Quality Assurance. Lecture 1



Lecture 1 for the course "Quality Assurance"

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  • Introduction to Software Testing

    Contents Why is Testing Necessary ............................................................................................. 2

    Software Systems Context ......................................................................................... 2

    Causes of Software Defects ....................................................................................... 3

    When Do Defects Arise? ........................................................................................... 3

    Role of Testing in Software Development, Maintenance and Operations ................ 5

    Testing and Quality ................................................................................................... 5

    How Much Testing is Enough? ................................................................................. 6

    What is Testing? ............................................................................................................ 8

    Testing as a Process ................................................................................................... 8

    Different Testing Objectives...................................................................................... 8

    Dynamic and Static Testing ....................................................................................... 9

    Testing and Debugging .............................................................................................. 9

    Seven Testing Principles.............................................................................................. 11

    The Psychology of Testing .......................................................................................... 14

    Mindsets of Developers and Testers ........................................................................ 14

    Balance of Self-Testing and Independence of Testing ............................................ 14

    Clear Objectives ...................................................................................................... 15

    Communication Aspects of Testing......................................................................... 15

    Software Development Models ................................................................................... 17

    Waterfall Model ....................................................................................................... 17

    V-model (Sequential Development Model)............................................................. 18

    Iterative-Incremental Development Models ............................................................ 20

    Testing within a Life Cycle Model .............................................................................. 23

    Testing in Sequential Lifecycle Models .................................................................. 23

    Testing in Iterative-Incremental Lifecycle Models ................................................. 23

    Alignment in V-Model ............................................................................................ 24

    Characteristic of Good Testing Regardless of Lifecycle Model .............................. 25

    Metrics & Measurement .............................................................................................. 26

    Code of Ethics ............................................................................................................. 28

    Questions ..................................................................................................................... 29

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    Why is Testing Necessary

    Learning Objectives:

    Describe, with examples, the way in which a defect in software can cause harm

    to a person, to the environment or to a company

    Distinguish between the root cause of a defect and its effects

    Give reasons why testing is necessary by giving examples

    Describe why testing is part of quality assurance and give examples of how

    testing contributes to higher quality

    Explain and compare the terms error, defect, fault, failure, and the corresponding

    terms mistake and bug, using example

    Software Systems Context

    Software systems are an integral part of life, from business applications (e.g., banking)

    to consumer products (e.g., cars). However, most people have had an experience with

    software that did not work as expected: an error on a bill, a delay when waiting for a

    credit card to process and a website that did not load correctly are common examples

    of problems that may happen because of software problems.

    Some of the problems we encounter when using software are quite trivial, but others

    can be costly and damaging. Software that does not work correctly can lead to many

    problems, including loss of money, time or business reputation, and could even cause

    injury or death. Incorrect software can harm:

    people (e.g. by causing an aircraft crash in which people die, or by causing a hospital life support system to fail)

    companies (e.g. by causing incorrect billing, which results in the company losing money)

    the environment (e.g. by releasing chemicals or radiation into the atmosphere) The same software problem can have different effects in different systems, depending

    on the context.

    Some well-known examples of software failures:

    The first launch of the European Space Agency Ariane 5 rocket in June 1996 failed after 37 seconds: a software error caused the rocket to deviate from its vertical ascent, and the self-destruct capabilities were enacted before the then

    unpredictable flight path resulted in a bigger problem

    In November 2005, information on the UKs top 10 wanted criminals was displayed on a website. The publication of this information was described in

    newspapers and on morning radio and television and, as a result, the site was hit

    more than 350,000 times. The performance of the website proved inadequate

    under this load and the website had to be taken offline. The publicity created

    performance peaks beyond the capacity of the website

    A software bug in the alarm system at a control room of the FirstEnergy Corporation, located in Ohio, caused a widespread power outage that occurred

    throughout parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and the

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    Canadian province of Ontario on Thursday, August 14, 2003 (the so-called

    Northeast blackout of 2003)

    Causes of Software Defects

    People make mistakes because they are fallible, but there are also many pressures that

    make mistakes more likely. Our fallibility is compounded when we lack experience,

    dont have the right information, misunderstand, or if we are careless, tired or under time pressure. Pressures such as deadlines, complexity of systems and organizations,

    changing technologies, and/or many system interactions all bear down on designers of

    systems and increase the likelihood of errors in specifications, in designs and in software

    code. This is because our brains can only deal with a reasonable amount of complexity

    or changewhen asked to deal with more our brains may not process the information we have correctly.

    An error (mistake) during design of software can produce a defect (fault, bug) in the

    program code, or in a document. If a defect in code is executed, the system may fail to

    do what it should do (or do something it shouldnt), causing a failure.

    Defects in software specification, program code, systems or documents may result in

    failures, but not all defects do so; some defects stay dormant in the code, and we may

    never notice them. While failure is not always guaranteed, it is likely that errors in

    specifications will lead to faulty components and faulty components will cause system


    There are other reasons why systems fail. Failures can be caused by environmental

    conditions as well, such as the presence of radiation, magnetism, electronic fields, and

    pollution. These factors can affect the operation of hardware and firmware and lead to

    system failure.

    Failures may also arise because of human error in interacting with the software, perhaps

    a wrong input value being entered or an output being misinterpreted. Also, failures may

    be caused by someone deliberately trying to cause a failure in a systemmalicious damage.

    When Do Defects Arise?

    Consider the following figure. We can see when defects may arise in different cases.

    Requirement 1 is implemented correctly. We understood the customers requirement, designed correctly to meet that requirement, built correctly to meet the design, and

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    delivered the requirement with the right attributes. Functionally, it does what it is

    supposed to do, and it also has the right non-functional attributes, so it is fast enough,

    easy to understand and so on.

    With the other requirements, errors have been made at different stages.

    Requirement 2 is fine until the software is coded, when we make some mistakes and

    introduce defects. Probably, these are easily spotted and corrected during testing,

    because we can see the product does not meet its design specification.

    The defects introduced in Requirement 3 are harder to deal with. We built exactly what

    we were told to but unfortunately the designer made some mistakes so there are defects

    in the design. Unless we check against the requirements definition, we will not spot

    those defects during testing. When we do notice them, they will be hard to fix because

    design changes will be required.

