r; - Sidewalk Memories From Hazelton...;l:l tl l"att-aean llrench, Ltbrary dr.rlng I?4j 3br a...


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A EISTORY or BRAIIOH llmAng rOR $[rE yE+R 1gl+I

The past yoar has boon one of transltlon at tbe Mattapag Branch.Fron the 21st of 0ctober lt\0 to the 8tb of septoraber lg\r aLr the maJorasslstants and the branch llbrarlan were cbanged. We urer€ espeeiallyfortunate 1n securlng htghly tralnecl asslstanis of loag experlenee torepl.aee those whom we lost by promotlon or transfer. Ibcauie of thlsei.rcumstaEoe the work remalned. on En eyerr keel., wlth eae]r new Bor,sontaklng up the work, where her predesressor left off. fbe new ldias hroughtto the braneh by each new lacumbent has sttrnulatett and rerltallzed aLlphases of tbe work.

It has been the pollcy of tbe present staff to contlnue aLl of tbecorununlty and school eontacts mado ln the past, anal to ereate newopportunltles for btter servlsr t'o all orgaalzed groups ln the iltstrlct.Mlss Sagoff , the chllclreats Ltbrarlan has estabushed book clubs forglrrs 1n the Junlor and. senlor high sehools. Each of the two groups iscomprlse<l of flfteen mmbers, wbo meet at the Llbrary every oiuur$aturday raorulng. Durlng the hour devoteil to the *eeilne tle Eirlsdlseuss bookg entl authors fqnrllar to then, an* ffi?rtee* ilsIea to shorttalks abogt rorthwhile books whloh bave hoi bcen bnought to tbelrattentloa,\'r01d and new buslnessF folLows the d.isouselon, after whichvarlous book ganea ar€ played. Sonetlmes a story le rEad.aloudl, and thenthe meetlag ls ailJourneil.

Drrlng Novenber Hecht House eelobrated Jeirrlsh Book Week ln oollabora-tloa wlth tbe Jswlsh Welfare Board.. Mlss Golden and Mlss Ktmball of ouretaff sslectatt and set up aa exblblt of books, took-rtsts, plctures, and.oeremodal obJeats for the occaEion. lbe oxhiblt was so welL reeelvid. bythe members atrd. frlends of Heaht House that Mrg, Saftell, the dlrectorsent us a v€ry glowlng note of thenks. A poster featurlni bookg of Jsrrlsblnterest at the branch ls permaaentl.y dlsplayett on the bulletln boardgbotb at Youag Igrael and at Eeeht Houee. R slrtes of leatures on JewlshHlstory were gtuea thle fall and wlnter by Dr. $anuel Etrrland, of gostonUniverslty at the Fessenalen $t. Hcbrer School. He vlslteil our branchseueral tlmeg to ageertaln what books rere avallablc for supplementaryreadlngrand reeDlamendetl these to hls studleats. Thls contaet-ias beneflclalboth to us and to the young peopre whom be referreii to the branch.

AlL cLasses of booke were @refirlly stuAleit by nenbers of the etaff asa result of the I'book questlonantretr tssuect by the Clrculatlon DlvislouOfflce. Ihe dleadl rvooil was pronptly transferredt wlth the eraeptl.on ofbooks ln Ylddltsh and RuEslan. ALthough, there h,as been an increasecl denanclfor books of JeHleh lnterest, there are very fen borroserg rho read booksln the Yltlcltsh tanguage. Tbe eotlection is very J.arge (551 uoot"i;i-;;iyf5 tltles wors ln constant use clurlng I9l+1, these borrowers are elderJ.ymen ancl women who d'eslre Yldcllsh novels to use for rela:ratl.on. It world,seom to be a good. ldea to have one goocl Tlilttlsh eolleotlon ln the gfJienfron whloh books could. be borrwretl on deposlt by braaeb llbrarlas, Iltsrould prevent tbe tluprlcatlon of book-tltres ln branchos, enfl wourilpernlt a wltler cholse of recent fictlon for Yldttltth readers in all partsof the city.

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tttre elreulatlgg of the Mattapan Braach clecreased 1816111. clurtng

f9\I.AjfX of & Iffi' was aciult flebtoni z\f, adult non-riet16n, and 2!/.Juvenlle. Thls is doe to the J-arge uumb6r of ctefene€.ffibeing glvenln the connunlty, the novlng of nany borrorcers to A*ton, Brtghton,Newton antl Brookllne, the trenendous anount of tronlttlng anel other redsrosa work belng clone by the women, ancl the exodus of otri younger mento sorvlee eamps and better Jobs. lho llbrary is llteral1y deserteil atnigbt, partleuJ.arly slnce war was deelarerl, the cxeellent readlag publle,,whlch thlg brancb has had for many, nany years, seems to have vanlshetl.almost over-nlght.

Hl,gh School studlents are worklng after eehool, eollege studentgbava etther gone lnto the arntrr or aro persulng Gourss3 preparatory toenterlng some braneh of tbe mllttary servleos, and the cblldrerr arebelng kept bone by tbelr mothers. Untll the assault on Pearl Harbor ourehlldrente clrculatlou haci gotl€ up steadlly slnrce tbe mldd1e ofSeptember anii after that clay, tt droppecl almost ,Oh. If thls ls aaylndiqatlon of the trend for the cluratlon of the war, uro shall bave agreat deal to thlnk about beslde alr ralcls nn([ tq]r6s.

A stucly of the roglotratloa flgures over a two year perloel showthat there wer6 \2t nore llve eartls outstandlng oa January lst, l9\Otban on JanuaTT*lst. It\2. Tbe drop durlng l-9\1 alone was V75 eafi.hoLders, 116f ,-rihich were Juvenlle aacl 220 adu1t. Thoge flgures lnilleatothat roadllng 1E belng srppJ.antetl by other foms of reereatloa, aad thatfewer chlltlren are attendlng school ln tble nelgbborhood.

It ls gratlfylng to report that dovlng the blgb scbool referencenaterlal lnto the Senlor Room bas lncreeged^ the Broper us€ of theseboolce by the st'udents. It also has hel.ped the tllsc1pl1ne probl-enanil gaveal the tlme and energy of asslstants, glnee lt ls no Longertrocessary to leave the roora to angwer reference questlons.

Although the Sdattapan Braach has not Brospered tlurlng 1t\1, aslndlcated by clrculatlon and reglstratlon"flgures, nevertheloss, ltstlll remalns: orle of the best roaallng communltles ln the clty, asJutlgetl by the qualtty of tbe books readl. After tbe war ia over, antllrople return to normal llving, there ls no doubt that clrculatlonflgures wlLl reacUust thernselves, and that a very different Blcturewlll be plnteil ln the years"'to cone.

