Quotes About Getting Hurt




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Quotes About Getting Hurt/Missing

1. The hardest part of walking away is knowing you won't run after me.

2. I could've treated you better but you couldn't have treated me worse.

3. I don't miss you; I miss who I thought you were.

4. What do you do when the only one who can make you stop crying is the one who made you cry?

5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right next to them knowing you can't have them.

6. There's always that one guy that no matter how much he hurts you and makes you cry you'll never be able to let him go.

7. I don't regret telling you how I felt about you; I do regret that I ever liked you in the first place.

8. I always think I'm so over you then you walk by and suddenly I'm not.

9. I don't really see the point in wasting a flower when you know he loves you not.

10. Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to forget someone you never met.

11. Don't you know I've tried to get you out of my mind, but it doesn't get any better. As each day goes by, and I'm lost and confused, I've got nothing to lose. Hope to hear from you soon. P.S. I'm still not over you.

12. Summertime, it could give me enough time to get over you, or it could give me time to realize that I can't.

13. I keep looking in all the places where you are supposed to be. But I never seem to find you, and you're all I long to see. I just can't seem to understand what it was that changed your mind. All this time I thought I knew you when really I was blind. But know that I do not hate you, and I know I never will. Because I cared about you then and I care about you still. Even though you hurt me, I can't seem to let you go. But I will go on without you and I want to make sure you know. It will take some time to mend the damage that you've done. But broken hearts do heal, that's where strength comes from. For now, the tears may be falling and my thoughts keep circling to you. But soon things will get better, if you have hope, then they always do.

14. Tears may be dried up, but the heart-never.

15. It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.

16. The saddest thing in life is loving someone who used to love you.

17. It's funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they never would.

18. The one I saw. The one I saw before my eyes came upon me at no surprise. I look at him and his smile while I rested and thought it was all worth while. The memories come back and stay. A bit no one could ever really imagine it. I think about the times we had. The good times and the bad ones that made me happy and sad.

19. No matter how hard you try to hate him for what he did to you, you'll never stop loving him.

20. I was finally getting over you, believing that we were threw. I even found another crush, someone other than you. I was walking with my head up high, thinking I wasn't gonna fall. Then you had to go and smile at me.

21. Every time I fall in love, I fall for someone new. Still, I always find myself falling back in love with you.

22. I loved you so much before I had my first chance with you. Then you gave me that chance of my lifetime. It was only for a short time, such a short time. Then as my life became filled with happiness and joy, you left me, without explanation. For days I questioned why, for many nights I cried. I promised myself I wouldn't hate you or regret meeting you. But how could I anyway? You made me want to be a better person, you made me smile when I thought I couldn't, you turned my life around, and for this reason I know I'll love you forever.

23. I know that it's pointless to keep holding on. But something inside tells me that you are where I belong.

24. It's hard to pretend to love someone when you don't. But it's even harder to pretend you don't love someone when you do.

25. If he's dumb enough to walk away then be smart enough to let him go.

26. Sometimes you need to run away to see who will follow you.

27. Sometimes the person you want most you're better off without.

28. Sometimes it's best to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve.

29. Sometimes I still hold onto my pillow wishing it was you. Waiting on a phone call hoping it will be you.

30. The last time I looked into your eyes I knew nothing would ever be the same. It hurt so bad just to walk away.

31. I think I'm scared to fall for someone again. I'm scared to get hurt. I'm scared to cry and not be able to think about anything except the guy who broke my heart. That's why I'm so scared.

32. I'll put a wall around my heart and won't let anyone in because my heart will wait forever to be with you again.

33. You don't know what it does to me, watching you watching her the way I want you to be watching me.

34. Why can't you see how much you hurt me this time? You used to say you were sorry, now you don't. You don't even care anymore. And I think that's what hurts the most, the fact that I know you don't and you won't. But I'm starting to realize no matter what I do, I'll remember all the fun times. All the times we spent just me and you. And then I remember how cold you are now. The fact that you have new friends and have moved on. The fact that I don't even spend time with you anymore. It hurts thinking about it. Knowing that things will never be the same or that things won't get any better. I hate this. And I hate you for doing it to me.

35. I miss you when something good happens to me because you're the one I want to share it with first. I miss you when something bad happens because you made everything better. I miss you when I cry because you kissed my tears away. I miss you when I'm laughing because you made my laughter grow. I miss you through all those times. But I miss you the most when I'm lying in bed at night thinking about you because, before, I always knew someway, somehow, you were thinking of me too. And that's why it's then that I miss you the most. Because I'm not so sure you're thinking about me anymore.

36. I hate the way you look at me and the way you act so weird. I hate the way you have no clue. I hate it when you're far, not near. I hate your stupid everything and the way you have no fears. I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes some tears. I hate the way I talk to you. I hate it when you're mad. I hate it when you make me happy, even worse when you make me sad. I hate it that you're just my friend and the fact that you don't care. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit. It's just not fair.