    The defects in Requirement 4 were introduced during the definition of the requirements;

    the product has been designed and built to meet that flawed requirements definition. If

    we test the product meets its requirements and design, it will pass its tests but may be

    rejected by the user or customer. Defects reported by the customer can be very costly.

    Requirements and design defects are not rare (cases 3 and 4). Defects introduced during

    requirements and design make up close to half of the total number of defects.

    The cost of finding and fixing defects rises considerably across the life cycle. If an error

    is made and the consequent defect is detected in the requirements at the specification

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    stage, then it is relatively cheap to find and fix. The specification can be corrected and


    Similarly, if an error is made, and the consequent defect detected in the design at the

    design stage, then the design can be corrected and re-issued with relatively little

    expense. The same applies for construction.

    If, however, a defect is introduced in the requirement specification and it is not detected

    until the customer notices it, or even once the system has been implemented, then it will

    be much more expensive to fix, because rework will be needed in the specification and

    design before changes can be made in construction.

    Role of Testing in Software Development, Maintenance and Operations

    To avoid failure, we must either avoid errors and faults or find them and rectify them.

    Testing can contribute to both avoidance and rectification.

    Rigorous testing of systems and documentation can help to reduce the risk of problems

    occurring during operation and contribute to the quality of the software system, if the

    defects found are corrected before the system is released for operational use. To

    influence errors with testing, we need to begin testing as soon as we begin making

    errorsright at the beginning of the development processand we need to continue testing until we are confident that there will be no serious system failuresright at the end of the development process.

    Software testing may also be required to meet contractual or legal requirements, or

    industry-specific standards. These standards may specify what type of techniques we

    must use, or the percentage of the software code that must be exercised. The higher the

    potential failure cost associated with the industry using the software, the more likely it

    is that a standard for testing will exist. The avionics, motor, medical and pharmaceutical

    industries all have standards covering the testing of software.

    Software testing is neither complex nor difficult to implement, yet it is a discipline that

    is seldom applied with anything approaching the necessary rigor to provide confidence

    in delivered software.

    Testing and Quality

    Quality is hard to define. One of the definitions is that if a system meets its users requirements, then it is of high quality. For example, in the top 10 criminals case

    mentioned above, the system was swamped by requests for access (non-functional

    failure), and therefore was not able to deliver its services to its users.

    Testing helps to measure the quality of software in terms of defects found, the tests run,

    and the system covered by the tests, for both functional and non-functional software

    requirements and characteristics (such as reliability, usability, efficiency,

    maintainability and portability, to be discussed in the following lectures). Testing

    ensures that key requirements are examined before the system enters service and any

    defects are reported to the development team for rectification.

    Testing can give confidence in the quality of the software if it finds few or no defects.

    Of course, a poor test may uncover few defects and leave us with a false sense of

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    security. A well-designed test will uncover defects if they are present and so, if such a

    test passes, we will rightly be more confident in the software and be able to assert that

    the overall level of risk of using the system has been reduced.

    Testing cannot directly remove defects, nor can it directly enhance quality. By reporting

    defects it makes their removal possible and so contributes to the enhanced quality of the


    Testing is one component in the overall quality assurance activity that seeks to ensure

    that systems enter service without defects that can lead to serious failures. Testing

    should be integrated alongside development standards, training and defect analysis as

    one of the quality assurance activities.

    How Much Testing is Enough?

    A risk is something that has not happened yet and it may never happen; it is a potential

    problem. Risk is inherent in all software development. For instance, the system may not

    work or the project may not be completed on time. These uncertainties become more

    significant as the system complexity and the implications of failure increase.

    Not all software systems carry the same level of risk and not all problems have the same

    impact when they occur. E.g., we would expect to test an automatic flight control system

    more than we would test a video game system, because the risk (and hence the

    probability of failure) is greater in the earlier case.

    Every system is subject to risk of one kind or another, and there is a level of quality that

    is acceptable for a given system. These two factors can be used to decide how much

    testing to do.

    Deciding how much testing is enough should take account of the level of risk (including

    technical, safety, and business risks), and project constraints such as time and budget.

    The most important aspect of achieving an acceptable result from a finite and limited

    amount of testing is prioritization. Do the most important tests (those that test the most

    important functional and non-functional aspects of the system as defined by the users)

    first so that at any time you can be certain that the tests that have been done are more

    important than the ones still to be done.

    The next most important aspect is setting criteria, usually known as completion criteria,

    that give an objective estimate of whether it is safe to stop testing, so that time and all

    the other pressures do not confuse the outcome.

    Testing should provide sufficient information to stakeholders to make informed

    decisions about the release of the software or system being tested, for the next

    development step or handover to customers.


    Defect (bug, fault): A flaw in a component or system that can cause the component or

    system to fail to perform its required function, e.g. an incorrect statement or data

    definition. A defect, if encountered during execution, may cause a failure of the

    component or system.

    Error (mistake): A human action that produces an incorrect result.

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    Failure: Deviation of the component or system from its expected delivery, service or


    Quality: The degree to which a component, system or process meets specified

    requirements and/or user/customer needs and expectations.

    Risk: Factor that could result in future negative consequences; usually expressed as

    impact and likelihood.

    Software: Computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and

    data pertaining to the operation of a computer system.

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    What is Testing?

    Learning Objectives:

    Recall the common objectives of testing

    Provide examples for the objective of testing in different phases of the software

    life cycle

    Differentiate testing from debugging

    Testing as a Process

    A common perception of testing is that it only consists of running tests, i.e., executing

    the software. This is part of testing, but not all of the testing activities.

    Test activities exist before and after test execution. Before test execution there is some

    preparatory work to do to design the tests and set them up. After test execution there is

    some work needed to record the results and check whether the tests are complete. Even

    more important is deciding what we are trying to achieve with the testing and setting

    clear objectives for each test.

    In general, testing activities include planning and control, choosing test conditions,

    designing and executing test cases, checking results, evaluating exit criteria, reporting

    on the testing process and system under test, and finalizing or completing closure

    activities after a test phase has been completed. Testing also includes reviewing

    documents (including source code) and conducting static analysis.