Respectfutty subrultted,

f u? . / * r . uBranoh Llbrarlan. A 0

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l"att-aean llrench, Ltbrary dr.rlng I?4j

3br a $rstber of yeers the };h,ttapen h*nch ires kd the bston psbltcI"lbrary ayete.n la ctrcrrl*tlsr' bmt thts yer tdettapar i:ee fallen to thudplaee. there Ls no dorbf-la the rslnds of the stsff that thte decrewe Lnslrculetloa Ls d,ue lerEbiy te the rrar, e.nd tb,e uaeettlsd sotd.ltions Ebi,eh /exl.sts throsgbftrt the Laad. i.io'l anly hes tb€ ,ccmunity l-ost thoueaa6s sf ,Its 3t'ot'qg F$opI€ te the armed soryl,epBr but a.].so. lt bas lost ssveraLhluldzcBd othells to tlefease g*ants and gorernnent poslttans. A etud.y of thereglstratloa statlettes lnd,lcate that frmr Jaauerf :"r'Lt41r to Jaagery J.,L9l*4 the ro6er of aar{bordsrs decreaaed lJ-\o" schieb rl a loes cf LB$,hrrl.ng tbe sese perroa of,tlm, ths cr.rculstr;a droBrpd,4r{. ert thli rsnot a aorylete p{twer, efuree borro$*rs ln ths Ftcxbriry.norilbeetef*}&ttapeneegttoas rrss tmny bfanches -elna.rltaaeots].y, end. Oay heve reaessd thelrcardg els€flrbere. Ecpserver, dhen a bran& loses J,fi tt f,ts elrculatlon 1nsueh a short p"4od of, tlnen it-behoEves the librarlan to stud.y tlrecomu*tby cendltlose. i$re elose3.y.

An tnfqrsal sur:vey of tbe eomualty lndlcates that the populatlon ofthe dlletrlet bes clenged, Esttl ver3i recently e$attelpn &*as & eonetant{ygro$lag eowurlty. Jevllsb reslileate tgare myln6 t:rto tbe clletrtEt frou&elsear Sast &stsu, &1sst .&d, the Sotitb Sn{ ine Rorbury. FI€rp th€s6 seeepople ar6 ssrlng to figbtes" ,flllstea anil Freokllue, se&hlr€ sesl:cnapartxents. tbere ls, aleo, a large ad.grattren of tbe &ra pr,osporcugsasussl.c Srsups to tbe t{eryt$ne and the new\r deve}opd eeelloss of WaetRorburyr *iah bsrders os Eroeklirs, $tlLL ibe*e er€ n6 lrseent f,I-ats lsldettaSnar eo otber &nllleo u*r*t be rep3.eetng tkose thet bave left- Tbenery resldsate €re ehlefly fec$ery $orkere asd, esaLl shopkeopere sho basellttle tLre for readtr,g.

Anet&er Faassfi. far the treseaitsu.s drcp ln slreulatiotr has been thectrrtatLnelrt of tbe trse of geealx,ne by the gpr6rEne:rt* tbere ware EFnyfaallleg shc ca:sp to tk llbral:3r 6nce cr twlae a weck Ln tbetr earsr ead 'borrorned f,ros 12 to 20 boob at a tlne; frese peqr!.e hsya eeesed to 6s& .i.,i.tho branch, and ere uslng breaebes nesrer tlrelr h@ee, It besornes el,@rer€vsry ilsy that tbe B*attapaa Sraneh ls nst properly .Losateil, It gbould. havebeen nealer to E&rtoa.Street" or near*r to fattapen gquare ardt shopptaggexlters of the ccnrurnlty, ft.ren'te eougtrala co-astantlpr that tboy are urableto eecorparr3r tbel.r *wli cbtlclren te the branch aad feel that lt ls unsaf,eand too ftr to permlt tben to eoas al.sae. tbts r*as brouglrt foreLb'ly to oprattentlon shen Rabbl SdlXler sf the €Yor$g leree1 Saamrnlty Ceatrsn eallei1ea us for bolp tn orBgntzln€ a llbrarg f,or ch"lldnen froai ?*16 year.e of age,Se stat€d, tbat tbe ysung people were cJanrysring for a llbrary at the Ceatrebeceuse the }Sattapan Ererreh was too fan &om, the Eranklls Slelct dXstriet.?he recent illsturbances In Dorehester-Fbttapan bene so frlghtened, lmreatetbat fbey do ast pernlt any of thelr chiS.dren ogt after d.erk stthout eno}der person.

Idhrr ssbocr, soclal serrlce, and erub confcts lfle ryar brou&bt yeryllttle rgspoase

11 91" *y oi-o** reglstretloee or Gtreuietton froE adults.?bose ia abarse ef tbees Lnstttutl"";-h;;;'iofr os tbst glvt}lan defenseectrvitres" &ed cress rro:rk, and. ftreslaa gsllsf F"" beon oerupytrrg mst oftiie coar*unlties spare tl*e, e? *.*-re very rear to these p"oiiu, an* theytry te do everybli}g posslme tc, rrerp sbori*"-ta* mr, en&'ruio* vtetorxrfor our glde.

---r E:'v' evs '

rine of tbe- mst r*,aqiab{ d*vero3raeate has beeu the Jar6e nunber ofpo*ket'-books prblishsd slthla tbe Lae*-t-ro.t."r" for ssldi;;-*d cr.v*l'e$s.fto slze, the eos'L, ayr mr*e range of 'aubJ*it*-cnyu*ed

have sede theee1lttle boeke s6:T' Ilopuiar. Our best esai.i* arr" been brry*ag tbese booksre6u3arly froia tle irewe si,ands. .gjrotb,er C,evela,ggeqt ef ilre past two yeers :hs been the tncreas€d nuaber ;ilibr.;y;H#** s*:.o sre rerebere of thepopnlar beok elubs' Ehe "Book-ol-tte-rygluth-llol:liseens to be tbe one npet. :f,eroi'ed, altbowjr aLl tj.re others bs.ve thelr od:rui;*A*. ;Eitb *r* *ou.y tosgend' sur 6oo11 reeders, ale buildrng "p iur*ries of tirer.r om, endlntroular'n& tbe J'ond'lng ubrariee retber t&an wlt mcnths r*rJne poputartltles $rey aro tntereetsd tn retldlag.

- '-

*aother eurprlse ls tbat' wlth such a tneb.,e*iolg drop ln clrculatlon,nare ftses erers eo]*lected at lh"ttapan^cr;t^G-I}Ll **o 1n Lgt+a. ,&1elndleates thet bc***r€ are rea*tc6 ferer L;G, ea€ E*proe them out rsugertsas bef,oiqe, ttle rpath eirarslng,"fr*Iee-"ildffi; sany qf lhr,6e fines, e*{lerlforr?fi€e boFc'"ser-* to take mre wopta watfi taoks fer st*dy. fbere rs aoquoatlon brt tlre't ti:e guallty of t^ue uocts;;-hae iuiprovui-"nLiaorabl5rslnce the war.

