Rakama Reiki Manual


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RAKAMA REIKIAbsolute Transmutation

G E O M ! *

Giorgos Mylonas, Copyright, 2004

THIS MATERIAL IS COPYRIGHTED BY GIORGOS MYLONAS,All Contents of this manual are Copyright 2004. All rights reserved! This material is not to be re-published on other servers, websites, translated, displayed, altered or in any other way used without the express written permission of the author.

Note: English is not my primary language so please forgive me for any grammatical or other mistakes. Thank you for your understanding!

RaKaMa ReikiTransmutation Reiki

“RaKaMa” means “transmutation”. RaKaMa Reiki is the process of employing the principles of Life in order to transmute lower vibration energy into a higher vibration of light and love. It is a special meditative and energetic technique used to release negativity, negative energies accumulated throughout daily life, toxins, emotions, thoughts, elementals and various other negative interferences.

RaKaMa Reiki is Spiritual Recycling supporting us to enter the bright, positive, serene, protected and happy side of Life.

In the process of RaKaMa Reiki there is only one but very powerful energy symbol. It is a totally positive symbol of light, love and spirituality which protects, clears and heals us from all negative influences, both known and unknown.

Use this special energy symbol in the same way you use all reiki symbols: Draw it with your right palm in the air in front of you (fingers held together, open palm) and repeat its name either mentally or out loud three or more times to fully activate the respective spiritual energies.

The name or mantra (word of power) of the symbol is “RaKaMa”.

“RaKaMa… RaKaMa… RaKaMa…”

Draw the RaKaMa spiritual symbol multiple times in the air repeating is name/mantra to create an advanced fieldd or “lake” of protection, healing, cleansing and total transmutation of higher Spiritual Light.

RaKaMaThe RaKaMa Symbol

Symbol of Spiritual Transmutation

The RaKaMa Reiki Technique

Whenever you feel that something negative is around, a negative feeling, a negative thought, an entity or elemental or even something that is unpleasant – feeling / noise / smell / color, do the RaKaMa Reiki technique to transform it, transmute it, heal it and enlighten it.

Draw the RaKaMa symbol with your right palm in the air in front of you (fingers held together, open palm) and repeat its name, either mentally or out loud, three or more times to fully activate the respective spiritual energies.

“RaKaMa… RaKaMa… RaKaMa…”

Then, draw the symbol again and again. Generally, three times are enough (repeat the name of the symbol three times for each time you draw it in the air with your palm).

The process of transmutation has begun.

There is a flow or rain or fire of energies that comes forth directly from the Higher Spiritual Laws of Transmutation, Evolution and Mercy, which transforms all and any negative energies into Love, Pure Light and Universal Healing Life-Force Energy.

Focus your mind and intention and let the energies flow. Mentally say (or say aloud) the following:

“Divine Intervention ~ Divine Transmutation Divine Power and Divine Mercy ~ Infinite ~ OmnipotentRaKaMa… RaKaMa… RaKaMa…Light ~ Light ~ LightRaKaMa… RaKaMa… RaKaMa…Love ~ Love ~ LoveRaKaMa… RaKaMa… RaKaMa…Reiki ~ Reiki ~ ReikiAbsolute Transmutation of Any Negative Elements Now! Absolute Transmutation of All Negative Elements Now! Absolute Elevation into Higher, Clear and Pure Light Divine, Love Divine, Spirit Divine ~ Infinite ~ OmnipotentGolden Transmutation ~ Golden Protection Total Divine Grounding Now!Total Divine Alignment and Divine Balance Now!RaKaMa Reiki ~ RaKaMa Reiki ~ RaKaMa Reiki…”

This allows a very strong and powerful flow of light, love and reiki on all levels of existence. It transforms negative energies on the mental level into pure mental light of clarity and understanding, on the emotional level negative elements are transformed into joy, serenity, peace, wholeness and love and on the etheric/physical level they are transformed into reiki (pure natural energy – life – vitality - health).

According to the Universal Laws of Mercy, Transmutation, Love and Evolution we can transform anything into something higher – give it a more spiritual perspective – since All Is Divine and in Ultimate Reality All is Love and Light. In this way we can actually be useful and helpful in setting free all and any negative elements: we release them into the Light and they start their own individual journeys to the Source. We aid their evolution. We set them free.

You can transform, transmute, enlighten, clear and release:

A negative emotion, an emotion of low / unpleasant vibration.A negative situation, a situation of low / unpleasant vibration.A negative thought, stereotype, motive, pattern. Negative causes.Negative Habits and Dependencies. A negative state of mind, melancholy, depression.Pain.A curse, bad luck, unfortunate coincidences, a spell.An influence, coercion, restriction. Fear.Anxiety.An entity.A “ghost”, an astral entity, a dark force, a toxic elemental / entity / attachment / discarnate. Negative Karma.Bad Relationships.Negative / unpleasant Places- Spaces.Periods of Time.Karmic Relations.Karmic Burdens.Karmic Diseases.Our disadvantages, shortcomings, limitations. Unhappiness. Bad Feng-Shui.Toxins.Pollution.Sadness.Grief.Feelings of separation.Isolation.Confusion.Negative Energy. Negative influences from other people. Loss of energy. Bad Mood.ImbalanceAnnoying feelingsHeadaches, migraines.Electronic / magnetic / electric, etc., waves and radiation.

