Ranks & Units - Infantry. Enlisted-Army Company Grade Field Grade


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Ranks & Units - Infantry


• Company Grade

• Field Grade

General Officers

Military Units Terminology Division (3-5 Brigades, General) Brigade (3-5 Regiments, General) ? Regiment (3-4 Battalions, Col. or Brigadier Gen.) ? Battalion (3-5 Companies, Lt. Col., 800-1000 men) Company (3-4 Platoons, Captain, 120-200 men) Platoon (3-4 Squads, Lieutenant, 23- 43 men) Squad (3+ Fire Teams, USMC, Sergeant, 6-10 men)

Fire Team (3+ men, Corporal or PFC, USMC)

Army, Corps, Task Force = assortment of units for particular task e.g. 8th Army, X Corps in Korea

USMC Squad in Vietnam

Combat Infantry Badge

Army award for infantry who have seen combat – worn at top of all other awards