*Yv*v requ

Altticug* th*- Slictu:'e Ssln^tsrd. 3barre ls very d.isco*rag1n€, re da *,ot fe'l.tbs l"e"rist btt dtsher:.r*esed-for ne kaonr tilat tt; Snst_*ar a4ult edrreatlonI'Ogtra$r fsc wliish $i€ e13e gettin6 Brepared, will 0nce agaln briss r.g,to surllbrary t'he eerioue' ;'cun€ irur,euru* &hia rire-hai*-ma ra the !est. ,studentseo,r gn hlgb schcer and eouege re6 ere 1--"afr-"eeLd.1cusly after scheclhotFs houre t'o keep out tfue i*a po*,*r ehortei$*-aad ibe Js.rge ns*ber ef neaa8d women ln de$ease lndustrlesr ae nel"l ae {aise ln ths e*,ffid serrrees wrlrer hope nesd the Eerrr.ces or tuJ-*breqr i" .iJ".t{ng theaee}vee tE thelrptl€t-$&r Jobs' rncreased usefu'Laese ts ilhe *u*iog jrs€"r, pe feel erre wlrlbe the rol_e of the llbrary [-tb_ corrnu.Blty.

>UJ,*L B. ,l*6-Erancb Lilrrarian.

tHgl*tryP -Fanch tlbTafY ln Ha:' Ttxee

A.lthsugb the circulatlon hab boen dropplng at Eattepan slnee thepeak year st J.g]j tbe loeses woro e$all u;rt'ti. L?i|' when war broke out Iin B,u*ope. Sinee tbea tbe flgureo shec that eaeb naJor crlsie affectlugswcrL& caadltloas' or dcetestle war regglatlous, bae brouS!'t tn lts Fak€ egreater deotrtre in clroulatloa. . Hbes the iiefense pxogrsa sae Lnitlated,,*orkers begaa movxng'frm }$attapen ts 'faehlwfoa and eltleo'wltb larged.efenee plants, Shls ls partlcul-arly tnre of nen and womm iu the pro-fegsions, buslneds, and cl"erleel work wb-o, ehrring the depressloE, wereua€Eflploye{l. Becsuse of tbe }erge ausber of whlte col]-ar wotrers wholive in this eonnr*nlty ths exsdus to fiaehlngtoa bas beon espeeiallynotlceable. lfhon, too, slnos the draft went lnto.effect the yaung nenhalrs be6s going off to wer.

The woaaa of the eoermrnlty ars so !-ntereste€ in taklag elvillandefoase, ehlld eare, aad ?ed Cross cours€s that tbey have no tlne forleisrlr€ raadlng. For the first tXne ln the history of tbo EattapanFrencb love sto:.las aro slttla€ on the sbelveu, and, about oae hundredsevss-day books are to be found. on the sbelves regularly. Thls etete ofaffal.rs ls so uau$ral that the regu3.ar readers bave cu*nentetl upoa lt'

Stace gaeollne ratioaltrg bas beea ln.effect readers who uee{ tocoms to tbe braaeb elth three or fonr eard,s to tako orrt books for thelahole fanlly bevo otopp,eil ccnlng, the strtct dln-sut regulatlons pre-vent ws*ers end. etudsats wbo work efter esbool Sola ualng the Li.brary.There lras been a drastic decrease 1n ltbrary attendsuee of hieh seiioolstudents and chiLdren after 6 P' H. In years gone try the Higb Schoolroom was flLLeil, to eapaoity enery evenlag; aon, it ls unusual to seeten st'*dants ln that room at nlgbt.

?be enplsyneat of bleb gcbool studeatg after sehoel by storee,factorles, bospltalen off1ees, Otc., has eaUeed, & tfenerr&firS deereacela Lelsrge readlng, Requlrd readLng for F.rrgllsh classes and bofte sorkbas bean cut to e nlnlmrfl. Senior boys trbo enllst in tbe nilltary ser-nicss are glven tbeir illplonaa wltbout filr,isbing thelr year of studyln8.Foia who are golag to eolleges wlth "epeeil-up oours€stf are leav-l3{$ '

months earlier to start their freelmn Vearr so that tb.ey nray eompleteat leaet ons year of aollego r.rsrk before snteria6 tbe rrilltary siervic€.All thls cbange ln the' gohool curriculun bae ?ssulteit ln ereatlnggeberel unreet ammg all sebool 3nrp11e, fbe ohtEf topla of, cer:rversatloanow anciirg stuiieats la *e war, and what tbey eas &o to help.

.Ag en4ryslg of the oiroulatlon of non-fietio:r shwts that, the ncetpopu3-ar subJeats are toehaology, blograpby, blstory andi the natural,gelenesg. fhle 1o no doubt due to the faet tbat the most lroIruler etrilso*it wi&ely afirertLsrd booke bave baea by foretga eorreepondents on thewar, and tbat profeseionsl aad clericel workors who have been trans-ferring tnto defenss lndustrlog are brusbing u1t on their seieace andnathanratios. tsben, too, ?he trad.e courees glven by the governmert andtha colleges have eti-mtl-ated lnterest ln tbe mechanlsal atts. Horeblgb schooL etudents are lat,orested 1n the t'rades than eveb before becar:seof tbe 1iigir rattngs obt&lnelbLe la the arny a:rd navy for a knowlodge of

: ':opqglal eklltre, All this h*s crgtrt-brrte{l ta the Lon6er use' of,,tbe,:,-b-ooksbol{rsw€d' and b&cE e rlaereneo 'La' the eetuat flgur€e bf. boobe,etrtulabeil.fbetr€ l.s rlore:serlons readtlrg gcls€ aa, tnrt fctryeE booke betne read,,thanhe ' re t c fo rs . . i , ,

. . , : : . . , , : t t ' : . - . , . i . . , : . . . i , , .

' " Ehe f,lqrres eppeniteil bsloes shos tbe' elscreaae IE re;a,{Lng'e{nea tbeo':tbraek cf sar ln Eu:rope fn 1939. Therc ts ao quo*tian that li'b:rirtsgwlat be us€d 'lsbs e*d' tbea u.!ti1'after the war La xoan ax0 seu,'hb*'iVgogmref,,uri:r to noxnal Eoc6*.tlgs of ].lfe.




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, .. .: .., .JrrY. Hch-

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sl"ctton Loes

Seepeetfully *rbnltt€d,

fldtu B.Sra*sh lJ.brarlen

Annua1 Report of the Mattapan Branoh for 1947

In ret:'ospect the mrk aocorrpljshod at the Mattatrnn Branoh ln 1947doas not differ appreciably fron that of the past few years. Hovever,speciai neubion nay bo nade of tho insreased use of the llbrary by stu--deute aad nen and nomen taking adult education oourses. Day after daythe sarne individual-s roturn to study in the adult room and to reoelvehelp with special assignmoats. ldany of these have come to the library asa result of the branch cooperation wlth the local s1,.nogogues, foruns, andsettlement houses. Periodio visits are made to these institutions wtrerecopies of rrBooks Currentrr, rrMore Booksn and book liets are left for d1s-tribution. Of parbicular interest to the conununity are the lists ofYiddish books and new titles ln the Judaioa collectlon nfrrich are sett tothen frou timo to iinp. lhese collections attract not only borrowers fromlfattapan, but rnany othors from the Roxbury-Dorchester oornnunitlr. Thegreatest denand during the past year has been for booke on Zionism andthe Pal.estlne Question. New titles that appear ln this field beoomo in-stantly popular.