    Different Testing Objectives

    Common testing objectives include:

    Finding defects. It helps us understand the risks associated with putting the software into operational use, and fixing the defects improves the quality of the

    products. Identifying defects has another benefit: by analyzing their causes, we

    can improve the development processes and make fewer mistakes in future work

    Gaining confidence about the level of quality

    Providing information for decision-making

    Preventing defects Different viewpoints in testing take different objectives into account:

    In development testing (e.g., component, integration and system testing), the main objective may be to cause as many failures as possible so that defects in the

    software are identified and can be fixed

    In acceptance testing, the main objective may be to confirm that the system works as expected, to gain confidence that it has met the requirements

    In some cases the main objective of testing may be to assess the quality of the software (with no intention of fixing defects), to give information to stakeholders

    of the risk of releasing the system at a given time

    Maintenance testing often includes testing that no new defects have been introduced during development of the changes

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    During operational testing, the main objective may be to assess system characteristics such as reliability or availability

    Dynamic and Static Testing

    Static testing is the term used for testing where the code is not exercised. Failures often

    begin with a human mistake in a software specification. Testing such documents is very

    important because errors are much cheaper to fix than defects or failures. The thought

    process and activities involved in designing tests early on can help to prevent defects

    from being introduced into code. Static testing involves techniques such as reviews,

    which can be effective in preventing defects, e.g. by removing ambiguities and errors

    from specification documents.

    Dynamic testing is the kind that exercises the program under test with some test data,

    so we speak of test execution in this context.

    Both dynamic testing and static testing can be used as a means for achieving similar

    objectives, and will provide information that can be used to improve both the system

    being tested and the development and testing processes.

    Testing and Debugging

    Debugging and testing are different kinds of activity. Debugging is the process that

    developers go through to identify, analyze and remove the cause of bugs or defects in

    code. Testing, on the other hand, is a systematic exploration of a component or system

    with the main aim of finding and reporting defects.

    Debugging does not give confidence that the component or system meets its

    requirements completely. Testing makes a rigorous examination of the behavior of a

    component or system and reports all defects found for the development team to correct.

    Subsequent re-testing by a tester ensures that any changes and corrections in the code

    are checked for their effect on other parts of the component or system.


    Acceptance testing: Formal testing with respect to user needs, requirements, and

    business processes conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies the

    acceptance criteria and to enable the user, customers or other authorized entity to

    determine whether or not to accept the system.

    Code: Computer instructions and data definitions expressed in a programming language

    or in a form output by an assembler, compiler or other translator.

    Debugging: The process of finding, analyzing and removing the causes of failures in


    Development testing: Formal or informal testing conducted during the implementation

    of a component or system, usually in the development environment by developers

    Dynamic testing: Testing that involves the execution of the software of a component or


    Maintenance testing: Testing the changes to an operational system or the impact of a

    changed environment to an operational system.

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    Operational testing: Testing conducted to evaluate a component or system in its

    operational environment, i.e., hardware and software products installed at users or customers sites where the component or system under test will be used. Requirement: A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve

    an objective that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy

    a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document.

    Review: An evaluation of a product or project status to ascertain discrepancies from

    planned results and to recommend improvements. Examples include management

    review, informal review, technical review, inspection, and walkthrough.

    Static testing: Testing of a software development artifact, e.g., requirements, design or

    code, without execution of these artifacts, e.g., reviews or static analysis.

    Test case: A set of input values, execution preconditions, expected results and execution

    postconditions, developed for a particular objective or test condition, such as to exercise

    a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.

    Testing: The process consisting of all lifecycle activities, both static and dynamic,

    concerned with planning, preparation and evaluation of software products and related

    work products to determine that they satisfy specified requirements, to demonstrate that

    they are fit for purpose and to detect defects.

    Test objective: A reason or purpose for designing and executing a test.

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    Seven Testing Principles

    Learning Objectives:

    Explain the seven principles in testing

    Testing is a very complex activity, and can be difficult to do well. A number of testing

    principles have been suggested over the past 40 years and offer general guidelines

    common for all testing.

    Principle 1 Testing shows the presence of defects Testing can show that defects are present, but cannot prove that there are no defects.

    Testing reduces the probability of undiscovered defects remaining in the software but,

    even if no defects are found, it is not a proof of correctness

    Regardless of how many white swans we see, we cannot say All swans are white. However, as soon as we see one black swan we can say Not all swans are white. In the same way, regardless of how many tests we execute without finding a bug, we have

    not shown There are no bugs. As soon as we find a bug, we have shown This code is not bug-free. Although there may be other objectives, usually the main purpose of testing is to find

    defects. Therefore, tests should be designed to find as many defects as possible.

    Principle 2 Exhaustive testing is impossible Testing everything (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not feasible except

    for trivial cases. Instead of exhaustive testing, risk analysis and priorities should be

    used to focus testing efforts

    Lets look at how much testing wed need to do to be able to test exhaustively. How many tests would you need to do to completely test a one-digit numeric field? There are

    10 possible valid numeric values, and there are invalid values26 uppercase alpha characters, 26 lower case, at least 6 special and punctuation characters as well as a blank

    value. So there would be at least 68 tests for this example of a one-digit field.

    In practice, systems have more than one input field with the fields being of varying

    sizes. If we take an example where one screen has 15 input fields, each having 5 possible

    values, then to test all of the valid input value combinations you would need 30 517 578

    125 (515) tests, which is impossible to carry out in a project timescale.

    Principle 3 Early testing To find defects early, testing activities shall be started as early as possible in the

    software or system development life cycle, and shall be focused on defined objectives

    As a proposed deployment date approaches, time pressure can increase dramatically.

    There is a real danger that testing will be squeezed, and this is bad news if the only

    testing we are doing is after all the development has been completed. The earlier the

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    testing activity is started, the longer the elapsed time available. Testers do not have to

    wait until software is available to test. As soon as work products (requirements, code,

    documents etc.) are ready, we can test them. E.g., requirement documents are the basis

    for acceptance testing, so the creation of acceptance tests can begin as soon as

    requirement documents are available.