Transform Everything into LOVE - LIGHT - REIKI

RaKaMaRaKaMa RaKaMa

Spiritual Gratitude:

I would like to thank from within my Purest Heart of my HeartThe Infinite, Divine, Absolute Spirit The Powers and the Will of Life Love on All Dimensions, of All Forms and of All ExpressionsThe Laws and the PossibilitiesThe Higher Mercy, Love and ForgivenessThe Gifts of ReikiThe Many, Many Other Wonderful GiftsMy Own Self, Your Own Self, Our Own Self!

Be Well,

Be Blessed,

Be Transmuted!

Be Enlightened! Be Free!

In each moment, I heal my life, RaKaMa, I release what does not serve my higher good, RaKaMa, I come closer to my mother earth, RaKaMa, I come closer to my true self, RaKaMa, I come closer to the Paradise of Love, RaKaMa, I come closer to the Sun, the Light, Life, Love, the Spirit and the Source: RaKaMa, RaKaMa, RaKaMa!

Thank You!

And Be Well,

Be Blessed,

Be Transmuted!

Be Enlightened! Be Free!

RaKaMa Reiki Initiation

Ask sincerely and lovingly for the Presence of your spiritual guides and the blessings of your Higher Self.

Place your palms facing each other and visualize the name of the person you are going to attune or his/her face between your palms.

From your Purest Heart, your most Enlightened Mind, using your most Empowering Divine Speech, say the following:

“RaKaMaRaKaMa RaKaMa

I call forth the Higher Self, the Golden Light and the Divine Powers of Life

I call forth the Universal Laws of Mercy, Love, Life, Transformation, Transmutation, Change, Evolution, Enlightenment, Divinity, Healing, Karma and Dharma…

Full Initiation for the Power of Reiki Transformation of Negativity into Higher Light and Love and Universal Healing Energy for the Highest Good of All….

Initiation into RaKaMa Reiki…

RaKaMa Reiki Attunement. I let it be expressed, I let it vibrate, I let it flow…

Initiation of RaKaMa… Blessings, change, flow…

RaKaMa RaKaMa RaKaMa.

I now ask for the Highest Degree of RaKaMa Golden Energy and Law of Divine Transmutation and Transcendence of Negativity on ALL LEVELS.

Golden Reiki Blessings…

Golden Reiki Love…

Golden Reiki Light…

Seal, harmonize, ground, protect, manifest, clear, purify and cleanse again! Now! Let it be!”

Repeat the above statements for a total of three times and let the energies flow all around you from the Source.

Send Reiki Blessings and Reiki Love all around you, all around the person attuned and all around the earth.

You can repeat this attunement for yourself as a healing / cleansing and protective empowerment and as a way of receiving a deeper understanding of divine laws and a higher attunement to them.

Love to All!

Golden Light Protection and Transmutation of Negativity (Outer Negative Influences)


Close your eyes. Sit comfortably with your spine straight. Take some deep breaths.

Each in-breath (from the nose) receives light, vitality, love.

Each out-breath (from the mouth) is releasing, letting go, deeper relaxation.

Continue taking deep breaths for a few moments.

Draw the three reiki symbols of Second Degree Reiki and the Master Symbol, if you have Third Degree Reiki.


“I now call forth my Higher Self to support me and bathe me in the higher spiritual light and absolutely pure divine love. Please guide me in this process. Totally guide me, protect me and support me. I trust totally. I totally let go of my ego, I release, I am now totally free.

I now call forth the Golden Light, the absolute power of the universe, my highest spirit guides, all high angels and archangels, all spirits and beings of pure divine light and love who serve the divine processes of change, evolution and transmutation.”

Visualize a golden sphere around you. It is a golden sun. It radiates golden light. Breathe deeply into it making it more solid and intense.

See a second golden sphere around the first one, bigger than the first. It is a golden sun. It radiates golden light. Breathe deeply into it making it more solid and intense.

See a third golden sphere of pure golden radiating light forming around the second sun. This is a third golden sun even bigger than the first two suns. Breathe deeply into it making it more solid and intense.

You are now within the three golden suns, the three spheres of radiating pure and intense golden light. Feel and see the golden suns, the golden light, the total spiritual warmth and protection.

Relax deeper. Peace is all around you. You are totally protected and transformed into a being of Light.

“I call forth the Laws of Transmutation, Transformation, Change, Evolution, Divinity, Mercy, Light and Love, Karma and Dharma.

In the name of the Golden Light, in the name of the Higher Self, in the name of the Master Symbol of Reiki and in the name of RaKaMa Reiki of Spiritual Transmutation:

I set these three golden suns permanently around my body and I ask that they automatically transmute anything negative that comes from the outside environment, everything - emotions, thoughts, entities, elementals, toxins, pollution, radiation, negative waves, influences and interferences - into Pure White Light and Healing Compassionate Love for myself, for those around me and for the whole planet earth.