As the years go on the library faces incroased cornpetitton from bookrevlewers, lending llbraries, book clubs, and trPooket Booksn. It has be-oome a custon to employ a book revlewer io entertaln rnembers at romontsolub meetings and guests at sociaf gatherings. Ono popular reviewergives suoh a detalLed dranatic presentation of the bost sellers that thelisteners do not consider it neoessary to read the book, ?here is noguastion but that this new forur of entertain:nent has vreaned away maFyroaders. Then, too, meny forrner borro.rers are members of book olubs orpatroas of Lendlng f.ibraries because enough best seLlers aro not avail-able upon demand. lnother sontributing factor to the dec1lne in ciroula-tion has been the ten-cent carfare especial.l.y for large faroilies. Roadersr*ro ljve near Franklin Field or in the Crxmrins Eighway soction have adoptedthe praetioe of telephoning to find out lf the book or books ranted are onshelf before coming to the Branoh. ltre ex'bension of the time linit onadul.t books to one month also means fewer visits to the library by nostaduLts. Cornmunlty leaders have lnforrned us that less r'€adlng is ietagdone because there aro so many organizations which require a great deaL ofuork on the part of the members. l{hen, in addition, the unusual weathercondit ions of the past wint€r aro Laken lnto considorat ion i t ls readiLyseen that the circuLation could aot possibly have increased last year.Mattapaa is stil l a roading dlstrlct because the quality of the bookscirculatod lndicates that the public are fastidious readers.

Much tine and effort has been put lnto the arranglng of exhibits forJewish Book lfionth and the various Book T$eeks which occurred durtng thecourso of ttre yoar. It ls routine practioe to ehange the outside bulletinboard, the glass case, the inslde bul let in boards and othor disp]ays twioea month. Book jackets advert is ing special col leot iorrs or new books arealuays ln evldence. It is gratifying to report that our borrowers aremost cooperative in loaning us stamp collections and other bobbios for ex-hibit p'urposes, and that the publio has shown great interest in then.Recent ly, the branch suppLied books, pictures, and readiag J. ists for anexhibit at the Conference of the Unlted Orthodox Sisterhoodo of New Eng-land at ono of the looaL slmbgogues. Due credit was given to the MattapanBt'anch on their printed prograris and the chainnan made special mentlon ofthe gooC collections of Judaioa and Yiddi.sh books which are avaiLable here.


An inportant phase of our work is that done in the lllgh Sohoo1 Room.In this room is-housed.a very f lne col lect ion of books ""a-pr*pt lets forreferenae and clrculation. In addition to the books on the school read-lng l ists is a special- ly selectsd col l"ect ion of jureni le and adult t i t lesfor junior aud seni-or high school lo lsurne readlng. posters, exhlbi t ,srr . ,br iokjackets, and special col lect ions are always on display to ui t , r t" tu t tuintereet of the young readers. rt is interesting to note that nany mothersof high school pupils use the room during school hours to obtajn infor:na-tion or serect book roports for their children. fire explanation given lsthat the boys and girls are so occupied. witir Hebrew schiol, nuslc a,,d,other after school acttvlties that they do not have time to visit tbelibrary-' one of the most satisfying projects of the year was the v,eedingaad reslasstfj.O,ation of the pampirre{ j ' iri aecording tl ttre;;*;v system,last surnmer. ltris rnaices the fiLe easier to use, since alr assistants arefan,iliar with the Dewey, and therefore do not have to consult en index.

More parnphlets were circulatod this year than ever before, particularlyfor use in wri t ing col lege papers on cur!€nt topics. our ini the pastysar a new policy was adopted vrhereby gramnar school pup:-rs=are perrnittedto use the Etgh school Room. rhe booki selected ,ru i,rL3*ct to theapproval of ttre Childrenrs Librarian. Of particular intirest to thisgroup are books from which movies have beeir made, such as rtDavi.d Copper-fieldn and trTwo Years Before the ltrastrt, biographles, sport stotles, animal.end career s to r ies .

No report of the yearrs activities uould be conplete'arlthout rpn-tioning the use.of tho_]ibrary for cornrnunitlr neetings and courses. sincethere is no' leoture haLl the groups meet ln the chi larenrs Foom eitherbefore ' 'oon or after eight orJlock ln the evoning. Ttre Henry Georgeschool of Eeonomics has had a snall alass once a week for tei weeks d.uringtho rrvinter. A Glr ls Seoutsr Group has used. the room for a leaders classfor six vreeks during. January and Febnrary. A consuurers cooperativo grouphas herd speclal meetings *ith an oconoruist from flanrard university aeleeturer severaL t lmes during the year.

the highliglt-r of the year ln the chirdrenrs Roorn were the springBook Festival celebration and the annual Book &eek eelebra+,ion in thefa1l, rdron classes visited the llbrary. l,riss sagoff revlewed the newchildrent s books uftich wero on exhibii. ell public and p";."fri"f schoolswere visited four times during the-year for r-eglstration and book talks,and the pupils and teaohors invtted^ to yisit tie brn.r.,.rn - rr lro-,rr"orn the Rishl Hebrew academy vislted tho tibrao"Ji"il;. i:"Hil ;1;-t""and were told stories about the holiday and shonn the nei spr:ng books.story Hour is held every saturday nouning from october throirgh June.There were three outstanding story hours during the year, one in obser_fance of iluslc ffeek, one at Harloween, and ono Doll btory Eo.rrr when booksabout dolls and toys were gi.von speoiaL attentlon. For Music Tfeek storyh-our a phonograpb pas borrowed. utti ttPutur and, the wolfrr was played afterthe story had been told. Before Ilalloween the children were invited tocome in costurne. Particurarly popular were piretes, clorms, and a rfRed.Cross Nurse . l l

Tho' activities and accomplishments mentioned above would not havebeen posslble without the vrholehearted copperatlon of the members of thestaff. It ie also a pleesuro to rooord ttrat tfre serrrj.cee rendered by thestaff are appreciated by the public and. the loaders in the corrnunity.

Respectfully subnitted,

Y.!^-d4.,- 6 . /.*Ll_Branch Librarian U 0


In retrocpect the bad wlnter nonths of 19\8 seens to have been thcoutstandlng event of the year slnee the snow and lce nade the branchalnost lnaecesslble to thc naJorlt'y of readers. The clrEulation rlroppcrlso beavily durlng thc flrst alx months that the galn fron July - Decenbcrcoulrl not conpletely offset lt. Frequent eehool, settlement house,church and tynogoguc vlslts only helped to enphastze thls faetor whlchwag mentlonad by all the key persons lntervler,recl. The lnslemeocy of thercather, alsor.aroused more lnterest on the part of borrowers i.n theCunnmlns Highuay aad trbanklia Fleld sectlons ln the deelrablllty of havlnga branch of thelr otun. There have been nany protests that the llbrarysbould be located at Ldattapan Square vrhere use of thc llbrary could beconbined. wlth shopplng. Slnce there j.a no possibillty of doing thiein the near future, the best solutlon seens to be a booknoblle whlchcould serve these seetlons once or twlee a rvaek. Thls typo of servlcecould. be made very effectlve lf a member of the local branch staff couldaccompaay the bookmobile when it is ln the neighborhoodll The pronise ofone for I9\9 nakes us very happy.