    Carrying out testing as early as possible leads to finding and fixing defects more cheaply

    and preventing defects from appearing at later stages of the project. Studies have shown

    what is known as the cost escalation model presented below in a simplified way.

    Principle 4 Defect clustering Testing effort shall be focused proportionally to the expected and later observed defect

    density of modules. A small number of modules usually contains most of the defects

    discovered during prerelease testing, or is responsible for most of the operational


    One phenomenon that many testers have observed is that defects tend to cluster. In a

    large application, it is often a small number of modules that exhibit the majority of the

    problems. This can be for a variety of reasons, some of which are:

    System complexity

    Volatile code

    The effects of change upon change

    Development staff experience

    Development staff inexperience Testers will often use this information when making their risk assessment for planning

    the tests, and will focus on known hot spots. However, it must be remembered that testing should not concentrate exclusively on these parts. There may be fewer defects

    in the remaining code, but testers still need to search diligently for them.

    Principle 5 Pesticide paradox If the same tests are repeated over and over again, eventually the same set of test cases

    will no longer find any new defects. To overcome this pesticide paradox, test cases

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    need to be regularly reviewed and revised, and new and different tests need to be written

    to exercise different parts of the software or system to find potentially more defects

    Running the same set of tests continually will not continue to find new defects.

    Developers will soon know that the test team always tests the boundaries of conditions,

    for example, so they will test these conditions before the software is delivered. This

    does not make defects elsewhere in the code less likely, so continuing to use the same

    test set will result in decreasing effectiveness of the tests. Using other techniques will

    find different defects.

    Principle 6 Testing is context dependent Testing is done differently in different contexts. For example, safety-critical software is

    tested differently from an e-commerce site

    Different testing is necessary in different circumstances. A website where information

    can merely be viewed will be tested in a different way to an e-commerce site, where

    goods can be bought using credit/debit cards. We need to test an air traffic control

    system with more rigor than an application for calculating the length of a mortgage.

    Risk can be a large factor in determining the type of testing that is needed. The higher

    the possibility of losses, the more we need to invest in testing the software before it is


    Principle 7 Absence-of-errors fallacy Finding and fixing defects does not help if the system built is unusable and does not

    fulfill the users needs and expectations

    The fact that no defects are outstanding is not a good reason to ship the software. The

    customers for softwarethe people and organizations who buy and use it to aid in their day-to-day tasksare not interested in defects or numbers of defects, except when they are directly affected by the instability of the software. The people using software are

    more interested in the software supporting them in completing tasks efficiently and



    Exhaustive testing: A test approach in which the test suite comprises all combinations

    of input values and preconditions.

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    The Psychology of Testing

    Learning Objectives:

    Recall the psychological factors that influence the success of testing

    Contrast the mindset of a tester and of a developer

    Mindsets of Developers and Testers

    The mindset to be used while testing and reviewing is different from that used while

    developing software. By this, we mean that, if we are building something we are

    working positively to solve problems in the design and to realize a product that meets

    some need. However, when we test or review a product, we are looking for defects in

    the product and thus are critical of it.

    Looking for failures in a system requires curiosity, professional pessimism, a critical

    eye, attention to detail, good communication with development peers, and experience

    on which to base error guessing.

    Balance of Self-Testing and Independence of Testing

    Testing can be more effective if it is not undertaken by the individual who wrote the

    code. The reason is that the creator of anything has a special relationship with the

    created object: flaws in the created object are rendered invisible to the creator.

    With the right mindset developers are able to test their own code, but the testing done

    by them cannot be assumed to be complete. Separation of this responsibility to a tester

    is typically done to help focus effort and provide additional benefits, such as an

    independent view by trained and professional testing resources. This approach is called

    independence of testing.

    Several levels of independence can be defined as shown here from low to high:

    Tests designed by the person(s) who wrote the software under test (low level of independence)

    Tests designed by another person(s) (e.g., from the development team)

    Tests designed by a person(s) from a different organizational group (e.g., an independent test team) or test specialists (e.g., usability or performance test


    Tests designed by a person(s) from a different organization or company (i.e., outsourcing or certification by an external body)

    A certain degree of independence (avoiding the author bias) often makes the tester more

    effective at finding defects and failures. Independence is not, however, a replacement

    for familiarity, and developers can efficiently find many defects in their own code.

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    Clear Objectives

    Each organization and each project will have its own goals and objectives. Different

    stakeholders, such as the customers, the development team and the managers of the

    organization, will have different viewpoints about quality and have their own

    objectives. Because people and projects are driven by objectives, the stakeholder with

    the strongest views or the greatest influence over a group will define, consciously or

    subconsciously, what those objectives are.

    People tend to align their plans with these objectives. E.g., depending on the objective,

    a tester might focus either on finding defects or on confirming that software works. But

    if one stakeholder is less influential during the project but more influential at delivery,

    there may be a clash of views about whether the testing has met its objectives. One

    manager may want the confirmation that the software works and that it is good enough if this is seen as a way of delivering as fast as possible. Another manager may want the testing to find as many defects as possible before the software is released,

    which will take longer to do and will require time for fixing, re-testing and regression

    testing. If there are not clearly stated objectives and exit criteria for testing which all the

    stakeholders have agreed, arguments might arise, during the testing or after release,

    about whether enough testing has been done.

    Communication Aspects of Testing

    Identifying failures during testing may be perceived as criticism against the product and

    against the author. Many of us find it challenging to actually enjoy criticism of our work.

    We usually believe that we have done our best to produce work which is correct and

    complete. We all make mistakes and we sometimes get annoyed, upset or depressed

    when someone points them out.

    As a result, testing is often seen as a destructive activity, even though it is very

    constructive in the management of product risks. Testers need to use tact and diplomacy

    when raising defect reports. Defect reports need to be raised against the software, not

    against the individual who made the mistake.

    If errors, defects or failures are communicated in a constructive way, bad feelings

    between the testers and the analysts, designers and developers can be avoided. This

    applies to defects found during reviews as well as in testing. The tester and test leader

    need good interpersonal skills to communicate factual information about defects,

    progress and risks in a constructive way. For the author of the software or document,

    defect information can help them improve their skills. Defects found and fixed during

    testing will save time and money later, and reduce risks.

