Q contents page


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House StyleThe contents page has a formal appearance due to the use of straight lines and text. The use of font with a Times New Roman style for the word ‘Contents’ and clear straight text for other parts of the content also adds to the formal appearance. This links to the masthead which uses a formal ‘Q’ this links to attracting an older audience to the magazine. The red links the content to the magazine Housestyle but it is also bright to attract attention to each article. The green is not part of the usual House style however it links to the plants and grass used in the images. Imagery

The bright colours fit in to the use of a white background and also make it prominent against the other darker images. This links to it being the main feature in the magazine. The indication of warm weather by the lighting and clothing links to their genre of music which is more pop and light-hearted as opposed to rock which would often use darker colours as in the image of the rolling stones. The use of black and white also suggests they are an older band which again contrasts the image of Rizzle. Kicks

Design BalanceThe page is not symmetrical however the page is almost balanced because there are two images on each side. The difference is that the right hand side uses smaller images to allow more text. The regulars section does not contain any images at all and therefore less attention is drawn to this area. There is not a balance of colours in terms of the use of green. This may be because the more special features are linked together.

Rule of ThirdsThe main or largest image on the page includes the use of rule of thirds. This is because the two subjects in the image can be clearly seen and recognised. If a grid was placed over the image the intersecting lines would all touch the artist in the middle making him the main focal point, however the extra space around allows the second artist to be seen. The image appears to be at a professional standard do to the use of rule of thirds.

Design PrincipalThe Page uses the Guttenberg design Principal. The evidence for this is that the image of Rizzle Kicks representing a major feature attracts the attention first due to it being in the top left and people usually reading from the top left. The regulars section is in a weak area this is because they may be felt as less of an interest than the other features, mainly for those who are reading the magazine for the first time and were attracted by the coverlines. The cover story is placed in a weaker fallow area due to the front page already attracting the audience to the feature.