The sunner months as usual were yery slow because $ost of thefanilles ln the dlstrlct moved to the beaches innedlately after ecboolclosed., and renalnad there until school openod, flre ciaily routlne, how-eYer, uas often splced on ralny days by two or three bus loads of chil<lreafron tbe Hecht House Day carnp who earae to tbe branch for story hour.These large groups of chtldren acconpanledl by teachers were always wel-coned even thougb tbe llbrary uas.usually glven less tha:t an b,ourf snotloe. The service was so appreciated by Eecht House leatlers atlclparents that they have requested to have lt eontlnued this surlpner.the special story hours on Tuesd,ay mornings srer€ yery popular wlth tbechildren who were epeutllng tbe sununer ln tosn, &d th.ese were nadesufflclently varleil so that tbe sa.rce cbi.lclren came regularly.

In an effort to lncrease the use of the Library a montbly bulletlnuas sent to all chureb.es, slfnogogues, settlenent houses anil scboolg lntbe distrlet, togethep with coptes of Books Currcnt, More Booke, nn{book ltsts when avallable. Looal newsfr@ Effis

-r-EFe-iFFten senl-

nonthly tlescrlblng the activltles at Mattapan partlcularly emphaslzlngthe movlng plctures and Great Books Programs. It ls gratlfylng to reportthat most of the progranlt uere weLl attended, and well recelved, especlallyby Junlor and senior ht$h'school pupl}a. The atlult attenrlance at themovles has varled ilepentling upon the type of program presentecl. Travelanil mustcal plctures were nost popular/ There ls every tncllcation that asmore and better filns becorne avallable the attendance will.lncrease. It1s still too soorn to detenrine the effeet of these prograns on the circu-Iatlon, but the books dtsplayetl wlth the fllm poster have been borroned.ln the course of the tuo weeks set aslde for featurlng tben.

The Great Books Program began qulte ausplclously ntth seventeenregistrants, but has sinee clwindled. to flve, wtro cone regularly. Tbesurprising feature of this has been that there are several worr€n who takeout the book asslgned for d.iscussion, but d.o not appear when the group

meets to dlscuss the work. When questioned there hae always been soneraason whlch has prevented then from attendlng. Possibly they will lateraequlre enough courage to partlctpate ln the group.

AIl activltles at Mattalan $e!e handlcapped by the lack of a lecturghalI. lhe Chlldrents R6ora had to be used after elght ofcloek which neanta great deal- of furniture ngvlng, since tables must be movecl to aakeroom for chalrs fron the Elgb School and. Adult Roong. It also meantthat on tr'13-m Progran Evenlugs the Chlltlrents Room had, to close at J p.m.7and chllilren uho cane wlth their parent,s that evenlng had to Ilnittheir selectlon of books to those la the alcove or ln the lIigh Schoo1 Roon.Although thls d1d not present a real bardshlp, lt stiU uas not ln thebest lnterests of elther tbe library or the chlldrcn.

The nunber of books eirculated tlurlng the year fron the tllgb Schoolcollectlon showod a galn of \2V over I94?. The galn anrl losg nas af-nostevealy divld,ed between the adult and Juvenlle books but Septenber thr'ougbDecember shos,ed'a rleclded geln tn the circulation of Juvenlle books. fbepurchase of nany; career books for old.er glrls plus tbe atlatltlon ofmany sport gtories lnclutllng both baseball and football etories ofprlnary lnterest to boys accounts in large measur€ for our ga1n. Everyaftcrnoon tho Hlgh School Roorn wae crowiled ulth studente who came to study.Tbs refercnee coLlectlon uiag eonstantly used anal an lncroasing ilrmber ofboys and girls sought help la the eelectlon of books for book reports andrcereatlonal readlng. Posters advertlslng teen age stories for boys andgirls, fashions, ploneer storles, aad the observance of national holldayshave proved to be good ailvertlsing for our books in these various flclils.The book collectlon anil panphlet flle are kept up-to-date by perlorlloweecllng ancl dlscartllng of out-of-date antl worn out naterlaL. Ilhe pan-phlet flIe has proved to ba a very helpful reference aid for newnaterlal not yet avallable ln book fort. It roras especlally useful thtsfall when somnany studente were seeklng infonnatlon about the history ofthc labor rnovernent ln conJunctlon nltlr the essay oa }abor for whlch nanyof our students oonpeted.

It ls lnteresting to note in studlyiag the circulation figures forthe year that the loss fias eniirely lu the atlult fiction, for the atiuttnoa-fictioa and the Juvenlle classiflcatlon galnetl eubstantlally. Thisls partly tlue to the increased uumber of former borrowerg who have Jolnedbook clubs and to tbe policy of restricting the purchase of stanedbooks to the Branch rssu€ Departuent. Tbere are constant conplaints fronborroserg that s1r to eighteen nonths is too long A tfuae to bave to waltto read a popular t1tle whlch has beon restricted by the library. Thepresent nethod. would work out satlsfactorily lf Branch Issue had sufficlentfund.s to purchese at, Ieast one coBy for eacb brancb In tbe systen. Thereserve list ftrncttons very well for books pnrchased in quantitles forbranches, but bogs dovrn when we have to tlepend solely on Branch Issue forgcrtOce.

In March Mlss Scoff, the Branch Llbrarlan, g.,vo a book talk to thenulses aRd wlres of staff memberg of the Bostou State Hospltal. TheSupervisor of Nurslug Iduaatlon nho was ln charge of the meetlng intro-duceil the nurses and the cloctorsr nlves after the talk. Over a glags ofpunch and cookies Inany frlends were nade for the library by dlscusslngtbeir readlng hablts with lniltvldual nurses. Slnee thls taLk nany of thedoctorsr tlves and the nuraes who were present have become regular


l lbrary borrquerg.

During Deeenber ldattapan oelebrated Jewish Book Month wlth a serlesof lnteresting exhlbits loaned to us by Mlss Faruay Golclsteln of the West5nd Branch. The naln tbeme vlas tbe inftuence of the Jeulsh CulturalRenaisgance of the neru state of Israel. The beautiful water color paint-ings of the Ten Commandments by Katz, antl the pictures of the Eebrew Univ-erslty on Mount Scopus ereated a great deal of favorable corrunent frombotrowerg.

As part of thls eelebratlon there $,as a lecture otr Ylddlsh paetryon Sunday evening, Decenber 12 by th6 Jcwisb refuge poet, Joaeph Rublnsteln.The audlence of about ninety adults applaud,eci so often and. go loudtry thatthere was no questlon about thelr enJoynent. Tbe ehalnoan of the evenlngProfeesor Abraham Robaek, as wel} as nany of those present toltl us tbatlt was qn eYenlng they would always renember wlthpleasure. Prograns ofthls nature do not lSorease the eireulatlon but bulld good w1ll for tbellbrary.