    Communication problems may occur, particularly if testers are seen only as messengers

    of unwanted news about defects. However, there are several ways to improve

    communication and relationships between testers and others:

    Start with collaboration rather than battles. The aim is to work together rather than be confrontational. Keep the focus on delivering a quality product. Explain

    that by knowing about the found defect now, we can work round it or fix it so the

    delivered system is better for the customer

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    Communicate findings on the product in a neutral, non-personal, fact-focused way without criticizing the person who created it

    Try to understand how the other person feels and why they react as they do

    At the end of discussions, confirm that the other person has understood what you have said and vice versa


    Error guessing: A test design technique where the experience of the tester is used to

    anticipate what defects might be present in the component or system under test as a

    result of errors made, and to design tests specifically to expose them.

    Independence of testing: Separation of responsibilities, which encourages the

    accomplishment of objective testing.

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    Software Development Models

    Learning Objectives:

    Explain the relationship between development, test activities and work products

    in the development life cycle, by giving examples using project and product types

    Describe how testing is a part of any software development and maintenance


    Recognize the fact that software development models must be adapted to the

    context of project and product characteristics

    In software development, work-products such as code and associated documentation

    are generally created in a series of defined stages, from capturing a customer

    requirement, to creating the system, to delivering the system. These stages are usually

    shown as steps within a software life cycle (software development life cycle). The

    software life cycle models specify the various stages of the process and the order in

    which they are carried out.

    Testing is not a stand-alone activity. It has its place within a software development life

    cycle model and therefore the life cycle applied will largely determine how testing is

    organized. Testing processes are related to others such as:

    Requirements engineering & management

    Project management

    Configuration and change management

    Software development

    Software maintenance

    Technical support

    Production of technical documentation The development process adopted for a project will depend on the project aims and

    goals. There are numerous development life cycles that have been developed in order

    to achieve different required objectives.

    Waterfall Model

    A development life cycle for a software product involves capturing the initial

    requirements from the customer, expanding on these to provide the detail required for

    code production, writing the code and testing the product, ready for release.

    A simple development model known traditionally as the waterfall model is presented

    below. It has a natural timeline where tasks are executed in a sequential fashion. We

    start at the top of the waterfall with a feasibility study and flow down through the various

    project tasks finishing with implementation into the live environment.

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    This type of model is often referred to as a linear or sequential model. Within this

    model, each activity is completed before moving on to the next one. Testing is carried

    out once the code has been fully developed. Once this is completed, a decision can be

    made on whether the product can be released into the live environment.

    In the waterfall model, the testing at the end serves only as a quality check. The product

    can be accepted or rejected at this point. In software development, however, it is

    unlikely that we can simply reject the parts of the system found to be defective, and

    release the rest. What is needed is a process that assures quality throughout the

    development life cycle. At every stage, a check should be made that the work-product

    for that stage meets its objectives. The checks throughout the life cycle include

    verification and validation:

    Verification checks that the work-product meets the requirements set out for it. Verification helps to ensure that we are building the product in the right way

    Validation changes the focus of work-product evaluation to evaluation against user needs. This means ensuring that the behavior of the work-product matches

    the customer needs as defined for the project. Validation helps to ensure that we

    are building the right product as far as the users are concerned

    Two types of development model facilitate early work-product evaluation. We will

    discuss them next in turn.

    V-model (Sequential Development Model)

    The V-model was developed to address some of the problems experienced using the

    traditional waterfall approach. The V-model provides guidance that testing needs to

    begin as early as possible in the life cycle. There are a variety of activities that need to

    be performed before the end of the coding phase. These activities should be carried out

    in parallel with development activities, and testers need to work with developers and

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    business analysts so they can perform these activities and tasks and produce a set of test


    Although variants of the V-model exist, a common type of V-model uses four test

    levels, corresponding to the four development levels.

    The left-hand side of the model focuses on elaborating the initial requirements,

    providing successively more technical detail as the development progresses. In the

    model shown, these are:

    User requirements: capturing of user needs

    System requirements: definition of functions required to meet user needs

    Global design: technical design of functions identified in the system requirements

    Detailed design: design of each module or unit to be built to meet required functionality

    The middle of the V-model shows that planning for testing should start with each work-

    product. For instance, using the requirement specification as an example, acceptance

    testing would be planned for right at the start of the development.

    The right-hand side focuses on the testing activities. For each work-product, a testing

    activity is identified:

    Testing against the program specification takes place at the unit (component) testing stage. Searching for defects and verifying the functioning of software

    components (e.g. modules, programs, objects, classes etc.) that are separately


    Testing against the technical specification takes place at the integration testing stage. Testing interfaces between components, interactions to different parts of a

    system such as an operating system, file system and hardware or interfaces

    between systems

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    Testing against the functional specification takes place at the system testing stage. The main focus is verification against specified requirements

    Testing against the requirement specification takes place at the acceptance testing stage. Validation testing with respect to user needs, requirements, and business

    processes conducted to determine whether or not to accept the system

    This allows testing to be concentrated on the detail provided in each work-product, so

    that defects can be identified as early as possible in the life cycle, when the work-

    product has been created.

    In practice, a V-model may have more, fewer or different levels of development and

    testing, depending on the project and the software product. For example, there may be

    component integration testing after component testing, and system integration testing

    after system testing. Other test levels can also be defined, such as:

    Hardware-software integration testing

    Feature interaction testing

    Customer Product integration testing Remembering that each stage must be completed before the next one can be started, this

    approach to software development pushes validation of the system by the user

    representatives right to the end of the life cycle. If the customer needs were not captured

    accurately in the requirement specification, or if they change, then these issues may not

    be uncovered until the user testing is carried out. This is the main drawback of this


    Iterative-Incremental Development Models

    Not all life cycles are sequential. In iterative and incremental models, we cycle through

    a number of smaller self-contained life cycle phases for the same project. This type of

    development is often referred to as cyclical. As with the V-model, there are many

    variants of iterative life cycles.

    Within these models, the requirements do not need to be fully defined before coding

    can start. Instead, a working version of the product is built, in a series of increments, or

    builds, with each increment adding new functionality. Each increment encompasses

    requirements definition, design, code and test.

