?r11 fl? l? · l4-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-I st (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)...


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CHAUDHARY pEVI LAL UNIVERSITY. SrRSA-125055 (HARYANA)(Established by the State Legislature Act 9 of 2003)

"B" Grade Accredited by NAACNo. Conaucyzotql ?r"11 oateA: fl? * I I ^40 l?


The Chairperson,Department of Journalism & Mass Comm., (D-1955)Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa

Sub.: Date-sheet of Decemb er-2019 theory examinations.Sir/Madam"

Please find attached herewith a copy of the date-sheet. of Decembcr-2019 theorrexaminations pertaining tb your Department as sent by your good office. You arc. thcrclbrei.requested to display the same on appropriate place(s) and inform the students accordinglr. It'thcrcis any discrepancy in the date-sheet, then communicate the same imrlediately' to this olllcc.

It is also inl'ornred that examination fbr the students ol Master of Arts (.lournalisrr & MassCommunication) of UCDL are also be conducted at your Department alongwith regular st.ucJcnts.Therefore, you are, requested to make necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of'above saiclexamination also.

Further, you are requested to conduct the proposed examination smoothly, if needed takenecessary action as the autonomy is given to the Department/Faculty concerned (Minutes of themeeting of the Committee held on 24.09.2012 issued by the Academic Branch vide Endst. No.Acadl2012l2l8l -82 dated 19.l 1.2012).

Looking foru,ard for your kind co-operation and support .for smooth conduc,t 11/


Yours faithfully"

.,o"hkfld,Jll[.,,DA: As above. n t - for Controller of FlxaminationsEndstNo.:Conduct/z1rq/ Sdoo - B d"y -Dated:

pi.'t'i^'&rt'it""'.Copy of the above i rmation and necessary actioll:

L All Deans Faculty, CDLU, Sirsa.2. Director, IQAC, CDLU, Sirsa.3. Director, UCDL, CDLU. Sirsa.4. Director, Public Relation, CDLU, Sirsa.5. All the Principals of affiliated Colleges where PG courses are running.6. The Principals of the following colleges affiliated with GDLU, Sirsa:

1, CMK Girls College, Sirsa, 2. SSJ Boys College, Sirsa3. SSJ Girls College, Sirsa.4. Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal Memorial College, Sirsa

7. J.D. Audit, CDLU, Sirsa.8. Finance offlcer, CDLU. Sirsa.9. Incharge, University Website (with the request to upload the same on University Websitey"

CDLU. Sirsa.l0' Supdt. Secrecy (with the request to inform immediately. if there is any,discrcpans in rhc

date-sheet), CDLtJ, Sirsa.I l. In-charge, EDP Cell, CDLU. Sirsa.12. Supdt. Results (with the request to inform the students concerned and also infirrnr to this

branch immediately, if there is any discrepancy in the date-sheet). CDLU. Sirsa.13. PS to Vice-Chancellor (for kind information of the Vice-Chancellor), CDI-U. Sirsa.14. PA to Registrar (for kind information of the Registrar), CDLU, Sirsa.I 5. Office of the C.O.E. (for kind information of Controller of Examinations). CDLU, Sirsa.I6. CPA tO COE, CDLU, SirSA.

DA: As above. ,rr-;,H,i lconauct;

Phone No. : 01666-247080 E-Mail : conductcdlu@gmail.com

CHAUDHARY DEVI LAL UNIVERSITY, SIRSA.I25055 (HARYANA)(Established by the State Legislature Act 9 of 2003)

"B" Grade Accredited by NAAC

Date Sheet for Department of Journalism & Mass Communication and affiliated Colleges

examinations December-2019 is as under:-

Time:- 09.30 a.rp. to 12.30 p.m. (Morning Session) (M)02'00 D'm' to 05'00 p'm' (Evening Session E

Date Sessi

onClass Nomenclature Paper Code ID No.