37. You wanna know what the truth is? I still love you and I probably will love you for a very long time. But I can't just be your buddy because as much as I enjoy the concept of being just friends, in reality, it's a bizarre form of torture and I'm just not willing to participate in it. So right now what I wanna do is just move on and get over you. And the only way for me to do that is to be not around you anymore.

38. Today is one of those days I spend an hour just looking at the photo on my dresser of us standing there together. One of those days where anything reminds me of you, of us. One of those days I don't know if my tears are happy because I have you at all, or sad because I miss you more than anything in this world.

39. I'm lying alone with my head on the phone thinking of you till it hurts. I know you hurt too but what else can I do? Tormented and torn apart, I wish I could carry your smile in my heart. It would make me believe what tomorrow would bring when today doesn't really know.

40. I really shouldn't be so surprised we broke up. I mean 90% of high school romances do eventually end. It's just that for some reason I thought we were different from everybody else, that what we had was special. That we could beat the odds and live happily ever after. But then again, I guess that's what everyone thinks.

41. I'm not crying because I'm upset, I'm crying because despite everything that is going on, you still love me.

42. Crying over someone won't being them back. Staying up late wishing on stars won't make things as they were. Telling them how much you love them won't either. The only thing that can is to let their heart come back to you.

43. The way you used to look at me has changed so clearly. I can see things will always be awkward between you and me.

44. I bet you'll never remember the things I'll never forget.

45. Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone. Too often we wait too late to say, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones we hold dearest to our hearts and we allow foolish things to tear our lives apart. Far too many times we let unimportant things into mind and then it's usually too late to see what made us blind.

46. I know we don't talk anymore and there has even been times I've noticed we've walked right by each other without saying a word. There are those times, however, when we see each other, make eye contact, and I know no matter how hard we both try and hide it that you miss me just as much as I miss you.

47. I don't know why I'm so afraid to lose you, when you're not even mine. I just don't want anyone else to realize how amazing you are.

48. The greatest real life loss is when you lose someone you love more than yourself.

49. There will always be those awkward moments when you walk by a person and remember everything you had.

50. Whenever I cried he would always make me feel like he would change the world if he could so it couldn't hurt me anymore. But now I'm crying and he's not here.

51. Loving him is hard to regret, losing him is hard to accept. But with all the hurt I've felt, letting go is the most painful yet.

52. Promise me, that's all I want. Just promise that you will never forget me. Tell me I changed you somehow. Let me know that I had an impact on you life. Promise me that you will always remember me. Losing you was hard enough, but I don't want to go on knowing I meant absolutely nothing to you.

53. Real love stories never have an ending. I was here for you for so long. Now that you want me, I've moved on and found somebody new. And guess what, he's even better than you.

54. When you're with your friends go ahead and act slick. Do me a favor and call me when you grow a dick.

55. I promised myself I was over you. I promised myself that I was through. But in reality, all I can think about is you. When the day is done I lie in bed wondering if you'll ever look at me in my bright brown eyes like you used to. I know it's time to say goodbye. You say you're sorry because you hurt me. But now I know you just really want to get inside of me. So baby it's over and let me tell you, you can't come crawling back after what you put me through.

56. I still love you. I miss you being there. But the thing that hurts the most is that you just don't care.

57. Giving up doesn't make you weak, it means you're strong enough to let go.

58. I can't wait until the day I hear a happy love song on the radio and don't want to smash the stupid thing.

59. I've accepted that we can't be, but I've also accepted that you're going to be that one person I carry with me for the rest of my life. The one that's always going to make my heart jump and my stomach tie up in knots, no matter how happy I am otherwise and no matter how long it's been. The one I will always wish had secretly asked me to the dance even though I'm happier with the guy that did. Do you realize how incredibly difficult it is to accept both those things at once?

60. One day you'll look at me and wonder why you never wanted me.

61. Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest. It opens your heart. It means someone can get inside you, mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor for years, so nothing can hurt you. Then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life. You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you or smile at you, and then you life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness. So simple a phrase like, maybe we should just be friends, or, how very perceptive, turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart hurt.

62. I can't talk to you now, because when I talk to you, I think about you. And when I think about you, I miss you. My heart breaks, my soul cries, and there is nothing I can do except talk to you.

63. My soul is empty now; it's a dark abyss. No heart, no feeling, no light. You ask me, How did you become so cold? I answered, I loved you.

64. Turn around, walk away, make it easier, no one's forcing you to stay. You stole my past, I want it back. The door is there, use it. I hope she makes you cry, screw hello, you had me at goodbye.

