Qin LIU 2010.12. Outline Background of Mobile Internet Computing What is Android ? Why is Android...


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Background of Mobile Internet Computing

What is Android ? Why is Android ? Challenge Opportunity

The maturing mobile experience


Social Networking Video VoIP

What is Android ?

Concept Web page Features

What is Android ? Android is the software platform from

Google and the Open Handset Alliance that has the potential to revolutionize the global cell phone market.

It has the capability to make inroads in many other (non‐phone) embedded application markets.

What is Android ? Android consists of a complete set of

software components for mobile devices including:An operating systemMiddlewareKey mobile applications

Android’s web page


Feature for Android Pro

Dalvik Virtual Machine Linux Kernel

Free Stable Driver support

Framework Java Free Eclipse plugins

Additional Features Integrated(webkit) browser 2D and 3D graphics APIs with HW Database – SQLite Video and audio codec Bluetooth,EDGE,3G,Wifi Camera, GPS, Compass, and


Con No JVM No J2ME

Performance Have to use JNI

API Android.*

Sensor Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER :加速度传感器 Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE :陀螺仪传感器 Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT :亮度传感器 Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD :地磁传感器 Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION :方向传感器 Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE :压力传感器 Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY :近程传感器 Sensor.TYPE_TEMPERATURE :温度传感器

Android SDK

May.20 2010Android 2.2

Introducing Android 2.2 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc0ODE4ODk2.html

Why Android ?

Market Rivals Alliance Spirit


Android Rival - iPhone

Why iPhone so popular?Years of loyalty users – iPodPC in phone

○ Mac OS XUnique UI Concept

○ Multi-touch○ Full Browser

Windows Phone 7 – Feb.15 2010

Windows Phone 7 Device Lineup Dell Venue Pro HTC HD7 HTC Surround LG Quantum Samsung Focus

$15 for lisence

WP7 对比 Android

平分秋色的浏览器 第三方应用的匮乏 全局搜索的缺失 没有第三方应用程序的多任务 严格的硬件审查

MeeGo 1.1— Oct. 28 2011 主要功能包括:

核心OS 1.1—— 针对所有 UX 的统一基础操作系统。 上网本UX 1.1—— 针对上网本的完整核心应用集。 车载资讯系统(In-Vehicle Infotainment)UX 1.1——

包含采用 Qt 4.7 构建的 IVI 示例主屏幕和任务栏以及语音识别。

手机UX 1.1—— 实现了基本的开发 UX ,包括语音通话、短信、浏览网页、音乐和视频播放、图片查看、连接管理等。

SDK 1.1 beta—— 针对 MeeGo 核心 OS 和支持 UX的 SDK 将在 MeeGo都柏林高峰会议之前发布


Listen from the project creators/developers– Nick Sears. Co‐founder of Android– Steve Horowitz. Engineering Director– Dam Morrill. Developer– Peisun Wu. Engineering Project Manager– Erick Tseng. Project Manager– Iliyan Malchev. Engineer– Mike Cleron. Software Manager– Per Gustafsson. Graphics Designer.– etc…


Why Android ?

What is Open Handset Alliance?

A commitment to openness, a shared vision for the future, and concrete plans to make the vision a reality.

Welcome to the Open Handset Alliance™, a group of 71 technology and mobile companies who have come together to accelerate innovation in mobile and offer consumers a richer, less expensive, and better mobile experience. Together we have developed Android™, the first complete, open, and free mobile platform.

We are committed to commercially deploy handsets and services using the Android Platform.

-- www.openhandsetalliance.com

Open Handset Alliance Members

Android’s Context: Mobile Market Players

Mobile Network Operators

Device Manufacturers

Software Vendors

Mobile network operators want to lock down their networks, controlling and metering traffic.

Device manufacturers want to differentiate themselves with features, reliability and price points.

Software vendors want complete access to the hardware to deliver cutting-edge applications.

Different Philosophy

Iphone was designed by marketers and implemented by engineers

Android was designed by engineers and polished by the marketers

Spirit of Android

Openness Always Connected Customizable

Always Connected WiFi and/or 3G

Always on From activation Google Gears

Google Services Search, Gmail, Gmap, Gtalk

Browser-Webkit Mobile Mashup

XML More target Suitable for small screen

LBS (Location Based Service)

Customizable Open Handset Alliance

47 Members Operators/Manufacturers


Dev Phone Everyone can build Build from the source

Target Phone/Netbook/GPS Digital photo frame/Book reader

More and more big names 40+ in 2010 Domestic Phone MTK, Huawei

Challenge for Android

Lack of Android developers Fragmentation Better user expectation Strong rivalries

Lack of Android developers


Better User Expectation


Socialized apps and Mashups Location based service Mobile Widget

Google Mobile Ads

Success Stories


BumpTop – May 2010

Been Acquired by Google

Did Apple Buy imsense for HDR(£342,000 )?

Do it yourself

Plan Idea Team Development Market Service

Key to success

Content Time to Market User happiness

Take your first step

Hello Android!