Question 4 Evaluation


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4. Who would be the audience for your media product?


Elliot is 16 years old and lives in Kent. Rock music is the most important thing to him. It is the main thing in his social life. Without it he would have no identity or social currency.

Elliot enjoys gigs and festivals, they’re what he lives for. He is the first to buy tickets and organise big weekends which give the best experiences. His taste is a mixture of old rock bands which changed the music industry and the big stadium artists and bands that still perform today such as Rolling Stones and Muse.

Elliot is in the first year at college but in his free time works many hours a week meaning the money can fulfil his music habit.

Elliot loves all sorts of technology which can produce music. He has and iPod, iPhone, iPad which he can experiment with music on. Not only does he have over 100 CD’s he also has Spotify, iTunes and on the go download accounts.


Sarah is a 18 years old who lives in Manchester. She cant imagine her life without music. Music is the thing that improves and makes her social life exciting.

Sarah cant get enough of concerts. She will attend as many as she can a month which all involve her type of music genre- rock, the bigger the better. She prefers to watch her favourite rock bands/artists which are all still very popular in the music industry from Kings of Leon and The Killers with a mix of punk rock band Green Day .

Sarah is in the last year of college studying music technology. Hoping this will help her future career in the music industry. She is interested in all areas, from sound systems to clothes, movies and travel.

Sarah has all the latest technology on her computer, phone and iPod which she uses to mix and play all her music on. She spends a lot of time with her boyfriend and best friends which all have the same interests and taste of music. In her free time she plays the guitar, drums and sings every so often.