said that e was ready to welcome Netaji for the chairman of I.I.L from the bottom of his heart. He had no greed for leadership but had only one greed to see his motherland and countrymen free and after that go to sleep forever to the feet of his motherland.

Before forming the Azad-Hind Govt. when someone asked him why his son joined Japanese army instead of Azad-Hind fouz.He reply that as he was fighting for making his motherland India free, in the same way ,his son was also fighting for his motherland Japan. He was right, his son was fighting for Japan, and during fight he accept the death of brave soldier. Like him, his son also performed his duties for motherland until death.

On 16th May, 1943 Netaji Subash came to Japan after a thrilling and historical submarine journey (till record for a politician to travel 90 day long submarine journey). Both the legends meet for first time with each other at imperial hotel .That was a great moment. In the words of the eye-witness col. Yamamoto “……….I was charged with the task of introducing them. When I ushered Mr. Behari Bose into the room of Mr. Chandra Bose, they, both of whom had dedicated themselves to the independence of their fatherland since their younger days, shook hands and embraced each other.

The dramatic meeting apparently made their hearts rise up in their throats. They were so deeply moved that they could not talk. After a while, they began to talk like old friends in own language. And I left them alone.

Their meeting lasted for about an hour. After the meeting Mr. Behari said to me: I feel quite relieved. I am leaving him for the present, Please let him stay in Tokyo as long as he likes, with that, he left. I had never seen them so happy.”

Both Netaji Subash and Rashbihari Bose was great patriotic leaders, both left many things in life for the common goal of see their motherland free, both had great contribution for the Indian freedom struggle . But they never felt jealous for each other, because for them their objective was primary. There was never any ego problem between Netaji Subash and Rashbihari. Rashbihari had given his everything for organizing I.N.A. But he gave the leading power of I.N.A to Netaji happily, because he knew that Netaji would be the best person to lead I.N.A to its objectives.

Everybody was surprised to see that Rashbihari was giving everything what was him that day before for the one and only cause to give his men (I.N.A) a better leader after him. In the

words of Col. Yeakura, “I can hardly believe whether there is a man like Mr. Rashbihari Bose who built up a great work despite many difficulties, and transferred his work and position to another person.” Rashbihari Bose, a great worker, a great freedom fighter but most of all he was an Indian. He gave his whole life for the one dream to see his motherland free. He was the first foreigner (no t born in Japan) who was honored by the Japan with the 'Second Order of the Merit of the Rising Sun'.As an Indian he performed his all duties till his death, as a husband he also performed his duties to the extent possible for him.Tosiko, the Japanese girl he married was died after 8 years of their marriage, the only lady whom who accepted in life. Later when his mother-in-law asked him to marry again, he replied “Mother, it is impossible to find Tosiko’s love again…..it is painful for me even to think of such a thing. I have my dear mother, and father. That is more than enough. I am unhappy. Tosiko is always with me as she was during my lovely eight years in concealment. Moreover my life is not mine, it is offered to my native country. I was and am satisfied to have had eight with Tosiko. That is ore than enough.”

The great freedom fighter, the great leader left the world on 21st January, 1945.Hearing the news of his death, the emperor of Japan sent the Royal vehicle to carry his lifeless body with honour.(it was the first time in the history of Japan that the Royal vehicle was used to carry the dead body of a person not belongs to Royal-family).With the death of Rashbihari Bose, a chapter of Indian freedom struggle written in golden words came to an end.

I was a fighter,One fight more.The last and

the best. Rashbihari Bose