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    The initial increment will contain the infrastructure required to support the initial build

    functionality. The increment produced by an iteration may be tested at several levels as

    part of its development. Subsequent increments will need testing for the new

    functionality, regression testing of the existing functionality, and integration testing of

    both new and existing parts. Regression testing is increasingly important on all

    iterations after the first one.

    This life cycle can give early market presence with critical functionality, can be simpler

    to manage because the workload is divided into smaller pieces, and can reduce initial

    investment although it may cost more in the long run. Also early market presence will

    mean validation testing is carried out at each increment, thereby giving early feedback

    on the business value and fitness-for-use of the product.

    A key feature of this type of development is the involvement of user representatives in

    the testing. They are empowered to request changes to the software in order to meet

    their needs.

    Several drawbacks of this model can be pointed out. The lack of formal documentation

    makes it difficult to test. In addition, the working environment may be such that

    developers make any changes required, without formally recording them. This approach

    could mean that changes cannot be traced back to the requirements or to the parts of the

    software that have changed. Thus, traceability as the project progresses is reduced. To

    mitigate this, a robust process must be put in place at the start of the project to manage

    these changes.

    Forms of iterative development include prototyping, rapid application development

    (RAD), and agile development models. A proprietary methodology is called the rational

    unified process (RUP).


    Component (unit) testing: The testing of individual software components.

    Incremental development model: A development lifecycle where a project is broken

    into a series of increments, each of which delivers a portion of the functionality in the

    overall project requirements. The requirements are prioritized and delivered in priority

    order in the appropriate increment. In some (but not all) versions of this lifecycle model,

    each subproject follows a mini V-model with its own design, coding and testing phases.

    Integration testing: Testing performed to expose defects in the interfaces and in the

    interactions between integrated components or systems.

    Iterative development model: A development lifecycle where a project is broken into a

    usually large number of iterations. An iteration is a complete development loop

    resulting in a release (internal or external) of an executable product, a subset of the final

    product under development, which grows from iteration to iteration to become the final


    Regression testing: Testing of a previously tested program following modification to

    ensure that defects have not been introduced or uncovered in unchanged areas of the

    software, as a result of the changes made. It is performed when the software or its

    environment is changed.

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    Software lifecycle: The period of time that begins when a software product is conceived

    and ends when the software is no longer available for use. The software lifecycle

    typically includes a concept phase, requirements phase, design phase, implementation

    phase, test phase, installation and checkout phase, operation and maintenance phase,

    and sometimes, retirement phase. Note these phases may overlap or be performed


    System testing: The process of testing an integrated system to verify that it meets

    specified requirements.

    Validation: Confirmation by examination and through provision of objective evidence

    that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled.

    Verification: Confirmation by examination and through provision of objective evidence

    that specified requirements have been fulfilled.

    V-model: A framework to describe the software development lifecycle activities from

    requirements specification to maintenance. The V-model illustrates how testing

    activities can be integrated into each phase of the software development lifecycle.

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    Testing within a Life Cycle Model

    Learning Objectives:

    Recall characteristics of good testing that are applicable to any life cycle model

    As we already know, testing is an integral part of the various software development

    models such as sequential, iterative, or incremental model. Testing must be

    appropriately integrated into the software lifecycle to succeed. That is, proper alignment

    between the testing process and other processes in the lifecycle is critical for success.

    Testing in Sequential Lifecycle Models

    In a sequential lifecycle model, a key assumption is that the project team will define the

    requirements early in the project and then manage the changes to those requirements

    during the rest of the project. In such a situation, if the team follows a formal

    requirements process, an independent test team in charge of the system test level can

    follow an analytical requirements-based test strategy.

    Using such a strategy in a sequential model, the test team would start planning and

    designing tests early in the project, following an analysis of the requirements

    specification to identify test conditions. This planning, analysis, and design work might

    identify defects in the requirements, making testing a preventive activity. Failure

    detection would start much later in the lifecycle, once system test execution began.

    The use of sequential lifecycle models creates certain issues for testing that the test

    manager must manage:

    The first and most infamous issue is that of schedule compression during testing at the end of the project. A no-win situation occurs where the test manager is

    subjected to immense pressure to approve the release followed by howls of

    condemnation when the release proves bug-ridden in the field

    The second issue is the common problem of development groups, likewise pressured to achieve dates, delivering unstable and often untestable systems to

    the test team. This problem causes significant portions of the test schedule to be

    consumed by what is, effectively, retroactive unit testing

    A third issue is the common failure to include all the testing activities described in the model. Very little preparation time is allowed. Testing typically devolves

    to an ad hoc or at best reactive strategy, with no defect prevention, no clear

    coverage, and limited value

    These sequential lifecycle issues are surmountable, but they require careful test


    Testing in Iterative-Incremental Lifecycle Models

    In the incremental lifecycle model, the test team wont receive a complete set of requirements early in the project. Instead, the test team will receive requirements at the

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    beginning of each iteration. Rather than analyzing requirements at the outset of the

    project, the best the test team can do is to identify and prioritize key quality risk areas.

    I.e., they can follow an analytical risk-based test strategy. Specific test designs and

    implementation will occur immediately before test execution, potentially reducing the

    preventive role of testing. Defect detection starts very early in the project, at the end of

    the first iteration, and continues in repetitive, short cycles throughout the project. In

    such a case, testing activities in the fundamental testing process overlap and are

    concurrent with each other as well as with major activities in the software lifecycle.

    The availability of testable systems earlier in the lifecycle would seem to be a benefit

    to the test manager, and it can be. At the same time, the iterative lifecycle models create

    certain test issues for the test manager:

    The first issue is the need, in each increment after the first one, to be able to regression test all the functions and capabilities provided in the previous

    increments. Because the most important functions and capabilities are typically

    provided in the earlier increments, it is very important that these functions and

    capabilities not be broken. However, given the frequent and large changes to the

    code baseevery increment being likely to introduce as much new and changed code as the previous incrementthe risk of regression is high. This risk tends to lead to attempts to automate regression tests, with varying degrees of success

    The second issue is the common failure to plan for bugs and how to handle them. This failure manifests itself when business analysts, designers, and developers

    are assigned to work full-time on subsequent increments while testers are testing

    the current increment. In other words, you allow the activities associated with

    increments to overlap rather than requiring that each increment complete entirely

    before the next one starts; this can seem efficient at first. However, once the test

    team starts to locate bugs, an overbooked situation occurs for the business

    analysts, designers, and developers who must address them

    The final common issue, which is particularly common in the agile world, is the lack of rigor in and respect for testing

    These are all surmountable issues, but the test manager must manage them carefully, in

    conjunction with the project management team.