The exhlblt of books and pictures loanerl by Mattapan to Hecht Eougeand to the Dorchester-Mattapan Zionist Counol1, togetber with the talkson books glven by Mlss Mary Colden to the $isterhood of Tenple KehlllathJaeob andl the Hecutlve Boarcl of the Mattapen-Dorchester Hadaseah helpedto atlvertise our Juilalca and Yltldlsb colleotlon. Ke are hEppy to say thattbe books speclflcally nentloned by MLs9 Golden in ber talks were latercalled for by the wonen who had attended the lectures.

A1so ln Deeenber Miss Helen Sagoff, the Chll-dre!,rs Llbrarlar, gavea rnost lnterestlng talk on childrenrs books and what the publi.c llbraryla d.oi"ug to encoursge gbod reading at ai$€ett'ng:ofj$he Parent-Jeachers,'Fetleration of Mattapan,' The lecture was nell attended, and very favorablyconmented upon by the raothers, aBd agaln the books dlscussed were ealledfor at the brauch.

Although there have been nany staff changes durlng the year, wercere fortunate tbat tbe regular assiatants who replaced those traasferredhave fitted, weII into our staff. However, tbo same cannot be said for theexlra servlee, baeause the boys antl girls tlo not eeem illlllng to do therequlred work ln splte of better pay.

In eLoslng I nould llke to connend. the regular staff for lts ereellentteam work and. its hlgh quallty of llbrary Bervlco.

. Reppectfully eub4rltteC.,-TttAaa- tI . ,L

Branch l.lbrarlan


lffi HA.f9*FA* BH*rStr I9S

rka amd ofuuul*tjlo flgarer for lg4g rhog an tnc$c*as tu t&cs*rlt cl,roul*td.aa sf sr6s8 aad a lo*s 3a tho Jrrveatle ci.ruutatt,naof 59X,. thssrr fLgurl, bowrrer" da mt glat a trno ptctnere of tbcr*e sf, tho bransh. Furtng tha sft*rwou ard sv€slag* furu *nF $1*rg* rebsr cf Snrpllr *f all agsi aad gr*€s*, *s uall. *r oollagegbdss r*ro rw ts t&s tlbalrir to ctrr*y sgd to trrs {ul' refsFessecallcatlo'n. Ihet lshe bra*ch 1r b+t*g used. mre aad m:r bgr sld*rhrrowrr le ssli3rmsil by the rsam*t nf sarde *tsh ha*e mt baaurr*cA *Itr€e batlor tlr6 s,r, Suothar *lga of tho tluee ta thc rte*erilsrfi for boekc aboat mll bu*lrote" eals* prwtta" bbblee.al!ti$re!, olil gXass' ftrrnlttrre, bw re1xlr*, t&o bor*SolA *rtr,*nd g*ey &gftsh f*drt? for agx tttrdgfesti' Sary of the .6,rp*9, t.tsr&o stt$rdsd ccllegm ard uatver*l,tlee cftar tlr* Thr err ad,ng tbr3tbrarp fer rwrsatl,ssl rs'l{-gr d, tho csryffwb rwsXwd froathl,r grtuXr on ths vadatgr *a{ chalst of ths rspfS+tloa co:llsetl,onhsrs be met g*tt$d,ag.

&s *ht*tlug cf, tbo adr*Lt Fa-*lrrttron esllcstl.sa ]a*t srwr hssl.rcraared thc r*e of, the b**g!*F*f *nd hirto*y a+llcatios oEai[:n.gocrerr th*rs' h*r bn * m31osn31* dmp rE tbCI its*a* ror book* abt r**'l'ed* *be wil,y SlE g nrta Imt yar wp far &nsks mt lntraoob eolLeetl.eng. $t*rrrd bb* erre stlll tbs grreatst lr dam*fr1l, rptte sf the lmg ait to ebtatn th€,

k**tbry '&e :ne*t mh}ls *gsr4aee of ths F*r G! tb* a*poftmgnG*1tb mofrtet €bt€{t*g, Fer cugr trru*Fe t}re $trcul*tlca Btvt*lsa sf tbsSocte* Ssblt* r.tbery h*r b*en lntaro*ted r,n r.epl*ciag tbf preeutryrts rf +ha{Ff4 boab rit& **htao {r}arglug* sd tbo$folr, tas€pt@b€{r lf 19{sr btt*pu aaa $&} of, the tn* bc*no#ar *otrratsd toclnrlnaat rd'*,h t&e fuul.agtoa-fuofr 8&taah*rgerr lhta *ctrlae pruradt6 bs f,ctrly p*tfrfactery &n ohr€ts8 kLr rn4 l[,9 ottraaq*tts$ thetd.su* trllec€lts of t*!lpp!ng"F but not sf;*lsfwt 3rl hadll,ag trh6Brgb*,s str s*rrduE bocb. rntted of twl,ag ttme ta *rdtrg ffrt thpruatl uctl.raa*G lt *o*ually lwroams t*rt emrrnt sf ttffi rrogrtrri.tlrlr snr rtuo ts the f*nt teat ths tratltl"rsit paF+r *l,Isn us* *fbmt oleer +mugh to rteil gntckly, ttl4 th*t lt rffisb,€d i.n t"h* Froorss*f, dpailoptag' .*bm1 &o, lBra rffi*er* erd tb l$ceclarlg*r prrovcd tobc mladoa*.l3r tm*4tf,.*f*ctor9. Saoar*c of tbeet q*td. +tbgr dlea*l*a.tages,It rns d@td{rd sot 'h tas*ll tht,r cysta ln our }:snsh llb*--arls**

tble her baan a* qutaba*f$€ ye*r for llbr*ry erfttbttc, bnt tbeone r&L*h crEatcd tha grutclt lntcr?*t oa tbe gnrt ef, tba ptrbl,lcs,* t&c Sshosl, lrt F*rrlbtt hsld la fioeeubcr, in oqmeEtSonr Elt& Ar4 Sash*Erpeotatly grupular sere tls tm lurrtla done b:r UerJef+E Ss.r.bs ln 1948rdreu &e *aB a *l"rst grade puptl et tho Audubon Satrool, 'the bottsr ofti?ra {:m Er a pair3lng af c&lldroa relpprng rolu tn t&s rabet y*rilr

t.*rir m*l sho@al umg,ral talsNrt for eo Funrg a ablld, aud attnrctadcltgr*sgds r"q*! "'n6cg teasbere, cchEEi priadpxrr-na "r,t*or4'ernr'eo*u. Irar*ug the tro *eet* tlo ortrlut ws ai dlrplay, t&rc*a'G a ooaatant at*reaa otr vlsltcrs t;e tJro br*ncb, qn{ *ny ir ii"*lweartarxr graita pqrtls la the d!,rtrJat c*se ta se* tha ffih:bttuader the *uperutsloa af tlrstr tsasbsar s6th t"ns aauit ,*c-lrr"g"*operkatt lwsf,ttad b3r these vlsLts ae tUe *t*ff bod q* apporAmterb explatn the varler:s servic*e of thE brasoh tE thro.

