Putting Tibet Back On The World Map



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Tibettruth-Putting Tibet Back On The Map

1905 Map Showing an Independent Tibet

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As distinct countries, the now occupied lands of Tibet, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia and Manchuria appeared in atlases and upon maps throughout the later 19th and 20th Centuries,

Map One http://bit.ly/cEDtRz

Map Two http://bit.ly/d7jFet

Map Three http://bit.ly/9cUoRr

Look in most atlases today and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the name ‘Tibet’, while the other territories have been removed completely by the vast majority of cartographers. Tibet itself usually features as the truncated geo-political creation, named by communist China as ‘‘Tibet Autonomous Region’. Closer inspection will reveal that former Tibetan place-names such as Shigatse have been changed to more Chinese-sounding Xigatse. This is no accident, Communist China has a ‘Geographical Place-Names Committee’ whose task is to invent Chinese place names to replace those in areas such as Tibet and East Turkestan; it is part of a deliberate attempt to present Tibet as a bona-fide part of China. Sadly, some leading western map publishers and geographical institutions are assisting this deception by publishing Sinocised maps of Tibet. Even the respected National Geographic seems willing to promote this fiction and despite several appeals appears unwilling to show Tibet as a distinct territory in its publications.

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