    In both models discussed above, good change management and configuration

    management are critical for testing. A lack of proper change management results in an

    inability for the test team to keep up with what the system is and what it should do.

    Alignment in V-Model

    Let us use the V-model as an example to illustrate the concept of alignment between the

    testing process and other processes in the lifecycle. Well further assume that we are talking about the system test level:

    Test planning occurs concurrently with project planning, and test control continues until system test execution and closure are complete. Analysis, design,

    implementation, execution, evaluation of exit criteria, and test results reporting

    are carried out according to the plan. Deviations from the plan are managed

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    Test analysis starts immediately after or even concurrently with test planning. Test analysis and design occurs concurrent with requirements specification,

    system and architectural (high-level) design specification, and component (low-

    level) design specification

    Test implementation, including test environment implementation starts during system design, and completes just before test execution begins

    Test execution begins when the test entry criteria are all met. More realistically, test execution starts when most entry criteria are met and any outstanding entry

    criteria are waived. Test execution continues until system test exit criteria are met

    Evaluation of test exit criteria and reporting of test results occurs throughout test execution, generally with greater frequency and urgency as project deadlines


    Test closure activities occur after test exit criteria are met and test execution is declared complete

    Such alignment of activities with each other and with the rest of the system lifecycle

    will not happen simply by accident. For each test level, and for any selected combination

    of software lifecycle and test process, the test manager must perform this alignment

    during the test planning and/or project planning.

    Characteristic of Good Testing Regardless of Lifecycle Model

    In any life cycle model, there are several characteristics of good testing:

    For every development activity there is a corresponding testing activity

    Each test level has test objectives specific to that level

    The analysis and design of tests for a given test level should begin during the corresponding development activity

    Testers should be involved in reviewing documents as soon as drafts are available in the development life cycle

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    Metrics & Measurement

    A variety of metrics (numbers) and measures (trends, graphs, etc.) should be applied

    throughout the software development life cycle (e.g. planning, coverage, workload,

    etc.). Well-established metrics and measures, aligned with project goals and objectives,

    enable us to report and track test and quality results to management in a consistent and

    coherent way. A lack of metrics and measurements leads to purely subjective

    assessments of quality and testing, and to disputes over the meaning of test results

    toward the end of the lifecycle. It also results in a lack of clearly perceived and

    communicated value, effectiveness, and efficiency for testing.

    To evaluate results, a baseline must be defined, and then progress tracked with relation

    to this baseline. Without defined baselines, successful testing is usually impossible.

    Possible aspects that can be subjected to a metric and tracked through measurement:

    1. Planned schedule, coverage, and their evolution over time 2. Requirements, their evolution and their impact in terms of schedule, resources

    and tasks

    3. Workload and resource usage, and their evolution over time 4. Milestones and scope of testing, and their evolution over time 5. Planned and actual costs 6. Risks and mitigation actions, and their evolution over time 7. Defects (total found, total fixed), current backlog, average closure periods

    During test planning, we establish expectations, which I mentioned as the baselines

    previously. As part of test control, we can measure actual outcomes and trends against

    these expectations and adjust our approach as indicated. As part of test reporting, we

    can consistently explain to management various important aspects of the process,

    product, and project, using objective, agreed-upon metrics with realistic, achievable


    Let us consider a simple example of using the metrics and measurements. As you can

    see in the figure below, this project is in a lot of trouble at this point. There are a very

    large number of total defects, there is a significant backlog of defects, and the weekly

    defect discovery rate remains very high. The only good news, apparent in this graph, is

    that the weekly defect fix rate is about the same as the discovery rate. So, while the

    discovery rate isnt declining, at least the backlog is not growing.

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    When working with testing metrics and measurement program, three main areas are to

    be taken into account:

    Definition of metrics: a useful, pertinent, and concise set of quality and test metrics should be defined for a project. Once these metrics have been defined,

    their interpretation must be agreed upon by all stakeholders, in order to avoid

    future discussions when metric values evolve. Metrics should be defined

    according to objectives for a process or task, for components or systems, for

    individuals or teams

    Tracking of metrics: reporting and merging metrics should be as automated as possible to reduce the time spent in producing the raw metrics values. Variations

    of data over time for a specific metric may reflect other information than the

    interpretation agreed upon in the metric definition phase

    Reporting of metrics: the objective is to provide an immediate understanding of the information for management purpose. Reporting should enlighten

    management and other stakeholders, not confuse or misdirect them. good testing

    Good reports based on metrics should be easily understood, not overly complex

    and certainly not ambiguous. They should also draw the viewers attention toward what matters most, not toward trivialities. In that way, good testing

    reports based on metrics and measures will help management guide the project

    to success. Not all types of graphical displays of metrics are equally useful. A

    table with a snapshot of data at a moment in time might be the right way to present

    such information as the coverage planned and achieved against certain critical

    quality risk areas. A graph of a trend over time might be a useful way to present

    other information, such as the total number of defects reported and the total

    number of defects resolved since the start of testing


    Measurement: The process of assigning a number or category to an entity to describe

    an attribute of that entity.

    Metric: A measurement scale and the method used for measurement.

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    Code of Ethics

    Testers must adhere to a code of ethics: they are required to act in a professional manner.

    Testers can have access to confidential and/or privileged information, and they are to

    treat any information with care and attention, and act responsibly to the owner(s) of this

    information, employers and the wider public interest. A code of ethics is necessary,

    among other reasons to ensure that the information is not put to inappropriate use.