65. Forget his name. Forget his face. Forget his kiss and warm embrace. Forget the things he used to say. Remember now he's gone away. Forget the things he used to do. Forget the love you once shared. Forget the fact that he once cared. Forget the way he said your name. Remember now things aren't the same. Forget the talks you once had. Forget the thought, it makes you sad. Forget that you said you would wait. Remember now, his love is hate. Forget him when they play y'alls song. Forget you once cried all night long. Forget he said he'd never leave. Remember now, he's gone forever.

66. I never knew how much I loved you until you walked away and never even looked back.

67. Do you ever get the feeling that people are watching your life like a movie and laughing saying, Wow, her life sucks.

68. Hearts are often broken when words are unspoken.

69. I could never go back to loving you, knowing that my love wasn't strong enough the first time around.

70. You were the lesson that taught me to hurt.

71. I don't feel the pain you put me through. I don't feel anger or hatred towards you. I don't feel betrayed by the lies you fed to me. I don't feel hurt from the words you said to me. I don't feel anything anymore.

72. It's amazing. After all we've been through, the good times and the bad, how can we walk past each other and pretend it never happened? Give each other an awkward smile and move on.

73. I wonder, where does love go? One day they love you, the next day they don't.

74. Everything I learned about breaking hearts I learned from you.

75. When there isn't anybody to hold you hand, suddenly you'll understand you need me.

76. I'm smiling and laughing with all my friends, then I notice you. As my smile quickly fades, I wonder if you can really tell what I'm feeling. I wonder if deep down hidden beneath my smiles you can see my broken heart. I wonder if maybe you're feeling the same way. My thoughts are answered as I watch a tear slide down your cheek, and I feel your pain. I look away for a second, hoping our love isn't completely lost, and my own eyes blur with tears. I wipe my eyes quickly and return my gaze to you and then our eyes met once again.

77. I told you I was worried that you would just stop calling and leave me here with a broken heart. You swore up and down you were not like that, and how could I think such a horrible thing. A few weeks went by and you were that horrible thing come true.

78. Missing someone isnt about how long its been since youve seen them or the amount of time since youve talked. Its about that very moment when youre doing something and you wish that they were right there with you.
79. Every time she sees him she dies inside. Everything she feels for him she is forced to hide. She knows he could never feel the same way. So she pretends she doesnt care, hoping she can make it through the day. Without him she is torn apart and full of pain no one can see. And at night all she can do is think of what will never be. When she finally falls asleep she dreams of him: his sexy smile and the way he makes her laugh. This is the only time she is ever truly happy, because in her dreams theyre not just friends, he loves her back. She wakes back up and knows she has to face reality. He does not love her, the dream is just a cruel joke played by the crushed heart he doesnt even know he broke.

80. Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.

81. When you start to miss me remember you were the one who made me cry, broke my heart, turned your back, and let me go.

82. I keep trying to convince myself that I hate you and that you're the most annoying person on earth. But there's this little nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps saying, you're lying.

83. We were going strong. I am still wondering where it went wrong. I said I love you and you said you love me too. See, I don't want to be just another friend. Baby, I wanted to be with you until the end.

84. It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it's really sad when the best of friends become two strangers.

85. Silence is the most powerful cry.

86. What if I said that you never mattered? That I never lost one moment of sleep. What if I crushed all your dreams broke all the promises I swore to keep? Tell me how your life would be if I did what you did to me.

87. Sometimes its hard to love someone because youre so afraid of losing them.

88. Just kill me already. Thats what youre good at. Every time you dont look at me, every time you dont smile at me, every time you dont talk to me, yeah you kill me.

89. You keep hurting me and I keep coming back. Could it be that Im addicted to this pain?

90. And suddenly I hate myself for everything I ever felt for you.

91. I wish I could have told you the things I keep inside. But now I guess its just too late. So many things remind me of you. I hope you can hear me. I miss you. This is goodbye one last time.

92.I wish I knew you were going to break my heart before I fell for you.

93. It hurts to be around you. When I see you, even from across the room, it brings up a thousand memories. Not just of us, but of my entire life before. Its like Im frozen in this place that I cant bear to be, I care about you so much. As long as I can remember, everything always comes back to you. I mean, even no matter what was happening between us. Even the thought of you is at least a constant comfort, but I cant go back. It just hurts.

94. Of course shes going to say shes happy for you and flash that famous smile. But look into those brown eyes and baby, you broke her.

95. So its all over now? Well it never even began. I see you and I know that I love you. But I know youve changed. Youre not the guy I fell in love with in the first place. Youre not that big hearted boy I loved. The one I could talk to about anything, make jokes with and all. What happened?

