Quality Comparisons (Climbing A Mountain)


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An opinion…from a QA manager to QA managers(an optimistic one)

This is your company…

The road to quality assurance (the road to the top) is hard…

and THIS is not the only thing to help you climb…

You need self confidence…





…and a team spirit!

These are the first tools…

The next thing is your first step towards the peak…

Yes you need support!Support from your supervisor!

At first your supervisor shows the way…

Then you start climbing…

This trip is not going to be easy…

And there will be many times that you will be discouraged…

…or tired…

And some members will leave…

In some other cases this trip is very lonely…

But the trip goes on…

The top is coming nearer…

And when you reach the top…

…you see the road you walked towards the top. You see your

steps towards quality.

Reaching the top – Achieving Quality in your organization – is not an easy task. It is like climbing a mountain. The

more you climb the harder it gets. The more you are trying

to imply quality, the more obstacles you will meet.

But if you make it…then you feel like a


IF you liked this presentation move to the next slide…you’ll see more everyday

comparisons to “quality” under construction…

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