    Recognizing the ACM and IEEE code of ethics for engineers, the ISTQB states the

    following code of ethics:

    PUBLIC Certified software testers shall act consistently with the public interest

    CLIENT AND EMPLOYER Certified software testers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer, consistent with the public


    PRODUCT Certified software testers shall ensure that the deliverables they provide (on the products and systems they test) meet the highest professional

    standards possible

    JUDGMENT Certified software testers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment

    MANAGEMENT Certified software test managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software testing

    PROFESSION Certified software testers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest

    COLLEAGUES Certified software testers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues, and promote cooperation with software developers

    SELF Certified software testers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the

    practice of the profession

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    1. A bug or defect is: a) a mistake made by a person; b) a run-time problem experienced by a user; c) the result of an error or mistake; d) the result of a failure, which may lead to an error.

    2. The effect of testing is to: a) increase software quality; b) give an indication of the software quality; c) enable those responsible for software failures to be identified; d) show there are no problems remaining.

    3. Which of the following is correct? Debugging is:

    a) Testing/checking whether the software performs correctly. b) Checking that a previously reported defect has been corrected. c) Identifying the cause of a defect, repairing the code and checking the fix is


    d) Checking that no unintended consequences have occurred as a result of a fix.

    4. Which of the following are aids to good communication, and which hinder it? I. Try to understand how the other person feels.

    II. Communicate personal feelings, concentrating upon individuals.

    III. Confirm the other person has understood what you have said and vice versa.

    IV. Emphasize the common goal of better quality.

    V. Each discussion is a battle to be won.

    a) I, II and III aid, IV and V hinder. b) III, IV and V aid, I and I hinder. c) I, III and IV aid, II and V hinder. d) II, III and IV aid, I and V hinder.

    5. When is testing complete? a) When time and budget are exhausted. b) When there is enough information for sponsors to make an informed decision

    about release.

    c) When there are no remaining high priority defects outstanding. d) When every data combination has been exercised successfully.

    6. Which list of levels of tester independence is in the correct order, starting with the most independent first?

    a) Tests designed by the author; tests designed by another member of the development team; tests designed by someone from a different company.

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    b) Tests designed by someone from a different department within the company; tests designed by the author; tests designed by someone from a different company.

    c) Tests designed by someone from a different company; tests designed by someone from a different department within the company; tests designed by another

    member of the development team.

    d) Tests designed by someone from a different department within the company; tests designed by someone from a different company; tests designed by the author.

    7. Which statement correctly describes the public and profession aspects of the code of ethics?

    a) Public: Certified software testers shall act in the best interests of their client and employer (being consistent with the wider public interest). Profession: Certified

    software testers shall advance the integrity and reputation of their industry

    consistent with the public interest.

    b) Public: Certified software testers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest. Profession: Certified software

    testers shall consider the wider public interest in their actions.

    c) Public: Certified software testers shall consider the wider public interest in their actions. Profession: Certified software testers shall participate in lifelong learning

    regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach

    to the practice of their profession.

    d) Public: Certified software testers shall consider the wider public interest in their actions. Profession: Certified software testers shall advance the integrity and

    reputation of their industry consistent with the public interest.

    8. Which of the following is true about the V-model? a) It has the same steps as the waterfall model for software development. b) It is referred to as a cyclical model for software development. c) It enables the production of a working version of the system as early as possible. d) It enables test planning to start as early as possible.

    9. Which of the following is true of iterative development? a) It uses fully defined specifications from the start. b) It involves the users in the testing throughout. c) Changes to the system do not need to be formally recorded. d) It is not suitable for developing websites.

    10. Which of the following statements are true? I. For every development activity there is a corresponding testing activity.

    II. Each test level has the same test objectives.

    III. The analysis and design of tests for a given test level should begin after the

    corresponding development activity.

    IV. Testers should be involved in reviewing documents as soon as drafts are available

    in the development life cycle.

    a) I and II.

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    b) III and IV. c) II and III. d) I and IV.

    11. A risk relates to which of the following? a) Negative feedback to the tester. b) Negative consequences that will occur. c) Negative consequences that could occur. d) Negative consequences for the test object.

    12. An exhaustive test would include: a) All combinations of input values and preconditions. b) All combinations of input values and output values. c) All pairs of input value and preconditions. d) All states and state transitions.

    13. Test objectives vary between projects and so must be stated in the test plan. Which one of the following test objectives might conflict with the proper tester mindset?

    a) Show that the system works before we ship it. b) Find as many defects as possible. c) Reduce the overall level of product risk. d) Prevent defects through early involvement.

    14. The cost of fixing a fault: a) Is not important. b) Increases as we move the product towards live use. c) Decreases as we move the product towards live use. d) Is more expensive if found in requirements than functional design. e) Can never be determined.

    15. When what is visible to end-users is a deviation from the specific or expected behavior, this is called:

    a) An error. b) A fault. c) A failure. d) A defect. e) A mistake.

    16. In prioritizing what to test, the most important objective is to: a) find as many faults as possible. b) test high risk areas. c) obtain good test coverage. d) test whatever is easiest to test.

    17. Which of the following should not normally be an objective for a test?

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    a) To find faults in the software. b) To assess whether the software is ready for release. c) To demonstrate that the software doesnt work. d) To prove that the software is correct.

    18. Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early in the life cycle?

    a) It allows the identification of changes in user requirements. b) It facilitates timely set up of the test environment. c) It reduces defect multiplication. d) It allows testers to become involved early in the project.

    19. Which of the following statements best describes one of the seven key principles of software testing?

    a) Automated tests are better than manual tests for avoiding the Exhaustive Testing. b) Exhaustive testing is, with sufficient effort and tool support, feasible for all


    c) It is normally impossible to test all input / output combinations for a software system.

    d) The purpose of testing is to demonstrate the absence of defects.

    20. Which of the following statements are true? A. Software testing may be required to meet legal or contractual requirements.

    B. Software testing is mainly needed to improve the quality of the developers work. C. Rigorous testing and fixing of defects found can help reduce the risk of problems

    occurring in an operational environment.

    D. Rigorous testing is sometimes used to prove that all failures have been found.

    a) B and C are true; A and D are false. b) A and D are true; B and C are false. c) A and C are true, B and D are false. d) C and D are true, A and B are false.
