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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression

from it to the full product?

Front cover

Final front cover Preliminary Task

Contents page Preliminary contents page

Final contents page

Double Page Spread

Final Double page Spread

In my preliminary task I showed basic conventions of a magazine. The cover is very plain as I hadn't learnt any Photoshop skills.I haven’t kept my targeted audience in mind when making the magazine, as the magazine was aimed at students therefore it should have been bright and attractive. My parliamentary cover is not any of these these things as it uses dark colours and plain typography therefore young people will not be interested in it.The cover is also very depressing because of the use of the black and white background, this again proves that I have not kept my audience in mind when designing the cover as most students would probably want to read the magazine in order to escape stress, the cover however reinforces stress.

Preliminary front cover

Cropping mistakes were apparent in my preliminary cover, this made it look unprofessional.

Text is not positioned correctly behind the background. Again making it look unprofessional.Image of background is not original, the image of the girl and the background heavily contrast, making it look unrealistic. The image is also not of a place that would interest them such as school, which they can relate to. The model is also looking at the floor, lack of direct address results to the audience being disinterested

My cover page has improved from my preliminary as more developed Photoshop skills are apparent, for example the cropping of around the image is much cleaner then the preliminary task.The image is also of better quality as a high quality camera was used when taking it, plus I have used the air brushing tool in Photoshop to make it look more clear.The cover is much more interesting to look at as it uses a range of different colours making it eye-catching. The text stands out as it’s bold.It’s obvious that I’ve done audience research before creating the magazine as as I’ve added things that a rock audience would appreciate, the images of the skulls in the masthead for example would interest a rock audience.

Preliminary contents page

My contents page is also very plain and boring, proving that I’ve not dedicated my time or effort into making it. More images should have been used instead of text, as young people are more likely to be interested in images rather then text. The background being white makes the contents page less attractive, a brighter colour could have been used instead.

The page numbers are not lined up in a straight line making it loon unprofessional.The layout of the context is taking up too much space which could have been used for photoes instead. The type of typography used is also uninteresting as the font is very simple.

My contents page uses a range of images and text in order to hook in an audience.I’ve layered it so that it’s simple for audiences to understand.I’ve also used grid lines to make the photos and text appear in a straight row.The images used have also been manipulated in order to look more professional for example I’ve blurred out some of the images backgrounds as they showed items which ruined the photo.I’ve used different colours for my typography to make the text more appealing.I’ve also used a lot of context to make my magazine appear more interesting to read about. By see a lot of text the readers will automatically think the magazines has a lot to offer therefore it would be worth there money..

Final contents page

I didn’t make a preliminary double page spread so when it came to making one I found the most challenging. I had to develop it quite a few times before I was finally happy with it.The conventions used in a double page spread from a rock magazine are apparent in my final product. -The colour scheme ties in with the contents page and cover page to create brand identity.

-Dark colours are used, image also creates a shadow which gives the product an eerie feel. Which is the typical mood created from most rock articles.-I have also used a bold attractive heading, floating quotes that are most likely to hook in the audience and an amusing interview that is easy to understand.

Final double page spread
