Public Relations - organizational - business - corporate Research Tools Relationships Strategies...


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•Public Relations - organizational

- business- corporate

•Research•Tools•Relationships•Strategies•Goal - Turn better into best•Journey







Campaign Theme

The Current Scene


•Long-term, loyal members•Ministries for various age groups•Small congregation•Personal relationships in church•Located near highway •Leadership•Christ-centered, spirit-led, spirit-filled•Visitor information card

• Long-term members used to way always done; may be reluctant to change•Need updated, modern style of promotional items•Variety of avenues to keep members aware


• Highlight use of technology •Implement regular communication system•Offer diverse worship, in culture and style

•Economy ups and downs may affect tithes and offerings•People critical of Christians•Satan interferes•Will people get out of bed?

1. How does Victory Church continue to be a spirit-led church that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading yet not compromise its core beliefs?

2. In areas of outreach and growth, how do we keep Victory Church in front of Waupaca Joe?

3. How can we provide worship that is filled with presence yet connect with people who are drawn to more traditional styles?


Research Findings

1. Sensitive and Spirit-Led with Values in Mind

•Member Responses (Informal Survey)

•Leadership seeking God

•Testimonies show God is moving

2. Targeting Waupaca Joe

• Approach to finding home church

• Thought Process

• Beliefs & Perceptions

1.Church Beliefs 89%

2. Preaching 87%

3. Authenticity 86%

4. Worship Style 80%

Factors in Selecting a Church1


5. Care for Community 76%

6. God’s Work 74%

7. Relationships 73%

8. Church Unity 71%

9. Biblical Truth 70%

10. Music 69%Barna Research Group

5 in 10 - visit 4+ times before deciding 2 in 10 - decide after 1 visit7 in 10 - church welcomes guests8 in 10 - greetings positively impacted decision8 in 10 – personal Pastor welcome

positively impacted decision5 in 10 - experienced Pastor welcome at current church


Finding a Church

Barna Research Group

In-Person Visit 83%Recommendation 64%

Invitation 32%Word of Mouth 27%

Drive By 25%Website 21%

Local Ad 19% 

Common Search Methods

Barna Research Group

Barna Research Group

The “Unattached”

•¼ American Adults

•Not attended church in past year

•Lacking spiritual/personal interaction

•Most consider themselves Christians

•17% born again

•Occasionally pray/read Bible

•Single, male, divorced

3. Worship Styles

• Observe congregation

-During worship

• Preferences



Barna Research Group

It’s About Him

•Back to the Basics

•Perceptions of Outcome

-Member: personal benefit, don’t know

-Pastor: connect with God

•Faith Community Church

•Most satisfied

•Quiet Time

Campaign Goals

1. To be a spirit-led church that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading yet not compromise its core beliefs.

2. To keep Victory Church in front of Waupaca Joe.

3. To provide worship that is filled with presence yet connects with a variety of people.

Objectives1. Seek God in everything.

2.Monitor and improve visitor, member, and community perceptions.

3.Keep members involved in and excited about church happenings.

4.Plan outreach events.

5.Maintain and increase interest in Victory Church.

6.Involve local media to promote Victory Church.

7.Offer variety in worship.

Strategies & Tactics1.Approve important decisions and announcements

with the elder board.

2.Create a consistent logo and theme.

3.Update publications and create needed ones.

4.Make an extra effort to recognize visitors.

5. Incorporate current technology.

6.Get the word out: billboards, magazines, press releases.

7. Integrate cultural, traditional, and contemporary worship.

8.Remind members of the purpose of worship.

BudgetUpdating Publications $60/month

Developing New Publications $100

Enhance Visitor Center $400

Web Technology $50

Billboard $950

Magazine/Newspaper Ads $350

Press Releases Free

Worship music $60

Total: $1,970

CalendarJune 2008 - Worship study

- Implement new worship structure

July 2008 - Enhance Visitor Center

August 2008 - Web technology

- Billboard, Magazine/Newspaper

- Press Releases

(September 2008 – 25th Anniversary)

November 2008 - Update and Develop Publications

Evaluation Plan

-Word of mouth, buzz-Casual interviews -Sunday service attendance-Observing how people respond during worship-Media coverage-Event participation 