96. A boy sits in his room with unseen tears running down his face. Not about to end any time soon. He sits on his bed, and reaches under his pillow. He pulls outthat hidden notebook with the pages filled. Page by page he rips them out, the memories of her, good and bad. The only person he ever loved was this girl. He kept tearing at the pages, trying to let the feelings go, trying to forget the girl who just shattered his heart into pieces. Not too far away from that boy's home sits a girl, all alone. With music blaring and tears not heard. Her head is down, actions speak louder than words. Her hair falls down, all over her face, so messed up so misplaced. Unheard tears streaming down her face, as if they will never end. She understands that things will never be the same. She takes out her notebook and a pen starting to write of anything that comes to mind. She tries not to think about the boy because the only pain worse then having your heart broken is breaking your own.

97. I wish you hadnt kissed me when you walked me to the door. I wish you hadnt held my hand and made me want you more. I wish you hadnt whispered all those sweet things in my ear. I wish you hadnt stroked my hair or hugged and held me near. I wish you hadnt smiled when I opened up my eyes. I wish your touch had not erased all your little lies. I wish there were no little things reminding me of you. I wish memories would not make me feel the way I do. I wish I didnt know that if you called Id run right over. I wish I could be strong and smart and give you the cold shoulder. I wish you would have treated me like just another girl. Then the nights I spent with you would feel like what they were. I wish I hadnt fallen hard I knew you werent for real. But I just cant help the way that being with you made me feel. I wish I wouldnt wake up sad and know Ive dreamed of you. I wish I could get through a day and never think of you. I wish I could forget how you took away my fears. I wish I only thought of when you didnt wipe away my tears. I wish that you had been the guy I hoped that you would be. I wish I could get over you like you got over me. I wish that I could see you for the person that you are. But the heart wont ever listen or grant wishes on a star. And I wish that all these wishes were full of honesty but truth be told I wish that you would just come back to me.

98. You said you would always be there for me. I guess we have a difference in our definitions of always.

99. I lost you. I just didnt try hard enough. There were many things I couldve done to make me yours. Give me another chance. I promise Ill be better than before.

100. She cries without a tear shed. She lives without a soul. She curses the one she loves for everything he stole.

101. I hate who youve turned into, more importantly, I hate who youve turned me into.

102. Its kinda hard for me to let you know, I dont let my feelings show how much I will miss you. All the little things that make me weak, your eyes and the way you speak. Without you baby, Im not me.

103. I miss the days you held me and the days I heard your voice. I miss the days you were here. Us falling apart was not my choice. I miss the days you kissed me and the feelings we used to show. But most of all, I miss the guy I used to know.

104. The scariest part is walking away from you, and never feeling for the rest of my life, the way I feel when Im with you.

105. I look at you when youre turned the other way. You have no idea how much I think about you every day. I want you so bad but its just impossible. This aching pain inside my broken heart is terrible. I dont want to be that girl that stares at you while youre not looking. I dont want to be that girl that gets jealous if you talk to anyone else. I dont want to be that girl that cries every night because she wants something she cant have.

106. No matter how much time goes by, Ill never forget the first time you looked at me and how I just fell in love with your eyes.

107. When your heart gets broken, you tend to see cracks in everything else.

108. Sometimes its easier for me to pretend rather than face my feelings. Sometimes its easier to try to make it alone rather than risk getting hurt again. Sometimes its easier to be numb towards certain people so I dont let them get too close. Sometimes Im scared, but when I act numb towards you, it doesnt mean I dont care. It means I care too much.

109. When someone you love abandons you, it doesnt hurt just because theyve changed, or lied, or went back on their promises. But because you know what they really are and what a beautiful person they can be. And when they take that away from you and wont allow you to see that beautiful person again. Nothing hurts more than having someone just decide to take your entire world away without consulting you first.

110. The hottest love has the coldest end.

111. I was born the day you kissed me, died the day you left me, but lived for the time that you loved me.

112. Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.

113. I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

114. The part that hurts me the most is knowing that I once had you and then lost you.

115. I thought I would die if I couldn't have you. Now that I know I can't have you, death seems inferior.

116. After a year of having to live without you, I've realized I lost me when I lost you; I miss you.

117. It's like my mind knows what's right but my heart is being retarded and still cares.

118. Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, pain of love lasts a lifetime.

119. If a relationship is to evolve, it must go through a series of endings.

120. Love is like a poisonous mushroom, you don't know if it is the real thing until it is too late.

121. Learn to trust again by trusting yourself. Dr. Phil tells a man who's having a hard time letting women back into his life: "Trust is not about how much you trust one person or another to do right or wrong. How much you trust another person is a function of how much you trust yourself to be strong enough to deal with their imperfections." Have enough faith in yourself to be able to put yourself on the line with someone, without any guarantee of what will happen next. If you're playing the game with sweaty palms, it's because you're afraid of what you can or can't do, or dealing with your own imperfections it's not about the other person.