In the name of the Golden Light, the Higher Self, the Master Symbol of Reiki and RaKaMa Reiki of Spiritual Transmutation.

Say the name of the reiki master symbol three times and visualize it (alternatively you can use the power symbol plus the distance symbol of the second degree reiki).

Say the name of RaKaMa symbol three times and visualize it.

Golden Light… Transmutation of All Negative Influences from the outer environment into Reiki, Light and Love.

Take some deep breaths to solidify and set the spheres in place and to radiate the golden light all around you.


Thank sincerely, intensely and lovingly the Spiritual Laws, the Golden Light, the Golden Spheres, your Higher Self, the Spirit Guides, the Angels and Archangels of Transmutation, the Master Symbol of Reiki, the RaKaMa Reiki symbol and the RaKaMa Reiki energy of spiritual transmutation.

Important: Continue the meditation and do the above steps three times, to make the spheres permanent and anchor the whole procedure. You will bepleasantly surprised by the positive outcomes in your daily life. Negativity will no longer be an issue. Each time something negative is close in your fields you will feel the reiki energy instead and a warm loving sensation for those around you and for the whole earth!

This protection and transformation, if done carefully and whole-heartedly, lasts for 3-4 months.

When the 3-4 months pass, you will notice a decrease in energy or any other negative influence. It is then time to repeat this process once again!

I personally use this very powerful process guiding groups of people 3 times per year. They all feel the difference and enjoy a higher state of peace, harmony and positivity for 3-4 months.

Golden Light Protection and Transmutation of Negativity 2 (Inner Negative Influences)


Close your eyes. Sit comfortably with your spine straight. Take some deep breaths.

Each in-breath (from the nose) receives light, vitality, love.

Each out-breath (from the mouth) is releasing, letting go, deeper relaxation.

Continue taking deep breaths for a few moments.

Draw the three reiki symbols of Second Degree Reiki and the Master Symbol, if you have Third Degree Reiki.


“I now call forth my Higher Self to support me and bathe me in the higher spiritual light and absolutely pure divine love. Please guide me in this process. Totally guide me, protect me and support me. I trust totally. I totally let go of my ego, I release, I am now totally free.

I now call forth the Golden Light, the absolute power of the universe, my highest spirit guides, all high angels and archangels, all spirits and beings of pure divine light and love who serve the divine processes of change, evolution and transmutation.”

Visualize a golden sphere around you. It is a golden sun. It radiates golden light. Breathe deeply into it making it more solid and intense.

See a second golden sphere around the first one, bigger than the first. It is a golden sun. It radiates golden light. Breathe deeply into it making it more solid and intense.

See a third golden sphere of pure golden radiating light forming around the second sun. This is a third golden sun even bigger than the first two suns. Breathe deeply into it making it more solid and intense.

You are now within the three golden suns, the three spheres of radiating pure and intense golden light. Feel and see the golden suns, the golden light, the total spiritual warmth and protection.

Relax deeper. Peace is all around you. You are totally protected and transformed into a being of Light.

“I call forth the Laws of Transmutation, Transformation, Change, Evolution, Divinity, Mercy, Light and Love, Karma and Dharma.

In the name of the Golden Light, in the name of the Higher Self, in the name of the Master Symbol of Reiki and in the name of RaKaMa Reiki of Spiritual Transmutation:

I set these three golden suns permanently around my body and I ask that they transmute anything negative that comes from my own self, ego and personality,

Everything: emotions, thoughts, entities, toxins, pollution, radiation, negative waves, my ego, resistance and criticism, my subconscious, all fear, pain. anxiety and worry, all negative emotions, elementals and thoughts, habits and dependencies, hate and jealousy, sadness and illnesses…

Into Pure White Light and Healing Compassionate Love for myself, for those around me and for the whole planet earth.

In the name of the Golden Light, the Higher Self, the Master Symbol of Reiki and RaKaMa Reiki of Spiritual Transmutation.

Say the name of the reiki master symbol three times and visualize it (alternatively you can use the power symbol plus the distance symbol of the second degree reiki).

Say the name of RaKaMa symbol three times and visualize it.

Golden Light… Transmutation of All Negative Influences from my own self, personality and ego into Reiki, Light and Love.

Take some deep breaths to solidify and set the spheres in place and to radiate the golden light all around you.


Thank sincerely, intensely and lovingly the Spiritual Laws, the Golden Light, the Golden Spheres, your Higher Self, the Spirit Guides, the Angels and Archangels of Transmutation, the Master Symbol of Reiki, the RaKaMa Reiki symbol and the RaKaMa Reiki energy of spiritual transmutation.

Important: Continue the meditation and do the above steps three times, to make the spheres permanent and anchor the whole procedure. You will be pleasantly surprised by the positive outcomes in your daily life. Negativity will no longer be an issue. Each time something negative is close in your fields you will feel the reiki energy instead and a warm loving sensation for those around you and for the whole earth!

This protection and transformation, if done carefully and whole-heartedly, lasts for 3-4 months.

When the 3-4 months pass, you will notice a decrease in energy or any other negative influence. It is then time to repeat this process once again!

