Quarters Pekerja SPC-13!06!13-Block a B (2)


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Ref No : SPC/Senawang/02/06/2013 Date : 13-06-2013

WPC : SPC Industries Sdn. Bhd Time : 12.50 pm – 1.20 pm

Location: Kuarters Pekerja SPC Industries, Senawang - Block A & B

Person In Charge : Mr Tarmizi-Safety Officer

Pic-1 Comments

Toilets is in very bad conditions.


Toilets conditions still no changes since last inspections.


The toilets was so dirty, very bad smell and no cleanliness even though advised had been given.

Inspection Photo Report

Ref No : SPC/Senawang/02/06/2013 Date : 13-06-2013

WPC : SPC Industries Sdn. Bhd Time : 12.50 pm – 1.20 pm

Location: Kuarters Pekerja SPC Industries, Senawang - Block A & B

Person In Charge : Mr Tarmizi-Safety Officer

Pic-4 Comments

Cooking facilities remain the same, no changes since last inspections.


Red circle shows that these area had no water during night time.


This lamp not functional and no intention to change it.

Inspection Photo Report

Ref No : SPC/Senawang/02/06/2013 Date : 13-06-2013

WPC : SPC Industries Sdn. Bhd Time : 12.50 pm – 1.20 pm

Location: Kuarters Pekerja SPC Industries, Senawang - Block A & B

Person In Charge : Mr Tarmizi-Safety Officer

Pic-7 Comments

No maintenance for housekeeping


Housekeeping is unsatisfactory


From previous inspections changes have been made.

Inspection Photo Report

Ref No : SPC/Senawang/02/06/2013 Date : 13-06-2013

WPC : SPC Industries Sdn. Bhd Time : 12.50 pm – 1.20 pm

Location: Kuarters Pekerja SPC Industries, Senawang - Block A & B

Person In Charge : Mr Tarmizi-Safety Officer

Pic-10 Comments

This conditions must be maintained at all time.


Cleanliness of this area is improved.


These view is satisfactory and acceptable.

Inspection Photo Report

Ref No : SPC/Senawang/02/06/2013 Date : 13-06-2013

WPC : SPC Industries Sdn. Bhd Time : 12.50 pm – 1.20 pm

Location: Kuarters Pekerja SPC Industries, Senawang - Block A & B

Person In Charge : Mr Tarmizi-Safety Officer

Pic-13 Comments

Canteen cooking area in good conditions.


Workers initiative to know their hometown news by using this devised.


Surau in good conditions and useable.

Inspection Photo Report

Inspected by :

En Rosli & Asri

………………………………………………………………..Inspections Team