trroughout tlre 5re*r udrtbtls d,th poeter* ad boo&* rore *l.cgrlay*dla obtef,ranoc of Sattrcltc bb &*" g*tbst+r6sg eet, mgrc-XfeteryFaa$' Jwt*h fioo& socth..., stc. sttb ttrs raoet lssl*r aissl.Iy-of-allkk$rg Fl*ae *trl{'Eg fuh ?b6k tg Scqsabar* ths l&orr.ss i"d"d ka*€*ns g,:r nrnnsus.L s&tblt *lrowiag ths ptesseea l-rsolvad tn tli FbUoatlonof book* fr*a t&a um*crrpt-rtegrt&rougfr t*ra ftnrshea bec*i

-*r**at thls ttw' t$ers lras &a enrrrfbilt af crigfnal llluet*tlons Lasn€dts us b'f tftE Tlsagn gnorerr" a*r fuublesiy Gm$nnrec. rrcruaedsffilrg tlre*a wrs a nmbsr $r rn{,wrs of thi ce}Eeastt mdnl.'


Ans&sr iryortant scsnt of tha fall we tha Ttddtsh leeturne tnobservanCIo of Josteh hok l4oath gtvea fu Tudor sartt of {hc ilae.tshsumu of silucetloa La l*ew Yorlc-Clty* ir". m"tt diaEusrsa prsraat day?tddiah Slterretnrrer *tth e:r5$arrr Ei tho wrrre of $Lolsu dcar-il"*t*,eadt otbar Fressnt da3rrr{,tere* rr* $as*g& Shackt.s of Ersadsii Unto*"etty,r&o Freeldedr alto ryoh6 on t&e aaao gsaerat t*trF. Abspt om hwdredlgueete attsndd.

stra Bnlla aad falls qf t?'* oreat gosks prognu r*r bsaa a betdleappolataa* Lf tP-r*r! Iyry* - Fres. aa orre*tl g$qp of for*J,-t*or€glrtrarts ra rbe t*r1 l{ irce, rhs as€r a*rd}.ed tJr*or-ltr*rorsoxlorer* w ths ead sf !g€. &ia me *rc ta-ta* frest tlst demsJorltSr of p,r#.ctputc ln t&a gtt*p* prograar w{re Jrems rruata*ilsand '*lvee stth cr*elr ohrldren, r*s eor*a atlena res'lirtt-oJy-*,r *qq4xtf:i€d beblr **rt*r we *aliabls. ra ordsr ** hirB tlri us-**tt "sitr*,tlea the rffit1ag nlght ros chng* twtie, but tblc €ttl,l dld mthalp t*e et*sndasa. tha clder g,eopi* !.e the-c@r&l.ty prco* L u*aie!.ntarEstad bseurc €qr Breforrua to attmd x"€otnrsg at oentr'axtsb*"y aad Fsrd aell' orto kke aduttadueatro{r csursss etysmdbtrr other grsupa' ouiLy gra*f$ag gurt af tlra prcgreu, le tbstth*ra rs'ho €5€ ofbaa onJoyed $rg areoreeloas ad mre aslore to hevethe pregmx eoatlaus8. f,:*ss*ruv wre L:str-lted ta Jota the ut. &,maora&anch Sroup oandacted bg }iles trapte* so that they are eoattrnlng wtth*$a prrograe.

-*mt'br aper{.wnt $hleh l'*s sot baen t& successftrr ls thc s1lnFrog:nan fur adultr. _rn eptto of _r.egur*" o*ugotror pnbSr.otty, ttsmlr.tng sfoas hundrsd pcetel oarrits to s"dur,ts irai aairrt gnad; rn trrod''ttrlot' srad *he dtlflaf of *ttnastlve p+rtara advErtili:rg tu"--gl*"ts b* e}:oreero tlrs adurt anrdre&sae hare hea ',o*tr. Ieek cf lnterEat


on tire prt of tlrg a&tlts is attslbrttsd fu tb6 targa rrrdor of trterrLaleaets ln ths netgbborhood, and to t&e re4r organk*ttsss drl,ch elalg *;hctlas a*d at$atLor cf met of our borrowrar &,e attmdase *t 3trugpeoplerc ptogrsmct b*vor, has b6sn anoh more gfatfffln6. BrLs tnt**taton t'h psr'* of thE ebtldrsa ir &rt Sargelr ta tbg pub!.toltlr glvaa thc*iln pregreue by Slss Eautua ad Siss !$ff &rrta€ tbs!,r *chss3 vLsttsrSa attapt 1I Urfog rods to plaa tfte fllra plugrrw ss tbt ttrry aryr*sfuieldE Fttli s€dc of, the eubJeate betrg t*ugft ta *[p los*l .hmfur g!,gbSobal.

Se am$4"1 rsgor* wuld be tmpterto stt*rout matla*tag *;lre trrerrcw!cbangee of ths gsrr Ia Febnery cf I.9* $rr Fmd,arlck t. Shr"ecbergm,Euttadl*a cf tlp &ttapan Srssah $ettrcd af,ter oser r quar*r o6h:rgof earstso* Ite apr{r l&* a?tfur B" Farrslr *s eppelnted. 'b thLrlrtitl.oa. In &rne of la*t ]rear our ebtXdrEnta Ll.br*r{an, *H.rs &}s:gS*goff rcoigaed to be wrtsd snd bfr lnsttls$ mE fft}lsd b1l tfan*fierrtngffi.ga a$ldrad &eufba of the s3. Bcd+tn Brareb to ilattagnn. rs hsysaley* beaa f.ortamsta la t*rait *hwver a good *nd, *,bLe css:lstaat lqvscor Lr tarnsferrad, aa aqru,lly able 0$6 f,Gces to tel6 her Bl,am+ &bope th!.* foriunate stremtbr*s sitl catinrs b o*aur!'r &eau*e of ttrrohiib Sallty of mr* cf the steff rnit t&sLr esellest otroperg1l,oa endlte*n wrk, E[u,ttaprn kas bsrt a lr*o*a$fbl 3r*ar trn tts t*rk gf co*{agtho soffi.rni$ of tbr Sattepau *ecffEr of tlre Gtty ef, Soebs*

. 3sgpeotfirlly snbltte$,n<zl+,* B. d--tl_Branah l,l.brartan 0lI

IATE Jnnrr+ry_fg,-lgl+jS

B , P , L . F O R M N O . l 2 t L G : a - 2 2 - t 6 : z o l

gf.T::il::.w:",ff_u_haneh lLbrarlan. tr 0

FnOU Xiss .reef*' * "r-tt-F.t*-$"qifr€!-_DEpl.

To-- Depr.