9-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 &. Onwards)

For Re-Appear Students ONLY

Film Studies Open Iilective lll17-R.

ll-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

For Fresh Students ONLY

Filrn StLrdies Operr Elective I ri47

l3-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Public Relations Core



M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

English-l BMC-3OI I r28l

M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)English-l (Compulsory) BMC-3OI 4721

l3-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Cornm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)Hindi-l BMC- IO I il16r

B B.A.Mass Comm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)Hindi I (Cornpulsory) BMC- IO I .170I

l4-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

I st (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Introduction toCommunication


I l32 t

M MA Mass Communication Semester-

I (For Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)Introduction ofCommunication

JMC-IOI 9t4t

l4-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Photo Journalism BMC-5OI Il30r

E B.A.Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)T.V. Journalism BMC-5O I 474t

I 5-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2011 & Onwards)

Media & Gender Studies Core

Corn pu lsor.v.,- I I

I 1342

M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

lndian History BMC.3O2 r I 2ttl

I 5-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.- lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Sociology BM('- 102 I l16l

E B.A.Mass Comm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 201 6 ONLY)Sociology-l BMC-I02 4102

l6-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

lst (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Current Affairs and General




M MA Mass Communication Semester-

I (For Batch:2013 to 2016 ONLY)Print Media JMC- I02 9t42

Page 1 of 3

l6-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch: 2Ql7 & Onwards)

orporate Communication BMC-502 r r302

I 7-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Advertising & Marketing Core

Compulsory-lllI t343

M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Radio Journalism BMC-303 ll 283

l1-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

lntroduction to


BMC-I03 | 1263

E B.A.Mass Comm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 oNLY)Introduction toCommunication-l

BMC.I03 4701

I 8-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

lst (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Introductiorr to Media Core

Conr p u lso r,v-- I I I

I l32i

M MA Mass Communication Semester-

I (For Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)Advertising and MarketingCommunication

JMC- I03 I t43

I 8-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch:2017 & Onwards)

Media Laws & Ethics BMC-503 r r303

E B.A.Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)Medial Laws BMC-503 4743

I 9-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Film Studies Core

Compulsory-lVI 1344

M B,A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Graphics and Productiott BMC-304 I ll8-1

M B.A.Mass Comm,-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 oNLY)Economics-l BMC-302 r?1')1l--

I 9-Dec-201 9 E B.A.Mass Comm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)Reporling & Editing BMC-I04 I t264

20-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

1st (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Print Media : Reporting &Editing



20-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Advertising BMC-504 I 1304

21-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Sports Journalism Core Elective-ll r r345

M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Business Journalism Core Elective-l I 1348

M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Traditional frolk Media BMC.3O5 In85

M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)Public Relations BMC-304 4124

2 I -Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Communication Skills BMC- I05 I t265

E B.A.Mass Comm.-lst Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)Computer Applications BMC-I05 4105

Page 2 of 3

/ 22-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

lst (For Batclr: 2017 & Onwards)

Economic Journalism Core E,lective-l I 1325

M MA Mass Communication Semester-

l st (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Science & EnvironnrcntJournalisnr

22-Dec-2019 E B.A.Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 & Onwards)Special ized Journal ism BMC-505 r r305

E B.A,Mass Comm.-5th Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 oNLY)Traditional Folk Media MBC-502 41 42

23-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 &. Onwards)

Corporate Commun ication Core E,lective-

IVI 1346

M MA Mass Communication Semester-

3rd (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Political Communicatron Core Elective

M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2017 &Onwards)Environmental Studies BMC-306 I I186

M B.A.Mass Comm.-3rd Sem. (For

Batch: 2013 to 2016 ONLY)Environmental StLrd ies BMC.3O6 4125

24-Dec-2019 M MA Mass Communication Semester-

I st (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Health Communication Core [rlective-IV

I ti16

M MA Mass Communication Semester-

I st (For Batch: 2017 & Onwards)

Agricultural Commun ication Core Elective-lll t 1327

Note: 1) After receiving the question paper, answer book and before answering, the candidates should

check and ensure that they have been supplied with appropriate question paper if the question

paper and answer book are not appropriate they may report the Superirrtendent for the

discrepancies. Cornplaints, in this regard afterthe examinations shall not be entertained.

E,lectronic gadgets like cell phones, scierrtific and prograrnmable-calculator etc. shall trot bc

allowed in the E,xamination Centre.

No extra arrswer-sheet will be provided.

According to scheme and syllabus in sorne subjects the question paper nrar be irr I:nslish

larrguage but the candidates may answer either irr Hindi or English (except papers o1-languagcs;

as they ticked in the column of instruction of language in examinations form.

(Building Notice attached)




Dated | 21.il.2o/9Place : Sirsa Controller of Bxa

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