QUALIFIED ELDERS 1 Timothy 3:1-7. So Far … Leadership provided by God Home Society Church Need...


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1 Timothy 3:1-7

So Far …

Leadership provided by God• Home

• Society

• Church

Need elders

Authority from Christ

Who Can Serve?

False ideas abound

Need for proper attitude

False Ideas

None can qualify today• Believe inspiration is needed

(1 Corinthians 13:8)

• Misapply Scriptures

False Ideas

For the elders as a group• What one lacks, another has

• Take the composite

• Scripture says, “If any “man,” not “men” (1 Timothy 3:1)

False Ideas

Flexible qualifications, not absolute• They are seven musts. (1 Timothy 3:2)

• Dare we change them?

False Ideas

Once an elder, always an elder• Not like an appointment to the Supreme


• The Scriptures say, “Must be”

False Ideas

Appoint the best we have• Springs from the desire to find the perfect


• Others don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings who is a “good man.” (Titus 1:9)

• With some exceptions, we are to have these qualities


Desire to serve• Not like a politician seeking office

(1 Timothy 3:1)

• Opportunity to serve (Matthew 20:26-28)

• Not prodded (1 Peter 5:2)


Desire to lead• Elders are leaders

(1 Thessalonians 5:12; 1 Timothy 5:17)

• The word “rule” suggests leading, not diving (John 10:4, 14-16)

• Rules his family the same way (1 Timothy 3:4, 5)

• Make plans for the church


Willing to speak to others about their soul• Will have to rebuke and warn

(1 Thessalonians 5:12-14)

• Publicly and privately (Acts 20:20, 31)

• Notice the sheep who are straying away


Understand the value of working together• He works with others (Acts 14:23; 20:17-32)

• Yield to the will of others at times (Philippians 2:2-4)

• Not self-willed (Titus 1:7)

• Make himself available to the members


Are we emphasizing this to our young men?

They are special men, but just men