Ix nq6*ra



$a lleaenher 6, L?43 tbe L{attaSna Sraneb assum€d,th,e r€spg$ctbll.lty for eontlnulug l,fr. SeLlehrs wrkwlth the Dorahester Labor Fcru&. [Ilss l{lnbal]. ead6d1ss $agoff tiave been Ln oharge of the proJset onalternete &rndey.rom,Lnge. The o:r1perlreet-hse notbeen worth while fron th,e Ubrary potnt of rrlenru,becsuse tlre t{!ilia ayallable for personal. servlse atthe beglnntng and end of tbe progren is too short;l,ir. ,trktn, tlre feinrm leader, hes been nast cooperatlvefp eUflalnlng th.e sclsl.ses of the Llbrary, acd ln urgtngthe audtence to arall thenselves of the op,portunfty ioueo lts facllltlee,

lihe halL le openod st 10.50 A1*I.; fifteer sdnutesbefore tle pro€ran beglns. Tbe asgletant in cbar:ge eetsup a tablet with about thlrty-five books. rcUpent Eooksrand. X.lbnary .llets are d.isplayed, laJi the ma flud wcwslnvltcd to take them ae they roave tbe hs.tl. ?ow pbcBlehave been &rfflsl,e:rtly tnterestsil tn take thon. Eaeh&rndey there hae bgen one or two new reglstratLoas, but thene*r ,hoFrqwsrg use tbetr sards nnly at the Fqrun. on theepdays wh*a they attend. ftepeete& f,nrrltatlone 6oth by i,;b"arkln and the ttbrariy esaistaats to use the brancb. ltbrar-tes' have uot bo'rgh,t a slngLe bormwer lnto eltber thls or1ny otber aearty branch. [hs olrc[].atlon flgures havebeen ffve ar slx boob Ber $uudayr-exeapt for Decenber 6,when only tbree Yld.dlsh booke were bofrffred.

:]oth idles lrlrrbaLl asd lfilsS iiagoff ]rave erp]alaed totbe aard bslders that boake oa eubJeetE not, r,epresento0ia tho sffi.tl correatlon oa th,e tabie m,y be orieredt. 0nly

itqrs rgqgeetp were nade, except for ulv,Dlllic0'lrffi, wb.tch hosbeen s"Bked. for every Sundal'. rue n3glfiffiFthe bookseirculatecl vrcre Yldd.ish novels. ,.

' the attend.anee at tb,e feru:n has dropped Eoneldorablyelnce lest yeer. Ilre to war cortdlttossr-iae avbrage at*tendenee Le about ono hrrndred-middllE*agerl aad. eleerly nsnaad wo&en wtth ltttls haowledge of &?Sll,sb.

secauee the forus rl^stsnsre heve not reepondl.ecl to thellbraryts erperiuent le ra iad,lcatlon the.t .thie nlght aotbe e worth drlre proJeot La nor$al ttraeg. rn faet. we a.rereluetant to rscosta€ln'd s,b$Sd.oning the rcrk, but w6 fsrelt'iiat under the present clreumstaicee, tt wiuld be berlt tod.lssontLaue lt untl.I" after tbe war bas been rvon, and thayounger Beopl,e retum, to elviLlan llfe.

Ststtapsn Erascb $.brary during 1,945.

Af.ter tbe rejoJ.elng of V-5 hg nnd T-J Iny re lookecl fasard eagerlyto the return of tbe large ru:pber of youag ma and $on6n *o had beenabsent *on &ttaBan for tbrea or flour :rsara, sErlrtns tbelr couatry lavarlous Snrts of t'be umld. or doi.ng wer mrb oa tha bm front. F'oh weekthera ls an l*croasa La the nrmber of vetexess rqe$ewlng thslr card.s andresunlng tibei"r use of tbe llbrary. It ls gratlfytug to note that a verylarge lroprtloa of tbssei veteraas are csstlurlng tholr {,oterrtrptededucatloa eitber ln collegas or otber instltutlons of hlgber lea::ulng, ttts stfil too early to mke any cleflntte report oa thelr reaillng bablte,but there ls a eonstant dle, nd, for books on ethemttcs, the neturalsclences, busi,ness, roeatlom.l'guldance, and psychology, Ehe staff ob*ered.tbat the adult room ts e1lve agala with tbe prasense of mny young Esnread.lug'ua6aalnes, studytug, ard sG*ecting booke, fh.e upwerd trend of theailu1t clfqtrlatten flgures ls iost eneo,urag5rg eftor t'he loag p,erjod of hgelogses. Ii )ts-ts be boped. ti:at 5}ls se.ll galn Ln t'be adult rop*fl,ctlonforetells a. rea-}=5son ta t&ls Xnrtled"ar type of read,Lu& uatterr

In racarlrng the :aemrable events of nineteen fortg-flrra one hesitstesio nantlou tbe two qafortunate oocurrences cf the fa11., wblcb t'rrned,4neneosrE3lrr8 clrculatlon galn lato e substaetlal- loss. the flrst of tbesewas the tafantlle paralysls eplilenlc *i.eh,Es€scd to b€ spreadlug lntiattapan and Hyd.e Frk. the reactlon tb'thLs scare la the aelgbborbood nacthe abcost complete lso1atlon of the ehild.reu by the rctherg. Ehe fe-ei thatm bad not been spra5reil by D. D. T. *eqrlteit 1a vary few cblldren ubsxg thebrancb, aad tboso sho cane wre canpbor bags ptrlaetL to tbelr undolsear toavold infeetloa. 'Ibe other tnfertunate halpealng was ths eurdqr of l{lss$arah Fodsaa on Fottler Road, two bl.lreks auaay fron eur bui.ldin6. I.oesl nrnorhad tt tb.at *'en the &rddfer escaped be threw Hlss Rod.$a$rs hanc!-bag lntothe libra:1y bushes, hrt fortuaately the pollqs FBvq aeyer able to eubstaa-tlate this slaln, Fetr at leaet tso nontbe after tba $rrder no wo:nan or glrlmulel venture eut at ntgbt trnless accorpanled by sore m1e peuber of herfn:rrlIy" f,ne nen eluays ear:ied flash-tlests alrrl often escerted msre tbaaon6 wot:!ax,. So&e evenlnge the Llbrary bad oaty a dozea adults aftor dark.i.ettapaa bas bad, lts sbare of bad luck durlng the trast few years, and slncewe feel, that every el*ud bas a silyer llning, r€ ars looktng fonrarrd Lo abrlehter future.

iilgil School

Durlng the lnst three years tirere bave been nany ehanges 1rr tbe E:Lgb$sbool roou d,ue to the deaands of tbe Juntor lllgb Serhool efor1p to use ttEfadllttles- Ehrough tbe cocArcratlon of eereral mabErs of tbe etaff se arera'able to ebange the alpbabetlcal a:rrangenent to a elssslfied gr$n€enent,ai-niiar to tha.t Ln r:se ln the adult and cblldrenrs rooms. Also tbe eolleetlenwas earefully studledt end. sore books for grades se?€tr, eigbt and *fae added.;uaattraetlye coples of tbe elassles were Eerdemed en{ tepleee{ byiil}ustra-tecl eatitXoss, and the pa.qrhlet flt"e tls.1nqgbly *ioeded and elasslfledaceorilbg to Deney.
