Quitting Smoking Is Achieveable When You Know What To Do


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  1. 1. Quitting Smoking Is Achieveable When You Know What To Do For whatever reason, you have decided to stop smoking, and that is one of the hardest steps to take when it is time to give it away. However, where do you go from here? There are a lot of things you need to know when you are quitting smoking, and this article will share them with you. If you have decided to stop smoking, mentally prepare yourself for what's ahead. Try to focus on the fact that you can stop, and that this is not an impossible dream. Set an official "quit date" and even consider adding it to your calendar. By taking http://www.ljdiaz.com/18-benefits-of-cigarette-smoking/ such a positive approach, your chances of quitting will increase. Replace your pack of cigarettes with an electronic cigarette. Many former smokers have found success with these devices, which work by vaporizing a liquid that contains nicotine. When the user exhales, the cloud looks just like smoke, but it's actually vapor. Using one of these devices can make it much easier to stop smoking, since it simulates the act so effectively. Don't try to do it on your own. Inform your family and friends of your plan to quit, and accept their love, encouragement, and support as you fight your battle. Another excellent idea is to enlist the legal marijuana help of a support group. These people can offer empathy, as well as helpful insights into the process. Try nicotine replacement products that are offered. When you withdraw from nicotine, you may feel restless, depressed, irritable or frustrated. The constant cravings can overwhelm you. You can help with the cravings by using nicotine replacement therapy. Studies have shown that people who use some sort of nicotine replacement product are twice as likely to successfully stop smoking. Don't use these products if you are still smoking, though. One of the hardest things to deal with when quitting smoking is the oral fixation. Once you give up cigarettes, consider carrying sugar-free candies, cough drops or coffee stirrers around to keep your mouth busy and keep you mind off of cigarettes. There are also devices made to help you quit smoking that will also help keep you mouth busy. To effectively quit smoking, have a plan mapped out. Take some time to prepare yourself by writing down the steps you will take to quit, who you will call for support, and what you will do if you should slip up. Putting these things in writing makes them concrete, and it is much like making a contract with yourself. This can have a very powerful affect on your mindset, helping you to stay focused on your journey toward quitting. The best way to quit for good is to quit for the right reasons. You should not quit for the people around you. You should quit for yourself. You should make a decision that you want to live a happier, healthier lifestyle and stick to it. This is the best way to ensure success. Start moving. Physical activity is a great for reducing nicotine cravings and can ease some of the withdrawal symptoms. When you crave a cigarette, go for a jog instead. Even mild exercise can be helpful, like pulling the weeds in the garden or taking a leisurely stroll. Plus, the extra activity will burn extra calories and help ward off any weight gain as you are quitting smoking.
  2. 2. Learn how to manage stress. One of the top reasons people smoke is because the nicotine can help them relax. Once you are able to quit, you are going to need to find another way to cope with your stress. You can get massages regularly, listen to relaxing music or learn tai chi or yoga. If you can, avoid situations that cause you a lot of stress while you are quitting and soon after. Your success is contingent on maintaining your motivation. Perhaps posting inspirational signs on your wall, or having a piece of jewelry that reminds you of your efforts will help. Either way, you need to have visual reminders in order to help you when you experience temptations and cravings. Clean your house and car when you stop smoking. Don't spend time in any environment where you look at the surroundings and equate them with smoking. Dispose of butts and ashtrays and clean anything with the smell of cigarettes. Your fresh environment should reflect a healthier, cleaner you, and some rigorous housecleaning might just let you power through a craving. Avoid emptying your ashtrays. If you see how many cigarettes you have smoked laying the the ashtray, you will be less likely to smoke any more. This will also leave the unsightly butts and their smell behind. This can be helpful because it will remind of you how bad the smell of smoke is. Always say, "No!" to even one puff. While it's easy to believe that one cigarette will be okay, the truth is that it will ruin all of the hard work you've done up to this point. Remember that if you cave in once, it makes it that much easier to rationalize caving in again. Get up and clean your house if you are trying to stop smoking. Get all the ashtrays out of the house, and toss out your lighters, too. Wash your drapes, upholstery and clothes to free them of the odor of cigarette smoke. Make sure you use air fresheners in order to mask any smell that may remain. You want to remove any smell that will remind you of smoking. You should make sure you have an appropriate reward system in place for such a difficult task. You will want to reward yourself for at least the first three days of quitting and the first two weeks. After that, monthly milestones are worth a celebration until you hit the annual mark. You can choose your reward based on the time elapsed as well, making success that much sweeter. Make sure your friends know that you've decided to quit. For many people, smoking is a social activity, so you might be tempted to smoke if your friends light up in front of you. If you talk to your friends about your desire to quit, they can support you instead of unintentionally sabotaging your plan. One way to make it easier to quit smoking is by finding a substitute for cigarettes that you can hold
  3. 3. in your mouth or hand. This way, you can gradually replace your cigarettes with something else. A drinking straw can work, or a piece of candy or a pretzel can serve as an effective substitute. Go ahead and kick the habit once and for all with the advice you gained today. You can do it and don't think otherwise because it takes that kind of mentality to quit. Many have quit years ago and have never given in to a craving since, and the tips in this article are all items that have helped former smokers. If you truly want to quit smoking, then today is the day! Use these ideas and you'll be cigarette-free in no time.
